Laugh Tomorrow -. Four Pages of Colored Comics with . The Sunday Bee. Daily Bee THE WEAJHER FAIR ' VOI XL VI. NO. 102. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1916 SIXTEEN PAGES. ' IWt It M. SINGLE COPY . TWO CENTS. The Omaha r f. HUGHES TO ENTER NEBRASKA TODAY ON SPEAKING TRIP Republican ; Presidential Can didate Will Arrive in Falls City This Morning to Make Address. , LOCAL COMMITTEE NAMED State Chairman Beach Beady to Join Special on Its Tour. COMES THROUGH MISSOURI By EDWARD BLACK. Falls City, Neb., Oct. 13. (Special Telegram.)-H Richardson county roads will lead to this place Saturday morning, when Charles E. Hughes will give a half-hour rear platform address. The event has been well advertised and much interest is being manifested. ' The committee wanted a parade and reception, but the early f arrival of the train interferes with that plan. State Chairman E. D. Beach is here to join the Hughes' special. Mr. Beach said: "The Nebraska itinerary of Hughes will be a -splendid demon stration of increasing sentiment for the republican candidate. The senti ment is growing every day in Ne braska and 1 predict a lead ot iim in this state forHughes. Fanners everywhere are outspoken for him, ' : Reception Committee. ' . , . - Members of the local committee to receive 4he Hughes' train at 9 o'clock tomorrow are: E. 0. Lewis, C. . F. Phillips, A. R. Keim, V. G. Lyford, G. W. Holland, U r. eavis, K. A. Peacock, A. J. Weaver, W. S. Leyda, D. D; Reavis, H. E. Jones. , "The - people want to hear Mr. Hughes, so we have arranged to use every : minute of his brief stay to listen Ho the next president, said Secretary Phillips of the Richardson county central committee. 1 Coming Through Missouri. St. Louis., Mo., Oct. 13. Charles E. Hughes passed through St. Louis this morning on his third presidential campaign trip, bound tor bpnngheld. Mo., .where he will speak late today He will leave Joplin at 11:30 tonight for points in Nebraska,, closing his Saturday tour with an , address in Lincoln tomorrow night. v Mr. Hughes will remain h Lincoln oveunanyi , Dr. Hunsberger . '' Takes Broken Bow ' . Audience by Storm i ' broken" 6ok, Neb,, Oct. 13. (Spe , icial Telegram.) Dr. W. A. . tluns bergerj spoke here tonight before i large audience. , He praised the repuVj lican candidate for president as a man .combining character and intellect with a judicial experience that fitted him in an unusual wat for president of the United States. He spoke of his splen did service to New York as governor in invpstioratino. anil runniniy rirarn th insurance companies of New York.4 which made his name familiar to the people ot this country. ' The speaker named the laws en acted under the Hughes administra tion the best, according to the Fed eration of Labor, that have been put on the statute books of New York. Laws in the interest of childhood, youth and the protection ff woman hood against thq vicious classes, also fifty-six labor laws' better than any that had ever, oeen tramra and en acted before. . In sharp contrast to the republican Candidate the speaker turned to Presi dent Wilson nd stated that - when president of"Princetdn college h,e de nounced labor unions as a greater peril to the country than the corpor ations and expressed himself as an avowed advocate of the open shop. The doctor made a splendid im pression and at times was unable to proceed for the applause. The, Weather " - ' Tftnpvrmtures) at Omaha. - For Nebruha Fair, warmer Hour. Dai. 5 a. m a. m 46 7 a. m 47 I a. m.. 50 a, m 6! 10 a. m..... r7 11 a. m... bt 1! m.. . . . . 62 1 p. m., 66 : p. m..t.. ....... Cfi -t pi m., r...;, tt , 4 p. m.,. C6 I p. m 66 fl p. m.,.f C4 T p. m.. 63 I p. m. .- 61 ''Compartlve Local Beeord. . 1619. 1915. 1914. 19)1. Hight yesterday ., 71 44, , Bl Lowtst yesterday,.. 46 . 47 , 41 , 64 .Man temperature ;.' H ' 6 it eg Prectpttalfon .00 .09 .21 .06 Tomprtitrt and' precipitation departure from normal at Omaha yesterday; Normal temperature (6 iSxoeiis (or the day.. ... Total exceai since March 1....TX 987 Normal precipitation . 09 Inch LtoUctencyijfor the day Ot Inch Total rainfall since March 1. .14. 18 inches Deficiency-since March 1. .... .11.79 Inches Dflclencey for cor. period, 19tfi. 1.0S lnchfs Deficiency for J cor. Peru d 111. 