Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Candidates for Senate and
House Address Mass Meet
ing in Pawnee County.
Lewiston, Neb., Sept. 27. (Spe
cial.) After pointing out the great
number of instances in which the dem
ocratic party had abandoned and
failed to live up to platform prom
lies, and after describing the manner
in which President Wilson had failed
to be governed by the promises of
the platform on which he was elected,
John L. Kennedy of Omaha, repub
lican candidate for United States sen
ator, stated at a mass meetine here to
day: "The platform of he democratic
party is like the platform of a street
car. It is used to get in on, but not to
tand on." Mr. Kennedy and Con
gressman C. F. Reavis of Falls City
visited here today in company with
two automobile loads. of candidates for
county offices. E. H. Gifford of this
place headed the reception committee
here and introduced the speakers, and
John Herold, prominent farmer and
citizen, entertained the visitors at
noonday dinner at his farm home.
Mr. Kennedy asked the farmers of
Nebraska to insist on the dignity of
the American constitution, even at the
hands of the president of the United
States, and he pointed out that during
the last three years the democratic
president had repeatedly usurped the
function of the legislative branch. He
added that if this was tolerated there
was nothing to prevent the usurpa
tion of (he judicial branch also and the
consequent violation of the underlying
principles of the American govern
ment. Mr. Kennedy's good-natured
and humorous treatment of his subject
won to him an enthusiastic audience.
Reavis Charms Audience.
Congressman Reavis charmed his
audience with a telling address
which was for the most part not po
litical. However, in closing he said
that the Underwood tariff legislation
of the democratic congress and the
rivers and harbors bill were the most
sectional bits of legislation ever en
acted. He pointed outjhat the Under
produces of the states trom whicn
President Wilson and Mr. Under
wood came, and left unprotected the
products of the Nebraska farmer and
the states of the north. He referred
to the fact that all of southeastern
Nebraska had been benefited by drain
age districts which the Nebraska
farmers built ut their own expense
and that the democratic congress had
by its recent legislation appropriated
$9,000,000 to do the same thing for the
south. Mr. Reavis said that he had
alwavs voted against this sort of legis
lation and that Senator Hitchcock anH
his opponent, ex-Congressman Ma
guire, had always voted for it. Mr.
Maguire, he said, had stated that he
would obey President Wilson. As for
himself, Mr. Reavis said that he would
not." He said that in England they
stood by the king, and in Russia they
stood by the czar, but that in America
the sovereign power is the people of
the United States, and that he would
stand only by them and be governed
by their needs. He added that, if he
chose, it would be hard to stand by
President Wilson, as President Wil
son would not stand still. He referred
to the vacillating policy of this ad
ministration in all important matters.
Adam McMullen of Wymore, candi
date for state senator, also spoke on
matters of interest in state and county
folitics. His speech was well received.
..-U ..rA .MHCul Kw tltA .MBit
of the candidates today, and the state-
nil iv liic suciin.cia itiai tin- ni
district of Nebraska stands first in
literacy in Jhe United States has
caused much favorable comment. It
is confidently predicted that the re
publican ticket will win in this county.
Talks to School Children,
Bookwaltcr, Neb., Sept. 27. (Spe
cial.) Just after the dismissal of
school here this afternoon John L.
Kennedy of Omaha, republican candi
date for "United States senator, and
Congressman C. F. Reavis of Falls
City addressed a gathering of towns-
Eeople and farmers from this neigh
orhood in the public school building.
Adam McMullen of Wymore, repub
lican candidate for state senator, also
Johnson Dry Boosters
Make Tour of County
Tecumseh, Neb., Sept. 27. (Spe
cial.) One hundred dry boosters,
traveling in twenty automobiles, left
Tecumseh early Monday morning
and made a circuitous trip of the
county, with a side trip to Burr,
Otoe county. The towns visited
wer,e Vesta, Crab Orchard, Sterling,
Burr, Cook, Graf and Elk Creek.
Several short addresses were made
at each stopping point, the speaking
being bv local talent, including
uage s. r. Liaviuson, nugn lcjus-
ter, J. C. Moore, the preachers of the
county, F. P. Liphardt, John H. Ho
warth and others. Cordial recep
tions were the order, and at Cook
and Crab Orchard the schools were
dismissed and teachers and children
were in the crowd.
Alleged Bootlegger
, Settles with Uncle Sam
McCook, Neb., Sept. 27. (Special.)
Deputy Revenue Collector Cecil
Matthews of Hastings was here yes
terday in the discharge of his official
duty and ran to earth a case of boot
legging which has been suspicioned
by local authorities. "Little Bill"
Escher squared the matter with the
'deputy collector by paying $37.50.
