THE But.: O.UAHA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, lt16. 11 f FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. I 0 5-r., r!I mod. flat, 1608 No. 20th SL I a 46.00 6-r. all mod. bungalow, 2128 I J ' Clark 8t I J $23.60 &r. all mod. flat. (56 B. S6th St t M it a wnr ? V H. A. wojljJt, Ware Block. Dous-ias boos. FOR RENT Ap'ta and Flats 1 West. MdRl.l1:! aptr. 2Rth Ave. and Douglas fit. 3. I nd 4-room aple.. automatic ele vator, fireproof, aoundproof. roof Ear dan. V hone Harney 2074 or Dour 3458 VBRT choico 8-room steam-heated apart ment on WW Karnaro St. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1801 FABNAMST. tHRKIi rooma and balk, aaar mi nr. wel. New Hamilton, it " North. N. !2D 4-r. flat eteel rane, gaa plate, kitchen cabinet, water paid. RASP BROS.. Douglas 1453. Miscellaneous. Inn).m hrlrlc. iwilv 828. t WRIGHT LA8BURT. D 133. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty ' Stores. fttRT 107 S. 16th. ateam heat. 846.00. 807 8. 13th. brick, with basement, $30.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglasa 554. two modern stores near poetofftce, 150 and Offices and Desk Room. 1E8IUABIE office rooma .n the .einodaled 1 crounae jsigck. i f. mn ov. i JgHIUllKlCe). IW IO Sio per rami i u. i f ""'' y XintriK AiKVinv flDiPn Da'rrl RMu 17th Miscellaneous. fermerlv occupied by National Printing Co., at 602-11 So. 12th St. 4 floora, 44x66 feet. Wall conatructed. Slwara heat Reas- V onable rent. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. R RENT Larr Two-atory Horace house. Excellent trackage and other couvelences Within business section. Bob ft 09. Bo: -h WANTED TO RENT. "Unfurnished Houses and FlatsT jLSjVBt want more bouiea and apartment to i rant. The tact that we have practically cleaned out our big list la conclusive proor T of the efficiency of oui rental aervlce. If you want to keep your places rented see ii Payne A Slater Co.. "Omahae Rental Men." 016 Om. Nat. Bit. Bldg.,Doug. 1018. vr.uirn ii.tmr nn mitmn or oduiw u. mi mp .ell on eaay Dayments. Have cus tomers waiting, inquire ui aaroaou Block. Douglas 3807. MOVING AND STORAGE PlRBPr.OOP W ARCH OUSEL Separate locked rooma for household foods and pianos; mov'ng. packing and hipping. (ima H A VAN AND STORAUD CO. 102 ft. 16th St Douglas 4161. .1 La' I I V , M t-tr M . n . Phono Dougiaa 288 lor completa llat of vacaut bouse and apart ments; also (or storage, moving. ism ana jtcmun on,, JT IJXi'L'M Express Co. Moving , j XxEjEjU packing and storage. HOI Famam Ht. Dnusrlaa sua. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving service try us. Largs l-borae psdded vans Storage, $2 month. Satisfaction guaranteed We move yon QUICKER, CHEAPER AND SAFF.R. Phone Tyler 280 or Douglas 4338. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing IIS N. Utb St Phone Do unlaw as 4 METROPOLITAN VAN AND , -STORAGE CO. Careful attention givcq to orders Cos, moving, p-ehlng or storage; ofSce at Ray mond Furniture Co.. 1(18 and 1 S16 How trd St Phone t 8M4. -J Van and two men Maggard u . Pr hour Van and Storaas Co. Moving, packing to'-ag and shipping PhonfOoug 1494. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West HERE IS A CHANCE FOR A PROHIBITIONIST THE OWNER SAYS Four modern cloas-tn brick flats, 60 ft. oar line, fava about a per cent on a.a.uuu. This attractive investment offered at 113.000. Owner 'will agree to buy back at $14,000 if prohibition does not carry. Don't miss this 12 per cent proposition. x O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Oug. 2716. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. WEST FARNAM HOME SACRIFICE. On account of death In the family, the wner of this 7 -room, strictly modern home Is com pet led to sell. Oak finish, oak floors throughout, butlt-ln fireplace and bookcases. Dandy sleeping porch. Full cement basement, furnace heat Paved street paving paid. Can be han dled on easy terms. Elegant . location. This Is nearly new and 1 block from Far Bam car line. Sea this right away. If Interested. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA NAT. BK. BLDG. D. 1781. . WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 8 -room oouae just north of Dodge St an 3d St., and 7 -room house Just south f Farnam, on 8 ltd. Both places up-to-date in every pm'tleuisr. For further in formation aeo ALFRED THOMAS 808 First Nat Bk. Bldg. MUST SELI CATHEDRAI- DISTRICT. Two new, modern homes, one 7 and one fl-room. Oak and birch finish. All built in features. Very best material and work manship. Close In. Best buy In Omaha. IS 18 LINCOLN BLVD. 11-ruom house. Stncuy moanu, wim tu. wmr ui. ougias isis. DEE lot. Will butld a well built home to your order. F. S. Trulllnger. Phone Benson 122. North. LESS THAN COST KOUNTZE PLACE DISTRICT A good, all modern 8 -room house, lo cated on a large corner, with beautiful shade trees. The first floor Is finished In selected oak; four corner bedrooms and an extra large sleeping porch second floor; full cemented basement; hot water heating plant. This place coat about 86.600, but we can sell It for much less. Phone us at onco, for It's a snap. GEORGE & COMPANY, Doug. 766. 