THE BEF OMAHA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE T FOUNDED BY EDWARD B08EWATE VICTOR ROSEWAtER EDITOR THB Ml PUBLMHINO COMPANY PBOPWETOR Entarae at Omaha ooatoffteo u aaeond-alaaa mattar TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Bj Carrl.r By Mall par month, poryaar Dally mi Iodar - M ""'J Ji Dally without Sunday Evmlnsr and Bandar 40 Eranlnf without Sunday !2 Sunday Bm l 20a..., ., Dally and Sunday Bm, thrat yanrs In. aJvanea, 110.00. Sand hotlea of change at addreae or Irramlarlty llvary to Omaha Baa, Circulation Department. REMITTANCE. Remit by di-ert, ortraee or poetol order. OnlyS-eonl etairoe fai.M in payment of amall aeoounte. Personal cneeke, iiept on Omaha anil aaaUrn hno. not oooopted. , OFFICES. .. .. . Omaha Tha Bm Blldls. ' ''" South Omaha 2J18 N atreafc Uouncll Wolfe 14 North Maid street. . Uneoln 62 Ltttla Bulldtaf, Chicago 111 People'e Gat Bulldlns. Vaw York Room Ml. 8 Fifth avenue. St. Uule III Now Bank of Commerce. WeehlnsUn 726 Fourteenth etreet, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE, eduresa eemmunleatlone relatlns to newo and tutorial natter to Omaha Baa. Editorial Department. ,7 AUGUST CIRCULATION 55,755 Daily-Sunday 51,048 0lht Willlama, drsnlatlon manager of The Bm PuHlahing eompw, heint duly sworn, aaya that tha average clreula'jen for tha month of Aufu.t, 4.761. dally, und 11,049 Sunday. PWIGHT WILLIAMS, Circulation VUneier. Buheerlbed In my pretence and awom to before ma tola id day of Setemer,llS. ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Fuhlle. SubecriWe ImtIh( the city temporarily ahouU lu Tha Bm analled to thorn. M dreoe will be chanted u sftoa u rocfuiroj. The ghost of Villa will not down at Chihuahua or New London. At a meana of throwing light on the higher rjost of living the lowered cot of electricity will help tome. Assuming that "misery loves company" the glad hand of New , York witl welcome Greece into the mess. Greece is about to strike. - Since the iig push began in June the Anglo French forces have captured about eighty square miles of territory from the Germans. This area seems ample for the cemetery needs of the oc- v Car famine is unavoidable when a top-notch grain market creates an extraordinary rush of shipments. The main task for railroad managers in the present emergency is an equitable distribu tion of available facilities. - The discovery and translation of an ancient account of the deluge and what happened im mediately after, is peculiarly timely, It enablei democrats to appreciate what it coming and pre pare for the worst. '. The complaint of seaboard grain dealers re garding car shortage deserves prompt attention. There is no doubt that some railroads refuse to move empties, and hold them at terminals await ing loads. Some means to atop the practice should be found and the present congestion re lieved. , While Omaha is entertaining the mighty of both parties and giving a good time to a host of Jetser sovereigns from near and far, care should be exercised lest some Imprudent local guide ooint to the Union station as a specimen of Omaha's enterprise. This is next on the list for a new move. Remember that the only vote cast for the wage increase force bill in the senate, besides the votes of the democrats lined up by the president, was the vote of Senator La Foltette, It goes without saying that the Wisconsin senator under those conditions must either admit he made a mistake or stand by his record. A pictured array of Nebraska governort con stitute one of the rare features of Omaha's golden anniversary decorations. And they are some features, too.t minutely outlining the stal wart faces which radiated more or less glory in the atatehouse. - What memories they recall of battles fought and won or lost, of stratagems and polls and things. Pause, stranger, and study the pictures, but remember the exhibit is not a beauty show. ;, ..'( : . -J National Savings New York Journal of Commerce ' ,' Practically Mr. Wilson Indicts himself and his policy in an article contributed by him to the current number of the Ladies' Home Journal and headed "The Mexican Question." One is led to wonder whether the president deludes himself or whether he hopes to delude the public with ex prssions of opinion so much at variance with hia acta. He may be, as DisraU said of Glad stone, "inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity" so far as to be unable to see that he convicts himself of the things he warns the coun try against But aa we are forced to believe his intelligence superior to such weak self-deception, we are equally farced to conclude that it is the people he aims at fooling. , The major premise of the article is that Our intermeddling in the affairs of any Latin-American government must alienate not only that gov ernment but other Latin-American governments. The minor premise is that, as a strong govern ment, the United States is under a moral obliga tion to deal with smalt or weak states with as much consideration as it would show to a strong one. . Mr. Hughes, in his address at St. Louis few , weeks ago. effectively disposed of the minor premise, which Mr. Wilson had that day enunciated in his acceptance address, by forcibly contrasting Mr. Wilson's precept with his at tempts to control a Mexican election, his armed invasion of the country to overthrow its de facto government, and his recognition and support of l'rancisco Villa as a man worth while tor the promotion of a revolution in Mexico against a legal administration in that country which Mr. W ilsott-did not approve. The. major premise remains.