Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Mmd at Outl mUfflM u MWHi-tlM usttal
Br Mali
6 00
. terms of suBaaurnoN.
par Montk.
Dafly sud fhmdar
Daily without Bandar '
Inirie jivid Bandar. . .
ftranin withaat SuluUr 15e....
:iinla IU. onlr : Yii
V.ry to Omaha Bm. ClrtnltUon Drrtmiit. .
mlt b draft, txtntt or poatal oHor. Onlr2-mat
-apt, on Omaha nd mlw aacnaat.. aceapua-
Omaha Tt Bw Bulldln.
, . Strath Qmilll 1!S1B n airw.
Council Bluffs U North Main I
Lincoln Bi, Wliw uuii'j.mb.
i Chicano 818 Peopla'a Ga BnlMinl.
S L- w - Tl Bl, ,Ul flHK !
; HT iDit nwn ' i t
. 3fc ijquia bus aw Dan. w"'v"
Waanliwton 7l PourUwath Itreot. N.
Mdrm onrmitilcntloni Klatlnf to wa IHorW
vmr to Omaha Ba, editorial Pawrtmant.
55,755 Dtily Sunday 51,048
Dllit Williams. atreiUtkw manas.r oi TJ JfJ
Snbaerltad hi mr praaauea aad awom to baiora mm
hi. d 4., Rt'hVtIE. Hour, PttbHe.
Snbseribars lasTinf the lly tasap-rarlly
ahouM .. Th Bm MllaJ to Ad
Jroaa will U cWJ as eft r.glral.
AH riglit, Mr. Preaident, tome again. '" ,
, Hail, King Ak-Sar-Ben XXII, and hail the
queen I ' '
Well, Art, old top, you did doll up some, after
uH,' and ride in the flouted limousine.
' Th need of a new Union paaenger ttation
for Omaha again itriklngly accentuated. '
, : It may be noted that Jerry O'Leary la not
missing any chance to capitalize the publicity of
the act . " ' ; " ; ? ' ; .
Jt is to be Sloped th prue-winning porkers at
the swine show appreciated the compliment and
felt duly honored. ' j , , .
Put it down that Omaha'i next red letter day
will be Monday, October 16, when, Charles E.
Hughes pays otlr city a visit.' ' ' V
The fortune of the late James J. Hill, scheduled
in .Minnesota, amounts to $52,000,000. The fa
mous "empire builder" exacted a modest ransom
for benefits conferred. " ' ,,
Xow with the. parades off our minds, the pres
idential party safely home and the king and queen
mi the royal ' job, the corn belt population is
fully prepared for the thrills of the world's cham
pionship series. V j
v" , . 1
i It is impossible, for all Omaha to extend the
glad 'hand to those who designed and executed
the' historical and electrical parades! The' spirit
is willing, though the reach 18 snort, i aKe fne
vill for the deed.- , 1 ' Vf l""'
The high cost of campaigning, brought home
to the democratic national committee with painful
t'orce throws on the political screen the grotesque
humor of the party's pledge to reduce living cost.
Performance moclcs the promise.-
'' I fie rainbow tints of autumn .fade into ob
scurity beside the facial colors and gladsome rai
ment pf Poor Lo aud hia family on parade. I'ale-
cc devotee! of the powder puff in artistic color
ork lag far behind .the' first families, ,;
' Au extra sheaf of glory is due the police, de
partment, The strenuous task of handling record
breaking crowds on two occasion! in a satisfac
tory manner attests the efficiency of the fore
and deserves the gratitude of the community
Nothing succeeds' like success! ' So,'' it is
pleasing to note that the compliments to Omaha
on our' entertainment, of; th president and the
mistress of the Whit House outnumber by
many thousand-fold the Complaint and griev-ane,'''-'
V,-i-.?r ? x ... i
President Wilson says our Nebraska semi
centennial history pageant proved a revelation to
him. It likewise has proved a revelation to every-,
one who Witnessed it, including those of us who
thought we.were tolerably conversant with Ne
braska history..-- .., .-. ; :
.Growth of Good. Roads
Waahlsctan foat. -
The improvement of ' public roads in " the
lrnitcd States is now" very rapid, and while an
cnormoas amount of work remains to be done,
the highway system is no longer a reproach to
the country. The office of pablic roads has issued
i ttutemcnt covering the subject, which is full of
encouragement. .!' , .
. Of the total mileage of roads outside of cities
end towns, amounting to 2,452,000,. about 277,03
miles were improved with some sort of surfacing
on January I, 19 16. Surfaced roads are increasing
at the rate of 16,000 miles a year. . The, total ex
penditure for road and bridge work in 1915 was
ubout 5282,000,000, an increase of 250 per cent
over lJ04. The states supervised the expenditure
if $80,500,000. There is now highway depart-
mcnt in every state government except those of
Indiana, South Carolina and Texas. The cash ex
penditure for roads and bridges in the Unite J
. tatci averaged $28 a mile in 1904, and it is now
. , 1M 4 mite,
A most significant feature of. road develop--.icnt
is .the construction of better surfaces aa
u rrstilt of automobile traffic The bulletin esti
..latrs fhae there are approximaely 2,500,000 auto
mobiles in use on the roads of the country, or
iuc enr for every mile of road. The motor
traffic is greater than traffic of all kinds twelve
years ago. The influence of the automobile upon
road improvement is constant and omnipresent.
It reaches the remotest rural regions and tends
tc convert bad roads into good and good roa'.s
lito better The use of the automobile by farmer
us completely changed the rural attitude toward
notoring, and tens of thousands of men are mak
n g direct profits , by catering to the passing
notorist. ' In order to attract Mm there must
x a good road, and thus the lump of rural con
lervatistu is leavened- to a surprising degree. --
The aid now rendered by the federal govern
ment to the states will rapidly increase the pro
portion -of good trunk roads. This co-operation
is already under way in many states. : The sub
division of th work of road building into hun
dreds of-thousands of hands is completely trans
forming the situation and operating with pro
found effect upon farm life. No other invention
compares with the autpmobtle in the benefit it has
conferred -upon rural Iff in America. -
' ' . ''".''
Wilson Smashes Another Sacred Democratic IdoL
In his Omaha speech, President Wilson again
showed his facility for repudiating democratic
doctrine and stealing republican thunder. Here
is a quotation, slightly condensed, of his exact
We heard a great deal of talk about big
business getting no sympathy t'.iat as not
the trouble. Big business had plenty of sym
pathy, but bad business ought not to have had
any sympathy. What our law stood in need
of was the definition' of what was good and
what was bad a definite expression of the
idea that was back of it. That idea was merely
this unfair competition is, wrong, but, if the
competition is fair, the scale upon which it is
carried on is not only no concern of the law
maker, but the bigger the scale, the more sp'en
did the results always have been.
Now,, we do not take issue with this thought,
but we insist that it is not a democratic declara
tion but, on the contrary, it is the Roosevelt
preachment It was Roosevelt and the republi
cans in congress back of him who took the posi
tion that only "bad" business was to be restricted
and curtailed and that the mere fact that business
was "big" did not make it bad, while the demo
crats were constantly contending directly the
Opposite. For proof, let us go back to a few unim
peachable democratic witnesses The democratic
national platform of 1908, among other pronounce
ments, declared:
We favor a license system which will make
it necessary for a manufacturing or trading
corporation, engaged in interstate commence,
to take out a federal license before it shall be
permitted to control as much as 25 per cent of
the product in which it deals, and to prohibit
the control by such corporation of more than
50 per cent of the total amount of any product
consumed in the United States.
Again, the democratic national platform of
1912. being the very platform upon which Wood
row Wilson was elected president, reads:
We favor the declaration by taw of the con
ditions upon which corporations shall be per
mitted to engage in interstate trade, including,
among others, the prevention of the, control by
any one corporation of so large a proportion of
any industry as to make it a menace to com
petitive conditions.
True, the democratic platform of 1916 trie to
get away from the whole question by pretending
that these promises have been fulfilled and by
covering them up with a general re-affirmation,
but the record of the democrats in congress is
just as contradictory to the president's present
right-about-face. Our own democratic United
States senator, for example, now seeking re
election by clinging to the president's coat tails,
championed an amendment to the revenue law
which, if adopted, would have put big busines
completely out of business. He proposed levying
a progressive tax on corporations, increasing with
the size of the business, the undisguised purpose
being to penalize business not because it' is
"bad" but because it is "big." Senator Hitch
cock's measure would have the government liter
ally confiscate big business to this extent that
for a corporation "whose production or sale be
one-quarter, and less than one-third, of the total
amount of any line of production" its annual tax
"shall be five times the normal tax, to-wit, five
per cent," and if one-thirdjj and lessathan one-half,
of the total amount of any line1 of production its
annual tax "shall be ten times the normal tax,
to-wit, ten per cent," and, finally, "if its produc
tion w sale as one-half, or more, of the total
amount of any line of production for th whole
country, It annual tax shall be twenty time the
normal tax, to-wit, twenty per cent of the net
income accruing from all sources."
' How are democrats like Senator Hitchcock,
whose capital stock has been baiting big busi
ness without distinguishing between good busi
ness and bad business, going to get into the same
wagon now with President Wilson for business
on a big scale and "the bigger the scale the
more splendid the result." How is President Wil
son now going to take back and exchange all
the democratic attacks on Theodore Roosevelt
and republicans generally for upholding business,
blj and little, when fairly conducted and fighting
only lawless business, to punish unfair or dis
honest dealing and stop palpably indefensible
abuses.' : ' ' ' ' -' ', " .
financial Prcparcdnea.
i The readiness and ease with which the country
absorbs all offerings of American securities com
ing from abroad is an outstanding feature of the
financial side of war. It constitutes a notable
demonstration of the country's financial prepared
ness and it! ability to meet extraordinary de
mands without disturbing market conditions. The
total amount of the liquidation is not known, but
its magnitude may be judged by the turnover of
railroad securities, of which statistics are avail
able. L. F. Loree, president of the Delaware &
Hudson railroad, gathered data from 105 railroad
companies covering three six-month periods,
from January 31, 1915, to July 31, 1916, and com
putes the total amonnt at $1,28,773,801, par value.
The par value of railroad securities held abroad
at the beginning of 1915 Mr. Lore places at
$2,704,402,364, lo that close to one-half of th
whole ha been taken over by home investors.
The figures do not include recent pledge of
American securities for an Anglo-French loan of
$250,000,000. A proportionate volume of industrial
and mining stocks found not only a ready but t
rising market and a profit for the war stricken
owners. Practically all of the securities cam
from the allied nations, the mail blockade pre
venting German and Austrian holders from un
loading heavily. ' Many sales are being effected
by wireless, however, according to the Financial
World, the' securities being placed in German
bank vault! for delivery after the war.
; - The vast extent of the liquidation, supplement
ing the inflow of foreign gold, computed at $730,
000,000, greatly augments the country's financial
power and ability to handle emergencies as they
arise. -
: Oregon voters are not running in their usual
form thia year. Only seventeen referendum
laws are on the November ticket, In addition to
national, state and local candidates. Th slump
of 40 per cent in referendums indicate a painful
shortage of entrants in the speedway of righteousness.
All who heard Wilson should also come out to
hear Hughes when he speaks here in Omaha
Monday, October 16. Thia is a great campaign
of education and everyone who wants to vote in
telligently should utilise every opportunity to
siie up th men between whom he must choose.
' It will surprise no on to learn that Okla
homa produced nearly one-half the natural ga
of theV country last year. The showing does not
do full juHjce to the state's wonderful resources
in that line, ""fhe output of Wild Bill Murray,
M. C, is omitteoi from the score.
Forecast of a Veteran
-Wilt lata Flu K.lloir-
Governor Kelloft, now living in Washing
ton, was United States judge for Nebraska
in territorial days and later Louisiana's gov
ernor and senator. -There
seems to be more interest taken in
analyzing the vote for president in November than
has heretofore been manifested before a presiden
tial election. I would like to make a forecast of
the result of this election. The tariff, the Mexi
can question and the foreign policies of the admin
istration are, of course, the leading issues. I be
lieve, however, that the next issuu in importance
is the so-called Adamson eight-hour law. This
measure, to my mind, is the greatest mistake
made by this administration. 1 have much re
spect for the grett ability and aincereity of Presi
dent Wilson as a man, but I fear that he fallj to
properly estimate the current of public opinion.
The president during his several conferences
with the labor representatives and the railroad
managers, acting as a mediator and sincerely
desiring to avert the threatened strike, went ery
far, especially in pra:tically assuring the railroad
people that he would do whatever he consist
ently could to increase railroad rates, if on
investigation it was found that his eight-hour
proposition really operated as a hardship to them,
as to which there seems to be little question.
Had he stopped there, having done all he could
as a mediator between the contending parties,
leaving them to appeal to congress if they de
sired, but himself resting upon his record so far
made, it is possible that a strike of more or less
magnitude might have resulted. I do not be
lieve, however, that the threatened strike would
have been so widespread or so disastrous as was
predicted. The railroads had evidently improved
the delay during the negotiations between the
parties, enabling them to largely deal with and
minimize the effect of the strike.
Again, it is doubtful if a majority even of th
400,000 employes the brotherhoods claimed to
represent would have joined in th strike, for it
is well know that many of these employes were
openly opposed to the contemplated strike. Had
the president firmly and in no uncertain way de
clared that if the strike occurred as threatened he
would exhaust every resource in his power to deal
effectively,- with it, as Cleveland or Roosevelt
would have done, it is doubtful if a strike would
have occurred, and the country would have been
spared the spectacle of a subservient congress,
yielding to menace and establishing a prece
dent without parallel in the annals of American
legislation. Witness the practical failure of the
strike in New York as the result of th firm stand
taken by the local authorities, supplemented by
the effect of public sentiment. But assuming
that the strike had eventuated, the administration
would have stood in a more advantageous posi
tion than it now docs. The brotherhoods would
naturally have felt that the president had en
deavored to serve them. The railroad people
would have felt that the president had done
whatever he personally could to avert the threat
ened strike. But the president went to con
gress and made a personal and persistent fight,
which resulted in the passage of a measure
which I believe will prove to be a far-reaching
and most disastrous blow to the success of
the democratic party in November.
It is the effect and the result of this meas
ure that I have taken into account in making an
estimate of the coming election. .
- I pass by the question of the merits or de
merits of the measure from a legal standpoint.
This being and will continue to be discussed be
fore the public.
The president, by intimating that in a con
tingency the question of increasing railroad rates
to offset the loss .to the railroads, invoked in the
public mind a question which is vital to the inter
ests of the farmers and the consumers. The pro
ducers and the general public, upon whose should
ers the burden: must ultimately rest. .
. Eight hours as a day'a work, is popular and
now generally accepted by employers. To term
this Adamson measure an eight-hour work-day
law is a misnomer. It is not a measure provid
ing for an eight-hour work-day, but a law mak
ing a change and largely increasing an existing
schedule of wages heretofore paid by the rail
roads to a comparatively small body of men,
already better paid than most of the other em
ployes of the railroads. This measure originated
at the behest and discriminated in favor of an
organization designated as brotherhoods, sys
tematically organized and represented by so
called chiefs, having, among other things, de
liberately accumulated a large fund to , enable
them to enforce their demands. These representa
tives came in an attitude of menace to congress,
encouraged by the administration, and said in
effect, "Unless this measure ia enacted we will
precipitate a disastrous railroad strike." After
passing the house this act waa forced through
the senate, the most deliberative legislative body
on earth, during the last hours of the session,
under whip and spur. The chiefs of the brother
hoods, who witnessed its passage from the gal
leries, being assured that the measure would be
approved by the president, hastened to call off the
The much-exploited four pens which were used
to perfect the measure, if I do not greitly mis
take the sentiment of the country, will in the
near future he regarded a, having served in a
conspicuous degree to insure the defeat of the
democratic party.
It is said by many of the advocates of this
measure that it will serve to secure to the ad
ministration the sympathy and support of the la
borers of the country. - The reat mass of the
laborers - of this country is composed of
intelligent and thinking' men, ho know that cs
a rule labor ia fairly well remunerated and their
interests have been greatly conserved by the re
publican party. They know that any widespread
effort to secure an advance in wages by assuming
an attitude of menace and the engendering of
strikes is likely to result in arousing public sen
timent to such a degree that in the end they might
be ground between the upper and the nether
millstones of the great producing interests of the
country and the general public.
The theory recently advanced that there is
any grave question In dispute between warring
interests directly involving the public welfare,
which is not a fair subject of arbitration, seems
repugnant to every fair-minded citizen.
I stated at the outset of this communication
that there seemed o be more than usual interest
taken in the making of estimates upon the result
of the forthcoming election. I believe the following-named
states will give republican ma
jorities: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,
Wisconsin, M...iigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska,
Kansas, Utah, Oregon, California, Wyoming,
North and South Dakota, Colorado, West Vir
ginia, New Mexico and Idaho.
People and Events
A roundup of New York City millionaires
away back in 1855 showed a total of twenty
seven. Now the city has over 2,000, exclusive of
the war baby buds.
The city sealer of weight! and measures of
Chicago is pressing the enactment of a city ordi
nance fixing the weight of bread loaves at one
pound. He maintains the city can fix a definite
weight but not the price. As baking goea now
the bakers run up the price and run down the
weight, catching the consumer "a-coming and
a-going." .
"I would die to prove the truth of the Bible,"
exclaimed the Rev. Thomaa J. Needham, in the
pulpit of the Bethlehem Baptist church at Phila
delphia last Sunday. His aged face was aglow
with the glory of hia faith. The hushed congre
gation bowed as the minister outstretched hi
hands, invoked the benediction. A moment
later he sank -back exhausted in the pulpit, and
his soul took tliaht ere the congregation realized
I that the minister waa dead
Thought XuBErt for tlic Day.
The sublime and the riiiiculiun are
often ao nearly related that It ia diffi
cult to class them separately, ,1'nn,
step above the, sublime makes the
redicutoua and one step above the
ridiculous makes the sublime again.
Thomas Paine.
One Year Ago In the War. ,
Russians turned on Germans and
stopped drive toward Dvinsk.
M. Zalmis succeeded M. Venizelos
as premier of Greece.
Russian cruisers bombarded Bul
garian port of Varna.
Greece's protest to entente powers
against landing at Salonika made
Bulgaria rejected Russian demands
and sent ultimatum to Serbia demand
ing Immediate settlement of Macedo
nian controversy.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
The members of the 8t.' Mary's
Avenue Congregational church at
their last meeting elected the follow
ing officers: Ralph Gaylord, presi
dent; W. R. Jarvis, secretary; W. N.
McCandllsh. clerk, and Messrs. F. W
Gray and Dr. A. S. Billings as
Hanging up In one of the show
windows of Max Meyer & Bros. Jew
elry store is a beautiful testimonial
presented to Senator Charles F.
Manderson, chairman of the senate
committee on printing, by the em
ployes of the public printers' depart
ment It being a format expression of
thanks from the printers for Senator
Manderson's successful efforts to se
cure them a fifteen-day leave of ab-
sence per year.
Mrs. Balhach has painted a dozen
soup bowls, no two alike in either
form or design.
Messrs. Schall & Refregier have
established a stone quarry at Nicho
las and Sixteenth.
Mrs. ) M. A. Lane of Chicago has
arrived and will be head trimmer for
Mrs. S. D. Rogers' millinary establish
ment The following people a-6 progres
sive euchre parties during the week;
Mrs. Dr. Jones, Mrs. Dletz and Mrs.
Joseph Barker.
Mrs. John D. Creighton gave a party
at her residence, Twentieth and Cass,
in honor of Mrs. McCormick of Salt
Lake City.
This Day in History.
1691 Province of Maine united
with the royal province of Massachu
setts Bay.
1766 Delegates from nine Anglo
American colonies met at New York
and adopted a declaration of rights
1816 Edmund Hammond Har
graves, discoverer of the great gold
fields of western Australia, born In
England. Died at Sydney, N. 8. W.,
October 2. 1891. 1
1840 Abdication of the king of
Holland In favor of his son, the prince
of Orange, who ascended the throne
as William II.
1853 Louis Napoleon wag pro
claimed emperor of the French under
the title of Napoleon III.
, 1864 United States war vessel
Wachusett seized the confederate war
vessel Florida in 'the port of Bahla,
Brazil. After remonstrance th
United States government disavowed
the act i
1868 The' second national council
of the Roman Catholic church In the
United States convened in Baltimore.
1891 An equestrian statue of Gen
eral Grant was unveiled in Chicago.
1894 Oliver Wendell Holmes, the
poet, died In Boston. Born In Cam
bridge, Mass., August 89, 1809.
1908 Austria formally annexed
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Day We Celebrate.
Dr. Millard Langfeld. physician,
was born October 7, 1872, at Glasgow,
Mo. Ho graduated In medicine at
Johps Hopkins university and has
been, p:..v-icing here In Omaha since
1898. He holds the position of bac
teriologist of the city of Omaha and
also professor of medicine at Creigh
ton Medical college.
Leon J. Millard, president and
treasurer of the Independent Lumber
company, is 35. He waa born In West
Union, Ia., and worked his way up
In the lumber business from a start
as clerk in Kreeport 111., to the posi
tion of salesman, salesmanager and
Dr. H. C. Parker, dentist In the Ne
ville block, waa born October 7, 1884,
at Salem, Mass. He graduated with
the degree of D. D. S. from the
Omaha Dental college In 1905..
Anthony Leermakers, better Krlown
as "Tony," with Remington ft Kesaler,
tailors, was born October 7, 1871, at
Cincinnati, O, He began work as a
tailor in 1884. coming to Omaha eight
years later and holding his presvnt
position as cutter since 1896. He is
also secretary of the Custom Cutter's
Association of Omaha.
King Nicholas, the exiled sovereign
of Montenegro, born In the village of
Niegush seventy-five years ago today.
Frederick Hale, United States senator-elect
from Maine, born in Detroit
Mich., forty-two years ago today.
Father Vladimir Ledoohowskl. the
head of the Jesuit order throughout
the world, born in Poland fifty years
ago today.
Joseph E. Hansdell, United States
senator from Louisiana, born at Alex
andria, La., fifty-eight years ago to
day. George P. McLean, recently renom
inated for United States senator from
Connecticut born at Simsbury, Conn.,
fifty-nine years ago today.
Wallace G. Nye, the present mayor
of Minneapolis, born at Hortonvllle,
Wis., fifty-seven years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminders. ,
Died twenty-five years ago today
Charles Stewart Parnell, "the un
crowned king of Ireland."
Nicholas of Montenegro, one of the
three kings forced from their throne
by the war, passed his seventy-fifth
birthday today In his place of exile
in France. , .
The annual nference of the Amer
ican Prison association is to have Its
formal opening tonight in Buffalo.
A military parade and impressive
ceremonies are to accompany the dedi
cation of the General Philip H. Sheri
dan monument today In Capital park,
Albany, N. Y.
John M. Parker, progressive nomi
nee for vice president Is to open his
speech-making campaign tonight in
Cleveland. ' .
Governor Ralston of Indiana has
designated today for the general ob
servance of Klley day In memory
the late James Whitcomb Riley, the
Five balloons are expected to start
today from Muskogee, Okl., In the an
nual trophy race under the aucplcea
of th National Balloon association.
Vic President Marshall, in his tour
of the west, is scheduled to speak to
day at Ottumwa and Chariton. In.
Republicans and democrats ot Mass
achusetts are to hold their platform
conventions today, th republicans
meeting tn Boston and the democrats
In Springfield.
Educntlonal Standards for Osteopaths.
Omaha, Neb., Oct 6. To the
Editor of The bee: It Is astonishing
how many people go through this
worm ouna and near. James Fieia
says there Is no educational require
ment for osteopaths. Mr. Field, will
you please read the laws of your state
before you dis.-uss them?
There are over 6,000 osteopaths
practicing in the United Sates and
each of these are licensed under laws
as stringent with reference to college
entrance, graduation and state board
examination as the laws for medical
doctors in the same state at the same
For more, than fifteen years no os
teopathic college has been recognized
by law which has during that time
offered a course of less than twenty
months, and now all such colleges
demand a four-year course, with pre
vious course of four years in high
school or Its equivalent There are
seven chartered schools of osteopathy
in the United States, each equipped
with a hospital successfully handling
every variety of surgery and eye, ear,
nose and throat specialties. In Ma
con. Mo., there is a large, distinctly
osteopathic sanatorium devoted en
tirely to the treatment of nervous and
mental diseases. In Chicago the pro
fession is supporting a research Insti
tute, which is to our profession what
the Ro.'.tefeller inet::u'3 is to the :n -i
:-.l profession. Sine? the first tew
years of osteopathic notoriety the peo
ple generally attracted t- it have been
of the intelligent class, a large percen
tage of the osteopaths graduated in
the last few years having college or
university degrees. - It the training In
osteopathic schools Is not good, how
is it that state examining boards, both
osteopathic and medical, . have fre
quenly given higher grar 3 to osteo
pathic ..ppllcants th:..i to medical?
I am an osteopath and am In no way
associated with Christian Science
massage or chiropractic, but their low
educational standards Is our only bone
of contention. '
Mr. Field .evidently dou not know
that the customary 'means of express
ing the sentiment of a large convention
regarding world problems, such as
prohibition and woman's suffrage. Is
by resolutions, and not In general pro-
grams, n is quite nouceaoie mat
medical ' doctors consider it worth
while to go on record concerning the
use and maufacture of alcohol. The
noted Woods Hutchinson when In
OmAha. HAlri that nlthmiGrh alcohol
might be a food In a very small de-l
gree, the deleterious errects or even
this small amount' so far exceeded the
good effects that the only safety lay
in letting It alone.
I would be glad to give further in
formation to any one desiring it.
would not stay In a profession whose
leaders did not demand the highest
educational standards and encourage
research In every line, I myself have
a B. 8. degree, have had ten years'
experience as a teacher in public
schools and colleges, am grauu .e cf a
three-year course In osteopathy, am
licensed to practice In Nebraska and
Iowa, the Iowa certificate being grant
ed after passing examination by the
Iowa iredical board.
JENNIE 8. LAIRD, B. S., V. O.,
D. Sc. O. . ,
Why Not Elect si Capable Man?
Bruning, Neb., Oct. 4. To the Ed
itor of The Bee: There is at present
great e'.'ort made to create discord
among the people of the United States
for a political party's sake, namely,
between the English and ihe German
born citizens of the United States.