802 City Nat Bank Bldg. $3,600 BUNGALOW Located on full lot near 27th and Fort Bts. 6 nice rooms and bathroom on first floor; 8 nice additional bedrooms upstairs; full cemented and brick ban o men t, with Al furnace; 82.000 can run 6 years at 6 per cent, balance 1500 cash and 130 per montn. this pisco was bunt for a home, not for sale, and la a bargain in every way, F. D. WEAD, 210 South 18th St. Wead Bldg. NEAR MILLER PARK. . B rooms, nearly new, strictly modern bungalow; living room, dining room. Itrhn il rut floor; Z bedrooms and in on second floor; oak floors and oak W l finish throughout; built-in bookcases and colonnade openings. The owner has re ductal the price from $4,000 to $8,260 for Immediate sale. When can you see It? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1781. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. OWNER WRITES Sell my house this month. This li a dandy 6-room modern house, at 4816 North Slat Ave. The plat's Is a bargain at the .present price; $300 m. kes the first payment This Is the place for you If you want a home and a bargain. Be sure to see It today. v CREIGH, SONS & CO.. Douglas 300. 101 Be. Bldg. SPECIAL BARGAIN. C13 and 34 North Utb street boule vard; two nouees, with I7S0.H annual rental, large lot. oloa. In. Want offer at ones. a. P. BOBTWICK a BON. Tyler 1504. IM Bel Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW. A five-room, strictly modern bunga low, with oath. It la finished In oak, up-to-date butlt-ln feat urea and light ing flituret, full basement; large attic ocated at 8128 North 86th St Prtoa, 8K.1.0. Easy terma NORRIS & NORRIS. 400 Be Building. Phone Douglas 41TS. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW New, strictly modern home, oak finish, with floors; has a number of special features, high grade fixtures, guaranteed furnace, laun dry connection; dandy lot f blocks to Sillier Park school, ft block to car, just south of park. Price, $3,100 about 1-50 cash balance monthly. RASP BROS., Douglas 1868. BUNGALOW of 6 r. and bath, strictly mod.; oak finish; built-in cupboards, high-grade fixtures, enamel and tile bath; full base ment, furnace; south front lot street being paved; 2 blocks to Sherman Ave. car; a little north of Kountse park; pries, $2,860; $260 cash, balance monthly. RASP BROS.. Douglas 1168. SEE my beautiful, brand new Miller park bungalow for $3,100 Easy terms Close to school and carltns Colfai ls86 7-ROOM HOUSE IN NORTH PART; COST $7,000; SELL AT $4,800. ADDRESS 8461, KOUNTZE PLACE rertrtoted district reel- jgiiusg mr m r y nniesi. oim n ma FOR SALE 2 acres Improved. CoU 1846 South. BRAND NEW HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT SIX ROOMS, MODERN. This beautiful little horns la located on Georgia Ave., near Pacific, on a wonderful east front tot The house has a big liv ing room, dining room and kitchen on the flrat floor; three good-alied bedrooms and bath above; bullt-ln bookct,sea and buffet; oak woodwork on the first floor and oak floors In every room In the house. The price la $4,800 and the terms can be mads to fit your purse. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1538. Rose Bldg., Hth and Farnam. CHOICE RESIDENCES HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT We have two elegant sis and seven room dwellings, brand new, built by day labor, all ready to move right Into; two blocks from beautiful Hanscom Park, near Windsor school and West Side car. These are unusually attractive dwellings, fin. ished In oak, press brick foundation large full else basement; three nice, large bed rooms and bath upstairs In each; large living room downstairs; one house has sun room, the other fireplace; both have other attractive features that we'll not attempt to explain, but will be glad to show them to you upon appointment Wo can arrange very satisfactory terms. SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. 1008. Ground Floor McCagne Bldg. BRAND NEW HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT SIX ROOMS, MODERN This beautiful little home la located on Georgia Ave., near Pacific, on a wonderful east front lot The house has a big living room, dining room and kitchen on the ilrat -floor; three goodslsed bedrooms and bath above; bullt-ln bookcases and buffet; oak woodwork on the first floor and oak floors In every room In the house. The price Is $4,800, and the terms can bs mads to fit your purse. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 136. Roae Bldg., Hth and Farnam. 10-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, ONLY 33,000. Hard to believe, but It's true. It1, a little old style, but Is substantially built and lis. located In an exceptionally good neighborhood, on South ISth street. It Is a good buy at this price and can be handled an reasonable terms. F. D. WEAD, 810 8. Ilth. Wead Bldg. $4,500 A THOROUGHLY MODERN HOME of six rooms, near Field ilub; finished In o- ft. at floor. Dandy fireplace. Three bedrooms. In walnut, mahoga. y and birch finish; full brick foundation. Entirely up-to-da'e I . every detail. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-2 Om. Nat Bk Bldg. Douglas 1474. FIVE KOOMS NEW '' Ail modern In every detail; living and dining room all oak finish, wHh bullt-ln bookcases, pantry lth elaborate cup. boards; Icebox room; full basement with floor drain, shades, uleotrlo fixtures and screens; all furnished. This Is a real bar gain at $3,760; $600 rasa, balauo on terma to suit Others ask as much as 3, 26H. Located at lel& Deer Park Blvd. Let us show you this week. . T RAVER avROS.. 70s Omaha Nat Bk. Doug. 8888. Evenings Web. 48So. S-ROOM BUNGALOW. Oak floors throughout oak finish in living and din ing rooms, large, light, whits enamel bedrooms; good location; restricted addition. A bargain at 83,160. Easy terms, BENSON A CAKM1CHABL. 2 Psxton Blork Douglas IT88- MiillMUka tar . mku,. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES WORTH THE MONEY IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. LIST YOUR PROPER. TY WITH US FOR RESULTS. O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE INS. AOCY-. Wrsndels Theater Bldg Trier 1084. 1410 CENTER St., 5-room. new, modern home, walking distance. Terms. BERK A A MUSIL. Doug. 68 67. Miscellaneous. PUBLIC AUCTION, l-room Modern House, Located it 212 North 22d Street, Will be sold at Publfc Auction Friday, Sept. 29, at 10 a. m. sharp. This well built house must be moved and will likely go at a great sacrifice. Is finished In oak downstairs and Is modem. If you have a vacant tot that you would like to have a good house on, now la your timo to buy the house. Sale takes place at above address Friday, Sept ?9, at 10 a. m. fJAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. CLOSE IN. SIX-ROOM MODERN bungalow near Field Club; east front; paved street: hot water heat; a bargain at $3,300. 10 per cent down, balance monthly payments. Douglas 6074, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. SEE THIS SNAP TODAY. $t MO.l $200 CASH. PRICE 15,890. 6-r., strictly mod. bungalow; good as new; east front; paved street; close In. An unusual value; 2 lots If desired. Nice 7-r. house, mod. ex. heat near 19th and Vinton; cut to $1,700; your own terma Near 18th and Corby, 8-r., mod but heat; nice lot, shade, etc. Bargain at $1,760; best terms or will pay cash dif ferences on all modern home. M'KITRICK R. E. CO.. D. 1482. Tyler 3140. $260 CASH, $28.(0 PER MO, will buy one of the niftiest bungalows In town, 6-r. and bath; strictly modern; oak finish, with a number of special features; high-grade lighting and plumbing fixtures; full ce ment basement, furnace; dandy east front lot; lfc blocks to car. Pries only $8,100. Lst us show you this bargain. RASP BROS., Douglas 166$. GOOD 8-room modern house for only $3,600. Hardwood floors, both up stairs and down, sleeping rooms finished In whits enamel electric light, (0-foot corner lot a good home, well located. W. H. GATES, S4T Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1284. Webster 2688. INVESTMENTS, INSURANC7 $400 In come on piioa, $2,600, elng 8 houses, rooma each near high school and Cretghton college. Also ft and 6-roora bungalows. $200 down, and two I rooma, $9$ down, balance monthly. CHAR E WILLIAMSON CO. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West CATHEDRAL District, 60x138, east front on 41st Ave.; nonresident owner sacrificing for quick sale at $700. This Is a bargain. Glover A Spain. Doug. 3982. North. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA 200 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their judgment by buying lots. If YOU will come out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO, Tyler 187. 743 Omaha Nal'l Bank Bldg. FOR SALE. I dandy vacant lot,, H tioek tw oar float out tu $1,000 eaab for qntok saaa. Calkin, co. Douglaa 1311. City Nat. Bank Bldg. Mlactllaneoua. A GOOD lot for 876.00 I good lota to, $71.0, each. Close to a car line. $1 down and 80o par week. Box 803,, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE B'ne Pr'ty INCOME property near Ford plant Hth St Owner. Harney 8364. FOR well located business lot call J. P. Leary. Harney 3264. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson, Suburban Home on Dodge Paved Road. 5 acres or 10 acres with 6-room house, hot and cold water and bath room; barn,' chicken house, pump house, orchard, vine yard, garden land, pasture and alfalfa; fine view. Very productive land. Ask us for full description, price and terms. J. H. DUMONT ft CO., OMAHA, 416-18 Keel! no Bldg. 17th and Harney Sts. START TOUR HOME IN BENSON! BUY THIS LOT. $10.00 down and 310.00 per month; price $200.00; sice 60x128; located on Locust St., between Clark and Burn ham, not far from school and car line. Geo. R. Wright, Bee office, Omaha. Dundee. DUNDEE Well located lot beautiful view; south front; paved streets; paving all paid; can sell at bargain price, C. A. Grimme). Phone D. 1616. Florence. AK-SAR-BEN" vleltors. let Nethaway show you property In beautiful Florence. South Side. 4-ROOM residence. South S-de, $1,800; IS. cash, balance $16 per Doug. 8228. Miscellaneous HILLCREST Only a few tracts left; cheapest and best acreage property near the city. Prices and terms very reasonable. C. R. COMBS. 816 Brand He Theater Bldg. p. $81$. I-A. Blk In Falraures, new Browne 1 1 Hall district C J Canan. McCague B Idg. 60 ACRES, 21 miles from urauha. $100.00 per acre; terms; some exchange. Archer Realty, 880 Brandels Bldg REAL ESTATE WANTED List your property with us for sale. We have Inquiries for dwell ings. Investment properties and farms that we cannot supply. T. H. DUMONT & CO., Omaha, 418-18 Keellne Bldg. 17th and Harney Stt. WE have clients with cash who are look ing for good, flrst-class, close-in Invest ment property. Hiatt Company, 348 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 0. WANTEl-4t 6 and C-roomed houaes that oan te Mid for $103 cash, balance $1$ per month; glv. oomplet. description ant letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 133, Farnam St ToL Dong. 1088. WE are looking for a good 7 or 8-room all modern house In the Cathedral dis trict. Will pay all cash. Hiatt Company, 246 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 80. OUR specialty handling property for out-of-town owner,. GA1X4.QHER NELSON. Omaha. Neb. HAVE buyer, for email houaes and lots la North Omaha Write $083. t. WE are looking for a good 8 or 7-room house In the Field club district. Hiatt Company, 248 Omaha Nat. Bank. Tyler 80. REAL ESTATE Inveatment v SEE US FOR INVESTMENTS AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKET A SON, Phone Pong. 603. 1807-3 W. o. w. Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY Renting for $68 per month. Price 87.000. Mortgage $3,800. Want land or realdenoe. W. B. FRANK. 801 Neville. REAL ESTATE. WU COLFAX. 708 Keellne Hldg Doug 887$. RtATTESTATE TRACKAGE ACREAGE on the car line, $1,000, In north and southwest part; 4 to., sightly, $1,600. Phone Douglas 2847. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate. .Lands, Etc. A BEAUTIFUL farm home. 2 miles from Fayettevllle, Ark., seat state university, on best road, fine neighbors. Will trads for Omaha residence or western Nebraska clear. GEO ROB O. WALLACE, 111 Keellne. BEE WANT ADS GAINED 18.698 MORS PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven months 1918. Good result at leas coat Is the reason why. GOOD lot desirable location, will take used Ford as part payment Webster 4248. Ranch specialist ssll or trade ranches for elty property B. Franta, 67$ Brandels Bid FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loan,, Mortgages. We are ready at all times to make loam on tirst-claas city property and eastern Nebras ka farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th St. 8 PER CENT to 8 per oent on best elaaa olty reeldencea .P amounts 83,000 up, also farm loan. Reasonable commission,. PUT BBS THUKT CO., 1(33 Faraaa SL FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. OelAH a" nomea East Nebraaka "farma, O'KEUKB RbiAL ESTATE CO. 1013 Omaha Nat Phone Uouglaa 371$. 83.400 MORTGAGE, bearing 8 per cent aeinl. ann. : secured by property valued at $7,000. THlmage-Looml. Inv. Co.. W. o. V. Hldg. MONKY HARRISON A MvlHTON Jit. ,, umaha Mat I Bank Bldg 380NET to loan on Improved farms and ranohaa W. ,lao buy good farm mort- aagea. Kloke Inv Co.. Omaha. TXIN'T FAY IN INSTALLMENTS. PAY IN 3, 3. 4 or $ YEARS. BEST PLAN 8HOPEN a CO.. KEEL1NB BLDO. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED. THUS L tlcUARHY KKE1.1NB BLUO TEL. RED 8848. $100 to $10,000 mad. promptly. F D Wead. Weld Bldg., 18th and arnam Sea. REAL ESTATE loans, $ per cast. D. . buck a co on Omaha Nat. Bank. FARM and city loana, 6-6Mj and f par oant W H Thomas Keellne Bldg Doug 1348 CITY and farm loans. $ $,, $ per oenl. J. H. Dumonl A Co . 418 Keellne Bldg. NO DELAY. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDO. ' IONEY on hand for olty farm loana H W Binder, National Bank Bldg and City 6 PER CENT and 8 per cent money. Toland St Trumbull, 448 Bee Bldg. 8707. 'Natl Bank Ulna Stocks and Bonds. Our Nebraaka farm mortgagee are not ef fected by European ware or paslfa. Amounts 3400 to $30,000 We collect all Interest and prlnolpal free of charge; 30 years In the Nebraska farm field without a lose la our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 801 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha Neb. Abstracts of Title. Title. Guarantee and Abstract Co., taCI I 06 B. Utb St.. ground floor. Bonded by Maaa. Bonding and Ina. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska 308 Brsndela Thea.or FARM AND RANCH LANDS California Lands. CAN sell you best land In California on your own terms. Call or phone W, T. Smith Oo., 914 City Nstl. Bk. Bldg. Minnesots Lands 40, 80 or 160 acres good heavy soil, well settled part of Todd county. Minn., good roads, schools and churches; price 316 to $20 per ajr; terms $1.00 per acre cash, balance 11.00 per acre a year; 4,000 acres - to select from. Agents wanted; will make a low railroad rats to Inspect Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM $10 cash and $6 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; close to 8 big markets. Write for phoLographs and full Information. Munger, A-111. N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. Montana Lands. WANTED About 36 families from the mid dle west to go to Montana and settle on our highly cultivated ranch, is mall pay ment down, balance in nine years; good schools, churches; excellent climate; big yields and high-priced markets; main line of railroad through tract You cannot do better anywhere In the west. Deal direct with owners and Join neit excursion. Call or write. Beaverhead Land Co., 1217 City Notional Bank, Omaha. References, Mer chants National Bank, Omaha. Neoi $i L..inds. 1,666 acres .near Wood lake; cuts 400 tons hay; running water; fair buildings; fen red ; this Is In the big hay country and this ranch la priced to sell; $12.60 per acre; turnis. THOMAS CAMPBELL, Keellne Building. FARM FOR SALE To settle an estate. 160 acres, Pawnee county; rich land, well Improved. House, large barn, or chards, abundance of water. Go and look It over. Address Uuy W. McCracken, 1619 Irwin Ave., N. 8. Pittsburgh, Pa. 120 AND 160 ACRES, 12 miles from Omaha P. O., within 6 miles of Benson and ulso trtc car. No trade. $160 per acre. JOHN N. FRENZER, 111 South 16th. 160 AND 80-ACHB Johnson county. Neb., farms; well Improved. A bargain In lm prjved 60 In Sarpy county. STEWART, 116 8. 17th. FOR SALE Best largo body high grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money rsqu.rud. C- Bradley, Wol- bach. Nob. - FOR SALE 160 acres Improved land In Cuming county, Neb,; price and terms right R. O. Berkheimer. Wiener. Neb, Texas Lands. TRACT of 2,900 acres near Fant City, Live Ouk county, Texas; all No. 1 land; fine for colonisation. Also 4.480 acres In Cheyenne county, Colorado. Will exchange for Income property or lands In North Dakota, Minnesota or Canada. Minneapo lis Rental Co., 306 Palace Bldg., Minneapo lis, Minn. Wisconsin Lands. UPPER WlbCONBIN fcesl dairy and gen eral crop stats In the union. Settlors wanted; lands for sals at low prices on ssy terms; excellent land for stoca raising. Ask for booklet 86 on Wisoouain Central Lattd Grant; state acres wanted. It Interested In fruit lands, ask fur book let on Apple Orchards. Address Land Com mlssloner Boo Rill way. Minneapolis. Mlna. Wyoming Lands. WYOMING homesteads, will locate you on choice 220 acres for 60o per acre. Frank Duff. Casper, Wyo. Miscellaneous, FARMS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE. 419 ROSE BLDG, TYLER 2487. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 'TOUNG TADPOLES 10c EACH. They are scavengers and will keep your fish globe In clean, healthy condition. MAX GE1SLER BIRD CO. DAMAGED WHEAT $1.25 I Wagner, 801 N. 16th. hundred. A. W. AUTOMOBILES 1318 OVERLAND, model 88, almoat new. Will aell for $460. Will eonalder Ford as part payment. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., 2047 Farnam St. Doug. 8280. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2209 Fa. nai.. Ht. Douglae 881). 1M6 Chalmers Roadster. 1916 Paige Touring, 1916 Dodge Tourlpg. 1916 Pullman Touring. VELlIi. 40, good condition, touring car, $128. Flanders "20," touring oar, $126. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., 2218 Farnam. AUTO INSURANCE Fire, Theft and Liability at lowest rates. KILLY. ELLIS A THOMPSON, f 18-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Don. 2618. BEB WANT-ADS OAINOD 99 MORE PAID ADS tnan any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven months 111$. Good rusults at less cost Is the reason why. IF YOU want to buy a Ford on payments, or borrow the money to buy one, see us. Cost $16 to $26 extra and legal Interest ABBOTT BROS. AUTO CO., Rm. 6. Patterson Blk. D 4816 City. WE will trade you' a new Ford for your old on. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO.. 10th and Harmy Doug. $381 NEARLY new 6-eyl-. fi-pass. high-grade touring ear to trnde for roadster of equal value. Address Room Ml. Harley hotel. MODEL 76, 1917 Overland roadsterT used very little; leaving city; extra tire, west covirs, etc. Box 4481, Hoe. CORD tiros for Fords, 30x8, $8.86: 30x3'A, $11.66. Zwlebel Uro. D. 417I. 2618 Fertuun BU AUTOMOBILES Auto Repairing and Painting. STROMIIERO SERVICE STATION For expert repalra on your ear, we GEOROE W. WILLIAMS, 1608 Jackeon St. Carburetore my apeclalty. Red 4142. 8100 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colla rvpalrrd Bayadcrfer, 310 N Ills. NEB Aoio' Radiator Repair Service and urlcee rlrht tl 8 I8lh St D 1330 Auto Storage and Garages. DON'T throw away old tlraa We make one new tire from 3 old ohm and savs you 6, par cent. 8 In I Vulcanising Co . 1618 Dev enport St.. Omaha. Neb Douglas $:4 EXPERT au'o repairing, 'service oar al ways ready." Omaha Oarage. 3010 Harney 8t Tvler 666 Auto Tires and Supplies. 86.000 STOCK of Pennaylvanla tires, guar anteed 3,000 miles, for aale at reduced prices by Duo Tire Co.. Ull Chlc.go. Automobiles (or Hire. FORD for rent You may drive It. I charge Motorcycles nd Bicycles H A R LEY-DA V1DSON MOTORCtCI.ES Bar gains In used mactlnea Victor Rooa. "The Motorcycle Man.' 73 lavenworlh REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Adam H. Kerst and wife to Ray P. Benolken, Eighteenth street, forty six feet north of M street, east side, 4xl30 f3.00 Anton Dvorak and wife to Josef Julie, Twentieth street, fifty feet norm 01 P streets, west Side, 60x130 Oak O. Redlck and wife to Thomas Spellman, Twenty-second street, 194 fft north of Boyd street, east side. 40x124 " Julia Welsh and husband to Hiram N. Way, Franklin street 400 feet west of Thirty-eighth street north side, 60x130 Jacob V. Shipley and wife to Homer Calhoon, Thirty-third street, 177 feet north of Grand avenue, oast aide. 40x134 Hiram N. Way and wife to Julia 780 600 400 Welsh, Thirty -fourth street, rorty stx feet north of K street, west aide, 23x70 1 Joseph Tuchek and wife to Peder Ped ersen. southwest corner Ninth and Dominion street 98x196 1,000 Oscar F. Ellison to Robert 8. Cain, Bauman street 86,6 feet west of Twenty-eighth avenue, north side. 42x130 4,280 Clinton A. Pch and wife to August Wolters, Evans street, eighty feet east of Twenty-fourth street north side, 44x74.6 2,400 Carl G. Ekatrom and wife to Abe Glnaburg, et al. Twenty-first street, 198 feet south of Clark street, east side, 66x140... 2,200 Michael Kulokoftky and wife to James W. Novak, Twenty-first avenue, fifty feet south of Howard street, cast side, 60x140 1 Frank W. Weber to Pierce Ryan, Wirt street 797.96 feet west of Twenty fourth street, north side, 66.41x267.8 600 Magdalena Twlsselmann, at a), to Vincent P. P. Chlodo, northeast corner Twenty-fourth and Pierce, 60.6x183 1 Frances R. Smith to Evelyn J. Alex- , ander, Forty-flrst street, 160 feet south of Davenport street, west side, 60x126 1 Mary E. Kennedy to Esther B. Ben ford, Forty-second street, 148 feet north of Farnam street, east side, 47x126 2 Norah G. Dow and husband to Meyer Caren, California street, $6 feet west of Twenty-second street north side, 66x182 1 Omaha Grain Men Sell 300,000 More Bushels of Wheat Omaha grain dealers have ' sold another block .of 300,000 bushels of wheat for export, this time at 12 cents above the Chicago market price for December delivery in New York. The sale was made on the basis of the Chicago December price, which now ranges around $1.54, this making the New York price on the trade at about $1.66, less the carrying charge of iS'i cents per bushel. The Omaha cash market on wheat was a 1 to 1J4 cents off, the sales bring made at $1.51 to $1.5J per bush el. The receipts were 102 carloads. Corn was 'A to M cent up, selling at 79 to B2'i cents per. bushel, with ten carloads on the market. ; Oats were strong and 'A to 'i cent higher. They sold at 44 to 44)4 cents per bushel. The receipts were fifty eight carloads. Chris Gruenther Forced to Sleep Without Nightie Chris M, Gruenther of Columbus, Neb., Senator Hitchcock's personal campaign representative, suffered a terrible experience Tuesday night at the 1'axton.. He was perturbed and disturbed. All because he had to sleep without his pyjamas. It was a new experience for the well known politician from the up-state country. It happened like this: Mr. Gruen ther registered at the Paxton. He tossed his grip to a bellboy and was assigned room No. 