2 f HELP WANTEDMALE Storei end Offices. TLUUKUhlPbR 130 TIMEKEEPER It STENOGRAPHER 76 BTENO. (Out Town) 76 DRAFTSMAN (MM.) It OFFICE CLERK 4( JR. OFFICE CLERK 10 SALESMAN (Aulo Aces) ........... IS THE CANO AGENCY. 800 BEE BLDO. EE THE MARTI COMPANY for a high class commercial position. Eleven yean rxperlenoo In placing help. NO FILING 1 FKK, only loo to cover expenee of Inves tigating rsferencee Wo are always buey; luere II a reason. THE MARTI COMPANY. U!7 W. O. W. Bldg. EXPERIENCED OFFICE MANAGERS. BKKPRS., BTEN . On . OFFICE CLERKS and SALESMEN. ' Sol ua In egerd to a poeltlon. COOPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., Nebra.ka'e Oreateet Employment Bureau.) 1015-10 City Nail. Bank Blair. WANTED By Jnnuary 1 or February I, a yoonir man with I or 4 yeara' experience In clothing and shoee with aome knowl edge In window trimming; beet of ref erences needed. Addreaa Y-828, Bee. WANTED-.-TWO men who are willing and capable to earn from 16, to $70 a week. Specialty men preferred. F, p. Browning, 312 Balrd Bldr Profession! snd Trades. Wanted, i Cordon Press Feeders,! Steady Work. U. S. Printing Co., Main Floor Bee Bldg. CHAUFFEUR, unmarried. In private fam ily, State wagea expected, with board and roe mi mnat be mechanlo and good driver, of good character and hablta. ' Give employment laat three yeara, and local referencea. Do not apply unleee ' you comply with conditions of thia ad. Boa 1404, Bee. " WANTED Experienced brick handlera and i laboreis: scale tic to lie: board. H H; 1 V yard under cover. Take Interurban, get off at Avery Croaalng, or follow U. P. tracks two miles south. Hydraullo Frees urlrx to YOUNG man wanted with some experience a mechanics draftsman and tracer. Stats In own handwriting experience, education. J n , anlartltld OODOC tunlty for ambitious young man. Addres 1 biv. Dee. WANTn-D Wxpeiienced brick handlera and laborers; acale, tie to llo; board $4.10; yard under cover. Take interurban, get off at Avery Croaalng, or follow V. P. , track two mile south. Hydraullo Preae Brlik Co. WANTED Cleaner and preaaar for out of town; a man who unde.atanda eleenlng and preaalng and who can make all-rational a good job for the right man. Call Monday at tier Grand Hotel. J. W. Ho line. CIO ARM AK ID KS wanted at Hiawatha, cigar factory, Fremont, Neb. EXPERIENCED buahelman. Apply J. -H, Oreen co .sin ana nowara. Y,"r t 7? oTifii'ririhjaLI-A i.l. MTATEfl. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCB CO., Mebraaka qrcattat Employment Bureao lii-ib city ffaiionaiumnpiii. vVA NT ED Bridge carpenter and form builder for heavy timber work. Apply to general foreman. Phoenix Conatructlon Co., foot Leavenworth JH AN automobile expert In alx weeka; our big book tall you how. Raha Automo bile School, 101 ft. llth St., Kama City, Mo. , WANTED Drug clerk t three or four week' relief woiki state aalary and referenc. LeaUr1 Drug Co.. aramie, wyo. foUNU MAft, atuuy law. EVENING down town SESSIONS. UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA law department. Sec'y Thorn- Ben. 401 Omaha National aana. WANTED A competent man to teaoh book keeping tywrltlng and Pitman phonog raphy. Adnreita T a it, ow. IJHUWCARD writing taugnt evga. by work ing expert, eompiett for lit. Addreo Boa Wa NTED Man for handling lumber; ano : who eu aoale. Omaha Boi Co., Kaat , 5PRI3SSER; -one who oail help panta maker. 171T Leavenworth. DRUa tor anapg; joba, Knelat. Be PldgT Saletmsn and Solicitors WANT ED S A LESMAN Ta aell r lino of tandarJ aroatm aeparator to dealer only, In all or part : of the atate, on a straight eommleelon baala Bxcluatv territory and contract. - This I a well-known, well -ad vert lead line at ere am aeparator, now being aoli auoeooatully by the beet dealer. W aend our aaleaman good llv praa 'veeta which can ha turned iote order- Very attractive propoaltlon mad t goal man who can cover territory vlgoroualy and get the bulneae. Olv full partlou lara. referencea. etc In Oral letter, Addroa Y 101. Be". fiijaii: n o ktic and earn eat men ta call at . homea and take order for our high grade hoaiery, underwear and eweater. eetab llahed trad, protected territory, liberal coramlMlon, permanont poimon. avanc ment 1 right kind of men. Our aalea men with a ma 1 1 capital are making from l,209 t f 1,600 annually, w have aome 1 aplendld territory open. Writ today If yoa are looking (or a permanent and growing buaineaa and willing to work for It Kroaaknit-uiroot Milt, inc., r. v. oi- llon X. New York. 'ANTkiD Saleamen to kandle eld line elllng eaatly to bank In Nabraaka, an aa and Oklahoma; exoluatve propoaltlon. Mitchell Publlahlng Co.. Mitchell. B. D. BCVBHAL traveling men can add $60.00 weekly to their salary without detracting from their present employment. No eam ple. Call on dealers only; confidential, Write or call. Omaha Weetern Sale Com pany, Sterling Manufacturing Co. building. 10th etreet viaduct, Omaha, SALESMAN For general mercantile trad In Nabraaka. to aell a NBW propoaltlon of MISHIT. Vacancy now. Attreotlv eommleelon contract. Ill weekly for ex 'penae. Mile P. Blxler Co., Wholeaal .Jewelers, ssi-eu warno pium., vw land. O. ' BTATB and local sale manager" wanted" . to die tribute a wonderful invention. Con . .vert every cook stove into a gas atove, Oa from ooal oil (kroene) at leee than 10 per eent per 1,000 feet, bring a cheaper aubatttute tor coat or wooa to mil lion who are without convenience of city a-aa. 1100 to ll.ooo capital required. Lib. era! contract, profit enormous. Acme Braes Works, Ml Carroll Ave., unicago. SALESMAN WANTED To fill vacancy, good specialty aaleaman of ability to earn tl.oo tar vear or better. Steady work. "Staple, well advertised line. Bold direct from factory to merchant. . Writ Box 4t& Iowa City, la. HAL EH MEN wanted; having atabllahed nrl store trade, aell laoea packed la silent aaleamen cabinets free, lift per - cent eommlsaion. Cabinet Lao Works, 370 Csnnl HI., New York. 1 BAI,fHV,EN selling restaurant, hotel, cafe, cigar, pool, drug, general etor trad, can - do Mg buaineaa with our new, live pocket aid line; all morchanta, towns 100,000 and under, want 111 II communion each sale; no