THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 1916. 155 LIVE STOCK; MARKET Oatttle of Good Quality Steady to Strong and Others Weak '" Sheep Slow to Lower. HOGS 15 TO 25 CENTS OFF Oinnha, fopunibor 37. ftMMlpts wr: . Ctttlo. Ho. 0hMp. Monday ...... II, J 1,104 !, Official Tueadar 1S.S1 ,00 41,177 Eittmata Wdneadar.. 1.700 t.009 10,000 THrra U?f this YMk. .IMM 14.104 MT.586 fam Hays laat wmIi. .11,401- 14,127 llO.MJ r.m. days S week ajolO.M 17.753 10 Ml ttam day I wel MTOlMM I.HI 69,610 Hum days 4 WMki aco2l,ll lt.OM 2.40l Bam daya lat yw.r.. 11.776 12.161 101,221 Receipts and disposition of lire atock at Ih Union atock yards, Omaha, for twanty fonr honra endtnf at S p. m. yeawrday: HSCKIFTS CARLOAHH. Cat tit. Hoga. Bhaap. H'ra. l, M. SL P 4 S Wabash 1 MUsourl Pacific.... 2 , I'nlon Pacific T , It f A K. W.( aat.. 7 .. C. A N. W.. Weat. .10 2t C. Bt. P., M. O. . 4 S C, B. Q , aaat.. S 4 C, R. A Q., wat.ll It ('., R. I. A P.. aaat ('., H. 1. A P. weat I .. Tlllnola Central .... 2 . 2 Chi. Great Weat.... 1 3 17 3 'j 17 3 Total receipts 247 . U lit DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hoa-s. Shaep. Mo rr) a A Co v -110 . 860 1,112 Swift A Co ' 294 1,468 3.420 Cudahy Paeklnf Co. 4,884 1,671 1,047 Armour A Co 1,464 1,203 1,677 J. W. Murphy... 8U Uncoln Packinr Co.. . 42 ... . H. O. IV kln Cio..,, $ Hannlti A Oliver.. 28 W. B. Vanaaat Co.. 10 Benton. Vanaant A I IT . ..... F. B. LwU 187 ...... ... . J. B. Root A Co.... 244 J. H. Bulla 280 , L. V. Huas 22 , ..... ..... Iloeenstork Bras 204 F. a. Kellogg ...... 27 ..... Warthelmwr A Deien. ill -.,..' ..... H. V. Hamilton 116 , Hal). van Broa 66 .., ..... Rothachlld A Kreba.. 112 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 121 Chrlatla 244 ..... 11 1 r In - 18 ..... Huffmn-....a. ...... T ..... Rolh 16 ' ..,. Meyers 21 ..... ..... Glaaabera; .... t ..... 11 ..... Raker, Jonas A 106 '' - ..... Banner Bros. .. ''. 84 ..... ..... John Harvey ...... 462 ..... ..... Ijennla A Francis... 13 Kline .......,, ;" 40 ..... ..... Jensen 4b Luiffrtn., 171 v v O'Day .............. t ..... Other buyers 1,140 26,462 Totals ...10,631 9,060 24,901 Cattle Recelpta though much smaller than yesterday or day before were still quite liberal, bringing the total for the three days uo to 81.681 head, the largest of any week thus far since the opening of the range season, and larger than a year ago by almost 9,000 head. There was a very fair demand and de sirable kinds of cattle were, If anything, steady to strong although other grades were still slow and weak. - Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, 910.00 9 10.60; fair to good beeves, M I0910 00; common to fair beeves, 96.609 1.60; good to choice grass beeves, 97.609 9.80; fair to good grass beeves, 87.00 91.80; common to fair grass beeves, 96-0097.00; good to choice heifers, 94.7097.00; good to choice cows, 90-8696.76; fair to good cows, 96,6090.86; common to fair cows, 84.609 6.60; good to choice feeders, 87.0097.76; tfslr to good feeders, 96.6097.00; common to fair feeders. 96.0096.60; good to choice tocher, 97.0097,60; stock heifers, 96.769 7.0O; stock cows, 94-60 9 6.00; stock calves, 17.00 9 9.60; veal calves, 9B.90 9U.00; beef bulla stags, etc. 90.0097.00; Bologna bulls, 96.2696.86. Representative sales: ,s., WBSTERNS. Perry Anderson Colorado, r No. Av. Pr. No. A. Pr. 14 calves.. 40 97 86 04 calves.. 270 7 96 A. B. Alderman Nebraska. ES steer.. 171 0 16 19 steers.. Ill P. Crothers Nebraska. 10 steers.. 1000 26 10 steers. .1021 Howard Fleming Nebraska. 14 steers.. 118 0 10 R. 3. Wright Nebraska. 30 steer.. 1069 9 96 12 steers.. 98 W. F. Wilson Nebraska. 14 steers.. 940 6 86 84 steers. . 96T Llchty A Fuller Wyoming. 12 steer.. 640 7 00 I heifers. 041 George Finch Wyoming 11 steer.. 1092 0 so 82 steers. .1071 NEBRASKA. 19 feeder. TU 6 96 28 steers. .1191 WYOMING. 11 feeder. 1117 7 00 - steers. .1141 - SOUTH DAKOTA. 12 feeders. 1162 7 40 ' 14 feeders.1171 calves. II........ 942 f 16 14. ,..,. 114 , 1........ 130 T 76 -4- ..,..... 930 I 71 9 60 16 9 tt ft 78 9 76 i tt t H 7 40- T 10 1 00 I-.1... 140 10 76 Hogs Hog continued on ' the down grade today, shippers being almost with out orders, and packers coming close to marking the Uoket to suit themealve. Shipper bid ett best hugs were not even as good as killer offers in most cases, and what few mixed hoge went to order buy er took packer prices, It being merely ft case of the shipper getting there first. On the earlier trade quite few hogs 'sold to packer 16 9300 lower, though best hog showed quarter or more decline alt through. ' The market- weakened steadily as the forenoon advanced and closed, at the low ' time. Quite a number of loads were a little tat getting In, and while sellers were able to move some of these late hogs by taking off 36a or more, some of the last . one In had not even had ft bid up to the . time of closing this report - Last report - also Indicated that ft few scattering loads of the earlier stuff wsre still unsold. Most oc tnese latter had bean too plain to at. tract buyers early. The general market was all of H9l6o '- below yesterday. Big strings of the pack ing hogs sold at 910.00; bulk being quoted at j- H.86910.10, with scattering sales up to HQjie. tne top. bo far this week the mar- j ket't about lie lower, leaving the average iif the lowest point touched since bulk first started gelling abev 910.00, over ft month ago. -Representative sales: No. Av. 8h. Pr. No, Av. Sh. Pr. 140 9 90 10 10 00 , 110 10 10 10 10 10 ... 