Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Entarad t Oman, postofflea u scond-cl.. mattar
Br Mali
-'! " ''"'Vi By Carriar
DHr .nd Sanaa.. ....,
alrf Wltnoai ounaay. .,
vanta And Sunday ......aoe..,,.
ffvntn wUhmit Rundaa. ........ .26e.
ftinfer Baa onlr. ... .....":" V,..Y
Datlr and Dnnaar Baa, inraa raars in
Stnd notica il ebania of addrasa or irratmlarity In oa
llanr ta Omaha Baa, Circulation DapartraaniL
Ramtt by draft, aumal or postal erdar. OnlrS-oant atampi
takan in parmant of amall acaonnta. Paraonal cnaeka,
axeapt aa Oawha and aaatarn aaehama, not aaeaptad.
1 Omaha lit Baa Bnildlnf.
Booth Omaha 2818 N atraat
Council Blofia 14 North Main itraat
Lincoln o2 Littla Buildlnt. ... '
CMcaao U Paopla'a Gas Banding.
Naw Yark Room 808. 284 Fifth aranm.
Bt. Louis tot Naw Bank of Commarea.
Waahintton 72a Fourtaanth atraat. N. w.
Addraal aommtmloatloiu ralatinf to nawa nd adltorlal
mattar to Omaha. Baa, Editorial Dapartmant.
55,755 Daily Sunday 51,048
Dwlaht Wllluvna, circulation manafar TJ ?
PnMUhinc coaioiny. baint dolr aworn, aaya ,tht Um
avarata circulation for tha month of Aumat, mt,waa
U.Tti dally, and 81,048 SundaT.
PWIOHT WILLIAMS, Ctreolatlon Manatar.
Bnbtertaad In my nratanea and aworn ta bafora ma
tbla Id day ol Saptambar, lBla. aa.
... , . ... . ' ROBERT HUNTER, Notary PnoHa,
Subicrlbaira bnrla( ' tha) elly temporarily
ahould na The Ba malles! to thorn. Acl
alraaa will be ehaitfal a oftan aa raqulroct
The present, gamble in stocks insures a loud
explosion when the bubble is punctured.
In ten years electric light cost in Omaha de
scended 'from 14 to6centsDme drop.
: The next problem is to impress upon the elec
tric meter that a reduced rate it not an order to
speed up.' , '. '
I the tow, line doesn't work (aster, another
assessment on those federal office holders may be
necessary.-" 1 ' ' '' . ' .
Now, is the. time for the weather man to en
trench himself, in public favor by giving us the
top-notch brand for Alt-Sar-Ben.
President Wilson's Baltimore speech contains
a series of word pictures of future trade triumphs
that reveal bis true form as a rainbow chaser.
The present perplexities of Greece may be best
appreciated by the speculator who refused -top
prices for his goods and' held on until the market
slumped out 6f sight.
' -
Another mountain top has been blown up on
the Austrian-Italian front. ' The changing sky line
in that section brings home tp globe-trotters an
other angle of the horrors of war.
- Britain's commercial, agent in this country
finds that the black lUt i's a genuine "white list."
' The change was effected so easily as to leavejno
doubt of the agent's qualification for the johj
, The promotion of Pershing to be major gen
.'eral will be gratifying to his many ,' friends in
.Nebraska, where he first attracted special atten
tion as commandant of the cadet battalion at our
stale university. V '' '', . '
. Chicago master bakers find considerable
' (rouble In putting over separately a price uplift
agreed upon collectively. , Organized, opposition
and fear of prosecution vindicates competition as
a price regulator. ;
When' President Wilson insists the question
of hours of labor is not arbitrable, he finds him
self again in disagreement with his former secre
tary of state, who says that no difference can
arise between fellow men that is not arbitrable.