collecting i no sxpenee or risk to merchant; we take back all anaold goada Canfleld Mfg. Co.. XOl fllgel St., Chicago, 111. t BE LI ABLE factory want good men for new. dignified aide line selling large quan tities to merchants; send two references for rampie and ert M,M Plan. aq . vertlalng Novelty Co.. Chicago. TRAVELING aaleamen wanted; beat aide line on earth; something new; entirely dif ferent; $1 commlaalon on earh order and repeat. Pan Mfg. Co. a&ll CotUg Oruve, Chicago. SALESMEN Mak big money eel ling atoreo; wofidetiul selling artlcia used b everyone; particular 'and free sample. "On Dip." IS ft. Saratoga, Baltimore Md. """land mkm!'" We want five absolutely A-l men; .. hualnaa getters, with plenty af ginger and i pep, to help us close out our present properties on a guaranteed expense and eommlsaion baala Pro parties la Palm Beach county, the boat a pot In Florida. write, giving experience and buelness hla- tory. Addreaa T 111. Be. 17.10 COMMISSION each ala and repeat orders; traveling aaleaman among general mercant I trade; every state; weekly set- i tiement; no oompetltton; pocket sample. Toledo-Cable Co 134 Davie Bldg.. To- u. . OOOD man wanted to repreaeat a garter mfr, on commlaalon, whose line to well eataMlahed In Omaha. Horton H. Rich. 4ie sway, w, t. city. JfAUAZINE salssmea for local work. Oood salary, etaady employment. Experience ua- i neceaaary. Ml Securities Bldg., Do aiowcs. im. SALi.flAN wantrd for an attractive life Insur-anco propoaltlon. Apply 700 Omaha nai tenet uua. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. HIGH-ORADt. atock salesman to sell pre- ell pre- (wired stock of a fotng company. All ap plicants must furnish reference wlJfe,rPlI' and record of results obtained In paet. Address. Trsasurer, Kayo Store conipanr. Milwaukee, Wis. SALESMEN WANTEI Experience unnec essary, earn whtlo you learn. Write for larre Mat of opening's and teatlmonlala from hundrcda of our atodanta who earn $100 to $600 a month. Addreaa nearaat of flea. Dept. 43, National Salesmen Tralolnf association. Chicago, New York, 8an Francisco. GOOD MONEY MADE AT HOME knit (In g hoalary. Machines furnlehed on time, Wi bur or aell your goodo. jray and constant work, Wheeler Co. (Inc.), 131 Madison Chicago. SALESMEN, live alda Una; aome thing new; . nlno mlnutea' tlmo paya you $. Pocket samples. Prompt commissions. State ter ritory covered, Klwood Mfg. Co.. Ill Mlc h lgn Ave., Chicago. WANTED A hlgh-ciaaa and reliable sales man for Omaha and vlnclnlty to sell atock In a concern rated over $300,001 In the Mercantile Agency Booka. They de sire to ralae additional capital for expan sion of their business. The right man can make from $100 to I80O weekly. Prefer man with banking or brokerage experl enco. Referencea required. Addreaa A, O. Wahlberg, Director, 400 WeelmlDleter Bldg.. Chicago. 8ALEHMEN Connect now and hold lerrl tory for 1017 eeaaon. No dull pertoda with our line. Success assured to real work era. Slgna, leather foods, calendars, spe cialties. Vary liberal agreement. Old houae with modern methoda. Tha Winters Co., Springfield, Ohio. ADVERTISING MEN To sell apeclal con tract; guarantee advertising Increase, ad vancea mad good men; big money week ly; atate experlenco and referencea. Buai neaa Development, Dept. ITI, Market St., Han Francisco, Cal. SALESMAN Excellent permanent poeltlon open Oct. II. Capable salesmen in Ne braska, maple line for general retail trade. Liberal commlaalona. $11.00 WEEKLY ADVANCE, ft ICE CO. 4140, WILLIAMS BLDO., DETROIT. WANTED Aaleaman for Western Iowa and Nebraska. Box 1ST, Waterloo, Iowa, ' SALESMAN WANTED A elds proportion. ,seleman calling on the drug, chemical or medical houses can derive a fair profit handling our line of boxes, labela and cartons. Commlaalona paid upon receipt of order. If Ir lereated writ Mlaaouii Box and Label Co., U Bo. Main St., St. Louis, mo, SALES MAN Side-line man who vialta email town; new; fine seller) permanent posj- tion. Avaion sirra., ivoa Anis.cs. tai. STOCK and oot.d aakaman STANDAI SEC INV CO, 1017 W n W. ! SALESMEN Big money for business gat- tors. Call at ion w, o. w mag. Boys. l WANTED Boys over lfl."wlth wheels to deliver message ; unaer a competent supervisor; sanitary rest room J salaries on commission basis, ave age 40 to $10 per month. Western Union Telegraph Co. Apply at 107 B. 14th Bt. WB can plac six bright young fellows from I to l year oia wun aome or me 1 beet firms In Omaha. Salary $21 to $31. THE MARTI COMPANT, , 182T 1 w. u. v. mat. WANTED Boy, over If, In our bottling do- partment. Willow Spring Distillery, 4th and Pierce sta, BOY8 wanted to learn trade; muel bo II years oi - uDrava'Mwim w-.j aia STRONG boy for bundle wrapper. Apply Th. Omaha Nw to.K, iota ana Daven- port. WANTED Boy, by targe manufacturliig Co! Oood chance tor advancement. Aoaree Box 1601, Bee. EXPERIENCED delivery boy; reference. Proopect Hill Orocer)". d ana Charles. iToR 1 BOYS, ataady work, good pay. Oma ha Boi Co., Kaat omana. BOY WANTED Petersen Bros., Florist. 17H Farnam. Trsde Schools. ' M0-ER BARBER, COLLEGE -Largeat fa th U- . Ban fpece while attending by our plan. Poeltlon guar anteed. Special nmiMf rata Writ for 1 1 lustra tod eauogue o call In poraea. 11 M. 14th St., Omaha, Neb ; iBtahitahd mil.1 ' . . . AUTO MECHANICS, ' . , BARN BIO MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. ' ftaay ta Learn by Our MetbaS. KATIWNAL AUTO TRAINING ASTM YJ17 N. 101k SU Omaha. Sons for Fie Catslogua, OOOD KEN WANTED To learn auto work for the many po i eltlon bow open. Fin training worm Is Mia and electric starting Bystam. AMERICAN AUTO COLL BOB. 101 rar nam, umana. wea. LEARN baTbar trade; be lndependenu mora . than aaaaa your expense wmie learning. Wagea or percentage. W won't aw ' Charge you ta begin; 1401 Dodg St TR1-C1TY BARBER COLL EG B. MlKellsnsous. ARMY OF 1HB UNlfhiD STATES, MKN V ANTa.l ADie-DOOirfl laiwrnia own andar ago af 111 eltlaona af United Stataa of good ha raster and temperate hablta. who ran apeah. read and write th slog tlsb lauguage. For Infoi-tnatloa apply t Rfcruitlhg Officer. Army Blug, llth ead Dodg SU.. Omaha. Neb.; U N. 10th Sc. LnVeln, Nb,r