Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Brief City News
Half Kant Whit DlanaaiU 1S Kdholm.
Hit Baot Print It Nw Bsaooo Praea
Llrhttns PIztuTM Burgeai-Oranden Co.
Phone Bnrifrird'fi New Coal Yard
I 111 7 N. 23d, for Paradise coal, oesi
ror rurnaces. Doug. 115.
Dr. Merriam to Talk Dr. A. L.
Merriam will speak at the Omaha
1'hllosophical meeting Bunaay aner
noon on "Fasting and Prayer."
Rohhed nf Nine Dollars A high'
wavman stoDDed J. Rosenbloom, 1414
North Twenty-tourth, last night at
. Fifteenth and Ames avenue and
robbed him of $9.
Comnanv C.i-tn Jmlement Judg-
mont in tl A94 KB wn h HWATflpri th
W. P. Deve'reaux company against
r Matilda Peterson in district court on
' a protested check issued August 21
1914, for (1,023.53 for merchandise.
$25 reward for information lead
ing to the recovery of Ford runabout
State No. 84083. And 525 additional
for the arrest and conviction of thief.
Love-Haskell Company, W. O. W.
Another Welch Cafeteria Another
Welch cafeteria is to be established
in Omaha. This will make the sixth
one. J. W. Welch is fitting up the
place at 1517 Farnam street. This
place was formerly occupied by The
Two Seeking Divorce Charging ex
treme cruelly. Paul Jones has filed
uit for divorce from' Lilly. They were
married April 15, 1911, at Bremerton,
Wash. Nettie Oldaker has sued
George, alleging nonsupport. They
were married at Council Bluffs March
4, 1915.
Weather Fine in State With con.
siderable rain out in the state Tues
day afternoon, the weather cleared
during the night and is perfect today,
according to the reports to the rail
roads. It is a little cooler, but from
no place was there a report of frost
last mgnt.
Taken to Station C. H. Niebert,
said to be a Des Moines, Ta., physician,
is being detained at police headquar
ters in a delirious condition. He was
taken from St. Joseph's hospital,
where he had been sent by friends.
At the hospital he became so violent
that the nurses could not restrain htm.
Dared Autos to Hit Him Oust Carl
son of Florence fared forth on an
antl-gasoline crusade Tuesday after
noon and was arrested after he had
stood directly in front of autos at Fif
teenth and Farnam streets and dared
the drivers to come on. He was ar
raigned in police court and fined (5
ana costs.
Omaha I'nl Class Electa Thirty
members of the sophomore class of
the University of Omaha met yester
day afternoon and elected the follow
ing officers: Isidore Flnkenstetn,
president; Naomi Lowe, vice presi
dent; Gertrude Reynolds, secretary
and treasurer. Gold and maroon
wcie ciiosen as ine ci&ss colors.
John E. Ctt Returns John B. Utt,
general agent of the Rock Island, who
has been spending the summer in
.northern Wisconsin, has returned.
greatly improved in health, but not
well enough yet to take up the duties
of his position. Mr. Utt suffered a
stroke of paralysis about a year ago
and has never fully recovered from
Its effects.
Gets Six Dollars a Week Six dot
lars a week for 300 weeks must be
paid to Mike Koma, a former em
ploye of Armour & Co., according td
the decision of Judge Leslie. Koma
was struck by a falling pipe while
working in the packing house. He
must be txamined every six months
by physicians employed by the Armour
company to ascertain the permanence
of the injury. Koma was represented
by Harold Haviland.
Fine Fireplace Goods Sunderland.
Indians Sell Many
Carloads of Cattle
Here and in Chicago
Chicago, Sept. 27. Thirty-four car
loads of cattle from a shipment of
fifty-one cars, seventeen 6( which
were sold at Omaha yesterday, were
sold at the market here today by In
dians from the Crow reservation in
Montana, the first important sales
two years ago by the sale of lands of
the reservation. The fifty-one cars
brought $97,993.
Cato Sells, United States commis
sioner of Indian affairs, supervised the
sale for the Indians. He said it was
the first direct benefit the Indians had
received from the government policy
lof using the grazing lands on the
reservation for the benefit of the In
dians. "All of these cattle were range
grazed and grass fed," he said. "Not
a pound of corn or other feed than
grass or hay had been given them.
