THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. SKPTEMBER 27, 1916. Nebraska RANKS OF DEMOS BECOME SHAKEN Evidences on All Sides That Harmony Is Lacking Among the Bourbons. BRYAN MEN DISSATISFIED (Fiorn a Staff CormpowlonU Lincoln, Sept. 26. (Special.) "We are not doing any worrying over the so-calied republican deflection of votes to President Wilson," said Jess Craig, manager of the speakers' bureau of the republican state com mittee today. 'It is giving the democratic press a whole lot more concern than it is us. Every report we have received has Eiven the state committee satislac tion. It seems strange for ordinarily one expects to hear from spotted Io calities where some candidate has aroused opposition, but not so this year. Above all we have found the people of Nebraska most receptive to the candidacy of Justice Hughes and he is apparently winning tresh admirers each day' with his clean cut denunciation of democratic abuse. Democrats Split. "Something else is giving us a lot of satisfaction too. It's the number of democrats who are flocking to re publican state headquarters, and in dicating that at least two democratic candidates cannot hope for the united suppor, of their party. -Apparently it is the purpose of the democratic press o hide he facional roubles of hat organizaion. "It's becoming more apparent every day that hundreds of Bryan demo crats will support the republican ticket, at least." . Constantly increasing demands for literature have compelled the republi can state committee again to enlarge tne neaciquarters. i. jonns, wno is in charge of the publicity bureau, has been given separate quarters and has a big force working to keep pace with the requests for campaign ma terial. Nebraska is going to receive a lively bombardment from republican ora tors within the next few weeks. Jess Craig has a number of speakers ar ranged for and is now completing their itineraries. Rail Commission Comes To Deadlock With Reed (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Sept. 26. (Special.) The railway commsision has asked Attor ney General Reed tot prosecute the Farmers' Co-Operative Elevator com pany of Riverdale for failure to abide by the state warehouse law although Mr. Reed has pronounced the law un constitutional and unenforceable. Mr. Reed has indicated that he will not prosecute, since he does not believe that it can be done successfully. The commission complains against the elevator company on the grounds that it is not submitting its monthly reports. Mr. Reed holds the law unconsti tutional, because, in his opinion, a grain elevator is not a common car rier. The State Railway commission has authority only over common car riers, according to the state constitu tion. , x , , Neville Speaks on Street; No Hearers in His Hall Bridgeport, Neb., Sept. 26. (Spcy cial Telegram.) Keith Neville spoke to a mere handful of people on the streets this afternoon in behalf of his campaign. The address was scheduled to be held in the Miller opera house, but owing to the fact that no hearers put in their appearance, the speech was delivered by Neville from his car on the street. On the whole, theocca sion was a fiasco. Leslie M. Shaw to Make Address in Capital City (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Sept .' 26. (Special.) Word was received by the republican state committee here late today that Leslie M. Shaw, former secretary of the treasury, would speak in Eincoln at the city auditorium on the night of October 10. Republican managers here plan to make the Shaw meeting one of the big rallies of the campaign. Had Bilious Attacks. "My son, 19 years of age, suffered frequently from bilious attacks. My husband brought home a bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets and began giv ing them to him. They helped him right away. He began to-eat heartily and picked up right along," writes Mrs. Thomas Camobell. Kirkville. Y. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. for a fine complexion you must do something more than use cosmetics. You must keep the blood pure, the liver jnd kidneys active and the bowels regular. You must also correct the digestive ills that cause muddy skin and dull eye offer you the needed help. They are mild in action, but quickly strengthen the stomach, gen tly stimulate the liver and regu late the bowels. They put the body in good condition so the organs work as nature intend ed. Backed by sixty years of toefulness, Beecham s Pills are worth considering KntUmaf feedal Vdaa ta ImiHot ba. feUanrrwhara. kasat, 10c, 2S. deedms MS Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 26. (Special.) R. W. Hall and a Mexican em ployed by the Burlington road as a laborer engaged in a pistol duel in the Burlington yards last evening near a string of Mexican bunk cars with the result that the Mexican was shot in the leg and severely wounded. Hall was arrested and lodged in jail. He stated that the Mexican insulted his sister, who was fishing not far away, and when he met the Mexican the latter fired two shots at him. He then pulled his gun and shot the fellow in the leg. Soon after the shooting the young woman whom Hall claims is his sister was also ar rested. She had in her possession the weapon with which Hall shot the Mexican. Clyde Raymond, the little son of Samuel Berry of this city, died yes terday of tuberculosis at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Duntz. The body of the late Mrs. John Dyck, a former resident of Beatrice, who died at Omaha Sunday, was brought here today for interment. The deceased was 57 years of age and leaves a large family. The little daughter of George Cole man sustained a broken thigh and se vere bruises about the body in a run away at Blue Springs yesterday. The county fair opened here today with a large attendance. Wednesday will be democratic day and Thurs day republican day. W. L. Stark, candidate for congress, and Vic Wil son, candidate for railway commis sioner, will speak for the democrats. John L. Kennedy, candidate for United States senator, and Judge Sut ton,' candidate for governor, will be the speakers on republican day. Oxford Votes Bonds For Sewer System Oxford. Neb.. Sent. 26. (Special.) At a special election held yesterday to vote on tne question oi issuing bonds to build a city sewer system, the bonds carried by a vote of 122 to 12. Work on the new brick block to take the place of the one demolished by the tornado of August 9 is pro gressing and the building will soon be ready for the occupants, the Se curity bank, JNeilsen-Macicprang nara- ware and the Fair stores. I he build ing is all modern, with a stone and glazed brick finish. the Burlington railroad nas pur chased addition grounds near its rmht-of-wav and will erect a larger and more up-to-date round house to take the place of the one removed by the storm. Omaha's Milk Supply ' Is Keeping to Standard (From a Staff Correspondent.) , Lincoln. Sent. 26. (Special.) Omaha's milk supply is much im proved, an inspection by the state food department indicated yesterday. Fsve inspectors made the rounds yes terday, covering practically the same ground taken in a month ago, when a large number of-prosecutions were brought. Sciatic'. Ptening Pain. . Ton can depend upon. Sloan'i Liniment ta kill the nerve palna of sciatica; It pene trates without rubbing-. Only 26c. Alt drug gists. Advertisement v Piano Lamps, $18 and up. Mahogany and Gold Standard . Table Lamps; $10 and up; made in ivory, gold and mahog any, Candle Sticks, Shades, Shade Holders and Can dles from50c up. ' Cordova Leather Ladies' Bags, Bill Holders, Photo Holders, Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Card Cases, Table Mats, Glove Cases, etc. Price $1 and up. Flowers Artificial American Beau t i e s, Daisies, Poppies, Clover Blossoms, Nastur tiums, Cycleman, Roses, etc. Prices from 25c up. Pictures Of every description Paintings, Etchings, Mezzo-tints. Prints of all sorts, from $1 up. You buy the picture. We furnish the frame free. You can now furnish your home with Pictures at less price than fancy Wall Pa per will cost you. Many are taking advantage of this big offer. WHY NOT YOU? A. HOSPE CO. 1513-15 Douglas St. Hospe Art Shop Sale KENNEDY AND REATO IN THIRD Candidates Speak at Dubois, Table Sock, Steinauer ' and Burchard. MMULLEN ALSO SPEAKS Pawnee City, Neb., Sept. 26. (Spe cial.) The republican senatorial and congressional campaign in Pawnee county opened yesterday. John I.. Kennedy of Omaha, republican candi date for United States senator, and Congressman C. F. Rcavis of Falls City