THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1916. Personal Gossip : Society Notes : Woman's Work : Household Topics 10 ! 1 i ! October 13, 1916 Dolls large and .small, dolls dark and fair, dolfe male and female, dolls American and alien, in (act any tort of doll y"ou might wish is being dressed by the young women of St. Mary's Avenge Congregational church for their tea, or bazaar, which will be given . about Thanksgiving time. Some of the dolls are donated by friends, others are purchased by the members, but a large array of dolls to suit every little girl is being decked in daintylgarments for the oc casion. This afternoon at the home of Miss Helen Garvin the) circle will meet for worlt , Among the members of the circle art Miss Helen Ingwersen, chairman; Misses-Marjorie Howland, Helen Garvin, Margaret Nattinger, Lucy Garvin and Gertrude Porter. The last two young women have gone away to school, but before they left they made their respective donations to the collection. Dressing the dolls is giving the airlt heani of fun. Thev have all of (them named and probably tagged with individual characteristics. -One day someone donated a baby doll that looked the - very picture, everyone agreed, of little John Hulbert, 3-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Hul bert. That started it. .For since that baby was John Hulbert, the others couldn't be neglected, and so regular chistenings are the order at the meet ings of ttejjlrjcrt, (':-. - To Honor Mr.' Borglum. Mrs. Alfred (Darlow had a table of twelve guests at luncheon at the Commercial 'club today when her brother, Mr: Gutzon Borglum, was the speaker. Last evening Mrs. Dar low gave a 'delightful 9 o'clock coffee in honor of her brother. Mrs. Dar low waa assisted by: r Uhm. ana lleadamee Auguat M. Borcium, . of Herman, C. T. Kountae, Arnold Borilum, Thome On, - Haller Rie. Lloyd burdlc C. W. Hamilton. MlMa maeea ft.lea Soobla, . llasal Howard. Mona Cowall, ' . . Meeara. Maatri.--ttxlor Belcher, ', Clarence Darlow. Dr. Paul Ludlnrton. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar H. Scott will have Mr, Borglum and Mrs. Darlow at dinner tonight, prior to Mr. Borg lum'l departure' for. New York, and thence to Atlanta to engage in his work on Stone mountain. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. George and Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge will be other dinner guests of the Scott. :., j Afternoon lor Bride. I Miss Marguerite Marshall entertain t ed at an afternoon affair today in 1IUIIUI Ul 01199 wm.v " marriage to Hr. Eugene Holland of Lincoln will take place next Satur day, Pink roses formed the decora tions. Ten guest were present. , - Miss Nell Kyart will give a lunch eon Saturday for Mis Bedwell and Miit Marjorie root a., dinner and OrpheunT party in tne evening, un Monday afternoon Mist Ruth Lmdley will entertain for Miss Bedwell. Mr. vt. C tr Krlur1l will crive a i dinner for the wedding party before ' the wedding rehearsal Friday evening. Box Partle at Opera. Reservation for the opera "Mar tha," which opens the fall teason at the Brandeit tonight include the fol lowing box parties: Captain C. D. Palmer. Mrs. M. O. Maul, Millie I Ryan, Mr. Wallace Lyman. Among me line panics arc, ncmj F. Wyman, ix; Mrs. R. B. Howell, four; J. G. Martin, four; Mrs. Draper Smith, five; J. E.' Nichols, Valley, Neb., four; J. A. Cavers, six; G. F. Spooner, Council Bluffs, five; Mrs.. C. C. George, four; F. W. Judson, fdur; Dr. Wherry, four; Miss M. Paul, Har lan, la., eighteen. y First Assembly Announced. The first assembly dance of the year will be given next Wednesday evening at Turpin' dancing academy. Arrangement had not been made to hold any assemblies this year, but there was so much demand for them that each "Wednesday evening an as sembly will be held. . j Pleasure Past Mr.' Roy Dixon entertained at din ner at the Fontenelle last evening for Miss Harriet Dixon of North Platte. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Riggs were in cluded m the party ; The Friday Bridge Luncheon club met today with Mrs, J. J. Sullivan. 