Escher admitted that quantities of
booze were shipped here in his name
and that he "split" the shipments with
other parties. Just what action may
te taken bfcr the local authorities
has not been determined.
York. Neb., Sept. 27. (Special.)
Mr. William Darnall and Miss Anna
Dreier were married at the home of
he bride s tatner. Charles Dreier t
nr nrK 1 iieftrlav attfrnnrtn D.H
Mr. Sparks, pastor of the Lutheran
church, officiated. They will make
their home at Mitchell, .Neb.
Inquiry Begins
Into Death of Mrs.
Nichols of Laurel
Sioux City. Ia., Sept. 27. (Special.)
Dr. Leonard De Vore, formerly city
health physician at South Sioux City,
Neb., has left his home in the Ne
braska suburb and is being sought fol
lowing an illvrsticatiiin nf tin. death
of Mrs. Katie May Nichols, 30 years
old, which occured at the physician's
nome on Alonday, September 18.
The bodv was hrntiffht tn Sinnv
City and later taken to Laurel, Neb.,
the home of the woman's parents.
Peritonitis was given as the cause of
ueath, but relatives of the young
woman were not satisfied and an
autopsy was performed at Laurel.
A condition is alleged to have been
found that caused County Atorney
Frum, Dakota county, to start an in
vestigation. It came to a head last
evening, when Miss Laura Nelson,
ur. ue vores Housekeeper, was taken
into custody by Sheriff Caine. She
was not held in jail, but Is detained as
a witness.
Several days aeo the doctor de
parted from his home and did not
state his destination to his housekeeD-
er. The parents of Mrs. Nichols, her
husband and a brother reside at
Railway Commissioners
Hear Phone Controversy
Fairbury, Neb., Sept. 27. (Special
Telegram.) Jefferson county rural
subscribers of the Lincoln Telephone
& Telegraph company threshed out
their grievances today befoer the Ne
braska Railway commission.
Ever since the first of the year,
rural patrons have been up in arms
at the increased rates and poor serv
ice ana many oi tnem nave had their
telephones removed. The natrons
anege that representatives of the
telephone company called on them
and agreed to rebuild the entire tele
phone system and give them superior
service. It is maintained that the
company failed to keep its promise.
that it was merely a scheme to get
an increase m rates.
A number of mass meetings were
held early in the year and an organi
zation was formed among the rural
patrons. The railway commission
was appealed to which finally re
sulted in the hearing. The commis
sion took the matter under advisement
Noted Women Planning
To Attend Federation
Hastings! Neb.. Sent. 27. Sneclal
Telegram.) Preparations are being
made tor an attendance of several
hundred women of Nebraska next
week at the state conventions of the
Federation of Woman's clubs and the
Equal Suffrage association. Mrs. J.
Evans Cowles of Los Angeles. Dresi-
dent of the national federation of
woman's clubs, and Mrs. Carrie
Chapman Catt of New York .head of
the international suffrage movement,
and Mrs. William Jennings Bryan
are among the noted women who will
attend. Mrs. Bryan will address a
public meeting Sunday afternoon.
the suttrage convention opens
Monday for a three-day session and
the federation will convene on Tues
day. - u - .
Gothenburg Will Have
Harvest Home Festival
Gothenburg, Neb.. Sept. 27. (Spe
cial.) Gothenburg will celebrate its
third Colt Show and Harvest Festi
val October 12 and 13. Fifteen hun
dred dollars has been donated by the
business men for prizes and a big
barbecue to be-held the second day.
A free foot ball game for farmers be
tween Central City High school and
Gothenburg High school has been
arranged for. The Gothenburg con
cert band will give concerts doing
the festival. Last year 10,000 people
attended the barbecue on the last day
and it is expected that a larger crowd
than that will be in attendance this
Small Gathering of - Lincoln
Bourbons Hears Displeas
ing Talk by Texan.
From a 8tatf Correnpondsnt)
Lincoln, Sept. 27. (Special.) The
first democratic gun in the national
campaign failed to arouse much at
tention in Lincoln last night, when
Congressman Rufus Hardy of Texas
addressed the voters at the city au
ditorium. A sparse hundred in the au
dience could not relieve the barren
ness of the big hall nor pump up
much enthusiasm for the speaker s re
marks. Democrats, who had expected a
strong eulogy of President Wilson
were strongly disappointed. The
democrats were sorely tried by the
lukewarm expressions of the Texas
congressman, who devoted more at
tention to singing the praises of W.
