THE BEE: OMAHA, SATUKDai, UCTOBK 14. 1918. 11 HUGHES TALKS TO THE KENTUCKY FOLK fh 1 ' Candidate Tells Heckler What He Would Have Done in , Lnsitania Case. HE WOULD HAVE W Alt NED ,.' Louisville, Ky., Oct. U. Charles Lvans Hughes went through the mountains of Kentucky yesterday, a new campaign field for presidential nominees, outlining his views on the maintentnce of American rights, and ended his day's tour of the state with a meeting here tonght, in which he declared that the "new freedom," ad vocated by President Wilson four years ago, had been transmuted in one respect to "the new slavery " Mr. Hughes, answering a question here toniaht as to what he would have done when the Ltsitanii was sunk, declared that "when notice was published with respect to the action , threatened. I would have made it (. known in i terms unequivocal and uiiinisiaKame inai wr snouin not toi- erate a continuance of friendly rela tions through the ordinarv diolo .malic channels if that action were The crowd dt-iwned the voice of the questioner with noots and cat calls, but Mr. Hughes requested that the interrupter be permitted to put his question. When Mr. Hughes finished his C ...1. .. . ui .. 1 ,i u ovanitit.,,, vi' wiiai lie nuuiu nave done, he added, "And the Lusitania, sir, would not have been sunk." The audience applauded long and loudly. M.r Hughes said that a, the very beginning he would have had the State deptrtment so equipped as to command the respect of the world; .Mr. Hughes spoke in six towns to day to audiences that had come, for the most part, for miles to hear them They ame down from the mountains men and women, on foot, on horse back and on muleback Some of the mounts had saddles, some had mine and many of the women that came to hear him came wearing their faded sunbonnets and smoked their clay pipes as he talked. At Pikeville. first stop of the day, hundreds, had jour neyed' since sunup. A special train from Marrowbone, Crowded 16 ca pacity, swelled the crowd. . Speaks to Fields of People. At several stops the nominee's soc ial train was backed down a. spur track and he stroke to audience! in open tieias. i ney sat on meir norses ana muies ana in tneir tarm waeons to listen, some . brought their fam ilies along and there were several hundred children, including babies, in their mothers' arms, in each of these Crowds. ' . In his speech m Phoenix. Hilt hall here tonight, Mr. Hughes devoted much of his attention to the protective tariff and to what he. termed the, "new slavery." - -i . "We have heard, much" of-the" new freedom," he said. V'lt seema. to have a surprising and deplorable range It has meant freedom to. sacrifice the principles of the merit system, which our opponents pledged themselvesi to enforce. . '; Offices Are Created. - "Thousands of offices . have been created with the provision that the.v might be filled without reference to the requirements of the civil service act It has meant freedom to embark the government in novel enterprises in competition with private business as in the case of the government ship ping bill. v "It has meant freedom to deDart from the principle of international law to conduct a personal diplomacy to satisfy personal vindictiveness. It has meant freedom to wage war, not to protect American rights, but to dis lodge a disliked ruler and to leave our citizens and their property to anarchy and revolution. It has meant freedom to depart from our time-honored pol icy of protecting American citizens who take American enterprise abroad and to substitute a new policy which treats them as adventurers, whose flag is no longer a symbol of protec tion of their just rights. Government by Holdup. "It means freedom to subvert the principles of government by yielding authority to the' demands of force. In this last phase instead of the new freedom we have the new slavery. What are the characteristics of this new slavery? It is the use of the forms of free institutions to tyran ize over the public; to impose de mands without inquiry as to their justice. "The new slavery is government by holdup. It is terrorized government or the rule of politics assuming ter ror as an excuse for submission. The executive is chosen to defend the ci tadel of constitutional government. Instead he surrenders it. Where shall this stop? j Blow to Business. "These