V THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1916. Personal Gossip : Society Notes : Woman's Work : Household Topics September 26, 1916. .Wnme Economics department F Ju J Ls If Grn Stesik (Science Departments Qdiied by lrma Jt. Uross Central OCh School . Wives I Might Have Been Maybe you think it is only father, mother, big aister and perhaps big brother who are interested in the Ak-Sar-Ben coronation ball. Not at all I For onr very youngest social set, our debutantei and beaux of the future are just as much interested since ten of their little members are going to wait npon the king and queen. Pages to their majesties, King and Queen Ak-Sar-Ben XXII, they will be. The king'a pages will be Harley Moorhead, jr.; Louis Rogers Nash, Edward Kennedy, Francis Burkley and David Crofoot. The queen's pages will be Jane Powell, Beatrice Manley, Marie1 Dixon and the Bradford twins, Bertha Mae and Martha Ki. Indeed, the largest affairs of the so cial season seem to be incomplete without including the names of the kiddies who are to'take part. Children will serve in both the Vail jaquith and Penfield-Bacon wedding parties, the two largest weddings in prospect during the Ak-Sar-Ben fes tivities. Dainty little Elinor Kountze will attend Miss Alice Jaquith as . flower girlwhile the bride's nephew, Charles Frederick Weller, will be the' ring i bearer. Three small attendants will wait upon Miss Lucile Bacon. Master Jamie McMullen will be ringbearer, while little Misses Jane Stewart and Jean Redick will be flower girls. Prairie Park Club Party. The Prairie Park club pave the sec ond dancing party of the season at its club house on Saturday evening. The club rooms were decorated in aspara gus fern and goldenrod. Those pres ent were: Meara. and Maadamiie Fharlaa Koblnaon. .1. W. Oorty, Charles C Hewsa, W. ft. Bolln, Faul Havsns, S. A. Lank. IabIs Nslsen, ' A. H. Olmstead, J. L. Miller, B. A. Millar. It. H Lawle. B. .Vlcklae. W. B. Rows. Chart" Naff. T. A. rrui., Jariss B. Bone. . A- Htrlner, w. I. rtsrnolas. c. a. eiey.: "Curtis CooV, Frta Sur.6r. B. A. Tolsnd. J. A. walker. II. H. IIviidI, . S. St. Kent, Wllnm. , :. MHdamtt- Uoblnson, dlri Co I. aww. . af. Ktekoison. Gaerae Roach. , Joaaph J. NvoUl ufluill Armatrrnia. Chicago, (jariana ume. . William Kavottl. - .Toruld Bruce., a. A. ftoet. . ' a. t,yie, r. C. law. ' J'ff Bosm. - i UharIM W. Brttt, I. JJ. Ervtn. Or end Mrs. J. C. Soukuh. yiM uiM r-,(. Vntn, V.eole Clrandao. Mlitrod Orlfflth. oimatesd. Orrlruda Armstrer.!- .Helen Crawford, Peala ltte, Ruth lre. Harah Muirett, , Joreer-eon. tfthel Morgana, " . :J Base, ' (Vllma Brum, i " Free ttose. uaueiins Mtts, ' " iiiui fi. r. Gnr. j. a. Quick. Max Smith, , W. F. Guild. R. H. fleeord, n. r. Mr.iM, John Down, John Fueha, 1 X, W. Nlokole, H. W. Wealn of Chlflefo, W. Haseltotl. ' H. I. Rosa, H. r. Wallace, J, W. ".aoa-lund. ('. t. Palm, n. O. Kln, I. . C. Tuompaon. X. P Uu, ' R. Forbaa. s aldma ' . C. H. Roh. Kauih. Uocakat. ' llaaara.- v .1. .J. Roaaback. Vlovd Prry, Vegetable Canning. Hamiighen will be host to a party of whiIe vegetable canning comes un four. I der the same basic laws as fruit can- ' ning, the sterilization process is not For Misa Bacon. i .;i, in the rase Mrs. C. T. Kountze entertained at I , 'uj-i, . ,rv r-,A luncheon at her home today in honor of Miss Lucile Bacon, an October bride. Pink roses were used on tht table. Covers were placed for: JWIaaea Mlasea Lurllft Bacon. T)aphn Pfltor. Margarnt Baui, tiartruda Mtz. Anna OtflTord. Joaaphlne Congdon. Eleanor Macka;-. Kllaabath Reed Ura. Frank W. Bacon. Luncheon for Misa Todd. Miss Grace Allison entertained at luncheon today for Miss Mildred Todd of Kansas City, who left for her home this afternoon after a visit with Miss Alice Coad. At Happy Hollow Club. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. I-ell will entertain, at dinner at the club this evrning. Mrs. Arthur Merritt of Cht-i-sgo. Mrs. Fell's comin, and Miss ;W:er of Peoria, 111., who is the giiesi of Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey, v.ill le the out-of-tOwn guests. Covn ivs rt-'ll be laid for:1 ; Kaaara. and Meedamea tfl rlea R. Sherman, John Harw. ea fandlih. Charlea B. Moaer, & r 'J. 'I'rimbla, RobartvJYImbla. j;ru Art5ior Merritt o Chicago, wewlier of Peoria, III. ... tin u:.il !r. It. C. Henry. ah.T Mi. ;. W. Campbell had a four u.e 1 icheon at the club today. .!.. itions for the evening dinner :oikc I'.ave been made by H. A. Ihompiun, Dr. W. F. Melroy and G A Uobertt. ; ; . ' . Mr. and Mr. A. B. Currie will have a party of eight at the club this eve ning, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowell will have nine guests, Mrs. J. A. Spence will have a party of eight, as will also Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ward. fi.e Hnnriftta Gilmore will enter tain twelve guesls at dinner at the rlnh ihta eveninof for Miss Helen Jackson of Westiield, K. J., who has arrived to oe a mcinocr ui uci ding party. At th Field Club.' Mrs. C. B. Brown and Misa Wal rod were hostesses at luncheon at the Field club today. A low mound of Russell roses and ferna formed an at tractive centerpiece. .Covers, were laid for: lle:dain i.-etlmee A. B. t?o:u?. H. ilulllu. lid P. Smith. ". A JJcKej. Arthur Ciuuas 1. a 1'faman. U. J. naawell. I'. 1s. l-oonila. -Ja'uav rcraythe. . . i H. Law-son, ii. A. HuUorl. J. a Porter. ). P. l-ord. ! Mrs. R. V. I'olIarJ entertained- at luncheon at the f'k-ld club today for Mrs. Harry r'olkrd of Morida, who u 'jending sevcri.1 tSk in the city in trie gutst of Mr. and- Mrs. R. D. I'ollard Anttimti flowers were used on th(? table. . 'i'l:o!c present were; For Departing College Girls. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gilchrist will give a dancing party at their home this evening for Miss Helen Peycke and Miss Mildred Rhoades, who are leaving soon for school. Misa Pey che will leave Thursday in company with Miss Beulah Clarke and her mother, and Miss Rhoades will leave Sunday evening. Rohrbough-Heaton Wedding. Today at VVahoo, Neb., occurs the marriage of Miss Helen Heaton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hea ton of that city to Mr. Merrill Curtis Rohrbough of Omaha. Social Affairs Planned. , Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Freeman will entertain at the closing dinner-dance at the Field club. Mrs. Robert Dempster entertains informally at luncheon on Thursday. Mrs. W. H. Walker will entertain at cards Thursday in honor of her sis ter, Mrs. J. J. Mould of Milwaukee, who has arrived to remain over the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. Notea of Interest. Mrs. L. J. Herzog of Sioux City is the guest of Mrs. Samuel Katz at the Fontenelle and will remain a few weeks. Mrs. Katx has but recently returned from a two months' stay at Atlantic City. , Madame J. F. Anson will return in October from California, where she has had an apartment during the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cook will aceom- Riny their son, Culver H. Cook, when e goes east Wednesday evening to enter his second year at Princeton college. , Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Busch have taken an apartment at the Genoa. ' Mrs. M. D, Cameron is improving after an illness of several months. Mrs. Carl A. Pedersen and sons of Obe,rt,- Neb., hav returned home, having visited hre with relatives for several weeks. . Mrs. - Pedersen was formerly Miss Lottie Kritenbrink. J Dr,' and Mrs.' E wing Brown are tak ing an apartment at Highland Court, just vacated by the G. H. Wrights. Recent arrivals at the Royal hotel in Excelsior Springs included the fol lowing from Omaha: Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Corcoran, J. T. McGrath, Eddie Burns, F. E. Sackett, D. F. Barber. Misses i'rances, and Mary. Weir have gone to New Orleans by way of New York. From New York they will make