I i THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29.- 1916. 1 f 5 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD B08BWATER . VICTOR ROSEWATER EDITOR TBS BEE FUBLISHMO COMPANY PROPRIETOR Entarad at Ornate aaeteffiee as seaoad-elaae matter TZMU Of SUBSC1UPTION. Br Canter .- I Bv Med aer areata, par r HI? and SotiUt. ........... ....o. ....... ...- tfeflr without fiaadar.,tf...,......4Se. ...... 4.0t (nine and Sunday Ms ...... S.JJ Evmtn without Similar. .. lSe.-... ....... Bandar Baa ealr 0a...... t.a Dally and ttaaaay Baa, three raara to advanae, I' SO. Sand aotiea of ahaece of addrna or tmrolarltr, to e Urarr ta Omaha Baa. Clrcalatioa Dapartananu REMITTANCE. Ram ft by draft, axareaa or poatai ordar. Onlrl-eant starnpe takaa n parraaot of anall aeeoente. Paraoaal ahaeka, azaapt od Omaha and aaitarn aaeaaaca, aot aeaaptad. OFFICES.. r ' Omaha Tha Baa BalMias. Sooth Omaha ill N street, :'. , . CoaaeO Bloffa 14 North Mala street. '' Lincoln S2 LHtla BoUdlat. . Cfcleaaro til Paoala'a Cai Balldhtt. ' . NawTork Room SOI, Stt Fifth ataaea, Ft took lot Naw Bank of OoaiaMraa. Waaalaatoa T2 Foartaanth atraat. H. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Addraaa aaiaaiaaleatioaa ralatiaf to awa and adltorUI aiattar to Omaha Baa. Editorial Dapartaeat AUGUST CIRCULATION , 55,755 Daily Sunday 51,048 ' Dwta-ht William a, eiralatlea naaeter of. The .Baa Pabltahiaa aoaipuir, hatat duly a worn, aaya tkat tka - average circulation for tka moats- of Aufeat III. was 11.76a dailr. r.nd Sl.ttl Bandar. ' " P WIGHT WILLIAMS. Orrealatloa kteaetar. Bahacrihad la my anaanee and nroro to baton -ate tale to! day of SaptaaiW, tU. ROBERT HUNTER, Notary PakHa. . Subscribers tMTiac tka ally temporarily heal. bars TV Bm nuiUa totheta. AaV drat arill ba ekaaiaal aa of tea aa raajulraal. :" An expedition to locsts the overdue Bremen is now in-order.'- ,'". : t ' , ; ,,,' , . What's the' titer Why not just let "Bots" Mullen do it til? - So "far 'New Yorjt't transportation war doei 1 not come up tohe advance notices. , . Ffom a dividend point of view, gasoline thieves outpeirrlfostofiice yeggmen for profitable plun der.. ;: - - .. , ":', The boosters for a free bridge across the Mis souri put the accent orV the right word. Every thing "free" is attractive! l' i The steady expansion of industrial plants af fords the most gratifying evidence of Omaha's growth as a manufacturing center, i If the Reverend "Billy" Sunday would now re-visit his tabernacle site in Omaha he would find out what a real carnival it like. A lot of people believe, however, that the Ak-Sar-Be'n carnival would be just as much of a suc cess with the paddle-wheel gambling games c.t, OUt ' - ' '. . Some guards are coming home, others are ) 'i going to the border. The distribution of these : ' changes closely adheret to the political strategy of preparedness. ';':-'. ... k : Britain's reply to the American protest against ' mail censorship' is on tho "way doubtless by freight.' The indifference of the administration ! to hammer knocks from thai source forbids haste 'J and works a saving taxable tolls. Discussion' of "Japanese rights and; privllegei in the United States will be resumed as soon at Europe stops shooting. : Recent experience strengthen! confidence in Uncle Sam's ability to hold up hit end in a prolonged conversation. . It wal "rather slippery" roadt that our dem ocratic tenator encountered at the outset of. his auto campaign talk-feat, and now it is "rough roads". that ht tayt he is up against. Just like his senatorial record, which is rough where it isn't slippery.., ,. vv. The "world do move" and democrats hobble along behind. Four years ago Illinois democrats jeered a suffrage plank out of the state conven tion. This week the rejected plank was adopted with a whoop, and a woman nominated tor pres idential elector. Giving the Whole Case Away. , "Every intelligent man knows that the eight-hour principle was not involved in the dispute except insofar as it furnished a basis for an increase of wages. The Tribune." Every intelligent man knows that the eight hour principle hat no meaning except nine or ten hours' pay for eight hours' work. When did the eight-hour movement mean anything elt? New York World. , . , The New York World is the leading and most powerful democratic organ in the country, all the others In their pleas for democratic