II 4th St.. Sleux City. Iowa; 107 0th Ave.. Do Motnea. Iowa WANT E D A maa between' age of 40 and 10. for earner i salary ite per montn; rouat be of good character and clean hablta; good, healthy auteldo work. Weat ara Union Telegraph Company. Apply 107 S. I4th St ; WANTED Name of ambltlou men. 11 to as. wiabinn La oecome umana man oar- Hera Commenoe. T month. Addreo Y It. Be. WANTED Toung men aa railway maii clerk; ITI per Baoatat Bampte examine Uoa qoeatton free. Franklin tnatltal. Bant. 121 B. Rocheatar. N. f. We fUaTeiah real farm band fro af aharga Writ or phona Square Bm -i... A. IAa lllh nmiki Nab. WANTED Whit A-l aoda and luncheon- u man; must unoer ian nw BUPinw., , salary $30 per week. Referanoat, Loater Drug CO.. ramie, r v" $71.00 MONTH Government Jobs. Men and women wanted. Llt of pooltlona open, free. Franklin t nail lute, lpt 131 S Roc heater, n. t. nANTlcn Rxnarlenaed "fretrht' handlers. Union Pacific Freight uou, tta ana Jackeon Bta. il EN wanted to enltat In Signal Corpa ai one; report at Lincoln. WHYTook for a poeltlon f Start your awn profitable buainea witnoui capital, -rue jonn ttopkina. m. rpui Mia.. n iwra. BECOME a detective, Inexperlenoad appll canta everywhere, write BerUlloa Secret Service lnatltute, Chicago, eTarn 12 ft" weekly writing names anil ad- dreaa, no canvassing: particulars for ' m.p' Bfnlthf, ,Llttf. TRocl'Arfc' HlfSTLBRSIIO toTflO made weeltly dlstrl- butlng circulars, sample, cacning signs, etc, AdverttaerSv National Agency, Dept B. 14, Chicago. EARN tSI weekly, spars time, writing for newapapera, magaatnea. Kxp. unnec; ae tall fro. Free Syndicate, 141 St Louie, Mo. ' WOMEN BB INDEPENDENT. Become ooametlclanil Barn $11 ta $10 a week In a poeltlon or in buaineaa for yourself! No experience neceaaary. A ehort course of training In tha famoua Marinello School ton Coemeticiana la an mat la re quired. Catalog, literature further Infor mation free. Write today. Marine tic Co., Dept, lift, Chicago, III. EXPERIENCED furnao man' helper, Young A Henderson Co., 1101 Sherman Ave. . . AGENTS ANO CANVASSERS 5aRT8 IDE'S IRON RUST SOAP CO.. 40B4 Lancaater Ave.. Philadelphia. Pa. -Oart- side Iron Rust Soap (Trad Mark, Print and copyngnt registered in th U. S. pat ent office) remove Iron rust. Ink and all un washable at in f em clothing, marble. etc Good ellr, big margin, agents wanted. The original, I so a tube. Be ware of Infringement and tha penalty for making, aeuwg ana using aa infringed ariicie. AGENTS A winner, uaed In aver home eaay cellar, good profit; writ us. The Welle re Sate Co.. lit Omaha Nat. Bank. omana. nq, LARGB manufacturer want repraaentstlves to u aniria, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirt, direct to home; writ for tree samples. Mao men Mil Us oia Broad way, www Torn city. AGENTS wanted: own your own buaineaa. Sell Flitch's Vegetable Soap. Writ for , r" A. rntch. St. Loala. Mo. PORTHAIT men: I ahlV orinta. Snlahed work or frame In 14 hours, have 10 a rust a; write for, catalogue, Boberta, it ucuo, Bkanwa city. THEOM AH AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS wanted la ever) town for Day kerosene burner, for cook range. wai A MoL.. HOT Leavenworth. Omaha. CREW manager for Collier Weekly com bination; also other offer; our plan ox working assures you of success. Write for particular. Sherlock Clrculatloa Agency, 700 Youngerman Bldg., Do Moines. Iowa. AGENTS ooln money selling our home spo- cialtle. Free premium beside, writ to day. Loader Sale Co.. 1701 B. Hat Bt Dept II, Minneapolis; Minn. STOP her; just out; Elaen Regulator for Ford headlight; celling like wuanre everywhere; give eptendid driving light at low epeed; keep bulb from burning out; worka entirely automatically; needed on every Ford; big profit quick. Listen: Hopkins, Tenn., cleared $14.20 first dsy. Whits, Mich., 1134 one week; no experi ence or capital needed. Wa chow you how; sale guaranteed. Hurry; don't de lay; writ now for special Information. Address Etsea Instrument Co.. 217 Val entin Bldga., Toledo, O. CHEWING gum;" aell Grape1 Juice gum to all storekeepers; new flavor; novel pack age; good profit made quick. Write to day. The Helmet Co., Cincinnati. AOENT8 A one-cent poat card will put you in touch with an sso-a-weei. propo altlon, Bailing Aluminum u tenet la and ape claltiea direct to the coneumer. Don't let one cant stand between you and prosper ity. Olv. 1221, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, HI. AGENTS To advertise our gooda by dla- irtDuting rreo sample to consumer; ve centa an hour. Write for full particulars Favorl Co., 1410 Rex St., Dayton, OhUK AGENTS Sell rich looking Imported 30x01 ruga, it each, carter, Tenn., sold ill in 4 days; profit, $17. You can do aame; write today for ampl offering plan; ex clusive territory. ' Sample rug by parcel poat prepaid, lie. Con Don Importer, otoningion, Me. EVERY HOME ON FARM, IN SMALL town or auburba need and will buy the wonderful Aladdin kerosene (coal oil) mantle lamp; five time aa bright aa electric; teated and reoommended by gov ernment and 14 leading univereUiea; awarded gold medal; one farmer cleared over $600 in I weeka; hundred with rig or auto earning $100 to $300 per month; na capital required; w furnlah good on tlm to reliable men; write qukk for nam pi lamp for free trial dletrlbuter' prop osition and ecure appointment In exclu sive territory. Mantle Lamp Co., Ill Al addin Bldg,, Chicago, 111. AGENTS-F.ee sample and particular. Del bar' Naphtha Waahlng Tablet; waab clotheo with out rubbing; guaranteed not to Injure th Sneat fabric; no acid, 11m or cauatlca; manufactured and aold by Naphtha Washing Tablet Co.. 714 8. Doar born, Chicago. 