1 Tea for Student. f Mis "Alice Barton, new dean of women at Bellevue college, enter 1 tained the young women of Fonte i nelle hall at tea in her parlors yester f day at 4 o'clock. . ; , ! j Tea for Hi Orosse. p Un. W. A. Fraser entertained at tea it her nome tnis anernoon tor Miss Irene Grosse ot rasadena, cai., who il the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. i George, j , j Dinner for House Ouettt. ' i Mr. and Mrs. A. U Reed wilt en- : I tertain at dinner at their home this l evening for the guests at the Charles ; Meu haiise party. , i ! Bridge for Out-of-Town Guests. ' j Mrs. W, H. Abbott entertained at ' bridge this afternoon for Mrs, George ; S. Adams of Clinton, N. Y., who is 'i the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Adams, and for Mrs. S. E. Huspe, of . Fullerton, Neb., guest of Mrand Mrs. H. G. Nasburg. Three tables will be , set for the game. Cosmos will te ' used as decorations on thetea table. ' bociai Gosip. iJ... i Mrs. N. H. Loonul left yesterday 1 for a two week' trip to New York 1 City. , Miss Cecile' Andrew Of St. Paul, who was the guest of Miss Lulu , Houck for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball, left for her home Sunday evening. Mist Gertrude Hull of Salina, Kan., ' who spent tome time during A-Sar- Ben with Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Loom is, returned to her home Wednesday uiorning. ' M ; Personal Mention. . M. O. Plowman was registered at 1 fhe Hotel MfMpin in New York j City tins week. . ...- 1 Mrs, John W. Battin, who hat been visiting in Grand Rapids and Minne apolis, returned home on Friday. - Mrs. P. H. Koolish returned Tues day from the Twin Cities and leaves today for her home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Syfert moved to the Blackstone today from the New Hamilton. Mr. William E. Maloney and Mr. Thomas C. Byrne of Omaha are guests of the Elms hotel, Excelsior Springs, Mo. "Clean Your Slums," - Urges Borglum in '- Discourse on Art 'h"en minutes a day of fifty men's time," said Gutson Borglum, New York sculptor, "woald make Omaha a city talked of from coast to coast." He spoke thus to the Commercial club members at a public affairs luncheon at noon. He was discussing "Municipal Art." "Clean up your slum," he urged. "The slum is entirely unnecessary in your city.1 What a beautiful place could be made of Omaha with com- Earativety little expense. You need etter roads and better streets, you need parks and places to gather and see and meet each other, "Until you want these things you will never have them. And until you have them you will never be a great city. "I've seen Minneapoli and other cities no older than Omaha develop ahead of Omaha in these things, while at the 'same , time. I've teen Omaha, my old home city, lying still with dirt accumulating. "Why don't you get together and realize what Omaha means to you, if not also to the United States?1' The speaker complained again of the lack of appreciation of the early heroet of thit section, in that none of them are immortalized In-statues on the big buildings .in this section. "The great men who have made this com monwealth you've forgotten," he said. "You've forgotten most of them, and one might almost say, you don't even care for them." Detailed Reason : For the Advance In Price of Bread Washington, Oct. ' 13. The extent of, increase in the price of bread or decrease in weight of loaves during the four months from May 15 to September 15, is detailed in figures from forty-five of the country's prin cipal industrial centers, made public today by the Bureau of Labor sta tistics. Bakers in reports to the bu eau gave as reasons the increased :ost of materials and ingredients, es pecially flour. Changes in prices and weights have been most numerous luring the last two months, which the figure cover. : r i Of 210 brands of bread that re tailed for 5 cents and weighed fifteen ounces or over May 15, only fourteen remained at the same price and weight September 15. Comnarative ftEures on wheat and flour give the retail prices of bread and thow that in September the wholesale price of wheat waa- 31 per cent greater September 15 than May 15: the wholesale Driceof flour 37' per cent higher; the retail price 23 ner cent higher for the same period and the average retail price of bread 11 per cent, mghetr In Mav. flour was $5.48 a barrel wholesale and $7.62 retail, leaving a margin of $2.14 to cover transporta tion, retailer's expentet and profits, usually jobbers' expenses and profits bet ween the mill and the retailer. ' In September the margin wat $1.90 a barret. The retail price of bread per pound before baking in May wat $.056, in SeDtember. $.062. The -wholesale price of 10.45 ounces of flour in one pound ot breaa before Daxing, assum ing 300 loaves to the barrel, in May was $.018, in September, $.025. In May the wholesale value of 10.45 ouncea of flour was 1.8 cents; the average retail price for sixteen ounces of bread, before baking being 5.6 centt, making a margin ot iJS cents between the wholesale price of flour in Jpsixteen-ounce loaf of dough and the retail of the sale loaf baked. The margin figures do not include the cost of retailing and the retailer's profits. Sweating Citrus ' Fruit is Violation Of Federal Law Washington, Oct. 13. Orange and grapefruit growers and shippers were warned today by the Department of Asricu ture that the shipment in in trastate commerce of fruit sweating either before or during shipment is a violation of