Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1916, SPORTS SECTION, Image 28

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4 S
Transfer of Topeka and Wich.
ita franchise! Due to
Come Before Board.
When the Western league moguls
assemble at Lincoln Tuesday in an
swer to a call from President Frank
C Zehrung (or a meeting of the
league, some exciting bits of juicy
news are expected to break, ana un
less the dope sheet fails to rnn true
to form the first sound of the antici
pated Western league upheaval is due
to be heard.
A general dissatisfaction with the
two Kansas cities has prevailed
throughout the loop for the last two
years. Neither Wichita nor Topeka
nave been worth their salt since they
have been in the league. Wichita
at the start of the" year always be
comes exuberant and enthusiasm sati
ates the town. The attendance at the
first game is always large, equalling,
generally, any city in the league, and
the first series or two generally draws
eood. Then the team kicks away one
game and the anvil chorus gets away
to flying start. It never ceases.
As a result business gets poorer and
. poorer until after the first of August
the games don't draw flies.
Topeka Too Small.
Topeka, of course, is smaller than
Wichita. It isn't big enough for the
Western league. John Savage, the
Topeka owner, a good base ball
man ana ties popular everywnere,
but he can't pull 'em out in Topeka.
The league would like to find a good
,own for Savage, because he's a
mighty good base ball man and a
souare one. too.
Before the 1916 season came to a
close the Wichita franchise holders
threw up the sponge and the league
took over the franchise. The team
played its concluding games in Colo
rado Snrines. Some of the owners,
includng Pa Rourke of Omaha, be
lieve it would be I wise move to
Eut a team in the Springs. They
aven't had any base ball out there
for a decade and the prevailing be
lief is that a team could enjoy at
least two good seasons out there.
Even two seasons would be better
than continuing in Wichita.
Kay See in Field.
Kansas City, Kan, is a prospect
for the Topeka franchise. Kansas
City, Kan, is getting to be quite a
city. No longer is it dependent on
Kansas City, Mo. Business men on
the Kansas side would like to have a
Western league club in heir city and
have assured Western league mag
nates that they would lend their
hearty support to a club there.
Jack Holland of St. Joseph is the
big booster for Kansas City. He says
the permission of George .Tebeau,
who controls the territory by vir
tue of his franchise in the American
association, will give his consent to
the installation of a club on the Kan
sas side. Holland declares he has
made investigator! of Kay See con
ditions and insists that a club in that
town would be one of the most suc
cessful in the loop. "
So it would not be aurprise to
learn that Wichita and Topeka will
not be, with us when the 1917 season
rolls around.
. Elect' President.
Another matter that is due to come
up at the meeting; Tuesday is the
election of a president for the ap
proaching year. Zchrung's term of
office expires. I
' Rumors that Zehrung was slated
to go have been persistent the last
two months. Where they come from
is unkonwn, but they do continue.
And this despite a single expression
from a magnate that there has been
any dissatisfaction with the Lincoln
man's reign.
Gridiron Gossip
Sosaa chatter of
tha sandlot lads.
Nsat Sunday tha amateur foot tell taa
wn will opn up In earnest and all the
teafna not booked for today, IU be out
onthe turf this afternoon, going through
, tjaSlr preliminary work, preparatory tor Uu
''grand opining.
Soott Jamleson, who naoa to bo able to
naka tho oval soar high and for lo In
town. Tou can oommuno with aim ovtr
Onto Morediek wu recently loots' to
toor tho Fontonello Iteeervog over tho
rouah and salty toot boll on.
Call up Harney 1110 botwoon tho hourt
of T and S p. m., for oonfllota with tho
Nonpareil Reasrvea.
Aoeordlng to tho dopo tho Hasdaa will
mako all tho Clooo B children trot at a
merry ollp thlo oouon.
Another tram that will mako awry loom
la tholr class skip at a l:il gats, lo tho
northora troupe, knows aa tho Duck;
Hereafter Bill Mahor will load tho Ath
. lottos. For arguments oall Harnoir tits or
address htm at 1631 Cooo street
Joo Oarrett who tlpo tho boama at about
Ilt, would mako a formtdoblo oandldato tor
cantor. Fdr- furthor Information, chattor to
him ovor Doogtaa 1100. .
For games with tho Council Bluffs Mid
gets, call Council Biuffa lilt and talk busl
aeoa to ono Sid Mcintosh.
Hasmusssn, tho choooo of tho Council
Bluffo Longeway lo looking for tussles. Bang
tho boll on Council Bluffo Rod 4064 and yoa
will bo accommodated.
Jacoborger, a now geaaboa, that hallo
from a preparatory ochool at Spokane.
Waah., will try out for a halfback north
with the Nonpareils.
Harry Wllliama will coach tho Nonpareils.