innovations are serious blows to American business. But it is said that the ' administration has aided business and strangely enough it refers to the anti-trust act. it is said that these laws stood in need ji definition; that men spoke of them as of shackles, and the administra tion seems to wish to create the im pression that it has unshackled busi less. "A most extraordinary claim I They say that they have supplied the needed definition. They have done nothing of the sort. They have added a vague phrase to the law, the phrase 'unfair competition.' The content of this they have not defined. No phrase more indefinite was ever put into a statute. "Usually words are used in a Stat tute with some reference to their meaning in the law. But the phrase 'unfair competition' is evidently not used in its ordinary legal sense. That refers to the palming off of one man's goods as those of another through misleading descriptions, labels, car tons, and the like. There were and are abundant remedies for that sort of things, as every well informed mer chant knows. Even Lawyers Don't Know. "This phrase as used in the new law was evidently intended to have wider meaning than that. What is its meaning? No lawyer knows. It will have to be worked out through years of litigation and by the de cisions of courts, for the federal trade commission cannot settle the legal meaning of the statute which con fers its authority. 'Yet the administration complac ently speaks of aiding business by defining the evils aimed at by the anti-trust acts. ' Not only does the federal trade commission act not define what it means by unfair competition, but it leaves the anti-trust act in full effect as heTore." "The federal trade commission act conludes as follows: - " 'Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to prevent or interfere with the enforcement of the pro visions of the anti-trust acts, or the act to regulate commerce, nor shall anything contained in the act be con strued to alter, modify or repeal the said anti-trust acts, or the act to regulate commerce or any part or parts thereof.' "That disposes of the claim of the administration that it has aided busi ness by clarifying the anti-trust act." At this point Mr. Hughes was in terrupted and he made his statement concerning the. Lusitania incident. , "It has been said that the new freedom would liberate great oppor tunities. But what do we find? We find that it has been a cover, or rather, there has been a freedom to deviate from settled principles of interna tional law in the conduct of a personal diplomacy to satisfy a personal vin dictiveness. The powers of this great nation in diplomacy exercise great and well settled principles. When I look at the record in Mexico I am filled with dismay at what portends. It was not a question at all of whether Huerta should or should not have been recognized. The administration might have refused recognition if it thought that he did not have a stable government to maintain. But the ad ministration was not content with that. The' new freedom seemed to cover a freedom to wage a personal war Upon a disliked ruler. I have read the instructions that were authorized to be given by the official spokesman of the administration. "It was in these terms as communi cated to a foreign minister in Mexico, a minister there of another country deeply concerned in our policy. The language of the authorized statement was this:'v " 'Huerta will be put out, if he does not get out. The president prefers that j this should be done.' by, domestic means if possible, but whatever meansr are necessary ' will, be resort ed to.' ' 'That was a threat of war. That in my judgment, was an indefensible 'threat of war, That led to our em broilment In actual; war, for within a few days Vour. forces were sent to Mexico and we Had an actual Dattie at Vera Cruz. Now, we are met with the statement that to challenge the, record of the administration is prac tically to say that one favored war. 1 do not favor war; I am a man of peace. I believe we should consult the policies of peace. I believe in maintaining to Americans just rights. but I am opposed to waging war upon an individual to satisfy a dislike for the uses of the armed forces of the United States in maintaining Amer ican rights, but to destroy the only government Mexico knew and