1.66 inchea Reports From Stations at f P. Station and Stat.' Temp. L Weathec 7 u. m. Chayanne, part cluodr.. 66 . Davanport, dear 64 . ' Dnvar, cloudy ........ 60 Dei Molnaa, clear...... 10 , Dodce City, part cloudy 70 Lander, part cloudy. ... 66 . Nerht Plait., clear. ... SO OMAHA, Clear ........ 66 Pueblo, cloudy 66 Rapid City, clear 66' Halt Lake Car. cloudy, 66 Hlgh eat. 66 j 63 6tt .66 7 (6 ' IJ '66 ' 64 60 74 Rain fall. .00 .10 .00 nante Fe, rain..... 6S Sheridan, clear . 60 62 Bjoux City, clear... ValenUner clear ... T' Indicate, trace at precipitation. i aut- JBr 1 I I 1.VH I No Trace of Slump to Wilson Found by Committee's Poll Republican Organization, Says Party Strength Found Nor mal All Along Line. (From a Stan) Correspondent.) Lincoln, Oct. 13. (Special) "Every republican speaker reporting at state headquarters has been delight ed with the cordial reception he has received in Nebraska," said Secretary Beetle1 this morning, commenting on alleged polls showing a preponderance of Wilson sentiment in this state. "It. is a peculiar thing that the re publican state committee has been un able to discover any trace of the large numbers of republicans reported by the democratic press to be supporting President Wilson for re-election. We want to know if those conditions ex ist, but so far we have not been able to discover a thing which clouds the prospects for, republican success in this state. AH reports reaching these headquarters indicate the party will poll its normal strength in the November-election which is suffiicent to sweep the platter clean." ; ' , Fall Makei Impression. Senator Fall of New Mexico, who spoke here last night, made new con- ROMANIA EXPLAINS ATTITUDE IN WAR King Asserts His Country Cast Lot with Allies to Prevent . Meeting Fate of Belgium. CONFIDENCE IN OUTCOME '. London, Oct. 13. The Times pub lishes an interview given to its corre spondent with'"thc Roumanian army by the king of Roumania, in which the monarch appeals to the allies not to permit his country to suffer the fate of Serbia and Belgium. "The Roumanians will not falter," the king said, "in their allegiance to the cause nor can . the-enemy wean them from their faith in the allies. : "Yet fhe Roumanians pray that in spite of their existing exigencies and their own huge problems, the allies will not allow the affairs of Roumania that has staked its all in this conflict to pass into the back of their minds and to suffer to such an extent that it maV meet the fate of either Belgium or Serbia." v : , . , Reason for Action. ' Kinar Ferdinand said that Rouma nia had not been moved to enter the waf T)yme're expediency bufr that it .decision wa based on the biggest principles of nationality.. , v Against, (jermany, ' eonttnuea nis majesty, "there was, at the beginning of the war, no hostility, rather, per haps, friendship, for economically Germany was an asset to the develop- ment of our industry and a potent in strument in forwarding the prosper ity of our country. But with the progress of the war, Roumania began to feel the subtle force f enemy in trigue endeavoring in every way to force us into the struggle against our own real interests. . , "If Roumania has been criticized heretofore, let the world consider its position: A small power with small army surrounded oy giants -iacea practical problem. ' Has Unbounded Confidence. "With a western frontier nearly 700 miles long, which alone was great er than the English and French fronts combined, and Bulgarian frontiers, al most undefended and near Its capital, stretching for other hundreds of miles to the south, it had to await the time when it could act with reason able assurance of protecting itself and having-the support of its allies. "A 'small country in a great war which promises to last for at least an other year, faces certainly irjternal sacrifice nd the consumption of its resources. But such is the confidence of Roumania in the justice of its cause and the faith of its allies hat it has cast its lot with them in the conviction that its great associates will see that it does not prove to be the third small power destroyed in this great conflict." ' v Seward Land Sells . At High Prices Seward, Neb.. Oct. 13. (Special.) The J. A. Kuby farm ot iW