THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 8, 1918. 3 B Council Bluffs Social Notes The senior Christian Endeavor of -the hirst Christian church- held the monthly meeting- at the home of Mrs. Mable Miller, 1517 Avenue E. The business session occupied about an hour.during which time plans for the future were discussed.' The rest of the evening was spent in games. The rooms were prettily decorated in red and white and the same color scheme was used in the refreshments. Mrs. W. S. Keeline is enjoying a visit trom her sister, Miss Adele Do hany, and her cousin, Miss Jeanette Grace, of Detroit. On Monday afternoon the October meeting ot the young Women s Christian association was held at the home of Mrs. R. B. Tubbs. Matters of routine business were settled and clans for the gift dav for the nurses' home, which is to be observed on Saturday, were completed. Mrs. Tubbs serrved refreshments when the business was concluded and the re mainder of the afternoon was spent socially. Last Sunday Mrs. James Zbornick entertained at dinner in honor of the twelfth birthday of her daughter, Laura. Those present were Misses Agnes and Inez Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Zbornick and family. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Johnson enter tained at a delightful little party last Sunday afternoon aand evening at their home on Ninth street. Games furnished the entertainment and the prize was won by Mr. Fred Walden. A dainty two-course luncheeon was served. Mrs. F. A. Sheoard of Franklin avenue entertained the South First street chapter of St. Paul's guild on Monday afternoon. Business was dis posed of promptly, after which the time was spent socially. The Federated Mothers club held a business meeting on Monday after noon., The most important matters to come before the club were the election of officers for the coming year and the reports from the com mittees having in charge the fall ex hibition at the auditorium. The new officers are: President, Mrs. J. H. Cole; vice president, Mrs. A. McMU' len; secretary, Mrs. Dell Hoon; as iistant secretary, Mrs. C. C Dicken son: treasurer. Mrs. W. H. Kilpack chairman of garden committee. Mrs. E. P. Schoentgen; chairman of enter tainment committee, Mrs. M. Wool man. The reports of the exhibit at the auditorium showed that it was a financial as well as an educational success, a comfortable sum remain ing in the treasury after the payment of all expenses. The domestic sci ence course which is to be held the first week in November is now of great interest. The meeting of the Book and Thimble club, planned for Thursday afternoon, was postponed until Thurs day ot this week, when L. U Dowell will entertain. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFerron, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Test Stuart, .left on Tuesdav evening for Chicacro ' and their home in Hoopestown, III. Mrs. Lawrence Winship, who has been visiting her' parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Spindler, left Tuesday even ing tor her home in Boston, Mass. Mrs. M. A. Tlhley left Wednesday for Corpus Christi, Tex., where she - expects to meet Colonel Tinley and spend the week-end. From there she will accompany him to Brownsville and spend a few days at the camp. She expects to be gone about two weeks. On Monday evening Miss Verna Wiley entertained a .number of friends at her home on Harrison street The evening was spent with games and music, and at a late hour light re freshments were served. On Tuesdav morning at 9 o'clock at St Francis Xavier church Rev. Father McManus officiated at a pretty double wedding. The brides were Miss Louise Harriet Dowd, who was married to Mr. Joseph J. Heelan, and her sister, Miss Gertrude Rose Dowd, who was married to Mr. Alvin L. Runte. The brides were both gowned in white net- over silver cloth, with long tulle veils, made in cap fashion and fastened with silver lace. They carried bouquets of white roses. The flower girl was little Phobe Harriet Osborn, niece of the brides. She wore white net over silk and carried a basket of white button chrysanthe mums. Miss Tholl played the wed ding march and Mr. J. R. Gerke sang the "Ave Maria." After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the