103. The bellboy misunderstood the number to be 503 and he delivered the grip accordingly. The missing grip was not discovered until this morning, after Mr. Gruen ther had lived through the livelong night without his "nightie." Makes Draft of the Cost of Free Bridge Preliminary drafts and estimates of the cost of the proposed free bridge across the Missouri prepared by County Engineer Lou Adams were sent to County Surveyor Howard of Pottawattamie county Saturday morning. Mr. Howard will compaie these estimates with those prepared by the Iowa state engineer and will take them before the board of army engineers of the Missouri division at Kansas City on Thursday. He will return to confer on estimates prepared by State Engineer Johnson of Nebraska at the luncheon of lead ers at the Commercial club Monday, when a definite plan of action will be mapped out. Want to Bring Wholesale Druggists' Convention Here Charles F. Weller, president of the Richardson Drug company, leaves Friday for Baltimore, where he will attend the annual convention of the Wholesale Druggists' association of the United States. C. E. Bedwell of the E. E. Bruce Wholesale Drug company has gone on ahead, having started yesterday. The two Omahans, officers of two of the largest wholesale drug houses west of Chicago, will invite the con vention of next year to meet in this ciy.t Two Big Cans of Gasoline Carted Away in Wagon Mrs. A. Alpern, 2219 Cass street, reports to the police that two men with a horse and wagon backed up to the barn to the rear of her house and stole two twenty-five-gallon cans of gasoline. CONVENTIONS POT OMAHA JIN THE MAP One of the Best Things Omaha Does is to Entertain Its Conventions Well. SENDS ALL AWAY BOOSTERS By A. R. GROH. Do you know that, on an average, there is a convention in Omaha every five days, the year 'round? Only four cities in the United States surpass Omaha in convention al importance. They are New York, Chicago, Detroit and Atlantic City. Seven Or eight years ago we had only ten conventions a year. Now we average seventy-five to eighty. Why is this thus? It is because Omaha is a cracker jack good city and because we have started making the fact known to people who hold conventions. The Bureau of Publicity attends lo this. It was organized six years ago. E. V. I'arrish is its secretary. Magnificence of Omaha, After listening to Mr. Parrish'a as tonishing facts and fingers and statis tics about Omaha one just feels that the glory of Rome and the splendor of Greece were no greater than the magnificence of Omaha, and that modern cities aren't "in it" at all with Omaha. The bureau is closely affiliated with the Commercial club, but is financed and administered separately, C. C. Rosewater, Rome Miller, W. F. Bax ter, W. H. Bucholz, E. Buckingham, H. E. Newbranch, Frank Keogh and J. L. McCague constitute its govern ing board. Wide-awake cities, you know, send their representatives to various big conventions to try to be selected as the "next meeting place." When these representatives see Mr. Parrish of Omaha coming they're just as glad as a pitcher is to sec Ty Cobb coming to bat with three men on bases. Omaha Has the Goods. For they know that Omaha has "the goods." It's like taking candy from an infant. The great advantage of having a convention here is that it advertises the city. Delegates are entertained and are shown the sights and told of the vast resourcs of this part of the country. Then they go home and each one is a "living, breathing, walk ing advertisement." It's a continual pleasure to see how surprised people are when they come here for the first time, how their eyes fairly bulge out with wonder. About 25,000 delegates attend conventions here each year. Real Ball Magnates. One of our most notable conven tions in the last two years was the National Association of Base Ball Leagues, in November, 1914. Ban Johnson, Garry Herrmann, "Charlie" Ebetts, Schuyler Britton and all those magnates were right here, rid ing along our streets, breathing our air, eating at our hotels. Wonderfull It was the first time this association had met west of the Mississippi river. Others that are easily remembered are the National Credit Men's asso ciation, National Association of Sta tioners and Manufacturers, National Press association, National Bankers' association, German saengerfest, and so on. In short, 150 conventions oi national importance have met here in the last six years. The Nebraska State Teachers' as sociation has been in Omaha six years in succession. Prior to 1910 it had met here only three times in thirty-seven years, which indicates how pmaha is growing in impor tance. , Closed Car Salon To Be Held First Days of November Thirty of the best types of the coachmakers' art and incidentally an exhibit of the highest priced automo biles in the market today will be shown at Omaha's First Annual Closed Car Salon in the Brandeis store on November 1. 