Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    2 B
is Going On
in Society Circles
Vail-Jaquith Wedding Party.
Sharing in social interest with Ak-Sar-Ben
festivities is the marriage 5f
Miss Alice Jaquith, daughter of Mrs.
A. B. Jaquith, and Mr. Elias Vail of
Poughiceepsie, which takes place Sat
urday evening at St. Barnabas church.
Miss Jaquith's matron of honor will
be her sister, Mrs. Clifford Weller of
this city, and Miss Meliora Davis is to
be maid of honor. Miss Isabel Vin
sonhaler and Miss Eugenie Patterson
are the other Omaha attendants, while
Miss Lucile Greene of Indianapolis
and Miss Alice Roberts of Cleveland
will complete the party. The best man
and the ushers all come from the east
with one exception, John Caldwell,
who is an usher. Herman Vail of
Poughkeepsie, a cousin of the groom,
la to be best man, and Chester Spauld
ing and Robert Smith, both of I'ough
keepsie, and Victor Stibolt of Daven
port will be the . other ushers. Mr.
Vail and his best man and ushers will
reach Omaha Tuesday, but Misl
Greene. and Miss Roberts are already
The wedding party, however, has
two more important members in the
flower girl and the ring bearer. The
former will be Miss Elinor Kountze.
In the society "movie" given last June
for the Child Saving institute Miss
iaquith was the heroine and little
(iss Kountze acted as flower girl in
the movie wedding of Miss Jaquith
and Robert Burns. The ring bearer
will be the bride's nephew, Charles
Frederick Weller, jr.
Beginning Monday with a luncheon
at Miss Vinsonhaler s home there will
be one and two entertainments daily
for Miss Jaquith and Mr. Vail. Mrs.
Jaquith gives a luncheon Tuesday for
the out-of-town members of the wed
ing party and that evening there will
be a dinner for all of the wedding
Earty at the home of Miss Meliora
'avis, followed by an Orpheum party.
Wednesday : evening Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Weller give dinner at the
University club for them, preceding
the Ak-Sar-Ben electric parade, and
after the parade Miss Eugenie Pat
terson will be the hostess at supper
at the Fontenelle.
Thursday Mrs. Charles Kountze
gives a breakfast at noon at her home,
and the same evening there will be
the wedding rehearsal at St. Barnabas
and a dinner at the Omaha club given
by Mrs. Jaquith. John Caldwell will
entertain the wedding party at dinner
Friday evening at the Omaha club
prior to the ball, and they, with a
number of others, will be the guests
of i Philip Meti at ' supper at the
Omaha club afterward. Saturday, the
day of the wedding, is left free, Miss
Jaquith preferring not to accept any
invitations for that day, after week
ao crowded with festivities.
Close of Field Club.
One of the largest Dutch treat par
ties at the closing, dinner-dance at the
Field club Saturday evening included:
sfeears. end iiesdant
Ci. 3. Merrlam, , K. O. Whltlmsk, i ' Y'
M A. Douceur. oUy Andm of
C. H. 8'hilp, , . Council BltKfl.
J, B. Fntitonliurir, -: ' - ' ? .
Dr. ami Mrs. Hi A. WM. ' V. '
Mr.: and Mrs, P,' A. Wells enter
tained at dinner at the club last evening.'-Their
guests were:
lit-sara. and Mn4mmm .
U A. Bpnuldlnir, ,B. f. Riley,
0. U Klpllll W. - .' i . ; .- ta
Mrs.' 0?orffe Shields. a
Another Dutch treat party included:
Dr. and Uri. VV. H: Walker.
"Messrs. 4nd Mesdamrs
Blaln. Tour,, E. Haldenan,
Oscar Lisbon, A. C. llulmu,
Alaynard Swarts, '
. Airs. John Kheerian of Phlr-aso.
Mrs. i. J. Mould of Milwaukee.
Mr. and Mrs. CD. Sturtevant bad
in their party: .'
Meeitts. and Mtsdamea
A, V. tShotwoll, B. Kvehlld. ".-
.Mrs. Uluddan James of CUIcaffl.