"Two years ago we purchased for
the Crows 7,000 2-year-old heifers,
2,000 yearling steers and 350 bulls. In
cluding the increase in the herd, the
Indians' profit on the original pur
chase in twenty-seven months, after
paying all expenses, has been $350,000.
The first year the Indians cut and
stacked 5,000 tons of hay to winter
their herds and last winter 7,000 tons."
Grist From the
Divorce Mill
Agnes Chester has filed suit for di
vorce against Frank Chester. They
were married in February, 1895. at
I m K. nrnvinne ni v iiimic. missia.
and have lour children, lhey have
been residents of Omaha for ten
Charles R. Leuszler has been
granted a divorce from Effie May, on
grounds of extreme cruelty.
John A. 'Christopher was divorced
from Bessie on allegations of deser
tion; Henrietta Priest has been divorced
from William L., because of alleged
Mamie Hoffman secured a decree
from Beryle, alleging nonsupport.
Edward J. Gilbert has filed a peti
tion against Addie, alleging cruelty.
4 Culls Over the Wire
Pour members of tha craw of the steamer
Robervtl of Ottawa, which foundered In
Laka Ontario, were picked up on an im
provised raft, after being buffeted by the
tea for twenty hours without food. Two
others reported missing were seen In a
Joe Mttmeth, said to be of the Live
Stock National bank of Chicago, and
George Myers, a resident of Del Rio, Ten.,
and owner of a ranch located In Mexico,
forty mllei from the border, were arrested
on Myers' ranch last Friday and now are
being held In jail at Sablnaa, Mexico, pend
ing payment of $10,000 fine,
William B, WHaon, secretary of labor
will begin a speaking tour of the west In
K.tialf nt WIU,tn an4 --U.. T 1 1
October 6 and 6, and then go to Mlnaourt,
ww" ' wmer umes announced
for him are: Butte, Mont., October, 3a
Cheyenne, Wvo., and Denver, Colo., Oc
tober 27; Nebraska, October 28; Dea
Moines, la., October 30, and Chicago, Oc
tober, 21-
Hears From Seabury, and De
cides to Waive Dignity and
Make Speeches.
Long Branch, N. J., Sept. 27. As a
result of the conference today be
tween President Wilson and Judge
Samuel Seabury, democratic candidate
for governor of New York, the presi
dent is expected to make one or more
speeches i.i New York within the next
few weeks. Final arrangements have
been madei but Judge Seabury re
mained at-(Shadow Lawn qver night
and will discus- the New York po
litical situation with Mr. Wilson fur
ther in the morning.
The presidentihas been told that it
is imperative that the democrats carry
New York and it is said concentrated
efforts will be made to present the
democratic case to New York voters.
No Connection They Say.
The announcement of a lone itiner
ary for speeches in New York to be
made by Charles E. Hughes, theS re
publican nominee, was read with in
terest by democratic leaders here to
day, but it was said that Mr. Hughes'
plans would have no effect on those
of the president.
In spite of the determination of Mr.
Wilson to make only nonDOlitical
speeches on his forthcoming trips
away from Shadow Lawri, it appeared
probable tonight that he would tind
means for getting his views on par
tisan question before the country.
Mis addresses here will be more ot a
political character than those in other
To Talk to Dems Only.
Elaborate arrangements are being
made to turn the reception of the
president Saturday to members of
young men's democratic clubs into a
big political event. It will be the first
time since his notification speech that
the president has addressed a purely
democratic audience.
Warren Ege Elected
Senior Class President
Warren Eee was elected president !
of thesenior class of the Central High
school yesterday afternoon. Three
candidates opposed Ege, but he out-1
distanced his nearest opponent by !
twenty-three votes. Dorothy Balbach !
was elected vice president by a bare i
plurality ot three votes over Kuby
Swenson. Helen Pfeiffer was chosen
secretary by a margin of twenty-eight
For Piles
Pyramid PiU Treatment Is Uud At
Horn and Ha Sared a Vast
Number, from tha Horror
of Opart t ion.