10 16 16.. 14 99. .117 08.. 239 60.. 269 83.. 11 22. .109 40 99 89 120 9 96 99 10 05 ... 10 11 90 10 10 .... 10 40 16. .811 II. .217 69.. 840 74. .261 4. .140 Sheep Sheep and lamb supplies war quite o. bit more moderate today, being muon smatier tnan on eitnar or the Dre vleu day of the week, but were plenty largo at that, the run being eel (mated at I car, or 0,000 head. Three days' arrivals foot up 127,286 head, as against 110,612 last week, 60,689 two weeks ago 1 ana iui,se iasi year. Chicago had Ms largest run of the week to date, reporting the same number ae were receives nere, ana wired prospects for low er price. At this point packers, who with nearly 100,000 lamb In two day were inly able to get prices down a dime, were ia in lenos, ana wnue iney were talk' lng considerably lower price very few bids were put out during the earlier part - Quotations on sheep and Itmhc-Ltmhi good to choice, 910,00910.10; lambs, fair to kuou. viv.vveyiv.te; lamos, leeoera, 98.609 iOabi eariinga, good to choice, 17.769 yearlings, fair to rood. 87ioar?r.- . yearlings, feeders, 96.6091.00; wethers, fair iw-cautu, m.ivi,i; ewes, gooo to cnoice. 04.9O97.J0; ewea, fair to good. 96,3C96.0; !. pom iv KMim, e.vv.'e, ewes reed ing, t&.eovt.ev; ewes. Breeder, ail ages, Representative sales! . No. - . Av, Pr. .r- V0. WTomlng feeding lambs,... st 910 26 l5i Wyoming feeding lamb... 91 10 00 IN Wyoming lambs..,,.,....,, 60 10 16 103 Wyoming ewes. .......;,,. .110 ' f 10 .14 Wyoming breeding ewes..., 92 f 26 1.11 Wyoming feeding lambs.. 69 10 u .194 Wyoming feeding lambs,... 66 9 00 1 Idaho feeding lambs....,;.. H "10 16 346 Idaho feeding lamos . 9 tf 198 Wyoming feeding lambs.... 72 10 10 . i.-x , . S. Joseph Live Stock Market, ; : St. Jooeph, Mo , Sept. 27. Cattle Re- rvipis, .w neaa; marxet steady; steers. i(, cows ana Aer. 91,2491000 ; . Hogs Receipts, 4.700 head: market I091&C lowerj top, 910.49; bulk of sales. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,500 head mantei ouii; lamns, es.7ejpi.T0, St. Lenls Uve Stork Market. St. Louis. Sept 21. Cattle Receipts. 7,80 head; market lower;; native beef steer, 97.K09H.00; yearling steers and heifer, fl-bseicst; cows, 86.6097.60 lockers and feeders, 98.8097. 60; prime souusTB sieves ee.vvv.vuj. prune year Hnf steers and heifers. 7.60tft.0O; native calves, 98.00O11.76. Hog's Receipts, , 7,700 head; market, lower; Itfhta, 1 6. SR 1 0. 5 T plrs, $8.00 8.60; mixed and butchers, IIO.IO'&IO.IO; good heavy, 810.76 10.90; bulk of sales, 8l0.;i19.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,200 hmd: market lower; lambs, 7.00pl0.60: slaughter ewes, 96.0097.26; blatinK ewea. 18.609 1.60; y earll no, M0&I.00. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. - Cattle Firm, Hsfs Weak and Lower, Sheep HMk, Chicago. Sept 27. Cattle Receipts, 20,- 000 head; market, firm; native beef, cattle, 6.4Q v u. zb ; wratarn steers, id.ooqi.4u ; Blockers and feeders. 94.6097.70; cows and hrlfers. 93.4098.26; calves. 98.60912.00. Hogs Receipts, 30,000 head; market, weak; 169 20c under yeaterday'a average; bulk of sales. 810-10910.80; light. 89.769 10.80; mlied, 99-76910.80; heavy, 99.869 10.80; rough, 9 4698.86; pigs, 96-7696.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 30,000 head; market, weak ; wethers, 16. 75 9 8.40; ewes,' 98.7697.76; Iambi, 84.7&01O.B&. Kansas City Live Stock Market. - Kanaas City, Sept 27. Cattle Receipts, 10.000 head; market steady; prima fed ateera, 99.6910.76; dressed beef steers, 97.86 99.26; western steers, 96.2639.00; cows, 94.6097 26; heifers, 9-009.60; stokers and feeders, 96.009.00; bulls, 96.0099.26; calves, 96.00911.00. Hogs Receipts, 12,000 head; market low er: bulk of sales, 98-76910.46; heavy, 96. 76 910.40; packers and butchers, 99 0910.66; light, 9. 60910.60; pigs, 98.7699. 60. Sheep and Lambs Recelpta. 22,000 head; market Inwer ; lamba, 9. 76 9 1 0. 1 0 ; year lings. 97.6096.25; wethara, 97.0097.76; ewes. 96.6097.26. Hlooi City Live Meek Mark. - Sioux City, la., Sept 27. battle Re ceipt, 2,009 head; market steady; beef steers, f6.6099.76; butchers, 96.6097.00; fanners, 64.0096.06; stackers and feeders, 9&-4097. 00;- bulls, stags, etc., 96.0097.00; feeding cows and heifers, 96-1098.60. Hogs Receipts, 4,000 head; market lSe to tits lower; light 99-76910.00; mixed, 910.00 910.10; heavy 910.119 10.40; bulk of sales, 99.90910.10. Sheep snd Lambs Receipts, 2,000 head; market lOo to 16c lower; ewes, 96.7697.76; lambs, 910.00. IJve Hteck la sight. Secelpts of live stock at the five prtn ,1 western markets: Cattle, Hogs. Bheep. Chicago 20.000 20,000 80,000 Omaha 8,700 6.000 10,000. Kansas City ...10.000 18,000 12,000 St Lout , 7.200 7,700 1.200 Sioux City.......... 1,000 4,000 2 000 Total! ..46,900 00,700 19,200 r; . Coffee Market. New York, Sept 27. The market for cof fee futures was steadier today on a mod erate demand which was attributed largely to covering after the recent decline. The opening was 2 points lower to 4 points high er, but all the active months were higher, and the market worked up a few points during the day with March selling at 8.71c and