111. BIO dally profit sailing our new houaehold article; valuable premium with every ai; field unlimited; big winner. Cha. Carroll, Dept. 3, 1050 Horton Ave., Grand Bapld, Mich. BIO textile mills want ambitious men and women everywhere to ehow lateet dress fabric, neckwsar, hosiery, underwear and weatora; 400 style; easy sales; values beat stores; many making over $30 week ly; all or spar time; complete sample outfit starta you. Steadfaet Mill. Dept B 10, Cohoo, N. Y. AGENTS -Never such a big aellar; conoen- iraiea liquor extract makes in real ar ticle In a minute right at home; strictly legitimate; no llconee needed; make $10 a day easy anywhere; territory going fact; Juat a postal today k for free sample. Universal Import Co., 12$ rd nt., Cincinnati, unio. AQENTfct Now record breaklng'coln getter t sensation or itifi Beautirui U -piece toilet article act selling like blase at $1 up, ' with $1 carving set free I Gorgeous I piece sot selling at Jl with magnificent silverware premium free I Enormous cash profits, ISO per cent upl Oordan, new man, made III first wsakl Everybody buys! Tremendous Christmas money mak ers! Oreat opportunity, represent big manufacturer. Permanent or temporary I Territory going fasti Act qulckl Pierce Co., $71 Pierce Bldg., Chicago. AGENTS Free catalogue and samples, new goods, quick aales, big profits, maks It to 121 dally, no experience, world' greatest specialties. Cmver Co., Jackson A Camp bell. Chicago, HI. BIG pay and automobile free to agents placing new necessity with automobile owner. Orolo Mfg. Co-, Louisvui, ny. $60 WEEKLY and up selling Mexican dia monds; exactly resembles genuine; same rainbow ire; stand tests; aell at eight; re peat orders, Writ quick for eampi ease offer, free. Mexican Diamond Importing co Boa A, 00-7. im urucss, in. wax. AGENTS make 100 per cent profit sailing our ante monograms, and initial, win Sow letters, changeable atgna and show card. 1,004) varieties. Enormous demand. Sullivan Co., 1181 Van Bursn Bt, Chicago FRANCE Active agent eetabliahed la Pari wlahe to sell American goods. Write P. Henry, a Paaaage Violet Parle. WANTED Active men to sell Simplex ga plant. Na xprlno required. Can make $100 ta $000 per month. Other are doing It so can you. Addreo Simplex Gas Plant Co., too wniting at, unicago, in. ON S THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD. If thl I not the greatest money-making house -to -houae propoaltlon. N. R. O. Little Wliard Labor Saver washes clothe In tan mlnutea, without rubbing. Contain no lime, lye. paraffin wax or other Injurious chemical and cinnet possibly Injure th clothe or hands. Nothing Ilka It on th market, Positively th wonder of the age. Sella for lac, enough for I family waahlnga. We supply on free aample with every package you buy and guarantee th aal of same. Juat leave the free aample with th houeewtfe and. when you com again, she Is sagerly awaiting to be come your steady customer. Scour terri torial rights at once, or you will regret It A la poet) card bring sample and full particular. Farquhar-Moon Mfg Co.. Dept B-44, 140 W. Van Bursa St, Chicago. PORTRAIT agent. Better portrait, better , rvtc( a advance In price. Big supply ' convex glass and pearl palntlnga Inde pendent Portrait and Frame Co.. Ill South state at, cnicago. AGENTS abl per cent profit; free samples; gold algn latter far etor and afflca win dows. Anyon ean put on. Mta411o Letter Co.. Oil N. Clark. Chicago, HELP WANTEDFEMALE Stores snd umccs. WB are constantly getting calls for com- patent bookkeepers, stenographers and of fice clerks. If you are competent and de sire a position, see us. NO FILING FEB, only lOo to cover expense of investigat ing reefrence. THE MARTI COMPANY, 133T W. O. W. Bldg. 1 EXPERIENCED OKN. OFFICE CLKS., 8TENOG.. BKPR&. CASHIERS, TYPI8T, BILL CLKS., FIL ING CLK. SEtt US IN It BOARD TO A POSITION. CO-OP ERATIVB REFERENCE CO., (Nabraaka' Grsatest Employment Bureau.) 1011-10 City Natl. Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale ..........$71 8TBNOGRAPHER 01 STENOGRAPHER ,. 10 STENOGRAPHER, wholesale 00 COMTOMETOR OPR. and BTENO.... 01 BILL CLERK 06 MULTIORAPH OPREATOR 40 WATTS BEF. CO., 140 Brandela Theater. STRNOORAPHKR $46 8TENOORAPHBR 10 COMPTOMETER OPR. (Beginner)... 40 8Ta.NO. t Beginner) $$ THB CANO AGENCY, 100 BEB BLDO. Wanted Experienced comptometer opera tor. Apply office manager, Hayden Broa Professions and Trades. WANTED-Apprentice girl to learn to make overall on power machinery, cool and well lighted work room. W will teach you how to make $1.00 to $11.00 a week each week la the year. Good working houis. from 7:30 a. m. to I p. m. Apply at once to Byrn A Hammer Dry Oood Co., Ith and Howard Sta.. Omaha, Neb, WANTfciD 10 experienced operator on power machine to make ova re He. Apply at once, Bryne A Hammer Dry Oood Co.. th and Howard sta. Omaha. Neb. il GIRLS wanted at once, to pack Macaroni. Omaha Macaroni Co., 1001 Farnam. IMBORER3 wanted at Hen Biscuit Cc llth and Capitol Avenue. Saleswomen snd Solicitors. SEVERAL ladle te travel, demonstrate our gooda and sell dealer. $30 to $40 weekly. We pay railroad fare. Exp, lane un necessary. Duohese Co Dept 111, Mia nsapo 11a, Minn. WOMEN"" WANTED Full time ealary. 111. elllng guaranteed hoaiery ta wearer; lie aa hour a par time; permanent, experience unnecessary, wearproof Moaiery, Norria town. Pa. LADY representative "wanted: $20 to IS6 weekly, whole or eparc time taking O der tor wen aavertieeu line or moderate priced womn'a wearing apparel; direct from fac tory to wearer. ExeDrience unnecessary. Pleasant work. Writ 'for particulars. Spelman A Co, (est lll, 137 S, Market St. Chicago. , A SUNDAYBEEtjOCTOBERl,1916, HELP WANTED FEMALE Saleswomen and Solicitors. EXPERIENCED solicitor of neat appear a nee for house-to-house demonstration ; liberal drawing account and big commis sion; permanent; lady manager. Apply all week after 0 p. m". Monday at room 144, Hotel Loyal. FIVE bright, capable ladle to travel, dem onstrate and sell dealers; $26 to $10 per week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Compary, Dept 400. Omaha. Neb. WANTED TWO HIGH CLASS SALES LADIES. LITTLE GIANT MFG. A BALES CO., 1201 W.'O. W. BLDG. Household snd Domestic. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework and assist In ear of 1-year-old child ; good wage; small family; no washing. Harney III- Call 104S 8. lOtb'Avc- EXPERIENCED maid for general house work muat be able to do plain cooking well I In family; houae cleaning done and laundress kept; good wagea to right party; reference required Phone Col fax 10. WANTED Aa exeprleneed second girl with good references. Apply Mrs, W. H. Mo Cord. 3301 Cass St WANTED A girl for general houaework; no objection to a good girl from the coun try willing to learn. Address 2004 St Mary's Ave. Telephone Douglas 1004. EXPERIENCED general girl; must be good cook ; good wagea ; rafernce required. Harney 6114. WANTED Olrl for general houaework; good wagea. No waahlng. Harney 1811. 