the balance of the trip by ocean steamer. j Carlisle S. Lenta left Monday even ing for Baltimore to enter hia third year at Johns Hopkins Medical col lege. Misa Helen Clarke will have two house Quests during Ak-Sar-Ben week. Miss Louise Lewis of De Kalb. III., who comes Friday of this week, and Miss Marion Thompson of Min neapolis, who comes next Tuesday. Both young women have visited here before. Miss Lillian Weiss leaves Thursday i - : .i i - to enter urr acmur year at inc uqr versity of Chicago. Press Club Tea. Mrs. Martin Harris entertained the Omaha Women's . Press club at 4 o clock tea at her Home today. Brogan-Rice Wedding. , This evening at 5 o'clock in the University Methodist church of Aus tin, Tex., will occur the marriage of Miss Mary Cleo Rice, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Benjamin Herbert Kice ot that city, with Dr. Albert Per fhe decav of vecetables is due 'to nicroscopic forms of life called bac teria, just a is the decay of fruits, but the bacteria which attack vegeta bles are more resistant to heat be cause they have the ability to pro duce spores. Spores may be likened to seeds, in that they have hard, protective coverings and can with stand unfavorable conditions. While boiling moderately for a long' time will destroy all bacteria, it will not kill bacterial spores; so the vegetable to be canned must be re-boiled on a a second day and then again on a third day. Between the first and second days the spores will develop into bacterial plants as they find themselves surrounded by warmth, food and moisture. The second boil ing destroys these new bacteria and the third boiling destroys all bacteria which may have escaped the second boiling. From these facts, the "cold jpack" method, also called the "intermittent sterilization" method, has been de veloped. The apparatus required Is a container for sterilizing and a sup ply of jars with good lids and rub bers, or, better, jars with glass tops held in place by wire springs. A clothes boiler with a false bottom of wire netting may be used as a container. The netting is of galvan ized wire with a fairly small mesh, perhaps one-half inch. . Pack jars full of prepared raw veg etables (except in the case of beets, which should be cooked) fill the jars to the top with cold water and add salt in the proportion of one teaspoon to the quart. Adjust the top loosely. Place the false bottom in the boiler, set jars or it do not crowd and pour in about three inches of cold water. Put the cover on the boiler, bring the water to a boil and let it boil one hour. . Then remove cover from the boiler and allow steam to escape. Tighten lids and allow jars to stand twenty-four hours. On the second day loosen the lids and proceed as on the first day. Re peat the process on the third day. Tighten the lids and set jars aside for a day. Then test as usual. If tomatoes are - canned by this method, one day's cooking is suffi cient, as the fruit is so acid. Tomatoes may be canned easily by the method suggested for fruit can ningthat is, stewing the fruit and thent putting it into sterilized jars. Wash tomatoes and peel by plung into boiling water for three minutes and then into cold. Place in a pan over a very low flame. If you turn frequently to avoid sticking and burn ing, no water need be added. Add salt in the proportion of one tea spoon to the quart. Boil gently thir ty minutes, counting time from be ginning of boiling. Place in sterilized jars, fill jars to overflowing, adding boiling water if necessary. Seal as usual. Co-operation Readers are cordially invited to ask Misa' Gross any questions about household economy upon which she may possibly give help ful advice; they are also invited to give suggestions from their expe rience that may be helpful to others meeting the aame problems. Serving the Tomato. All of us who enjoy the delicious flavorful fruit of the tomato plant to day will hardly believe that its