With Mr. and Mrs. G. L. E. Kling
beil were :
Ueesrs. and Masdamee
W. w. Voune, Brno Toanf.
Ulaa Ruby Kllnsbell.
Mr. Wallac Toung.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hunter had as
their guests at the Field club Mr. and
Mrs. H. A. Cameron and Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Whitworth of Lincoln. .
Dr. and Mrs, By A McDcrmott had
.in their party:
nr. and Mrs. H. L. Arnold.
Messrs. and Mssdamea
1. H. Mllhon, J, O. Ilford.
A. I. Root,
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Krans enter-
tainea tor
Dr. and Mrs. I.
C. Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. H.
Ortha Qulna af
Council Bluffs.
A. Qulnn.
Lorstta Daliane, '
' Meaers.-- .
Bdaar H. Main
Leslie H. Krans.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Woodland en.
tertained a party of twelve, while
smaller parties were given by W. E,
Silver, E. H. Howland, C. B. Liver,
E. H. O'Shea, Mrs. Frank Tubbs, O.
S. Goodrich, Harley Conant, G. C.
Hutchinson, J. L. Pray, H. H. Loveil,
J. D. Hartnett, J. Trimble, H. K. Shaf
fer, W. E. Maloney, J. W. Gamble,
Shirley H. Wilson, Victor Smiley,
Franklin Shotwell, A. T. Wilson, Al
bert Cahn, Herbert Daniel, W. S.
Randal, Simeon Jones and Lester
Drishaus. v
: Another Dutch treat party Included:
Messrs. and Meedamea
Frank Kwlna. , R. D. Pollard.
A. w. Scrlbner, John J Dala,
B. P. Pollard at B. P. Smith,
Tarn Cera, Fla. : .
On of the Dutch treat parties in
cluded the following:
Meaara. and Meadamee 1
Kdsrard P. Boysr, Paul Burleltk,
Clalra- Ralro, M. B. MIIMken,
Sdward, W. Balrd. Robert Mauley.
Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Wilson had
as their guests Dr. and Mrs. J. F. An
son and Mrs. Kuhlan of Nebraska
City. . .... ,, ......
Country Club Closes. ,
Miss Fanny Schibsby of Minneapo
lis, who arrived Saturday morning to
be the ffuest of Judne and Mrs. Wil.
liam A. Redick during the Ak-Sar-
cen nativities, was their guest at a
dinnef party given at the Country
ing. .Covers were laid fori
siassrs. ana SHUnt.,
John Bodlek,
W. T. Burn.
ClurlMT. KeoDtt,
Daphne Poton,
favnay 4chtbbr f
Minneapolis, ,
.- Mhiii.-
lAwrente BrlBkar Robert Burnt,
Ben Oatla-sTlur, Ward BurcM. '
Mr. and Mn. Arthur English hid
as their dinner guest Uit creniQff:
Meri. and Jfatd&mea--
Oeortr Kelly, K, E Pearoe,
tL J. IHanlnv, ' Frank Boyd.
With Mr, and Mrs. J. T- Stewart
were: :
MetMrra. nS Meedamea-
Donald MrFerran of Chariea Test fltewart
Hixi pee town. 111.; f CoBncIl Blaffa.
Dining with Mr. and Mrs, J. .
Auuiuw were
& -Vi , ' 4 A .V; 7 t
laiyf if 1 " ' " t '4 mOiffoTiXKIkr
Isabel , i n-' 7 sjy8" I s.
J v 'W'4 1 v-V tjfMr' Lai J
A. J. Leva, Norrla Brown.
Mr. and Mr. W. J. Connell had in
their party:
Messrs. and Moadaines
Barry I. Clarks, . arsd W. Clarke.
Malleoli Rosa,
Mr. Luther Drake entertained at
Jffeeare, and Mssdamaa
JB. M. Fairfield, . B. W. Dlaoa. '
Dr. and Mrs, F. N. Conner had a
their dinner guests r
air. ana jars. m. .
Mrs. Uaorge Voos,
Mr. Charles uausl. i
Mr. and Mrs. N, H. Loomls give
dinner party tor their guest, Miss
Gertrude Hull, of Salina, Kan, Covers
were placed for;
Oertrude Hull.