- It is true that Mexico "should be left alone to make this struggle," but Mr. Wilson has refused to leave Mexico alone. . He has sent one "personal repre sentative" after another into the country, the chief of whom, John Lind, was instructed to forbid the ihen president of Mexico from seeking election. It is no less true, as the president has written, that use of the power of this government for pur poses of intervention in Mexico for what he calls "state parasitism of big business" or for a per sonal prejudice, must "revive the gravest sus picion throughout all the states of Ameica." Yet, sis the Globe-Democrat has frequently contended, the worst feature of such arrogance as the in vasion at Vera Cruz and the sending, of ambas sadors extraordinary to dictate the course of ' Mexican politics, hat already aroused the "gravest suspicion of all the states of America." Mr. Wil son s departure from international usages and United States policy in Mexico, has set back our growing relations with Spanish-America to a point far back of their previous position. Have We Learned Our Lesson? The fiee reproduces from the Chicago Tribune a circumstantial account of some of the misery and inconvenience endured by the Fifth Ne braska regiment at its Texas camp, due to un readiness and incompetence in management of the War department. Parts of this were known before; the regiment left Lincoln without proper equipment, but with the understanding it would be furnished supplies on arrival in Texas. For a month and a half it underwent almost the pri vations of a siege, simply because arrangements were totally inadequate, and clothing and bedding could not be had. We honor the men who have put up with this treatment in order that they might be of service to their country. They have shown the spirit that makes possible our great ness, but what is to be said of the incompetence of the system that results in such miserable mis management? Where would we have been if the actual war strength of the regiments called out had responded, let alone the millions needed for war? If we have learned the lesson, then the wretched business of mobilization has not been in vain. Will we profit by our experience in Texas? Wilson and the Tammany Sachems. Details of the bargain struck last week be tween Vance McCormick, representing the presi dent, and "Boss" Murphy, representing Tammany Hall, are slowly oozing out. It was at first re ported that Mr. McCormick 'negotiated to ex change Wilson's support of Judge Seahury, Tam many candidate for governor, for Tammany's aid in re-electing Wilson. This is now confirmed by the announcement that Mr. Wilson will lay aside his pose of dignity, give over his seclusion at Shadow Lawn and go to New York to make po litical speeches. Less would not meet the re quirements of "Boss" Murphy, who is known to be very thorough in hia campaign methods. All this must be comforting to those deluded disciples of the donkey, who continually hug memories of how the democratic gangsters of New York were flouted at Denver and Baltimore, The Tammany tiger hasn't changed its stripes, nor its appetite; it therefore follows that the ar rangement for the president's assistance includes hit laying aside his high calling as people's cham pion for the time and becoming a "good fellow" long enough to earn the support of "practical people" who dominate the affairs of lpwer Man hattan isle. Growth of the Indian in White Man's Ways. Pioneers of Nebraska, who met the red man in his savage state, may realize better than others the tremendous advance suggested by the news item telling of shipment of cattle by the train load by the Indians. Most of this change has come about in the last quarter of a century. (At the time of the Pine Ridge outbreak the Indians of the northwest were still in! a stage of re strained savagery, The government held them on reservations and fed them, and some very able men who had close contact with them said the Indian could no more be domesticated than the grizzly bear. All this has passed. The long hair and the blanket are gone, and the Indian sows and reaps and tends his flocks and herds after the fashion of his white brother. He does more than this; he Uvea in a house, which he frequently builds for himself and take his share in the communal life of the nation as a responsible citizen. In a word, he has become not only self-supporting, but self respecting. .' - This is a reward for patient and intelligent effort on the part of the white man, and worthy enthusiasm of the red. It was not entirelysachieved among the younger generation, for braves who followed the war trail now follow the plow. The survivors