Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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October 12, 1916
The Association of Collegiate
Alumnae is ; beginning its season's
work in earnest these days. Yester
day at the home of Miss Edith Haight
the Story Tellers' section met for tea.
Miss Uinta Cowden and Miss Marie
Hodge told the stories of the after
noon. Miss Cowden gave a resume o
Ellis Parker's book on "The Father
and Son Movement." Miss Hodgi
chose for her recital the work by
Raymond McDonald Alden entitled.
The Hunt for the Beautiful."
Inis aliernoon at 4 o'clock Miss
Ruth McDonald wilt be hostess of the
drama section at tea at her home
Miss Juliet Griffin, who is in charge
of that section, has asked wiiss Kate
McHugh to give the afternoon pro
gram. Her subject will be one of Gals
worthy's plays, probably "The Pig
eon." - 't
The next meeting of the Story Tel
lers' section will be held in two weeks
at the home of the Misses Frye.
8wanson-Hartmin Wedding.
. The home of Mr. and' Mrs. G. W.
Hartman, 4431 South Twenty-first
street, was the scene of very pretty
wedding Wednesday evening, when
there took place the marriage of their
daughter, Opal Victorine, to Harry J.
Swanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C A.
Swanson, of this city. Rev. S. H.
Yerian, pastor of St. Luke's English
Lutheran church, performed the cere
mony, and Miss Irene Kalhorn played
the wedding march.
The bride wore white taffeta with
overdrape of silk net and carried a
shower of bride's roses and lilies of
the valley. Miss Mary Becker, gown-
1 ed in pink chiffon and carrying pink
roses, was maid of honor.
i-'iss Lorene Lindburg and Miss
Luella Kalhorn we e bridesmaids.
Carl A. Swanson of Rock Island, III.,
acted as best man for his brother, and
. the ushers were Emil W, Swanson,
the groom's younger brother, and Guy
Stacey. Little Eleanor Heminger
: was flower' girl and Master Herman
Merten the ringbearer.
Mr. and Mrs. Swanson left for a
wedding trip along the Pacific coast
. and will be at home after November
1 at 2014 J street, South Side.
. Golden Wedding.
An informal reception - was given
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Presson Wednes
day evening at the residence of their
son, Mr. C. E. Presson. They were
married in Hiawatha, Kan., October
.11, l?66. Colonel Presson came to
, Nebraska fifty-one years ago. He had
just been discharged from the army,
in" which he served three years and
six months. , Mrs. Presson came one,
year later," having graduated from
Jacksonville college in ltW. Colonel
Presion was for thirty one, years in
the n nistry..,four years commandant
of thr .Soldiers', and Sailors' home at
Milfoid, and the last six years has
been in the governor's office at Lin
coln. " They' have two sons and five
grandchildren . living, one son dead.
A large number of friends and rela
tives were present at the reception,
MrsMetcalfi Tea.
Following the annual meeting of
the Equal Franchise society at the
Hotel Fontenelle this afternoon, the
'president, Mrs. J. M." Metcalf, gave
a tea at which the state president,
. Mrs. w. js. uarkiey, ot Lincoln; Mrs.
1 P. T. McGerr of Falls City, Gutton
Borglum of New York and Mrs. Ada
Hershey of Portland were the out-of-town
guests. Other guests of Mrs.
' Metcalf were:
Madaniea. . - 1 afaadamaa
C. A. CWMt, , E. L. Burka, '
C. V WarOaM, - Jouph Polcar,
. T. llndaoy, Halleck Hoaa,
E H. Scott. K. B Hood,
Alfred Barlow, ,-, , E. M. Falrllold, ..
C. H. Johanna, . B. C. Twamlay,
C. W. Buaaell. C S. gtabblna.
Mia Mom CowalL
Evening Party.
Miss Helen Horton entertained a
number of friends at her home in
Benson Saturday evening in honor of
her guest. Miss Clara Peterson, of
Herman, Neb. Music and ganfes fea
tured the evening's entertainment.
Prizes were won by Merle Hughes.
Nathan Brown, K. L. Swanson and
Sidney Wiig. Those present were:
Mlaaaa Mlaaaa
Clara Pataraon, Edith Laraon. ...