brides' mother, cov ers being laid for twenty of the rela tives. The decorations both at the church and at home were white roses and ferns. Mr. and Mrs. Heelan and Mr. and Mrs. Runte" left later in the day for a wedding trip. After Novemr " ber 1 Mr. and Mrs. Heelan will be at home at Mullen, Neb., where Mr. Heelan is postmaster and also has a large cattle ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Runte will make their home at York, Neb. The Atlas club was entertained at the boat club for luncheon on Tues day. Mrs. Lyman Shugart, Mrs. El mer Shugart and Mrs. R. C. Peregoy were the hostesses. The luncheon was served outdoors and covers were laid or fourteen, all but two of the members being present The after noon was spent in the club house sew ing and visiting. This was the first meeting of the season and the club will begin regular work October 17 -at the home of Mrs. H. A. Quinn, when the outline for the study of Turkey in Asia will be taken up. ..On Tuesday afternoon the Ideal club held the first meeting of the sea son at the home of Mrs. B. S. Ter williger. The club will study the Slav peoples this season and Mrs. W. A. Southard gave a paper on their origin and distribution. Mrs. Will Pypegave a paper on "The Slav -Peoples and Their Characteristics." Mrs. J. W. Smith read a very interesting article from the Geographic Magazine, "Young Russia, the Land of Unlim ited Possibilities." A general discus sion of events was led by Mrs. Clara Bonham. Miss Olive Mannan of Passadena, Cat., is the guest of Mrs. W. F. Shir ley, who was her classmate at Ferry Hall. " Mrs. Harry Messner and Miss Bes Icy tied on low score in the eighteen hole round played Wednesday after noon at the boat club. Next Wednes day there will be trophies for low score, and putts on nine holes and he low medal score on eighteen holes. Play will begin at 10:30 and a picnic lunch will be served at noon. The Book Lovers opened the nea son Wednesday afternoon vTith a luncheon at the home of Mrs. C. D. Parmalee, who was assisted in euter . , ' Mother and Daughter in Woman's Club lltf ' If are Kft Dundee .- hrr&K &$m. W4 Society Notes 2Ipj.EA.fioward and taining by Mrs. J. R. Reed and Mrs. C S. Lefferts. The club will beirin regular work next Wednesday after noon with the study ot Victor Hugo. Dr. Charles V. Johnson of this city and Miss Emily Langworthy were married' Tuesday afternoon at the home of the brides' parents at Mes- sena. The ceremony was performed by Rev. V. F. Johnson, brother of the groom, in the presence of onlv a few of the immediate members of the fam ily. The rooms were prettily decorat ed in pink and white. Following the ceremony a ' three-course luncheon was served. Mr. Johnson and his bride came to Council Bluffs immedi ately and will go to housekeeping here. West Ambler . Social Activities Miss Jessie Hutchinson, who has been spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. C. J. Roberts, tn tcKer man, left for her homfin Washing ton. D. C. Saturday evening. H. T. Stewart went to Fort Dodge, la., on a business trip the first of the week in his auto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Moore and family were called to Lincoln Tuesday on account of the death of their daugh ter, NMrs. M. McGrail, of tyohoid fever. Mrs. M. Russell returned home from her trip to Texas on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Garman have as their house guests this week Mr. and Mrs. Chester Williams of Hold- rege, Neb., and Miss hula Bair ot Blanchard, la. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hubbard of O'Neill. Neb., are the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berger. Mrs. Wilmer R. Blackett has as her week-end guest her mother, Mrs. Henry bteffen, ot Winnetoon, weD. Mrs. Tack Bostock and daughter, Vera, returned to their home in Glen wood, la., Monday, after a week's visit with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Cockayne. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and daughter, Miss Alice, of Rock Bluffs, Neb., are guests this week of Mrs. George' Sutton. . Mesdames M. Heligso of Lincoln and Harold Goll of Calhoun are the guests this week of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Jacobsen. Mrs. William Van Dusen has as her guests this week her mother, Mrs. r. Krueger, ana sister, mva. j. ny, of Western, Neb. Mrs. William Vickers gavea wed ding reception Thursday evening in honor of Mr. Fred Isberg arid bride, vho was Miss M. Mitchell, and who were united in marriage on the day by Rev. W- Groh, pastor of St. Mark s church. , Mrs. William Ervey of Blair is the A Frank Message From Jay Burns tn nnit the bakine busi ness, or give you poor quality bread, or raise the price. I can't quit; I hive too much money tied up in buildings and equipment. I don't intend to lower the quality of mv bread, for that would be un fair to you. So there's only one thing left for s to do raise prices. v Bread Prices Must Go Up Rut. We's a rav of hope for you! If we can emit making Be loaves and make only the 10c loaf, we can re duce our manufacturing costs and thus make the 10c loaf larger than we otherwise could. In other words, madam, we can give you more bread for your money if you will take it in 10c loaves instead of 6c loaves. . Buy Onlyv10c Loaves Jay Burns - "Your Baker" Jay Burnt Baking Co., Omaha, Neb. Hiss ZoaSowarJ guest this week of her daughter, Mrs. T. C. Bowles, on West Mason street. The Royal Neighbors cf West Side will give a dancing party and supper on Saturday evening, October 16, for the benefit of a member. - Mr. and Mrs. N. Doran welcomed a son to their home on Saturday in West Side. Miss Camile Furay gave a farewell party to her young friends on Tues day evening, as she leaves with her parents Sunday for their future home in California. Miss Lizzie Jorgerson went to Lin coln the first of the week to visit relatives. C. E. Button was called to Eau Claire, .Wis., Monday, to attend his father's funeral. Mrs. Charles Black has as her house guests Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scheal of Des Moines, la. . :: Mr. and Mrs. F. Robsen and Mrs. May Merritt of Dunlap, la., are the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Brady. Mrs. Roy Randall and family are entertaining this week for their house guests, Miss Florence Kenhey, of Dennison. Ia., and Mrs. N. Kane of Wichita, Kan. .. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Lemly gave a house warming to their many friends in West Side Thursday, when they took possession of their new home on West Marcy street Mrs. George Sutton will represent the Degree of Honr from West Side at their convention in Lincoln Monday. v Mr. Bert Smith was married on Sat urday last to Mrs. Martha Gilchrist, an old-time resident of West Side, and are now at home to their friends at their home at Forty-eighth and Leavenworth streets. Mrs. T. Armburst gave a shower Saturday for Miss Margaret Fox, who became the bride of Mr. Martin Jensen on Thursday morning. Those present were Mesdames J. Lamb, J. B. Root, J. Boyer, George Hoffman, D. Baughman, E. R. Kiddes and the Misses Rosa Carr, Blanche Kidder and Pearl and Ida Tex. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bover gave a farewell reception Tuesday evening in honor of their old neighbors on South Sixtieth street, Mr. nd Mrs. Frank, who are retiring from farm work and moving to the city. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roessig, E. C. Hensman, C Wohler, Frank Tex, Fred Tex, K. Duvall and H. J., Schlank. Winter Swimming The Salt of Saim TickaU Will Con tinue Until Oct 10. Metropolian Club House Dauilu 441 First Assembly-at Turpins wfeSe- Mrs. Hughes' Eif ht-piee Orchestra Regularly Every Wed. Evening. Classes for Beginners and Advanced Pupils. Private Lessons. Harney 5143. 28th and Farnam. I -Jj' TJ 3 - this SINGER WHO WILL VISIT OLOA STORZ. Mrs. Mary Reuss and Mrs. Dawson Moorland of St. Paul were guests last week of their nieces, Mrs. Leigh Leslie, and Mrs. Charles Leslie. Miss Olive Ferguson entertained at a kensington and miscellaneous shower last Friday for Miss Eva Johnson, a fall bride. Twelve Dun dee girls were present. Miss Mercedes Caughlin has re turned from a six week's motor trip to Sioux City. Her cousin, Mrs. Frank Vaughn of Sioux City is her guest at present. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stafford of Ne braska city were the guests the first of the week of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Templeton. Mrs. Charles McMartin and daugh ter Winifred, have returned from a visit to relatives in Dublin, Ireland. The Bible class conducted by Mrs. D. L. Johnston will meet Tuesdav morning of this week instead of f hursday, at the home of Mrs. J. W Marshall. Miss Katherine Lee Grabte will conduct a dancing class for vounn children Friday afternoon at the Dun dee hall. The Ladies' Aid society of the Dun dee rresoytenan cnurcn met friday afternoon with Mrs. W. S. Hogue. Mr. and Mrs. H. 'I. McCarthy gave a dinner Tuesday evening for some out-of-town guests. Miss Mildred Rhoades left Monday tor smith college. Mrs. Marie Edgerly and Miss Adine Edgerly of Ottumwa, la., are guests at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, D. M. Edgerly and G. C. Edgerly. While Mr. A. J. Cooley is on a western business trip, Mrs. Cooley and children are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Cooley's mother, in Burlington, Ia. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. T. Belt leaves this week for a visit to New York City. Mrs. W. W. Hoagland returned Thursday from the east, having left her daughter, Helen, at Tenacre hall, Wellesley. Mr. William rteminger and Mr. H. H. Hoppe of Chambers, Neb., were guests during the week of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Johnston. Mrs. R. C. Williams and son, Joe of Kearney, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Johnston. Mrs. Henry Ingalls of Cairo, Neb., and Mrs. Crawford of Iowa were Ak-Sar-Ben guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Braden. i The Nebraska Missionary Synodtcal meeting will be held in the Dundee for ndG w Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI 3i ftgr Krdpt Book fm SKIKNER MFG. CO. OMAHA, USA WU4ST HACUOW MCmiY III AMMKA JITNEY TAXI .YlAXWtLi. I.AK3 Webster 202 Back View Front View Of an Unusual Front Lace Corsci Unusual because with the lacings and adjustment at the front, the corset it still smooth and flexible. Back Lace Front Lace You know Redfern Style, and the new s! front lace modeb are tne smart styles season. Fitted wherever good eonett are told . $3 and up ( Vht Pnltcllng Tenat mi tht Scfl Toe CW) Presbyterian church Thursday and Friday. About 125 delegates are ex pected, Mrs. Clinton Miller leaves this week for a visit to Detroit. Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Koih ami son have returned from a visit in Hot Springs, S. 1. Social Affairs of the South Side Mrs. Branch Curtis entertained the Friday Kensington club at her home. Mrs. Curtis' mother of Cliicag was a guest of the afternoon. Mrs, J. C. Leiscnring of Shenan doah, la., spent Ak-iar-!ien week isiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Albert Noe entertained at a luncheon in honor of Mrs. James O'Hamlan. Decorations were in fall flowers. Fourteen guests were pres ent. "Mrs. William Berry lias returned from Hastings, where she attended a convention of the Women's Christian Temperance union and other women organizations. Miss Mahle (Irvlfrev nf Tarkstm Miss., is a guest at the home of Mrs. lohn Busse. Miss Kdna Klster is spending the week-end at the Christian home. Her sister, Mrs. Leonard Link of Beld iuir. Neb., is also a guest. Orval Jones of Valentire stopped over for a visit at the home of S. Nevine en route home from Corn ing, Ia., where he attended the horse races. Mrs. R. Scofield, Seventeenth and J streets, has gone to Hastings to visit a daughter, Mrs. Lou Baker, who lives at that town, The wedding of Miss Opal Hartman and Mr, Harry Swanson will take Dlace Wednesday evening, October 11, at 8 o'clock, at the home of the bride's' narents. Rev. S. H. i erian of St. Luke's Lutheran church will per form the ceremony. After the wed- dinff thev will eave on a western trip, including San Francisco and oth er points of interest. They will he at home after November IS at 2014 T street. The West Side Interdominafiona! Aid society will give a hard time so cial at the church Frifiav. October 13, Thirteen orizes will be given for the hardest looking guests. The Aid will also give an all day quilting Dee Tl .