Under hlo tutorehlp they ohould ramble faa
ter than during 1916, when they landed the
local honors.
Now Frank Qolden rings In with tho
nolao thai ho la going to ring out aa far
aa playing foot ball lo concerned.
Out-of-town teams wlehlng trouble with
. tho Nonparollo are requested to call Tyler
137IW, and yelp for Phil Lynch, or pen
him at 1061 South Twontyoocond street
Tollman. ' halfback of tho Monmouth
Parka, haa tosotd hlo foot ball rig la otor
. aao forever. At preooat ho la out of tho
Frank Oroeno has resigned aa manager of
tho Athletics, but he says ho may doa tho
moleskins towards tho latter part of tho
Madam Rumor haa It that a gang tn tho
neighborhood of Twenty-fourth and Leaven
worth streets will be molded together and
bo known as the Columbians.
Teamo wishing games with tho Dundee
Woolen Mills are requested to call Walnut
160 and equate for Paul Carlson.
For games with the Mohawks, tloklo tho
Buster oa weosier js ana holler tor
A bunch has been mustsrod together In
tho north end to be known aa ths Trades-
man. They aro going to endeavor to dupli-
cato tho enviable record made by tho
Tradesman oese ball team.
Wally Walworth of Winner tamo, also
formerly a star at Crolghton, la still pull
ing down tho vocks playing professional
bass bell. - -
James Dogdalo Is ths geosor that will load
tho Dundee Woolen Mtlla ever tho. bumpy
' road thio eeaeon.
Tho Montclalrs have changed their
mooicker to vunoeo woolen Mills.
They haven't any Speaker,
And they haven't any Cobb.
They haven't any Jackson
Raisenell upon the job.
They haven't any Collina,
Nor a baker nor a Wheat.
And they haven't any Robertson,
So BDeedr and so fleet. -
They haven't any Johnson,
And they haven t any Chase.
But they have a bunch of athletes.
Who know how to lead the race.
Walter Camp, we see, is ad
vising the Yale foot ball coaches.
Two to one on Harvard.
Re Halligan.
Walter, we presume, will ad
vise the Eli coaches to play Ted
Fall is here. The bear dope
has started at the college foot
-ball camps.
To hear a coach talk one would
think a foot ball camp is some
thing like a hospital.'
We low the roar of cannon, the crash
of dynamite.
The crack and clash of thunder and
the bellow of a fight.
And while we love a roaring noise,
there's one cuy jars our stem.
He tries to fix a missing motor at
the hour of 6 a. m.
The Giants, we lamp, have set '
up another record for consecu
tive victories. The Giants re
mind us verv much of the horse
on which you had bet your
dough, by the way who goes
crazy after the race is over.
If, as experts aver, Tris
Speaker is a team in himself,
Bill Carrigan had two teams last
An Easay
TJie "hick," sometimes known
as aube, or a mark, or a chump,
or a sucker and numerous other
titles, is generally believed to be ,
a product of farming communi- '
ties. He is popularly supposed to
wear chin whiskers in which the
tell-tale hayseed lurks.' He is
also supposed to wear a "yap"
haircut, talk with a downeast
drawl and continually say "by
gum" and "by hek." The big
city sticker generally regards
Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas aa
the state in which "hicks" are
born and bred.
: And yet they pinched a bunch
of blackmailers in Chicago, and
private banks are hitting the wall
every ten minutes.
, t tun going lo Chicago,
In dear old Htnois, , ,
1 am going lo Chicago, . . '
I am on my way, oh boy.
- am going lo Chicago,
Out ken it it too tamo, -
am going lo Chicago,
For J run an amy gam.
One way s to keep athletes
from hurting themselves would i
Made in the Most Sanitary Brewery in the West
Brewed and Bottled by the
Fred ECnig Brewing Company
We Welcome Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors to Visit Our Plant
be to make them slide on their
Ho, Hum.
Fred Fultou and Frank Moran
will meet at New York Tuesday.
Jack Johnson, we spy in the
public prints, tried his hand at
bull fighting in Spain and was
roundly hissed. Jack should take
a few lessons from J. Curley.
Coach Edmunds, of Washing
ton uni evidently is a believer in
ireparedness. He has his grid
ron warriers punching the bag.
Charley Ebbets has raised the
price of world series tickets, but
we should give it a worry.
Anyway, Cincinnati won't have
to worry about ticket scalpers
this fall.
Altogether too much bunk.
Fight patrons get weary. Ring
cleanser sadly needed, shrieks
headline in St. Paul paper Pretty
soon St. Paul will learn that
Columbus discovered America. .
But if the box fight game needs
a cleanser may we pause to in
quire what the wrestling game
Though France It torn in sundry
Sirts by warfare and by strife,
Belgium suffers untold woe
"and In England grief it rife.
And Montenegro broken liet and Rus
sia gasps for breath.