' Postal Savings deposits are steadily mounting
to the nine-figure, notch. August deposits lifted
the total to $94,000,000. -Aside from the showing
of thrift, the figures serve to remind the skeptics
of six years ago -how unsubstantial were their
'i ,
The president comes to Omaha in response
to an invitation to participate in a wholly non
political occasion. 1 His reception is being planned
on that basis and there will be ho partisanship in
Omaha's entertainment of the president of the
United State. , . . ' ' ,
', It Is possible to forgive Colorado Springs and
Topeka for administering cruel and unusual pun
ishment, but with St..Joe sinking the spikes into
the tender cuticle of the pennant winners nothing
short of Mosaic law treatment can wipe out the
ignoble stain,.,,'? ' ' "'.
Southern gallantry,' , long esteemed as the
ajmon-pure article, shows signs of decay in spots.
A Memphis editor challenges any woman favor
able to the cause to banish the powder puff until
women get the vote. Only a heartless man could
suggest so cruet a sacrifice. . ,
A Healthful Nation
Naw Yark Warld.
.: The bulletin of the census bureau which an
nounces for 1915 the lowest death rate ever re
corded In the United States touches upon facts of
the highest importance. The reduction of the
rate since 1905 represents 150,000 saved in a single
year. The saving in this. city alone is some 25,000.
The greater nations of Europe do not boast
" now of their death rates. Even smaller neutrals
have their difficulties. But compared with Euro
pean records of 1914 our average for the country
is low. The reduction is mainly credited to the
larger cities, New York standing almost at the
head in percentage of improvement. Some in
creases are capable of explanation. ' In Minne
apolis, for instance, the rate was exceptionally
low, .in 1905 owing to the rapid immigration of
young and vigorous .people. Now they grow
, older, . .
The same principle applies to the states.
Maine and New Hampshire have twice the death
rate of Washington state. This need not injure
their status: as health .resorts. The young are
still going west and older persons are left in the
eastern mountains. Minnesota, Wisconsin and
Kansas have a rate well between these extremes.
Colorado and California show low rates in spite
of the influx of health-seekers.
While the negro death rate is still far higher
than that of whites, it shows in many southern
'and in most northern cities a tendency to rapid
decrease. That in spite of this handicap upon
aaniiarv balances, and of local effects of unfavor
able climates, so low a rate is maintained in the
entire country, speaks well not only for public
sanitation, but for the good sense and steady hab
"a of the people themselves. -
Ak-Sar-Ben'i Royal Welcome.
A preliminary flourish of trumpets, a blare of
brass and the fluttering of the colors of the king
dom of Quivers, denote the near approach to the
capital city of King Ak-Sar-Ben XXII. It is a
signal for festivities and rejoicing among his sub
jects, and the merry-making for the harvest home
is here. The season is most propitious, and the
kingdom more prosperous than ever. No mon
arch of all the line has entered on his reign with
so much of achievement to look back upon, or
such prospects to beckon on to greater endeavor.
All that makes for human happiness is here pres
ent; useful employment and ample recompense,
days of effort and nights of rest, and security and
safety for all makes up the lot of the good king's
loyal subjects, and hope illuminates all their
lives. x s
Great is Ak-Sar-Ben I Long may he reign 1
Stealing Republican "Stuff."
President Wilson, in his effort to set forward
his own political fortunes, is guilty of what is
colloquially called "stealing stuff" from the re
publicans. In his, plea before the convention of
grain dealers at Baltimore, the president .elo
quently dilates on the need of future legislation
for the benefit of American business, especially
emphasizing the importance that proper tariff
laws will have on our prosperity. Along this line
all can follow him. But he also spends some
time discussing his ideals for a tariff commission,
outlining the great service possible for such a
' The sincerity of the president on this pomt
may well be questioned, since his hearers could
not possibly have forgotten that in his first year
of office Mr. Wilson assisted with all the zeal
and energy of a theoretic free trader in the muti
lation of a tariff law that had largely been pre
pared under the advice of a non-partisan tariff
commission. He also assisted in the extinction of
that commission, through the simple means of
cutting off the appropriation that made it effec
tive. Mr. Wilson now confesses his error, and makes
humble apology for his action, saying: "We have
admitted that we were talking theories
and managing policies without a sufficient knowl
edge of the facts upon which we were acting."