acres was sold yesterday to Val Hartman and Will Jeary tor $JU,UW. Clyde Kick, an employe ot the blue River Power company, had 13,000 volts of electricity shot through him yesterday. He threw a cable over a line while standing on the ground and wodld have been killed haaNjot tfce wire separated; as it was his hand was burned -to the bone and his clothes burned off. , " When George Stoli, who resides near Minora, took gasoline trom a storage banrel in his garage the gaso line ignited and the new car and the barrel was quickly enveloped in flames, consuming Both. ; ' The body of John Linn, a former resident of this place, was brought here for burial yesterday. He for the last few years had lived at the Ma sonic "home at Plattsmouth. Workmen at Fairbury v - Have District Celebration Fairburv. Neb.. Oct. 1.1 rSnrrial Telegram.) Ten . vjsiting lodges of the Ancient Order of United Work men and the local lodee. tosether with the Fairbury band and candidates, par ticipated in a big parade at Fairbury tonight at 7:3a . . .' Frank A. Anderson of Holdfcege, grand master workman, together with Prank L. Evans of Grand Island, grand recorder, assisted with initiation work. This was a, district initiation for this order. The Degree of Honor served a sup per in the evening to the visitors. The ha: airbury band headed the procession. verts with his masterful discussion of Wilson's foreign policy. . He traced the development of American inter- by Mexican officials, "when a repur. ican administration was exerp- . the nroDer attitude toward the-. : ern republic. . -. v', President wuson and w j.- cratic administration has neWs en the public in cenfidence relidve to conditions in Mewico," he charged. "I have taken the trouble to secure the reports on atrocities committed there against American citizens, including women and children, and they consti tute the blackest blot on the pages of American history. , "We find the American government has totally ignored its responsibility in the protection of American lives and property." Charles Matson, who is busy organ izing Hughes clubs in This state, has plenty of evidence of Hughes senti ment. Mr. Matson orgaiiizedx five clubs within thelast two weeks, with a total membership of over 1,500. 'I find republicans the state over generally supporting Mr. Hughes for president. There is no deflection in the party ranks and the party is pre senting a united front in the fight for the first time since 1908." , WASHINGTON TRIES TO STOP PARADES - ; i '' . ' Effort of Administration to Head Off Preparedness Dem ' onstration in New York. STOUT TOLD IN DETAIL New York, Oct .13. (Special Tele gram.) General Charles H. Sherrill, who was grand marshal of the New York City preparedness parade of last spring, issued, a statement at repub lican national headduarters today charging that the Washington admin istration endeavored, for political reasons, to' prevent that parade.- This effort having failed, subsequently, ':t will be remembered, President Wilson himsellf took part in a preparedness parade in Washington. Mr. Sher rill's statement says: "Mr. Ridder's statement in ' the newspapers that the administration has for some time been attempting to conciliate' what they frequently call the . German hyphenate vote recalls to my mind an experience of last spring which "lands to confirm his statement . At.thattime for six weeks t, with some of my Wends, ws en gaged 'fri drgrtiiirifi the preparedness D&rade. which took olace in this citv oji-May ti. . Aboiit5 two weeks before that date I received an urgent tele phono request to tome to the may or's office. Up6n artrivirtg there I was told that 1 long distance tele phone message had just been - re- teived from the administration in Washington urging the preparedness parade be abandoned on the ground that it w6uld irritate our American cititenl- of German birth or descent, might cause riotl in the streets and, ,kl..fn.. Li . J .II ' uiwwui, uc jiiu.i unucsiraoie. Decline! to Sidestep. ' ; JJOf course, I was astounded by this request, and stated that in my opinion sidestepping a crisis was not the best way to meet it, especially if not assured that it really was a crisis. I asked time to consider the matter ana it was given me. It was made clear