And Serbia it worn and rent and
verging onto death,
Though all of Europe bleeds and
moans in warfare's bloody
War haa its victims here at home,
, for Instance one C. Mack.
Base Ball Tourney
At Fair Grounds to
Be Held This Week
Arrangements for the first base
ball tournament ever held in Omaha
were; consummated last week. Said
tournament will be held at the county
fair grounds under the auspices of
the Douglas County Agricultural so
ciety. Liberal purses will act aa an
incentive to grab first or second
place, but every team in the race will
receive $25 or more. Herewith the
teams that will fight it out: Armours,
champions of Omaha; Ramblers,
championa of the National league;
Luxus, champions of the Greater
Omaha league, and the Omaha Gas
company, runner-ups in the Greater
Omaha league. The initial argument
will be played on Wednesday and the
final game on Saturday.
In all probability James Kane will
do the adjudicating. Game will be
called each day at 2:30 p. m. Sched
ule: Wednesday, Omaha Gas com-
Icoroe to
And Treat Your Friends to the King's Feast
tany against Ramblers; Friday,
.uxua against Armours; Saturday,
winners of Wednesday against win
ners of Friday.
The banquet for the board of di
rectors of the Omaha Amateur Base
Ball association, which was originally
scheduled for Monday evening, has
been postponed a week because of the
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. The commit
tee in charge of the banquet discov
ered that the hotels were too rushed
with Ak-Sar-Ben visitors to make
the banquet feasible at this time.
Thus it was postponed a week until
after the carnival days are over.
Out at Ducky Holmes' park this
afternoon at three bells and a half
the Frank Deweys will bump up
against tne louncu mutts joe Smiths.
These two bands put on a 6 to 5 show
last Sunday, so it is a safe plunge
that their battle today will be a
whizzer. ,
Over at Messina, la, the Omaha
Gas company team indulged in a
tournament and grabbed aecond
money. Herewith the towns repre
sented: Tingler, Fontenelle, Omaha
and Lies Moines, the Lies Moines
bunch, whipped the Omaha gang and
copped first money. .
American League
1 W. L. T. AB. R. H. Pet.
Brooklyn It 67 1 1001 til 1107 .111
Cincinnati 67 tl S 1161 411 1101 .164
New York 11 II S 4ll 64 1231 .163
Philadelphia 17 17 1 4704 160 1181 .147
St. Louie 10 II 0 4961 461 Jill .141
Pittsburgh 46 11 I 6084 477 1221 .140
Chicago II It I till 101 1211 .331
Boeton 14 II I 4761 601 1111 .114
O. DP.TP.PB.PO. A. B. Pet
Phllad'phla 141 101 1 10 1811 1871 101 .117
Boeton 141 111 S It I88t 1121 191 .167
New York... 147 114 0 11 1181 1910 101 .161
Brooklyn ...141 100 0 17 4061 1801 211 .186
Cincinnati ..161 121 0 10 4111 1114 121 .164
Pittsburgh .164 101 0 11 41T4 161 241 .161
St. Louis. ..Ill 121 0 10 4001 2043 281 .966
Chicago ....164 104 0 10 4116 1107 111 .166
All players who have taken part In fif
teen or more games.
O. AB. R. H. SH SB Pet.
Hoiks, N. T 11 90 It II I I .144
Chase Cln Ill 110 11 117 I 10 .114
L. HcCarty, N. T. 74 300 30 It S 4 .330
Wheat, Brook 141 147 71 1TI I IS .120
Daubert, Brook... .121 467 71 141 tl 10 .120
Hlnohman. Pitts.. 160 147 14 171 17 10 .111
Hornsby, St. L....117 481 tl 161 10 17 .101
Robertson N. T...141 161 II lit 16 30 .101
O. W. L IP. PO. H. BB.SO.
Schupp, N. T....11 S 1 134 1.11 74 II 77
Alexander, Phlla. 44 11 11 364 306 46 111
Cooper, Pitts II II 11 134 1.70 171 71 114
Marouard. Brook.36 18 t lit 1.70 166 II II
Cheney, Brook... .31 It 10 147 1.10 174 lot 161
Pfeffer, Brook....!! 34 10 190 1.91 164 17 11!