J. Bryan than he did to telling of the
work of Woodrow Wilson. The au
dience of Lincoln democrats had not
come to be told of Bryan's services
to humanity.
Hardy said Bryan's place was safe
in history he did not see fit to as
sure his audience that Wilson had
such a certain hold on a place in the
hall of fame.
Beach in North Nebraska.
Chairman Beach of the republican
state committee is holding two dis
trict meetings at Norfolk and Emer
son with county workers. Chairman
Beach is spending most of his time
out in the state looking after organi
zation matters just now while Secre
tary Beebe is doing the heavy act
at campaign headquarters.
A large amount of literature cover
ing the administration's record for
efficiency and economy is being sent
out now.
Fro; - reports reaching the republi
can headquarters, it appears
that Robert W. Devoe, candidate on
the republican ticket for attorney
general, is doing much good for re
publicanism in Nebraska.
One of his best meetings in his
whirlwind campaign of the state was
at Geneva, Tuesday night, when he
spoke at the court house to a large
number of Fillmore county citizens.
Devoe talked law enforcement from
the standpoint of the attorney gen
eral and from reports coming in from
Geneva he made a decided hit. Mr.
Devoe will spend all of the time un
til the campaign closes in an automo
bile tour of the state.
Telephone Controversy
Is Settled by Commission
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Sept. 27. (Special.) At a
telephone and power company con
ference today before the Railway
commission, the Gibbon Telephone
company and the Kearney Power
company controversy was settled by
the agreement of the latter to pay
several hundred dollars to assist in
the canvass of phone patrons to se
cure their consent to the change in
service necessary. The Gibbon com
pany had asked the commission to
force the Kearney company to pay
all the expense of the changes in its
wires made necessary by stringing
transmission lines, but this was with
drawn. The settlement does not af
fect other cases of dispute between
telephone and telegraph companies.
Kinkaid Makes Short
Addresses at Thedford
Thedford, Neb., Sept. 27. (Spe
cial.) Congressman Kinkaid was in
Thedford Tuesday and took very
kindly to the program outlined tor
him by the leaders of his party at
this place. Mr. Kinkaid had no in
tention of making a speech, but by
request spoke to the High school
students in the forenoon and to nuite
an audience gathered in the court
house in the afternoon to hear hi in
make a short address.
To Surprise
the lord of
the household
ERVE him a dish of the newest food
for breakfast tomorrow.
It may be he hasn't cared for corn
flakes; and you, too, may share in that be
lief from experience with the old-style,
paper-thin kind.
But these new flakes are different.
They don't depend o,n sugar and cream
for their flavor. And they don't mush
down when cream or milk is added.
by a wonderfulnew process which brings
out the true corn flavor. They bring you
a new taste and a new breakfast delight.
The grocer sells
Post Toasties
For Breakfast Tomorrow
Anderson and Sloan
Speak at Stromsburg
Stromsburg, Neb., Sept. 27. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The republican
speaking campaign opened here last
night with Congressman Sidney An
derson of Minnesota and Congress
man Chas H. Sloan as speakers. The
meeting was held at the opera house
and the speakers held the audience
for two hours explaining national af
fairs. The talks that these gentlemen
made is what will count in a farming
community and Polk county will roll
up a majority for the entire republi
can ticket.
Arraigned On Shooting Charge.
Beatrice. Neb.. S?pt. 27. (Special
Telegram.) R. L. Hall was arraigned
today on the charge of shooting a
Mexican in the Burlington yards here
Monday evening with intent to
wound. He pleaded not guiltv and
his case was set for hearing October
27. In default of bond he was remanded-
to jail. Hall says that he
shot in self-defense after the Mexi
can opened fire on him. Hall s step
sister pleaded guilty to the charge
of carrying concealed weapons and
was bound over to the district court.
Lincoln Men Ask Permission to
Increase Stock and
Bond Issue.
(From ft fitRff Corrcxpondent.)
Lincoln, Sept. 27. (Special.) In
terurban development in Nebraska is
again foreshadowed in action taken
by the Nebraska Railway commission
here today.
After a conference between Presi
dent W. E. Sharp and General Man
ager Iiramlettc of the Traction com
pany, it was announced that a hear
ing will be held next Monday on the
application of the Omaha, Lincoln
&" Beatrice interurban for permission
to increase its issue of stock and
bonds from $.1,200,000 to $4,750,000.
Affairs of the Lincoln Traction
company and the interurban are
now closely interlinked. Practically
all of fhe right of way for the pro
posed line to Omaha has been ra-
ranged for, it is said, and work may
start in the early spring.
Political Day at Fair.
Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 27. (Special
Telegram.) Today was democratic
day at the c my fair and a crowd
of 5,000 was in attendance. Congress
man Stark, Attorney General Reed
and Congressman Rufus Hardy gave
addresses on national and state is
ues. Tomorrpw is republican and
Reatrice day and John L. Kennedy,
republican candidate for United
States senator, will be the principal
speaker. '
At noon today, refresh the mouth and
cleanse the teeth with
Dental Cream
A Standard Ethical DtnHfHc
Sand 2c sump for gantrous tampla of aithar Dr. Lyon's
Ptrlact Damtl Craam or Tooth Powdar.
1. W. Lyoa ft Sou, Inc,G7T W. 27th St, R Y. Off
Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors
We invite you to make this store
Your headquarters while in Omaha
This store extends to you an invita
tion To take advantage of all accommodations.
Let Us Be of Service to You
While you are visiting in this city.
This establishment offers a hundred
and one conveniences, which we
would like you to take advantage of.
$25 Will Buy More
In This Apparel Store on Thurs
day Than You Could Possibly
AS AN ILLUSTRATION of the buying and dis
tributing powers of this great establishment, we
think this sale of latest style Coats, Suits and
Dresses is a splendid one.
Twenty-five dollars is a very small sum to spend
these days, if you can get top-notch style and good
fabric. It is only because this store is able to spe
cialize in a masterful way that we can offer values -like
The same rule that holds good throughout the
store is plainly evident in this Apparel Store
The Suits
Consist of copies of every good high priced
model that has been shown this season, includ
ing the smartest of fabrics and trimmings.
Many fur trimmed suits arc included.
Women's and Misses' sizes in every good
The Coats
A coat is quite necessary for most occa
sions. We have made a special effort for this
sale to have coat for every occasion, in all
good models and fabrics of the season.
Big wide flared bottoms with large cape
collars. Many all fur or fur trimmed. All the
latest colors. Velours, Cheviots, Mixtures, etc.
Women's and Misses' sizes.
The Dresses
Dresses for all wear, whether the evening
dance, the afternoon tea, bridge, street r
for business.
Dainty Fluffy Dancing Dresses. v
- Smart Afternoon Silk Dresses. i
. Clever Models in Bridge Dresses.
Chic Stylos in Serge Street Dresses.
Stylish Tailored Serge Business Dresses.
Sizes for Women and Misses. All good
Untrimmed Silk Lyons
Velvet Shapes
These smart shapes are made
entirely of Lyon's Velvet, with
large, roomy head sizes. A
combination of the Tam-o'-Shanter
crown and Mushroom
brim. These shapes are easy to
trim and very becoming to the
woman who needs a soft crown
hat. Black only.
Second Floor.
Crepe de Chine Blouses
Specially Priced at $2.50
This is an exceptional value, as the price ..'
of silks has increased 5Q. Smart models
with two-in-one collars that can be worn high
or low neck.
White, Flesh and Black.
All Sizes.
Here they come-Top Coats and Raincoats
Best Styles Lowest Prices
WE'VE MADE thorough preparation for this sale
you can obtain' Coats here Thursday that are not to
be duplicated at the prices anywhere.
No , question about the style, the, fit or the wearour
guarantee stands back of that so the thing for
you to keep in mind is this HERE ARE FINE COATS
AT REMARKABLE SAVINGS then do more take
advantage of this sale.
Men's and Young Men's Top Coats
Here are values that are absolutely impossible to duplicate.' Three
Big Lots
Lot 1
Lot 2
Lot 3
$10.00 $12.50 $15.00
385 Men's and Young Men's Sample Top Coats at a saving of $5.00 to
$10.00. These coats have that easy comfortable swing, which you so much
admire. Also pinch-back and conservative models.
Fine All-Wool Oxford and Cambridge Grays, Twill Cheviots.
TOP COATS Self collar, satin shoulder, worsted body lining, satin
sleeve lining; Oxford Grays and Blacks. Full silk lined, staple model and
fancy mixed Scotch effect. One-quarter and half silk lined.
Fancy Mixed Cheviots, with self and velvet collars. One-quarter and
half lined with Skinner's satin.
Gn(flt Hart Schaftm
Slip-On Raincoats $1.55 to $10.00
We bought the entire stock of the Harris Raincoat House. Hundreds of coats to choose from, in every desirable pat
tern and fabric. All the newest models. Full box coats and belt backs. Scotch effects and plain. Sizes for men and
youngme, S.xb.glots: $g $? jjjq qq QQ
, The New Home of Hart Sehaffner & Marx Suits and Top Coats