of the stone age have taken on the ways of the most enlightened within less than a gen eration. The story of our civilization holds no greater triumph than this. Coercion of Congress. Messrs. Garretson and Carter of the railway brotherhoods have been given a good deal of notoriety for the success of their efforts in hold ing up congress with the aid of the president and compelling it to act as they wished. .They are merely imitators, though, for it had been done before. ' Claude E. Kitchin and "Jimmie" Hay did it, a little more ceremoniously, perhaps' but none the less effectively. Moreover, this doughty pair of democrats announced in advance that they would have their way, and they had it. , Between them they killed well considered plans for na tional defense and permitted only the adoption of makeshifts, Present-hour boasts of the demo crats as to how they prepared to defend the coun try,' to reorganize the army and build a new navy date back to the time, last fall, when this pair of southern congressmen told the president and the party caucus they would allow congress to pass only such measures aa had their approval, and that they did not hold a very high opinion of the president and his military advisers. .Messrs. Kitchin and Hay whipped the entire democratic organization into line, compelled the endorsement of their personal views on preparedness and left the country without an army and only the hope of a navy. For this great service Mr. Hay has been given a federal judgeship, but Mr. Kitchin's reward is yet to come. In peace as well as throughout Indian wars the Crows maintained friendly relations with the government. During the critical campaign, against the hostile Sioux in the Big Horn country the friendly assistance of Crow couriers saved Gen eral Crook and his command from marching into a trap planned by the Sioux, then flushed with victory over Custer and Terry. Such friend ship deserved the aid and training in use ful pursuits which the government bestowed on the tribe. The recent sale in Omaha and Chicago markets of fifty-one carloads of , Crow cattle proves that the Indians are making good use of their opportunities. Now and then the new woman' throws a ham mer into the machinery of theological dogma. A member of the ethical society women of Indiana boldly challenged a preacher's description of the fire and brimstone constituents of hell. "It is an earthly condition, not a future theory," said the disputant,-supporting her definition by her ex perience in moving the family belongings to a flat before the occupants moved out. Having had no experience of the kind the preacher con ceded there was some merit in the laywomen's contention. ' ' " ; President Wilson invoked "pitiless publicity" to serve party ends. The same weapon in re publican handa serves national needs. Why I Am For Hughes Farmer GavorBor A. O. Eborhart of Mlnneao ta xational necessity requires the election of Lharles h. Hughes as president ot the unitea States. While the broad answer of patriotic, neces sity meets the question of why Mr. Hughes should be elected, the outstanding problems wnicn rentier sucn a result imperative are canny capitulated. ' The outbreak of the European war confronted this country with new problems which developed the necessity of a Wreign policy. They required firmness of action and definiteness of purpose. These problems were met by an administration supine, indifferent, inconsistent and woefully lacking in breadth of understanding. Instead of keeping us out of war, as its advocates claim, by announcing a program of hesitating timidity, it invited a situation which nearly drove us into the war in spite of the fact that the American people did not want to engage in it and that it spelled calamity for one side or the other of the European belligerents if we had engaged in it. As it is all our troubles are put off until tomor row. Nothing Is settled. The allied powers continue to flaunt us or interfere with our mails and our commerce, while the submarine program has merely been postponed and not settled. In Mexico the same fatuous policy, without starting point and without terminal facilities, has resulted in a state of anarchy in which American lives and property have been sacrificed with wan ton disregard of the inherent rights our nationals possess. The administration has waged peace more deadly than war, has played one bandit against another; has winked at the murder of Americans and the violation of women; remained undisturbed wnile our soldiers were massacred conducting an expedition so feebly conceived that it is a wonder that it has no more blood stains than are recorded at Parral and Carrizal. The problem which confronts this country to day a problem that will have to be met within the next four years is that of adjusting the United States of America with the rest of the world. To do this requires a policy of prepared ness in order to insure peace. Mr. Wilson, with his ear to the ground after having stood out against a program of preparedness at the time when its imperative necessity was recognized by all, suddenly discovered that the world