Rnoker, Brook.... tit 171.14 It 7 14
Allen, Boeton. ...17 S 1 107 8.10 14 St 14
Regan, Boston. ..21 I 7 171 1.11 134 46 17
Rliey, Phlla 11 11 1 171 1.11 127 01 111
Dell, Brook 11 I 1 161 1.19 141 41 71
Hughes, Boston. ..40 II 8 161 3.33 138 14 tl
SalUe, N. T 11 13 8 168 1.33 161 11 41
Rudolph, Boston. .11 11 10 187 1 16 343 81 111
Toney. Cln 40 14 17 389 2 10 111 Tl 180
F. Miller, Pitts. VI0 1 1 171 1.10 111 41 II
Tylsr Boston.... II 11 10 180 I II 114 II 101
8. Smith. Brook. .16 II 11 201 1.11 lit 41 II
Nehf, Boston 30 t 4 1013.11 ST IS 16
Perry, Chicago... I 1 1 111.37 30 I 6
Packard, S till 1.11 lit 87 39
Ames, St. L 41 10 10 334 3.40 838 14 96
McConnoll, Ch....2 4 13 173 1.40 117 li II
Vaushn, Chlcago..44 IT II 398 1.43 370 70 141
McQuillan, Phlla. 10 1 T 118.61 ST II 11
Mamaux. Pitts. . .44 It II 100 III 114 164
Perrltt. N T II 10 10 161 1.64 III 11116
Dsmaroe, Phlla... tl II It 171 1.61 140 46 110
Orlmeo. Pitts S 8 II 3.(0 14 t II
Reulbach, Iloaton.10 I 11001.11 tl 40 41
Harmon, Pitts... .10. 1 11 171 1.11 171 11 tl
Lavender, Chi... .11 II II 187 1.61 16t 61 to
Schneider, Cln. ..41 11 11 184 1.71 161 11 111
Prendergast, Chi. 16 t 11 161 3.71 111 11 64
Barnea Boston. .14 1 11 160 8.76 149 86 66
Hendrlx. Chi..... 16 7 16 101 1.77 181 13 110
Doak, St. L It II I 111 1.71 171 66 12
Mathewaon, Cln.. II 4 4 74 8.71 II I II
Meadowa, St. L.. 60 II II 811 117 111 116
Coomb., Brook. ...1618 8 144 3.37 121 43 48
Tesreau, N. T.... 37 II 18 864 1.94 333 10 102
Benton. N. T....I4 14 T lit 3.16 104 64 106
Kantlehener, PUL34 1 14 lit HI 141 II 4
Appleton, Brook. .It 0 I It 1.00 It 17 11
Knotser, Cln 17 4 14 111 1.01 141 41 16
Evans. Pitts IS 1 S SI s et II
Srhuls, Cln 43 T It lit 1.01 107
Jacobs, Pitta 14 7 1 161 1.01152
Anderson, N. T. . .11 10 It lit 1.11 103
Mitchell, Cln 17 10 11 111 lit
Watson, 8t. L....17 I t ttt.11101
Beaton Chicago.. 11 7 11301.13 104
Carter," Chicago... Its 37 1.40 31
Steele, St. L 17 I 14 144 1.44 160
Mayer, Phil. 11 7 7 111 1.44 140
Chalmers, Phlla..ll 1 4 111.44 10
Jasper, St. L 11 4 I 107 1.14 101
Bender, Phlla 31 7 7 111 MS 111
Moseley, Cln II 7 10 141 1.74 141
N. Brown, Chi.... 11 1 I 47 1.11 II
Lets. St. L 11 0 1 40 1.11 II
R. William.. St LIS I S 101 4.41 111
Adams, Pitta IS S S 71 10
IS 31
0 II
II 41
43 41
30 21
II 41
It 14
44 II
11 11
II 11
40 II
It 41
It tl
I S3
17 17
31 34
13 81
t National League
W. L. T. AB. R. H. Pet
Detroit ........16
It 1 6016 111 1331 .141
4 1 4140 179 1347 .362
74 I 4947 fl9 1211 .241
73 1 4961 160 1119 .248
10 I 4840 643 1117 .346
78 4 1018 674 1221 .341
73 t 4892 600 1171 .340
Chicago It
Cleveland 71
New York.....74
Boston II
3L Louis 71
vvashinston ....74
Philadelphia ...II 114 1 4719 411 1131 .337
O. DPTP.PB.PO. A. FJ. Pet.
Boston 161 100 0 It 406S 1164 180 .971
Chicago ....461 133 1 T 4130 1963 303 .961
Detroit 161 104 0 If 413 toil 311 .987
New York ..149 130 1 14 4076 2009 308 .147
Cleveland ..161 121 0 10 4116 3111 180 .114
St. Louis... 161 117 1 24 4247 till 141 .161
Washington 161 111 0 10 4101 1841 340 .941
Phlladolpha 141 127 0 17 1861 8060 306 .161
All players who have takeq part In flf
teen or mora gamea.