- Maria Hushaa, Alma Janaan.
AuAhU Nalaa. Gaorrta Mckllchaal,
Vlda Paddock. Halan Horton,
. . afeaara. Meaara.
H. L. Bwanaon. C. F. Janaan.
H. A. Mathawa. Stanlajr Zlka.
Carlo Huchaa, ' ( Nathan Brown. -Bldnay
Will, Maurlca MrMlchatl,
Arthur Janaan, ' ' ;Cllf ton Andaraon ot
Xnrlnc Horton, Barman, Nab.
For Gutron Borglura.
Following the address which Gut
ron Borglum gave before the Omaha
Society of Fine Arts in the ball room
of the Hotel Fontenelle this morn
ing, he was entertained at luncheon
by the board of directors of that or
ganization. Mrs. Charles T. Kountze,
- chairman of the courtesies committee,
.was in charge of the arrangements.
Mr. Borglum' will be the dinner
guest of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Thom
as Kountze this evening, and later
his sister, Mrs. Alfred Darlow, will
entertain at an informal coffe at her
home in his honor. . .
Stork Special.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. G. C. Bedford at the Nicholas
Seno hospital Wednesday morning.
For Eastern Guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wharton en
' tertained at a box party at the Or
pheum last evening for their guests,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Richard Davidge of
Binghampton, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Burgess were included in the
party. '. ... ... .
Dancing Party for House Guest.
The house guests at the Charles
, Metz home will be entertained there
at a large dancing party this evening.
About sixty young people have been
invited. This is the first time that
the beautiful ball room of the new
house has been used for a formal
dancing party. t
Luncheon It Fontenelle. '
Miss Olga Storz entertained at the
second of two prettily appointed
.. luncheons at the Hotel Fontenelle to
day for Mrs. F. E. Ransom of Kansas
City, who is the guest of Miss Irene
McKnighU Decorations ot Russell
roses were used on the tables. Cov
ers were laid for twenty guests.
Hendereon-CIoudt Wedding.
Miss Tillie Cloudt. daughter of Mr.
Joseph Cloudt of Florence. Neb., wai
united in marriage with Mr. Charles
Henderson Tuesday morning at at.
Philip Neri's church by Rev. Father
Barrett The wedding hymn was
sung by Miss Grace McCollister, with
Miss Lllen Kelly as accompanist.
Following the wedding ceremony a
wedding breakfast was served at the
bride a home.
Dancing Party.
An informal dancing party opened
the season at the Metropolitan club
house Tuesday evening. The rooms
were decorated with chrysanthemums.
roses and greens. The entire house
was open for the inspection of the
guests. Ihe evening party followed
a tea given by Miss Evelyn McCaf
frey in honor of Miss Louise Deming
ot Chicago.
For Miss Smith.
Mrs. Roy Welsh entertained at
luncheon at the Flatiron today for
Miss Mary Smith of Long Beach,
Cal., who leaves this evening after a
visit with her brother, Mr. Otis M.
Smith, and Mrs. Smith. Following
the luncheon the party attended the
Orpheum matinee. Covers were laid
v Maadamta Maadatn .
Otta f). Bmhh, Mary Smith
S. P. ataaon, of Long- Baach,
Edna Petaraan,.,
Afternoon Bridge Party, .'; .
Mrs. C. M. Schneider entertained
at bridge this afternoon in honor of
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. A. D.
Schneider of Kansas City, who came
Htst Tuesday for a three weeks' visit.
Those present were
, Mainlamaa . Maadamaa
Otla M. Smith, John Brown,
Fhoyd.Crlaa, Harman fjchnaldar,
John Wllaon. A. ft. Hchnalder
Fred SrhnMdar, of Kanaa City.
W. R. Walker,
Pleasures Past
In honor of Miss Doris Anderson,
whose marriage to Mr. Harlow Fred
rick of Joliet, III., will take place Sat
urday evening at the Rome hotel, sev
eral informal affairs have been given.
Miss Lorena Leeka gave a line party
at the Boyd theater last Saturday eve
ning in her honor. Saturday after
noon Miss Jennie Wead gave a kitch
en shower at her home. Wednesday
afternoon Miss Irene McCaig was
hostess at a box party at the Or
pheum for the bride. Among those
present was Mrs. Alfred Hulmes of
Manhattan, Kan., who with Mr.