Marjorle Howlaae,
Meesia. '
Howard aarsia.
Alsa C. Loomls, -
Lon Callahun,
aioSS.s. 4ild Mi
Albert H. Bv sch.
am. Johi Data.
Albert W. Gordon.
A Dutch treat
Dosed of:
Messrs. and Msedimas
R. F. Klokai
J. W. Towta,
H. Q. Kdward
Frank Wal(ars.
W. n.
Kaoml Towla.
Marlon Towls,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke G. Powell en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cooley
and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Moorhead.
Dining with Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Huntley were:
Messrs. and Mssdames
Herbert Wheeler, . a. S. Wsstbrook,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doorlv had as
their dinner guests:
Messrs. Shd Mesdaoies '
Panlel B. urn. Ruts ToWla.
Mra. Marr Mora of Baton, Pa.
Mi. Paul Cooler.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Carlisle en
tertained at dinner, their guest be
ing: Msasra. and Mesdamea
r. H. Oatnea, B. W. Soandrath.
Mrs. M. C Pstsra.
Mtaa Marjorls Cavara. ;
Mr. 1, A. Cavara.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Low enter
tained at the dinner-dance, when Mr.
rietcner oi Boston, Mrs. Lows
brother, was the out-of-town guest
Guests of the Lows were;
Messrs, and Mesdames
B. H. Sprakue, Howard H. Baldrtva.
O. C. Redick, F. W. Judeon.
Mrs. Arthur Rsmlnston.
MsssrS. Bteeere
Charles Saunders. ' Harry McCormick.
Mrs. Ben Gallagher had as her
Messrs. and Mesdunsa
Arthur Oulou, Fraak Ksoah.,
Mra. John M. Baldwin.
Mrs. Charles Oreen.
Mr. Frank Burkler. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Hnsfnrrt
i?.,eIi1K, f of 'o"een, while
W. G. Blackwell. W. A Pr...r .nr1
J. H. Caldwell had parties of four.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pegau enter
tained one of the lartreat nartiva a
group of sixteen guests. Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Carey had nine guests; E. W.
uuniner, eigni; wnue smaller parties
were given by B. F. Gallagher, J. H.
Ruahton, P. F. Petersen, C. B. Mo
ser, G. A. Roberts, G. F. Engler, A.
O. Petersen, E. R. Perfect. C. R.
Howe, C G. McDonald, W. W. Hove.
W H. Snails, E. H. Burkett, W. L.
Byrne, K. L. Howell, H. . Brown
and C H. Marlev.
One of the larger parties of young
pcopie Dining logeiner at we club in
eluded the following:
Meaara. and Meadamee-
Barton Millard. Oaorta Redick.
JfaKsr Roherta. John W. Madden.
outs Clark.
vnarias a. Mats,
toulaa Dlnalne, . Xathryn Torranca
Grace Allison, of Loa Anislss.
Meaara. Messrs.
Charlea Allison. Jos Jllllard.
Loula Burfesa, w
Out-of-Town Maids for Ball,
The board of governors of Ak-Sar-Ben
announce the following list of
out-ot-town maids tor the coronation
pan Friday evening:
Misses Norma Mack and Harriet
Mack of Buffalo, N. Y.; Miss Madge
L. Daniels, Ord, Neb.: Miss Blanche
Sperling, Chadron, Neb.; Miss Verna
Members of Vail Jaquith Wedding
a V MM T. :, WKSjiS V Si - saaasaasw--
lintiiHStfUm Wss
Charles fivckrJck Wetter
Smith, Tilden, Neb.; Miss Floy Stotts,
Nemaha, Neb.; Miss, Mamie Pifer,
Lyons, Neb.; Miss Margaret Donelan,
Plattsmouth, Neb.; Miss Louise Coe,
Nebraska City; Miss Genevieve Jones,
yokes and
edgings with
Full instructions free
The daintiest, prettiest yoke and edging are to easily and
p charmingly crocheted with Kloster that it it no wonder it popu-
ej larity increases every day. The lasting luster and splendid wearing
i quality of IGcterdofijll Justice to tie beauty of ycr own handiwork.