entered upon a speaking tour of the county and the First congressional district, commencing with a morning meeting on the street at Dubois and closing with a nieht meetinir in the town hall at Burchard. Two afternoon street meetings were held, one at Table Rock and the other at Stein euer. AHam Atrt11, rtf w. republican candidate for state senator! aiso spoxe at each meeting., The theme of the speeches delivered throughout the rlau ,.., .... ... -o " jk mineral lu the farmers of southeastern Nebraska, anu at an stops much applause was elicited. Underwood Act Sectional. Mr. Kennerlv atiH fr P...,..: ed out that the legislation of the last four years by a democratic congress had been for the benefit of the south rather than for the benefit of the country in general. The Underwood tariff measure, they said, gives pro tection to the products of the farms of the south, but leaves unprotected the nrndurtft ef t tma f 7 ,oll"a UI 9UUII1- eastern Nebraska. They showed that me sumn is in me saddle and giving the benefits nf . :cc . f""" laiui hi the sections of the country from which President Wilson and Mr. Underwood come. Dut giving to the rest of the Ijmterl stata t,o . r iivt uduc pulley OI the democratic party. They asked that protection be applied to all parts if .. ia guuu tiling, ami not restrict its benefits to any favored section. The manv farmers in th t,A;anB expressed by liberal applause their disapproval of the democratic plan of to the south by appropriation ",c "curasna rarmers nave to rr THE WEEK OF Wonderful Windows Begins Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Be sure to view these beautiful win dows. Last year more than 35,000 people came downtown to see the windows. Welcome Thrice State of -A Upon' the lour 5Uth Birthday This year Omaha has double cause to congratulate herself Ak-Sar-Ben celebrates and joins hands with the State of Nebraska in her Half Century as a state. -irTJJSS GREAvT ST0RE OFFERS TO EVERY VISITOR A HUNDRED AND ONE CONVEN IENCES AND ACCOMMODATIONS. , We earnestly invite yon to take advantage of these, and to permit us to be of service to you in any way TUmSg,lAUryjn 0maha- It is a big celebration l Mi) U A BIG STORE we are ready to serve you - as only the biggest store in the Middle West can. Fur Trimmings For Fall Gowns A Most Remarkable and Opportune Offering. WE ARE SHOWING just the Fur .Trimmings that you will want right now, for they are the Trimmings upon which Fashion has put her seal of approval. Here they are at exceptionally small prices. , Black, Brown and " Gray Coney Furs, 50c a yard. Black, Brown and White Mole Coney (Imitation Er mine), special, at $1.00 a yard. Beaver, Mole, Nearseal, Natural Oppossum and Black Oppossum, $2.98 a yard. White Mufflon, Taupe Mufflon, Beaver, Skunk, Op possum, Natural Oppossum and Fitch, $3.98 a yard. (Main Floor. . Hair Goods Sale Switches necessary for prevailing modes of hair dressing. 20-Inch Switch, $1.56 values, $r 69 22-Inch Switches, $2.50 values, for.-. 81.98 24-Inch Switches, $5.00 values for- 82.50 Gray Switches, 24 inches long. Weight ZV, ounces. Regular $5.00 values, at ,. . . .$2.98 Estimates furnished for those difficult shades, in aijy article of hair goods. Second Floor. TODAY ; purchase with their own funds and taxes. Federal Drainage for South. Congressman Keavis stated that ; congress had appropriated $9,000,000 ! to give drainage benefits tT the farm I ers of the south, and that the farmers I of Richardson and Tawnce counties and the other counties in Nebraska had been compelled to get the same results by heavy special assessments and charges against their lands. Con gress, he said, could not be particular ly generous to any one section and at the same time be just to all. He as serted that he had always voted against such discriminating legislation and that his opponent had always vot ed for such legislation. Both speakers remarked upon the prosperity of today, but asserted that it is nothing to brag about, as it is built upon the graves of the best young men in Europe and made pos sible by the woes of a world. After the war, with the present Underwood tariff, they urged that the United States would be inviting the countries of the world to make the United States their dumping ground, and that then prosperity