use on our table has been confined to the last fifty years. Even in our grand mother'e day the vermillion- globes were looked on as ornaments to deck the mantle, but not as food. In those days the tomato was known as "love apple"; but it was believed, to be poisonous because it belongs to the same family as the deadly nightshade. Today, however, we know that the ley Brogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Brogan of Omaha. Afternoon Tea. Mrs. J. H. Harrht gave an afternoon tea today complimentary to Mrs. Ed ward Rucklos of Long Beach. Cat., formerly of Omaha. Mrs. Rucklos and her three daughters are visiting Mrs. Harms. Roma Traabla Maker. An Indian with a war club la aome trou ble maker, even if aald Indian denlea he la an Indian. We refer to- Zui-h, otherwtne "Buck" Wheat, and hie eavage attack on National league twlrlera thla eraaon. vlr.Jajr iu-L-'.r.'Ji. v:. utghtt.' vvoo.1 ov.f."ord ;;uiin. : r Ikel.y, i::tif s:arfr.a ta!v v:io? -'.:i,: : Miss lir. br.it '.ela Wuruhtr, sv.l.,-tli lJaliereou. Ur.y Pollard of .Ijin 1 ;;u, a Patera. entertained all hnc'-.-oi, at ti.e --tf.:o ohi touay lor 'Vi.-a.'Uarshail V.a!.:cr ot New York,! Vo is visiting !-er parents, Mr. andj jr l). .Jarr:ut. icn gucj's une present , - . Mrs. H. A. Ca:ura.. Mrs. C. D Mnrteran and lire. i). ('. liaker had . of four arid .si tit. the. closing 1 on an ! bridge ,'arty at thtvlub lucav. ud Mrs: Roland il. Jones had 2 iarty of eight. . aturday evening Mr. and Mrs. C 0. aturtevsnt will have eight guests ut the closing dinner dance. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wahl will have twelve r?tiesti Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hutchin son will have a party of live, Mr. and Mrs. H. B- Kranz will entertain seven and James L. Pray has made rescr rations for three. 7 his is the occasion ot the 1at Tuesday Ijnrtjjr; toa-nament at the Held club. ; At the Country Club. , llr. and Mrs. . J. I,ve mil iiav: a party of ten puea'd.bi the -Wvdne: dav. ovening dmner-dane?, and J. WIS7W atrfTt llZlr. M t ZLaTa M f I I x vinviy v uanwib h um s j I I J. - Q 1 ( -. I I I r r-. NL VV ; I I i fn 1 - r srt "' I An attractive separate bodice la shown here I - tomato is not- only harmless, but possesses acids which make it pecu liarly stimulative and cleansing, and though the bulk consists of water, its chief value is in the small ner cent of minerals. These have a direct effect on the kidneys and liver, acting as natural "salts," being particularly useful if there is any tendency to biliousness, gout or clogged intestines. Variety in Serving. But to the housekeeper the tomato is a staple ) summer food mainly be cause it permits such endless variety in its serving. . Few, indeed, are the vegetables which can be eaten in so many attractive ways, both raw and cooked, its color and picturesqueness enhancing any dish to which it is added. The tomato is perhaps the ideal salad vegetable because it can be combined with so many other foods, particularly eggs, Cheese and nuts. In these salad forms it can play the part cither of a watery salad for re freshment only, or if combined with the three foods above mentioned it will make a substantial meal, es pecially suited for hot weather. Here are some suggested combinations: Tomato rings, cress, balls cream cheese, almonds. Tomato aspic in small molds, gar nished with pepper rings. ' Tomato cup stuffed with chopped cabbage, celery and walnuts. Tomato cups filled with cooked diced carrots, white turnip and string beans. ' Cooked white string beans and as paragus laid through thick rings of tomato. Suggestions for cooked tomatoes are: Tomato cups stuffed with bread crumbs and ham and baked. , Tomato cups filled with bread crumbs and dropped egg baked. Rings of tomato saute with diced eggplant aaute arranged in layers with salt, pepper, grated parmesan cheese and baked. Thick rings of tomato saute in but ter, served with cream sauce on