THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE : ' OCTOBER 1. 1916. Omaha Ranks as Largest Live Stock Mart in West and Second in Work Booth Side Stock Tarda Model la. Sanitation and Ultra Modem Facilities for . Shipper. GROWTH HAS BEEN STEADY The Union Stock Yards company Of Omaha is the largest corporation in Nebraska, aside from the railroads. It represents an investment of more than $7,000,000. of which sum $1,250, 000 has been invested in improve Dents in the last six years. It has built and equipped the most modern and sanitary stock yards in the world, statement that will be verified by any man experienced in Mock yards matters. In thirty-two years it has built up the largest live stock market in the west, and the second largest live stock market in the world, in the total head of stock received per annum. Figures Show Growth. And it is growing growing stead By and swiftly. Look at these com parative figures of the last two years' receipts and the increases: 114. 1D15. Inorun. Cottla SM.I1T I. ill. Ml ft. Hi Rota I.1H8.6J0 ,M2,7J JJI.SSS ghMP S.lll.iOS I.2.J.J7S 1M.30 KsrvM, molM. 10,418 41.179 1M4T Cannula It, III 101. 7l 1J.64T It is the "service that satisfies" that has done all this, the- great improve ments in every facility for the cattle man. Promoter! Called Dreamers. The men who started the stock yards a generation ago were laughed t They were called- dreamers. "How do these men expect ever to build up a live stock market away out west, competing against Chicago?" they demanded. But these promoters were not wor ried by the gloom dispensers. They had a number of things in their favor, " first of which was the strategic loca tion of Omaha with reference to the ranches. They had, also, pluck, con fidence and industry and business acu men unlimited. . Second Largest Market Omaha is today the second largest i Bve stock market in the world, and 'also the third largest packing house eenter. Besides this, it is the great market to which men come for "feeder" cattle and sheep. Other' markets consider ably older have remained almost at a standstill, but the Omaha market has shown steady and large increases. A few months-ago some of the Urge eastern markets were closed because of the prevalence of the hoof and mouth disease, but during all that time the Omaha yards were open. ' Here is an example of the wide awake and up-to-date method that pre vails at these yards, always ready and able to cope with any situation or emergency. Yards Host Sanitary. To start with, these yards are the most sanitary in the world. But the company was not content with this. At the time of the emergency it promptly placed an embargo on live stock from certain sections. A small army of government inspectors was on hand and the moment a rumor came of the breaking out of the dis ease within its territory, the company rushed an inspector to the spot. The company went before the Live Stock Sanitary board and obtained a ruling compelling the railroads to disin fect each car immediatelv after it was unloaded. And during the whole of the embargo not ,a car was unloaded during the night Unloading was done with almost as many inspectors on the job as there were animals to oe unloaded. The remarkable result of this care fulness was that not a single infected animal reached the yards. Improvements Are Many. The company is spending money every day to increase further the capacity and efficiency of the yards. Within the last two years over jyuu, 000 has been spent in enlarging and improving the hog yards. This work is done in permanent style, "and at the same time in the most sanitary and up-to-date fashion. The yards are of steel and con crete and are admittedly tne tinest hoar vards in the world. the yards water system, begun less. than three years ago and but re cently completed, cost more than $265 000. The plant is one that would be appreciated by many a city of metropolitan size. It furnishes, at a good pressure, the finest well water to all the yards. Through a gravity system and per fect sewage, fresh water is circulated through the pens all the time. The rapid growth of the horse and mule market is one of the big features of the yards. This growth has been so great that, long ago, the problem of handling the business became a big one. The enterprising management pro- .Bir DIIK New Location Stockers and Feeders Kosenstock needed to solve it in its usual big ar-seeing way, bv building thi argest and best-buih barns in tht orld for quartering and selling orses and mules. These barns cover an area of 294, 201 square feet. A paved try-out rack in front of the-barns covers 20, 158 square feet. Today the Omaha lorse and mule market is the third argest market of its kind in the world. In spite of the large increase in 1915 over the previous year, indi cations now are that 1916 will see all records broken in this respect, and the Omaha horse and mule market will become nearly, if not quite, the largest in the world. Interesting as denoting the growth of the yards in thirtyMwo years are comparisons of the receipts in 1884 and in 1915. They were t follows: um. ms. Cattlo 11.601 . 