would not reign su preme, as the present high prices were due to 'the fact that all Europeans arc now consumers and not producers, I that the United States is exporting I chiefly and because there is litt e im-; porting. Only one thing will save the United States from industrial disaster after the war, thev said, and that is the protective tariff for which the re publican party has always stood. Mr. Kennedy drew tie farmers to him by .the declaration that he had farmed in two countries and had an eleven days' steerage passage in be tween. Many of his hearers today have enjoyed a similar experience. Pawnee Candidates with Party. In today's campaign two automobile loads of Pawnee county candidates have accompanied the speakers. They are; Harry V. Scott, candidate for county clerk; John Albright, candidate for county treasurer; Frank A. Bar ton, candidate for county attorney; V. T. Parkinson, candidate for state rep resentative; J. C. McClung, candidate for sheriff; D, W. Neal, Candidate for county judge, all of Pawnee City, and Rufus Church and H. A. Moore, editor of the Dubois Press. At Dubois Rev. H. R. McKclvie of the United Brethren church presided and introduced the speakers, while at Table Rock Frank R. Taylor, editor of the Argus, acted as chaixaian of the street meeting. All along the line to day the candidates have received a warm reception, King Ak and Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Welcome Nebraska Occasion of Three Special Glove Values For Wednesday At the prices we quote on these excel lent Gloves you cannot afford to miss this 1L opportunity. ami nm Long Kid Gloves For Ak-Sar-Ben Ball and Social Functions. Perrin's 16-Button Length White Kid Gloves, usually sold at $3.50 pair. An extraordinary offer for Wednesday only, at $2.59 Main Floor. The "Haddorff" Piano Plays The Music Most Beautifully YES THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN PIANOS. Some instruments give forth a hard, metallic sound, and are stiff in key action and slow in re sponse. These Pianos are actually hard to play, strange as that statement may sound; Any good musician will tell you that he can play much better if the instrument is in "sympathy" with his touch and technique. Haddorff Pianos and Player Pianos Are: First Built of the best materials. - Second Beautiful in casement. Third Responsive and sympathetic in action. Fourth Giving perfect melody in their tone notes. AND THE FIFTH REASON BEST OF ALL YOU CAN BUY THESE BEAUTIFUL PIANOS PRAC TICALLY ON YOUR OWN TERMS. We carry a complete line of Q. R. S. and Imperial Player Piano Records at all times. N. B. We shall be pleased to play any of these pianos or player pianos with records for you at any time. Third Floor. Tabloids of Politics Little Items About the Progress of tho Campaign. State Secretary Porter of the So cialist party, has received word that George R. Kirkpatrick, socialist can didate for vice president, will he in Omaha October 6, and will speak at 8 o'clock that evening in Washington hall. William A. Foster has filed his pe tition signed by 353 qualified elector asking that his name be placed on the' official ballot as a candidate for the Board oi Education. Mr. Foster has represented the Fourth ward on the Board for four years, being elected as a republican. Under the new law the members will be nonpartisan and will be elected at large. Two hundred names are required on the petition. ENTENTE ALLIES FIGHT WAY INTO TOWNOFCOMBLES (CntlnuMl From Pur On.) none the less surely, the British have pushed their advance on the north of the German salient. Their struggles to reach and hold Ginchy and Guil'e mont were expensive in time and mon, hut finally the " ground north of Combles and some distance to the east Wjas occupied, putting the town in a pocket of which the opening was constantly being narrowed by the drives of the entente armies. Close Opening of Pocket. Yesterday came the combined ef fort of the French and British to close the opening or at least render it so narrow that what could be ex tracted through it by Germans would not be-worth while. Only two roads remained over which the Germans could withdraw their men and guns. The single track railroad running through the place had long since been rendered useless. Attacking from the