policies and championship '- of democratic candidates being merely followers' and imitators. In this brief paragraph (he World gives the whole case away aa President Wilson has attempted to make It in justification of the Adamjon force bill. . '.'Every intelligent man knows," says the World, "that the eight-hour principle has no meaning except nine or ten hours' pay. for eight hours' work," and' it adds, "When did the eight- hour movement mean anything else?" . . i Then the president is wrong when he pretends that this is a question of reducing the work day to', eight hours, for "every intelligent ' man knows" now that the law does not purport to cut the working day of any train man by an hour or a minute, but merely to start his overtime pay at the end of the eighth hour. , Then the president is likewise wrong when he says the question involved is not arbitrable,, for "every intelligent man knows" that the matter of wages whether nine or ten hours' pay shall be given for eight hours' work can be and is regu larly determined by arbitration. , If the wage increase law hat no meaning, at the World frankly admits, except ten hours' pay for eight hours' work, then the president's justi fication of hit action in forcing the bill through congress without investigation or deliberate di cutsion while the labor .leaders held the. stop watch, falls completely to the ground. . Greece at Last a Belligerent . , . , . Greece will formally enter the war, after hav ing been informally and unwillingly a participant for longer than a year. This was inevitable from the time Bulgaria cast its lot with the Teutonic allies and assisted in putting Serbia to the sword. The situation then developed left Greece but lit tle choice. Cynical observers have suggested that King Constantine, In hit efforts to maintain neutrality, was actuated more by family reasons than humanitarian motives. The king did suc ceed, though, in holding in check those of hit tubjectt who were eager to enter the war, and hat played a pretty but losing game of politics with Venizelos. Declaring war on Bulgaria, with Macedonia as a pretext, 'will serve all the pur poses of the Entente Allies, may preserve the king's standing in both Athens and Berlin, and will get the Greekt at. deeply, into the trenchet at if the entire outside world were included in the proclamation. 1 The Scandinavians, Dutch and Spanish are now the only European nations who are not engaged in the great war. If they are permitted to remain out It will be one of the further wonders of the affair, ' - - , V ; Warring governments are making provitior) for winter clothing for the fighting men. If there art any tigna of peace abroad thote in position to know take no note of them, but rather proceed to the fulfillment of General' Kitchener's tarty pre-, diction of three years of war. . ' Boosted prices greet women shoppers at every counter nowadays. If women hatf the votend voted at they talk about the robbery of the price' tag, the authori of'the' economy, plankt of the Baltimore platform would not get enough votes in northern states to pity for the counting, . . if" ,-" ' .'"."". The president it coming on " a purely non partisan excursion to participate in Omaha's cele bration of Kebratka't teml-centenniat of state hood. "But" It is, to be noted that he It being booked end routedoy the democratic national chairman just as if it were a purely political cir cuit V. -"-'" '"- It wil(' surprise no one to hear that railroad carmen in the northwest are disgruntled over the eight-hour wage raise law. ' Their's is',' but a symptom of a countrywide feeling. The gross discrimination of the Adamion law" against 80 per cent of railroad employes is bound to pro voke resentment and unrest. Seeing' America First ' ' Kaw York WarM This it the season in years before the war when the -rush of homeward-bound tourist travel was most observable at the New York piers of the transatlantic liners. It is now most observ able at Chicago, as the gateway between the American east and far west The western railroads report the heaviest rec reation and sightseeing travel ever known. It hat been crowding the mountain and coast re torts of the Pacific all tummer. It Is- now taxing to the utmost the eastbound carrying facilities of the transcontinental roads. Europe's former an nual harvest from American travelers of near $200,000,000 hat for once been turned back and plowed in, and largely in the great far weat The ancient in human experience and construc tion and destruction will alwayt have a charm and an educational value appealing ifretistably to the native of the new world. The end of the war will see a resumption of American travel to Europe on perhaps a greater tcale than ever. But thit reversion of that travel even for only a sea son or two to a broadening view of and acquaint ance with that mighty empire wett of the Missis sippi, which is the product of hardly more than regeneration of eastern pioneering and upbuild ing, mutt be of vast national benefit- Hughes Talks to the Workert, . Mr. Hughet hat been going directly among the workert of the country, to personally carry his message of hope and good counsel to them. This week he has spent in great factory centers, where he has talked to men in overalls, present ing hit viewt of present-day problems in easily understood terms. ' Particularly he hat defended the republican principle of -protective tariff, a doctrine the men who work in the big iron millt are especially concerned in. These" men welt know what the end of the war may mean to the industry in which they are engaged.; With the tree trade ideal of President Wilson, expressed in hit Baltimore speech to the grain men, iq ef fect, it means lower wages for the workmen, or a shut-down for the employers. ' - ' I Over the whole labor situation looms the shadow, of. the European war. This great con flict lifted American industry but of the stagna tion into which it had been thrust by the Under wood tariff, but the activity thus fostered cannot be looked on. at other than temporary. With the end of the war will come conditions against which we mutt be prepared. This is well, under stood by the, worklngmen of this: country. Not a labor convention ha 'deliberated since the. war commenced but has taken some action' against the time when the war it ended, and America will-more than ever need protectionagainst Eu ropean competition.- y Mr. Hughes presents -the logic of facts and experience. The workmen should ' know in which direction their interest lies." Their wages and standard of life have oeen established under republiean.-, policiet, ..and only to can be main tained. ... (. ;. ..h; ;-t, .ifeiii.. Unfinished Business with. Japan. , , . Notice lias been served ion. the United States that the coming successor to. Baron Chinda at ambassador for Japan is to fenew "conversations" with the secretary of state as to the admission of Japanese to the United States on terms of equal ity with Europeans. Our immigration and alien land laws have been the subject of Japan's grave disapproval for many years, and a teriout dispute wat once averted through the Root-Takahira "gentleman's agreement" .Thit' did not end the controversy, which involves a point that is rather delicate for approach from our tide. The principle involved in our exclusion aett it well supported,. and. js not in:. dispute. ; Japan's objection is to being classed with Chinese and Hindus; the Nipponese set . up to be Caucasian, and claim full share of the rights and courtetiet extended to Caucasians by the United States. The claim brings in the ethnological aspect of the case, which has so 'far gone against the Japanese, til but their own investigators assigning them a place among the Mongols. Refusal of the en ergetic little brown men to rest under the decision of outside authoritiet on the point of racial qual ification maket it rather awkward for the United Statet. Our declination to recognize the Jap at a blood brother hat been carefully sugar-coated so far, and so does not deter him from pretsing his demand. The aspiration of the Japanese to be considered "white folks" is very likely to break on the cold rocks of western prejudice. Our position on the question , should not be a serious obstacle to Japanese national ambition. It Is rather a test of racial fitness. Economic at well at social reasont support opposition to free admission of the Japanese coolie, who is scarcely more to be desired than is his Chinese or Indian prototype. Another distinguished name appears in the democratic "Honor Roll" that of Nick Frits of Pender.. Is this, the same one to peculiarly "honored" by the federal government heretofore?.! Why Mr. Hughes Should . Be Elected -William