Hulmes has arrived to serve as a
member of the bridal party,
Daniets-Vanderiord Wedding.
The marriage of Miss Violet Van
derford, daughter of Mrs. Mary A.
Vanderford, to Mr. Philip Daniels
took place last evening at the home
of the bride's mother. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. Mr. Hess
of Crete, Neb. Mrs. Verne ' Miller
sang "When We're Together," accom
panied by Mrs. Homer Weeks. Mr.
and Mrs. Daniels left last evening on
their wedding trip. They will be at
home after November 1 at 6218 Flor
ence boulevard.
Hertberg-Reuben Wedding.
The marriage of Miss Freda Reu
ben, sister of Mr. and Mrs. B. Rein
schreiber, to Mr. Joseph Herzberg,
which took place Tuesday in Fort
Dodge, la., greatly surprised all their
friends. The young people went to
Fort Dodge without announcing their
intention and sent news back to Oma
ha of the event.
Le Mart Club.
The Le Mars club will give its sec
ond dancing party of the season next
Tuesday evening at Keep's Dancing
Afternoon at Home.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Cohn will
be at home Sunday afternoon in hon
or of their guest, Miss Frances Isaacs
of St. Louis, who is expected to ar
rive Saturday evening.
Coffee Club Meets.
Mrs. Gottlieb Storz entertained the
members of the German Coffee club at
her home this afternoon. The deco
rations were baskets of pink roses.
Eighteen members were present.
Press Club Luncheon.
The Omaha Woman's Press club
had its regular fortnightly meeting at
the Hotel Fontenelle today. Follow
ing luncheon a short business session
was held. '
Home Economics Luncheon.
The home economics department of
tne umaha Woman t club will give an
informal luncheon tomorrow at 1
o'clock at the Young Women's Chris
tian association in honor of Mrs. Mar.
garet J. Bliss of Minneapolis. Preced
ing the luncheon there will be an in
formal reception from 12 to 1 in the
Young Women's Christian association
assembly room. .
Social Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Ashbrook of
Mitchell. Neb., will visit at the John
S. Brady home until the last of the
Miss Elaine Freeman of Racine.
Wis., who is the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. M. u. Hayward, is expected to
remain untjl the holidays.'
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hosford of
Moline, 111., left Sunday1 after spend
ing a few days of Ak-Sar-Ben week
with Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Hos
ford. .
Mrs. George Brandt-is left today
to spend a month in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bosworth and
Mr. lownsend Netcher of Chicaoro.
who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Brandeis during Ak-Sar-Ben,
left today for their homes.
Notes of Interest .
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Patterson, Miss
Murphy, Bert Murphy, E. E. Beall
and Mary J. Creighton of Omaha are
fuests at the Elms hotel, Excelsior
prings. Mo.
Mrs. John R. Ringwalt leaves this
Timely Fashion Hint ByRacontmse
One' of Paquin's most distinctive street frocks is shown here. The
model is developed in navy serge. Most interesting is the peplum tunic and
neat princess effect at the waistline. The unusual feature is the cape col
lar, which later develops into part of the sleeves. Attractive motifs made
to simulate buttons are arranged at measured intervals around the edge
of the peplum. A soft roll collar of flesh satin lends a charming finishing
' touch to the bodice. A smart pressed beaver hat and high button boots
complete the outfit. ,
Glad the "Obey" is Being Left
The'announcement that the Episco
pal church is going to expurgate the
word "obey" from the marriage serv
ice has been hailed everywhere by
women as tidings of great joy.
Aside from the fact that it is archaic
and insulting in these days of
feminine emancipation to ask a full
grown, intelligent woman to promise
to obey anything except the dictates
of her own conscience and judgment.
women object to being called upon to
perjure themselves in the most
solemn act of their lives.
For no woman has any idea, or
intention, or expectation of obeying
her husband. More", if there were the
slightest danger of her being forced
to keep the vow of obedience, there
would be no wedding bells for her.
Nor does the bridegroom either ex
pect or desire that the woman he is
espousing shall obey him. He isn't
marrying a brainless child, or a hum
ble slave, Out a woman wnom ne nas
picked out for a companion through
life, and who is as broad minded and
as well educated as himself. Why,
then, should she take his orders? Why
should she do his bidding?