130 8. 38th St. WANTED An experienced white nurae for children; good wages. Apply Mrs. Dixon, 430 North 38th, St. Phono Harney . COMPETENT girl for 'general houaework, mall family. Ill North llth Ave. Har- ney U21. WANTED Good "girl for general house- worn, rnone Harney 1104. GIRL to assist with general houaework; ref erences required. 101 S. I8d Bt. H, 0114. WANTED Oood white girl or woman to as let In kitchen; no cooking. Doug. 0303. OOOD maid wanted; light work; no waah- lng;good ..Call Walnut 1340. GOOD-girl for general houaework, four In family, good wages. Phone Harney 1101. 1424 Dodge Bt t WHITB girl forgeneVaf ' housework. ' Must be good cook. 'Na laundry, 1000 Pacific. namey a to. GIRL WANTED for general houaework. Small family. Phone Harney 1100. 1331 Harney. WANTED A woman by the week for gen eral housework. Phono Walnut 1064, WANTED A competent maid for general housework. 4041 Dodge-. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Chambermaids and scrub girls. ' Apply to timekeeper, Hotel Fontenelle. WANTED A good waitress, mostly even ing work. Rogers' Candy Kitchen, 24th and Parnam. WAITRESS Rock way rataurenL 2114 N St, South Sid. . Trade Schools. WANTED Ladle to learn barber trade; apeclal ratee and Inducement. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. 1402 Dodge St Miscellaneous. WANTED Toung women. agd 17 to 21. - with .common school education, terfect alght and hearing, for . cal and Ions dla tance telephone work. Apply ta C F. Lambert Dougiaa at WANTED Persona ta color art plctur at homo; easy work; no experience; good pay ; aample free. Wheeler Co., 117 Madl aon, unicago. LADIES Maks shields at home, $10 per , 100; no canvassing required. Send ad dressed envelope for particular. Eureka Co., Dept 101 C-40. Kalamaaoo. Mich. . HELP WANTED Mala or Fmalj SOLICITORS, both sexes, town or city; ean maa. It per dar. Investigate, to,!, S. ltth St., Boom 1. EDUCATIONAL WANTED A MAN WORTH $10,000 A YEAR ,. . -. 1 Recently such an advertisement appeared la a metropolitan news- , paper. There wra two epit.oanta for tha position. In the same issues of the same paper waa an adverttsemsnt for freight handler at 1.10 per day. " Three hundred and ten men an wered th latter advertisement 1 Th old saying, "There 1 plenty . af room at tha top," I juat aa true today aa It waa when It was first written. Men who ean DO THIN OS are la demand men who can per form auparlor service are always WANTED; men who are TRAINED never beg for a JOB, -i . v A good huatnese education pro " snot efficiency mightily; right now w hav hundred af youog people earning good aatari, who never, Before coming to ua, held van a fairly good position. Tho ' . demand for TRAINED boy and girl 1 far greater than tha aupply. Our fro catalogue give much ' valuable Information about our work. Write for It. BOTLBS COLLEGE, v Boyle Building. H. B BOYLES, President Douglas 1606. ltth and Harney Sta, Omaha. Neb. Y. M. C. A. Schools Day Business, Banking, Shorthand, Typewriting, English. Night V . SPECIAL CLASSES BEGINNING OCT. 9TH. Commercial Law , Electricity German Plan Reading and Estimating Public Speaking . Show Card Writing Vocal Culture and Sight Reading Salesmanship (Oct 23). ASK FOR CATALOGUE. , ENROLL ANY TIME. ... ROOM 318. Y.M.CA., , BOYt.ES coM.roa DAT SCHOOL. NIOHT MCHOOU vary Say M MnHim.nl Say. Book aping, shorthand, atsnotva typewriting. tel.graprty, ttvll sarvloe all eosamsrctal and slngllsh branches. CatatoctM frw BOTLUS COLLaXIB, Douglas lest. Ittk and Haras Sag, Van sant school or business. "N DAF ANO EVKNINO SCHOOLS, Seoea. rioor Omaha National Bank Bid. Entrance, S3., Douglas Saga. Musical. BAND, orcheatra, chorna alnglng Inatrvetor wants location! sv years' sapenencs. mo. Boa !. Harp Limited number pupils accepted rein ing season, aarly applications favorer), aiarpa fur. Lorstta V Lona. 101 Lyrlo Bid EDUCATIONAL BOUBICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS 1611 Dodgs. It, 14, II Arlington Blocs- wa explain each different "point." Douglas 1.71. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED t Dr. B. It. Tarry cures piles. Oatula and other rectal disease, without surgical operation. Cur. guaranteed and DO money paid until onred. Writ, for Book oa rec tal dlssaes. with testimonial DR. & R. TAJIRT. IM Bss Bldg, Omaha. Nek, THE Salvation Army Industrial homo so licits your old clotning. rurMlurs. maca slneev Ws ooltoot. Wo dlstrlkuu. Chop Doug. 412t and our wagon rtll call. Call and Inspect our new pome. UIO-UII-IU RTTPTTTPE iucccssfully treated with. IVUriU IVfleul a eurslcal operation. Call or writ. Or. Frank H. Wray, Bee Bldg. NEW HAMILTON CAFE N.w Management. Home-Cooked Meala, Mod, prices. Hamilton Apta.. 24th A Farnam. R1TTENHOUSE Sanitarium. Baths of alt kinds; massage and chiropody. 110-114 Balrd Bin., llth and Dougiaa. O. 14t. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELlCATESdlSN, Ua VASKAIl. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and motes per manently removed by electricity; consulta tion frse and confidential; all work guar anteed. Mlas Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. MAS BKUOMAN. M. T. Sclentluc maasauao hatha, 101 iKarbachBlk. RMl I72T; COR8KTS made to order. Prlees ll.lt t. IM.00. Kipert nttlns. Nu-uono corset Shop. Frsndels Thea. Lobhy. D. 4t SWITCHES from comblnga, 91 up. Dyed, 40c. Mrs. W. Brlllhart, ;3 Faaton Bldg. MliS L LI 4.T Hath and massage, 1123 Karnan It., td floor Phon. Doug. 241, 11188 WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. I Davldge Blk. Chone Dougiaa tin. Ltji LLA HUUSTER. masseuse, tit faaton t.ia., le a. oa. to e p. ro. v. ..... SCIKNTIriC massags. ,2, Bee Bldg Pn.u. Duuglaa SI72. Msnlcurlng and mass nil Farnam Hm I. Miss Lee, Massage. 