was on fire, after the conflagration had waged' for a year and demanded a preparedness program. The net result of his appeal was his shameful acquies cence in the Hay army bill, which adds only a few soldiers to the regular army at the rate of 10,600 a year, an acquiescence which sounds su premely ironical in view of the recollection of the president's statement that the need for a greater force was "imperative and inow." The naval preparedness bill, more elaborate in char acter, contains a clause which leaves it to the dis cretion of the president to determine whether or not the program shall be carried out. In view of Mr. Wilson's well-known attitude in the past, openly declared up to the time of his 'too proud to fight" declaration at Philadelphia, there can be no doubt that he has agreed with the little army and little navy men of the south to abandon this policy as soon as possible. Another form of preparedness which con fronts the American people may well be termed industrial preparedness. Only the existence of the war, the increased demand which it has brought into existence, and the automatic tariff wall which it has built up has saved us from dis aster. At the close of this war Europe will be economically and industrially organized to the highest power. With the tariff wall removed through the instrumentality of the Underwood law, our farmers and our manufacturers will be subject to unrestricted competition, which we are not prepared to meet. This situation is of special interest to the farmers of the middle west and northwest. War conditions have 'removed, for the present, the danger of Canadian compe tition, but with the return of normal peace condi tions Canada, with its 300,000,000 bushels of wheat, spells low wheat prices to the farmers of the northwest, and the same conditions apply to all other farm products. . - The public, In the next election, is to be given the choice of continuing this shifting, wabbling policy a policy gilded with the literary style of its chief advocate and chief exponent, a policy that spells disaster to the industry of the coun try, peril to its laboring, forces and the absolute sacrifice of the position of America among the nations of the world and its continued humilia tion wherever stock is taken of national standing. Opposed1 to this is the choice registered in the election of Charles E. Hughes, who stand, for a broad-minded, statesmanlike interpretation of our foreign policy, and whose election insures industrial preparedness so that we may meet the competition that will be upon us at the close of the European war and for that other form of preparedness which witl insure peace for our selves and will aid us in bringing it to the rest-of the world. Pinchot on Wilson , -MumMPolU Jouraal.- I cannot vote for Wilson because I can not trust him. He does not do what he says. Hughes does. Therefore my choice is Hughes, and I shall work and vote for him. Statement of Gifford Pinchot. That jputs the case in a nutshell. Setting partisanship aside and judging the two men on their records and their characters, any man of independent thought must come unerringly to the same conclusion. More than in any great campaign of recent years, the issue this year is at bottom a personal one. The democratic party with its flexible op portunism has adopted all republican policies which seemed likely to enlist popular support. Many of these it has translated into laws laws more or less crude or ill judged in details, but based on foundations laid broad and deep in re publican administrations. It has no principles ;t will not abandon, if abandonment will serve to keep it in power. It was natural, therefore, for Mr. Pinchot, a man without a party, an idealist, to cast up ac counts of the two candidates, their personalities and individual tendencies, and to base his decision on the results of the comparisons. Thus it has been left for the great conservationist to indict Mr. Wilson personally in perhaps the severest terms yet uttered by any public man. And the net result of his consideration is stated in such bitter, albeit perfectly true, words as these: "In the end I came to see that President Wilson has a greater power than any other man in public life to say one thing but do another, and get away with it. "With war on every side of us, we all heard him solemnly assure the country that we had not been negligent of national de fense. It was not true. "We, have all heard him ridicule the idea of a greater navy, then declare for the great- ;' est navy in the world, and then go back on that. "We have seen him elected on a platform ! which pledged him to a single term as presi dent and then become a candidate for an other term. "What Mr. Wilson says is no sign of what he has done or what he will do. The one thing his record shows is that what he stands for now, he is not likely to stand for long." On the other hand, even the most casual re view of Mr. Hughes' public"record demonstrates that he is the complete antithesis of Mr. Wil son in his trustworthiness, in his devotion to principle, in his sincerity, in his inflexibility for what 11 right I TO n A VI Thought Nugget for the Day.' , Those that give up eiwentlal liberty to obUIn a little temporary aareiy ae aerve neither liberty or safety. Ben jamin Franklin. One Year Ago Today In the War. Five German army corps ordered from east to west front. Parle reported fresh gains by French troops east of Bouchese and in Champagne. In the eaat Germans gained control of the railway triangle, Llda-Wol- kowyak-B:..