Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Former Progressive Leader
Tells South Side Men Real
'J, Meaning of Act.
"The president committed an unfair
and illegitimate act when . he' sur
rendered under pressure to the rail
road brotherhoods, by ordering the
passage of the Adamson wage-raising
act." was a itatement made by Ray
mond' Robins, the distinguished labor
student and speaker, and member of
the republican national advisory coun
cil in an address last evening at
Franek's hall. South Side. t
He strdck out from the shoulder tn
his attack ort the Adamson bill and
al.urrf fhrtn 9 fttahll. ffnVfmmflll
i ' is weakened by auch a surrender on
t ' the part of the executive branch of the
national government to one class
group without first investigating the
tnerits.oT the case or recognizing the
valuable principles of arbitration. On
this subject he said:' 1
"I telieve that Do group of Amerl
can cjifzens shauld be opposed to the
principle) f rbitration and I take
vigorpns exceptions to the president
upon the wanner in which he made
his proposition to the railroad presi
dent . during :the' recent threatened
railroad strike.'" " V '
; - Wage Railing Bill,
"life his advocacy elf the Adamsoa
bill tHe president did not contemplate
an eight-hour day .on a. single railroad.
He was; merely, raising the present
ten-hour -basis to an eight-hour basis,
and, fapon anylsls it is evident that the
bill is a wage-raising proposition with
out considering the rights of the ship
pingjpublic or.the general public. The
' bill ;does not change, the working
hours of any railroad man, it does not
liimVthe time of, service.,
"T)he president' hurt the social and
economic future of the country. The
' bill a& blow struck at the principle
1 of arbitration, which is the most vital
principle of working but the social and
economic problems) Arbitration is the
method' of civilization and of peace,
as obpp'sed to the .method of civil war.
WhatBltample Did.
"CSilekens will come home to roost.
Let (US' consider this a moment; 'The
president said arbitration was un-
. necessary ,for the brotherhoods. Two
weelts-Jater President Shonts of the
Interborough lines in New York an-
. nouneed that inasmuch as the presi
dent has Said arbitration was not ne
cessary for the railroad workers, then
it is; not. necessary for the directors of
the Jqterborough lines. Twenty-four
houf after the passage of the Adam-
: son' 1il the president vf a great rail
road sompany said he would not obey
this taw of the United States. He felt
that the government had been used in
the Interests of one class, as against
another class. ; ,
"J(f any political or labor group can
usefUe government in this manner,
it opens the door for highly influ
ential,, capitalistic group to use the
gotpcment in a similar manner, Labor-loses
much wheii it loses the-fcen-,
ennV public copfidence. The government-of
all of the people should not
bertiMed for any class group. This
ac0on of the president was a costly
surrender of the rights of the whole
peorilc to the demands of a group,
wljen you hare a government that
. vvilU order a revolutionary statute
, paed in a few hours you face a dan
ger, Thai national government which
v.-unld thus surrender under pressure
shoajiid be disputed. ;
. vJ Another Way Out.
"The president should have" asked
congress for authoiity to cope with
the -situation, and he should have been
granted such authority. He should
i,-.. havpold the presiden of the' rail
roads and the men of the brother
hoods that arbitration is the method
of &ilreation and if eitiier aide re
fused ito recognise arbitration, then
he would use the power of the federal
govatrtment to run the railtoads for
theifltare of the general ptsMic".
Inv' S'ubVort of the candidacy of
Charles. E. Hughes Mr. Robins caid:
..' "I am -for .Hughes as a candidate in
ymmm m w
The Brambach
"THE smtJlett grtnd piano in the world victory over
price, size and tone! i It costs no more than good
upright It occupies no rhote floor space than an upright -put
the Brainbach tone and action atamp it as a true grand
-the ideal piano) The "Sheraton' or "Colonial" models
em be conveniently accural by a payment of $ 485
his own right, and for the qualifica
tions which he demonstrated in h
official life. He is the man who is
able to unite all sections of the coun
try against the present administration.
He has shown himself to be a great
executive and is an exemplar of hon
esty and efficiency. Every working
man is interested in honesty and ef
ficiency in public service. He appeals
to the people as a man opposed so
boss rule, as was evidenced when he
fought the invisible government when
he was governor of his own state.
. A Real Progressive.