1802 Far St. Rm. No. t. FURNACES cleaned. II. Central Tin Shop. MISS CLARK, manicuring. Tyler 2221. KiiR legal advice call Douglas 4V FAT How to reduce It. Full particulars mailed free. Hall Chemical Co., Dept. A-20, St. Louis, Mo. FITS X cured my daughter by simple dlal covoryi partlculais tree. 2. ipso see I.lend Ave., Milwaukee, Wla A PRIVATE maternity home. 4411 N. llth St. Phono Colfea 2042. . FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments snd Houses. Apartments. LEE apta., 4 newly furnlahod housekeep. Ing rooms; t furnished separate rooms; all modern; walking dlstanoa, 1222 N. ltth. Web. 402. ST. CLARE. 24th and Harney, l-r. fur, apt. Har. 47. STOP AT THE SUNSHlNki Bteam boated rooms, hot and cold water. 001 N. 17tn St. Houses. I -ROOM, completely furnished house, 1801 t a. ixrK ... S-ROOM modern, furnlehed house. .2117 N. 15th St Webster 4321. 4444 BEDFORD AVE. New l-r. modern bungalow, nicely furnlsned. wssp pros. RKF1NED lady with beautifully furnished homo will glr. rent tree to young couple for board and room for aelf. and daugh- -, er; retsrenoes reaulred. Phon. Web, .171. OR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. Cool. With or with out nnth. Public showers and tubs ach door. Hot and cold water. Circu lating lot water. El evator ) and phone. Uetlr. Weekly and monthly rates, most for money. Farnam, at 18th. H. D. McFsddan. Mgr. RESTFUL ROOMS AT REASONABLE RATES. POPULAR . WELLINGTON INN, CAN ACCOMMODATE EITHER TWO NICE MARRIED COUPLES OR 4 GENTLEMEN FOR BLEEPING QUAR TERS FOR WEEK'S FESTIVITIES IN PRIVATE FA MILT. ADDRESS (70 H. JMTH ST. PHONE HARNEY AK-8AR-BEN visitors or steady roomers; three dandy rooms, modern home close In; reasonable; msala U desired. Webster FOUR furnished rooms. 11 psr week; also other strictly modern rooms at 18.10 and ' II per week. 101. N. 18th St. 1911 DAVENPORT, clean, modern rooms; three and one-half blocks from postofllce; reasonable. DESIRABLE south front room, every oon ven fence, private family, $1M0. Sill Dewey Ave. STEAM-HEATED, home cooking; reasona , bis; references; new management. 17MH . Leavenworth St THREE nicely furnished rooms In modern home. 4 block to Hth St oar In Kountso Place. Webster 6407. iiODfcRN, well furnished room for two; i blocks from postofflee. Doug, ists, 2034 CHICAOO8T. Large, well -furnished rooms; strictly modern; close in. 433ft S. 1JTH ST. Large front room; all modern board If desired. FURNISHED room; gentleman preferred. West Farnam district. Wat. 3597. 1911 DAVENPORT Clean, modern rooms; v thrss and one-half blocks from postoffloe; reasonable. ' ItJH LEAVENWORTH Nicely furnished room for gentleman; private family. Ty ler 1707. CHiCAWU ! In private b me. tars' south (rent room with amove: alsa aide room. THREE nicely furnished rooms In modern home to block to 24th street ear In Kountse Place. Call Webster 6407. 404 SO. MTH Parlor floor, furnished suite. all conveniences, walking distance. RlCE largo f.ont room for 1 young men or ladles and will give breakfast 11 de- sired. Hamey s3M. ROOMS- $f pel week; rlso rooms wilb ktcbensttjs Ovden Hotel. 'unci I Bluff LARGE, well-furnished front room In pri vate home; modern. Call Harney FOR RENT Front room, furnished, privsu bath If desired. 11S1 Douglas. Doug. 1741 N1C-LY furnlsbed. rooms for rent. Call Douglas 038. 1101 S. 30TH AVE. Nice front room for two. on Han scorn park iine ROOM for rent at 8360 Grand Ave., east of 34 th. Housekeeping Rooms. 1 ROOM, with large kltohen; running water; newly decorated; gas furnished. 1416 Capitol. , . HOUSEKEEPING room, apartment, gas range, kitchen cabinet. Ice bos, eteam hMat, everything furnlehed. 1010 Capitol Ave. THREE unfurnished rooms for housekeep ing; all modern; private family. 1610 S. "th. . S KOOS furnished, compleie mode n, pri vate home, references Harney 601 S. 10U Chicago. SLEEPINO and light housekeeping rooms, all modern, reasonable. Tel. Harney 6170 NICE, olean, airy, light housekeeping rooms walking distance. 2113 Douglas. 111 S. i&TH Two semi-basement rooms gaa and electric. ty; close in. THREE largs modern; good location; adults. West Harney. Walnut 1270. CLEAN.' modern housekeeping rooms. S4K Sherman ave, Board and Room. THE BURNETT. 124 a 14TH BT. Cater to particular people, wishing "good things to eat.' Special evening and Sunday dinners. 00c, Phon Douglas 8101 and 1 181. 10SI & II TH ST., room for 1 or t; also good board. 010 SO. 1ITH, S rooms and board. FOR RENT ROOMS Unfurnished Rooms. THREE targs unfurnished rooms and alcove. Hot water heat. Bath on sams floor. Ill 8. th St Phono Doug. 7800. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. Id and Id floors, at 110 Bo. ltth St,. 14 rooms. CITY TRUST COMPANY. 10th snd Harney 8ts. Phon Dougiaa Til. 8 ROOMS, modern except heat. 420 North 41st Ave., second floor, 18. Rooms VV sated. TOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOI S. CALI THE BEB WANT-AD DEPT. ai d Sid oat all about th FURNISHED ROO.'I QUIDS. It's a plan that I helptbg mi i owvli mitt ibeir room WANTED Suite of I light housekeeping rooms by refined couple; private home preferred; raferouce. Address Box 0800, Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES West. FOR RENT. West End residence, near 1 3d and Far nam, 1 large rooms, very handsome deco rations, hot water heat; large lot. 80x100 feet This la on of th nicest resi dences of It sis In this district. For rent only on year's lease to responsible tenant. Price 171. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1816. Rose Bldg.. 10th and Farnam. $60.001217 DODGE ST. Will be vacated December 1st. Up-to-date modern house. Large living room, grate, center hall, four large bedrooms on second floor, two maids' rooms on third floor. Good furnace. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO.. P. 1180. ST F.AM HEAT AND JANITOR SERVICE FURNISHED Beautiful, new, brick residence, eight rooms, modern throughout 4103 Far nam St. Call Walsh Bros. Co. Tyler Bit. At 1817-11 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 0 ROOMS, hot water heat 140 O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., Doug. 2711. 