-.. muiBuajr. . . Miss Margaret Williams tnter tained at her home on Friday even ing in honor of the Misses Dorothy Stamp, Ella Wilson and Gladys Starm of Yutan, Neb. The evening was snent in music and dancing, Those present were: Miss Blanche Crow, Mary Williams, Margaret Wil liams; Messrs. David Prown, Frank Williams, Herbert Rathsack, Loyd Hamilton, Harold Bradley ana i.eon arri Mathews. On Tuesday evening, Miss Ann Maurer entertained at aJinen shower in honor of Miss Blanch Whitman whose marriaare to Mr. .Harry Har ris will take place November 12. The house was beautifully decoratea in green and white, 1 Those present were; Blancn wnitman, KODina Mm merer, Mince . Nelson, Gertrude Strom. Mae Merret. Mae Kelly. Ann Donahue, Carolyn Pagemeyer, Eva Smith, Lillie Anderson, Lillie Stein berg, Eva Hardiannett, neien nea- - I T 1111. 17mn.P Alir fahnnv IUUIIU. UIIIIV 4I,'l', itiivv --"" -J and Ann Maurer. Mother and. Daughter in Club. To welcome the daughters of club members into the ranks was advo cated strongly bv Mrs. Percy Penny- backer, the last president oi tne uen-v Why Society Women Wash Their Own Hair Few realize how many society women now wash their ,own hair, not because it is a fad, but because they wish to obtain the greatest possible hair beauty and be sure they are not using anything harmful. The thousand! who have found that in washing the hair it is never wise to use a makeshift but is always advis able to, use a preparation made for shampooing only, say they get the best results from a simple home-made canthrox mixture. You can enjoy this, the best that is known, for about three cents a shampoo by getting some can throx from your druggist and dissolv ing a teaspoonful in a cup of hot wa ter. Your - shampoo is now ready. After its use the hair dries rapidly with uniform color. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear. Your hair will be so fluf fy that it will look much heavier than it is. Its luster and softness will also delight you, while the stimulated scalp gains the health which insures hair growth. Advertisement. MISS MARTHA EM1C (Fermarlr with BursaiNah Ca.) ART STUDIO 400 Ware Black China, Oil and Water Color Palmtnf Opan Clasaaa Daily Excapt Wadnaadayr for f fi. 111 i eral Federation of Woman's Clubs. Following out this suggestion, two daughters of prominent members of the Omaha Woman's club were ad mitted to membership last week. They are Miss Camilla Kdnolni, daughter of Mrs. K. K. J. Kdholm. and Miss Loa Howard, daughter of Mrs. F. A. How ard. .:rs. Howard is active inN the current t, .iiics department and is sec- , reurr of the uewly organized parlia mentary, law practice department. Mis Loa is particularly interested in : tiie home economics department, hav ing taken such courses at the state i university, where she tauelit sen inn at the state farm last year. Miss How ard will give a short course in gar ment making for the home economics department of the Woman's club in December. Florence Social Items Mrs. M. F. Horskind and Mrs. O. A. Wilson leave today for Los An geles, Cal., where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Caley aand son of Sterling, Neli., are the guests of Mrs. Caley's sister, Mrs. J. L. Mattox. i Uex. W. S. Hampton of the Hillside Congregational church of Omaha will preach at the 1'reshytcrian church Sunday morning while ttev. J, B. But ter will occupy the pulpit of the Hill side Congregational church. Mr. and Mrs. A. Michelson attend ed the old settlers' gathering in biair on Tuesday. They were only one yeat short of obtaining pioneer badges in the association. Miss Irene Sorenson entertained the Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church at her home last evening, A number of friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heise sur prised them Saturday evening with a most complete ami well arranged house warming party in their beauti ful new home recently compfeted. The evening was spent in music and dancing. Miss Viola J. Meyer and Miss Julia Krisl were guests of Mr, and Mrs. S. B. Letovsky at their home near Coffman Sunday. Mrs. George Glasgow entertained for the members of the Christian En deavor society of the Presbyterian church at her home on Thursday af evening. " Mr. Marion H. Lvnn. who is teach ing school at Elk City, spent Saturday and Sunday in rlorence visiting rela tives and friends. Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kinset Sunday, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Johnson re- HAIR GRAY? THEN APPLY Q BAN It Darken Gray Hair Evenly ' If our hair la rar. ttraaiad. with SW, pramaturalr or Juit turning army, or if rovr hair la drr. harah, thin or falHnr, limply ahampoo hair and aoalp s faw timas with Q.Ban Hair Color Batterer.'' Soon ovarr atrand of hair (whathar star or not) be- eomal evinlr dark, soft, flour, fluffr, full of Ilia and health, full and' haavr and faa- clnatlnf, and anUfe haad of hair is 10 baan- tlfulljr and avenljr darkanad no one oould uaaeet Ton had appltad Q-Ban. It la abio lutalr harmlesa and rio dya, but Q-Ban aata on roots, raitorins eolor glands. Sold on a money-back guarantaa, ftOa for big bottla at Shtiman a MeConnaU'l Drug Storai, Omaha, Nab. Out-of-town folks supplied br nail. Advartlaamcnt. Genevieve Hauflaire Aaiambly Evaiv Thursday Evanlng OPENING OCT. II AT THE KEEP DANCING ACADEMY 25th A Farnam -Formarly Chambare ADAM'S SAXAPHONE ORCHESTRA ADMISSION $1.00 ' METROPOLITAN CLUB HOUSE I 2501 Harrier Street Opens Tuesday, Oct. 10 Claotea tn Soolil, Aaathatlo and Folk Danalnc or Ladlas, Children, Boys end. Girla; High School Studanto and Buainaaa Woman new tormina. MISS FLORENCE DEMING V ' A traduate of Challf School, of New Tork. and the Mar Wooaa Hhrana School, of Chicago, thraa raara director of dancing at the woman'a Athlatie dab el Chicago, will Instruct- Private Laaaona br Appointment. ' Tama Raaaonabla, For furthar Information, 'phono MISS EVELYN MeCAFFREY Douf la 441B , tafoav p naat m it, X cltlinewbiiaMMnL Tk.n at KEWHHO S HERPICIDC ' amaa ona thm eonacti dean and a fealinr of niaoalnir e-tf -aftaaramoa. Its vmlno la sttaotaaV t tha dlaappaaianc of dandrHf. tfca causa of moat hair teoubka. Ad tha ahaatioa of loosa hair oa tha dothta or In too comb. A grid rrM Mo gganttsirv ttsvl hAbuatrin mmalttlmm KKVtPXCXOB ouanaaa of w a ii intra 1ST rooitnsT 10 too acaip and baa aaoxquistta odor wntcn muoaii popular aa a faaLr-drtaalnr amon ) elaaaea. H atopo itcoi&f oi tba acaip alaioat lostaatl. Applicattona at tho bottor harbor ibopa. feiarairtsad by TUB BEKPICID1 CO.-Sold Ivarywhoro. JnLerpicide turned from a pleasure trip over in Iowa where they had Jaeen visiting' friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. b. Hayden have been spending the week at the home of their daughter in Omaha. Mrs. L. A. Taylor will entertain the Ladies' Aid society of the Meth odist church at her home on Thurs day afternoon. She will be assisted by Mesdames Hostetter, Jacobsen and Johnson. Mr. A. DeLay of Huron, S. has been spending the week in Flo rence visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Drake of Shen- ' andoah, Iowa, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barham, left Sunday for their home. AEOLIAN VOCALION T N the tone of this won-- derful new phonograph there is greater depth and richness less of the pho nograph and more of na turemore of the subtle beauty of each voice and instrument. Ftcalicn prwa$3S to $3S0, Ttrmt as low as $4 monthly. r SchmoIIer & Mueller Piano Co. I3I1-1S1S Faiaaaa St, Omaha, Nab. Eiclushre Kapraaentativae Have ' you seen Ike new Hotter Edging Folder? Ktotter h th neat Mt factory cottoa , that can be used for erochetlor It It vary durmblt and poMeaaea a bating; ah ten. Every otnn and arlrl who crock win flnJ apecial delight in the tua of K loiter bacauaa ol tba charm it adds to their ftoLahad work. KlosteR M JaUmnaaiiawsmcMraaiJi m "WWta thai Maya vMir-ealan aWl lea!" How le fet Free) Inarrnctioaa for eiperta and bafinnere - kt awatmu unouawinwtte iwu dauta. mam vmj FKRR aur U(m( cracfut fnUaM-Na. HE. wfta til ffftKhM ihown of No. MO, lllultntlof IS wm ana mibihwt Bir uangno, 1 rut OMin an not lupnlr von, ml u Kim ntmo tad to oaca ol taa . loldm,ac)oMtlutfrcatli4up, . . r The Thread Mills Company aiaw.AaaaaaSl.CWaaas.aL SPECIAL OFFER fcs;; wtli t m oS-kI melting 30t tkrat IW xa4 irtml tmllt KUtftr Cnini r PtrU t)fatta tboMeaaaltr fur aniiiar in ona a Khtvna or Mraonai - iiwoNoina.wiiKua ucnriiviuav Bavin v tha hair and aca id awoct ana .'(. f IJS1 aj us IT 3 ii ,W ' ru ;3 ori :-V