T THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1916. BrieJ City News Half Ksrat Whit. Plimndi t: Edholro. H. Boot Prtal It Now Bcon Pr Uvhtlng Fixture Rurceu-Orandn Co Phone Bedford's New Coal Yard J 017 N. J3d. for Paradise coal, best for furnaces. Doug. 115. Democratic Women to Meet The Women's Democratic league will meet Saturday afternoon at i:30 at Parlor B, Paxton hotel. Mast Not Abuse Family Otto Lln dle, 1620 North Twentieth street, ar rested on a charge of abusing his fam ily, was arraigned In police court, and was allowed to depart with a thirty day suspended sentence. Bnys More Bonds The Water board authorized the investment of 137,000 more of surplus funds In bonds, making the present total in vestment of water district funds in bonds and warrants i,vso,uvv. Bush Order for Police Fifteen min utes after the police had received a wire asking them to locate Joe B. Bymun of Muskogee, Wis., and tell him to come home because his mother Is seriously ill, he was enroute to purchase a ticket He was found at WOrK lu oitu a uiio a, . wu. bo..b.. and Farnam streets. Garden Club Reorganises The Oarden club of the Central High , school has reorganized for this year and will hold a series ol experiments, visits, to nearby farms, and hikes. , Ruth Swenson was elected .president ' of the society; Ruby Swenson, vice president; Alice Dean, secretary, ana Delia Euion, treasurer. Mrs. Young Seeks Divorce Charles Roy Youi.g, clerk in the city engin eer's office, has been made the de fendant in a suit for divorce filed by his wife, Edith, charging Infidelity and cruelty. Mrs. Young asks the custody of the two children, the household goods and sufficient ali mony to care for the youngsters. Omaha Men at Wyoming Fair The Wyoming state fair is on this week at Douglas, Wyo., and according to re ports coming to the Northwestern and Burlington offices the attendance is the largest in years A number of the South Omaha live stock men and a number of the Omaha railroad men are at the Wyoming fair. TTvtm Tfoln At. RtAt.lftn In anticioa- tlon of large crowds coming in on the trains during the balance of this and all of next week, extra porters and red cap men have been put on duty "at both the Union and Burlington stations. Men whose duties are to di rect strangers to points of interest up town have been hired and are on duty at both places. Takes Case From Jury Olaf O. 01 sen loot his suit against the street railway company when District Judge Estelle issued instructions to the Jury directing that a verdict be returned for the defendant. Olsen sued for 10, 150 damages because he alleged he walked behind an eastbound car at in iront oi a wesioouna car. no maintained negligence caused his in juries. "Under the law he is not en titled to recover damages," read the instructions. " Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland. Special Trains Two Nights Next Week In anticipation of an immense crowd in Omaha the day of the visit Df President Wilson next Thursday, the Omaha road will run a special train out from the Webster street de pot at' about 11 o'clock at night, go ing as far as Sioux City and making stops at all intermediate stations. While the schedule has not been prepared, on its main line to a point as far east as Corroll, la., the North western will probably run a special Thursday night This train will prob ably leave at about 11 o'clock. The Union Pacific, Burlington and Missouri Pacific are figuring on run ning specials out Thursday night, but have not yet arranged the schedules. If the trains are run they will likely go out on the same schedules as those of next Wednesday night, following the passing of the electrical parade. If You Have Moved You Must See Mr. Moorhead Mr. Voter, have yon moved within the last ten days? Have you moved since you regis tered for the November election? If vou have changed your place of residence, Election Commissioner Aloorneaa requests tnat you can on him at the court house. "Hundreds of votes will be chal lenged at election time unless the tax payers and voters register from their new homes. In case they are quali fied voters and have not lived in the precinct the required length of time, affidavits will be required before the vote is cast," said Mr. Moorhead. "It is but self-protection to the voter that he regiser again if he moves from one precinct to another. Strokes of the pen at this time save trouble and expense at the election." Newlyweds Will Make Their Future Home in Borneo Borneo holds attractions for a pair of newly-weds who appeared at the court house to secure the little blue marriage license that starts them on their way to marital bliss. Gerald Dalton, an attache of the British gov ernment, recently a resident of Sioux Falls, S. D., will take his bride, nee Margaret B. Dalton, to the isle soon after their marriage. They will make and are permitted to marry under the Nebraska law. The ceremony will be performed by Dean Tancock of Trin ity cathedral. Mrs. Johnson, superin tendent of Brownell Hall, accom panied them in their quest for the license. INDIAN TROOPER TEACHING A CAMEL HOW TO JUMP Hundreds