tnat tne extraordinary sugges tion did not originate with the numr. but came from the administration in wasnington. in oraer to ascertain it this Was real or only an imaginary crisis, pre pared for political purposes, I con ferred with Mr. Carl L. Schurz, a childhood friend, and told hem what had been said to me at the mayor's office, expressing my opinion that it was based upon an entire misconcep tion of our German-American citizens ana ineir loyalty to their adopted land;, and in this opinion he heartily agreed. He went at once toSee his friends and had a number al confer ences concerning which I cannot speak because I was (not present at any of them. I learned that as a re sult of his efforts Mr. Bernard Rid der personally went to the mayor's office and assured his honor that not only was there no fear of any rioting or other disloyal behavior on the part of American citizens of German ante cedents, but also that the German lan guage press of this city would endorse ana support tne parade. I mystelf never have seen Mr. Bernard Ridder. f Ninety Parades, No RW. "More than ninetv other cit had preparedness parades, and about 2,850,000 persons took part in them. From none of these cities) did I hear of any riot opposition by American citizens of German descent, to these parades. On the contrary they took part in large numbers. . The attempt of the administration to stop the New York parade was not only an unjust reflection noon the Inv. alty of Americans of German origin. uui aiao a uisingcnuous Did Dy Wash ington for their political support. .It was likewise the one sinirle inatanr. in all that great movement oh the part of anybody touse it for the purpose of playing politics. (.signed) -Charles H. Sherrill." ; Mr. Sherrill was asked by the news. paper men who was the spokesman for Washington in the mayor's of fice on that occasion:- ' He. replied: Freighter Goes Ashore, but Is Not in Any Great Danger Seattle. Wash.. Oct. 13. Th nb. Shosen Kaisha freighter Itsukshima Maru, Outward bound with full car go from Tacoma for Oriental nnrta went ashore at West Poinf, a sandy projection just north of Seattle, in a dense fog this morning, forty feet inside the buoy. An attempt to pull Ihm mamr U .,J ...Ml L. I . ..... -"-" v.. vt,b muu wit, uc inauc . today. It is in no danger. I ALLIES FAIL TO , BREAK THROUGH rr mi mo) i mr MtlllllMV klllta . t of Entente Armies in iV- " " v West to, Smash Teuton Front Does Not .-Succeed. SIX ASSAULTS REPULSED Battle to Northwest of Sailly Said by Berlin to Be StiU On. NINE PLANES SHOT DOWN Berlin, Oct. IX A great attempt of the French and British force on the Somme front to break through the German lines resulted in failure, the war office announces. Six assaults near Sailly Vcre repulsed. The bat tle northwest of Sailly still continues. Nine allied aeroplanes of a squad ron which attempted to pass over southern Germany yesterday were shot down, the war office announced today. "Our. aviators successfully attacked strong enemy squadrons on their way to southern Germany and, supported by our anti-aircraft guns, brought down nine aeroplanes," the statement adds. "According to the reports at hand, five persons were killed and twenty-six. wounded by bombs which were dropped. The material damage was slight. No damage was done to military establishment. "Brandenburg infantry received dense British columns northwest of Gueudecourt with a devastating fire. "South of the Somme French at tacks between Fresnes and Mazen court and in the vicinity of Chaulnes were continued. They were disas trous for the greater paiC under our curtain of fire. Stubborn fighting, which ended in our favor, again de veloped fof possession of the sugar refinery of Genermont. The main portion of Abraincourt remained in our possession after a fierce strug gle. In the course of the latest bat tles we captured here about 200 French, including fourteen officers. I "East of the Meuse (Verdun front) and in the region west of Markirch in the Vosges there was lively artillery fighting and west of Markirch French advances were repulsed." Discussion of the situation as. re gards German prisoners of war and interned civilians was continued to day in the .mairi. cpmti)kt. jof, .the. Reichstag-, . i he chancellor