O. AB. R. H. 8H.6B.Pct
Speaker, Clov..,.147 621 100 307 14 83 .319
Cobb. Dot 141 ill 101 111 16 It .313
Jackson 161 674 17 lit 14 11 .140
Spencer, Detroit... IT 47 I 16 4 1 .111
Slrunk. Phlla 144 lit tl 101 31 21 .311
Rumler, St. L... . 34 16 4 11 0 0 .lit
St. Collins, Chi... .161 61S II 161 41 14 .107
Gardner, Boeton.. .144 481 47 141 11 II .301, Detroit.... 147 168 10 166 14 22 .100
Rice, Wash 12 170 11 il 1 1 .300
Felsch, Chi 141 12! 70 161 li 10 .211
O. W. L. IP. P.O. H. BB.SO.
Slaler, St. L t 1 1 27 1.00 11 I 12
Wolfgang. Chi... 27 4 1 121 1.11 102 41 li
W. Juhnaon, Wh..48 26 20 370 1.10 291 12 230
Ruth, Boston 42 22 12 110 1.94 212 111 166
Plank, BL L 16 14 14 ZZ7 1.S4 181 SI SS
H.Coveleekle, Dot. 44 2! 10 322 1.13 373 62 106
A.B.Russell, Chi. . 66 16 11 264 204 42 104
Cullop, N. YJ. 26 13 1 167 1.01 140 It 71
Kelbold, mil....- 3 10 II l.os net
Bens, Chi II I 1 143 2.01 104 21 tl
Shawkey, N. T.
Shaw, Wash....
..60 31 11 352 2.11 186 76 110
..34 3 t 17 8.13 It 43 31
Clcotto, Chi..
,.43 14 7 171 3.16 117 II 81
..11 10 8 114 2.20 141 tl 13
Koob, St. L. .
ilays, Boston.... 43 17 13 380 3.38 111 73 77
Coumbe, Clove. ...8T I 11013.23 117 II 16
Wellman, St. L. ..46 17 17 267 2.32 231 71 II
Thomas, Wash... 4 1 1 112.37 11 10 t
Fabsr. Chi 14 II I 117 110 It II
Dumont Wash. ..17 I I 613.38 It II II
Leonard', Boeton. .47 IT 11 213 3.43 331 It 186
Gallia. Waeh 48 II 14 111 I.4T 337 II 101
Klepfer, Clove... .11 t t 1401.10 111 46 il
Ehmke, Detroit., ill 73.eo a J lo to
J. Bush, Phlla. . . ..40 li 34 881 3.11 310 113 114
Shore, Boston.. ...17 II 11 111 8.6TS1T 41 10
Bagby, Clove 47 II II 181 3.63 341 17 li
Gould, Clove It I 101 1.13 II 17 40
Groom, St. L 4114 t ail I II 171 so si
C. Williams, Chi. 41 It 1114 3.11311 il 118
Mogrldgs, N. T..1I I II 170 111 44 67
Harper Wash. . ..14 II 13 240 301 104 146
Keating. N. T....14 i T 111.17 10 17 14
Beebo, Clevo It I I tl I.TI II 14 12
Davenport, St. It 11 19! Ml III 19 111
Park, St. L It 1 79 1.14 71 14 11
Avers, Waah 19 t I 141 lit 14 il
Shocker, N. T....10 4 I 111.37 II tl 16
Morton, Clevo 17 11 1 161 1.11 111 41 10
Boehltng, Wh-Cv.1T 10 li 111 3.00 111 T4 17
Dubuc. Detroit.. .1110111711.00131 IT II
Danforth. Chi 11 t I 911.00 It IS 46
Pennock, Boston.. S 0 I 17 1.00 II I 11
Foster. Boston ...13 11 1171 3.07 111 14 il
Cunningham Dotll T S 149 1.01 111 T4 17
Scott. Chi..'. II 111 1661.01 161 il 9
A. Russell. N. T..II I 11 161 134 71 14
S. Cov.le.kle, Clv.44 It 1! Ill 1.14 34! 61 70
Caldwell. N. T...I4 6 11 111 1.14 144 tl 77
Rico, Wash 4 0 1 10 1.11 10 10 8
Hamilton, St. L..8I T 1 121 8.17 131 10 II
Gregg, Boston.... II I I Tl 1 11 71 11 40
Lambeth, Clevo. .11 I 4 Tl 1.26 II It IT
DaUSS. DOt. ..... IS 17 13 W S. 3S IIS St St
Fisher, N. T 10 It T 170 I II 111 41 ii
Johnson, Phlla.. .11 I S 77 3.81 77 36 84
Nabors Phlla. ...37 1 18 101 1.41 111 10 tl
Bolandi Detroit.. .45 I 11111.41 11 61 66
Myers, Phlla 41 11 it sie s.ei zti lee t.u