leave our citizens and others to the rav ages of anarchy and revolution. That is npt a policy of peace. There was no mandate given to the administration to indulge in such a policy. The wide discretion that the administration has over matters of our diplomacy is sup posed to be exercised in accordance with established principles. What is the established principle that should be followed? I think there are three principles which we should follow. I do not profess to know what the particular condition of our Mexican affairs will be in next March. I do not profess to be able to say what par ticular steps will be needed to meet conditions. But I do profess to say that there are certain principles which must be fully applied. "The first of these principles is this, that we will not meet with matters which do not concern us. Secondly, we shall not merely say that we will recognize and observe the rights of small states, but that we shall do what we profess to do and actually observe them. And the third is this: That in Mexico and else where, while wo do not meddle with what does not concern us, while we intend to maintain respect for the rights of other states, small or great, we shall have, it just simply under stood that at all events, the lives and property of American citizens will be protected. "The new freedom seemed to cover a departure from a time-honored policy. It has always been the policy of this government to protect Am erican citizens who are lawfully ex ercising their just rights abroad. ' We hear, much in these days of the importance of expanding Ameri can enterprise. We arc told this is the opportunity of Americans to go abroad throughout the world serving mankind. We are told we have a great duty to humanity to perform in foreign parts. The cornerstone of any policy which has in view the ex pansion of. American enterprise in for eign parts is the protection of Am erican citizens who are lawfully an gaged in enterprises abroad. Who supposes that we can extend foreign enterprises if we withhold that pro tection. Who supposes that you will get all the advantages of American talent to go forth into remote places far from their friends and from the protection of their homes if the flag their flag docs not mean protection to their just rights under interna tional law and yet, perhaps, the most powerful defender of this administra tion, President Elliot, has interpreted the record of this administration to be an abandonment of that historic policy. He says, as he interprets the record made, that we have departed from the policy of Great Britain and of Rome. And he might have added, of the United States, of protecting our citizens in toreign parts. Hughes Answers Louisville Heckler Concerning the Lusitania Case Tells His Questioner What He Would Have Done if He Had Been President. . Louisville, Ky., Oct. 13. (Special Telegram.) Charles E. Hughes to night, while speaking in Phenix hall, answered a man who asked him what he would have done in the Lusitania incident in a way that won liim pro longed applause. He had said during the course of his address: "The path of peace is the path of self respect, which maintains the digrity of' our citizenship and ce ments the friendship of all nations." A voice interrupted the speaker, calling- "Justice Hughes, just a moment, please permit a respectful interruption. What would you have done (cries of "put him out!") "Please permit the question' to be ans ered. I do not want anyone shut off from a courteous question. Go on, sir Please ask your question." (cries of "Go on you boob!") A voice: ' "1 ask. I trust respect fully" (Cries of "put him out I") ' Please let the question be asued. I desire this question o be asked. Please ask it." A voice: "I ask you with all re spect that I know, what- you would have done, when the Lusitania was itink see if you can answer this." (Laughter and applause.) "1 will answer this (Cheers)- No' permit me to answer it permit r,.e to answer !t. Sir, would have had the State department at the very beginning of the administration so equipped as to command the respect of he world (applause). "Second (continued interruption) Kindly wait till I get through and do not interrupt with applause until I have answered the gentleman's ques tion. I have said (hat I would have had the State department equipped