north, General Haig's forces pushed to and occu pied Morval, cutting the northerly road to Le Transloy. Striking from the south the French pushed their line to Fregicrftirt, sevcr ng communication with Combles over Women s Two-Clasp Chamouatte Cloves, in white or natural color. Guaranteed wash able. Should sell at 75c, according to pres ent market conditions. Special, Wednesday, Pair 55 Bacmo Guaranteed Washable Kid Gloves, oyster or pearl white with black embroidered backs. Every pair guaranteed washable. Spe cially priced for Wednesday, at 81.45 We shall announce in detail a wonderful sale of Men's Top Coats and Raincoats. the southerlv road that stretching towrads Saifljf. The gap between Morval and Frcgicourt, a mile and a half in width and reaching back to ward Combles, was swept from either direction by I the combined fire of Flinch and British guns. It is not thought probable that any considerable force of Germans re mained in Combles. During the day yesterday when it was becoming evi dent the allied forces were achieving their object of closing in east of the town the Germans are reported to have begun withdrawing guns from it, WHY WOMEN . WRITE LETTERS To Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co. Women who are well often ask "Are the letters which the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. are continually publishing, genuine?" "Are they truthful?" " Why do women write such letters? " In answer we say that never have we published a fictitious letter or name. Never, knowingly, have we published an untruthful letter, or one without tho full and written consent of the woman who wrote it The reason that thousands of women from all parts of the country write such grateful letters to the Lydia E. Pink- bam Medicine Co. is that Lydia IS. Fink' ham's Vegetable Compound has brought health and happiness into. their lives, once burdened with pain and suffering. It has relieved women from some of the worst forms of female ills, from dis placements, inflammation, ulceration. irregularities, nervousness, weakness, stomach troubles and from tne blues. It Is Impossible for any woman who is well and who (STSyr has never suffered TWaA to realize how these poor, suffering wo men feel when re stored to health; their keen desire to help other women who are suffering as they did. THE WEEK OF Wonderful Windows Begins Wednesday nght at 7 o'clock. Be sure to view these beautiful win dows. Last year more than 35,000 people came downtown to see the windows. Wilton Rugs Hartford Kermans and Bigelow lihpahans. The finest quality Wil ton Rugs made. Size 9x12 S7O.00 Size 8-3x10-6.... $65.00 Size 6x9 ......$40.00 Size 36x63 $12.00 Size 27x54 $7.50 Art Loom Seamless Wilton Rufs. We carry this ru in three qualities. gize 9x12. .-. . .$45. $50. $55 Size 8-3x10-6, $40. $45. $50 Size 36x63 $8.00 Size 27x54 $5.00 Axminster Rugs We have a beautiful line of these popular rugs. Size 9x12 $24 to $35.00 Size 8-3x10-6. .$21 to $32.50 Size 36x72 $4.50 Size 27x60 $3.00 Nonpareil Chenile Chamber Rugs Washable and durable. Beauti ful combinations of colorings and patterns. Size 4x7 feet $9.00 Size 86x72 inches $5.50 Size 30x60 inches..' $4.50 Size 24x36 inches $2.25 Third Floor. Wall Paper In Room Lots Enough Wall Paper, con sisting of 10 rolls wall, 6 rolls ceiling and 18 yards border to decorate an entire room 12 xl4x9 feet high. Six patterns, in all colors, with border and ceiling to match. Worth $1.84, at . . . . , 93 Popular Plain Domestic Oatmeal Papers, all colors, with your choice of a large selection of cut-out borders. Nothing prettier for down stairs rooms. Including 9 rolls wall, 6 rolls ceiling and 18 yards cut-out border. All complete for entire room, for on'y $3.21 Third Floor. WATCH FOR IT Tire dealers say that practically all last year's United States Tire users continue to buy United States Tires this year. Only " make-good " sells anything the second time. Nobby Tread The first real, .err high- f gride anti-ilcid, -and (till the first. Th atf st effective. Effi cient anti-tkid at its price. Tread AierrlenMe . antMkid costing 1 but little mote than a 'Plus Treid. . 'Royal Cord The mod era multicord tire with unusual anti-skid quali ties. 'Plain Tread A front wheel tire of extra mileage qualities. mm mm, t if United Tires