James, Detroit. ..II 7 T 141 1.14 116 17 66
Smith, Clove 4 I 1 33 1.11 II I I
Sheehan, Phlla... II I II 111 1 11 111 II 13
Mitchell, Detroit. .13 7 10 111 1.12 1I si It
Love, N. T II I 0 414.11 41 10 1
Markle. N. T 11 4 t 414.10 It II 14
Wyckolf, Boeton. . It 1 1 40 4.91 14 II If
Williams, Phlla.. .10 I S 111.11 Tl II i:
Final Western
W. 1 T. AB. R. H. TB. B. SB. RR. SH. SB. BR SO. Pet,
Denver 7 71 1 S17I tit 1173 lilt 131 17 It 170 113 411 666 .lot
Sioux City 7S 71 1 tl6t 774 1411 2011 394 71 I 311 300 111 331 .261
Omaha 92 17 S 1041 101 1441 1015 lt It 10 110 174 416 145 .381
Wichita 67 II 4161 711 1001 1ISI 17S 11 41 311 101 133 141 -.184
Lincoln IT S3 0 1131 777 1434 lilt 363 00 II 107 100 471 411 .211
Dos Koines .... 76 76 1 1041 701 1311 1137 25E 31 S( 113 133 411 657 .171
Topeka 70 It 1 1207 704 1393 1I7S 14S SO 37 111 lit 440 184 .171
St. Joeoph 17 IS I 4118 Hi 1321 1711 111 IS IS 131 177 17S 101 .111
O.DP.TP.PB. PO. A. B. Pet
SIOUX City .111 107 0 7 4007 1614 202 .161
Denver ....164 121 12 3973 2011 829 .103
St Joeoph ..164 87 0 17 4030 1811 343 .111
Topeka ....163 93 S 34 4064 3001 347 .161
Lincoln ....160 lit 33 4031 2011 261 .161
Pea Moines 161 II 0 60 1971 1934 161 .161
Omaha 163 111 0 33 4018 1140 374 .961
Wichita ...161 100 S 14 Sill 1171 176 .166
All players who havs taken part In
fifteen or more gamea:
G. AB. R. H. SH.BB.Pct.
Butcher, Denver.. 141 141 111 204 23 83 .377
Klrkham. St Jos. 161 686 47 206 12 18 .150
Coy, Wichita 17 377 II 132 17 i .150
R. Miller. Omaha. Ill 170 111 111 21 23 .114
Oakes, Denver. ...161 ill 104 206 17 21 .142
Oil more, 8. C 131 638 104 181 13 31 .340
Johnson, Lincoln. 101 111 41 106 i 1 .138
Watson, S. C 161 ill 111 111 14 4t .131
Krueger, Omaha .111 171 72 127 20 11 .Hi
Shestak, Denver. .113 816
F. Hunter, Lin... 76 34t
Cass, Des Moines. 88 117
Rader, Sioux City II 317
Griffith, Wichita. It 261
Oregory, Lincoln. 4! 121
Defate. Topeka... 14 111
Harrington, Den. 17 37
White, Wichita . . 28 St
Gray, Wichita 108 871
Stevenson, Lin... 32 106
Krause, Omaha., tl 16t
Connolly, S. C 149 ill
41 121 T t .314
IT 82 14 12 .333
II 1 4 .133
T 14 .882
f I .121
I 11 .121
I S .124
1 .124
1 0 .121
44 111 II
10 II t
1 .121
4 .121
14 10 4 1 .820
84 184 80 S3 .817
Jones. Des M....161 141 101 171 17 11 .117
Mets, Sioux City. 131 411 IT 117 It 1! .117
Forsyths, Omaha. 147 12!
Sullivan, St. Jos. .161 ill
B een, Des M 100 211
Jourdan, 8t Jos. .110 408
Lobar, Lincoln.,. 160 671
Reed, Denver. ... 10 101
Hetltng Wichita. 16 12!
Dyer, Denver 146 661
Lltschl, Wichita.. 160 ilt
Kolliher, Denver, lit 46!
Hartford, Des M.147 164
Cochran, Topeka.'lOl 117
Block. St Jos.... 46 111
St Hi 21 li .111
61 163 31 21 .316
48 14 II I .316
11 121 17 14 .314
13 160 21 21 .313
36 61 t 14 .111
41 101 10 t .110
It 170 26 12 .101
11 161 13 16 .308
8T 140 31 18 .106
70 171 14 29 .206
7 111 17 11 .805
18 41 I I .304
Carlisle, Lincoln. 160 ilt 121 171 11 17 .10!