July at l.67,o or about I to I points net higher; near months were relatively easy, with the general list closing net un changed to 8 points higher; sales were 42, 600 bogs. September and October, 1.82c; November, 1.70c; December, 8.49; January, 8.46c; February, 1.67c; March, l.8c; April, l.72o; May, 9.76c; June, 1.80c; July. 1.86c; August, 1.90. Spot coffee dull. Rle 7s, Ho; santos 4a, 11 c; Rumors that und escribed Santos 4s were offered hers at 10.16 London credits were not confirmed, and the coat and freight market were reported about unchanged. A bid of 10,40c for well -described 4s was said to have been accepted by Brasil, however, with freah offers at 10.60c. The oflclal cables reported ft decline of 76 rela In the Rio market; Santos spots, un changed; futures, 76 to 100 ret lower. CORN AND WHEAT RBfilON BULLETIN. Temp. Rain- High. Low. fall. 7 6t .04 80 50 ,.10 .. 68 Si .. .00 .. 75 60 .02 ..77 46 .02 .. 71 . 6t .06 .. 71 47 .00 . 02 .40 1.06 .. 75 48 .00 ..77 66 .14 .. 72 44 j .00 .. 70 44 t .00 00 46 V .74 .. 77 50 .18 .. M ' 44 .18 .. 74 61 .11 - 00 42 ., .01 Station. Aahland ..... Auburn Broken Bow Columbus .... Culbcrtaon .... Fairmont Qrand Island . Hart Ing ton .., Hastings Lincoln North Loup North Platte . OakJale , Omaha O'Neill Tekamah ,...1 Valentine .... tleverament Crop Bulletin. Summary of weather and crop conditions In corn and wheat region for week end ing September 16, 1916: 1 Frost considerably damaged late corn from New York to Missouri, but bulk of the crop either matured or escaped. Cut ting ana nil ing silos progressed raoldlv. Yield was fair to good generally. In Ten neeee and central gulf states the late crop needs rain Soil preparation and seeding of wheat U progressing satisfactorily, ex cept where too dry. Seeding Is purposely delayed in many states on account of fly danger In Nebraska and west Kansas triUah of the early sown wheat Is now un. Fla out ting Is nsar completion; buckwheat- 1 good tn Pennsylvania, but there was some frost damage In New York. Rice harvest is proceeding witn good crop. Potato dig ging continues, with yield variable. To bacco harvesting is almost complete. . Late trucK ana mi pastures usuaHy . need rain. Cotton Market. New York. Sept. 21. Cotton Vktiinw openeq steady: uo toner, 10.770: Deoembar. 19.08c; January, It.llci March, 11,18c; May, is.ioc. ' 1 Futures' closed steady! October. lMin- jwemoer, it.upa; January, if.itc; March. 14.31a; May. 16.60e. Spot., quiet; middling nplanda, 16,S5o; ealee, 100 bales. The cotton market today elaaed herelv icBujr ,i ni aeoune oi 1 u 1 points. Liverpool. Sent 27. Cotton Snot in moderate demand; prices easier; good mid dling, e.oea; middling, s.ooc; low middling, Omaha Uav Market. Prairie Choice upland, 910.00911.00, must 1 extra cnoice 10 onni su.oa: no. 1. 9 109 10.00; No. 2, 97.009 00; No. 1, 96.00 DTveu: cnoice miuisna is.BOftio.oo: no. 1 9.00 9.60; No. 2, 97.0091.00; No. 2, 96.00 t.vvi cnoice jowiana. no. 1 96 6097.60; NO. 1. 96.60960i No, 94.00 DA.VV, Biraw none on me marxet. Choioe wheat Is quotable at 96.00 9t.50i choice oat ' rye ss.ouos.ftv. Alfalfa Choice. 911.60914.80: No. 1 911.60911-60; standard. IU.OO919.0O; No, I, SlO.vUWll.O0) NO. I, 98.C0910.00. , Oil and Rosin. Savannah, Qa Sept. 27. Tunentlne inrm; nvc; eaies, is? nois.; receipts, vT ddis. ( snipmenis, s oois,; aioca, 12, 439 bbls. Rosin Firm ! sale. 848 bbla raoelnf . 914 bbls.; shipments, 80 bbls.; stock, 81,342 DDIS. VJUOl; A, 13, Sft.SD u, u, 80.10; H,; r,; t, fe.sst; tl, 1, 48. 15: K, M. 90-10; N, 91.40; WO, 94.60; WW, 91.00, Metal Market. New York. Sept 17. Metals Lesd. I: 97.11. Spelter steady: snot East ML liuia aeuvery, in.av'.JC copper firm; eleo- trolytlc, 187.00 988.60, iron steady and nncnangea. Tin, 911.00. At ijondon: copper, spot, tilt 10s: fu tures, fin 10a; electrolytic, 13; tin, spot tifs; leiures, mt s; teas, ui 10a; spel ter. 51. - Osaaaa Hide aad Tallow Market. Quotations furnlshe oy Bollee A Honrs. sis noutn Tnirieenin street: Hides a. B.: No. 1. 16c: No. t. ITe. Green: No. 1, Ito; No. 2, 16c. O. 8., bulls; No. 1, 15c; No. 9, 14a Deecont, each, 91.16. no. a, norso, eacn, d.du; no. x, 14. bU ponies. 91.60. Sheep pelts, large, 76o9; mvqium to small, losj ieo. Taiiow no, t TVfcci No l. 40, Kvaperated Apples aad Dried Fruits. New York, Sept. 27. Evaporated aoDlea. steady ; prunes in fair demand ; apricots firmer; choice, 13c; extra choice, 14c; fancy. nc; peacnes, quiei; raisins, firm and higher; loose muscatels, 7HHc; choice to laney eeeaea, tsihc; seedless, 10)4 9 juanaon layers, fi.te. K. Ieia Oral Market. St Louie, Wo., Sept IT. Wheat No. 1 red, 91.6191.64; No. I hard. 91.68; Decern, ber, 91.6391.63. Corn No. 2. 94e: No. 1 white,. 97c. Oats Lower; track No. 2, 44c; No, i white nominal; December, 72973e. Llvorvool Ural Market. Liverpool, Sept. 27. Wheat spot steady; so. a naro winter, its ia; no. 1 Man. tob, 14a 7d; No. 2, 14s 6d; No. 9, 14s 4d. Corn Spot ateady; American mixed, 10s ?. ' . " 1 - v- , Dry flood Market. ' New York, Sept, 27. Cotton roods mm steadily today, with an active demand. Yarrm were nrm. laces were in better demamtj Bill immwi-wi wwm TT vrSIeU yafU were signer, xtunsps nrm. Sugar Market. New York. Sept. 17, Sugar Rawsteady centrifugal, 6.89c; molasses, 4.99c. Rellned, steady; one granulated. 6.7B7. 