so as to command the respect of the world at the outset of the admini stration; and, next, I would have so conducted affairs in Mexico as to show that our words me. tit peace and good will, and the protection at all events of the lives am1 property of American citizens, (applause) "And next, and next wueu I said 'strict accountability' every nation would have known that that was meant; and, further, when notice wa published with respect to the action threatened. I would have made it , known in terms unequivocal and un I miataksble, that we should not tol . erate a continuance of friendly rela tions through the ordinary diplomatic I channels if that action were taken ' and the Lusitania. sir, would not have been sunk!" (Loud and continued ap plause. J , . ' Cupid Recognizes , No Barriers of Age Cupid's shafts have been finding their marks on the persons of elderly and middle-aged men and women of late. Within the last few days three couples past the half-century mark have obtained licenses from the mar riage clerk in the court house. The record went to George D. Rugu, 81 years old, and Nancy J. McKenzie, 62 years, both of Harlan, la. They were married in' Omaha Thursday and left immediately for Harlan, where they will make their home. Daniel Reifel of Red .Oak, la., 67 years old, obtained a license and mar ried a "doctor" in Omaha Thursday. But the "doctor" was Ida Blanche Doctor of Red Oak, la., 53 years old. They will live in the Iowa town. Reifel sells rifles. George Haas, 65 years old, and Alma Brown Arlington, 55 years old, both of Valley, Neb, came to Omaha, interviewed "cuDid" at the court house and were married shortly after wards. i After all, figuratively speaking, love is not always young. I'HM.iiimuMM.'ini You'll Recognize S.S.S.Cartons 2 I Si f Xilli Oa ow sMvm at mr dnr- PTpaeeaneja-. list by the abieac of aar yon recugviM war is ina Staadanl Blood Parian alter ftvlat h aa pportultv to rat build aad etrenirltei your dowa' blood with lis voaderfal Mole qualities. . 7m twirr ar-eiftc c. M ATLANTA. OA, This Simple Laxative A Household Necessity Dr.Caldwell'a Syrup Pepsin Should Have a Place in Every Home Constipation, or inaction of th? bowels, a condition that near'y every one experiences with more or less frequency, is the direct cause of much disease. When the bowels be come clogged with refuse from the stomach, foul gases ad poisons are frenerated, and unless t ie congestion s quickly relieved the system be comes weakened and most susceptible to attack. Various remedies to relieve con stipation are prescribed, but many of these contain cathartic or purgative agents that are harsh and viole.a in their action and shock the system. The most effective remedy 11 the combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that ia sold in drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. The Hon. John D. Kell'er ff Brindywlne. W. Vs., wh hae repreaen ed hie die riet in he 8tete Leaiilature t-tr eix jreere, wrltee bet he uaee Dr. CaldweH'a Syrup Pepetn nd tinde it a eplendld luxitive, caer to take and mild, yet poeltive, in ite oc .i"n, nd ihit rt eh tuld be la every hjo.ehild for uae when needed. Dr. Caldwell's Syrap Pepeln te sold by dmvttete in all par of the Uni ed Statee .aid eoete only fltty eenta a botlle. It eon- 'tin n t."'i irti ?. rrlfve anif It iwnmmtndetl a fmf' laia tiva, totld nough for th ttniait twb, jrt eia..CeJsy . .UyM X. wB ktM tronffBt conitti ut.oft. To avoid Imiiat.oni and incffMv aub utituWa b aura to gat Dr. Caldwall Syrup Papain. Sea ih it a fae-Jrala of Dr. Cald wail'a .imatura and hi t r rait appear on ha yellow carton in which the h.ttl is parked. A trial bottle, free of charge, can . be obtained by writmti to Dr. W, B. Cald well, 4&6 Wafthiagtuit St, Montlce.lo, Illinoia. The Best School Shoe Boys give a shoe the hardest test. We de nunH lnrcelv on the rpnutnt.inn for biff value OUT boys' shoes have made for us. It's an indication of the values you may look for in our shoes for men and women. This boys' school shoe was designed for free dom and comfort and made of materials that will stand the hard knocks only a real boy knows how to give a shoe. ' , The price is $3.00 and it's Worth double in value. ic.TS&.DOUGL'AS. Now that the fun and frolic are over Let us all get down to business. Perhaps no subject has received