-onowttcha, endangering RuHslan rear guard. England warned Bulgaria an allied army would attack her if she showed an aKfrreflsive attitude In favor of Ger manic powers. In Qmaha Thirty Years Ago. About twenty couplea of the Swedish society swooped down upon Judge An derson at his residence, the occasion being his forty-fourth birthday. Those present were Misses Cora Johnson, Anna Nordwal, Mr. and Mrs. Nord,wal, Mr. and Mrs. Dahlstrom, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Lcejen stople, Mr. and Mrs. Andreson, Miss Ebba Lofgren, Miss Peterson, Mr. Merteen, Prof. Llndqulst, Mr. SJoberg, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hufsta, Mr. Olsons-Mr. Brunnoll and Master Nordwal. A party of forty young ladles and gentlemen visited the residence of Mrs. Honora Carroll, Seventeenth and Paul street-. The occasion was a sur prise and "welcome home" to Misses Annie and Maggie Carroll, daughters of the hostess. Conductor Allen of the Missouri Pa cific is reinforced by a young but am- bitious conductor. Congratulations are in order. Manager Parrlsh ,of the Athletics has gone with his club to West Point, where a series of three games will be played with the West Pointers. The Athletics are Hays, Miles, J. McCreary, Hart, Strock, Glllan, Withnell, Cody, Jones and Jordan. The new Lake school opened with a full attendance and the classes were taught by Miss Emma Whitmore, Miss Thompson and Miss Latey. Aticles of incorporation were filed of the Godman Packing company. The Incorporators are W. W. Marsh, J. W. Rodefer, J. W. Bishop, Thomas J. Godman and W. A. Smith. The company has capital stock of $20,000 and will engage In the business of curing and packing meats. This Day In History. 1729 Benjamin Franklin began the publication of the Pennsylvania Ga zette. 1808 Ludwig Richter, famous Ger man artist, born at Dresden. Died there June 19, 1884. 1833 Act for abolition of slavery throughout the British colonies passed by parliament. 1850 Flogging was abolished in the United States navy and on vessels ot commerce. 1864 The allied armies began the Investment of Sebastopol. 1895 Louis Pasteur, discoverer of the Pasteur treatment for hydropho bia, died in Paris. Born December 27 1822. 1898 Thomas F, Bayard, United States senator from Delaware, secre tary of state under Cleveland, and afterward ambassador to Great Brit ain, died at Dedham, Mass. Born at Wilmington, Del., October 29, 1828. 1901 American yacht Columbia de feated Sir Thomas Upton's Shamrock II In first of three races for America's cup. , 1902 ' Emile Zola, celebrated French novelist, died in Paris. Born there, April 2, 1840. The Day of Celebrate. Charles G. Hunt of C. G. Hunt & Son is just 66. He was born In Cin cinnati and has been In Omaha since 1857. Frank H. Koesters, in the superintendents-office of the Union Pacific shops, was bor,. September 28, 1857, in Omaha. He worked for the Bur lington until 1895, when he was em ployed by the street railway company, resigning In 1907 to go to -the Union Pacific. Field Marshal Viscount French, the predecessor of Tleneral Haig as commander-in-chief of the British forces on the continent and now commander of the home forces, born in Kent, England, sixty-four years ago today. Major Frank Tompkins, who com manded the American troops in the engagement with the Mexicans at Par ral, born in the District of Columbia, forty-eight years ago today. Georges Clemenceau, former pre mier and for many years one of the most picturesque figures In French public life, born seventy-flve years ago today. Dr. Philander P. Claxton, United States commissioner of education, born in Bedford county, Tennessee, fifty-four years ago today. Milton Nobles, veteran actor and playwright, born at Almont, Mich., sixty-nine years ago today. John (Jacques) Fournier, outfielder of the Chicago American leagtTe base ball team, born at Au Sable, Mich., twenty-six years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. The German ,relchstag reassembles today. Michigan republicans will -meet In conveniton at Saginaw to name can didates for minor places on the state ticket. An address by Governor Wil lis of Ohio will be a feature of the program. Charles G. Hughes, republican presidential nominee, is to speak at the interstate fair at Trenton this morning. From Trenton he will pro ceed to Saratoga, where he is to ad dress the state conference of New York republicans toniKht. The annual convention of the American Bankers' association will be gin in Kansas City, Mo., today. Features of the Initial session will be the address of the president, James K. Lynch of San Francisco,- and n address by Frank A. Vanderlip. presi dent of the National City bank of New York. Tons of sauer kraut, frankfurt sausages and rye bread are to be served free today to the visitors at tending the annual celebration ot Sauer Kraut day at Forreston, 111. ThM Aftv. ninth annlvfrmrv mcAHnw Vf the National Association of Local Methodist Preachers will begin its session today In Washington, D. C. Storretto of the Day. A Methodist bishop was 'visiting at the home o( a friend who had two charming daughters. One morning he accompanied the two young ladles to a pond where they started to fish. An old angler a little further along saw them and, wishing to appear friendly, called out: "Ketchin" -many, pardf" . , . The bishop, straightening , himself up, replied:- "Brother, I am a fisher of men." 