00c; futures price i noun were uncnangeo. GRAIN AND PRODUCE 1 Cash Trade in Wheat is Dull and Prices on Cash Grains Take a Drop. GOOD DEMAND FOR COBN Omaha, September 27, Prices on cash grains were somewhat lower and the cash trade was very dull The traders could not agree on prices on account of ths unsettled condition of the market and, as a reault, only a small part of the samples were sold. The best grades of wheat sold around 91-12 and 11.62. and the No. 1 hard ranged from 91. 48 to 11.61: The range on No. 4 hard was 81.42 to 11.41, and the market generally was quoted lc to lo lower. There was a good demand for corn, nut on account of very light receipts the trade in this cereal was rather quiet. Corn wan quoted o higher to c lower, the white corn selling at the decline. The oats market was rather slow and prices were generally lower. Receipts of this cereal were qnlte heavy, but the traders were not disposed to sell their grain at the prevailing prices. rhe receipte of rye and barley were ugnt and the cash trade In theae markets was slow. Rye sold from steady to lc lower. and barley ruled from unchanged to 2c lower. Clearances were: Wheat and flour, equal to 171,000 bushels; corn, none; oats, 4,000 bushels. ' Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged to Id higher; corn Arm and Id higher. Primary wheat recelpta were 1,723,000 bushels and shipments 1,1 66,000 bushels, agalnat receipts of 1.861,000 bushels and shipments of 928,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 789,000 bush el snd shipments 371,000 bushels, against receipts or bushels and shipments of 349,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1. (08,000 Luan da and ahlpments 1.030,000 bushels, agsinit receipts of 1,262,000 bushels and shipments of 1400,000 bushela last year. CARLOT RBCBIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. 200 Chicago . ... .186 246 Minneapolis ..438 ..176 ..102 ..270 11 ..702 Duluth Omaha 10 21 Kanaaa City St. Louis ... 20 Winnipeg ... These sales were repotted today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, 91-61: car 11.61. No. 2 hard winter: 1 car. 11.62; 1 car, 9162; 9 cars, 11.62; I cars, 11.61. No. 9 hard winter; 1 car, 91-61; 1 car, 91-60; 1 car, 91.48; 1 car, 11.47, No, 4 hard winter: I cars, 91.46; 1 2-6 cars, 11.46; 8-5 car, 91.42. Sample hard winter: 1 car, 91-41. No. 1 durum: 1 car, 11.67. No. I durum: 1 car. 11.64. No. 4 durum: 1 car, 91-41. No. 1 mixed: 1 car 11.54; 1 car, 91.61. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 91.47. Rye No. 1: 1 car. 91.19. No. 4: 1 car, 11.16. . Barley No. 9. 2 car. 91.05: No. 4. 1 car. I Be. 1 car, 43c. Corn No. 1 white. 1 car. !2Uc: No. 2 white, 1 car, 12c; Noi 2 yellow, 1 car, 7c; No. I yellow, 7 cars, 7c; No, 6 yellow, 1 car, 78c; No. 1 mixed, 1 car, 79n; No. 1 mixed, 2 cars, 7c; No. 8 mixed, J-l car, 79c; No. 6 mixed, 1 cars, 76c; No. 6 mixed, 1 car, 77c; 1 car, 71c. Oats No. 2 white. 1 car.- 44 Ve: No. 1 white, 4 cars, 44c; No. 4 white, 2 cars, 48c; sample white, t cars, 48: 1 car, 41c. , Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I bard. II. 6291.61; No. 1 hard, 91-4891.51; No. hard, 91. 4291. 48: No. 2 spring. 91.609 1.60: No. 1 soring. 11.4791.63: No. 2 durum, I. 6291.64; No. 1 durum, 91. 6291.61. Corn; No. I white, 81 Sic: No. I white, 819lc; No. 4 white, 81981c; No. 6 white, 80 9Sle; No, I white, 80980c; No. yeuow. 7tt7STSc: no. 1 ye low. 79 u 7o; No. 4 yellow, 789784ic; No. 6 yellow, 789T8c; No. 1 mixed, 79979c; No. 9 mixed, 7844 979c; No. 4 mixed, 79 78c; No. 6 mixed. 77 9 76c; No. 6 mixed, 76977c. Oats: No. I white, 44944c; standard, 449440) No. 8 white, 489 44c; No. 4 white. 48941c. Rarlev: Malting, 91C991-01; No. 1 feed, 9090o Rye: No. 1, 91.1791.19; No. 1, 91.1691.17. Omaha Futures. With lower closing prices on Llvernool market and reports of rains In the Ar gentine, the local future market opened somewhat lower. December wheat opened at 11.6144. and heavy selling quickly forced the market down 91.49. There was a slight recovery from this low price, but the sentlruant was bearish and the market quickly reacted and remained around the low mark during most of ths session. There was very little local interest In torn, and the market was pretty steady. xnvre was noi mucn independent strength In oats end the market followed wheat on the decline. December opening o and the May Ho under yeatarday's closing prices. Art. I Ooen. I :ilh. I Low.l Close. Tea. Wht Sept Dec. May lilt Hi 144 144U 14IM j 8. 1 4 14. 161 Corn. Sept Dep. May Tl w 44 41 : 71 11 H 44 ,4H 4414 It 7114 78 68 71 44 46 48 T H 72 Si 44 i5 Oats. ttept Dec. May cloiln. orlcM. furnttted Tha B by Iif.n ft Bry.n, atock amWBratn broken, 111 Bouth ilileenlh atrnl. Om.ha; Art ' Open. High. t Low.j Close. I Yes. Wht. f j Sept 1 92 1 62 181 1 52 168 IiC 1 649 1 64 162 1 62H 154 Mar 1 64 H3 1 62 154 Corn. Sept. 879 'llSt IT 18 87 Deo. 73973 72 72 73 72 May 79K ' 76 76 76 76 Oats. Sept 46 46 46 46 46 Den. 419 "S 47 4fr 48 May 619 51 H, 60 r 61 61 Pork, Dec 11 70 21 70 21 45 II 60 23 70 Jan. 11 10 21 16 28 10 13 15 28 17 Lard. Oct It 10 It 17 14 20 14 27 14 11 Dec, 11 77 12 77 II 97 12 71 13 15 Rlba, Oct It IT II 91 II II II 0 11 15 Jan. 11 60 11 90 11 48 12 46 12 66 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Wheal Prices Open lewer Because of