faced moon. We haven't said much about ittruth is we were Prices seem to be climbing high and ever higher, with, as it were, situation with great care and feel warranted in sounding a note of a resolute endeavor now, now to s'it or never by the side of the pale warning to all our friends and customers and this is that: . Prices Will Be Still Higher Before They Are Lower Buy Now HAT YOU'LL EVENTUALLY i Wm. Allen Butler who wrote "Nothing to Wear," should have been in the Dry Goods business. . You remember his catalogue of Flora Mc Flimsy's wardrobe '. . ;.. Dresses for breakfast and dinners and balls; Dresses to sit in, and stand in and walk in ; Dresses to dance in, and flirt in and talk in ; Dresses in which to do nothing at all ; Dresses for winter and dresses for fall ; All of them different in color and shape, Silk, muslin and lace, velvet, satin and crepe, Brocade and broadcloth and other material, Quite as expensive and much more ethereal. We call them frocks now most of the time, and we have some beauties. Fluffy party frocks, made of tulle over harmonis ing shades. $22.50 Each Taffetas trimmed with tulle and bands, of sMver embroidered. $23.50 Each A wonde ful array of i dresses of all kinds and prices are still reasonable. "THE LIEUTENANT" continue to be the moat popular hat of the season. One look Saturday will settle the hat problem for you. AND A SCORE OF OTHER GOOD STYLES HATTER Lion, Store No. 21410 Farnam St. Soon Blouses My word, what a sale of blouses we are having. Our Mrs. Davia has shown marvellous tfaste and judgment truth is, its no trick to sell blouses. Saleswomen just lay them out, tell he price, and off they go. , Georgettes are very good. Suit shades arriving daily. One new model made of cream radium, lace combined with chiffon, is suitable for dress or street wear. Price is only . $1000, White and Flesh Tints from $5.00 up and as high as you like to go. Between $5 00 and $35.00 a won derful selection. Top it off with a Fox Scarf or a Seal throw, and you'll be quite dressed up. The new Cape effects in various furs are very popular. Suits are especially desirable in this latitude, where we have such glorious autumns. Suits of Gabardines, Velours Broadcloth and Cheviots, plain or fur trimmed, at $27.50 Saturday. Two New Models in Velvet colors, brown, navy, damson and black, un derpriced at .$49.50 You Must Have a Coit, Of Course We have a splendid selection. A very popular line at $27.50, made of Wool Velour. Colors, navy, black brown, green, plum, burgundy and the new Santiago. An' ye would have something finer, we have 'em up to $95 00 Silk Velour Coats, $32.50 to $95 00; Plain and Fur Trimmed New mod els in Velveteen dresses, either with long straight lines or the1 coat ef fect, trimmed with fur. Skirts to Measure Skirt making campaign is now on at the Wool Dress Goods Section. A real artist to design, cut, make and finish. You pay for exact yardage required and $2.75 for the making. . When you see the models you'll echo "dandy" that's what we hear daily. You must have measure taken at once if you are in a hurry. It goes without gaying at this store : "No fit; no get." Delay is risky.' A STATEMENT OF FACTS Hundreds of peoDle have been to my office and many new cases are conrne; daily for treat ment and service on the GOLDEN RULE PLAN. The out-of-town people are pleased to know of a doctor who will not graft and rob them, but give thxm honest service for a small cash fee. I DO NOT CLAIM TO BE A SPECIALIST, as mo.rt of them are grafters. I do cla m to give you as good a service as any of them at half their r"ice. The men are coming to me for t eatment for private and blood d sease. T :e women are glad to know of the help for them without operation. I invite the women to come and get the' names of hundreds of satisfied natients. MEN AND WOMEN NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AILMENT, I ask you toall and learn what honest service can do. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF WOMEN. Consultation, $1.00. Examination or office treatment, $2.00. Cash fee. Medicine free. Office practice only. Hours, 9 to 5. Sunday and evenings by appointment. DR. J. C. WOODWARD 301 Rom Buitdins. Tel. Tyl.r 260. Omaha, Neb. This has been home craft week all over the country and the busi ness has been booming. For a few days more we will con tinue display and sale , ,, , Lace Nets from 50c to $3 a yard. A special Lace Net with linen edging, cheap at 85c. ; Marquisette and Voile Scrim, 19c to 65c yard. . v Marquisette ' with : plain hem stitched hem, at 35c a yard, and with linen edging at 45c and 50c. Lace Net Curtains from $2.50 to $25.00 per pair, , . ., Exquisite Panel Lace. $6.50 to $8.50 per yard. , , Marquisette and Voile Scrim Cur tains, $1.50 to $15.00 per pair. Light Weight Overdrapes from our Sunfast Silks. Diana Cloth and Figured Mad ras are popular. Made Portieres and Couch Cov ers, Library Scarfs, Etc DODGED FLOATING MINES, U 53 AND 61. A SHIPMENT OF GLOVES Fresh and bright as morning glories. New colors, new stitchings. Many at old prices, just a wee advance on the late novelties. Procrastination unprofitable. Sat urday will be Glove Day, 8 :30 a. m. till 9 p. m. This is your invitation. R. S. V. P. We have had Columbus day, Tag day, King John's day, President's day, etc., but the BWeetest day of all falls on Saturday. ' . NATION WIDE CANDY DAY SATURDAY THE 14TH There will be more sweetness in Omaha homes on Sunday as the re sult of this day than ever known be fore. Truth is that the correct caper cannot be cut without a box of candy. Instinctively Connoisseurs think of "COBBS." V Cast your eagle eye over Cobbs Candy Spe cials for Saturday. Old fashioned black walnut taffy, made from Porto Rico molasses, cooked to the right turn and filled with Old Vir ginia black walnut kernels. Pound box for 35c. There will be more singing of "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny" than has been heard in a coon's age. Opera Pecan Nut Patties. Here's a toothsome delicacy. Listen. Made with cream sugar and Texas Pecans in maple, vanilla and strawberry, Va-lb. box, 15c. Assorted Chocolates, lb. box, 40c. From the frozen north to the gulf stream you cannot get higher grade Bon Bons and Chocolates than "Cobbs" 1, 2, 3, and 5-lb. boxes, 60c per pound. The more you remember the less you'll forget. Miss and mother will approve these reminders: De licious Fruit Cake, Salted Almonds and Pecans, Hawaiian Candied Pineapple, Creamed Marshmal lows, Dipped Brazil Nuts, Opera Pecan 'Roll, Roman Nougat. That's All. Cretonnes from 20c to 75c yard. Terry, 36 inches wide, at 75c yd. Other Terry Cloth in 4fc?-inch, at $1.50 and $2.60. Velour for Overdrapes in the want ed colors, such as mulberry, old rose, old blue, moss and brown. Mr. Man: If you are a worldly wise man, you will not wait for snow flakes to fly before you buy Underwear. Men's Union Suits, at old prices, $1 00, $1.50, $2 50. Good buys. Stock up on our famous Fibre Socks, 25c pair. Next lot, 30 or 35c Men's Night Robes of Muslin. 75c and $1.00. Extra size, $1 19. Outing Flannel, 59c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25. Pajamas, $1.15 and $1.50. if Women wonder at the holiday display of Italian Silk Underwear. Our windows attract crowds daily. (Such luxury never was displayed in the history of the world as is now being shown in these dainty Silk garments for women. Vests, Blouses, Suits and Camisoles, l. .' Simply Irresistible. Forehanded folks will buy for Christmas now and by the way, not bad advice for you to buy such underwear for winter as you may need now. Later prices will be higher. Corset Sale Saturday $2.63 the price. Best makes sold before up to $5.00. Only one fault sizes broken. If you get yours, you are a winner. Petticoats: Heather bloom, Flexo band, at $1.50. Taffetas, all the season's shades, at $2.95. At $5.00, a petticoat we boast about Taffeta and Jersey. CHILDREN'S AND JUNIOR SECTION To qualify as experts in any line is no easy matter. Painstaking study, careful thought, good taste and love of children. All these are necessary to make good in this sec tion. So many mothers bring their Children's Clothes' difficulties to us that we feel, without sacrificing our modesty, we can lay claim to being Children's Clothes Experts. Dresses, Coats, Sweaters, Under wear, Hats, i Gingham Dresses, on display Sat urday, 85c to $1.50. Caps, Scarfs and Suits just now in great demand. Serge Dresses and Silk Dresses for the Bigger ' Girls. Small, slender, dainty women take great comfort in this section. Here they usually find just the cor rect fit "Distinctive always. Sat urday will be a great day with us.