was asked bjf a member to obtain an agreement with the French government along the following lines: ' ' 1 ; "Women and children and men over 45 years of age who are still detained by the French government in spite of the convention of January, 1916, shall be repatriated. "The asre limit for men to be re- ? striated shall be lowered from 55 to 5 years. - "The scandalous abuses in several of the French prison camps, especial ly oi cnarireuse, snau oe aDousnea. Two Hundred Head Of Cattle Are Sold By Farmer Bry son Beatrice, Neb., Oct 13. (Special.) David F. Bryson sold 200 head of cattle yesterday at his farm, one mile southeast of Adams. A cow and calf brought $171 and two Black Polled .Angus and Durham bulls sold for $150 each.. Buyers from points in Gage, Pawnee and Johnson counties were in attendance. Kennedy to Poll , Big Vote in Western Western. Neb., Oct. 13. (Special.) I A Hughes and Fairbanks club was organized here yesterday by M. B. Russell of Seward. The officers are: President George F, Sawyer; secre tary, J. r. Blandin. John L. Kennedy will poll a splen did vote in this precinct for United States senator. Hughes is Strong Around Minden Minden, Neb., Oct. 13. (Special.) A Hughes and Fairbanks league was organized in Hayes township this week with, a large membership. Arvid Peterson was elected president, Joseph Almquist vice president, Otto Peterson, jr., secretary and Joseph Anderson treasurer. Enthusiasm is strong for Hughes in- this section of the country. The club will hold several meetings for the good of the cause in the near future. -i" Hughes' Time Table ; fior Nebraska. t Saturday, October 14 Fall City, morning. Beatrice, noon. Fairbury, afternoon. York, afternoon. Lincoln, evening. Sunday, October 15 ' All day in Lincoln. Monday, October 16 Hastings, morning. Grand Island, noon. Columbus, afternoon. Fremont, afternoon. Omaha, evening, Hughes' special train will reach Omaha at 6:15 Monday evening. Embarrassing r ! REACH AGREEMENT DPONjHE BALLOT Secretary of State Pool and Interested Party Officials Hold Conference. MAKE ONE CIRCLE SMALLER " (From a Staff Corrupondant) Lincoln, Oct. 13. (Special.) Very few changes were suggested for the November ballot when Secretary of Sjate Pool today eonferred with rep resentatives of the. Nebraska Pry Fed eration,"' the Nebraska ' Pjrpspetity Tca(ue and the.rjpublicaij and demo cratic state1 cornrnittees.1 ' " ';. V W; T Thompson, the chairman, and President hi F. Crofodt represented the .two organizations interested in the prohibitory amendment, with Mr. Thompson interested in its passage. Chairman' Langhorst represented the democrats and C H. Aldricti and J. Re id Green the republicans. . Prohibitory Question. , Mr. Thompson and Mr. CfOfoot agreed that the heading "Prohibitory Amendment" should be printed over the proposition involving the wet and dry issue, which came first on the ballot. The suggestion was adopted by Secretary Pool, who said he would confer with Clarence Harman to se cure a suitable heading to appear over the food commission amendment. ( A general heading to appear over both propositions was agreed upon as follows: "Amendments to constitution. Pro posed by the initiative petition." Both dry and wet representatives agreed to all changes and no trouble developed at the conference on the way the proposition will appear on the ballot. Mr. Harman indicated he was entirely satisfied with the way his proposed amendment would appear. As to the Circle John Mattes of Nebraska City, who happened to be in the secretary of state's office at the time, ventured a suggestion which was adopted as making the ballot clearer. He called attention to the large circle preceding each party group of presidential elec tors and said that a 'good manyvoters might mistake it for the party circle higher up on the ballot If this was done, he said, the voter would think he had voted the straight ticket, whereas he would have voted only fof presidential electors. The suggestion that the circle 'in front of the electoral groups cuuld be made a little smaller than the party circle, which would indicate the dif ference. Mr. Pool is sending out copies of the ballot to the cougty clerks with in structions not to have the ballots printed until notified