THE BEE: OMAHA, ' SEPTEMBER 1916. Want-Ad Rates kCARH WITH OBDKB. ' pr word .aoh Inaertlon (S olid no dla.lejr.) Ada Paragraphed or Dot Id Dlaplay Style. le par lino -....on. tlmo To por lino throo eoneecuttv. tUnol (CMtttalx worda lo th. line.). ' CHARGE BATES I to pet On. J'"" So por lino throo conaecutlv. time. (Count eU word, to tho Una.) Special Ratool Farm mad Ranch Lande. To par Hno throo eoneecutlv. time. (Count ate wordi to Iko lino.) TORSION ADYERTIBlNO tTNDErl AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSI FICATIONS. Ic par word lnw l(4c por word thm fwnaecutrveiinTr. NO AD TAKEN rOB LEHS THAN A TOTAL OF tSe OB LESS tmh Ihl DAT. CARD OF THANKS, DEATH AND FU NERAL WOTICER. lto por lino i oach taaortlon (Hlntmtjra ehariro 10 cent..) MONTHLT RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (No ehango of oopy allow..) Ono Hno. V." !!! Two or mow por lino 11.10 (Count ela week, to the lino.) (Contract too on application.) THE BEE will not bo rooponolblo tar mm than ono Ineorroet lnaortlon of an advor tleement ordered for moro than ono tlmo. ADVERTISERS ohould rotaln rocalcta (Ivon br Tho Boo In payment for Want Ada, aa no mletak. can bo rectified wlthoot thorn. CSB THE TELEPHONE If To" cannot Con .ealontly brine or aand In your ado Aek for a Want-Ad Takor. and you will ro oolvo the .earn, food aorvlco aa whon do UvortBf rour ad at tho offlc. PHONE TTLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE. EVENING EDITIONS '. 1J: at. MORNING EDITIONS ' P K MOVIE PROGRAM Currant ffarmra Beat. (CkaaaW Dally.) ' Oowntowtu FARMAH. ll FABNAM afARQURITB CLARKE IN THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER PRINCESS 1117-11 DOUOLAS BLUEBIRD. RBDFEATHER AND UNIVERSAL PRODUCTIONS lo PRESENTED HERE FIRST to Seventh Bplaflde "LIBERTY" ANIMATED WEEKLY ."HIGH SPEED". . COMEDT North. HTH ANP B1NNEI "THE FAMILY STAIN," (5-Reel) . AND ' COMEDT LOTHROP. MTH AND LOTHROP ' NANCE O'NEIL --v IN "THE SOUL BONDAGE" , ANP cuymuT SUBURBAN I4TH AND AMES JACKIE SAUNDERS, In "THE WATS OF A WOMAN" . "GRIP OF EVIL," and a Drama. "LETITIA" South. AT0Ll6 . 1ITU AND LEAVENWORTH LOO TKLLEGEN i "THE UNKNOWN" BOULEVARD. IID AND LEAVENWORTH ANITA STEWART,' In . "THE DARING OF DIANA ALSO A OOMKDT. COMFORT, jTTH AND VINTON "A FLAW IN THE EVIDENCE." STINGER STUNG" MOVIE-STRUCK . . . , SHE AMEHUJA LIRIC. ,.. 17TH AND VINTON " "GIRL IN LOWER 9" A 8IL1.T SULTAN "SECRET OF THE SUBMARINE" KoioZv7 ' ' ,. 1661 LEAVENWORTH FRANK KEEN AN IN "THE PHANTOM" West TlST AND UNDERWObb Sl'NDEB DOUOLAS FAIRBANKS, In "FLIRTING WITH FATE "A BI1.LT SULTAN," Comady HONROB" FARNAM "THE BELOVED VAGABOND." BT WM. J. LOCKE FEATURING EDWIN ARDEN ,, IN NATUKAL. lAJLUIta OMAHA 40TK AND DODOE . NERA OERBBR . - IN .. ,'THB CASTLE OF DESPAIR" CARTER DB HAVEN IN COMEPT South Side. HTH AND N. FRANCIS NELSON IN "THE REVOLT" 14TH AND M ' FANTONIAS" AND "ROLLING TO RUIN." OKI'HKUU 34TH AND M B I LI -IK BURKS In . , ' OI.ORIA'8 ROM A NCR" TATTT'B TINTYPE T ANOKA" WEEKLY. DEATHS ftUNERALJNOTICES. PYPK. HBIJRN TIHRT,age 67, Beptem bar 14. Hervlcea at Hoffman's. Funeral homt, Monday 8:80 p. m. Interment. Beatrice Neb. Remains leaving via Bur- it niton. Tuesday I .SO a. m.. She la aur- vlved by Ave daughters and flva eons - Mra- Gertrude Htuhldnar, Mra. Baran nrluls. Mra. BUaabath Andaraoiw Hanry. tiaorf, Frank, Athur and Cornallua, all of Omana; Mra, wary rrmar, ofainca. UHAT Thiiatlna, Beptarobar 16, 191S. ag 4.7 vaara. Funaral trvtew will b hald from Bratlay Porrance'i chapel, Nlnataantn and Cumtnf atraata, Wadnaaday. Saptam bar IT, at I o'clock p m. Intarmant Wait Lawn eamatary. Frlanda Invltatl ' CARD OF THANKS. WE with to thank tho many frlondi that wore ao kind and aympathotle durlnf our lato boreavomont for tholr proaenoo and for tho floral offerinaa at tho funoral of ourbolOTod husband and fathor. MRS. JI'RGEN PAHL, . HANS PAHL, t t HENRY PAHL, MRS. CARL HAMANN. , MRS. PAUL STRATH MANN. Monumentr (.nd Cemeteries. pE.AUilKl.La marker, tablets and eroaeea for unmarked graved. Redman Orave Marher Co.. 14T? Bpe&oer St Webstar laOL FUNERAL DIRECTORS. uvrn JOHNSTON, amnaimera and tu neral dtractora 711 tt. uth Tyler Ilia. tt. K. RUHKKT dt HON Kuneral direeurs and am ba I roar, io leevenworth. Har. fa. liCLJia. KIKflCN. ndfrtakers and an balmara. 1l tt. mti ' Uoagiaa It3. FLORISTS. BRftT QUALITY CUT FLOWERS wt plants. Art ComMnatlona, etalppad every vbara. Bxoellent aarvlea to our cuatom- tre tn past years reoemmaads HUOS A wo wjva, Mie ramam au Pong. lsL LARQE8T ASSORTMENT of fresh flawarsT iflivared or aalppe anywhere. L. HEN' PERSON, lalt Farnam Bt. Pquk. Ills. Pantenello PloiiaL LEE L. LARMON 1114 Donglag. Doug. 1141 fAHKBrl Plower Shop. 411 S. llth. D. 1101 a. uuflAUHUs, ten Marnoy. Lwug. loai. HATU, nonet. 1IM Paruaa St. D. 1044. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ALL members of Ruth Rabekah lodca. No. I. ara requested to attend the funeral of Slater Chrtatlna dray. HMnuriiy at I p bl zrvtn isratiey at jjorrance cnapei. y ANNA LVNPBLL. Noble Grand, RObB GOLUEN'p Secralary. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tho following pormlta to wad hava boon laiuod: Namo and Rcoldaneo. . Ago. J. Waltor Doyla, Omaha H Loulao Kolloia Lawla, Omaha t Ellaworth W. Davla, CarlUlo, la I! Mario E. Campboll, Omaha. It Martin Oraca Omaha 16 Manarat Mlaktll, Omaha 10 Earl Olbbona, Council Blufra. la 14 Anna M. Loo. Council Bluffa, la ! Goorfa Johnaon, Omaha 37 Haael Cumpaton, Omaha It Clyde EJ. Honnlnger. Omaha 17 Amolla B. Throop, Omaha 10 Brloo Donald Brlrra. Logan. Ta 11 La Vina Mynatar, Council Bluffa II Stanllaw Btcfanikt, Omaha II Annla Csaja, Omaha 21 Hugh Faulknor, Otratlah. Kan 14 Nallla Kllkonny, Omaha It Anthony E. Gerhard, Oakland CaL.OTor 11 Ellaabath A. Zoth, Omaha oror II Honry Hunt, Kanaaa City. Kan..,.ovar II Julia Dlckor,, Atlantic, la ovor II Frank M. Dueoman. Humphroy, Nob.... H Ellaabath Fang-man, Omaha 10 Charlaa A. Carllala, Omaha II Alicia K. Straw, Omaha II BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha John C. and Bcaala Morua, 1J70 Camdan avonuo, boy: Oaotano and Fran caoca Canlgla, 711 Plarco, girl; Jamea A. and Hattlo M. Moran. 4107 Wobstor, girl; Charloa O. and Olga Donnoll. hoapttal, boy; Roy J. and Irana Archor, KOI Wirt, girl; John and Edna tli South forty- flrot, girl; John and Emma Berrlah, Eaat Omaha, boy; Auguat H. and Conotanco A. Clandlna, 1S0I Brlitol, boy; Potor and An nla Poarka, 1415 N, boy; Frank and Julia Kratochvll, 1401 South Eighteenth, boy; Vojtach and Anna Povondra. 1414 Dorcaa, girl; William and Doala Yetta, 1621 Madl aon, girl; Sam and Bather Segal 1MI North Twenty-third, girl; Stanley and Ub lad Kopala, 1111 South Twenty-alith, girl. Deatha Helen Tlhart Dyck, 17, 11 La fayette; John William Coffey, 1 month, 1417 Manderaon; Charlaa O. Delander, 14. 1111 Ontario; Samuel Weber, 40, Fifteenth and Farnam; Mra. Roblna Hunt, l, hoapllal; John Sagyna, 11, Pattoraon block; Beatrice Upah, 1 1U0 Harrlaon: Clara Zraunla, I, 1201 Q.' BUILDING PERMITS. Fred Kahman, 401 North Forty-thtrd. frame dwelling, ll.OOt; Carl Shop, 4114 South Sllteenth, green house, 00; John Piute. 4411 South Thirty-fourth, frame dwelling, I1.M0. ATTRACTIONS MERRT-OO-ROUND at German Homo Park Carnleal from Sept 14 to Oot I. at 4404 South llth St. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS ir TOU loa anything and will advartlaa It hara. you will auruly racovar It If found by an bonaat paraon. Ramarkabl racov rlaa ara brought about avary day through thla column. TH K LAW Paopl who And loat artlclea art Intaraatad In . knowing that tha atata law la atrlct tn raqulrlng tham to aaek tha ownar through advartlaemant and otharwlaa, and that a failure to do ao, If same can ba proven, Involvee a aa rloua panalty, OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT. Peranns having loat eoma article would ' do well to call up tha office of tho Omaha Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain wnather they left tt In the . ttreet ear. Many articles each day ara turned tn nd tha company le anxious to raatore them to the rightful owners. Call Tyler 100. LOST Friday evening between Saunders school and picture show at 40th and Dodge, a package of Jewsle. Vary liberal reward. Phone Walnut 1301, Mrs. Bis ter, 361 No. flat Ave. ' 1 LOST Brown partfello conUlnlng Impor tant papers of Huie Pubis hing company. Norfolk, Nab. Finder send coiiect Ameri can Express Co.. Norfolk, Nabraaka. Re ward. LOST Ladles diamond ring, Tiffany set ting. May have been loat In Empress theater or treat ear. Liberal reward. AAAmmm V aid Uau ' LOST Black leather hi 11 book, containing H bill: also Orand Island auto bank cnecit book and personal expense acoount for July. Liberal reward. Phone Doug. 4010. LOST While ahoDDlns- Saturday, ladles 7 diamond ainnnr ring, riaiinum sailing, valued .gift. Liberal reward. SC6I Janes. Douglas czzi, LOST Between municipal beach and 30th and Ohio, medlum-aisad brown traveling hag; with clothes and poeketbook, T. 134D-W. f LOST -Sunday It tn downtown' dlatrtot Planmond stick pin. Reward for return, or information, Addraai Box 0173, Bae. ROMAN gold watch, monogram R. E. M. on hack, Monmouth Park school, Harbert Bktdmoie, Colfax 444. Reward. LOST Oold watch fob, Monday, with name Chan. h. Baoher engraved. Return to same at Loyal hotel, LOST Saturday afternoon on crose-town car, black purse containing 111 Call Webster 1143. Liberal reward. SOUND pin with pearls, lost August 34; suitable reward, iioi LrOcuaL Web, 7413. FOR SALE MisKellancous Furniture and Household Goods. EARLY AK-flAR-BEN VISITORS. Make a vlilt to our great undarwrltara Furniture Sale. Wo Will Save Tou Money. .STATE FURNITURE) CO. Cor. Uth A Podge. Douglas 1317. BARGAINS In furniture tilt Sept, SO: China closets, 17 to 10; chiffon tar s, & to 17.10; hall racks, 93 to 97: sideboards. 97 to 911; buffets, 93; rockers and tables at equally low prices. 1417 Harney St. STOVES, furniture, rugs, bedding and linen of all kind. Open till I p. m. Do 1 goff, 1339 N. 34th St PRIVATE SALE All household goods, fur- nlture, ruga, ehtnaware, etc, 311 N. Opposite high school. FURNITURE cheap, acct, moving. Call H. 4133 or D. 0383 for appointment FOR SALE Black walnut sideboard cheap. Colfax 1381.. Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand hew, oaroom and pocket, with complete outfit, 9133; second-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and luppltes; ' aasy payments. Cigar stores, drug, dell cataasen and solda fountain fixtures. THE BRUN8WICX-BALKE-C0LLENDER CO., 407-401 South 10th BL Machinery and Engines. MEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 113-30 B. llth St., Omaha. DEEP well drilling machine for aale at one fourth Its value. Tubular and hydraulic equlpmant. Good condition. Address Y 410, Bee. BOILERS, steam, electric, gas engines, ptpas. Proas Wrecking Co.. llll Cuming. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watchea. BRODUOAARD'S-'Luvky Wedding Rings" at lth and Pouglaa Sta. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., a Ho publlo Steno'. Phone tor prices. Douglas 1101 140 Paxton Blk. Qat our prices on Job printing. CAMPAIGN CARDS A SPECIALTY. U. 8. PTO. CO., BEE BLDQ. DOUO. 1171, WATKRS-BARNHART Ptg O. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 1130. 134 8. llth St. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES 'X We rent, repair, sell needles and parts I au sawing mac nines. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYOLB CO., Hth and Harney Bts. Doug. H43. Typewritersjand Supplies, NEW machines sold tha a me as renti li per month. Sea us before you buy or rent, omippea any piece en tan days free trial. Butte Typewriter Exchange, in b. mm, umana. nan. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired' Rent an Oliver Typewriter, 1 months for i. Central Type writ In Exchange, ltOl Farnam. REMINGTONS, Monarch and Smith Premiers for rent; sent anywhere. Ram' ington Typewriter company. D. 1114. WE BUY, sell and 'axchange typewriters. Guaranteed typewriters 910.00 up. Write for list. Midland Co., Bee Bldg. SAVE 10 pet. on your typewriter supplies' Call Midland Co.. Doug. 3M7. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to buccess. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Miscellaneous. STOLEN A model 85-4 Overland touring ear No. 7031 was atolan from near inn and Harney Sta., Omaha, Neb., September 13. This Is the property of the Van Brunt Automobile Co., Council Bluffa, and for any Information leading to locating this car there la a reward of 920. Plaaaa notify us at our expense If you And this car. FOR 8ALE Car fancy sprayed apples, Jonathan and lata sorts; cloee caah price. Everbearing strawberry plants 9100 per 100; Walnut. 9100 bushel. Wick ham Berry Farm, Salem, fitb. Home-made grape win. " $1.25 PER GALLON. Sunk let port, full quart, 60 cents. Old Taylor whleky, full quart, 31 cents. CACKLEY BROS. DESKS, safes, scales, ahowcaaee, ahelvlng. etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture Jc Supply Co., 414-19-11 B. 12th. Doug. 3734, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat- treeies made over In new tlcka at half the price of new onea. Phone . us for sample of ticking. Mall orders filled. 107 Cuming St. Douglas UiT. BKE want-ada GAINED lt,fi MORE PAIIP ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven montha 1314. GOOD RESULTS AT tUBl IS THE REASON WHY. SIX frame dwellings of from 4 to I rooms, each for aale at a bargain. To be removed. American Security Co., corner 17th and Douglas St. Phone Douglas son. ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE. Thirteenth and Douglas. Bottled In bond whisky, 36c, 31-08, 11.31 full quart. OANO PLOW 8-bottom, 14-ln., I axtra sharea; 85 gallons paint, izzz aiat Ave. Rnneon. RADIANT Home base burner. No. 7-K; double heater; great bargain. 3310 Cum ing. .. DRY KINDLINO WOOD, ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1117. LARGE wardrobe trunk, coat 9&B new; will aell cheap. 321 tt S. llth. TOMATOES for canning; right kind. Your laat chance. Colfax 129B. WANTED TO BUY 1TTTTMAM Hilheet Price. J -a for Furniture. Kuae, Ctothea, Planoi, Office Furniture, Trunke, Shoee. Doualia 8171. Rea., Webeter 4104. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, said and traded. J. C. Reed, 1307 Farnam. HOLMES ays your price for second-hand clothea. ahoes and hats. Web. 1120. Schaplro, Beat prices do., fur. Web. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1,000 lettnr head,, $2.40; 1,000 envelope., II. THE PR1NTINO HOUSE OF MAUER, Phone fou.. 7744. 1411 Farnam St. BRODEOAARD'S "I.uckr Wedding RlnkV' . at 14th and Dourlaa Sta DAT and T M C. A. Mfht School. Art. CHINA FAINTING tauiht, apeclal club price. 414 8. 17th St. Harney 1,41. Accountant,. a. A. DWORAK, c. P. A., A. VAN ORDER. Ill Ramge Bid,.. Phone Doug. 1141. Brass snd Iron Foundries, Paiton-Mltchell Co., 17th and Martha Sta. ' Bakeries, CAKES, 'Pa. try and fancy bakery! gooda aupplled to partlea, lodge, and entertain menta. Z. H. Reeder, 1(01 N. hth. W.UJ7. ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERT. Ill N. llth ST. BRANCHES PUHLIC MARKET AND H AYDEN BROTHERS. 'OUR MOTTO" BETTER BAKED GOODS. LET US PROVE IT. Baths. DR. BENDA--Sulphur. ateam. Modara TurKIID BATHS AND MASSAUB. Private apartmenta for ladl.a, with lady attend ant!, llll Farnam, Phone, Doug. 4477. Dr. W. H. Knollenberg, combining Sulphur Hteam Bathe ft Chlropractlo treatmeota, II for 130: alnglo adju.tlng. II. Lady at tendant!. S. W. Cor. 14th ft Far. St. D. 7111. KITTKNHOUBK Sanitarium; all kind, hatha. 110-214 Balrd Blk., nth ana pouglaa. - Buttons and Pleating. DRESS PLEATINO, emetlichlng and cc-v- , ereu Duiion., vaa Arnum vim rri.i Ing and Button Co., Id floor Paxtoo Blk. JJouglaa 3101. Whit. Broa, contractora, bulldera, Jobbing. neq vvbi. assr. rvora guaranieaa C. W. Hokanaon, 1506 Leaven'th. Ty. llll-J. Leaaard ft Bon, 1104 Capitol Ave. Tyler llll. Cleaning and Pressing, SUITS preeaed, e&c; cleaned and preaeed, II. Phil Qreenatone. 1406 Harney. Red 1741. W. 1IADSEN, ISIS Leavenworth. Tyler 1144. Costumes. THEATRICAL gowua, lull dreai aulta. for rent. zo N. 17th. John Feldman. D. llll. Cameras and Finishing. "REXOETaJ" cameraa, -IM-lu, li.00: (nnl v.rsal fovua lena), Ureen'a Pharmaoy, llth and Howard. See them tod.y. Chiropractic. Dr.. John.ton. Hit "W. O. W. Bldg. D. llll. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. DR. BUHIIORN & modern aanltary chiro practic adjuetlng parlora 414-11 Roae Bid. D. 4147 Palmor Sch. grad.: lady attend't DR. KNOLLBNBERO, 8. W. Ci.rner 24th , and Farnam Sti. Phone Douglaa 7116. Dr. Franeea Dawson. 