It would strike the average man
as a pretty cheeky thing even to
suggest that he should expect his
wife to obey him. Besides, the thing
simply isn't done now, you know.
ut course,- tnere are tnose wno
insist that a woman should promise'
to obey her husband, because he is
the head of the house. Nonesense.
This head-of-the-house theory has
been first aid to more divorces than
any other cause in the world, because
it's generally only after a woman gets
to the place that she can't endure
her husband's tyranny any longer that
she hires a private detective to hunt
up his record.
In its finest essence marriage is
a partnership wherein a man and a
woman pool their whole resources.
The woman puts in everything that
she has of heart and brain and
purse, even more completely than
the man does, and this being the
case she is certainly entitled to an
equal voice with him in deciding
every problem that arises in their
joint lives.
Iwo men who are equal partners
in a business do not arrogate the
right of "bossing" each other. They
consult, they defer to each other.
One or the other gives in when they
differ, as seems best and wisest
Each partner is supreme in his own
department, and, if the firm pros
pers, tne partner witn the most
far-seeing judgment directs the af
fairs of the business.
There is no reason why this plan
shouldn't work out just as well in
domestic life as it does in commer
cial life, and in reality wherever you
find a happy marriage the aforesaid
plan is the one that is used.
-After all, the mere putting on of
trousers does not endow the wearer
thereof with supernatural wisdom,
and in many a family the gray mare
is the better horse. Many a wife
has more intelligence, keener per
ceptions, a wider outlook, and even
more business sense than her hus
band. How idiotic even the sugges
tion that she should obey him, and
that he should arbitrarily decide the
family destiny I
And ' while the marriage service
is being overhauled for deadwood,
there is another passage that might
be deleted with profit. That is the
phrase in which the man promises the
bride, "with all my wordly goods I
thee endow," and which is just as
afternoon to spend a day or two in
Iowa. -
A miscellaneous shower was given
to Miss Grace Getcher by the Hans
com Park Philathea class at the home
of Miss Freda Breaky Tuesday even
ing. There were twenty-five present.
Mrs. Max H. Alexander of Cincin
nati is the guest of Mrs. M. A. Rcich
enberg. The Misses Ada and Mary Holt
man of St. Paul, Minn., who have
been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. A.
Holtman, left Monday evening for
their home.
Mrs. F. B. Watson of Grand Island
is expected to remain until the first
of the week as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Penn Fodrea. One evening this
week an informal evening affair is be
ing planned in her honor.
The Delta Tau Delta fraternity had
luncheon at the University club to
day. '.-
Out of the Marriage Service
much a falsehood as the bride's
oromise to obev him.
No man has any intention of en
dowing his wife with all of his word
ly goods when he gets married. We
have vet to hear of a bridegroom mak
ing over all of his property to his
wife as a bridal gift The wife has
only so much of her husband's in
come as he chooses to hand out to
her from time to time. She can't
check against his account in a bank
unless he makes special arrange
ments entitling her to do so. She
can't collect his salary. She can't
sell or mortgage his real estate. When
he dies he can even leave most of
his property away from her, although
she may have worked and saved for
fifty years to help nun accumulate it.
The ' only worldly goods a man
really bestows on his wife by the mar
riage ceremony is a charge account,
and he can stop, that whenever he
likes by the simple expedient of
publishing in the papers that he will
no longer be responsible for her
debts. Considering that most wives
do not receive from their husbands
even a personal allowance, but have
to go to him day by day with sup
plications for every dollar they need,
it would seem to be the part of good
taste to omit all reference to world
ly goods from the ceremony that
binds two loving hearts together.
Certainty, if men knew beforehand
that their wives didn't intend to obey
them, and women- were aware that
their husbands were not going to turn
over their pocketbooks to them, they
would start on a more honest plat-
1 ! J I .. '
iorm, ana wouia nave xewer illusions.
Anyway, whether you look upon
marriage as a religious sacrament or
a civil-contract, it takes away from
its sacredness and binding duality
to base it on a lie, on an oath that a
man and woman take knowing when
they take it that they do not mean
to keep it, and the church will do well
to so change the marriage ceremony
that bride and bridegroom will not be
forced to commit perjury.