His admission of his blunder is encouraging only
as proving that, he has learned something by his
' The tariff, however, is not the only point on
which Mr. Wilson has veered about since he en
tered the White House. He went In pledged to
a single term, and now emerges a candidate for
re-election. Perhaps this has someihing to do with
his discovery'and admission of the blunderi of
the democratic law. Is his belated, and rather
reluctant confession not another reason why he
should be retired? Why continue him. in. office
to make more mistakes even though he may later
correct them at expense of the country?
Mexican Mystery Slowly Unravelling.
While the joint commission on our relations
with Mexico is marking time at Newport, and
Carranza's representatives are being hospitably
entertained by Uncle Sam, the ubiquitous and
elusive Villa flitting joyously and eruptively
from town to' town under the noses of Trevino
and his troops, some light is being shed on the
Mexican mystery from sources much nearer home.
It is being developed that suspicion directed along
certain lines was fairly well justified. -
When Villa butchered hjs way from Juarez
to Aguaa Calientes, he was rewarded by a letter
fronrour then secretary of state, thanking him
for his services to humanity. This letter he
necessarily left at home the night he attended a
ball given in his honor," wearing the costume
of Eden before the fall. Something happened
soon after to turn the tide of presidential favor
to "Venustiano Carranza. Just how the "single
track mind" was set in the driection it has pur
sued so devotedly has always been a mystery. It
is known that a clever lobby was looking after
Carranza's interest at Washington, and it is being
hinted that tome persons who had been highly
favored by the president espoused the cause of
the "first chief."
Maybe disclosures will follow the story already
told in print The American people might care
to know just how far they are involved in the
bargain made by this cabal.
Nebraska Democrats arid "Pork."
It is Interesting in a melancholy way to know
that our democratic senator has his full share in
"producing the pork" that enabled his southern
colleagues to "take home the bacon" to their con
stituencies. After all the pledges of his party to
a program of retrenchment, he assisted in enact
ing legislation that not only achieved the great
est, but in many ways the most useless and waste
ful, expenditure of public money recorded. Con
gressman Frear charges that our democratic sena
tor is especially responsible for the passing of
large slices of 'pork" to Texas. His one vote
would have resulted in killing the item of $250,000
for the Trinity river, the dry creek for the rescue
of which it was once proposed to bore artesian
wells along i(s bed. But -he voted for it, and the
item went through, and so did many others,
equally inexcusable. '- ,
"At a matter of fact, the democrats sent to
Washington from Nebraska took full part in
knocking open the treasury of the United States,
to let the flood of money pour into the dry creeks
and dead hamlets pi the south, thereby bringing
about the treasury deficit which is accumulating
now at a rate of more than a million dollars a day.
' And each of these democrats is asking that
he be returned to congress, there to help in "pro
ducing the pork" for their southern colleagues at
the next session. . .
The schedule of padded prices which con
fronts the housekeeper at every turn, and the
certainty of further advances, mock the claims
of general prosperity put out by.. political noise
makers. The truth is that for every one bene
fited by high prices and speculative profits a
thousand are pinched and forced to scrimping
economy to make ends meet.
Rival battle claims placed on the war bulletin
boards of Europe bear a striking resemblance, in
fluidity of statement, to the present-day claims of
democratic political warriors. Owing to the
scrapping of the international copyright laws the
democratic claimants run no risk of prosecution
for plagiarism. - . . .
The mighty outpouring of people of Indiana
and Ohio to greet the republican presidential can
didate and hear his message foreshadows what
will happen at the polls in November. The pros
pect of democrats making up in the middle west
the loss of New York state, is as hopeless as peace
in Mexico.
Mr. Hughes ond Labor
St. Laula Claba-Daaaacrat '
Truth is mighty and will prevail, as much so
in a political campaign as in any other contest.