2, 3 and 4. The show will include limousines, cab riolets, coupes, laundalets, Berlins and sedans. A committee of auto men headed by Clarke G. Powell, chairman, and including H. Pelton, W. L. Killy and Lee Huff waited on George Brandeis and determined the dates for the show. The cars will be set on the main aisle of the ground floor. It will be necessary to remove one of the big plate glass windows in the store to get the cars into the building. Already fifteen entries have been made, and auto men from out of town have shown an interest in the coming salon. Delegates Named to State ' Equal Suffrage Meeting Equal Franchise society will send the following delegates to the state suffrage conventions, which will be held at Hastings next Monday and x'uesday: Mrs. F. D. Wead, the presi dent; Mrs. Frank J. Odell, Mrs. J. P. White, Mrs. C. H. Dewey, Mrs. Philip Potter, Mrs. E. G. McGilton, Mrs. Harry B. Fleharty, Mrs. Fred Carey, Mrs. Myra Kelly, Miss Belle Dewey and Miss Mabel Dykeman. NATIONAL SCOUT LEADER TO COME Rotarians Take Action in "Big Brother" Movement at ' Directors' Meeting. TO BE MONTH'S CAMPAIGN Definite action in the matter of obtaining the service of a national boy scout leader to organize and train troops in Omaha was taken at a meet ing of the board of directors of the Rotary club following the noonday weekly meeting and luncheon at the Henshaw rathskeller. The decision of the Kotarians to pay the expenses of the leader to Omaha is in line with the club's launching a couple of weeks ago the "big brother," or Junior Kotarian movement The boy scout campaign will be of a month's duration, the national leader to remain here through at least that period. After the leader ar rives in Omaha the movement, the Rotarians have assured, will become city-wide. Committee Is Appointed. " The committee appointed to work nut the details th. r.fflMiee anil arrange for the boy scout leader's visit to Omaha is as follows: C. H. English, superintendent! of recreation in the public schools, chairman: Dan Baum, Superintendent of Schools Graff, Rev. T. J. Maekay, Harley Morehead, Dr. Alfred Tyler, John W. Welsh and Harry Weller. Omaha Rotarians heard all about til fin nninl. nl "A kTavw f-.m-' the weekly meeting. G. N. Aulabaugh, a furrier, was the principal speaker, choosing as his subject one of which the average per son knows little about i ' He told of the tricks of the trap per in obtaining the fine fox skins in the northern country skins which bring little to the ignorant Indian or the backwoods trapper, but which are worth a king's ransom when made into furs for milady. Shows Valuable Collection. Mr. Aulabaugh exhibited a collec tion of fox skins, ranging in value from $35 to $1,100 each. He showed one particularly fine silver fox skin, which, when made into a set, will set some woman of fashion and means back a couple of thousand dollars. That American women have bought more fox skins in the last three years than they did in the previous decade was the statement of Mr. Aulabaugh. He also mentioned the fact that St. Louis was now the great primary fur market of the world, wresting that place from Europe when the war started. It is doubtful, he said, if London or any other European capi tal will ever regain the former pres tige in the fur market world. Marshall F. Sharp acted as chair man of the meeting. Invitations to AH Functions for the President Limited Mrs. Woodrow Wilson will accom pany the president to Omaha on Oc tober 5. The semi-centennial com mittee has been advised to that effect and will make arrangements accord ingly, subject to the approval of the president and his wife. The committee has decided tint in vitations to functions in connection with the president's visit must be lim ited, so the committee decided to ex tend the invitations as follows: Semi centennial committee of 100, Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, elective state officers, federal officials and the governors of six ad joining states. Here is a Chance For Young Men Not Too Good Looking One at a time; please don't crowd. Mayor Dahlman received from Pat erson, N. J., a letter from a young woman, who wrote as follows; "I have heard of the fine young men in Omaha and would like very much to choose one of them for my husband. I am 19 years of age and considered good looking, and have a fine figure. The young man must not be good looking, but must have good principles and not afraid of work; also must be a Hebrew." - Omaha eligibles who are interested may have the young woman's name and address by calling at the mayor's office. nam CH AS. STORE1 s-TA. I Il-J,:l.t:l l.-3j:S