' "Whit (Aa( ttayt whit calm trW W
'. Y
desler cannot supply
ier cannot supply
lowers anew mra
The Thread
Eleanor Ebushe
North L6iip, Neb.; Misses Lenora
Oberfelder and Hazel Oberfelder, Sid
ney, Neb.; Miss Sara Ladd, 928 South
Seventeenth' street, Lincoln; Miss
Grace Porter, 1836 G street, Lincoln;
i How to get Free Instructions mm aneymca.
for experts and banners 'llli
our latest crochet folder No. S9S, ntustratlns 15 new design
for yokes and edsind. wit au stitches shown or No. 960,
lllustratint IS Istcst Crocheted r erodes for Baby. If your
you send ns bis asm, ana for sacs or in
you i
d-ceui enraria.
Mills Co.
tit Waal Aohsaa Street
SPECIAL JyosJ sw rnncUt A Mrh ITtatiT fm ytmr
nprrn ielrwrtutotudirtet,utsm30fyrthttifwih
VtlLK. tind o ArZt"r ConfoaMf or Ms
mid 12c Clfaaiat) sad racsrw aar two latttfeidru
Eugenie Tatierson
Miss ' Elsie Saunders, 501 South
Twelftth street, Lincoln; Miss Honey
well, 1800 South Twenty-fourth street,
Lincoln; Miss Lucile Green, Indianap
olis, Ind.; Mis Alice Roberts, Cleve
land, O.; Miss Fanny Schibsby, Min
neapolis, Minn.; Miss Mary C. Dela
hunty, Charleston, ,S. C; Miss Mary
Kate Watts, Meridian, Miss.; Miss
Belle Beazelle, Minneapolis, Minn.;
Miss Irene Grosse, Pasadena, Cal.;
Miss Cecile Andrews. St. Paul. Minn.i
.Miss Dorothy Lee Morehead, Lin-
,A":- Eat Your .
Special Music - I
Don't throw away a good garment just
, J . because it is faded or you have become
tired of the color.
We pay parcel port "charge
Be- SaBen brin8 yur cleninft
: 1 1513-15-17 Jone St
g Branch Office) 2016 Farnara
Katherine Krug, Fort
Happy Hollow Club Closes. .
Hundreds of diners attended the
last dinner-dance of the season at
Happy Hollow club last evening. Mr.
and Mrs. John F. Flack entertained a
family party, at which the guests
Meas-s. and MesdamH
Mrlea McFayden, John T. Brownlee. '
Alia. P. H. Brownies of Washing-ton, Pa.
.Miss Gladys Sherman, New York City.
Ur. 0!ora Flack.
A "Dutch" treat party at Happy
Hollow club last evening included:
Messrs. and Meadamee--
W. 1 Caray, H. W. McDonald. :
W. A. PleU
Or. and Mrs. O. L). Shlpherd. "
Mrs. W. M. Jeflsrs. .
McCaffrey-Schoup Wedding. '
The marriage of Miss Leona
Schoup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Grant J. Schoup of Council Bluff9,and
Mr. Sherman McCaffrey, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Owen McCaffrey of this
city, took place Saturday morning at
9:30 o'clock at the Holy Family Cath
olic church in Council Bluffs, the Rev.
Father Quinn officiating. Miss Wini
fred Traynor of Omaha played both
the Lohengren and Mendelssohn wed
ding marches and Miss Catherine
Higgins of Council Bluffs ?ang "I
Love You Truly." Mr. John Halpine
sang the Ave Maria. Following the
ceremony a wedding breakfast was
served at the home of the bride's par
ents. Mr. James McCaffrey .brother of
the bridegroom, acted as best man.
Mr. Howard Downey and Mr. Edward
McCaffrey, brother of the bridegroom,
were the ushers. The church was dec
orated in white daisies ' and-' fern's.
'G Tflimde
TTES. I mta Juit tht -on mlnaU t day
X to rnaks your faca ao anpmntlr beau
tiful that vm your frlanda will hardly
now yon to b th aama pmov. Than ts
10 aoerat about tha method. There 1s no
oubt about the result. You know In ad
anec that the result will be all you rea
onably expect. All It require from you le
he deilrt to do It. You ean have this beauty,
ay dear, a euro as yon read this if you
rant It. First, lay Hide everything- elae you
have been uitng for your akin. Quit them
'.11 now. Next, tret one ounce of statone
rom the drug store and mix It with two
ablespoonfuli of glycerine In a half pint
4 water. That is all there is to It Start
itlnfr it today. The woman who won't try
:t cares mighty little for her complexion.
You'U be one of the happiest women in the
world when you actually see your skin tak
ing on the bloom and purity of a roae. It
all depends en you powt absolutalysy. .. . .K
hl3S WORRlEI My dear, I wasted SevV
era! years fooling , with 'heir ttmieg
navatr tlltt n OntlM rrra tint . A east aMi- aK.
; m- aa r va mxw.
wasung your time tne same wy. i never
trot uv Mnlt until l .mn 4tM.
got any results until I stopped. all those-
DrenaraUOnB and ' USed BIT own fAnnultL:
IT.vart-vKnHw fVSnt k.. n.j u .4 v-
results. The same thing will happen to you.
Your hair will at once stop falling, and th.
hair will grow as you never thought it pos-
albM. Ul And tmne-m nt hf.nntnni itk
h.i it .hj . i .
half pint of water and a half pint of alcohol.
or use one pmi oz say rum tnscsaa of the
water and alcohol Mmd you. thla makes
over a pint of positive hair grower, more
than yon could get at the same price if you
bought any of the so-called "hair tonics."
You will be grateful to me for telling yon
about this.
e e e
MISS C. 0. M. I used to use soap and
ths queer shampoos sold. too. until I realised
my mistake. The alkali in them dries up the
scalp and hair secretions. Don't do it. If
you want a wonderful cleanser and sham
poo that actually dissolves dandruff as If by
magic, and helps hair grow, dissolve a tea
spoonful of eggol In a half cup of water.
You ean get eggol at the drug store for.
coin; Miss
Crook, Neb.
Bring it to us and let us advise yotf
what can be done for it, and what it will
cost to dye it
We are. dyeing a great many jackets,
overcoats, tailor suits, dresses and waists.
- White Polo Coats and Sweater Jackets
are coming in in great numbers. They dye
nicely in red, brown, green, plum, old rose
and black and finish up like new.
Special to Out-of-Town People
one way on all out-of-town orders.
"d dyeing with you. Complete price list
"Good Cleaners and Dyer".
(Block South Hotel Rome)
South Sidei 4708
Ophelia roses, palms and Ferns wer'e
the house decorations.
The bride wore a gown of ivory
satin and chantilly lace trimmed with
pearls and made with a court train-.
Her tulle veil was held in place by a
band of silver. Her bouquet was a
shower of lilies of the valley and bride
roses. -, - -
Mrs. Edward Kelly, matron of hon-: ,
, t t
satin and chantilly lace. In her hair
she wore a bird of paradise and she
carried white chrysanthemums. - " n
Miss Craire McCaffrey, sister of the ;
bridegroom, and Miss Mary -Kline,
were the bridesmaids. Miss Claire
wore a gown of pink chiffon and sil-v
ver lace and carried pink chrysanthe- r
mums. Miss Mary's gown was of or
chid faille and her bouquet of pink
chrysanthemums. Both wore pink pic- ,
ture hats.
After a wedding trip to the east Mr: '
and Mrs. McCaffrey will be at homeC
or. wore ncr wciiuinK xuwn ui ivwj
on iiuvcntucr la at v-v ouutu iiutij-
first street, Omaha. '-' '
Smith-Bradford Wedding.
. i n..-nA c.:.u i-. T...e.v
C X-..A Ttt ...t An. .
ot a romance 'begun nere over tnree
years ago, when Lieutenant Smith,
ann nf General Frederick Kmith. -was.
stationed with the Fourth infantry at .,
Fort Crook arid Miss Bradford was V
associated with Miss Isabel Lowden.
in the latter's studio as the instruc-.
tor in dancing. Miss Bradford came.
tn Omaha uritli Mis T r,u,r!fl Snrl rf-
mained only, a year, since which time'
she has been teaching dancing .hi. St..
t . . t T c:. I.
i.niiis ajin v niruvii. lieuir iiiii. 11111111 .,
(Continued on Page Throe Col. Five.)
a Dayfflakes
A Lily Shin
f&K . . era . ' .ax- I
How Sum Bcauliu Do It,
SimpU SecreU That Never Fall.
"It Is Almost Unbelievable
What Can Be Done to the Com ,
plexion in a Few Days," . Says '
the Stage Favorite, Valeska -.
Suratt. - . .
By V
twtnty-ftva cants, enough to ttake twslv "
or more
ot these marrelously effectivs
HISS FRET Really. I plt anyone who-
nses tn usual prepare! wrinkle- creams.
The latter take forever and a day pi
due results. Many of ntf staae friends hare
suits in a -few days. You ean do the same.
Get two ounces of eptol at the drug store
and mix with '6ne tablespoonf ul of glycerine
and a half pint of water. Notice particularly -how
faet- the crows' feet and "mouth"
wrinkles disappear, rll guarantee you'll look
M RA. fl. (I. M-Nn mimAmr vmiv hum -In
mvjn.y -reus mrjmm; w jnnen nut iMf qKHtJoan
xeu say youve neen ooing mat xor years.''
Vaw Vl(a Mil natal VM Ism
only a few mlnutee: Sprinkle some powdered.
ncroxln - on a wet sponge and rub this on "
the blackheads. ,vl - believe" if- I sold this
method to all my friends I would, be rolling
fa wealth today.-Its magic. You can gestae ,
-6LlNbUi.ere-s. e 'excu.V-or;'
a.J J !- iu. Ji a
uuu vu u(rj aiyir. nesvisiK Ml, aviliwixi . IVH
muinB p w conipiion lormuja. in ease; .
you nava dimeuity hereafter, simply send '
th prieo; fift cents, to "Seeretary to Va-'
' loalrai fliiMtt. '1 Thnmmnn B1H nhu.M
and it will be sent to you at one. " ... '
, T V A- ' - -
,"lfLJL ?CC7J..
some degree. That's why J have my own
face powder. Its just tike velvet, and in.-.
visible. There's nothing else like it. It Is
now oM mt:drvg Bt0MB valeska Suratt-
face Powder' at fifty cents, in white, flesh :
n4 brunette., tints. Also ask .your friends
to try it.
HISS SUPER The red spot on yottr up-
Eer lip ts caused by the burning superfluous '
sir removers you used. Hereafter don't
use such preparations, but apply some sulfo
solution to the hairs von wnt nmnTiMt
This dissolves hair in the most extraordinary
way, leaving no scar or 'spot whatever. The
",u"on T ?m,B " T
MISS N. O. R. No, I can't promise-' tht -anything
will- surely develop the bust In
every case, but I will say that the' very best
thing Is -to mix two ounces ot ruetone and -
half a cup of sugar in half a pint of water,
and take two teaspoonfula of it after each
meal and on retiring. I've seen wonderful
results from this in a month's timc-Adv.",
Speaking of the scarcity
of dye stuff reminds me that
lack of dye is not the only
trouble w dyers have to
contend with.
We are fatting some dye
from the American factories,,
and have had two small allot
ments that came in on the
D.utchland, but the great
trouble is it is not the same
quality or strength that it
was before the war.
Our dyar must test it all
out. combine and experiment
with each lot until ha knows
juat whet he can do with it.
Am glad to say that we
have a dyer capable of doing
such work, end the dyes we
now turn out are practically
as good as they ever were.
Of course, it coats a little
more, all dye stuff has ad
Tanced from 400 to 700
since the war started.
If mmino- to the citv fnr At."
mailed on request. ,
. -.'"'.'-
Phone Doug. 963,
S. 24th St. Phone South 1283. '