toast. Porch Sandwich Rings of tomato covered with grated- cheese highly seasoned, grilled on crackers; sardines may be added to this. Olive and walnut meats in chilled tomato aspic as individual salads; to mato cups stuffed with seasoned crumbs-, topped by large fresh mush room, grilled. Ripeness Gives Flavor. August is the month when the first early tomatoes are in their prime. The tomato, likd other vegetables, does not develop its perfect flavor until perfectly mature and ripe. It needs the hot sun to transform the green cellulose into ruby lusciousness. Un less fully ripe the cross sections of the pulp are tough and sometimes bitter. For baking especially the tomato must be so ripe that in about twenty min utes it can be grilled or scalloped. Too long cooking makes it dark and separates the pulp and juice, leaving the skin as a distinct and unpleasant feature. For all scalloped dishes the tomato should not be peeled, other wise it will lose its shape. But for salad dishes the tomatoes should be dropped into boiling water, skinned quickly with a silver fruit knife and then placed to chill. Since the tomato possesses such an excess of natural acid, care must be Advice to Lovelorn By Beatrice Fairfax Clinging to Toar Ideale, Oear Mlea Fairfax: Referring to your article entitled. "Aaklng Advice and tak ing H," I venture to make a few remarke. t am II and haven't a eingle man friend for the reason t refuee to klaa every Tom. llck and Harry. 1 have gone about With quite a few men and It waa the eame with all. t wea particularly Interested In the letter you quoted. One of hla phraaee K-aa. "I take my hat off to any girl who la really eelf-respecllng." That waa a very creditable thing to say, but did he. In hla own eoul, really mean what he aald? Poaetblr am too ekpetical. but I have long pondered thla ,ueetlon. Why la 11 that men alwaye pay attention to auch gtrla aa will allow them to klaa and make love to them, while the really aelf-raepect-Ing gtrla are termed deed elow and paseed over In favor of the eo-ealled game spon? Would any man Ilka hla alater to be called a game apart T urtbi ur in Bi LunbouHE. an.ni. There mar be a good many men in the world who want to make light and facile love to every girl they meet, but there are alao a great many who reapeot a girl for her own dignified sett reepect. ' No 11-year-old girl la la a poaitlon to gen eralise about men becauae a few emotional boys have tried to make love to hor and have loat .Interest In her when they found they couldn't The thing for hor to do la to bo true to her own Ideals and to try to retain her faith In human nature which la a pretty docent thing after all. Try to appeal to the beat In then and try not to ha appealed to by any but the best type of men. Tour problem will work It self out . it you ara patient and refuse to become cynical, skeptical, or reckless. Ton. write a very good letter and evidently are ta?H.b o of thinking and reaaonlng In an i; teftf'.-'Unu way. Heat assured . that there ero aood men ready to Ilka you for your mind If you reveal Its charm to them. used when combining it with milk. I Uncooked milk should never be used, but the milk heated or made in a i cream sauce first and then added. The j helpful pinch of soda should be added I to a cream sauce which is combined with tomatoes. Cream curdles less easily than milk because it has more fat or less casein or thick part of milk. Canned and evaporated milk when diluted gives even better re sults than fresh milk, while fresh cream thinned is the ideal to combine with any tomato dish. Dressinga and Mayonnaise. Owing to its luscious and flavoring qualities the tomato is specially adapt ed to use with oil dressings either of the French or mayonnaise types. The so-called "boiled dressing does not go well. In making a French dress ing lessen the amount of vinegar be cause of the natural acid in the to mato itself, and by adding different