Advice to Lovelorn
Explain to tba Tmi Man
Dear MIm Ftirfn.x: I am IS. and hmv
workd a yar. Thr year an I mot
young man one year my aenlor. Wo have
cor rea ponded and ho has aUo vlotted my
homo, but from the day 1 met him I never
had any love for him. My parents grew
very rona or nim, ana now want mo to
marry him. I have no love for him and tt
breaho my heart to hear them mention hli
name. He now la employed in tne federal
ervlee, receiving a salary of 1t a week,
but 1 cannot bear the sight of him. My
mother aaya I moil marry Dim.
While X alwaya advlae all my ftrla to
pay great attention to their mothers and
fathers, at the same ttmo X do not believe
that your mother would Insist on this mar
riage if she wort fully aware of your feet
tng toward this young man certainty tu
on should marry where love Is not prooent
and the young man himself. If
any chivalry at all, should be the last one
to wish to force his attentions on a girl
who does not Ilk him.1 Have a frank talk
with him no on can make you marry
against your will; Undoubtedly both he
and your mother wilt view the matter in a
reasonable light If you put It befors them
calmly but decidedly.
!li Jtkv - .
v 1
Bumpy Folks
"This pear makes me think of the
man in the window at the savings
bank." Katie's sunny temper suffered
a temporary eclipse. She dug the point
of her paring knife beneath the ruddy
skin of a pear and went on with her
peeling as though she had a grievance
an-ainat the fruit.
"The man at the savings bank?" I,
"Yes. The man who writes in your
bank book how much you put in.",
"The teller?"
"I guess so. He has more bumps
than this here pear."
The pear was, as Katie had said,
bumpy. Besides its smooth-skinned
neighbors it presented a sorry ap
pearance. A toad is not more freely
supplied with knobs in its skin than
was the surface of the fruit she was
peeling. Yet the swift movements
of the pearing knife revealed firm,
fine, juicy, white fruit,
"It looks like a good pear inside,"
I iiid.
"Yes, that's the way with lots of
bumpy folks," said Katie, "But folks
don't know that at first and they lose
lots of friends by it If you're bumpy
outside you can't blame folks for
thinking that you're that way clear
through. You paid me by check this
month, instead of cash, and I took
the check to the bank, same as I do
the money. I made out the slip the
same as I always do and took the
check and the slip to the window. He
made an awfut face and he said, 'Why
don't you endorse the check at the
back? I came back with it and he
made a face worse than the first one
and he yelled at me. 'Why don't you
write the number of your book on the
back of that check?' I yelled, too; if
he hadn't yelled at me I wouldn't have
hollered at him. But peopte does back
to us whatever we does to them. - I
never knew it to fail. So I hollered
loud at him, so that everyone around
heard so. I said: 'Because you didn't
tell me, that's why.' His face got as
red as them beets I'm bilin.' He said:
'There's been enough checks deposited
to your account. You ought to know
you can settle anybody by lpokin' at
em in the eye cold-like. It seems to
tell 'em how small you think of 'em
and that it ain't much. I says: 'It hap
pens that the lady I work for de
posited them checks every time.' He
quieted down then and hands back
my book and said, 'thank you.' But his
face was red. 1 guess because I was
still lookin' square at him, cold-like,
as if I thought- he was so small I
oughts had a microscope to look at
him." .1
Katie took up a plump, russet pear,
of fleckless surface, and stabbing it
with the knife swiftly continued her
peeling. "This pear is like Miss Ca-
hill, the girl at the drug store. I like
to go into the drug store just to buy
things from Miss Cahill, and I buys
things some times just to oblige her
because she's like a pear." -"How,
"Smooth, ma'am. Yon can never
tell what Miss CahiU's thinkin' be
cause her outside is so smooth. I was
in there yesterday at the soda foun
tain. A woman came in. I seen the
minute she came in the door she was
bilin' mad.. She had a package done
up, rough an' home-made. She threw
it down on the counter an- the string
came off and the woman opened her
mouth, but Miss Cahill was too quick
for he..'