The desperate effort that is being made to, capi
talize the Adamson act for the benefit of the
party that has the ignominious distinction of
passing it, is founded upon falsehood and decep
tion and out of it grow other falsehoods. Not
content with laureling Woodrow Wilson as the
savior of labor Woodrow Wilson, who in 1909
publicly declared that "I am a fierce- partisan of
the open shop," and who in 1907 spoke of the
"labor organizations and leaders of the country"
as a "formidable enemy to equality and better
ment pf opportunity" his partisans are holding
up Mr. Hughes as "the enemy of labor." TJm is
as untrue and as vicious aa the claim that the
Adamson law established an eight-hour day.
Mr. Hughes' attitude in regard to labor was
fairly expressed in an editorial in the official or
gan of organized labor in the state of New York,
at the time he was appointed a justice of the
supreme court. We printed this utterance a few
weeks ago; we here present it again:
"Now that Governor Hughes has retired
from politics and ascended to a place on the
highest judicial tribunal in the world, the fact
can be acknowledged, without hurting any
body's political corns, that he was the great
est friend of labor that ever occupied the gov
ernor's chair at Albany. During his two terms
he has signed fifty-six labor laws, including
among them the best labor laws ever enacted
in this or any other state. He also urged the
enactment of labor laws in his message to the
legislature, even going so far as to place the
demand for a labor law in one of his messages
to an extra session of the legislature. Only
162 labor laws have been enacted in this state
since its election in 1777 in 135 years. One
third of these, exceeding in quality all others,
have been enacted and signed during Governor
Hughes' term of three years and nine months."
That is an unbiased statement of Mr. Hughes'
record, made at a time when it was supposed that
he was permanently removed from the field of
politics. The legislation referred to includes
child labor laws, covering the prohibition of
child labor under certain ages, the regulation of
child labor of permissible age, outlawing, certain
machines and industrial practices in relation to
child labor, a law safeguarding women in em
ployment, and numerous other enactments, all
designed to protect labor and promote its inter
ests. These are the things Mr. Hughes was doing
at the time Woodrow Wilson was saying: "You
know what the usual standard of the employe
is in our day. It is to give as little as he may
for his wages. Labor is standardized by the
trades unions, and this is the standard to which
it is made to conform." Mr. Hughes does not
truckle to labor or to any other interest. He does
what he believes is fair and right to all.
Astonishing Effrontery
San Francisco Chronicle
In his speech of acceptance, President Wilson
said:' - ,
"For the farmers of the country we have
virtually created commercial credit, by
means of the federal reserve law and the
rural credits-law. They now have the same
standing as other business men in the money
The facts are that the systematic study of
rural problems under-national authority began
when "President Roosevelt appointed the Com
mission on Rural Life, which held hearings in
all parts of the country during 1907 and 1908.
The first national study of rural credit was by
the commission appointed by President Taft,
which visited Europe and collected all the of
ficial data upon which the rural credits law was
based. , ;
, The claim of the president that "for the farm
ers of the country we have virtually created com
mercial credit" is evidence of the loose way of
thinking of one not familiar with finance but
rhetorically an expert. Rural or other credit
cannot be created by law. The rural credit law
does not deal with commercial credit at all, and
the provisions of the federal reserve act which
authorize the rediscounting of paper based on
agricultural staples in warehouses, benefit others
more than farmers and , merely recognize that
paper which had always been considered first
class was suitable paper for rediscount. Farmers
entitled to commercial credit have always had it
at their local banks, and those not entitled to it
cannot get it through any law.
The much-vaunted rural credit act will not
help the class of farmers who need help, for
those who can qualify under the act could and
can borrow to the same amounts without being
required to take stock in banks unlikely to pay
dividends for a long time, if. ever, or to become
security for the payment of other peoples debt,
or to pay the expenses of any local organi
zation, or to pay the cost of two appraisements,
one necessarily expensive, or to deal with a cred
itor acting under a law which permits no flexi
bility. , , "... ' -
What the result of the rural credits act will
be -nobody can guess. Except for the propa
ganda carried on at the expense of the taxpay
ers there would not be any result.