by telegraph. Irl R. Hicks Dead) "Weather Prophet" St. Louis, Oct. , 12. Revrlrl R. Hicks, astronomer and "long dis tance" weather forecaster and pub lisher, died fiere tonight from pneu monia, ne was i years 'old. He is said to have amassed through the publication almanac." fortune "Hick's of York Republican Club ' Will Welcome Hughss York, Neb., Oct. 13. (Special,) Charles Evans Hughes will arrive in York at 4:15 Saturday afternoon and will deliver a short address. A Hughes and Fairbanks club, recently organ ized with more than ISO members, will be in charge of the meeting. v ' Infant Son of Dean Cornell Is Drowned Ames, Neb., Oct. ll (Special Tel egram.) The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cornell, living south of Emerson, - was drowned yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock. The child was a year and a half old, Questions No. 1 ALLIES TAKE OVER 'SHIPS OF GREEKS Precautions Taken to Prevent Resistance and Vessels Are Towed Away by Tugs. KINO RELEASES THE MEN London, Oct. 13.- "Today was i sad one for the Greek tars who are in sufficiently acquainted with politics to understand why they must aban don their ships to a .foreign power,' says Reuter' Athtltf tiorrespondent. "It was an equally depressing sight for the Greek naval officers to witch fof1 three hours this afterno'Or! their ships being towed away by allied tugs. 'The allies took every precaution Sn ease oi resistance oeing ottered. Rus sian battleships trained their guns on the Cruiser A-veroff and the battle Ships Kilkil and Lemnos, while French torpedo boats, ready for ac tion, cruised to and fro. "The ceremony in the early morn ing of ordering the crews to pack their personal belongings and quit their snips, ot which they were so proud, had been touching incident. The king sent a message releasing every man who wished to remain with nis snip and join the allies, it it said that nobody remained. "The ships' officers were the last to leave their vessels, taking with them their flags and the king's portrait. which adorned every ward room. 'Ad miral Ipltis removed his flag and shut himself up in the cabin while his fleet was being towed to the new anchor age, i he aide-de-camp of Admiral Ipitis, pointing to the allied Warships, remarked as ne watched the scene, 'What harm could we have done them ; ... , Every Young Man in England is Subject y To Call to. Arms London, Oct. 13. The Man Power board has reached the conclusion, ac cording to the Times, that every young man in the country must be definitely placed in the national serv ice. The Times says that it is prob- ame mat tne poard .will recommend before long that all men under a cer tain age must be placed at the disposal of the military authorities, orl the min ister of munitions. . Submarine Sighted East from New York . Boston, Oct. 13. A submarine of unidentified nationality was reported about 200 miles east of New York by the steamer Bovic in a wireless mes sage today. The course of the subma rine was not stated. The Uovic, which is, due in New York today or tomorrov. from Man chester, England, reported sighting the submarine in latitude -10.17 north, longitude . 6&?7 west. It vas added that the submarine was ejttrn, but whether pursuing the Bovic or keep ing an independent course was not stated. The figures uf longitude as received are not correct, the decrees given being wrong, but it was stated the error probably was only of a few degrees. ... Car Shortage is . Greatest Ever Known Chicago, OcfTl3. Figures Issued today by the American Railway asso ciation showed that the total car shortage October 1 was 45.749. th largest net shortage ever reported for this season ofthe year, and compared with a net surplus of 77.331 cars a year ago. Shippers in all parts of the country have joined in a movement to keep the cars moving, order ship ments well in advance, and unload cars immediately on receipt. The thortage August 1 was 7,777 cars, any acpiemDer i, l,OOA PATROL WEAVES -FROM MAINE TO . NEWJTORK CITY Uncle Sam Sends Ont Destroy ers to Enforce . Neutrality Along the Coast and Barer wj i Lives if Eaids Made. ' ' NINE VESSELS Dt FLEET Seven More Held for Emer. gency with Steam Up Ready . to Move if Called Upon. , GLEAVES IS IN COMMAND New York, Oct. 13. A j German, submarine, identifying itself as such by, wireless and stating that, it 'was "irom Newport," was sighted Tuesday more than 100 miles east oi Nantuck et lightship by a neutral ship now ht port, it became knowrj today; ;Th submarine was. moving in an easterly direction, i ' . .m The submarine was sighted some distance .. from the neutral 'vessel, which was signaled by wireless from the submarine asking its name' and nationality. It was given and the question asked in turn '"Who "are', you.' : m . auuuiaiuie Hum it cw" port, goodby."