the pure food laws. Sweating turns green, unripe fruit yellow and maket it apear ripe. The warning wat occasioned, the department's statement says, by growers and shippers inquiring what action would be taken during the coming season to prevent the ship ment of citrus fruit artificially colored by tweating. ' : ; Plan to Provide Pensions for Aged Ministers Who Retire Des Moines. Ia.. .Oct. 13. A olan whereby contributions from active ministers will assist churches in rais ing a fund to take care of retired preachers today wat presented to the international convention of the Churches of Christ by the board of ministerial relief ot the church. The plan calls for the assessment of every active minister in the church i for the raising of a fund to supply pensions for ministers more .than 67 vMr nf whn have arrverl arrivlv for thirty years. Compulsory retire ment of ministers on reachingrfhe age of 7u is provided. Be: Want Ads Produce Results. Timely Fashion Hint ByRacomeme I ' Wonders of Light By GARRETT P. SERVISS. "I hava raad In a boolr-that tha blua of tha ocean la due to tha reflection of the akr color on a clear day, and that Then the water looka treen It la beoaua it la ahallow arfl the aun raya are reflected from the ltom. Thla doea not eatlafy ma, I have Hewn the ocean on a brltht' day and on another occaelon on a veiy dull day, off Cane Hatteraa, where the Gulf Btream paaaer through tha cold watera of the Atlantic,1 and on both occaaloma the urfaca waa divided Into two roloa a brltht blue and a dark sreen. The dlvlalon waa aharp, almoat, aa a knife-cut. though It waa not a atralght line, but tha contraet of colors waa the aame when tha aky waa blua aa when. It wna covered. Will 0ou enlighten met J, J. M.'V ' The blue of the ocean is not due to reflection from the-sky- Pure water itself is blue, at can be proved by looking through a long tube filled with it. On a bright day the inten sity -of the blue color of the ocean may be accentuated by sky reflection, but the color remains when the sky it clouded. . Where the ocean appeart green, as near1 coasts or over banks, the phe nomenon is not due to reflection from (he bottom, but to impuritiet in the water, These impurities have a pre vailing yellowish color, which mixed with the blue, transmitted from the water beneath, produces green. When there are no noticeable impurities near the surface the light that is re flected back from a considerable depth shows only the blue of the water, the other colors being ab sorbed. ( . . Any perfectly blue water will ap pear blue if the depth; from which the' light is reflected is sufficiently great. But shallow water doea not look blue because the light must pass through af considerable depth of water before the yellow elementi of the epectrum are absorbed. The gray ish or, slate-colored, hue, of the ocean when its surface is disturbed by the wind is due to the intermixture of various reflected rays; and rays that have not penetrated much below the surface. The phenomenon of color contrast which you noticed at the edge of the Gulf stream is familiar to many ocean travelers. The line of division is usu ally not quite so sharp as you describe it, but the change from green to blue as the Gulf stream is entered is re markably abrupt, and no doubt arises from the relative purity of the warm, salt water of the-stream. At the same time it would appear that there are cases in which some peculiar quality of the water may af fect the color, although, as far, as I to All Suit coats for the coming season are are eitherquite short, three quarter length or full length. In this instance, three-quarter length is evident, the model being cut in long waisted effect with full skirted bottom. Huge, flat pockets are an interesting jr. feature, outlined with silk stitching and trimmed with huge novelty buttons. The suit is developed in dark gray velours de laine and trimmed with gray fox fur. . aid , Color Beneath the: Sea arm aware, no analysis has shown this to be a fact The Lake of Geneva, or Lake Leman, which it the wash basin of the River Rhone, it world famous for the exquisite blue of its waters. The Lake of Constance, which may similarly be called the wash basin bf the River Rhine, it celebrated for itt beautiful green hue. ' . In the Kandorstog valley, Switzer land, is a little lake, or , pond, which travelers over the Gemmi pass turn aside to see, whose water is of an indigo blue, to intense that one is tempted to suspeet that it haa been artificially colored as a bait for tour ists, -i I '- ' A marvelous proof that water it really blue has been furnished by nature in the celebrated Blue grotto of Capri. When you have been rowed into that wonderful cavern in the Bar of Naples, passing through a H -w .1. 