seasonings, such as a few celery setd, crushed mint leaf, garlic, sweet mar joram or otlier herbs, even plain sliced tomatoes will have variety. By all means avoid that unnecessarily common dressing, sugar, vinegar and oil heavily mixed and poured over the inevitable three rings of tomato. Instead of using the slices in the flat way, pyramid them, placing some of the lettuce leaves between. Or cut a small whole tomato into eight sec tions, or "petals," like an organ ge, to vary the monotony of the slice. Or use the same sectional pieces as decorations around platters of cold meat. The small, perfectly shaped to matoes are, of course, more suitable for individual cup salads. Moderately large are best for baking and the larg est size for any of the grilled or aauted dishes. Philadelphia Ledger. , BY JANE M'LEAN. Of course I might have married Jack. There was really just one rea son why I didn't, and that was be cause I didn't love him, and there is all the difference in the world be tween the right and the wrong man. Jack was the type of admirer that always makes a good showing. Every girl knows at least one man like him. She likes to introduce him to her friends, as much as to say: . "Yes, girls, take a good look, but no trespassing,' because he's mine." Jack was distinguished looking. His clothes were always just the right thing. He owned a Stunning racer, and he certainly knew how to amuse a girl. I always felt beautifully dis posed of, as though I couldn't have thought of another thing to do for myself. (And yet Jack wasn't fussy, just dependable, and oh how he did bolster up mypride. Of course, I said no when he asked me. Something inside of me said, "Don't do it." Yesterday I met Jack's wife, and now I think I know what kind of a wife I might have been if I had married Jack. "How do you do, Miss Page?" she said languidly. "Jack has spoken of you so often. Isn't it hot? I don't see how you can keep so cool." Jack's wife was smartly dressed, but she did look as though living up to Jack made her breathless. I had on tennis shoes and a white skirt and waist. Of course, my mustard-colored sport hat was becoming, but otherwise I looked like any other girl. I ' "Howis Jack?" I asked. "I haven't seen him since you came back from abroad." "I don't see much of Jack myself," the wife responded. "He has so many friends, you know, and we have so many social engagements to keeft,up. and altogether life is just one grand scramble." "Don't you have time to make love?" I asked audaciously. And then I was sorry I had spoken, because Mrs. Jack flushed uncomfortably and laughed uncertainly and said: "I thought everyone finished that up during the honeymoon." "Of course," I responded quickly, although I knew. I was telling the biggest fib I had ever told in my life. And then to change the subject. 1 saidr "Don't you play tennis?" "I did before I was married," Jack's wife responded, "but one gets so hot. and Jack hates women to look hot He says they're never ornamental when their noses are shiny." Our conversation began to sound like a rehearsal of Jack's likes and dislikes. Jack's wife seemed to be rather a plastic individual and I be gan to wonder if Jack had changed. "I suppose you had a splendid time abroad, ! said enthusiastically. "Oh, yes," was the answer, "only it was tiresome. The minute we reached a spot where I wanted to stop for a few days, Jack wanted to move on.- He likes only the excite ment of travel, and the beauty of the scenery makes no difference at all to him." , I wanted to say, "But you were just married, I should think it would be wonderful just to be together." But, of course, I didn't. Afterward I heard that Jack's wife had been quite "fun" before she was married. Then, being married to Jack must have made Ul the difference. I wonder if life would have been the same for me if I had married Jack myself. Perhaps not, because I am not very easily influenced, but 1 should have been perfectly miserable getting used to it all. CLAREMONT i i An attractive aeparate bodice Is shown here developed in black chiffon and lace over' flesh georgette crepe. The shawl collar and square cuffa are particularly good features. Especially notable ia the fact that, the sleeves are three-quarter length. Small white satin 'binding gives a dainty, finialling , note. . , , ... -,. . .,'').: '. ..; JACKSON Special Noonday Luncheon. 