1.SU.I4J Hon I. en J, sit. ,71 Shwp 1,(91 S.SSS.17 Homo, mulea .... 481 41,171 Total receipts during the thirty two years were 25 333 695 cattle, 58, 157,806 hogs, 41,757.567 sheep and 776.979 horses and mules. Total shipments for the same period were 9.547,773 cattle, 6,785.130 hogs, 19,733,427 sheep and 703,747 horses and mutes. The grand total of animals handled by the Union Stock Yards company is 162,796,124. This figure includes receipts and shipments. The total number of head recieved during this time ,was 126,026,047, .valued at approximately $2,844, 000,000. The cattle were worth $1 457.000- 000. The hogs were worth $1,163.- JOO.000. The sheep were worth $146, jUO.OOO and the horses and mulea wen orth $78,000,000. The officers of the Union Stock Yards company are: R. J. Junham president: E. Buckingham, vice presi dent and general manager; J. C Sharp, secretary and treasurer; J. S Walters, superintendent. The board of directors consists o' R. J. Dunham, Lee W. Spratlen, Joht D. Creighton, E. Buckingham, T. V McPherson, G. B. Robbins, R. C Howe and T. J. Mahoney. . To Build Ten Government Serum Plants in Manila (Corroapondanoa ot Th Aaaoalatad Praaa.) Manila,. P. I., Sept 10. A plan to establish ten government plants for the manufacture of rinderpest serum has been initiated by Adriano Her nandez, director of the bureau of ag riculture. Funds have been secured and the plants wilt soon be in full operation. Rinderpest continues to be a serious problem for Philippine cattle own ers, but the bureau of agriculture by quarantine and immunization is wag ing a vigorous campaign against the scourge. A requisition for serum has been sent to French Indo-China and this will enable the bureau to keep up its work until all ten serum manu facturing plants are in full swing. These plants are to-be located in cattle centers in different parts of the islands. Key to 'the Situation The Bee Want Ads. 9 H B. H. HOWLAND, Proa. D. Q. 3TURR0CK, Sac C. C. VANKURAN,Vlct PrnMat and Troa.uror. E. H. Howland Lumber & Coal Co. LUMBER and COAL 4719 South Twenty-fourth St., Between L and M. SOUTH OMAHA. j Offic. Ttlopkoao, So. T; Yiri Talepaona, So. 2. ;;!vuiii;;i!i;i:nuttnimniuiiun Muuiiuaiiiiiur3niirgira!nuamniiMpn:n:i:ini; KREBBS & ROTHSCHILD BUYERS AND SELLERS OF LIVE STOCK Stock Yard Station Room 121 Exchange BIdg. STOCKERS & FEEDERS our SPECIALTY SOUTH OMAHA ALL KINDS of CATTLE BOUGHT on ORDERS J. JENSEN, A Res. Phone, Walnut 255. JOEL LUNGREN, Res. Phone, Harney 1798.. n ENTIRE BLOCK si 2 Appreciating that we have outgrown our former location, the Stock Yards Company is now going; to supply us with yard room in keeping with the large business we have established. They have allotted to us the entire Block Thirjeen, which is the block immediately north of the Number Seven Scales, and north end of the high walk of the Feeder Division. This means that in the future we will be able to carry a much larger and varied assortment of stock and feeding cattle, and when you are ready for sup plies we know we will have just what you want. We have greatly appreciated your past patronage, and believe we know how to please you in the future. At least it will be a pleasure to show you our large assortment of cattle whenever you are here, and to supply you with the kind that will please you-and at the most reasonable market prices. WE are in the busi ness to stay, and we hope by our fair treatment to make a steady customer of every man we deal with. When you are in South Omaha buying Stocks ers and Feeders see us. Live Stock National Bank Junction 24th and N Streets Savings Deposits 4 Time Certificates And Absolute Security Resources, $5,000,000.00 DIRECTORS NELSON MORRIS ', L M. LORD W. P. ADKINS Chairman of Beard, MorrU C, Chlcaf. President rUUwAdkJu Ce-, Onuha C. M. MACFARLANE W. A. C JOHNSON T. E. GLEDHILL Vie Pres. A Trees. Marrla Ce,, Chbaf Vlen President Capitalist. Fert Crnolt, Nek H.O. EDWARDS F.W.THOMAS E. A. READ Manager Swift Ce, Omaha Caahwr Banker SnManeWafc, Iowa glllllMMIlIlM MERCHANTS HOTEL Invites Visitors: To the National Swine Show and to AK-SAR-BEN to visit its remodeled GRILL ROOM Which it proving such a hug success because of the popular price, and unexcelled . . service. ' ' JENSEN & LUNGREN STOCKERS and FEEDERS HEIFERS and COWS DAVE KOSENSTOCK FRED KOSENSTOCK EMIL KOSENSTOCK Kosenstock Bros. Live stock dealers OMAHA AND SIOUX CITY STOCKERS AND FEEDERS A SPECIALTY Cattle Sold on Time to Responsible -Parties Rtfarencoai OMAHA, NEB. Stack Varoa National Bank, Omaha. Nafc IS Eackant BUt. Lhr Stock National Bank, Sloul Citr, la. Ball South 130. Room 134 Exchange Building UNION STOCK YARDS Phone South 548 1 . ' ' , k ", ft"'! i, ' ' , j ; s i fJ y r a a ct IK , ,! ft 4 J- -ft 0Cv V X1 it r 'if) r 4 0 Beautiful Trophy presented by Dan W. Gaines, proprietor of the Merchants Hotel, as a prize at the National Swine Show here this week.. All Big Wrestlers and Horse Men make Merchants Hotel Their Headquarters Welcome South Omaha Commission Men MERCHANTS HOTEL v. 1508 Farnam Street