1. ...L . U smau opening in tnc ruia., whcic, u the wind blows toward the shore, you must stodp almosf'lo the gunwales to keep your head from contact with the roof of the passage, you find yourself floating under a great natural dome, with water fifty feet deep beneath you and the atmosphere tteeped in blue so brilliant and vivid that you might imagine yourself to be breathing -.a transparent azure vapor instead of ordinary, air. The magnificent color is due to the fact that the greater part of the light in the cavern has to come through the deep water at the entrance, where the aperture in the rocks, narrow and low above the aurface, widens as it de scends. The bright sunlight striking the bay outside penetrates the hurt water and enters the cavern far Below the surface, ajid when it emerges with in the hidden chamber all but the blue rays have been abstracted. The more transparent the water if the depth be great the darker be comes the color, until sometimes it appears almost black. The best ex periments to determine, the depth to which daylight penetrates in water hive been based upon photography. The eastern Mediterranean seems to be the most transparent body of water vet experimented with. Photo graphic plates exposed there at a depth of 328 fathoms, or 1,968 feet, showed the effectsof light. But this was blue light, Which specially af fects a photographic film and the eye placed at the same depth would prob ably(nave perceived no trace of illum ination, v When the genius of war, having de veloped the submarine, as it is able to do regardless of expense, hands over the invention to the more useful but less prodigal genius of science, we shall learn many marvelous things, now only guessed at concerning the world beneath the sea level. From the frozen north the blazing DakerkLocoa is known for its ; pur ity and high quality Walter Baker tf GaLldL ESTABLISHED I7SO DOftCHELSTEFV, MASS. Many Ways By DOROTHY DIX. A few days ago I wrote an. article for thit column urging parents to have- their daughters taught some gainful occupation whereby they could earn their own bread and but ter if it ever became necessary for them to do so. 'This has brought forth hundreds of letters from fathers and mothers who ask; i "What trade or profession would you advise us to have our daughters taught? A boy can study law, medi cine, dentistry, etc., but what can a girl do?" ' Broadly speaking, a girl can follow almost any career in these days that her brother can. The door of oppor tunity1 is pretty widely open to wo men and the limit of their achieve ment is the limit of their ability There are famous woman lawyers and rinetnn and there are also ladv Meamboat captains, lady longshore men and at least one feminine steeple jack. - , In the face of what women are doing in Europe at the present mo ment, where they are raising the crops, making munitions, driving am bulances, doing police duty, running the street railways and motor busses, there don't teem to be many things that a woman can't 66 if she sets her hand to it and puts her mind on it. Woman's sphere has grown as large as the universe. - Personally, however, I believe in the cobbler sticking to his last, and I think that women are most useful and that they are likely to achieve their greatest tuccesses when they follow along the lines of what we call woman's work, the things that their foremothert have done for countless generations, and for which they have an inherited natural aptitude. Let a girl choose any of the occu pations that belong to her sex, and do it so well that she raises it to an art or i science, and she is sure of fame and fortune as her reward. Clothes, food, shelter, nursing there will never come a time when these four elemental needs of human ity will be adequately supplied. There will always be women and men will ing to pay lavishly for beautiful hats and gowns, for superlative cooking, for well kept lodgings and for skill ful attendance upon them when they are tick. x Every dressmaker who has even an artistic sense grows rich. , Women struggle with one another to pay $50 for $5 worth of material if it is cun ningly put together by a master hand in a hat. There are a dozen chefs In this city who get ten thousand a year, and any half-way sort of a cook that can make gravy can get from $35 to $40 a month with her board and prequis ites. Every well run boarding house where they sweep under the beds and give fairly decent food has a long waiting list. A good trained nurse can make as much as a physician. - These facts being self-evident, ( it follows that no girl can make a mis take who chooses either one .of these professions, according to her bent. If she. is handv with the needle, send Wovr daughter to one cf the various schools ot. design and let her learn dress designing or millinery, to that when she