-was the reply.' ' .- The assumption was that It was the 11-53, responsible for the ship ping raid of Sunday, and this report is the latest on its whereabouts, The U-53 was last sighted prior to that time by the Greek liner Patris Mon day morning. . .', . ., : , Neutrality regulations of the nation whose flag the ship flies and specific orders with respect to their cbserv 'ance are given for withholding the name of the ship bringing the report here, but it is vouched for as correct by a high marine authority of this ' port who is in close touch with ar riving steamships. . ;; ' ' , i -,, , Newport, R. I., Oct .11 A far flung patrol by torpedo boat destroyers, charged with the double duty of en forcing neutrality observance . and saving lives in event of further .sub marine raids on shipping off these shores, was put into effect from Bar Harbor; Me., to New York today. Official authority for the statement that such a patrol had been ordered by the Navy department was ob tained this .morning. , " . The limits of the line of coast sur veiltanc at present effective were shown today with the arrival of the destroyer Psuldlnt off Bar Harbor. and the activity of the destroyer Sterrett in New , York harbor. Be tween these two outposts nine other acaircrrera were weaving ner, or oo- servation that extended S considerable distance out to sea, well , beyond .the lanes of coastwise vessels. J-. : . . . In Narragansett bay seven i other destroyers were kept at routine tar- . get practice with steam constantly up, available for an emergency call. . . , . Vessels All Provisioned.- The fiiel ship Jason which left here VKi.!jr mm-. ium aupfjiy ui ' uia came in during the night for more. All vessels, it was said, were well provisioned. ., .. The operations of the patrol are being directed irom the flagship Bir mingham, .headquarters of Rear Ad miral Albeit Gleaves. " The Birmingham is at this nort alsa " in readiness to move st any moment. Except in war game maneuvers, the coast has not been covered by naval forces in such manner tor years. '' l wo destroyers are operating at Boston harbor in compliance with the new orders by which neutrality service of recent months has been in- Ar-.. TV. ... -L. .mi m. a w and Reid. with the Davis. -a new . destroyer, -almost ready for( commis sion, . . - ' - jc From New York to Galveston, j' Boston. Oct. 13. It was stated here today that American destroyer patrol in connection with recent submarine activities had' been ordered effective from New York to Galveston.. This statement lacks official confirmation. - However. , . ; . . A .leet of foreign cruisers and de stroyers is off the Aemrican coast, ac cording to Captain, Linderoos of the Russian steamship Hesperus, which I arrived here today, from Huelva, Spain. To the piret who boarded his vessel Captain Linderdoa reported that "a lot of cruisers and destroyers" passed his vessel off Cape Sable Wed nesday, heading southwest : After being held here since the.$ub-i marine raid off Nantucket Sunday, three British steamers went out last night and today the Lord Cromer, ana , the Marengo prepared to sail, .s The Kansan of the American-rut- wauan line, under charter to the France and Canada Steamshio com. Eany and laden with war munition and orses for the allies was expected also to sail today for St. Nazaire, France, and Genoa. - r The Kansan was the first steamshin to encounter the U-boat last Sunday, but was allowed to proceed after ex amination of its papers.; ',1 All Sizes, All Prices All Locations. ; :,-. .- ::rX The big list of for rent ads you will find in The Bee every day has -something ,tq interest ' ' every renter, no matter , "now small or how large a place he may want,