603-4 Ro.e Hid. Ty.2111 Dr. J. C. Lawrence. ) Bnlrd Bldg. D. 1411. Dressmaking. ACCORDION Side. Knife, Boa Pleating. Cov. Button., .Hcmatltchlng. Neb. Pleating ft Button Co., til l Paiton Blk. R. 4141 DRESSMAKING, romodellt g, day or homo. Mlaa M. Coe, 1104 8. I6ih Ave. H. 1401. FOR STYLE, r.eaonable prloe In your fall dregsce, Hpe Atklnaon Co., 1402 Farnam. OOWNS and aulta a apeclalty. Work guaran teed. Webeter 4140. DRESS MAKING Balrd Bldg. Reaeonable pricea. 200 A-l DREPHMAK1NO, 2112 Elm. Red Ml Ktilater Dreaamaklng Col . T6:4 City Nat'l. Terry Dreaamak'g college, 20th and Farnam. FIRST-CI.A8S drraamaklng. Harney lilt. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. aecuied In all caaaa. Tyt, r 11SS. Dancing Academy. DU LUXE EKT School Monday and Wedneaday Eva. Dance Tuea.. Thurs., Sat.,. Sun. Night Keep Dancing Acdy.;-.'rh."d Claaa Mon. ave, claaa and aaaembly Wed. eve. Private leaaona any time. D. 7860. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No. pain. Ill W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rma 801 RoaeBidg. D. !1I4. Attorney at Law. FRANCIS MORiAN, 118 ee. Douglaa 4041. Expert Masseurs MANICURINl), facial maaaage, by aapert maaaeuae, 117V. N. llth St., eppoalt. poat- office. Room 808, dally, evening.. Express Companies. TWIN CITY Eipreaa Co., 1621 Caea St Douglaa 1717. Heavy hauling a apeclalty. ANYWHERE 25c WB72104 Everything for Women, ACCORDION, aide, knife, aunburat. boi pleating! covered buttona. all alaea and atylea; heraetttchlng; pleot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, buttonholea. mnntnu IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINO CO.. 100 Douglaa Blk. Douglaa llll. Furnara fMan,no, EL8AS8KR, rurnaca cleanera; work KU&r ante.d; beat pricea. 1121 8. llth. D. 6qi. Fixtures and Wirim FiTTPlfTM E'rlo waahlng machlnee. electrlo Iron, and reading lampa. 1228 Cuming St Douglaa 2611. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlora, 107 Bulrd Bldg. Manl curlng. toilet artlclaa. Douglaa 1186. Hat Cleaning and Blocking. STRAW, Panama, aU klnda hata cleaned and reblocked. 1611-1620 Harney. Hand Laundry, CALL DOUOLAS 4426 and hava year lan dry done right and reaeonable. Job Printing. OATE CITY Printing Co., high grade prlnt Ing. 1621 N. 14th. Phone Web. 1417. Justices of the Peace! " II. II. CI.AIUOH.NE. 611 Paxton Blk Red 740l Notary J'ubllc; dpait!on. ateno. ti. W. BR1TT7 101 Barker. Block. " ANNOUNCEMENTS t Uasseures. Sctentlfto maaaage; baaha. 1411 Farnam St. i Osteopath!. Dr. Mary And.Veen, 406 Bee Bldg. P. Jill. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter national Patent Co., 642 Brandela. D. 1411. H. A 8TURQIS, 410 Brandela Th. D. I46li Pension Attorneys. S. I. Gordon. 761 Om. Nat. Bk. D. 146(1. Pianos for Rent. 18.60 per mo. A. Co., 1611 Douglaa. Rug Manufacturer!. FLUFF ruga from old carpet.; rag ru-. a apeclalty; cleaning and alteratlona. Peery Rug Factory, z.zz uuming. neq ..... Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. "! 8. llth. P. 621. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINQ announcements and printing. Douglaa Printing Co.. T.l. Doug. 644. Vacuum tleaneri. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT, II AND 11.61 PER DAY. DOUOLAS 1740. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IT TOU have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run It In this column for seven daye It only coat lie and lo per answer. This offer Is good only In Omaha, and excludes Real Eatate, caah offers, and Business Pro pert! fa Kor Sale or Trade. Thaae, as well aa mall orders for use of Bwappeia' Column, must pay regular rates. One or two anewera are sufficient to make your trade and the whole trans action only coats snout 30c. Try ti. GREATER increase In PAID WANT-ADS in THE BKE than in any otner Omaha paoer. 12,021 MORES PAID WANT-ADS first seven montha llll over aame period of 1116 This figure exceeds by 19,688 paid ads the Increase of any other Omaha pa- per for the aame period. HAVE about 100 books, good condition, by some of the best American and Engl lab authors, and 4x1 Pre mo., which I will swap for part or all for diamond, watch, or what have you? Addreia P, Dee office, Bouth Omaha. ADDINQ MACHINE; Walea adding ma chine, perfect condition, like new; will exchange for office furniture, typewriter or wnat nave you 7. Address a u 3. Baa. WANTED To exchange a Carvers chair, Plata and ous rack for sanitary or woven - wire cot and mattress. Must be In good condition. Addreai 8. C. 17 J -Bee. BA8EBURNER. new last winter ($16) to trade for canned fruit or what have you? Will consider any other thing ot equal vajue. Address H C, 481. Bee. WELL equipped Indian motorcycle; can use aiamond. mgn grade small camera or szx lA 8. D. tires; owner In city on Sundays .only. Box, 8. C. 421. WANTED to swap a new Cygnet rear car for a side pleasure ce? or delivery car i net win nt any make ot motorcycle. Box 8. C. 411. Re. FILMS developed, free when prints are or dered, service. KASK STUDIO, 111 Neville block, 16th and Harney. WILL trade my S-paaaenger touring car for diamonds or Vlctrola. Aniwer quick for good trade. 8. C. 411. A LITTLE AD In thla column will bring about soma 1 remarkable exchanges. BUSINESS CHANCES MOV1NO PICTURE THEATERS. Western Iowa and Nebraaka locations, exclusive houses, towns 1.600 to l,3i0; guaranteed strictly money makers; ma chines, chairs, screens, ate naw and slightly used. OMAHA THEATER 8UPPLT CO, Balrd Bldg. Omaha. Neb. OFFICIAL Iowa County aeat newapaper for sale, or trade for Nebraska ranch with stock and machinery. Willing to assume mortgage. Value 110,000. Fine equtp ment. Address T 112, Bee. FIRST CLASS blackamlth ahop In west ern town, good bualneaa and great future. Ill health caused from Injury forcea ma to sell at once. A. Brodfuehrer, Mitchell, Neb. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hard ware, live town, central Nebraska. Oood reaaen for selling. Be quick. Addresa T 267. Bee. BEE WANT-ADS GAINED 11,591 MORE PAID AD8 than any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven months llll. Oood results at leas cost Is the reason why. HOTEL For sale or trade; good country notei. doing good bualneaa; must sell or trade on account of health. Boa 141, Utica, Neb. FOR SALE brug store In a final. Iowa town. Fine farming country. Will trade (or land if right. Oood proposition. Beat of reasons for selling. Address T 107, Bee. DOCTOR Wants location to practice medl cine with offloa In or near a good drug store to prescribe for his practice. Re ply, E., Falli City, Neb. WB HAVE a very attractive opening for a nigh grade experienced real eatate promo ter, with or without some capital. Box llll, Omaha Bea. 1 ' IF TOU want to aetl or buy a business or rooming house call on Buarh Borghoff, 710 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. lilt. WE BUT, we sell motion picture theaters. machines, reatura films. Co-Ope rati ve Film and Supply Co.. 210 Bromley Bldg. WILLIAMS, establlahed 10 years. To huy or sell business see him. 411 McCague Bldg. Reference, U. S. Nations! Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out mora mdse. atocks than any other firm In U. S, Write for terms. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange. 108 S. 14th St. - FOR SALE by owner Drug atore, dwelling and stock; square deal. Address owner, til West flth Ave., Denver. Colo. FOR SALE Complete butchers' flxtures and too la win sell right, write to J. ll. Ku cera, Fullerton, Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 18c PER LINE. Day work or bualneaa ada, regular rates. 1 lines one week.., 80c 1 lines ono week. 46c Each extra line 16c per wek. Male. PRACTICAL FARMER OR RANCHMAN, Married, small family ; competent to take charge atock. grain or dairy, handle farm building construction, frame or con crete; good handling and training colts; salary or a hare. Box 6311 Bea. WANTED Position tn offlae. law pre ferred, by college graduate; age 14; good typist; two yra. experienca. Address Boa C260, Bee. WANTED By young man, 36, poaltlon at anything; good office man, bookkeeper and can do stenographic work; am willing to earn my meney. Bo 1426, Bee. WANTED Work for experience only . In auto repair ahop, Sunday and after 1 p. m. 6 years experience machinist. Box 6394. Bee. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants posi tion Can furnish beat references. Phone Doug. 6006. Elms Hotel. Room 34. FARMERS For quick and reliable help, phone Douglas 7870. Raymond's La bor Agency. Ull Douglaa St. WAOTEDPosltion In office by law atu dent from 1. to 1 p. m. and Saturdays; good typlat. 'Address Box 6221, Bee. CANDY MAKttR Stf wanted by first class all-around candy maker, can ngure prices. 10 yeara of age and married. Box 1401, Bea MAN and wife, no children, wish work on farm or ranch. Best references. Address F. I.ockwood, 1121 Ijeavenwor'h, upstairs. MIDDLE agd white man wants employ ment at night. Must - be ateady Job. six montha, twice a year. Box 1210, Bea. EXPERIENCED Janitor, houaeman and re pair man, for hotel or rooming house, city or country. Box llll, Bea. TOUNO MAN wants employment avenlngs after 1. Experienced in cigar store. Box am, nee. WANTED Steady position by plumber and ateam fitter; married man. Address t fit, Bee. POSITION WANTED In the bookkeeping or accounting una, box . Bee. Hotels and Retfeuraj. RELIABLE EMPLOTMENT AQENCT. 1110 Davenport St. Douglas lilt. Headquarters for hotel help. Female. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public stenographer and notary publlo. 107 Bee Bldg. Doug. llll. Reaa. rata. THE BEE charge for "Situation ada" Is lower than any oiner rorm oi aaveruems f-not enough to cover tha cost of printing. SITUATIONS WANTED Female. TOUNO lady typlut would like home work. Phons So. 1421. Addreaa 1404 O St! MIDDLE-AOED lady dealrea place as houaa keeper for bachelor or widower. Doug. 73T1. WANTED Position aa chambermaid or general housework. Call Harney llll. WANTED Permanent poaltlon by expert enced lady bookkeeper. Harny 3411. FIRST-CLASS colored cook, with city ref erence; ahesKat ion. Tyler 10 TAJ. FIRST-CLASS chambermaid wishes posi tion In city; colored. Web. 117J WA8HJ Iron; take home., go out. R 1064. FOR practice! nurse call 8. Sill. Laundry and Day Work. PERFECT washing, day or bundle, perm s nently established, strictly dependable. Webater 3184. BUNDLE w.tshlng; piece work; lace cur tains: work guaranteed. Web. .1104. DAT work, cooking; col. iady.Web. U7L LAUNDRY work and day work. Web". 1401. BUNDLE wanning and day work. Web. 1141. FIRST-CLASS laundress by day. Web. 6027. B die wash; call, del.; guar. Mra. Eait.H. 1164 Eperieneed lady wants day work. H. 4642 DAT work wanted. Phoni Harney 1461. Nkundle washing and day work. Web. 4H2. BUNDLE waahlng done. Harney 3102. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS wanted In every town for Day karosene Burners, for cook ranges. Wast gt McL.. 1107 Leavenworth. Omaha. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER 176.00 STENOGRAPHER 10.00 LEDGER CLERK M OO SALESMAN (AUTOS) 100.00 THE CANQ. AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDQ, LEDGER CLERK., must ba competent and experienced, 166-176. THE MARTI CO., HIT W. O. W. Bldg. STENO,, $76 ; Burroughs opr. f 60 ; bank clerk, $60-176; office clerk, 140. WATTS REF. CO., 840 Brand. Thea. Professions and Trades. Wanted, Gordon Press Feeders, Steady Work. U. S. Printing Co.. Main Floor Bee Bldg. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATES. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., Nebraska's Greatest Employment Bureau. 1J16-11 City National Bank Bldg. YOUNG MAN, atudy law: EVENING down town SESSIONS. UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA law department. Sec'y Thorn sen, 401 Omaha National Bank. WANTED Bridge carpenters and form builders for heavy timber work. Apply to general foreman. Phoenix Construction Co,, foot Leavenworth. WANTED First class forwarder and finish er. Permanent Job for good man. Deltch ft Lamar Co., Sioux City, la. 8HOWCARD writing taught evga. by work ing expert, complete for $10. Address Box 4663. Bee. WANTED Photographer. Good position for right party. Pompelan Studio, Bran dels Stores. WANTED All around upholster. State wages. Address Union Mattress Co., Sioux City, la. WANTED Quod barber at onoa. No stu dent. $14 guarantee. S. P. Varney, Ana ley, Neb. JEWELER'S engraving taught eventnga by expeit. Complete for $10. Box 1361 Bee. WANTED Young man to work on soda fountain, with experience. Owl Drug Co. WANTED To exchange rolled top office deak for paperhanging. TWO coatmakers wanted. 1121 Leaven worth St. Har.- 4107. GORDON press feeders wanted. Ralph Printing Co. PRUQ sto re snaps; Jobs. Knalst. Bes Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. INDIANA manufacturer wants state dis tributor for fast selling line Ford special ties. Liberal commission, exclusive terri tory, appoint agents. Fine chance for established apeclalty firm or man with Ford and limited finances to olaar $6,000 annually, for Interview addreaa Y 111, Bee at once. STOCK and bond salesman. STANDARD SEC, a INV. CO.. 1017 W. Q. W. Bldg. SALESMEN Big monsy for business get ters. Call at 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. Hotels and Restaurants. YOUNG man to work around rea Laurent. 3101 Cuming. Boys. WANTED Boya over 11, with wheels to deliver messages; under ' oompe'tent supervisor; sanitary iest room; salaries on commission baala, average $40 to $60 psr month. Western Union Telegraph Co. Apply at 107 B. 14th St. WANTED Boys, over 16, In our bottling da. part men t. Willow Springs Distillery. 4th and Pierce Sta. BOYS wanted to learn trade; must ba 11 yeara of age. Gordon-Lawless Co.. Itb and Dodge. BOT WANTED Petersen Bros., Florists, ' 1714 Farnam. BOY WANTED at 401 Barker Block. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Largest In tha U. 8. Earn expenses while attending by our plan. Positions guar anteed. Special summer rates. Writs for Illustrated catiogue or call tn paraon. til d. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. 1 Established 1891.) AUTO MECHANICS. EARN B)IO MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Iearn by Our Methods, NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ABSN. 1117 N. . 10th St., Omaha, Bend for Free Catalogue. JOOD MEN WANTED To learn auto work for tha many po sit lone now open. Ftfte training work la auto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 1061 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. LEARN barber trade; ba Independent, more than make your expenses while learning. Wages or percentage. Wa won't over charge you to begin; 1401 Dodge St TRttpITY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN W ANTED Able-bodied unmarried men undir age of 16; dtlseqs of United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speasT, read and write the fing 11a b language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Blug . llth and Dodge Sta.. Omaha. Neb.; 110 N. 10th St.. Lincoln. Neb.; 12T ath St., Slonx City, Iuwn; 107 th Ave.. Pea Moines. Iowa. WANTED Names of ambitious men, 12 to 46. wishing to become Omaha mall car rier. Commence, $07 month. Address Y 500. Bee. . WANTED Young men aa railway mall clerks; $76 per month; sample examina tion questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 321 R. Rochester, N. Y. FARMERS. ATTENTION. We furnish real farm hands free of charge Write or phone. Square Km ployment Agcy., 201 8. llth. Omaha. Neb. ITVoO MONTH Government Jobs. Men and women wanted. Llat of positions open, free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 121 S. .Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Experienced freight handlers. Union Pacific Freight House, 8th and Jackaon Sta. MEN wanted to enllat In Signal Corps at onca; report at Lincoln. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. HIGHER GRADE POSITIONS, . Executive, Salea, Accounting, Stenographic. Clerical, Commercial and Banking. -Call or Write WFSTERN BKF. BOND ARS'N, INC., (Batabllahed 14 Yeara) Suite TBI, Omaha National Bank Bide. BOOKKEEPER (CO. BLUFFS) 111.00 STENO. (OLIVER) 11.00 OFFICE CLERK 11.00 STENO. (BEGINNER) 11.01 THE CANO AOENCT, 100 BEE BLDG. 8TENO., 140; ateno., 110; ateno., 140; ledger clerk. !l! bkkpr. and typlat, 4I; office clerk. Ill; bkkpr., I0. ' WATTS REIT CO., 140 Brand. Thea. WANTED Toung lady to anawer phone. Opportunity far advancement State age and ealary expected. Boa 1444, Bee. Good Accommodations For Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors If yon fall to find what you dealr. among thea. ad, call at The Bee offlc. for a Room Llat Glv.a complete detailed deacription of vacant rooml In all parte of th. city. If more convenient, phon. Th. Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your nam. and addreaa, and a Hat will b. mailed to you at once. New list, are now ready Furnished Rooms. 3409 BURT Nicely furnished room In pri vate family, gentleman preferred; reason able. Marney iiBi. FURNIfHED room for gentleman, In pri vate family; on block from car. Walnut 8674. FOUR furnished rooms, 1 par week; also othr atiictly modern rooms at 92.60 and $3 per week. 2012 K. JitnHL BEAUTIFULLY fumlahed rooms In all modern private home, within walking distance; ref?rences exenangea. siio ' 271 DAVENPORT ST. Nicely furnished room, aouth and eaat exposure; new, mod' ern nome. rnone rtarney .mn. LARUE, well furnlahed front room. In priv ate home; for 1 or 2 gentlemen, reference. Webater 4161. . CALIFORNIA, - 2802 Strictly modern room, suitable for two. ONE nicely furnlahed modern room, close to car line. 218 4 Park Ave. 1911 DAVENPORT Clean, modern rooms; three and one-half blocks from postofflce; reasonable. . CHICAOO -2610 In private hums; large south front room with alcove; also side room. . ROOMS I? per week; tlso rooms wttb kltchenettea. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffa LARGE, well-furnlshed front room In pri vate home; modern, uau narney si. FOR RKNT Front room, furnished, private bath If desired. 2121 Douglas. Doug. 1741. PLEASANT, comfortable fnrulaehd room In private family. 670 South 21th St. ELEGANTLY furnlahed rooms In modern flat. 602 N. 20th. COMFORTABLE, close-in south front room In modern home. H. 6193. . PRIVATE family will rent room to right party. Box 43i, Bee ROOMS by day or week. 1608 No. 17th. Phone Web. 2670. NICELY furnlahed rooms for rent. Call Douglas 8S8(. 3 ROOMS, alcove, modern, private family. Harney 6104 ROOM for rant at 3860 Grand Ave., east of S4th. Ull HOWARD; furnished rooms, modern. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores anil Offices. EXPERIENCED aalaaglrl, cloak depart ment; reference.. J. Helphand Clothing Co. BOOKKEEPER Council' Bluffs. 160. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. SEAMSTRESS wanted (or alteration. HOT . Leavenworth. EXPERIENCED ahlrt makere at Albert Cahn'a, Shirt Manufacturer, 111 S. 14th. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED 7t experienced waitresses and If ex perienced chambermaids. Apply Room 303, Blackstone Hotel. WANTED A lady to take charge of a crew of lady solicitor!; one who has had ex perience and Is familiar with craw worH; good salary and a permanent position. Apply at Beddeo's, 1417 Douglas. WANTED TWO HIGH CLASS SALES LADIES. LITTLE GIANT MFG. A BALES CO., 1201 W. O. W. BLDQ. Household and Domestic. 4- WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework, good wages, small family, no washing. Must be good cook. Call Harney 8166, 1043 So. I Oth Ave. WANTED Maid for general houaework; good wages; references required. Mrs. Tom MrShane, 141 N. 4 lit. Phone Harney 3241. WANTED Experienced girl for general houaework. good wages, no washing. 136 So. 38th St Phone Harney 1891. WHITE girl to help with work and take part cars of child of five. Low wages to start. Web. 7464. WANTED A girl for general houaework; good wages references required. 3217 Poppleton Ave. WANTED A girl for general houaework, referencea required, good wages. 3317 Pop pleton Ave. GIRL WANTED for general houaework. Small family. Phone Harney 3996. 3331 Harney. - WANTED A girl for general houaework, .. family of three. Mrs. C. F. Belman, 4821 Dodge. WANTED White girl for general houae work. Must do plain cooking well. Web ater a 64. WANTED Girl for general housework, ref erences required. Harney 6448. GIRL or middle-aged woman for general houaework. Good pay. 2803 Burt. WHITE girl for general houaework, no waahlng. Telephone Walnut 780, RELIABLE white girl for housework; ref erences. Colfax 1178. WANTED Competent second girl. Tele phone Harney 352. WANTED Houaekeeper on farm. Aged 26 to 36. Addreas Y 609, Bee. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced woman dlshwaahar; prefer middle-aged, married woman. Ap- ply HouaeHeeper, umana ciud. LADY COOK wanted for country hotel. Ad dress F. E. Blahop, Utica, Neb. TWO experienced dining room girls. Flat Iron Cafe, 1730 St. Mary's Ave. Miscellaneous. WANTED Young women, aged 17 to 33, with common school education, perfect eight and hearing, for 1 cat and long dis tance telephone work. Apply to C F. Lambert. 1117 Douglaa St. EDUCATIONAL BOTLES COLLB-OE. DAT SCHOOU NIOHT SCHOOL. Every da? la enrollment dar. Book, keeping, shorthand, otenotypa, typewriting, telegraphy, civil aervlce all commercial and Engllah branchee. Catalogue frea. BOTLES COLLEGE, Douglaa 1441. 21th and Harney Sta VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAT AND -EVENING SCHOOLS, Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg., Entranc, 120, Douglaa 64IU. , Musical. (jarp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season; early applications favored. Harps fur. Loretta Da Lone. 206 Lyrle Bid BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, 1611 Dodge; Vocal, Piano, Violin. AJeo tha details -receive our careful attention. Doug. 2471 PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED 4 Dr. VP. R. Tarry eurea piles. Astute and ether rectal dlsaaaas" without aurglcal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on ren tal diseases with testimonials. DR. K. R. TARRY. 149 Baa Bldg.. Omaha, Nab. - THE Salvation Army Industrial horns so licits your aid clothing, furniture, maga alnaa. Wa collect Wa distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our aaw home. 1119-1113-1114 Dodge St. HausekMping Rooms. 