R. Wlllcox,- Chalrajaa Rapuhlicaa National Commlttaa MR. HUGHES, it seems to me, does well to emphasize the importance of the tariff as a potential issue of this compaign. The tariff question has been a vital issue since the foundation of the government, and it must con tinue to be a political issue ao long as we are divided on the best means of raising revenue and upon the question of what if any, imposition of duties is necessary to protect our labor and in dustry. Fortunately, we do not have to do any guessing whatever in the matter.. We have not only the experience of a century and a quarter under various tariff laws, but we have, to guide us at the present time, a full ten months of expe rience under the operation of the present Under wood tariff. Those ten months, before the war. broke out, proved to us that, like every other low .tariff in our history, the Underwood law was a failure from both the standpoint of revenue and of in suring work for the American people. . Without sufficient revenue, without tufficient work , and without any compensation whatever in a de crease of the cost of living, the verdict must be pronounced that, from every standpoint, the law was a failure. But we do not have to stop with the operation of the law during those ten months. There is the absolute result that since the foreign war broke out the present democratic, low tariff, in spite of the fact that all the large producing countries of the earth are at war with each other, has opened our markets to a greater volume of foreign productions than ever was known before in our history. In thefast fiscal year our im- Eorts increased month after month-by record reaking figures, and if tuch a volume of foreign wares come in. under the conditions of the last two years what, I ask, may we expect will happen When the war is over? We do. not need to estimate-how great a flood of goods may then come from the nations now at war,-, Whatever; Imports do come from thote countries will be in .addition to the Im mense volume of goods that, even now are com ing to our markets. When the millions abroad now under , arms return to their homes and take up their various trades with eagerness to sell in the one great profitable market of the earth, the United States, what may we expect and, I may add, dread as to the result and the effect on our own labor. - ' ' When the war ceases and our own laborers who are now employed in making munitions are idle, when our mills cannot turn to the'produc tion of domestic wares because our markets are filled with the more cheaply produced foreign fabrications, then we shall get the true measure of just what the Underwood tariff means to the labor and industry of the United States. It is bad enough as it is.- It must be worse when the war is over. , How much worse we can only look forward to with anxiety and fearj Foreign nations are now sending lis more lhan $2,000, 000,000 worth of goods a year. We may well ex pect that volume to Je greatly increased when the great producing countries now at war get to work again and look eagerly to our markets as the only ones on earth to 'which .they can profit ably send their goods. ' If there were any compensation whatever; if we were getting a sufficient amount of reve nue, together with ordinary internal revenue, to support the government; if our people were buying the necessary articles of shelter, clothing; , food and comfort cheaper, then there might be some argument for the, free-trader to advance' in' favor of opening tur ports freely to foreign pro ductions. : But. nothing is cheaper today. The cost of living is 'higher than ever and we are well withiil ,a. reasonable; estimate "when we say that we are losing more than $100,000,000 a year in,revenue. In 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913 pur cuttomt receipts averaged $320,000,000 a year; in the- last two. years they, have averaged $21U,UW,UW. It seems Wme welU then, as I said at the outset, that we .should emphasize daily -the im portance of a consideration of the tariff question as one of the great issues of this campaign .We are emphasizing Americanism; we are empha sizing 1 preparedness, in military and naval strength; we are emphasizing loyalty to the Stars and Stripes. Why should we, then, not empha size a fiscal policy which is the foundation. for all, which means work and wages