In creased World's Supply. Chicago, Sept. 17. Prospects of ft break of the drought In Argentina had a good deal t odo with weakness whk-h developed in the wheat market here today. The outcome was an unsettled close 1 to 1 net lower, with December at 916291-62 ytnd May at 91-62. Corn wound up unchanged to higher, oats off 9 to 9. and provisions varying from 25o decline to a rise of 16 cents. Wheat trader' war In a bearish mood from the outset. The market at the open ing was apparently yet feeling the depress ing effect of the big world suddIv. the larr- eat ever known at this time of the year. victories or tne entente allies in western Europe tended also to handicap the bulls, despite the fact that the outlook for an early opening of the Dardanelles seemed far from promising. Besides, liberal recelpta at Kansas City and weakness in the cash market there counted further on the bear side. It was net however, until news was received of unsettled weather In Argentina that the downward swing In values attained me greeted impetus snown during the sea son. Notwithstanding that numerous rallies took place In the wheat market commission nouse selling Became more and more ag gressive, especially In the last hour, when on nouae aione uisposea or more than 1,. 000,000 bushels In the nit ExDort transac tions as far as announced late In the day were not of sufficient volume to be of much encouragement to the bulls. Corn developed firmness owlnc to welcome rains. Moisture was regarded as harmful to the crop at this stage. Oats tended to sag In the absence of any urgent call from the seaboard. It was said Cana dian reserve amounted to almost 60,000,000 bushels. t Lower quotations on hogs pulled down the prevision market. On tha decline. though, packers became active buyers of the nearby deliveries and caused something of - Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No, 9 red. fi.1fi.ili iso. 1 red, 81-8191.63 No. 1 hard, nominal: No. I hard, ti.u 1.56. Corn: No. 1 yellow, 879BIc; No. 1 yeuow, sittosxc; rto. White. I04s8luc. Oats: No. 8 white, 46946c; standard, 44947c, Rye: No. 3, 91.34. Barley: 76c9ll.ll. Seeds: Timothy. 93.6096J90; clover, 9il.OO9M.OO. Pravlatonsi Pork, fdciv; tarn, 911.03; no, JH4.1&V14.6Q, Butter Firm; creamery, S9983o, Kggs Receipts. 7.641 caxes: unchansd. Potatoes Lower; receipts 65 cars; Jerseys, 11.3091.40; Ohlos, ll.lO9i.IO, Poultry Alive, lower; fowl. 17o; springs, Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis. Sept. 27. Wheat December Closed 11.6091.60 I May 1.68 9 l-6; caah, No. 1 hard, 91.97 ; No. 1 northern. 11.6391 64; to arrive, 91.01; No. 2 northern, 91.6891-63; No. I, 91.509 1.69 ft. Com NO. 9 yellow, 83 9 84C Oats No. 1 white, 48 944c. Flaxseed 92.1692. 20.- Flour Unchanged, Harloy 7c91.07. Rye 91.2091 81. Bran 921.60922.50. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotation of the Day ea Various Leading Commodities. New York, Sept. 17. Flour Unsettled. Wheat Spot, easy; No. 1 durum, 11.78; No. 2 hard, 91.91; No. 1 northern, Duluth. 91.81; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 91.7, f. b., New York. Corn Snot firm: No. S yellow. 97. c L t. New York. Onto Spot Irregular; standard, 629 83c, , Feed--Steady. Hops Firm: state, common to choice. 114, 44962c. Hides Firm: Bogota, 93 934c: Central America. 82c. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 11c; sec onds, J7c. Provisions Pork, steady; mess. 930.009 11.00; family, 130.00934.00. Beef, ateady; meaa, 921.00921.50; family, 921.60924.60. Lard, ateady; middle weat, 15. 00915.10. Tallow Firm; city, c, nominal; coun try, 999c; special, 10c, asked, flutter Steady; receipts, 17,489 tubs; creamery extras, 16936c; firsts, 31934c; seconds, 32938c. Kggs Irregular; receipts, 16,272 cases; ffnh gathered, extra line, 289 39c extra tlrats, 36937c; flrsts, S3 9 35c. Cheese Firm: recelnts. 4.202 boxes: state. whole milk flats fresh special, 20A20c: state, average fancy, 19920r Poultry Alive, nominal In the absence of business. Dressed, Irregular; chickens. 20930c; fowls, 17923c; turkeys, 29936c. . OMAHA GENE HAL MARKET. Butler No 1 creamery, la carton or tube. I4c: No. 1 32c. ,lve Poultry Broilers, 1 to 1 lbs.. lie; broilers, over 2 lbs.. 18c; hens, over 4 lbs.. 16c: bens over 4 lb., 16c: roosters and stars, 10c; geese, full feathered, fst, 12c; young and old ducks, full feathered, fat. 18c; turkeys, any slxe over 1 lbs.. 24c: teas thsn 6 lbs.. Half price; capons, 9 lbs. and over, 24c; poultry, poor and thin, not wanted: guineas, each. 26c: guineas, voun. each. 15c; aquaba, homera, 14 ox. each, per doaen, 14; aquaba, homers. 12 ox, each, per dosen, 92,60; squabs, homers, 1 ox. esch, per dosen. 11.60; squabs, homers, under 8 os. each., per dosen, 50e; pigeons, per doien, II Cheese quotations by Urlau 4 Co. Cheese Imported Swiss. 48c; domestic Swiss, 88c; block Swiss, 10c; twin cheese, 31c; triplets, 21 c; daisies, 21 c; young America, 22c; Blue Label brick, 26c; lim berger, 23c; New York white, 22c; Roqufort, 66s. Beef Cut Ribs: No. 1, 18 o lb.; No. 2, 16c: N'cy. 2, l to. Chucks: N. 1, 12c; No. 2, 10c; No. 2. 90. Loins: No. 1, 23c; No. 2, llc; No. 2, 140. Rounds: No. 1, 17c; No. 2, 14c; No. 2, 12c. Plate: No. 1, rounds. 