3666 DOUGLAS Two front rooms, steam heated. Phone Harney 1228. .Everything l ... - llt-Kt rmtiBBiinPninr 2 ROOMS furnished, complete modern, pri vate home, references. Harney 6626, 3013 Chicago. v 2902 DODGE CLEAN. NICELY FURNISH ED MODERN HOUfEKEBPINQ ROOMS. 3218 LEAVENWORTH St., clean house keeping rooms, 23.00. ttaa furnished. 412 N. 18TH ST. Housekeeping rooms; rent reasonable. CLEAN, modern housekeeping rooms. 2416 Sherman Ave. Board and Rooms. NICELY furnished cozy room, one or two gentlemen; home privileges; excellem board, wtth private family. Call Colfsfx 2245. CAN accommodate two or three young men with board and room, private family. Hanacom park district. Harney 51 2v. 829 PARK Ave. 2 elegantly furnished front rooms with board; suitable for 4 or gentlemen. Harney 1876. WELL furnished room for two, private fam ily; reference required. Tyler 1855. 1029 'SOUTH 29th St., nice room, good board. Call Harney 2754. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT 4 large unfurnished rooms; private bath, hot water heat, on car line, with private family. 1143 Park Ave. THREE front rooms.for rent, good condi tion; water and gas. 266$ Leavenworth. Tyler 1808W FOUR nice ruonie, reasonable. 3205 Marcy St. Tel Harney 384S. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. ard Hid out 11 about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that la helping many peopls rent their rooms. YOUNG LADY wishes email room, with breakfast; permanent. Address 6431, Bee. Key to the Situation The Bee Want Ads. PERSONAL PTTPTTTPPUCCHaru"' treated with XVtjr J. UXVUout a aurglcal operation. Call or writ. Dr. Frank H. Wray, 104 NEW HAMILTON CAFE New Management Home-Cooked Meala. ' Mod. prlcos. Hamilton Apta.. 24th A Farnam. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium. Baths of all kinds, massage and chiropody. 210-314 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Dougias. D, '46J. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 1806 FARNAM. MAE BRUG MAN, M. T. Solen title masseuse baths. 203 Karbach Blk.'' Red ST27. CORSETS made to order. Prices 13.60 to $20.00. Expert flatting. Nu-Bone Corset Shop, Brandels Thea. Lobby. P. 4389. MISS U LILLY Bath and maaaage, 1321 Farnam St.. 2d floor. Phone Doug. 3410 A PRIVATE maternity home. 4416 N. 38 lb St. Phone Colfax 2042. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. 2 Davldge Blk. Phone Douglaa s7M. LUELLA WEBSTER, masstuse, 618 Faxton Blk.. io a. m. to s p. m. l. mi. SCIENTIFIC maaaage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6373. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. Rm, 1. MASSAGE, Miss Halron, 223 Neville block. Miss Lee. Massage. 1802 Far. St. Rm. No. . FURNACES cleaned, 31. Central Tin Shop. MISS CLARK, manicuring. Tyler 2232. FOR legal advice call Douglaa 362S. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apsrtmcnts and Houses. - Apartments. SPLENDID, NEW, FURNISHED. TRAVERTON FIREPROOF. 24TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment fa completely equipped fof housekeeping; up-to-date and comfortable. T RAVER BROS.. Tel. Doug. 6886. 706 Omaha Nat. Bank. Or Call Web. 4836. DUNDEE FURNISHED HOME Good 7-room house, strictly modern, very well arranged and well furnished, No. 6007 Cass St. Will rent furnished for tha winter at 160 per month. Nice place. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 4. SEVEN-ROOM steam heat, 10, near Post office, O. P. Stabblns, 1610 Chicago. STOP AT THE SUNSHINE Steam heated rooms, hot and cold water. 608 N. 17th St. ST. CLARE. 24th and Harney, 3-r, fur. apt Har. 647. FOR RENT HOUSES West. FOR RENT, CATHEDRAL DISTRICT.- I. I4S.00, atrlctly modern, up-to-date houae, new, never been occupied. 1 GALLAGHER & NELSON. 644 Brandela Bldg. Doug. 3383. West farnam, 108 south 36th st. Fine 8 -room terrace, having four large bedrooms; east front; aelect West Far nam district ; also very convenient to Farnam care. Price $46. PAYNE A SLATER CO.. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Phone Doug. 1016. FOR RENT. West End residence, near Sid and Far nam. 8 large rooma, very handsome deco rations, hot water heat; large lot, 60x160 feet. - This Is one of the nicest resi dences ot its size In this district. Fof rent only on year's lease to responsible tenant. Price 376. XRMSTRONO-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1636. Roue Bldg.. lth and Farnam. GET the addreHs of some of my houses under construction. Then watch It. You will know wry F. 8. Trulllnger, builder of well built homea. 211 SOUTH 36th Ave., f-rm. mod. cottage, 2 weeks free xent, $25. First Trust Co., D. 1161. B-ROOM 3 baths, West Farnam dlatrlct, 145.00. Phone Doug. ZM7. 126, 7-r. house. Also 4-r., 116. Close lu. Apply 264b Capltoi Av FINE, new house In Dundee, 60. 1611 Underwood Ave. North. FOR RENT Six-room, all modern houaa. 4316 Seward St. Call at 141 Omaha Na tional Bank Blda-. or phone O. 1344. l-ROOo all modern houae. new furnao.; houae In good condition. 120, 2010 N. I2d St T.l Red 1881. J71T MEREDITH AVE l-room houaa, atrlctly modern, 121. Call Florence 267. 111! GRANT BT. 7-r. conm., modern. III. T. P. Hall. 433 Ramre Bid,. Doua. 1401. , South.' I-R. houae with bath. Kli Dorca. St. Miscellaneous. 11.00 6-r., all mod. n.t. 1601 No. 10th SL I26.O0 6-r. all mod. bungalow, llll Clark St. 11.10 l-r. all mod. Hat, 161 S. llth St. H. A. WOLF, 614 Ware Block. Dourlaa 1011. 208 South 41at. modern, 7 room. ..21.l 221 Franklin, 6 rooma and hath 11.11 JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUOLAS 164, HOUSES POR RENT. CRElOH. SONS OO. . Ml BEE BUM, DO CO, MS. " t