Don't permit a danferoui operation for
pfici until you have ien what Pyramid Pil
Treatment can do for you in tha privacy of
your own home.
Remember Pyramid Forget Pllee.
No ease can be called kopeleia unless
Pyramid Pile Treatment has been tried and
hai failed. Letters br the score from Deo-
:ple who believed their eases hopeless are
in ear filet. They fairly breathe tha joy
W tit writers.
Test Pyramid PUs Treatment yourself.
Either ret a bos oris fiSe from voar
idrugffist or mall the coupon below right away
tor a perfectly irec trial.
128 Prramld Bldi.. Manila!!, Mich.
Kindly tend me a Frea aampla of Pyra
mid PIU Treatmeat, In plain wrapper.
City Stata.
Lemn 1 Ktl.t sf Rtft
T aU Uf Mkti-"'"
votes. William Alley secured the
treasurership by a unanimous vote.
Paul Nicholson and Elfrieda Schac
fer were elected sergeants-at-arms.
The class teachers elected were Jessie
M. I owne, Mary A. (J iullivan and H.
R. Mulligan.
Restaurant Keeper
Dying From Shot of
Holdup Man's Gun
George Maragos, aged 40, living fat
803 South Twenty-fourth street, one
of three brothers, running a restau
rant at 2322 Leavenworth street, was
fatally shot early this morning, while
resisting an attempted holdup of the
restaurant. Two middle-aged white
men entered and ordered him to
throw up his hands. Maragos sized
an unloaded rifle and smashed it on
the head of one. The other bandit
fired twice at Maragos. One bullet
entered the throat, taking an upward
course and lodged in the neck. The
other bullet struck in the leg. The
bandits escaped without securing any
Policeman Fritz Frank was in the
restaurant a few minutes before the
robbers entered. He heard the shots
and rushed in. The men were gone,
separating and disappearing.
Slugged and Rohbed'
In Jefferson Square
Frank Krebs, 1950 South Eleventh
street, switchman, brother of Police
Officer William Krebs, staggered into
the pool hall of Frank Gilchrist, 519
North Sixteenth street, last night and
fell unconscious on the floor. He was
found to have suffered concussion of
the brain. Indications pointed to his
having been slugged and robbed in
Jefferson square.
Frank Hyatt, Elgin, III., stopping at
the Millard hotel, told the police last
night that he had been slugged by two
men and robbed of a gold watch
and $60.
Little Tom lives up j
to Tom Moore's
"It's all in the
OKnMM fluid)
j Omaha Branch, 17 IS Dulaa 5 treat.
family" r
Clerk in Brandeis Stores Ac
cused and Confesses, Impli
cating Outsiders.
Stolen silks valued at nearly $ 1 .500
were recovered last night by Detec
tive L. T. Finn of the Brandeis store,
when he arrested Reba McKcndrick,
a salewoman in the store who lives
at 204 South Twenty-sixth street.
Her confession led to the arrest of
Florence Williams, a dressmaker, liv
ing at 609 South Seventeenth, and
Minnie Turner, 614 North Seven
teenth, on a charge of receiving stolen
Detective Finn has known for
months' that valuable silks and pat
terns have been disappearing from the
store, but could find no trace of the
manner of disappearance, until yes
terday, when his suspicions centered
upon Miss McKendrick. When he
trapped her as she pocketed some
money paid over by a decoy
purchaser, she made a written con
fusion. Passed Goods Over Counters.
She said she passed hundreds of
dollars' worth of merchandise over
the counter to Miss Williams and
Miss Turner, and checked in only a
few dollars in return. The stealing,
she declared in her confession, has
extending over a period of six months,
during which time thousands of dol
lars' worth of stuff has been taken
from the store. Her share of the
lot. she said was less than a hundred
dollars for the entire thefts. Several
months ago, she said the Turner
woman approached her with tlu
scheme and later introduced the W't
I Clear, Peachy Skin !
! Awaits Anyone Who I
Drinks Hot Water I
' Says an Inilde bath, befora break-'
fait halpa ua look and fetl
clean, tweet, fraah.