'"Oh, Mrs. Grimes,' she said. Tou
brought back the hot water bag. It
leaked after all. We'll be glad to re
place it All our rubber goods' are
guaranteed. Here's one the same size,
and that hasn't been in stock long.
I am quite sure you will find it per
fect If not bring it back and we
will furnish another substitute. Good
"What could the woman do? She
was mad clear through and she had
come in to lay out the drug store. But
Miss Cahill was too smart for her.
She knows that a complaint would
drive away trade, especially on a Sat
urday, with all the fanners in town.
So she got ahead of her. What do you
call it the way you speak . Ma'am?.
"Forestalled her, Katie."
"Yes, ma'am, that's it, when you
think fastern the other fellow, (ore
stalled. She didn't give the other
woman a chance to say a word. She
talked the first and when the other
one did have a chance to say a word
there was nothin' for her to say. Miss
Cahill said it all."
"All the world loves a lover if
only he won't talk about "her."
The nearest we come to happiness
is when we think we are happy.
What is the difference between a
cabinetmaker and a crockery dealer?
One makes set-tees and the other
makes tea sets. . '
The worst part of the holiday is
that fetish known as packing up,
when a man has to get a wardrobe
into a suitcase, at the same time show
ing that he has nothing up his sleeve.
Yes different in flavor, in taste,
and in pacldntrVassar Chocolates, ,
You are bound to like every piece.
65c to $10 the pound.
loosFVvTCe? Company
Wives I Might Have Been
Concerning the matter I am about
'o relate, I must confess that I was
lie only one to blame. If a girl flirts
1 little bit with a man, and lets her
jclf like him a little bit, and it turns
out that he is only flirting, why it
serves her right if he suspects that
she is serious.
There are ever so many ways of
showing a man that you are crazy
bout him. One very obvious way
3 accepting his invitations almost
is quickly as he gives them, like a
hungry fish waiting for a fat worm
U fall into its month. I have
learned ways and means since then,
but I really did like him.
It all happened while I was visit
ing one summer. He was tall and a
little older than the others. He had
a reputation of being a little bit
wicked, too, but nothing definite
was known about him, and he had
more money than anyone else in the
place. Besides, his was the oldest
and most aristrocratic family there,
and he was considered a great
I was the new girl in 'own, with
a whole trunk full of fascinating
clothes and ways that were a little
different, I suppose. At any rate,
he began to pay me surprising at
tention. He didn't go at it gradu
ally, but just took me by storm, driv
ing up in his car and making it evi
dent that he admired me. I am sure
that if I had played my cards right I
might have married him. As things
turned out 1 am glad tnat i naa sucn
a rjoor hand to Dlav. for his domineer
ing ways would have been the end of
It used to drive me mad to hear
the different opinions about him
right after he began to take me
Bess Olds used to say proudly,
"He never paid anjr attention to girls
nil nunc lame uf.
An then one of the others would
say: "That's true enough, but she's
welcome to him. He's the most
domineering man I ever saw, and the
way he critizies a girl he takes out
is awful."
"What do you think, Anne," Bess
would say, turning to me.
"Oh, I don't know," I would re
spond carelessly, as though men
meant nothinst to me. And then in
a burst of confidence I would relent
and admit that I thought he was a
wonder. That was where I made a
mistake. I can see that now.
Fred used to say .shortly, "I like
you because you're different," and I,
like the little fool that I was,
would do everything in my power to
be still more different Instead, of
course. I should have affected a great
indifference, and then he wouldn't
have had an idea how to take me.
36 Agr Krdpt Book frrt
a . t a -
NEMO Hygienic-Fashion Corset Specialties are the only
typical, original American Corsets. They are not copies
of foreign models. On the contrary, the influence of original
Nemo ideas and inventions is strongly shown in the best
European corsets of to-day.
Nearly all other corset-makers have tried to imitate the
Nemo inventions in appearance, in name, or in both. This is a
frank admission that the Nemo is the only STANDARDIZED
corset; but ALL imitations of the Nemo are devoid of value.