'You've got the right kind of bait, ail right, all right," replied the old chap- with a glauce at the girls. Boston Transcript. , 2Q Light on the Democratic Record. Lincoln, Sept 27. To tha Editor of The Bee: It Seems that our friends would have us believe President Wil son is a great friend of the people. Let us see. When he came Into office, the law permitted vessels In coast-wise busi ness to pass through the canal free. This would have made freight rates from the entire eastern half of the United States to the Pacific coast, about II a ton cheaper by water, and the same from the Pacific coast to the east. - Railroads from the east to the coast would have to make the rates to compete with the canal rates, as through rates now and always have met water rates, but when Wilson had the free toll repealed, the canal rates were higher, and allowed the trans-continental railroads to charge a higher rate for thrtjgh shipments, east or west. This was for the bene fit of the railroads, and at the expense of the public, not only the shipper, but the consumer, also, as consumers pay the freight. They say he rendered ua great ser vice by preventing the strike. He suggested and recommended to con gress that an act be passed to make an eight-hour law, for the best paid of the trainmen, and overtime to be paid them, making an increase of 25 per cent in their salaries, and he recom mended having the Interstate Com merce commission investigate, and be authorized to change freight and pas senger rates, if necessary, because of this change. The congressmen cut out his recommendation to have the commission fix the rates to suit, as that would look bad for them in the campaign, but the Intention is to have the freight and passenger rates In creased to pay the additional salaries to men who are now paid from $1,290 to $2,500 per year. Do the farmers want to pay higher freight and pas senger rates, for the purpose of in creasing the salaries of trainmen to from $1,600 to $3,000 per year? If they do, they should vote for Wilson. Democrats say Wilson prevented a strike. Wasn't It a cowardly sur render? 'We have peace, but isn't it a case of "peace at any price?" . The Increase af f eefs a half of one per cent of our people, and the other 99 per cent will pay the Increase, per mitted by the bill the democrats will pass after the election, if the people approve of their plans by re-electing Wilson. It was an election trick. Put ting the matter over until after the election was an election trick, and the democrats have not settled the question, but simply postponed it until the election is over, which is simply a campaign dodee. - No one wanted to go to war with the United States, and don't now. Wilson nearly got us into war with Mexico, (wanted Huerta to salute our flag, td compensate for killing our sailors), and made demands upon the Ger mans, (that would have received an swers that were different, If Germany was not busy), and by his course with Mexico and Europe he nearly got us In a war, and yet he was easily in duced to become quiet, in each case, and they say he should be elected again, because he kept us ou of war, when the only danger was of his o m making.-- young man stood with a young lady near Niagara, and there was no danger of her falling, but he pushed her, then he caught her, and after she was away from the dan ger he said she should mar y him for saving her life. He had saved her life in the same way that Wilson kept us out of war. Four years ago the democrats told us they would reduce the high cost of living. Can any mart name anything we can purchase cheaper? An old darkey killed an opossum, and while he was roasting It, on the fire, he sat watching, but went to sleep, and a young scalawag stole and , ate the opossum and smeared some grease on the old darkey's finders and lips. When the old man awoke, and saw his opossum had teen devoured, and tasted the grease on his lips, aal "Did I eat dat 'possnm? If I did, . it certainly sets lighter on my stom ach than any other 'possum I ever did eat." If the democrats have given us the promised reduced cosf of living, it certainly isn't noticearle in our grocery Mils, or in our stom achs. Congress, which has been demo- cratic during Wilson's administration, has made more extravagant appro priations than any other congrea; In the country, and created more new offices for hungry democrats than ever before. Places were exempted