Some try tor make it appear as If Pres?
ident Wilson has kept us out of war
with' Germany, and as if Roosevelt
would have long.aso declared, war
against Gerrr any. hxd he been presi
dent But the German-born United
States citizens are too weil read to be
misled that way. -How could Presi
dent Wilson get us into, war any mora
than he did without our people want
ing war?. Our factories were going at
full s." 'j to mike war material for
England, and England had her own
pleasure of molesting our merchan
dise in transit to neutral countries to
aid herself in war. She also had her
own pleasure of searching our mails
to aid her to undermine our United
States commerce with the world. In
addition to that she blacklisted our
commercial corporations and individ
uals, and what does Wilson say to
That our people don't want war can
plainly be seen by the fact that we
cannot get what few volunteers wo
are getting at Mexico, and it is plain
that we could not have gotten into
war for the further reason that we
could not manufacture war material,
any. more than England needed, to
equip our few men on the Mexican
border. But the talk that Wilson
kept us out of war is a mere political
As to the Lusitania affair, Theodore
Roosevelt in a speech In Michigan a
few days ago, said that it was the
greatest murder ever on record, but
he added that Wilson knew what the
Lusitania was loaded with, and Wil
son knew what was coming, but ne
a ..Inv in r InnnMnl fill- .
sens to keep off. Had either Hughes
or Roosevelt been president instead
of Wilson, then the millions of dol
lars deficiency to run the government
which we individuals had to pay in
the form of revenue stamps could
have been saved us, and the Mexican
trouble would have not developed Into
what it is nw, and the European
bloodshed would have been stopped
over a year ago.
From a humane and a business
standpoint should not we United
States citizens consider this enough
and elect a man who is capable of
handling our United States business?
. . J. DUIS.
"When you're -whipped." aaid Mr. Dolan,
"you ought to say you've had enough."
"If I've strength left to say I've had
enough," replied Mr Rafferty, "I'm not
whipped yet." Washington Star, , '
He Very few women have any hrafn
She Perhaps not; that Is why so many
of them can be persuaded by men to marry
them, Baltimore American.
"I don't like the self-reliant, self-supporting
type of woman. I prefer the clinging
vine type."
"You won't, sonny, when yon find how
Persia t in gly that type can cling to all of
your weekly salary and what you can raise- -on
your credit" Pittsburgh Press.
Hub (with irritation) why Is that you
women insist upon having the last word?
Wife (calmly) We don't. The only reason
we get it Is because we always have a
dozen arguments left when you stupid men
are all run out. Boston Transcript.
TMkirif-isrr Au.RKirrTb
off about rr?'
"Yea, sir, the surgeon says If he hadn't
performed that operation on me just when
he did I wouldn't be alive today."
"What else do they ever tsay V Life,
Mr. Flubdub That girl thinks no man 1ft
good enough for her.
Mrs. Flubdub She may be right at that
Mr. Flubdub Tes, but she is more apt to
be left. Detroit Free Press.
Sportsman How big a fish could I take
out with this line?
Dealer A teh-pounder, I suppose.
that will hold a flfty-pounder.
'' Dealer Ton don't expeot to hook one as
big as that?
Sportsmah Oh, not but I like to He con
sistently. Boston Transcript. i '
' Friend What Is the ldea of putting
Auto Dealer So if It breaks down and
you take it to a garage to have some lit
tle thing done to it they will have It done
In time to still be a current yean' model
Life. . , r
III dl
Riflesand Cartridges
. i i irVA
I've been usin 'em
for a number of
years and expect
to continue to, as
they always do
the business."
Ask any dyed-in-the-wool
sportsman about
Winchester rifles and
cartridges and that's
about what he'll tell you.
They are made in various
sizes for all kinds of
shooting and you'll get
them if you ask for
An Historical Fact
Xvtn before tb days ot ear Forefathers extract
from the ... t kind cf roots, herbs ana dotes.
tow used In conipottndlmr the Ingredients tor
S.S.&, vera well known and extensively
wed amond the Indlaat.
Selene ao4 modem methods nave my
.k.ari h Indiana ! ( tundiuur the matafl
... . u.tMMi bm H11 tm evidenca fa
h n.h.m'i Greatest Blood Purifier and a sal
oral sequence o( th Indiana lavont medicine.
Oat Th OBifumi . a-o. at tod a viuwu
a JM
S.S.S. Co. Atlanta . Ceorj