"A change in the social and eco
nomic system of this country is neces
sary and I am confident that Hughes
will be the man who will accomplish
that change. He is a real progres
sive and is a candidate who appears
before the people without pre-nomina-tion
entanglements. I was in Chi
cago at the time of the convention
and I know there was no Hughes
headquarters there. Mr. Hughes is
a man who knows what should be
done and how it should be done, ac
cording to the law and constitution
of the land. As governor he was
close to the heart of labor, and he is a
man in whom labor can place the up
most confidence. I submit his labor
record to all thoughtful men."
. .. ' America Must Lead. ' T ;
Mir. Robins drew a picture of the
changed world conditions which will
confront this country at the close of
the ; European war. He said that
America must furnish the leadership
of the world in this great democratic
advance and the great democrato pur
pose of the world.
i "The rank and file of the republican
party gives the best hope for the so
lution of our social and economic
problems and of meeting the great
problems of the future," he said.
He reviewed the changes of social
and industrial life which have been
wrought during the last thirty years.
He referred to a new situation call
ing for new statemanship of firm pur
pose. He told of the transition of
American life from the old and simple
forrn of individualistic activities to the
present-day complex system with
lane coroorations employing thou
sands of men, and the owners and divl
rectors in most instances living many
miles from the source of their earn
ings. He ' said that politics has
changed; that every home today is
more interested in politics than ever
before, and that the people in this
country are dealing with politics as a
social concern.
. Asks Political Integrity.
- "The . ' progressive movement is
over." declared Mr,. Robins, "and its
work is done insofar as a third party
"See How Tbtt Corn
Comes Clear Off!"
"GETS-IT" Lo.o. Your Corns
Right Off, It' the Modern Corn
. Wondor Now Falb.
1 It' hard t beltovt anyth'nff m1d act
Ilk that In getting a torn off, Why, I just
lifted that corn right off with my finger
nail. 'GETS-IT ( certainly wonderful I" Yes,
"GKTS-IT" la tha moat wonderful eorn-cure
,Ha All Com Go Qukk.M
vcr known barauH Vm (don't havo to fool
and putter around with our eorni, harness
them up with bandage or tor to dig vbtm
; "GKT8-IT la a liquid. Too put on few
ilropi In a few seconds. It dries. It' pain
less. Put your snook tn 1 on right over It Put
on your regular shoes. You won't limp or
have a eorn "twist" In your fae. Tha corn,
callus or wart will loosen from your toe
off It eomea. Glory halle!uj:hl r'GTg.rr"
it tha biggest selling corn remedy In tha
world. When you try it you know why.
"GETS-IT" la eold and recomran-4 by
druggiatn everywhere, 25o a bottle, or Bent
on receipt 01 pneo oy a lAwrtne vo
Chisago, III. .
Sold in Omaha and recommended tha
world's beet earn remedy by Sherman ft
MeConnell Drug Co.
is concerned." He bespoke political
integrity in this country and said he
was interested in politics because of
his home, family and his country.
The meeting was held under the
auspices of the South Side Hughes
and Fairbanks club. Mr. Robins made
an effective impression upon his audi
ence. f Attempt at Disturbance.
A gang of rough-house democrats
attempted to create a disturbance be
fore the meeting was called. , Two
liquor-laden leaders of the gang be
came so demonstrative that a police
man had to be summoned to quiet
them. During the meeting several
committed petty annoyances, which
prompted Mr. Robins to announce
that those who did not like the meet
ing might retire.
I know the spi
spirit of men. Those
stated Mr. Robins. Eight or ten of
the gang left without having accom
plished their purpose, of "starting
' The Best Laxative. ( '
To keep the bowels regular the best
laxative is outdoor exercise. Drink
a full glass of water half an hour be
fore breakfast and eat an abundance
of fruit and vegetables, also establish
a regular habit and be sure that your
bowels move once each day. When
a medicine is needed take Chamber
lain's Tablets. .They are pleasant to
take and mild anil gentle in ehect.
Obtainable everywhere. Adv. ,.
u IEsHBI .. fi )sr m IV.:. ' . ;.. Mi .