and a high standard of Jiving; which means comfort and convenience; -which: means - education; which . :.. v:..... i : i i u m. I say, should we not emphasize in this campaign the -absolute necessity for a change in our tariff policy if we. are . to continue to be a nation of strength and prosperity, a nation of independence and progress?. People and. Events . A iovrider in Brooklyn won a three-vear nen- itentiary sentence, which" wilt enable him -to give expert advice on the science of going slow.. Courts and receivers are doing a land office business with private banks in-Chicago. Last week scored six of these failures, a total of fifty- five in four years, t , Colonel Bryan is scheduled for a rousing cam paign speech in Missouri. October.; 17. Caoe Gi rardeau is the locatiortjchosen for. the peerless effort- '- ;. '"- ': - Luck-' clays many " favorite: at Milwaukee. Jimmy Owen, a barkeep of modest tnein; is heir to one-third of his grandmother's estate, valued at $800,000, and will: forsake. -the steins for the sport of aviation,; 'V - : , .; '-- Robinson Crusoe ' broke into the home of Elisha DeFoe near Bellefontaine, 0 but wasn't quick to get away with the loot. ' The adventure landed Crusoe in an unrpmantic' workhouse for an indefinite rest. .-',-' r , : Durintr the fiscal year ending with last June $38,600,000 worth of hard and soft drinks- were manufactured in Missouri..' The native thirst is a copious absorbent, hut. hardly equals. the local offerings. Much of the output '.regales- adjacent dry territory. ': - ' ' A magisterial alderman of Pottsvtlle, Pa., re fused to take the Bibleas an authority for wife beating, reminding the man who quoted the book In justification of the exercise that the Old Harry beat him 'to it' by several centuries. Thereupon the disciple of the premier sinner was soaked good and plenty. . . - - . Two kida barely 16 ran away from their hornet in Indiana and were, married, in Chicago and hon eymooned to the juvenile court : The kid hus band, asked how he could suoDort a wife, re plied: "I work steadily and make $7.50 a week." Justice in the person of a matronly woman could not figure $7.3U at a atanaara ot living tor two and committed the kida to the custody of their parents for two full years. , As a Lochinvar of speed and persistence Henry Klein of Milwaukee is a corker. From Milwaukee to Euroue and back he tagged a rich and reluctant widow, Pauline Cawker, and won out His achievement holds less romance than the still hunt of f ernly Harris of Austin, Minn. Harris had only a photograph for a clue, but that was enough. The photographer in Chicago tipped off the name and address. , Fernly did the rest and Ruth J. Babcdck changed her name to Harris. Netrtv 2.500 Marys attended the second an nual reunion of the clan at Nbbleavilte, Ind., last week. The organization is .nation-wide in scope, but only a small percentage of Hoosier Marys turned out and overflowed available picnic space in town. Prizes were awarded the tallest and the shortest the lightest and the heaviest the oldest and the youngest, and the mother of the largest fiock. The rest of the Marys became prizewin ners on the score of good looks. I III I I 1,1 a. j hi a. a. -T Thought Nugget tor the Day. The true strong and sound mind Is the mind that can embrace equally great things and small Samuel John-ton. One Year Ago Today In the War. Berlin admitted -escape of nearly all of "trapped" Vllna army. Allies in west attacked third Ger man line in Artoit and Champagne. American financiers and Anglo French commlaaion agreed on terms of (500.000,000 loan. England and France declared In tention to give military aid to Serbia In case that country was attacked. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. The first annual ball of the Switch men's Mutual Aid association No. 1 took place in the annex of the exposi tion building. The men who had charge of the entertainment were: T. J. Hurley, P. J. McKay, H. L. Caesady, J. J. Fenton, M. J. Murphy, J. C. Ormsby. T. McTlgue, W. H. Irving, J. Q. Kane, W. M. Buchanan, J. P. Mulvlhill, J. F. Scullen, B. F. Miller, D. McAvoy, C. Furnace, W. F. Orms by, C. F. Hitzler, W. H. Martin, B. F. Cody and J. E. Meehan. The members ot the hook and lad der company were set to work paint ing the ladders of the truck. With blue and black. ' ; , . James Brown, formerly a prom inent