starts, forth on her career she will be able to turn out crea tions and get the price of creations, instead of turning out sartorial hor rors) that no one will be willing to pay for at any price. . If your daughter has a taste for cooking, send her to one of the do mestic science schools, where she will learn every branch of the art of cookery and housewifery, how to keep a budget, what cuts of meat to buy, how to balance rations and so on. , Thus the will be equipped to go into a kitchen, to run a boarding house profitably, to take a place in a hotel, or to teach domestic sccience is said by those in authority at Colurnbia that there are far more de mands for domestic science teachers than there are for women to expound the higher. culture. - Trained nursing and kindergarten ing are two more good professions for a girl to study. Furthermore, the girl who takes a thorough course in any of these -arts that I have men tioned is preparing herself in 'the best possible manner for woman's chief career. She will be a more efficient wife and mother for being an ex- ' Snap-Shots No man learns to live until he has lived to learn. ' - Girls like being called old maidt un til they really are. , . , Opportunity knocks once, but im portunity is always knocking. r Keep pegging away, and' there are I oounu to dc interesting rcamis. The fellow who always agrees with you generally wants something. Don't tryi to tail on the tea of mat rimony until you have raised the wind. The man who thinks, he can stop smoking when he want to never seems to want to. tropics . .... ..n.ii.n.mi; for Women to pert dressmaker, or milliner, or cook, or nurse, or kindergartner. If a girl has a mechanical bent and is particularly deft with her fingers, a trade tchool will teach her a hundred different wayt to make a good living. If a girl it apt at figures, give her a course in a good business college. There is plenty of room in the busi ness world for expert bookkeepers and cashiers. If a girl has had a good education and if she knows how to spell, ste nography offers an unlimited field, for even as the housewife goes about searching for the jewel of a cook who can get up a meal without as sistance, so does the business man go about looking for the paragon of a stenographer who can take dictation without making forty mistakes to the letter. When either treasure is found her employer stands ready with a fat pay envelope. If a girl has the commercial in stinct and Dlenty of fir's, a'e ho'n traders let her go and serve her ap prenticeship as a clerx in some busi ness she wants to follow and ther. open up her own little shop. One of the most prosperous sub urban stores around New York is kept y two charming women pf my acquaintance, and I know a young girl now at college, with a passion for old mahogany, who is studying period furniture, and fitting herself $1.00 or So a Week Up-to-the-ftlinute Suits In Fine Wearing fabrics Models are Pinch Back, Belted Back, Norfolk, -English, Semi-English Form Fitting, Conserva tive and Business Suits. ? Prices are: $1IS2toi $24o Do not be backward in asking for credit Hun dreds of mien hacve . had their appearance "gin gered up" here, this fall, and you can do the same. Come in and see us: j j , " Out-of-town customers- should write sfor our new Free Fall Catalog. C -,' bm Try ToGAy The im 7 i WALK-OVER Kfl i i a m x. il in a nil v k in 11 w 1 JX7Y, I 1:1 The new Walk-Over' luvVj I HI styles for this season VCvtJ - rM 7 -L and come ,n ,a.var.iety IfcrA ' jUV1 CVXS to matcn a11 shades 7fTt IrAI Vk - featured in fall suit- R jl ings. Mostly lace a Lf? " Cy AAWSA few button. l V3,f 1 ; These Boots are 7S : .;s;r,i!.: I I It" ' Cm I I" I lnB "ew "-ourxon wool lkNi'JI fi Walk-Over Boot Shop Win Success ... ... ,.n an nntimil ahoD aS SOOH as she is through school, v Philanthropy, social settlement work, athletics, dancing there are millions of things a girl can learn to do by which she can earn her own living. It doesn't matter which, she-, chooses. The only thing that mat-; ters is how well she learns to do it. Success in any line simply turning out an expert job. And fail ure means turning out a poor job. And this is true for both men and women.. . Teach your daughter to do some one thing superlatively well, and you will f,av o-iven hr a dowrv that noth ing can take from her, , - Nadine Face Powder ta Ciwan Boxmw Only) Keep Tha Complexion Beautiful Soft and velvety Money back if not an tlrelrpleaaed. Nadina la pure and harm leaa. Adharoa until waahed of! Preventa sunburn and return of discoloration. A rnlUlon delighted uaara prove It vain. Tlntai Fleah, Prnk, Brunette, White. Bf Toilet CeaareM at Mail, SOc National Toilet Comnauv. Peril, Team. Hold by leading toilet counters In Omaha. 1417 Douglas Street Beddeo Way fml . 1 $ - i! Meteat3JB