To claim the passage of the act as a political
asset is ridiculous. The system may do business
in some sections or fail. It is certain that it
will help very ' few young men to get a .farm,
for it does not supply what they must have. It
does give the president appointment to four $10,-000-a-year
jobs, for gentlemen who may work up
a business if they can. The appointments are
supposed to be nonpartisan, but will any of the
appointees say they shall vote for Hughes? Or
urge their friends to do so?
Anthracite Extortion
Naw Yark Warld -
Against the recent advance in the price of
coal by the anthracite railroads consumers are
helpless. They are the victims of a greedy com
bination whose power lies both in its possession
of the Pennsylvania mines, through ownership
and leasehold, and in its control of the only means
of transportation and distribution. Nowhere does
it face any risk of competition.
In his appeal to the United States supreme
court from the decision of the federal district
court in Pennsylvania, Attorney General Gregory
describes the Reading company as the "back
bone of the alleged monopoly of anthracite." It
has circumvented the constitution of the state of
Pennsylvania, and so far has successfully defied
both the Sherman anti-trust act and the com
modities clause of the railroad rate act As a
holding company it controls the Reading's coal
mines and railroad lines, and in everything but
a strictly legal sense the other anthracite rail
roads are its partners in business.
The government's brief points out plainly the
dangerous consequences of this situation when it
says that the combination .
if not dissolved, will own or control every
ton of commercially available anthracite
known to exist, and while in almost any other
branch of industry it is at least possible, for
a monopoly to be broken by the influx of
fresh capital attarcted by high profits,
against a monopoly of anthracite, the sup
ply of which is limited, there can be no such
nrotection. Onlv the kw can afford relief.
What consumers know by long experience ia
that the anthracite monopoly, unless broken by
the courts, will persist in its policy of extortion
and continue to raise the prices of coal at wilt
on any pretext and at every opportunity. Ex
actly what haa been often done in recent yeara
will be done again unless tht law can afford relief.
Thought Nugget (or the Day.
Manners must adorn knowledge,
and amooth Its way through the
world. Like a great rough diamond,
it may do very well In a closet by way
of curiosity, and also for Its intrinulo
value. Earl of Chesterfield.
One Year Ago Today In the War.
Italian Infantry made gains on the
Carvo plateau near the Adriatic Sea.
Berlin claimed capture of another
Rusnlan position on the southwestern
front bf Dvinsk.
French in terrific two-day battle
smashed German line in Champagne,
driving the enemy back nearly three
miles and taking 20,000 prisoners.
British took German trenches south
of La Basse canal on front of- five
miles and penetrated German line to
a depth of 4,000 yards.
In Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
Jack Moynlhan haa been engaged
in a leading role with Simons Comedy
company, which opens at the People's
W. A. Long, formerly telegraph ed
itor of the Republican, has resigned
his position and will go on the road
as Pullman conductor.
Owing to the fence having been
taken down, twenty-one eows were
rambling around in Jefferson park,
- 11
having a good time, and a good many
other cows were noticed Leaded in
that direction.
Elmer Frank has notified his
friends around town that during his
stay in Wyoming he suceeded In kill
ing five bears. 1
For some time past South Omaha
has lacked none of the requirement
of a first-class town barring a church
and brewery. The latter "long-felt
want" is soon to be supplied by an
establishment to be operated by Jet
ter & Young. Henry Voss is drawing
up the plans for the buildings, which
are to cost (40,000.
John T. Clarke and several other
delegates and politicians have left for
Lincoln to attend the republican state
James G. Day of Des Moines, la., Is
In Omaha, the guest of his son,
George W. pay, the popular young
lawyer of this city.
A large force of men Is at work
erecting three more stories over the
dining room of the Millard hotel.
This Day In History.
1777 General Howe with the Brit
ish army occupied Philadelphia.
1785 General convention of the
Protestant Episcopal chprch, the first
In America, met at Philadelphia.
1810 Wellington, with 60,000 Brit
ish and Portuguese troops, defeated
72,000 French in battle of Busacoffl
1825 Opening of first railwayb'in
England the Stockton & Darlington.