merohant -of Bradihaw, Neb., ha sold out hla interests there and. ,w!th his wife, will make Omaha hi;M future nome. . Dr. V. H. Coffman' is temporarily a "widower." Mrs. Coffman, with her children, Is visiting at St. Mary's acad emy, Notre Dame, Ind., her old home. The marriage of Charles B. Keller and Miss Cora Doane, daughter of George W. Doane of this city, took place at Trinity cathedral. The groom was attended by I. A. Cotes of Vir ginia. A committee consisting of Judge Reuther, B. Jetter and Frank Pivonka, from the stock yards, are In town circulating ;a subscription list to help equip the Are company , recently formed at that place. - 1 A German savings bank is to be started and Frank Wasserman, for some years connected with the United States National bank, Is soliciting stock subscriptions. It is said that W. A. Paxton has subscribed for 150,000 of the stock. This Day In History. 1758 Lord Nelson, England's great est naval ihero, born in Norfolk. Killed at the battle of Trafalgar October 21, 180S. 180S Dedication of the first Roman Catholic church erected In Boston. 18S5 Russians lost heavily in an unsuccessful assault on Kers, a strong hold of the Turks In Asiatic Turkey. 1862 Brigadier Qeneral Jeff C. Davis, U; S. - A., shot and mortally wounded 'General William Nelson in a hotel In Louisville. ,, , . . . 1870 Massacre at White' filver agency, in Colorado, if Ipr. C. Meeker and twelve others by Jndlapa. - , 1884-Lord Wolseley departed .from Cairo for the relief 0 Khartoum'; - '-' 899 Great 'naval parade in -New York harbor In. honor, of - Admiral aDQTQy j--.. ... - a'' t(i-' 1804 Battleship Connecticut was laun-hed at the New York navy yard. 1908 Secretary -Taft proclaimed United States Intervention in Cuba and himself as provisional governor. 1915 More than 600 lives lost and 812,000,000 in property destroyed by a tropical flurriuane In Louisiana and Mississippi. The Day We Celebrate. County Attorney George A. Magney la Just 69. He is a native of Ohio and after studying law was admitted to the bar in 1881. He located first In Pa pilllon and removed to Omaha In 1887. - Right Honorable-Louis Botha, onco a leader of the Boers against the Brit ish, now premier of the Union of South Africa and the upholder of British -rule, born at Greytown, Natal, fifty three years ago today. Dr. Theobald von Bethmann-Holl-weg, the German imperial chancellor, born at Hohen-Flnow sixty years ago today. . Gabe B. Parker, former register of the United States treasury, born at Fort Towsoh, Indian Territory, thirty eight years ago today. Dr. Charles 8. Howe, president of the Case School of Applied Science, born at Nashua, N. 11., fifty-eight years ago today. Edwin D. Head, one of the directors of the World Peace foundation, born at Chesterfield, N. H., sixty-seven years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. This Is Michaelmas day, or the fes tival of St. Michael the Archangel. The old English custom of eating a Itaose on this day is said to have orig inated, with Queen Elizabeth's dining on a goose, when the news was brought to her of the defeat of the Spanish armada, In consequence ot which she ordered one to be served up every twenty-ninth- day of Septem ber In commemoration of that great event Having set tight as an alderman for twenty-five years, and filled the office of sheriff for one term. Sir William Henry Dunn will today be elected lord mayor of the city of London. His for mal installation In office will take place November 9, which is Lord Mayor's day. The new lord mayor has been a member of Parliament and is widely known for his philanthropies. He will be the third Roman Catholic lord mayor of London in recent years. Charles E. Hughes, republican presi dential nominee. Is scheduled to tour central and western New York today, concluding-with, an address In Wells vllle tonight . A special meeting of the Interna tional Mercantile Marine stockholders Is to be held at New York today for the purpose of carrying out the terms of the rehabilitation agreement ar rived at recently by the preferred and common stock and bond holders. Storyette of the Day. A Scottish farmer was selling wool one day to a carrier and after weigh ing it he went into the house to make out an Invoice. When he came back he missed a cheese that had been standing on a shelf behind the outer door. Glancing at the bag of wool, he