BE A WISE WOMAN! Inmt upon the GENUINE Neml
Nemo Models for Three Distinct Stout Types
OIQ SELF-REDUCING, for stout figures of medium height; flesh
well distributed. Medium in all proportions. Elastic bands at
back make skirt flexible and comfortable. Gives film sup- qn Cf
port and permanent figure reduction. Sizes 22 to 36 ' pJ,Du
' CCC WONDERLIFT, for tall full figures. Adjustable Wonderlift
UvAJ Bandlet uplift and supports abdomen and content. An
ultra-lashionabie corset tnat reduces excess flesh and pre- p An ,
serves the health. Sixes 22 to 36.
OTiC SELF-REDUCING, for short to medium figures, heavy below
xfyyj waist Triple elastic feature insures extreme reduction
with perfect comfort Corrects heavy hips and "sway back." dr nn
, Sizes 22 to 36 . $O.UU
.. , Mr. Creasman Howell reports his own case from Home City,
Kan., saying: "I suffered awfully with liver trouble.- I was always
sonstlpated, which was followed by' severe bilious attacks. Bloc
taking Thedford's Black Draught I am relieved ot those sufferings.
I do not say I am completely cured, for I never take the medicine
long at a time; Just until I feel better. Lots of medicines I have
used would get so they would not have any effect on me, but It is not this
way with Black-Draught I cannot praise it too highly." Try Black-Draught
. for biliousness, indigestion, constipation, etc. Insist on Thedford's take no
substitute. Price 25c a package one cent s dose. Tour druggist sells tu
tu.i M;f-: ,- havi Vianocncd
vears ago, now that I look back at
t. 1 his summer i weni up w -veek-end
with Bess Olds, and Fred
nought his wife to an affair Bess gave
"or me. Fred's wife was quite a stun
inline? cri'rl Jon. and I felt just
a little twinge of envy when I saw
them together. Of course, I have i
record for breaking hearts now. and I
could afford to be generous, although
t ,,.-f.,ii,f ,nHi'ffTint when Fred
came up and spoke to me. I heard
him say to ms wue, so wt "uju...
could hear: '
"What on earth made you pui inai
dress on? It's the worst looking
thing you ever wore."
tu.,. f...naf;n l Amino i rift ir wavfl
that some men have before marriage
often become tyrannical. I had a per-
lectiy nne time visiung uwa, uut, v,
how glad I am that I did "no4 marry
(The next article in this series will
be called "The Wife of an Artist").
Mother Made, Quick
Acting Cough Syrup
Should !
Kapt Handy far Evsty
-Eatily Praparsd and
Coat Uttla.
Mothers, you'll never know what yon are
misting until you nuke up this inexpenslvt,
quick-acting cough syrup and try it. Chil
dren love its pleasant taste and nothing else
will loosen a cough or chtit cold and heal
the inflamed or swollen throat membranes
with sneh ease and promptness. It's equally
as good for grown-ups as for children.
This splendid cough syrup is made by
pouring 2 H ounces of Pints (BO cents
worth), into a pint bottle and filling the bot
tle with plain granulated sugar syrup. This
givss you a full pint a family supply of
mneh better cough remedy then you could
buy ready-made for $2.0 a clear saving
of 12.
Tht moment it touches the inflamed, cold
congested membranes that line the throat
and air passages, the bseling begins, the
phlegm loosens soreness leaves, cough
spasms lessen and soon disappear altogether,,
thus ending; a cough quicker than you ever
thought possible. Hoarseness and ordinary
coughs are conquered by It In twenty-four
hours or less. Excellent for bronchitis,
whooping cough, spasmodic croup, bronchial
asthma or winter coughs.
Plnex Is a highly concentrated compound
of genuine Norway pine extract, combined
with guaiacol and Is famous the world ver
for Its quick healing effect on tW mem
Beware of substitutes. Ask your drug
gist for "2H ounces of Plnex" with dlree
turns and dont accept anything else. Guar
uieeu give aosonite sacuiaentn or
Just One Application
and the Hairs Vanish
(Modes of Today) -
A harmless, yet very effective, treatment
Is here given for the quick removal of hairy
growths. Mix enough powdered delatone and
water to cover the undesirable hairs, apply
paste and after S or t minutes remove, wash
the skin and the hairs have vanished. One
application usually is sufficient, bat to be
certain of results buy the d'atone In aa
original package. Advertisement,
Htm Hyfinic-Fmki- hxMc. At f.