17c. No. I, 16e; No. 3. llo; No. I pi lee. 9c: No. 9, 9c; No. I. 8c. Oysters ' King cole standards, small cases, 28o; large cases, 40c. "King Cole" elects, small cases, 20c; large cases, ,46c. "King Cole" counts, small Cases, 82c; large canee. 60c. Fresh Flah Tallow pike, per pound, 14c; red salmon, 12c; halibut 16c; bullheads, 15c: whltenah, 16c: pickerel, 12c: trout. 16c; cattish, large or small, 17c; herring, 7c: No. 1 carp, dressed, c; sunns h, medium. 7c; flounders, 11c; smelts, 13c; croppies, medium, c. Headless shrimp, per gallon, 11.26; peeled shrimp, per gallon, 91.75 : kip pered salmon, 10-lb basket, per Ib.j 17c: smoked whiteflsb (chubs). lff-lb. basket per lb., 14C. celery Mammotn, per aoi., 7&c. Fruit and veitelsble nrtce furnished by diltnsky Fmlt Co.: Fruits Oranges, vais, 16. loo. 1 24s 84.26 box; vale 124s. 86.00 box; vals. 150s. 96.26 box;, 176. 288sN96.50 box: 100. 216s. 260s. 16.76 box. Lemons Fancy 80t)a. 360s 8 00 box; choice 800s, lOo. 18.60 box; 270a 1 50 per cent less. Orepeiruit Mar ket price, Apple Belief lowers, 11.76 box. wasmngton Jonathans, extra rancy. iz.uv box; Colorado Jonathan, extra fancy, 12.26 box: barrel. 13.50 bbl. Or pes Home grown. 93o basket; malagas, 91.99 crate Tokays, 83. ae orate. Pear Colorado. Washington, fancy 9 tr.. 12.46 crate: choice 6 tr., fancy 9 tr., 92.40 crate; choice 8 tr., 92.19 crate; Kelfera, bushel. 91-76 bu. K el fere, orste. 91.80 crate. Plums Italian 81.66 crate. Peaches market ortce. Ban anas 92.00 t '93.60 bunch Cantaloupes Sh da, 92.OO crate; pony. 92.60 crate; flats. 91-00 crate. Watermelon lc lb. vegetable Lettuce, head, 91.00 do.: lent, 40c dosen. Cauliflower, 93.00 crate. Wax. green beans, peas, 91.00 basket Pep pers. 60c basket Parsley, 20o do. Turnips, beets, carrots, 40c basket Pickling onions. 11.00 basket Cucumbers, 91.00 basket Cab bage. ac lb. Onions, Spanish. 92-00 crate. Peaches Boxes, 860 to 91.00 box: bushels. 91-76 to 82 6t bu. Honey 92.76 case. f Miscellaneous Crsckerlack. corn oons and checker, case, 99.50; half case. 81.76; pea fuis. Special No. 1. lb., 9o; Jumbo pea nuts, 60: popcorn, case. 12.60; hooey, new I. 9.7ft. . . K annas City General Market. Kanaaa City, Sept 27, Wheat Lower: No. 2 hard, 1.611.60; No. I red, 91.529 1.69; December. 81.48; May, 91.48. corn ateady: Mo. 2 mixed. 84U085c: No. 2 white, 85986c; No. 2 yellow, 869 85o; December, 72a; May, 76976c uaie ttvio tower; no. 1 wnue. tiuo 47c;; No. 2 mixed, 44946c. Jackson to Be Tried for Cleaning Out Warehouse Tames Jackson, man of manv ali ases, who is accused with attempting to cicar out tne warenouse oi awen- son Bros., 2U8-1U-1Z South Tenth street, of a large portion of the stock of wearables, will be brought to trial in criminal court at the conclusion of the Weatherly manslaughter case. Jackson is charged with breaking and entering the warehouse and faces a term of one to seven years m the penitentiary. His loot is said to have consisted of stock enough for a young store:: Nine mackinaws, two pairs of pants, twelve suspenders, 120 pairs of ladies' hosiery, eighteen men's union suits, nine vests and twenty-nine pairs of men's sox. Deputy Prosecutor Abbott will appear for the state. Jack son has been in jail since July 24 awaiting trial. Asks Big Damages for Injuries by Automobile Because an automobile, driven by George F. Krittenbrink struck the rear end of her licht wagon while the team was tied to a hitching post in front of a i-lorence store, Mary t,. Berizelt. who alleges she was seriously injured, has filed suit asking $25,000 da-manes. She declares that $500 has already been expended for the services 01 physicians ana specialists, county Attorney Magney and nis son, Lloyd A., are pressing the claim. Three More Chances for The Night High School Registration at the evening high school at Central High school Tuesday night reached a total of 54. In spite of this large registration, there were many 'phone calls this morning from those who were unable to appear last night. It has been decided to have three more nights of registration, so those who did not get under the wire may be on hand. The dates are Oc tober 9, 10 and 11. Omaha Girl Challenges - Gayety Diving Champion Miss Ella Pennington, 221S Dodge street, has issued a challenge to Miss Jessie Southerland, the Gayety girl who made the sensational leap off the Douglas street bridge into the Missouri river Monday, Miss Pen nington has been with Dr. Carver's diving horse and has often made forty-foot leaps while on the back of a horse. . American Telephone & Telegraph Co. A dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Monday. October 16. 191S. to stockholders of record at th. eloa. of buai ness on Saturday, September St. 1S16. 0. 