Shields, Denver. ..162 642 12 164 1! 12 .103
Devore, Topeka.. 90 142, St. Joe.. 146 140
Livingston, S. C.107 101
Goodwin, Topeka. 161 194
68 103 0 11 .301
77 162 26 87 .100
41 II I S .300
70 177 11 12 .211
II 112 26 21 .211
II 167 II 21 .217
11110 .217
it 17 IT 4 .111
1 131 20 11 .311
tl 140 39 21 .394
81 141 84 18 .314
30 10 11 S .111
ti 171 31 11 .111
14 17 I 1 .211
71 141 II 14 .210
41 101 T It .210
t I 1 0 .110
17 164 17 II .181
1 171 10 14 .211
46 121 21 I .181
11 IS 10 1 .188
II 21 I I .184
li 111 II IT .188
it 101 10 II .281
It lit It II .112
44 tl S IS .112
It 10 I t .180
91 111 It II .171
41 14 I I .176
0 101 II It .174
0 101 II It .174
71 141 11 I .171
14 14 I t .371
74 111 II tl .172
II 14 It S .373
B. smith, Omaha. 121 610
Meloan. Des M...141 ill
Kelly, & C 21 44
Hlnchman, S. C. 17 121
Lejeune. 8. C 121 411
J.Thompson, Oma.127 477
Krug, Omaha. ...128 410
McClelland, St J. tl 201
W.Huntor, Des M.16! 114
Sterser, Denver., it 127
Klldutf, Omaha.. 146 111
Engle, Topeka. ... IS 111
Flaharty, Wich... 20 II
Fox, Wichita 141 III
C. Minor, Denver. 142 ill
Rappa, Wichita ..134 447
Hall., Lincoln.... 44 126
Llndmore, Top... 22 II
Britten, Wichita. 160 171
Lloyd, Denver.... ts 161
Thomaaon, Lln.,.141 t&l
Callahan, 8. C... 78 3"
W. Lathrop, Top. 30 Ul
Agler. Topeka 1M 196
Marshall, Omaha. 11 233
H. Wllliama, Lin. 101 869
T. Williams, Lin.. 101 let
Hahn, Des H....134 I1T
Henning, Top..., 17 II
Morse, Lincoln. ..131 489
Claire. Des M. . . . 11 101
Jackson, Wichita. 141 41!
Orovor, 8. C... ft 111
Hensllng, ft C. ... 18 6T
East Llncon ti 127
Lambeth, Topeka. 27 7S
Hlgg!nn'th'm,D.M. to 4t
Crosby, 8. C 14 101
Holmes, Lincoln.. IS It
Hunt Wichita.... 26 tl
Burg, Omaha., ..Ill 414
Cole, Denver 6S 116
Koestner, St J... IS 121
Schwoltser, Top.. IS 846
II lit 17 It .171
I .361
I .261
S .218
I .261
Tl 14
IT 1
I .261
I .263
I .161
IT 121 10 IT .161
14 it S 4 .210
II S I .154
II 11 li .156
tt I I .161
Allen. Topeka..
71 361
ST 161
43 181
IT 61
t! 80S
R. Lathrop, Top.
Rlgsby, Des M...
RosBman, Wich...
Snahr. Des M....
II 1
It I
71 II
I .16!
S .162
t .260
T .241
Lattlmore. Lin .
.129 46S
II 111 II II .24!