of these sturdy animals have supplanted horses as mounts for the British and Indian troops in the Egyptian campaign. They are trained along the same lines as are cavalry mounts, the work in this respect being left entirely to the Indian troopers, recognized as the foremost riders of the world. ismmMSiSSSlwmSjStjSjsS X b JI TEACHING A CAMEI TO JUMP,. Makes Draft of tjie Cost of Free Bridge Preliminary drafts and estimates of the cost of the proposed free bridge across the Missouri prepared by County Engineer Lou Adams were sent to County Surveyor Howard of Pottawattamie county Saturday morning. Mr. Howard will compate these estimates with those prepared by the Iowa state engineer ana will take them before the board of army engineers of the Missouri division at Kansas City on Thursday. He will return to confer on estimates prepared by State Engineer Johnson of Nebraska at the luncheon of lead ers at the Commercial club Monday, when a definite plan of action will be mapped out Bishop Stuntz is to Talk on "Bible Study" Bishop Homer Stuntz of the Metho dist Episcopal church will give an address Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the auditorium of the Young Men's Christian association building. His topic will be "Bible Study." It will be the opening rally of all those interested in the neighborhood Bible classes in Greater Omaha. "The World's Best Table Watern 3cncord Club Plans Big Rally for Fall Meeting Plans for a big rally to be held the evening of October 12 were made at the weekly meeting and luncheon of i he Omaha Concord club at the Hotel i ontenelle at noon. The program committee announced that it would spring several surprises in the enter tainment at the first night meeting 1 his fall. On account of it being Ak-Sar-Ben week there will be no noonday meet ing next Thursday. Hollis M. Johnson, president of the Concordians, acted as chairman of this week's meeting. Liver Trouble. "I am bothered with liver trouble about twice a year," writes Joe Ding man, Webster City, la. "I have pains in my side and back and an awful soreness in my stomach. I heard of usmuciMiii a Aauicia ..iiu liicu UICIII. of them I was feeling fine and had no signs of pain." Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement WE SAVE YOU M0HEY.THERE A REASON jf "H5 1SI3-I515 HowardSt wlc It Pays to Get Our Every Day Low Prices Before Your Buy The needed piece fof your dining room is now on our floors. New patterns in the finest woods, at Saving Prices Leather Seat Golden Oak Dinar, near Illustra tion S2.7S Th.r. are many other blf values In this section. Buff at Buffet Buffet, Buffet Buffet Must length, oak ... fumad oak. .S12.TS fumed oak. .S14.TS g-olden oak .913.78 (olden oak.Sie.JS (olden oak. Ilka ration. 60-Inch select quartared ! A pretty Golden Oak Dining Room Suite, com prising Buffet, 42-inch Table and six Chairs, solid oak wood seats. $29.50 Thi Tab!, 41 -m. top, o!dn oak, HMn. pcdMt&i. a fry iwuiMm( ;$15.75 fumed oak, 42-ln. top Table... .It 95 Fumed oak, 42-ln top Table S7.35 Golden oak, 42-ln. top Table $7.75 Quartered oak. 4S-ln ton Table. $14.25 Period Dining Room Suites In Mahogany, Black Wal nut and Jacobean Oak, in all the popular classic de signs. Ask to see this display. IEWELER-HDHTERS SHOOT WLD WORDS Watchful Waiting Profits the Homesteader Who Dupes Greenblatt and Mudd. LONG RIDE WHETS ANGER An eighty-mile drive through the sand hills with loaded guns and no game is the record of B. R. Green blatt, jeweler of Omaha, and J. T. Mudd, a jeweler of Bassett, Neb. Strange words, seldom heard in po lite society, were uttered by these two gentlemen. Greenblatt was in Bas sett calling on Mr. Mudd. Mudd wanted to take him hunting, so he oiled up the car. About that time a homesteader, standing on the street corner watching to catch a ride out to his homestead, promised to show these fellows lots of game if they would drive out to the ranch. When they had driven fifteen miles the homesteader broke the news gently that he lived twenty-three miles farther on, or a total of thirty eight miles from Bassett. "We're in for it and have to go through with it," said Greenblatt. So they chugged on and on over the hills. The homesteader promised to get dinner for the party, but when they arrived he was out of coffee, out of bread and out of other necessities. He did give them a few gallons of gasoline, however, and they started back. When dark overtook them their gasoline gave out. They pushed the car into the lane of a ranch house and asked the farmer for gasoline. He had no car, but hitched up and drove three mites to borrow gasoline of a neighbor. The hungry hunters took charge of the kitchen while the farmer was in search of gasoline. They started a fire in the stove. They found a dish pan full of eggs, and well, the dish pan was not full when they left. They chugged back into Bassett at 11 o'clock that night, and the near est they came to hunting on the trip was when they saw two prairie chick ens. "They were so wild one could scarcely get near enough to see them with a field glass," said Mr. Greenblatt. New Company to Advertise Movies Articles of