Sparkling and vivacious merry,
bright, alert a good, clear skin and
a natural rosv. healthv complexion
are assured only by pure blood. If
only every man and woman could be
induced to adopt the morning inside
bath, what a gratifying change would
take place. Instead of the thousands of
sickly, anaemic-looking men, women
and girls, with pasty or muddy
complexions; instead of the multi
tudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns,"
"brain fags" and pessimists we
should see a virile, optimistic throng
of rosy-cheeked people everywhere.
An inside bath is had by drinking
each morning before breakfast, a
glass of real hot water with a tca-
spoonful of limestone phosphate in it
to wash from the stomach, liver, kid
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre
vious day's indigestible waste, sour
fermentations and poisons, thus
cleansing, sweetening and freshening
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
Those subject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and particularly those who
have a pallid, sallow complexion and
who are constipated very often, are
urged to obtain a quarter pound of
limestone phosphate at the drug store
which will cost but a trifle, but is
sufficient to demonstrate the quick
and remarkable change in both health
and appearance, awaitin" those who
practice internal sanitation. We must
remember that inside cleanliness is
more important than outside, because
tng elfin tne not ahsnrh immtritipfi
to contaminate the blood while the
pores in the thirty feet of bowels do.
"Averaged 19.8 miles
per gallon on a 1312
mile trip."
, "Have owned three
other cars, but this is
the King of them all."
2047-48 Farnam Strati
Douglas 3292
liams woman. These two, she said,
made several trips a week to the
The store checking system finally
developed the leak and Finn com
menced tracing the thefts.
After the McKendrick girl con
fessed, she was taken to police head
quarters and "locked up. Detectives
Dolan and Lahey then accompanied
Finn to the homes of the other
two women and lhey were arrested.
Owing to the fact that but one ar
ticle was actually seen stolon, Miss
McKendrick was arraigned on petit
larceny count and fined $25 and costs.
The other girls were given suspended
Key to the Situation The Roe
Want Ads.
a fuix s.ncoal range jq CHANGE FROM ONE FUEL TO THE OTHER
iniLTOM ro)0EL3S
.JUL! & SONS CO. lAi 1515 HARNEY
XVs v
. A
To street
m '
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co.
"A Wizard of An
"It is absolutely quiet,
has increased steadily
in power and efficiency
and , has not given the
least bit of trouble."
We could fill the page
with such quotations
The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio.
Cunningham Asks
Twenty Thousand
For Death of Wife
Claude G. Cunningham, administra
tor of the estate of his wife, Christina,
who was killed when she was struck
I by an automobile driven by Charles
H. Stockdale at Twenty-sixth and
Farnam streets. August 7, has filed
I suit in rlivtrirt rniirl 9:imet fliA I itiin.
gcr Vlnplcmeiit company, asking $20,
1)00 damages.
Stockdale was employed by the
company at the time of the accident.
Negligence is alleged. Cunningham
. ON
Ever Ready Monogram
car patrons:
At the request of the Ak-Sar-Ben Governors
and the City Authorities, the routing of all cars
on the South Omaha Line, during the Ak-Sar-Ben
Carnival, will be changed in the downtown district,-
and cars will run as follows: From 17th
and Cuming east to 16th, South to Webster, east
to 15th and south to Howard. On northbound
trips, from 15th and Howard to Webster, to 16th,
to Cuming, to 17th.
This change is effective September 26, 1916.
We trust that none of our patrons will be seri
ously inconvenienced on account of this tem
porary change in routing, v"
from enthusiastic own
ers of Willys-Knights.
It is the only motor that
knows no carbon trouble.
Come in and see the
car that owners swear
Inc., Omaha Branch
complains that the auto was traveling
at an unreasonable rate of speed when
Mrs. Cunningham, a trained nurse, 50
years old, stepped from the atreet car.
United Improvers '
For Lighting Contract
The United Improvement Clubi
last night, meeting at the 'council
chamber, adopted the following reso
lution: "It is the sense of the United Im- 1
provement Clubs, that, in view of the
result of your efforts in securing the
6-cent ordinance, we can join with
you in approving a contract for street
lighting, such as in your judgment
is fair to the city and approved by
your legal department as to form.
AN .
20th and Harney Streets
Douglaa 3290. -
:.iiifii -