1841 David G. Farragut was pro
moted to the rank of commander in
the United States navy.
1870 The French surrendered
Strashurg to the Germans.
1876 General Braxton Bragg, the
noted confederate commander, died at
Galveston; born at Warrenton, N. C,
March 22, 1817.
1894 President Cleveland- pro
claimed amnesty to certain persons
accused of practicing polygamy un
der the teachings of the Mormon
church. i
1895 Irish national convention at
Chicago was organized to free Ireland
from Great Britain by physical force.
1896 Iron gates canal on the Dan
ube opened by emperor of Austria
and king of Roumanla. .
1908 Pittsburgh celebrated the
250th anniversary of its founding.
The Day We Celebrate.
Stockton Heth, secretary-treasurer
of the Paxton-Mltchell company, 'was
born September 27, 1868, at Nebraska
City. He used to be treasurer of the
Omaha Water company.
.' Edward L. Hoag, pioneer letter car-rier,-is
51 years old today. He was
born at Klrksvllle, N. Y., and haa
been in the postal service since 1899.
Charles E. Fanning, postmaster of
Omaha by grace of Senator Hitch
cock, is today 63 years old. He was
born and raised In Washington, com
ing to Omaha with the Barber As
phalt company, and has been in busi
ness as a contractor and later in auto
molnle supplies, .to say nothing of a
side line of democratic politics.
Martin H. Glynn, former governor
of New York and temporary chair
man of the St. Louis democratic con
vention, born at Klsderhook forty-five
years ago today.
Henry Phlpps, eminent capitalist
steel maaufacturer and philanthro
pist born In Philadelphia seventy
seven years ago today.
Prof. Kuno Francke, long the head
of the Germanle department of Har
vard university, born at Kiel, Ger
many, sixty-one years ago today.
Rt Rev. Frederick J. Kinsman,
Episcopal bishop of Delaware, born
at Warren, O., forty-eight years ago
William Pugsley, former Canadian
minister of public works, born in New
Brunswick sixty-six years ago today.
Dr. Donald D. McKay, president of
Whitworth college. Tacoma, Wash.,
born In Prince Edward Island fifty
four years ago today.
H. Douglass Balrd, lnflelder of the
Pittsburgh National league base ball
club, born at St Charles, Mo., twenty
five years ago today. ,
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Thomas A. Edison, once a telegra
pher, will be host at his laboratories
at East Orange, N. J., today to vet
eral telegraphers from all over the
country, members of he Old-Time
Telegraphers' association.
Charles E. Hughes, republican pres
idential nominee, will swing across
northeastern Ohio today, starting at
Cleveland and ending the day's Itin
erary at Pittsburgh.
Medical scientists and others Inter
ested In the X-ray will gather In Chi
cago today for the annual convention
of the American Roentgen Bay so-
' Secretary of Commerce Redfleld has
Invited leading naval architects, ship
builders and heads of steamship com
panies to confer with him in Boston
today on the proposed establishment
of a system Of load lines and bulk
heads for ocean and lake traffic.
Roeh Haahana, the Jewish New
Year, begins this evening at sunset
and for fro days will be observed by
orthodox Jews throughout the world.
The reformed, or unorthodox Jews,
will celebrate only one day. The year
that is ushered in Is 5,677.
Storyetto of the Day. ,
Doris was radiant over a recent ad
dition to the family and rushed out of
the house to tell the news to a pass
ing neighbor. '
"Oh, you don t know what we ve
got upstairs," she said.
"What ia it?" the neighbor asked.
"A new baby brother," said Doris,
and she settled back on her heels and
clasped her hands to watch the effect
of her announcement.
"You don't say so!" the neighbor
exclaimed. "Is he going to stay?"
"I think so," said Doris. "He's got
his things oft" New York Times.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: If ahoas ara to
eoat IIS a pair a rood many men will feel
aa if they couldn't afford more than one thoe
at a time.
Waihlngton Pott: The runnins debate be.
tween Senator! Stone and Underwood proves
conclusively that there are two kinda of-consistent
and unswerving democrats.