0. MILNE. Traaaurer. NEW YORK STOCKS Market Experiences Period of Extensive Activity, Dealings Being Over a Million. SAILS ABE AT GOOD PRICES New York, Sept 27. For the nineteenth consecutive session, exclusive of two week ends, today's market experienced another period of extensive activity which again lifted the total dealings well beyond 1,000, 000 shares. The movement was more com prehensive and convincing that any of the last three weeks In that a very large pro portion of the turnover consisted of divi dend paying investment Issues as distin guished from specialties of less stable char acter. The so-called Harrlmans, particularly Union Pacific, which led all stocks In the extensive trading of the forenoon; Reading, Norfolk and Western and other coalers, the grangers, New York Central and Pennsyl vania afford a foundation for later opper atlons In more speculative favorltle. Most of the rails, on gains of 1 to 1 points, were at best prices In one to two years with an actual new record tor Reading at 116. Coppers lost none of their favor as med iums of feverish speculation. Inspiration Copper, 020, making a new maximum of 6b, with further accummulatlon of Ana conda, American Smelting and Kennecott. Motor shares which seem to respond to any definite movement in metals were mostly at higher quotations, Oeneral Motors mak ing a gross gain of 16 points. There was a marked revival of Interest In shipping shares, predicated upon the be lief that events of importance are Impend ing In connection with the forthcoming meeting of the Mercantile Marine commit tees, which are expected to recommend the discharge of the receiver. Sugars trailed In the wake of Marines, record prices being registered by Cuba cane common and pre ferred and American Beet Final prices in a majority of Instances were at fractional or 1 point recessions from the day's beat. United State Steel which travered an exceedingly narrow rad ius, closing at 116, a netgaln of point Total sales amounted to 1,486,000 shares. 1 An appreciable increase of activity was shown by the firm bond market, total sales, par value, aggregating 96,420 000. United States bond were unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks were: Sales. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar., , 9,800 99 97 97 American Can 0,600 66 64 4 Am. Car A Foundry 2,400 67 66 6fi Am. Locomotive... 1,800 78 78 77 Am. Smelt. & Kef. 14,300 114 118 11 Am. Sugar Ref.... 8,600 113 111 112 Am. Tel. A Tel..., 2,700 133 133 133 Am. Z., L. AS.... 1,700 43 42 42 Anaconda Copper , 96 Atchison 12,000 107 106 106 Bald. Locomotive.. 1,100 87 86 86 Baltimore A Ohio 8 89 84 Brook. Rapid Tran. B. A 8. Copper,... Cat Petroleum 1., . Canadian Pacific Contra! Leather... 700 64 400 22 2,200 181 8,400 73 64 22 17 72 67 V 64 22 179 Chesapeake A Ohio 13,600 68 c, M. & St. P.... Chicago A N. W... C. R. I. ft P. Ry. Chino Copper. ... I. Colo. Fuel ft Iron. Corn Products Ref. Crucible Steel Distillers' Securities 3,800 97 7 i,4UU lV 9,300 20 128 128 is 9 6,000 12,200 1,000 28,700 68 67 7 57 56 66 16 16 16 94 93 93 46 46 4FU 700 Erie 45.600 44M. 4044 40U General Electric. 12,700 184 180 182 Great No. nfd 2,700 120 119 110 Gt. No. Ore ctfa... Illinois Central.... Inter. Con. Corp... Inspiration Co Doer. 4,300 44 43 43 2.300 104 103 1011 200 17 17 17 1,700 69 67 68 t(lA 11KU 11RU 1111A Inter, Harvester.... Int. M.M. pfd. ctfa. 46.800 123 120 122 K. C. 'Southern ... . 1,600 27 26 26 Kennecott Copper., 46,700 66 66 66 Louisville ft Nash.. 1,100 134 132 134 Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper M.. K. ft T. pfd.... Missouri Pacific... Montana Power..,, National Lead.. .. 9.300 113 112 112 7,900 40 30 39 400 12 12 12 600 5 4 4 1,200 4.900 71 70 Nevada Copper. '. . Z3 New York Central.. 26,700 110 109 109 N. Y., N. H. ft H.. 3,000 61 61 60 Norfolk A Wee tern 30,400 137" 133 137 Northern Pacific... 4,000 113 113 113 Pacific Mall 2,200 28 27 27 Pacific Tel. ft Tel 34 Pennsylvania ..... 14,100 58 68 68 Ray Con. Copper... 6,700 26 26 26 Reading 63,300 115 113 113 Rep. Iron ft Steel.. 47,800 74 70 74 S hat tuck Aria. Cop. 2,100 32 12 32 Southern Pacific... 19,300 103 102 102 Southern Railway.. 32,200 20 26 25 Studebaker Co 10,500 133 111 132 Wednesday Evening at 7 (the Time), the Event o?AiUMheeIin,r Wonderful Windows The Entire Retail District Will Be a Blaze of Light ant) Beauty. You Can't - Afford to Mist Being Present. TT T7 Delightful Special. In All Departments All Week. U Hj6 A Most Charming Aggregation of all That is Best in the Modes of the Moment is Presented Here Now in . Women's and Misses Outer Apparel for Fall Our buyer's unerring good taste andkeen judgment of good value was never so pleasingly exemplified as in this remarkable showing of the new modes in women's dress. HUNDREDS OF DAINTY GOWNS and Dancing Frocks, in a wide range of charming designs; most attractive of values at these prices $25.00, $35.00 $45.00 A HOST OF ELEGANT viduality strikingly apparent in every graceful line; the ana most popular maienais, inciuuing a tuutcc line of the popular Bolivia Cloth Suits.........'.... The Exceptional Beauty and Surpassing High Quality of the Wtcud is most gratifying to all our customers who see the new Fall models. If you want a really classy suit at a low price, don't fail to see these marvelous values, at $25 100 New Serge Dresses 1050 Special, Thursday, at. . Beautiful new styles, in plain serge orv serge combined with satin or georgette. , Georgette fUouaee, in white and flesh, all sizes, worth J7.B0, tJC Art Thursday, at W.vV Crepe de Chine Blouses, in all sizes; also all pongees, in plain colors and tripes; worth to $5.00, CO QQ Thursday, af.. ?e.70 A New Lin. of High Grade Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses, in all sizes to 46; all the leading shades and (PC 00 to COftOO black; prices WO PU Tennessee Copper.. 7,400 24 36 26 Texas Company... ,500 220 316 216 Union Patific 2,300 163 151 161 Union Pacific pfd.. .800 86 86 83 U. S. Ind. Alcohol. . 