observed that It had suddenly in creased In else. "Man," he said to the carrier, "I hae clean forgot the weight o' that bag. "Let's pit it on the scales once malr." The carrier could not well refuse. The bag was, of course, found to be heavier by the weight of the cheese Inside. A new Invoice was made out and the crestfallen carrier went away. fhe farmer's wife at once missed cheese and rushing to the yard told her husband that some thief had stolen It "Na. na, Meg," replied the farmer quietly. "I hae just Belt the cheese for S shillln's the pund." London Tit Bits. . . Vtur-Maue Prosperity. Omaha, Sept 28. To the Editor ol xne uee: 1 was giaa to see your eai torial on the subject of the hard times that prevailed after the Underwood tariff bill was passed, and before the European war commenced. Times ot poverty and distress, which were growing worse dally, and would have eventually Involved the whole country ir it pad not been lor tne European war making demands on us which started all the factories going again and gave plenty of work. In this campaign the democrats are continually talking about the great prosperity of the country, but they never acknowledge it is because of the war; their writings and their talks Imply that it is because of the demo cratic administration. So far aa I have seen very little is being said by the republicans to refute their tmpnca tlons, and I wish they would say more about It Because many people, espe dally on the democratic side, have forgotten all about those hard limes. You probably remember, or you could And by referring to your files. how many unemployed armies were marching from city to city in the west and what trouble they caused the citi zens in their attempt to feed them and try to keep them moving on, and the fear in the hearts of our officials of what we would do when they reached the Missouri river; the fact of Coxey rising up again and offering to lead another army to Washington, etc I wish you would refresh our mem ories by telling us how many men were marching, and where and what cities they, camped In or by, and what dates. I believe it would be appre ciated by all republicans who realize what the Underwood tariff law would have done to this country if It had not been for the European war. : B. E. A REPUBLICAN VOTER. Come-back for the Doctor. Omaha, Sept 28. To the Editor of Tne Bee: The letter or Jennie b. Laird, D. O., is reason enough why people do not want osteopaths in puo 11c institutions . Smallpox has been entirely driven out of Germany and Austria by compulsory vaccination, and anyone who calls himself a phy sician and opposes compulsory vac cination has no place In any public institution, and a medical society that takes ud its time with national pro hibition and woman suffrage has not enough legitimate medical practice to keep busy. What : possible recom mendation la It to a doctor to be In favor of prohibition and woman suf frage, or to be against both? The objection to osteopathy, chiro practic Christian- Science and other so-called "schools of medicine" Is that their standard of education is too low. Any farm boy with not even an eighth grade school education can become a doctor in many of these schools by one winter's attendance or two win ter's attendance, and even through schools of correspondence. There is no educational, requirement A doc tor deals with people's lives, and they should be protected against Ignorance and Incompetency. For that reason every medical school of first-class standing demands a high school edu cation as an entrance requirement and we hope the day will soon come when they will require a-university degree before the Jives of the people are placed in their hands It is Impossible for an Ignorant uneducated doctor to correctly diag nose disease, without which a cure is of course out of the- question. - The public does not care whether the doc tor calls himself a chiropractor, an osteopath, a Christian Science healer. . an iaf lectio or anything else, provided he has the requisite education, which should be at least a high school course ind tour years in meaieine. It Is the eighth grade ignoramus with a corre ipondence school medical diploma or i winter or two In the hands of igno rant money-making so-called "medi cal schools" that is the great menace to the health of the people. JAMES FIELD, Calls It Poor Judgment. Avoca, la., Sept 