incorporation of the Na tional Motion Picture Ticket company have been filed with the county clerk by R. P. Wessels, Dean T. Patty and Harry A. Kyler. The company will print tickets in Omaha to increase the business of theaters through adver tising schemes. The concern is capi talized at $20,000. The name of the Fanners' State Bank of Florence has been changed to the State Bank of Florence, ac cording to amended articles of incor poration filed by Vice President T. J. Shanahan and Cashier F. A. Roach. Thieves Slug Victim After They Rob Him James Smith of Sioux City, stop ping at the Millard hotel, was held up and robbed of $25 at Seventeenth and California by two negroes. The highwaymen, after securing his mon ey, beat him over the head with their revolvers. He was brought to head quarters by S. Fitipatrick, 314 South Fourteenth street. The all-weather food In summer, Uneeda Biscuit are eaten by the millions of pack ages, because they are the idea! hot-weather food. But they are just a ideal a cold-weather food. In winter, good health demands warmth-creating food elements. Uneeda Biscuit possess these elements in a higher degree than any other flour food. Eat them for their nourishment. Eat them for their flavor. Eat them for their goodness. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Phone Tyler 1000 Am Tom wUl nenn the m Ma toi mo thoorh cmwr Uvulae Tour Want-A4 to TU an Office il h Burgess-Nash Company 'everybody's store" Thursday, September 28, 1916, STORE NEWS FOR FRIDAY. Phone Douglas 137. Women's Coats, Suits and Dresses i i 1 1 i T'S seldom been our opportunity, so early in the season, to offer such splendid values in ' women's ready-to-wear as this offered for Friday in the Down-Stairs Store. Take, for instance, these Women's Tailored Suits at $15.95 The very newest styles for fall and winter in a wide variety of models, made of such splendid materials as diagonals, poplins and serges, in the most favored of the season's shades; all sizes for women and misses. Women's Coats at $10.00 to $18.75 You'll be surprised when you see the splendid line of coats this section has to offer. Wide variety of styles in such materials as mixtures and fancy weaves, in the newest shades, including green, blue and brown, with plenty of black; all sizes for women and misses. . ? Women's Pretty Serge Dresses. $9.95 Cfc Dresses made of a srjlendid duality of serire in the new plaited models witlTlarge collar effect. Blue, green and brown, also black. We consider ft. the value very unusual at $9.95. Children's Coats Friday $6.50 and $7.50 Two splendid groups in chinchillas and velours heavily interlined. Some have lur collars. Sizes for 6 to 14 years. . Bur(M-Na,h Cfc ItowB-Stalr. Stm. ' ) I III W "Seeing America First" Scenic Reproduction of Niag ara Falls THIS is not a moving picture, but a miniature repro duction of the famous Niagara, so realistic that when you view it you almost believe you are standing in Victoria Park on the Canadian, side looking to ward the Horseshoe Falls. By clever lighting and mech anism the waters tumble over the falls and the mist seems to rise skyward but come and see it and bring the children. It is a great educational fea ture. Lectures Every Half Hour, 10:30 to 4:30 P. M. Borfeaa-Nuh Co Fourth Floor. These $5.00 Trimmed Hats Down-Stairs Store Friday, $2.69 fTVHERE are just half a hundred J- of the season's smart new cre ations in the newest colorings and most artistic shapes that are in cluded in this sale. Wide brim sailors, chic turbans, colo nial pokes and other smart models.. The collection is unusually at tractive, the result of a special pur chase. Every one a good value at $2.69. Friday Morning, 9 to 11. Daring these two hours we will offer a limited number of the very newest trimmed hats in pleasing shapes and colors. Good 3.98 values J J g(J Burgess-Nub Co. Dawn-Sutra Store. Five Cents First Payment brings to your home, through the new era pur chase plan, a Standard Rotary Sewing. Machine Latest Sit-Straight Model Commencing with the first pay ment of 6c, which secures deliv ery at once of the BEST SEW ING MACHINE made, then a pay ment is made each week as fol lows: 10c the second week, 16c the third week; increasing the payment 5c more each week until all payments are made in full; then the machine is yours for life. BurfM.-Nuh Co. Dewa.fltfrs 3 tor. Here's a Rousing Enamelware Sale for Friday Subject to Slight Imperfections, at a Little More Than One-Third Usual Retail Price THE imperfections are due to the enameling; none chipped, and other wise fitrietlv rterfert. tf t- Enamelware I Enamelware Value to 59c Big 25c Value 10c Blue and white enameled stew pans in assorted sizes; soup ladles. gray enamel ed saucepans, etc. Very spe cial Friday at 10c. 25c White enameled or blue and white enam eled climax saucepans in assorted sizes; con vex saucepans, mixing bowls, oblong baking pans, etc., for 25c. Enamelware Values to 98c 39c White and blue enam eled oval dishpans, white and blue enameled- preserving kettles, 9 and 12-quart sizes; gray enameled tea ket tles, rice boilers, etc., 39c. flurf mi-Nub Co. Down -Stair Stor. r.