1018 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR RENT t-rm. all mod. house, 000 So. 20th. First Trust Co. Douglas 1161. EIGHT-ROOM brick house, east front, splen did neighborhood, short block to oar line, close to new cathedral. ALFRED THOMAS, 1,8 First National Bank Bldg. CHEAPEST IN OMAHA, , CONSIDERING LOCATION. 1347 Harney street, T-room, all modern brick flat, new futures, first-class condi tion; only 132.50 , ,; , LINAHAN REALTY CO.,K " Phone Doug. 3,04. 310 Bee Building. LET me furnish you plans and specification for your now home. Will build to your order and negotiate your loana. F. s. Trulllnger. builder or well ouut nomee. 701 S. 12D ST. Six-room cottage. 113. ALFRED THOMAS, 10! First National Bank Bldg. 7-r.OOM, all modern houee, 42K Dougiaa St.. 131 per month. Call, or phon. Wal nut 30JJ. l-ROOM t baths, West Parnam dlatrtot 345.00, Phone Doug. 3141. 35, 7-r. houee. Also 4-r lit. Close In. Apply 1... i.puui FINE, new houae In Dundee. tOO. 1513 Underwood Ave. North. FOR RENT Ulght-room, all modern huuse, , with garage, owner going away. Large gronnda; eloe. to car; rent, $30 monthly. 4.34 North aitn St.; wranq Ave, car. 94, N. 15th St., alx-room cottage. 111. ,41 N. 36th St., six-room cottage. 111. ALFRED THOMAS, 101 Flrat National Bank Bldg. V-ROOM all modern .houo.. new furnac. house In good condition. 120. 3020 N. 13d St T.1 Red 1381. s-KUOm house, atrlctly modern. 3717 Uer dlth. Florence 887. l-ROOH cottag. and bath. 1287 Charles St, near 84th. Inquire Red 8871. lilt GRANT ST. l-r. conn... modern. 43s T. T Hall. 431 Ramge Bldg. Pong. 1401 7-ROOM, modern except heat, 111. 3401 D. catur Mrs. Bryant. Walnut 111. l-ROOM cottage, modern except furnao.; rent fit. Call Web. 1174. South. 2511 8. I0TH AVB. Six-room cottage, 114. AT.FREn THOMAS. i.l First National Bank Bldg. FIVJ5 rooms, strictly modern. 110 8. llth are, uougina i.e.. 7-ROOM modern cottage, 1104 S. 18th St uougiaa ..... 6-ROOM cottage, modern axc.pt heat. 111. .... jaar.na. l-ROOM house with bath. 1411 Dorcas sT 1814 PARK AVE. 7-r. mod, brick. l-ROOM house, modern except furnace, 4401 South ltth, 117. Phon. South itl. South Side, ! Miscellaneous. HOUSES ALL MODERN. til & list SU, l-r., 122.10. ,2, S. list St, l-r., $26. 1537 Charlss, l-r.. 135. 3730 B St., So. Side, 7-r., Ill, 1101 Park Ave., l-r., 133.50. 1320 Burt St, 7-r., lit. Ill & llth Ave., l-r., 135. 2408 Wakeley St., sleeping porch, l-r., sun ' room, 145. 10, 8. 38th St, l-r., 150. Ill S. 38d St., l-r., 171. HOUSES PARTLY MODERN. 1105 Charlea St., l-r.. 111. 2431 Saratoga St., 4-r., 111. not N. 24th Bt, l-r., lit. Ill N. 23d St. 4-r., 111. . FLATS MOD. AND PARTLY MODERN. ItOI Leavenworth, l-r., 111.10. 1481 S. llth, l-r, 120. 1131 Case St, 10-r.. lit. 1101 Dewey Ave, l-r 118.10. MODERN APARTMENTS. 111.50 137. to. lot 8. 31. t St., l-r. and bath, Janitor service; best apartment In ' the city for the money. . $31.10 117.10. Two rooms and bath. The Boawo.th, 1117 Howard Bt. Furnished and unfurnished. Walking dlatano. : ARMSTRONG-WALbH CO., Tylei nil. Rose Bldg. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES, PARTLY MODERN. 4-r., 1401 Maple St , I 1.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. I-r. 4307 N. ltth St 11.00 t-r. 104 Saratoga St 10.00 t-r. 1914 Saratoga St 30.00 l-r. 281, N. 27th St. (for colored). , 11.00 7-r. 2703 Seward St. bargain at.... 111.50 STRICTLY MODERN, l-r. 4311 Seward St (choice detached houee newly decorated. In drat claaa residencs district) $30.00, with garage 11.10 l-r. 117 8. ltth St. (Strictly modern detached house very close In, bar gain) 15.00 7-r. 3105 N. llth St.. 80.00 l-r. 537 Park Ave. (A good detached ' house vary closs In, will make lmprovemente to suit tenant).,.. 15.00 l-r. 1717 Park Ave. (A good brick dwelling newly decorated through .: out, In fliat class residence dis trict) 1100 I- r. 711 N. 10th St (A large brick dwelling close In) 11.00 II- r. 3481 Harney St (Choice brick dwelling well arranged for keep ing roomers and boarders) 10.00 11-r. 411 8. 88th St 71.00 FLATS STRICTLY MODERN, l-r. lot 8. l,th St (Very choice ' strictly modern flat close In).... 12.60 WB HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RBNTINO. , PORTER & SHOTWELL, 101 8. 17th St. ' Doug. 1013 DETACHED Splendid T-r. new brick house on Lin coln Blvd., near 13d, Bemle Park; gar age If deelred; thla la very choice. ... II, . 156 1187 Davenport, l-r., all modern, good neighborhood 110 1341 Bo)d. t-r., well water, eleotrte light and gae ......116 1711 Mason, l-r., partly modern $lo ATTACHED. Ill So. 20th. 7-r. and reception hall, new. brick, wry Ins.... 117.10 A. V. TUKET A SON, Phone Doug. 101. 1607-1 W. O. W. Bldg, 126.00 1671 Poppleton Ave. I rms., mod. 137.601.107 Decatur St, l-r., very good 130.004311 Seward St, T rms.. mod. 140.00 130 N. list Ave. f rms., mod. 141.00 tll Dodge Bt, I rm, gsr., mod. $5. ,0110, 8. lid St, l-r mod., gar. II0.0O 1840 Harney, I rma, garage. 110.00 111 N. 40th St, , rma., very rood. $71.1 rma. furnlehed. West Farnam. O LOVER & SPAIN, Dougiaa 91. 111-10 Cliv National. SSIE THiSd I'HUUa tu.'UuS. CALL DOUO. 411 OR WAU 1171. till N. 19th, bath and saa 110.00 41at and Hamilton, bath and gma...ll.o, 1814 Clark, city water $11.00 1117 N- llth. city water...... 114.04 11314. llth, city water $11.00 FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. PAYNE & SLATER CO, "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN." i HOUSES AND COTTAGES, i PARTLY MODERN, l-r. Ill a llth St., eaat front, easy walking distance, reduoed to .,..$11.11 MODERN EXCEPT HKAT. l-r. lot & llth St., haa Just been newly decorated throughout very close In, no carfare ...125.01 . T-r.. 111! California Bt, close In 10.01 t-r 1181 Seward St, good neigh. Dorhood t.N ALL MODERN. T-r., 4111 Nicholas St, hot water heat 131.00 l-r., 1601 Hamilton St, 4 bed roome. south front fin. yard, convenient to Harney car; realty a bargain at II H t-r., till Farnam. brick to 00 l-r., 112 8. 40th St., ssst front 10.01 DOUBLE HOUSES AND TERRACES. ALL MODERN, l-r., tot & llth St, no car far... $11.10 l-r.i 1301 8. 10th, dandy flat neatly decorated, cloee to depots and downtown buelness eenter 12.11 l-r., 188 8. llth St., nice flat In ex cellent condition and deslrahl. lo- cation, walking dlatano. 