1 1 -.80 to 1 :S8 p. m., SSc 8pecial Evening Dinner, 8 :S0 to 1:S0 p. at., SOe. Sunday Table d'Hoto Dinner SOe. Tha only plao in Omaha whara yon. can get good home cooked Bieale eerved tha way you like them. Ask for and Get f - THE HIGHEST QUALITY SPAGHETTI 36 hp Rpript Book frit JXINMERMFG.Ca.OMAHA.USA uun MAWitoai imtov w bmuiu Have Your Wool Blankets Cleaned Our new Blanket Cleaning Department is the finest and most up-to-date in the city, . and we give you a class of work never be fore seen in Omaha. Double Blankets . . v . . . .$1.25 Single Blanket .-. . 75c Down oCotton Comforts We are' well equipped for cleaning Down or Cotton Comforts, Sofa Pillows, Chair Cushions, etc. .; , ; ' , Down Comforts . . . .$1.25 Cotton Comforts. $1.00 ' ' - " ",'.' : Send them in along with your Blankets, Por tieres Draperies, Curtains and other furnish ings that require Care and Sk.ll in handling. , - We have'eatablished our reputation on a QUALITY and SERVICE baais. It happens, however", that our price are about the same as the average , - Cleaner's, but that's as far as the Companion goes. Try us on your nest - order and see. , - ' , THE PANTORIUM ; "GOOD CLEANERS AND. DYERS" 1513-15-17 Jones Street. Phone Douglas 963. ' ' South Side 4708 South 24th Street. Phone South 1283. N. B. We pay P. P. charges one way on all out-of-town orders Write for price list. SHOP TALKS It paje to investigate. . No one should be satisfied with the war hit work b don if a batter way can be found. Wo used to think our method of cleaning Wool Blankets waa just about right, until last June, whan a machinery salesman came along and aaya, "I can sell you a machine for cleaning blankets that will not FELT or SHRINK tha wool a particle." I replied, "you'll hare to SHOW me." He did. We ara now uiing the machine every day. . We've taken, old shrunken and felted blankets that were practically worthiest and made them a oft and fluffy. aa new. We get results that' what you want, isn't it? ' .ii , 1 l & 4 atanHststa ' WMBBeafMHaSaVA aaTafaaaaaaaa MnHaTaTaTanm How the Bell Telephone System Spends Each Dollar Received We believe that every telephone user has a right to know what is done with the money he spends for telephone service. The following figures are taken from the annual report of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and Associated Com panies, showing how the Bell Telephone System spends each dollar it receives for telephone service: (1) 4y, eanta at each dollar ara paid In wages, to empleyeea. (2) 33', eanta- of each dollar ara apant in keeping tha plant In can. slant good repair by rebuilding or replacing parta of It aa they wear out, become out-of-date er ara destroyed by Area or devas tating atarma. Out of .thla amount alao cornea tha money apent for auppllaa, taxes, rente, amployec'a welfare work and far adver- ' tlalng. (3 1 20 eanta ara paid for the uee of every 4 Invaatad In tha property. There ara approximately S4 Inveeted far every 1 of grace reve - nua received annually, and thla payment of 10 eenta In Interact and dlvldende f epreeente an annual return of about 5 per cent on tha Invaatment " There Is no " water" in Bell Telephone stock. A dollar ha been invested for every dollar's worth of stock, bonds or other securi ties issued. , ' ' There ara about 100,000 atoekholdore in the Bell Syatem, mere j ,' than 48,000 of whom ara empleyeea wha have Invaatad their aavlnga '' In telephone atoek. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY m