Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1916. wu an old Mormon named Klin,
Who married nino wi, (at and fioo.
If you spoko, of McCraw,
Ho would anlekor, "Haw, Hawl"
Ho nonr could manafo my nine!"
Hope and Dope Spring Ever Within the Human Breast,
AnotherYear's Endeavor Means the Giants on the Crest
"It'i a month line, you brought homo aa panny."
Anothor old follow namod Benny,
Said nina wives worn nino wim too many.
"I guaaa you are right,"
Said his wifalo ono night
AA Players Who Will Take Part
in Field Meet Sunday Are
I Urged to Be on Hand.
A big mass meeting of all amateur
base ball players who intend to take
part in the amateur field day progran.
at Rourke park Sunday afternoon wil
be held in the council chamber of thi
city hall tonight at 8:15.
& The mass meeting has been called
that details for the extensive pro-
k. .!.. ,M nllln.H u
IS.IU VM1 V ni.WMO"J -
the competing players, and so tha
the entry list can be compiled. Al
players who have entered or intend to
uo so are urgcu iu uc uu iwu.
ers will be permitted to enter D)
handing their names in at the meeting
tonight or by sending them to the
sporting editor of The Bee or eithei
of the other daily papers by 3 o'clock
Saturday afternoon.
Dennison Out for Blood.
Johnny Dennison, the dnnon Luxus
pilot, who has been chosen to manage
the All-Star amateur nine which will
clash with the Rourkes in one of the
ball game events Sunday, is out for
blood. Johnny has declared himself,
and avers that his All-Star nine will
go on the field with the avowed inten
tion of handing the professionals a
walloping. Johnny is a strong believ
er in the "class" of amateur base ball
in Omaha. He declares the local Class
A players'are better than the general
public credits them. "They'll see how
good we are when we collide with the
Rourkes Sunday," insists Johnny. "A
lot of people are in for a surprise, he
Has Good Team.
Tnhnnv has a Bood team of All-
5tars, and amateur fans are confident
honors, bunny Holland ana Jim Moy
lan, who will do the hurling, are a
couple of pretty nifty curvers, and
even such sterling sluggers as Ray
Miller, Ernie Krueger, Cy Forsythe
and Kewpie Kilduft aren't going to
run up any procession of home runs.
Dennison has some hard hitters on
his club, too, and the Rourke hurler
who draws the assignment Sunday
will find he is up against a problem.
Krug has not announced the hurl
er he will send on the firing line
airainst the amateurs, but it is be
lieved Lou North or Marty O'Toole
iv 11 do the work. Marty eloesn t in
tend the amateurs shall put anything
over on him, and it is believed he will
choose one of these mound artists to
do the work.
Hanlon Refuses to
. Pay Kane the Money
Sioux City, la., Sept. 28. President
E. J. Hanlon ot the Sioux oty wesi
hase hall club has refused
to meet the demands of the national
base ball commission to pay Jim
former Sioux Citv first base
man, $450 for two months' salary.
Hanlon declares the ruling under
which he released Kane was a league
one and that the league must stand
the $450, and not tne aioux i-ny ciud.
Kan, wat releaser! irom me oiuux
itv rlnh m Mav. He had an op
portunity to sign with Wichita within
ten days, DUt a ruling wun.ii in
hibited a released player from signing
with another club in the same league
1 within sixty days kept Kane from
going to the Wichita team. Kane
made a fight for the salary and the
naitonal commission decided in his
Lincoln Highway
Marked from East
L. P. Smith, road superintendent
working on the Lincoln highway, has
arrived in Omaha from the east, after
distributing the uniform Lincoln
highway marker along the big path
from New York to this city.
The marker is the usual oblong
Lincoln highway marker bearing the
national colors, and is fixed at regu
lar intervals eight feet from the
ground. More than 8,000 of these
have been put up between New York
and Omaha, an average of about five
to a mile.
Beatrice Races.
Beatrice. Neb., Sept 2!. (Special Tele.
rara.) A crowd of 4,000 attekded the
county fair today. In the 8:26 tro Robert
Seway waa first. Tommy Hooper second and
Jack Stoll third. Cert lime: 2:2S. Pnnc.
Margaret won tne yaw, ..........
secona ana oui "Bi v"
American Association.
At Kanaaa City: B- JJ-
St Paul 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 02 10 1
Kanaaa City i 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 '4 I 1
Battertea: Martina. Lelfleld and Clemona;
Humphrlea and Borry.
Toledo at Columbus, two games, post
poned; rain.
Indlanapolla at LoulavlUe, postponed; rain.
Minneapolis at Milwaukee, two games,
postponed; rain
Rain Htopa Hares.
Columbua, O.. Sept. 28. Haln at t o'clock
today caused the Thursday program of the
fall meeting of the Orand circuit here to be
poatponed. Tho Thursday card will be
run Friday and the Friday card will be
advanced to Saturday.
live stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western marketa:
Cattle.- Hogs. Shesp.
Omaha MOO 6,200 32 000
Chicago S.000 11,000 17,000
Kanaaa City 6,000 12,000 4.600
St. Louis 1,800 MOO 1,600
SIOUX City 1.600 2.500 2.000
Total I... 26.100 14.600 21,100
Just the Thing for Diarrhoea.
"About two years ago I had a se
vere attack of diarrhoea which lasted
over a week," writes W. C. Jones, Bu
ford, ,N. D. "I became so weak that
I could not stand upright. A drug
gist recommended Chamberlains
i : r i i .1 , i i i) i.
two days I was as well as ever." Many
druggists recommend this remedy be
cause they know that it is reliable.
Obtainable everywhere. Adv.
Sport Calendar Today
Golf iDtr-elty golf chtunpioiMhlpc of the
National Municipal Recreation Federation
JIn at St. tout.
Annual match. lor the Leeley cap begin
it brook I in, Mas.
Automobile Trark race at Interstate fair
t Trenton. N. .
Boxing Frd VHle atalmtt Mike Crawler,
twelve round, mi Button.
Pal Brown acalntt Matty McCue, ten
ounda, at Utwlne.
Mel Coo run ajralnnt Pete Hartley, twelve
oumtii, at Ureenfleld, Maae.
Former Mex Grand
Opera Star Sings His
Way Out of City Jail
The corridors of the city jail re
verberated to the strains of an ex-
ellent baritone voice singing songs
rom "La Paloma," "La Golondrina"
ind other erond operas. The singer
vas Adriana Arass , 24 years old,
ormer star of the Teatro Guerrero of
Mexico City.
Adriana sang his way out of jail
ind into a posftion, making good his
leclaration that he would work at
anything. The singer was absolutely
penniless and because of the dilapi
dated condition of his wardrobe had
een unable to secure work at his
Some one who knew Adriana In
better times, wrote a letter setting
forth the facts surrounding his pres
ent condition. Armed with this let
ter he stared out to beg clothing in
the residential district. The occupants
of the first place he applied, grew
suspicuous and summoned the police.
When Adriana as taken to the
city jail he told his story, explaining
that he had not eaten in many hours.
He was fed and then requested to
Without hestitation. and with the
gestures of a polished actor, he sang
from memory half ad dozen grand
opera compositions, after which Cap
tain Kline of the Salvation Army took
him in hand, with the promise of
immediate employment.
Marty Krug Will
Be Able to Play
Against Colonels
Marty Krug, the peppery manager
of the Rourkes, who has been out of
the game ever since the series with
Lincoln last August, will be able to
play second base for the Rourkes
when the local team clashes with the
Louisville Colonels, pennant winners
in the American association, in a post
season series at Roiirke park next
Marty's injured leg is practically
repaired and he expects to be able to
take his place in the field by Wednes
day, when the first game with the AA
lads is played.
Games with Louisville will be
played Wednesday, Thursday, Satur
day and Sunday, with a double-header
Sunday. The Thursday game will be
played in the morning on account of
the Historical parade in the afternoon
that day.
Keen Contest On
For Swine Prizes
F. E. Moore of Rochester, Ind.,
breed superintendent of Chester
White swine, has arrived in Omaha
and got a first class thrill of pleasure
when he saw the prospects for the
National Swine show to be held here
next week.
"Champion will vie with champion
for every honor awarded," said Mr.
Moore. "If a hog wins a prize in
Omaha this year he must possess
every point of excellence that a head
of swine can have. Twenty exhibi
tors of Chester Whites have already
entered about 400 head of that breed,
and nearly every head has previously
won an award at some state fair It's
gong to be a keen contest for prizes."
The Chester Whites will show on
Wednesday, October 4. The Chester
Whites Record association will hold
a social Tuesday evening in Hotel
Castle, the headquarters of these ex
hibitors. Wife Killer Calmly
Admits the Murder
County Attorney Magney has filed
a charge of first degree murder
against Jesse Talbert, colored, who is
charged with killing his wife, Johnnie,
with a base hill bat on September 25.
Talbert admits the act. While pedes
trians looked on he pursued his wife
and ended her life on the street by
hammering her head with the club.
Welfare Board Makes
Lawyer Return Fee
The Welfare board is makinar life
uncomfortable for lawyers who disre
gard the ethics of their profession.
One case just disposed of by the
board involved a combination of two
young men, one of whom is in close
touch with the mayor's office. He was
"persuaded" to return to a woman
$125 of $150 he received for a case
which was disposed of out of court.
The woman complained to the Wel
fare board office and asked for relief,
which she received.
Modern Woodmen Must
Pay on Tuttle Policy
Judgment for $1,250 has been or
dered paid by the Modern Woodmen
of America to the heirs of Wil
liam W. Tuttle, who, although a
member of the order only three
months before his death, carried a
$2,000 policy. The fraternal society
volunteered settlement for the amount
ordered paid by Judge Sears. Anton
I. Tusa, guardian of Harry, Willie,
Herbert, Tuliaett and Virgie Tuttle,
brought tne action. .
For Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
No better remedy for rhenmatlara and
neuralgia than Sloan's Liniment The flrat
application gives relief. Only Sic. AU drug.
gists. Advertisement.
of the Phillies, who hails from
snnnaanaananianaaalanMeMM jj
Third Victim of Philadelphia
Tragedy Wife of a Chicago
Business Man.
Philadelphia, Sept. 28. Hurrying to
the bedside of his wife, the one sur
vivor in the triple shooting in a hotel
here early yesterday, J. C; Leduc of
Chicago today said that he had every
confidence in her loyalty to him and
that he would sticic to her through her
Mrs. Leduc is in Jefferson hospital.
She was improved today and phy
sicians expect her to recover. She was
shot by Mrs. Harry Selber of New
York, who found her and J. C. Grav
eur, also of New York, in a hotel
room. Mrs. Belzer killed Graveur,
who had discarded her after a friend
ship of two years and also ended her
own life. There was an affecting
meeting when Leduc reached the bed
side of his wife, where he remained
for some time,
Before reaching the hospital Leduc
told of his happy married life for four
years and his implicit trust in his wi(e.
He repeated many times his belief in
her faithfulness to him.
At the hospital Leduc told his wife
to cheer up and that he would for
give her and take her back to Chi
cago. Mrs. Leduc's Story.
Mrs. Leduc told the story of the
shooting and events leading up to it
to her husband in the presence of de
tectives. She said she came to Phila
delphia by train and not by automo
bile, as reported to her nephew. She
denied that she had traveled to
various cities with Graveur and sug-
?:ested that her identity had been con
used with that of Mrs. Belzer.
The wounded woman said Graveur
told her he had come to Philadelphia
with Mrs. Belzer and then persuaded
her to go back to New York. Mrs.
Leduc said she and Graveur went to
a theater, then supper and to a dance
on the roof garden of the hotel. She
said she did not want to be encum
bered with her hand bag, and at Grav
eur's suggestion, she left it in his
room on the floor below. Mrs. Leduc
further said she intended returning
to New York that night and after the
dance she went with Graveur to his
room for the sole purpose of getting
the hand bag. As they returned,
Mrs. Leduc said, Mrs. Belzer, who
Graveur thought he had induced to
return to New York, jumped from a
closet and began shooting.
New York-Chicago
Express Held Up
West of Detroit
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28. Michigan
Central passenger train No. 14, known
as the New York-Chicago express,
bound from Chicago to Detroit, was
held up by a gang of robbers near
Dearborn, ten miles west of here, late
After stopping the train by disar
ranging the block system, the men un
hooked the mail and baggage cars
from the rest of the train and drove
them down the track a distance of
two miles. Here they ransacked both
cars, including the registered matter
in the mail car, and escaped after ex
tinguishing the fire in the locomotive.
The amount of booty obtained will
not be known until the postal authori
ties have checked up on the registered
of the pitching department
St. Paul, Neb.
Visiting Brethren Will Unite
With Omaha Members in
Special Ceremony.
The general committee of arrange
ments for the ceremonj Wednesday
of laying the cornerstone of the
new Masonic temple has determined
some additional details of the event.
The procession which will escort
the officers of the grand lodge of Ne
braska Masons from the old temple
at Sixteenth and Capitol avenue will
be headed by the Arab patrol of
Tangier temple, Nobles of the Mys
tic Shine. The "Blue" lodges of the
city will follow in their order, with
a division tor the visiting brethren.
Then will come the Knights Tem
plar, who will form a special escort
for the officers of the grand lodge.
This order will be maintained until
the Column reaches the new temple,
where the order will be reversed.
Music will be provided for the occa
sion by the board of governors of
Most Worshipful James R. Cain,
jr., past grand master of Nebraska
Masons, will deliver the oration.
Chairman Fradenburg of the com
mittee is negotiating with the city
authorities for the use of the Audi
torium in case rain interferes with
holding the exercises in the open.
Additional details remain to be de
termined, and will be announced lat
er. The Scottish Rite Masons have
voted to march with the Knights
Templar and the "Blue" lodges.
To Go After Barbers
Who Overcharge
Complaint made to the Commer
cial club by two visitors who stated
they had been overcharged in a local
barber shop, prompted Publicity
Manager Parrish to take the matter
up with the city prosecutor, who
promised co-operation.
One of the victims alleged he had
been charged $2.35 for a shave, the
bill being made up by such items as
massage, tonic, etc In reality he
only wanted a shave, but unwitting
ly was inveigled into being given the
"We will file complaints against
barbers, restaurant men or any
others who take advantage of strang
ers during the Ak-Sar-Ben season,"
state City Prosecutor McGuire.
Fire Captain is
Pensioned for Life
According to a statement made hv
Dr. Robert Gilmore to the city coun
cil, John Erickson, former senior cap
tain of hook and ladder company No.
1, is a victim of tuberculosis, which
marks his expectancy of life to a pe
riod of months.
Mrs. Erickson, who sat in the
council chamber, broke into tears
when the doctor offered his testi
mony. Tha council granted Mr. Erickson
a pension amounting to half his
monthly pay, which was $115 when he
quit the service. The evidence showed
he was incapacitated while in the fire
department service,
Overeomea Constipation, Indigestion.
Dr. 'King's New Life Pills will overcome
your constipation, btllouanasa and Indigos
tlon. Take a dose tonight. Only Ite, All
druggists. Advertisement.
Moran's Men Overwhelm the
Brooklyna in Opening Game
of Crucial Series.
Brooklyn, Sept. 28. Philadelphia
overwhelmed Brooklyn today, 8 to
4 in the first game of their final ser
ies. By winning, Philadelphia re
duced Brooklyn's lead to less than
half a game. The contest was an er
ratic exhibtion. Both teams made
costly errors and brilliant plays.
Alexander was on the mound for
Philadelphia and he outpitched
Cheney, who stared for Brooklyn.
Cheney was wild an ineffective. Phil
adelphia gained the lead by scoring
three runs in the second. Cravath
walked, Luderus doubled and Cra
vath scored on Niehoff s out. Lud
erus scored when Cheney three wild
on Killifer's bunt. Alexander brought
' his battery mate with a sacrifice
ilrooklyn came back with one run
in its half of the third. Myers made
the first hit off Alexander after two
were out, went to secon"1 on Daubert's
single, and scored when Niehoff mis
judged a fly by Stengel.
Coombs Goes Into Box.
In the fourth, Luderus singled and
Niehoff walked and both advanced
on a wild throw by Cheney. Coombs
went into the box for Brooklyn and
issued a pass to Killifer. Wheat per
mitted a single by Alexander to get
past him and Luderus, Killifer and
Niehoff scored, while Alexander went
to third, scoring on a single by
I'askert. i
The league leaders got two runs
in the fifth on singles by Olsen and
Miller, a base on balls by Coombs
a fumble by Bancroft, and Daubert's
out. Paskert robbed Olsen of an ap
parent home run in the sixth. Brook
lyn scored its fourth and last run in
the seventh. Sore:
AB.H.O.A. R.Witt. ia 4 11 3 5
,'nrl..ll) 4 3 11 S 0 K 1 1
Foster,!) 4 0 2 1 Th'shfr.rf 4 0 10 0
Msn' 5 0 4 1 4 a s 0 0
Smith, If 4 110 OHchnnK.C 4 0 19 0
Rlce.rf 1 i 1 0 0 T. lt, ., 1 r 4 0(00
Shanks ts 4 111 lHaley,3b 4 114 0 4 1 11 0 IKIng.lf 1 0 0 0 0
Henry.o 10 4 1 ONabors.p 10 0 10
Oallla.p 10 0 1 0'Mi-Klwee 0 0 0 0 0
Selhnld 0 0 0 0 0
Totals II 1 17 11 IBresiler.p 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 90 i IT 11 I
Batted for Coombs In ninth.
Philadelphia ,. 01040001 01
Brooklyn ....00101010 04
Two-base hit: Luerus. Stolen base: Paak
art. Doubls play: Rtock to Niehoff to
Luderus. Bases on balls: Oft Alexander, I;
off Cheney, 1: off Coombs, . Hits and
earned runs: Off Chenoy, I hits. 9 runs
In three and one-third Innings: off Coombs
0 hits, 1 runs In five and two-lhlrds In
nings: ort Alexander. 1 runs. Struck out:
By Alexander, i; by Cheney, 1: by Coombs,
1. Wild pitch: Cheney. Umpires: Klem
and Emalle.
Giants Win Two Mora.
New Tork, Sept. 10. Boston was virtually
eliminated from the National league pen
nant race here today when New York twice
defeated the visitors, I to 0 and 0 to 0. The
vlctorlea booated the New Tork winning
streak to ' twenty-five straight gamea.
Sohupp gave another finished performance
In tha asoond game. Not a man reached
flrat base against him until the sixth, when
Blackburn walked. Konetchy got the only
hit, a single in the seventh. These two were
the only playera to reach first base, Kauff
hit a home run In the third Inning of the
second contest with tho bases full. In thla
Inning Oowdy was banlshQd from the- game
for disputing a decision by Umpire Rlgler.
In the first game Tesreau and Rudolph
engaged In a pitching duel and the wlant
hurlwr bastod his rival. Hohortaon virtually
decided this game by lifting the ball Into
the upper tl-r ot the grandstand In the
fourth Inning for a home run. Score:
4 1 1
flBurns.lf 4
4 1 0
lHersog.Sb 4 9
OR'bson.rf 3 1
OZInrnSb 9 1
OFI' 9 1 9 0
OMcCty.c 1 0
t;on ly.rr
4 0 9
K'n' 4 1 14 0
0 0
0 1
OTesreau.p I 0
Rudolph, p 9 0 0 4 0
0 0
0 0
0 Totals ! 0 17 14 1
Wllholt 1
Totals 84 6 14 14 1
"Batted for Bgan In ninth.
Batted for Oowdy In ninth.
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
New York 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2
Two-baso hits: Kelly, Smith. Home run:
Robertson. Double play: Connolly to Ko
netchy. Baees on balls: Off Tesraau, 1.
Earned rune: Off Rudolph, 1. struck out:
By Tesreau, 4: by Tesreau, 2. Umpires: By.
ron and Rlgler, Score, second game:
AB.H.0.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B.
Sn'dg'acf 4
OBuma.lf 4
M'nv' 4
ntsp'k.rf 1
K' 9
Smith. lb 9
Magsejf 9
Egan,2b 9
B'kburn.o 1 4
OR'b'son.rf 9
0Zlm'n,3b 4
lFl'rher,ss 4 4 9
IMcCarty.c 9
Here's your cool snap
is your overcoat ready?
We can make your last
year's overcoat or suit do
another winter by giving
it a thorough cleaning
and doing such repairing
as needed.
Get them out today and
phone for us to call for
them in the morning.
The Pantorium
Good Cleaners & Dyers
1513-15-17 Jones St.
Phone Doug. 963.
4708 S. 24th St
Phone South 1283.
Standing of Teams
Played. Won. Lost. Pot.
Brooklyn 141 10 IS ,601
1'bllaelphla 141 II 17 .404
Mttston 144 14 0 .bN3
Xw York 144 14 I .175
IMtttiburgh 14t 44 II .443
'hli'ago 1(4 l .4.1
Ht. Loula It! 0 II .:
Cincinnati Ill II 01 .171
W. L. Pot. W. L. Pet,
Kenton ....IS II ,S0 Loulavllta .11 44.807
t'hlCMKu ..14 64 .173 Inillanaplls 14 18.110
llemill ...II 6 .141 Mlnneaplla 17 74 .8411
Si. Louis. .78 73.617!St. Paul. ...14 71.811
.Ww York. 17 71 R17 Kun. Clty..2 7B.61
.'loveHtnit ,1i 74 .107 rnlfldo ..,.76 M ."17a
Vftnhlniti. 76 7S .607lColun.bu ..8 .433
I'tUl t U4 .134! Milwaukee 61 107.1:7
YftaOrdajr't Ropsultn,
Philadelphia, I; Brooklyn, 4.
Boaton, D-D; New York, !.
Chlcaro-CUveland. rain.
Wnoihlnnton, 4; Philadelphia, 1,
iWw York, 4; Boiion, I.
St. Paul, S; Kama City, 4.
Ciamoa Today.
National Lenruri Philadelphia at Brook
lyn, Boston at New York.
Amorlcan Lhvui nctrolt at St. Lrmla,
lea ico at Cleveland, W nailing ton at Phila
delphia, New York at Boston.
Rairnn.p 10 0 1 OSchupp.p I H I (
Nohf.p 1 0 0 0 OKoctur.c 00100
Trua'aer 1 0 0 0 0
Total! 81 T 17 I 0
Toiaie is in vx
Batted for NeW In ninth.
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
w York ....0 1 ( 0 0 0 00 4
Home rum Kauff. Stolen bases: Simmer
niHfi, Hums. Bases on balls: Off Recan 1:
iff ftchupp, 1. Hits and earned runs: Off
r ' 4 hits and 4 runs in three Innlnrs;
off .lhf. 1 htta and no runs In five tnnlnaa.
Struck out: By Schupp, 4; by Ratan. 6; by
Vehf, 3. Umpires: Rlgler and Byron.
Martin Buys Large
Tract on West Dodge
WMohJe Will Plat
A syndicate headed by Charles W.
Martin hat closed a deal (or 160 acres
of land (or approximately $100,000,
buying (rom Clius Sievers, A. P. and
W. K. Wood. The tract lies on the
bills west of Fairacres, south of
Dodge street, joining Rosenfeldt's
peony farm and extending south to
the south line of Elmwood park.
Possession will be given March 1,
1917, and development work will start
at once. It will be laid out along the
line of Fairacres, strictly an acreage
subdivision, with large villa sites and
sites for country homes. The road
along the south known a the Leav
enworth road is to be paved, and
when that paving is completed the
syndicate will pave a boulevard
through this land connecting up with
uoage street.
Charles W. Martin, who heads the
syndicate, is the owner , of Minne
Lusa addition, and has developed oth
er high-class residence tracts in this
city. The sale was made by the By
ron Reed company, who will be inter
ested with Mr. Martin in the selling
of the new addition.
Lad Takes Joy Eide
Against Wish of His
FatherWho is Sued
A tale of an ill-fated joy-ride taken
against the advice of his father, A.
T. Klopp, of the Klopp-Bartlett
Printing company, was told on the
witness stand in Judge Redick's court
by Lester, the minor son. Klopp is
being sued by Dr. William H. Walker
for $6,000 damages following an auto
mobile accident at Fairacres. The
jury was taken to the scene in auto
mobiles. According to the testimony
of the lad his father locked the car
in the garage and took the key with
him. With three other youngsters,
Lester rearranged the wiring and
ignition of the car so that it would
operate, took it from the garage and
started for the joy-ride. The col
lision at Fairacres followed.
Allies Keep False
Teeth From Germans
London, Sept 28. In connection
with the recent release for the return
to America of a consignment of false
teeth addressed to Germany, an offi
cial of the admiralty said today that
one of the recent seizures of teeth
consisted of 100 dozen sets, some hav
ing rubber plates and others composed
of materials supposedly needed badly
in Germany.
The Basket Stores
Have 300 price lower than any other Nebraska grocer.
Tha following whlls they last I
Klefer Peara, bushel CI 1C
basket f 1.19
Jonathan Applt,
pack, It
.. 20
.. 15
Cook tin Applet, pack. II
California Btlltfliar Appln,
California Gremlnra Applaa,
California Spiti Applti.
Whlta Potatoea,
Nehraika-Ohlo Potato,
Hu.. it.Mt 8 -bo. lata. ..919 la..
if you brinr your own aaeks.
Watermtlona, fraih for Ak-8ar- A
Ben: Ruarantaad rfpa, lb y
If taken not ffuaranteed, Ue ewt., or TSc
cwt in qunttt.ifl at oar warehouse on
track, 108 North Ninth atreet.
Lemon, dot., 23c, 00 j
28 OOf
Red Onions innt bought t o-rMnH
peck38ci buihel of 57 j
Car eontalni H aaeka of No, t nttfe
aound but email, peek, Mci tl
buthel $1.U9
Tip Corn Syrup, 6-lb, SOe
can ,
THESE are only a fow of our roryday price and you will find
hundred mora juat like them at
$5.00 orders delirared free entailer order for 8 cents.
Highlanders Come From Be
hind and Win Ten-Inning
Fray From Champions.
Boston-, Sept. 28. The New York
Americans came from behind today
and won a ten-inning game from
Boston, 4-to-2. Boston began scor
ing in the first inning when Janvrin
doubled, took third on an infield out,
and tallied on a wild pitch. Another
Boston run came in on the third on
a base on balls, a single, two sacri
fices. After this Mogrdige tightened
Mays, who had been pitching in fine
form, weakened in the eighth, when
New oVrk tied the score cn rwc
singles and a double. In the tenth
Walters led off with a two-bagger,
went to third when Walker fumbled
the drive, and scored on Mogridge's
single to left which escaped Lewis.
Magee then sent Mogridge home with
a triple. Scott played a great game
at short for Boston. Sco-"
ABH.O.A.E. AU.l.O.A.U.
ft a I 0 OHoopar.rf 3 0 I l n
lots t'sn'vn.tb 11910
Silt 4 1 J 0 I
4 1111 I 1 14 S
P k'p'
4 10 1 OH'bl't'llb 0
10 11 OLawla.lf 4
0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 4 1 S I OO' S
Waltara,a 4 14 1 4
Hot d(.,p 4 S S I ICadr.o 4
Mays.p S
Totals ml 10 It 0'McN.lly 0
Walsh 1
Totals IS 1I01S S
Ran tor Galnsr In ninth.
Battsd fur Oardasr In tsntk.
N.w Tork ..0 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 I I
Boaton 1 01000000 01
Two-hasa hits: Janvrin, Plpp. Waltsrs Ol.
Threa.basa 4ilt: Maa-as. Douhla plays: Mil
lar, Baker and PaoklnpaUfh; Movrldaa, Gad.
son and Plpp. Bases on balls: OfT Mo-rlria-e,
i; nfr Mays, 1. Hlta and earned runs:
Off Msordla-e, 7 hlta and I runa In tan In
nlnaa; oft Maya, 11 hits and 4 runa In ten
Innlnffa. Struck out: By Mofrldf I: by
Maya, I. Wild pitch: Mosrldfa. Umpires:
Rvana and O'Loushlln.
ton tors Baal Macks.
Philadelphia, flept II. Today Waahlnff
ton won the oecond Sams af tha series front'
Philadelphia, 4 to 1, Nabors pitched food
ball durlna" his stay In tha same, hut er.
ron by Orover and Witt nave Washington
Its first two runs and Nabors retired to let
McElwea bat for him In tha els-nth. Brsss
ler, who pitched In the ninth, was wild ana,
'he aenatora scored their other two runs.
Score :
AB.H.0.A.B. An.H.O.A.E.
Pssk' lilt OMvera.rf s t a
Wancflss Sill tlauVMh S t 4 0 11 Sltenael.rf 4 1
Whlt.d.lf 4 I I I t Vheat.lf 4 0 4 1
Cr'vath.rf till t 'lU'w.lh S 0 1 1
Lud'us lb 4 110 OM'wr' I I 1 I
NlehoR.ib Sill 4111
Kimfer.o 10 11 OUlller.e 4 14 1
tl I)
Alex'ar.p 4 1 0 S OCheney.p 10 1
- coombs.p
lotata si s si u e-amyme
10 0 0
1 Totals II II? II
Ratted for Nabors In etshth. ,
Ran for McBlwea In etchth.
Two-base -hits; Leonard, Strunk. Stolen
Washington ..0 00001 1 0 I 4
Philadelphia .0 01000 01 0 1
baael Orover. Doubls play: Menoakey to
Morgan. Bases on balla: Off Oallla, 1; off
Breoaler, 4, Hits and earned runa: Off Na
bors, T hlta, no runa In eght Innings; off
Breeater, 1 hit, 1 run In one Inning: Off
Oallla, I hits, na runs In nine Innings. Struck
out: By Nabors, 4r by Oalllae, I: by Breas
Isr, I. Umplrea: Nallln and Connolly!
Judge Discounts
Davis' Ignorance ,
Of the Three R's
T.m. ruvl. jiaa r. d.:., ....
j , ' j, ..w vi uni, x unit ave
nue, charged with raising the figures
Flynn Commission company, asserted
before the nnlir mncriatrat tli. I,m
Uras not guilty, and "anyway he
couian i reao nor write, nor in tact
even scribble his own name."
t)avin raises mnA eIU .t.L..
the Oopetand-Flynn people and the
n aucgeu to nave turned in
tahlflatrrl Sinn tsturle Ik.. . L
. " . " ,, .11.11 v 1 1 v iuiii-
mission company received. The
111.4 , r A AiArt' k!:..,. . I. - . J . ' ,
,.. i wsmcvg me cuucationai
part of Davis defense and bound him
over to the district court under
bonds of $600.
New Year Subscriptions
For Jewish War Relief
New Year's subscriptions for the
relief of lewish war sufferers in Eu-
-r - ' mining lilt J 111 a
of Omaha. Subscription cards were
distributed Wednesday evening, when
me jcwisn new xear oegan, and ear
Iv liuharrintmna inrlirat. th.t . ...k
stantiai sum will be contributed.
Key to the Situation The Bee
Want Ads.
Tip Crystal Whlta Sjrup,
lb. can, ISci 5-lh. can...
Pike's Paak Macaroni,
7ei 8 for
......... li
Peanut Butter.
ThrUtr Rablt Flour, 48-lb,
Thla Is a barraln, try It..
!: $1.85
Thrifty Habit Coffee, 10c grade,
pound ....
Coffee, Sto grade.
Crises Is coins higher onr
pries 1. atlll 2S, SOe and..
Fruit Jars, while they last
Mason Jara, sine lids, pta,, dos.,
44c i qts., 4Sci tt-tel
Mason Jars, laequered lids, pta,
dos., 40c qts.. 44a Si-sal...'...
Pioneer Butter,
s'utl Cream Cheeee,
Buttertne, Armour
Princeton, boat grade..,.,, ss
Empire, (ood 19o
Mavnolln, j-lb. roll 30
Our moat price are tit I (meet fat the
city, quality conaldered.