1,300 12S 127 127 U. 8. Steel 127,600 116 114 115 U. 8. Steel pfd.... 2.200 121 120 120 Utah Copper 11,900 7 9 96 Wabanh pfd. "B', 1,400 U 28 27 Weutern Union.... 2,600 101 106 100 Westlnghnuse Eleo. 22.400 06 64 04 Total sales fur the day, 1,486,000 shares. New York Money Market. New York, Sept 27. Mercantile .Paper 3 per cent Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bills, 14.71; demand, 94.75 11-16 per cent; ca bled, $4,76 7-16 per cunt. Time Loans Steady; sixty days 993 per cent; ninety days, 193 per cent; six months, 3 3 per cent Silver Ban. 6SHc; Mexican dollars, 63e- Bonds Government, steady; rallrqad, strong. Money on Call High,. 2 per cent; low, 2 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent U. S. r. 2s, reg. L. ft N. un. 4s.. 94 "do coupon ...99 M., K. ft T. 1 4s. 76 U. S. 3s, reg...l00M. P. con. 6s.. 101 Mo coupon ...100 Mont. Power 5s. 98 U. S. 4s. reg. ...110 N. Y. C. deb. Cs.114 do coupon ...110 N. Y. City 48. .10 Am. Smelt. Cs..U4aX. Y., N. H. ft Am. Tel. ft Tel. ' H. cv. 6s 110 cv. 4 lllNo. Pacific 4a... 2 Anglo-French 5a. 96 do 3s 66 Atch. gen. 4s.... 99 Ore. S. L. ref. 4s 93 B. ft O. 4s 91Pac. T. & T. 5b.101 Beth. St. ref. 6s.l00Penn. con. 4a.l05 Central Pac. 1st. 90 do gen. 4.. 102 C. ft O. cv. 4s... OOReadlng gen. 4s. 86 C, B. ft Q. jt. 4s 98'St L. ft San F. C, M. ft St P. ref- ';, If cv. Cs 106So. Pac. cv. 6.. 106 C, R. I ftP. Ry. do ref. 4s 90 ref 4s 3So- Railway 6s. .101 C. ft a ref. 4s 84Union Pacific 4s 97 D ft R. G. c. 4a. 78 do cv. 4s 04 Erie gen. 4s 72 U. S. Rubber Os-lOS'-i Gen. Electric 5s.l06U. 8. Steel 6s. . .106 Ot No. lat 4a. 99 i Weat Union 4s 00 T. C. ref. 4s 85W. Elec. pv. Lb. 129 Int M. M. 4a.U0 O. of C, 1931. ..100 K. C. So. ref. 5. 90 "Bid. ' I . London Stock Market.. London, Sept 27. American were firm with United States securities Steel the most active Issue. Silver Bar, 32 16-16d per ounce. Money 4 per cent ' Discount Rates Short bills -and three month, 596 per cent. t Bank Clearing. . Omaha, Sept 27. Bank clearing for Omaha today were 94,769,224.70, and for the corresponding day last year 93,417.369.4. O'Connor Did Not Tarry Long Around Brooklyn Bridge "We just took a couple .pf looks at the Statue of Liberty, escaped a riot during the street . car strike and then bade New York goodbye for a better place to live," said County Commis sioner O'Connor when he returned from his fortnight vacation trip in the east. "Omaha looks better to me than any city that we visited. My daugh ter and I spent several days with relatives at Washington, D. C, and were glad to get back to the corn belt and its commercial center. I can take a long breath now." Always the Tnll-Ender. It, always the desplaed tall-ender that rears on Ita hind lege and puts some pen nant contender out of business. Ask George Stallings, he know,. JITNEY TAXI MAX WELL CARS Webster 202 AMUSEMENTS TURPIN'S SCHOOL OF DANCING Rich School Claas begin. Saturday, September !0, p. m. First Children's Class Saturday, October 7, 2 :80 p. m. Applications rhould be mad. early. Now open. Adult Beginners Monday. 8 p. m. and Adult Advanced Tueaday, 8 p. m. No more puplle re ceived in Monday and Tuesday classes after October 10th. Arrangements may be made for private lessons day or evening. Phone H.rn.y 5143. Ztk and F StrMta. jnrxT7-TY W DODGE D0U11AS STREETS I7 ers; scores ot $65.00, DESIGNS IN TAILORED snnnlnlnlnlnlnlnBnn a 1 1 Ml I 1 1 j d M EM f 1 I 1. I.I'IU 'd Bit PaytTRY HAYDEN'S FIRST AMl'SEMKNTa. "OMAHA'S FT N CENTER" iaiiy mate., io-xo-ovc Even'gs. I5-I5-M-74C. t..... . r Knthus antic Show ... iiaAnNW tlDI 9 Mtislrat nlr. Hir nuUKHl uinta BurW niTKimm o-raaf vaudeville OliO. includin. the Gautemahan Marimba PlTn, Helen aong bird, and the DIVING BELLES. Amateur divin contest Thursday and Friday Nitea. Trophy cupa to winnera. Ijuli- lm. Hallo. Week Dya. a., m.i k Wk.. F. Finney & "Boatoniane" Doug. 494 THE BEST OF VAUOEVILLL Daily U.linw. S:15-Kw HW. :15 TW. WMlfc ANNA 'WHEATON AND HARRY CARROLL BERT LEVY. EDNA BROTHERS CO.. MulleB I "5ui O. Aldo RtadeMer. To. Qladlatora, Tn. Brlflitooa, Orpneum Trel Weekly. Prk.; Mttlnee. tallery. 10c: belt mu "J itatulS and Bund.;. c Nlgiu. 100. ae. Mo. He. BOYD Not Moving Picture. TODAY. 2:30i TONIGHT, Ss30 NANCY BOYER, in "THE LITTLE LADY FROM , LONESOME TOWN" Mat Balcony, 10c; lower Floor, ISc Nlfhte, 10.50c. TODAY 2:30 TONITE 8:20 WILLIAMS' SELECT PLAYERS 10c "THE ROSARY" 25c Three Pays, Commencing Today Petticoat Minstrels "Dashing Singing and Dancing Revue. MUSICAL CHEF, Comedy Novelty by P. George HALL and BECK. Opera and Uproar. HARRY GILBERT, Singing Comedian. . Best and Latest Phetoplays. Mil C r Paramount and Metre w 9 First-Run Picture. VALENTINE GRANT la - . "The Daughter of MaeGretor" HIR D Obey That Impulse lr IT Go Today. ONE DAY ONLY FLORENCE TURNER in "GRIM JUSTICE." Five acta from the famous oal by '"Rita." Frances TEACHER Baetens OF PIANO Mondaya, Weonasdaya, Thursdays, saturaays. 20 Arlington Block, 151 iy. Dodge St ' Telephone Douglas 3044. i Equal Quality , at Let. Superior Quality at Equal Price. EXQUISITE EVENING GOWNS Direct copies of the choicest produc tions of the world's most famous design- exclusive models, at from $75.0p u'to $175.00 SUITS Distinctive indi season's richest colorings vf F lu J It Pays, r