" bib ' immi ; ,a ja a u . y
' " - ' SSI 1H. ."a ivyy. vv IX-O'W av.v.v. m k ,m . M i i SSTIIII II I j
The Haf Stout: 4 You men of fuU figure you stout men and stout-
ish men you heed style in your clothes. Do you realize that you can now go to your
s Kuppenheimer dealer and 'find your size with all the smartness of the slender models
; roomy and comfortable, but built to conceal corpulence! Prices $20 to $45. ;
(iLM thatincludetHe "Biltmore' "York' ,
utiier moaeis.BeaUfort -'mm
Derby' "Chester,"; etc.,' are "designed to suit the tastes
and builds of particular men Jf v yVy-
Banks AreOlosed, as Well as
the. City Hall and Most of
the Court Rooms. ,,
Four hundred and twenty-four, years
ago yesterday Christopher : Colum
bus bumped the nose ofr ihis'boat
into-the land,-and since that day we
have been saying he discovered Amer
ica. ..' a '
Though that is practically.,four and
a quarter centuries ago, Omaha, like
other cities throughout the United
States, observed, it as . a legal .holi
day. , Banks are:losed. The court
house is quiet, with the exception of
one court, which' is in session by
mutual agreernent of both litigants.
The city hall is closed, or rather all
the offices are inactive.. Most other
public and semi-public' institutions
were closed and remained so through
out the day. - V , ,.
There was : no Columbus ' day
parade, however as the local Italians
have decided to drop this demonstra
tion this year on account of their
country being engaged in the world
war. ''.-'
1- -i '.i- -jj.a'-'i ' .:-.:-crx-.v.''.'.:.iv. -t. i-.ql-. k aii a -m. . m .
SpvMlty cfmaionaX Saei and tht FortunrJ U&1, originated
13, 1916,
by this Hows CHICAGO CV our
JT 1
Peons of Mexico, Though Dying
of Starvation, Have Confi
dence in Rebel Leader.
El Paso, Tex.. Oct. 12. Notwith-1
i ' . i . rr . :
sianuing inc suTrcrings 01 pcuns hi
the district which Villa is now prey
ing on. they would rise to a man in
Villa's behalf if the American punitive
expedition were to operate south of
its present base, according to a report
made to his superiors today by a
Mexican Protestant missionary who
has just returned from a visit to cen-
tral Mexico.
The peons, he explained, fear and
hate Villa, but thy have been taught
to believe that' tht Americans would
go after Villa only with the masked
purpose of seizing and annexing the
country ; i
Dies of Starvation.
. In Zacatecas the miss.onary, who is
also a physician, said he examined
men lying in the stree.s as 'f dnink
and found they were dying from
starvation Women, lacking the
strength to speak, implored him with
their eyes tor alms. Children, tie sain.
iloot.SryIeif Kf. Jrtn yt dcr
Stetson Hats. Manhattan Shirts.
were terribly emaciated.
Other Mexicans arriving at the bor
der confirm the missionary state:
ment as to the decline in value ot
Carranza money. Wate' sellers at the
railway station -harge a paper dollar
for a single jar of water. . No water
is supplied on che cars The paper
dollar is now down to 2 cents gold.
The Mexican, said the Carranza
soldiers are clamoring to be paid in
silver anr" have no enthusiasm over
the Villa campaig A new epidemic
of typhus in interior states is re
Magical Effect of
Simple Face Peeler
To maintain a clar, whlta, youthful com
plexion, Ihore'a nothlnc ao ilmple to in
and yet ao effective aa ordinary ttarcollsad
wax, which you can t at rny drug ator.
Juat apply the wax at night aa you would
oold cream. In the morning wash It- oft
with warm water. If you've never tried it
you can't Imagine the magical effect of .
this harmless home treatment.' It cause
the old wnrn-out scarf flhtn to coma off In
minute particles, a little at a time, and
soon you have entirely ahed the olfensiy -.
cuticle. The fresh young underskln now tri
evidence Is so healthy and girlish looking,
ap free from uny appearance of artificiality. .
fou wonder why you had not heard of thie
marvelous complexion-renewing secret long
aKqiially magtcal In Ita action m a srtmpl
wrinkle-removing lotion made by dissolve
Ing an ounce of powdered saxollte In a half
tnt of witch haiel. Bathing the "fao In
his for two or three minutes Immediately .
ffects very line and furrow and improve
facial contour wonderfully. Advertisement.
md your nam torn
I 1.
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