11.00 Ws hav. others. See our complete printed list before renting. PAYNE SLATER CO., "Omaha's Rental Men." Ill Omaha Natl. Bldg Phono Dsns, tilt, PETERS TRUST CO. One-helf month's rent free on nynoua.l $40 1801 So. lid St, , rooms, modem. 135701 Ne 10th St, I rooms, modern. $30207 N. !3d St., l-r., mod. $11 341, Templeton Ave, 7 rooms, mod ern except heat $11971 No. 37th St, partly modern, $10 2333 Isard St., $ rooms. $ 11611 No. list St. I-r., mod ex. heat 1111110 No. 17th St., l-r., mod. ex. hut PETERS TRUST CO.. 1811 Farnam St Douglas 111, WB want mors houss. and apartments to . rsnt Th. fact that wa hav. practleally cleaned out our big list to conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental aervloe. . If you want to keep your place, rented se. Payne A Slater Co., "Omaha. Rental Men." Ill Om. Nat Bk. Bldg.. Doug. 1011. Men." Ill On, Nat Bk. Bids.. Dons. 1011. rOR RENT. T-r., modem, no heat 1111 Willie Ave. 111. t-r modern, brick houee, oomer lot. 111! piortn men street lis. t-r.. modern, 127 Park Ave., $11. W.H.GATES, 147 Omaha Nat bank Bide . , D. 1214; Web. 2191. FOR RENT. Ill 8s. 10th St, l-r. all mod. house.. Ill 1131 So. lid St. l-r. all mod. house.., II 1101 So. 12d St, l-r. all mod, house.. 4, 2017 Orace St, l-r. part mod. nous... 1$ ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO.. 21$ Omaha National Bank Bids. uougias 733. I rooms 1111 N. 17th St.. .111.1, I rooms 1101 Georgia Are , 13.10 I rooms 3661 Farnam It.,, 7 room. 1308 8. 38th St, modern... 17.60 I rooms 3811 Paolflo St, modern... 13.10 I rooms lilt Parker St, modern... 15.40 T rooms 3420 Caldwell St 31.11 BENSON & MEYERS CO, 411 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg,. Pong. TH. HOUSES FOR RENT. CRKIOH. SONS CO, III BEB BLDO. DOUO. 110 l-r., city water, toilet and gae close In, iiti s, na at 111 4-r., city water, gaa and toilet aH barn, close In, 111! a 17th St 111 t-r., mod. ex. heat, newly decora ted, ' ItOt Corby St 120 l-r., mod. ex. heat 111 S. list St $11 l-r., all mod , newly decorated. Is Benaon, 1804 N. llth Ave P. J. TEBBENS CO., Itt Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. tilt 101 80. 41ST; modem, 7 rooms $81.0, 1431 Franklin st, l rma. and beth 11.0 4111 North llth St., I room. 18.44 JOHN N FRENZER. DOUOLAS 114.' 3933 80. 24TH ST., i-r.. part mod.. Ill JO 2924 Dupont, l-r., part modern.... 11.1, toil Plnkney, l-r., city water II 6, 1411 Ne lid SU 4-r., dty water... 1.00 Itlt So. Ith St, 4-r, city water... I.to 4035 Brown, t-r, well ...14.00 841 Miami, l-r., well I.l, 8111 Bo. llth St, 4-r., cistern..., 4.40 ' CREIOH. SONS CO.. Douglas 100. 101 Bee Bldg. 1502001 ST. MARY'S AVE., 10 rms., moil 1112211 Orace I rooms, mod. Ill 111! Seward, 4 roome amall barn. $111232 Clark, 1 rooms, . owasr pars water. i BINOWALT, Brandela Thee Bldg. 126.002221 Clark St, all mod. bungalow, .e-r, . $11.001101 N. llth St. all mod. flat, t-r. ' $32.10 lit 8. llth St.. all siei, l-r. H. A. WOLF. 114 Wars Block. Doug. Mil. 1763 Leavenworth, l-rra. flat, Pt mod.l22.To sets turning, .-rm. nat I.l. 111 So. 10th. 5-rra. Oat mod....... II. 00 ' lilt So. llth, l-rm. and barn, part moaera ll.l, 111 Bo. 17th, T-rm., mod. ex. heat 11.00 111 So. 16th Ave, l-rm. modern cottag. ll.l, lot 8. 15th Ave, T-rm., mod. ex cept heat ll.l 431 Caldwell, l-rm., mod. cottag... 11.50 101 So. 10th, 9-rm., modern , 17.1 FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Douglas 1111. Ill 8. llth. FLATS. 111-11 8. llth, 20-r., e w gaa. 60. 1046 8. loth l-r., e w gae 111. 121 a ltth St. 4-r., e w gae lit, 1114 8. 17th, l-r., e w gae lit 1214 D 8t, So. Side, 4-r., e w., II. DETACHED HOUSES. 1141 Georgia Ave, 7-r bath, e w 123.61. 1114 & 17th St, l-r.. modern. 133.11. 1933 N. lid, l-r., modern. 110. oi N. llth St 7-r e w.. lie 111 Sew.rd, l-r., e w., 117. Ill a ltth St. l-r, e w., lit. Ill a ltth St, l-r, e w., lit. 2411 Davenport Bt, l-r e w, $18. 711 a 12d St., l-r., bath, gae 111. 1411 Lake St. l-r. well, 11.61. GARVfN BROS., 141 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Ap-t Md Flati West I. ROOMS WITH i-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS In the Wayne 1711 Dewey Ave, built-in bed, NEW, closs in. Ne 18 renting for 122 sum., 121 win.; No. I and 14 routing for 127 sum., 110 win. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGCT. Haatlnga Hoyden, 1111 Har. Ty. It. APARTMENT FOR RENT. I rooms, modern, with heat and Janitor service, and private laundry, 410 South 16th Ave., 141.60. BENSON & MYERS CO, 424 Omaha National Bank Bids. Phone Doug. 740 YOU'VE SEEN NOTHING BETTER CLOSE IN. Eaet half of double brick house to 1st! T rooms and ree hall; oak woodwork, high-class fixtures and decoratlona; extra large porch; 145. See owner next door St 1333 Capitol Ave. Phone R. 4,01 VERY choice I -room steam heated apart ment on wesi r Jim am oi, JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. V FOR RENf Strictly mod. apt. 10th" ana1 unaerwooq Ave, rnone walnut 16. North. 1114 BURT, 4-room, new, atoam-hceted apt; winter, Ill.iO. Rlngwalt, Brandela Theater Bldg. South. PORTLAND ANNEX, 30TH AND LEAVENWORTH. Brand new l-room a part cents. Her. is an excellent opportunity to move Into eomelhlng new. fresh and olean. Large living room and dining room with beamed celllnge; three good Bleed airy bedroom, and aun room. fin. tiled bath with spa. ctal B"slgn Roman tub. Ton will bs de lighted with these apartments. Only on. left. Price $61 flat rate. Heat and water furnlehed. PAYNE & SLATER CO, 111 Omaha Nat l Bank. Phon. Doug. 1111. CLOSE IN " 1ITH AVENUE AND JONES. . Thf, Berkeley, room, with l-room ae, eommodatlon, built-in bed. dressing room with built-in chiffonier. NEW. Ne I and 10 canting for 121 sum. $11 win. Ne renting for IS, sum., 133 win. OMAHA'S LAROE8T RENTAL AGCT. Hsstlnga Heyden. 1414 Har. Ty. II. FOR RENT. T-ro.ni Sat; oak Soore oleetrte lights, modern plumbing; furnac. and flreplaoe blocks from Park school and ear line! A good neighborhood. 1301 South llth St, 127.80. BENSON & MYERS CO, 484 Omaha National Bank Bldg, Phone Doug. 744. Bee Want Ads Produce Results.