from civil service, to give them jobs, and looking over the legislation will show thousands of these additional places. Money has been appropriated without limit or Justice, uid if the people approve it, they cut show It by voting for Wilson for another term of the same extravagant and waste ful appropriations. The democrats tell us they have brought prosperity to e country, but the only prosperity we have is through the sale of war equipment and farm products to the warring nations of Europe, the millions of men now In the armies being consumers, Instead, of producers, and must be fed, so our farm products have gnat demand, and consequent high prices. The pros perity Is not due to democracy, but in spite of it. Th reduction of the tariff before the war in Europe demonstrated the 'let that we would soon have to I. su- bonds to defray the running expenses of the govern ment, just as as done in the last democratic administration, from '93 to '97, under President Cleveland. The war has saved the democracy from the blame they were deserving. L. P. PETERSON. Put Him Out of Politics. Omaha, Sept. 27. To the Editor ot The Bee: Mr. He.-mon, food com missioner, says about the pure -ood department: "Keep it out of poli tics," and voters . .u have a chance to do so next November by making a second kaiser out of him and voting him into office for six years. Then he can appoint thevbalance of his family and frienr's to a six-year term on easy street. Fine proposi tion! Mri Harmon says if this meas. ure don't carry he expects to resign. . Well, if that is true, which we very much doubt, Mr. Haimon is digging his own grave, for we don't think tha voters are fools .nough to support his one-man-rule measure. U. R. RIGHT. Meaning of the Amendment. Omaha, Sept 27. To the Editor? of The Bee: I asked the attorney general if to manufacture (make with one's hands) as the amendment reads, would stop one from making his own wine for his own use, b'-ould his grape Juice ferment unwittingly and also If it would be unlawful to let sweet cider remain too long and be come hard cider? As this amendment is the most drastic and radical piece of sumptuary legislation ever foisted on any state (and it will be seen that the prohibi tionists in being too zealous have over stepped the mark), it is therefore no more than right than that the officers of the state should be frank with the voters and help them to Intel rently vote on this question. This, Mr. Reed has kindly done for me in the follow ing reply: "Your inquiry with reference to the operation of the proposed prohibition amendment to the constitution, is rather difficult of explanation, until the courts have given an interpreta tion of its several provisions. "Undoubtedly one may manufacture cider from his own apples, and it would seem to b- rather unreasonable, If he could not retain the cider in his possession for his v" use, although it may have become an intoxicating beverage. It would . seem as though the term 'manufacture' used in the amendment, should be interpreted to mean 'the manufacture for sale,' but such and similar questions are for fu ture determination in case the law be comes effective. Very truly yours, Willis JS. need, attorney general." GEORGE P. WILKINSON, "The WotUb Best Table Water The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. Gentlemen I have had occasion to use your Koduct in my practice and the results have en so favorable in the cases where I have used It since it was brought to my notice, that I hall have no hesitancy in recommending it for medicinal purposes. (Name o nynx) MJX Ph. G. Malt is a MedicmalWhiskey Some may say all whiskies are alike, but they are not as experience proves.. As a rule the beverage whiskies . of commerce contain elements which should never be admin istered to the sick and the aged. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is made purposely to meet all the requirements of the bed side by its purity and wholesomeness. It is of light amber color, is pleasant to the taste, has an agreeable odor and may be retained by the most delicate stomachs when other foods are rejected. It is recommended only in illness, and always in medici nal doses, and as physicians invariably prescribe it in this way . . i Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is a household necessity and no medicine chest should be without it. Duffy's is invaluable as a remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, colds, grip, pneumonia, dyspepsia and stomach troubles. It's a "medi cine for all mankind," a real builder up of the whole system. That's why tor quicK ana positive results you snuum "Get Duffy's ind Keep Well" NOTI-Cat Duffy's from your local aVuuitt, iracor or doalar, SI par bottle. II ho cannot supply you, write ua. tan tor utolul heuMhoM booklet frea. Tha Dultr Malt Whit her Co., Rechaatar,' N. T. JLA wuim ten wait mmm IriHty'ltali1 aorrfitfH m PILES mb nstnlr fnt mn iTttl woman SB. C. Y. CLK51KNT, 8THOIAL1ST CORED WITHOUT THE Ftatula. Fissure ud ul similar cured tinder a txtxftive euarantee: no oar until cured. ttiiaoimnra pormanTjnr m jhn ivr e for jvan. KNIFE