Absteln, Wichita. 43 14S
Ewoldt. Deo M...161 643
Wright, St Jos.. St 361
O. Williams. 8tJ..18S 111
Monroe, Top 126 40S
Stevens, Denver.. 21 114
Fuaner, St. Jos. ..121 111
King, Denver II 14
12 It I 6 .141
tt 184 14 It .247
tt 14 7 T .146
ti 121 II II .141
41 IS 14 10 .141
11 47 T S .141
II IS II S .241
I II 1 1 .241
League Averages
C. Thompson, Oma. II 17 I II 11 0 .241
Tydsman. Top 41 111 II 41 t f .231
Keating. St Joa.106 111 14 71 IS II .131
Trainer, Topeka.. II 61 t II 1 I .136
Kruger, Topeka .. 91 360 It 111114.234
Cooney, 8. C 144 ill 61 111 21 11 .211
Rohrer, Lincoln.. 10 111 II II 11 1 .221
Olllltf.n. Dea M.. tl 40 I 1 0 0 .221
Tobln, Wichita... 41 161 It 11 T I .222
Butler, St. Jua... II 411 II 41 II 11 .121
Musser, Des U... 48 121 11 IT 1 1 .216
Schardt, 8. C 10 T4 I II I t .211
Sommera, St Joa. 18 Hi II 15 I 0 .211
Kllleen, Dos M... 16 11 4 I S .111
Doyls, Topeka... 10 67 6 14 4 0.209
Clark, 8. C 45 lot t 11 I t .104
Priest Omaha.... II 10 It It S 1.200
Hovllk hi. Joa 41 It I II I 1 .200
Snow, Topeka 21 16 4 7 0 0 .200
Burwell, Topeka. 41 It 7 II 3 0 .117
North, Omaha 35 93 8 IS 11 S .111
Thomas, Des M.. 43 94 18 S 1 .191
F. Smith. Omaha. It 70 I II 1 I .181
Irelan, Omaha... II Hi 14 tl I 1 .181
Gardner, Lincoln. 11 II t 17 t 1 .183
Dashner, Topeka. 33 83 1 4 0 0 .133
Beers, St. Jos.... 14 111 IT 21 11 I .180
Griffin, Wichita.. II II I 10 I 0 .178
Ford. Denver 12 10 t It t 1 .177
Manser, Denver.. 47 II 10 It I 1 .171
Gaskell, Omaha.. 14 tl I 11 12 0 .178
Hannan, Wichita. 20 IS I SIS .170
Helmer, St. Jos... 39 66 I 11 0 I .169
Baker, Dea M.... ft 101 11 11 I 0 .167
O'Toole, Omaha.. 10 80 t It I 0 .lit
Patterson. St. Jos. 21 61 1 10 4 0 .147
Msrx, Omaha It 86- I II I I .141
O. IP. H.BB.SO. W. L. Pet.
Marshall, Top .
Furchner, 8. C
Johnson, wich.
Yearl, Ltn
Jones, Wich. . .
1 It II
I 11 II
I 11 11
1 S 4
Cain, St Jos. . . .
I T 4
Harrington, Don. 11 113 101 T7 77 11 1
O'Toole, Oma. ..10 311 317 61 73 II T
North, Oma ....33 221 189 92 116 16 8
Schardt, S. C... 87 304 246 36 102 16 S
East Lin 43 306 333 123 167 21 14
Ford, Den 29 336 347 II lilt S
H.lla, Lin 41 186 361 66 13 23 13
Gaepar, 8. C... 32 212 234 41 16 12 7
C. Th'pson, Oma.83 331 251 81 II 17 10
Mora, Oma 11 250 242 11 106 11 11
Musser, Dos M..47 330 231 111 341 22 14
Grover, S. C 41 281 260 97 164 30 13
Wtllett Lin. ... 6 I! 64 16 It I I
Krauss, Oma. ..11 207 131 10 113 14 10
Clark, 8. C 38 248 377 61 181 16 13
Gardner, Lin. ..38 373 360 18 138 17 14
Gasklll, Oma. ..38 118 137 69 73 13 10
Henning, Top. .11 110 111 TO 10 13 10
J. Wllliama. 8. J.41 111 117 71 lit 1 II
King, Dan. 11141141 14 61 S 8
Lambeth, Top. .10164 111 61 19 I S
Baker, Deo M. .12 114 330 Tt 131 II IT
Patterson, 8. J..II1II1I0 21 19 1111
Gregory, Lin. ...40 178 IIS 6S 1614 11
Manser. Den. ...44 111101 10 1115 14
iS'homas. Des li.. 41 110 111 111371114
sterser, Den. . .is ais iso ipi so 14 14
Flehartr. II II II it
Brack, Oma. ...It 16 II 11 II
Lathrop, Top... s 13 71 10 is
Larson. Top. ... S It
41 11 IS
Hoffman Lin. I II 88
Bsnnstt Wich ..I 17 II
Gaut Den I It 11
Prloe. Wich. ... I - S I
Dyer. Den. I It It
t I
II 10
It T
Hovllk, St. J. ..41 117 III 151 171 11 11
Ollllgan, Des M. II 111 III 41 61 I I
Burwell, Top. ...13 131187 II 67 I T
Koestner. 8. J... 47 SOI 111 lit 161 11 It
Doyle, Top. ....87 170 113 tl 711011
Hall, Top 41 111 123 110 113 It 30
Davie, Wich 38 11T 848 61 11 11 14
Sommera. St J.. 11 340 818 101 111 II 10
Sanders, Top. ...10 It 14 81 84 I 4
H. Smith, Lln ..I II 10 13 17 1 4
Malarky, Wich. .31 181 140 81 14 7 10
Kelly, 8. C. 10 166 171 II 17 7 10
Craig. Wich. ...11.46 to It II I I
Klein, Wich I 12 II II It I I
Irion, Den is S3 ss to is 3 s
Andrsss. Dan. ...13 il II It 14 I 6
Hlgglnb'm, D. M. 10 131 160 10 17 T 11
Reynolds. Don. .11 li It 41 11 t T
Weet Don It 131 lit 83 78
Pate. Wich. 11 61 71 16 10
1 4
Llston, Wich. ... T II It 9 7 1
F. Thomaa, 8. J.. 4 14 IT tl t 1
C. Watson, 8. C. 4 II II li 10 1
Grant Des M. ... t II 18 IT t 1
Kllleen, Das M. .11401 103 71 43 I
Kaufman. Ton. .13 78 93 9 13 I
Griffin, Wich. ...33181111 10 11 4 16
Dashner, Top. ..1! 70 10 11 II 1 I
Rohrer. St Joa. . I 14 II 10 S 1 4
Hunt Wich. ...17 117 II! II 44 ill