28. To the Editor of The Bee: The discussions in this column are Indeed interesting, from the minute degrees of heat caused by "Old Sol's" rays to that of raising babies on the Incubator plan. The certainty some correspondents feel on the election of the republican or dem ocratic candidate are of more passing Interest But ideas advanced for high er grades of citizenship are always to be commended, and these are found where a humane sentiment is advu cated. In a small town recently where con struction work required the drawing of heavy loads, the writer observed the need of a humane officer. A trained eye was not needed to observe the team in question was ready to do . Its duty. The Incline over which the load was being drawn was of an up ward tendency. Another elevation was reached "where the last straw broke the camel's back," with every nerve and fiber working to its ut most In the faithful animals,' they were "stalled" within two yards of the summit when the weight of the load drew them back a distance of about thirty feet when a second effort was made with a similar result and a third trial terminating likewise. To gain a point of vantage the driv er mounts the load, where he can ap ply the lash In a more vigorous man ner than before, but courage was gone and failure complete. Another team was brought to the rescue. With such . poor Judgment of some folks predom inating, it is believed a correspond ence school of common sense should be started, eliminating laws and ordi dances that should obtain front such , sources, and It is hoped the world will get better. T. I. H. IN THE BEST OF HUMOR. "WU, of all th impudence! Atklnf tna -to help you because you have three wives to aupport." "They .don't belong; to me, mliter; they . belong to me eon-in-law." Boston Tran crlpt, "There's a coatleii man In the dining room." "Would It be policy to ordvr him out?" "Dunno: He's got a fat pocketbook In hla hip pocket." Baltimore American. WHAT OTA OP AM tEAL WlfE ? aTTFiv BEIT W Oock BACK Ft V4HWJE YOU ARE OUT Uttfe SOME MIQKT! "Do yon wait for Inspiration before writing novels?" we asked the distinguished -author. "Not at all," he replied. "I merely wait for the advance check from my publishers." New York World. ' Widower MeGurk "TJs big price to pay for a coffin! . Undertaker O'Brien A big price! And manny'a the man led man wud pay twice as much for th same privilege, and Jump at th chance! Life. Here's A New sition A TYPEWRITER BY PARCEL POST ON TEN DAYS' FREE EXAMINATION This typewriter is not an unknown machine of unknown make. It is the hC rm sT w ' ' - saaasVaatW the very latest addition to the peat Remington family of typewriters. A new and smaller Remingtonbuilt tor the needs of the professional man and the heme. At the end of 10 days, if you decide not to keep it, fend it back no obligation involved. If you decide to 9 . .. T .a o J ..LI.. If keep it, tne price is f jo. oena u to muuuuv pay ments of 1 5 each and the machine is yours. Just the machine you have always needed, made by the most celebrated type writer makers in the world, and sold on just the terms that suit you. Ramintoa Typewriter Compear, (Iacorporatad) 327 Broadway, New York. Seas aw a Rcminftoa Junior Type writer, price f to, oa free examination. It liueteratood that I auyrttara tfasmacbifle, if I chooas, wkhia an dart. If I aecide ta porctaua it, I aret pay for it la io monthly paymega of each. Hu. Unbeatable Exterminator V3 r 0f Rati .Mice and Buos ITaaial thai World Over - Used by V.svernmant Tfit Old That Nwr FHs - ISe.35a.Af Druggists THE RECOGNIZED STANDARD-AVOID SUBSTITUTES LIKE A NEW WOMAN Mrs. Louisa Watson, ot Vienna, 111., writes: "I have received so nucb benefit from the uta of Casdui that I wish to tell you. When I was a younf (lrl of twenty-one I became run down. I was. , , , caused I think by my bavins taken cold. I was In much pain at those times ind usually had to so to bed. . . I had bad headaches and backaches Q . and a dreadful bearing- down pain. . . I can't tall Just who told me about Casoui, but . . I betas to use It . . Tbs very first bottle helped me and mads me like a new woman. . . I truly think there it no remedy Ilka Cakddi. . ." For forty years Caxditi hat helped woman in lutl such esses as this. Try It It may be lust what you need. USED 40 TEARS 1 - - 1 1 The Woman's Tonic AT AU, DRUQ STORES . .- S-M