Chicago Heralds. There la somethhTa in
the slow, lumbering- yet apparently effective
character of the new British war monsters
that eecms vaguely in keeping with British
Boaton Transcript: If signing a bill twice
is a safeguard against uneonstitutionslitr
Mr. Wilson should hasten to reafnx his signa
ture to 90 per cent of the meaaures that his
administration has enacted.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Somebody has dis
covered that about 00 persons are struck by
lightning in this country every year. This
would indicate that the danger of being
struck la almost aa remote aa that of being
run over by a stationary angina.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat: We acquiesce
cheerfully in the long-established divisions of
the day into eight honrs for work, eight
hours for sleep and eight hours for recrea
tion; but what to do in tha last-named eight
hours often and often stumps us.
Philadelphia' Ledger: It la difficult to see
how the government ownership of railways
haa been brought nearer by the recent Incur
sion of tha brotherhooda into politics. Their
victory over a reluctant congress should act
as a deterrent rather than as a stimulant.
Springfield Republican: If there is a flaw
in the constitutionality of the eight-hour law
the supreme court won't have to hunt very
long for it. It ia estimated that some 2.000
lawyers, counsel for the 226 interstate com
merce railroads, ara looking for the flaw.
"So N'eurauthenla Hobbs 1b married Her
husband Is a brave man, as she Is one of the
most restless and excitable women I ever
"Oh. I mess It will be all rlrht; he Is a
composer." Boston Transcript.
"DM you mall that letter to my sinter in
"Yes, m'dear."
' "She says, she didn't ret It."
"Well, you know how It la In war times,
m'love. Somebody must have seized the
malls." Baltimore American.
"Is your mother In, Willie V asked a lady
visit in r In the suburbs.
"Sure, she's In," was the grumpy reply.
"D'ye 'wpose I'd be workln' in the farden
If she was away anywhere?" Basion Tran
script, 'That man's patience and silent endurance
are simply marvelous. How did he come to
have such wonlderful control over himself?"
"He always went out with his wife- when
she was shopping to match samples."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Footlyte actually seemed pleased at leav
ing a 1 300 -a-week theatrical engagement
to ierv.e as a 130-per-month sergeant on the
border." 1
"Why not ? Three dramatic critlcs are
privates In his company.' Puck.
"He's a philosopher.''
"Yes. h bears other people's troubles with
a smile." Detroit Kree Press.
"I thought you were going to send that
hat buck, Maude. What induced you to
keep it?"
"Every girl I knew exclaimed as aooa
as she saw It on me how unbecoming It
was." Baltimore American.
WEraTIMt W rirmcnr. i"
"Here's a concern advertising a shir
without buttons," said the married man.
"Nothing new about that," replied th
bachelor. "I've been wearing them tor
years' Judge.
Patience And did anyone cry at the wed
Patrice Did they? Why there were fifty
men outstde of the church crying, "Taxll"
Yonkers Statesman.
Edgar A. Quest, in Detroit Free Press.
My land is where the kind folks are
And the friends are true;
Where comrades brave will travel far
Some kindly deed to do.
My land is where the smiles are bright
And where the speech Is sweet,
And where men cling to what is right
Regardless of defeat.
My land Is where the starry flag
Gleams brightly in the sun;
Thailand of rugged mountain crag,
The land where rivers run.
Where cheeks are tanned and hearts are
And women fair to see.
And all Is not a strife for gold
That land Is home to me.
My land Is where the children play,
And where the roses bloom,
And where to break the peaceful day
No flaming cannons boom.
My land's the land of honest toil,
Of laughter, dance and song.
Where harvests crown the fertile soli
And thoughtful are the strong.
My land's the land of many creeds,
And tolerance for all:
It Is the land of splendid deeds
Where men are seldom small.
And though the world should bid me roam.
Its distant scenes to see.
My land would keep my heart at horn N
And there I'd always be.
Dodge Brothers
motor CAR
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The price of the Touring Car or Roadster
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