Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Enthusiastic Meeting at Com
mercial Club Estimate! to
Be Presented Monday.
When county officials. Commercial
Club heads and business men of Coun
cil Bluffs and Omaha met at a lunch
eon at the Commercial club bonds
sufficient to build a free bridge be
' tween Douglas and Pottawattamie
counties crossing the Missouri river
litre indorsed with cheers and the
state and county engineers were in
structed to prepare estimates to be
presented Monday.
.Conflicting arguments arose be
tween business men on both sides
of the stream for fni against the
building of the bridge with the price
nf ateel at the nresent high mark.
"Vote the bonds. Get the expres
iion of the people. Consider the es-
. . rrL "11 ,.
timaies. inen wen uilws, v.v
enthusiastic comments. On motion
n( F A Rrnunn the unanimous in
dorsement of the free bridge and the
voting Aof bonds by taxpayers was
given by commercial captains it
To Mot Old Bridge,
"The buying of the old Union Pa
cific bridge and its removal to a point
of advantage has been presented to
the new activities committee of the
Commercial club," said Chairman Wil
liams. "The old bridge is good for
thirty years yet and was built with
the aid of Douglas county when the
people voted bonds for $250,000 on
which they eventually paid $636,410.
Because ot lending this assistance we
should be given an advantageous
price by the railroad. Something
must be done with the bridge and
if we don't get it some one else will
a, a fiaro-ain.
"I would lugest that the United
' States government be appealed to and
portion of the Lincoln Memorial
fund, say '$500,000, be secured to build
the bridge. Lincoln came here with
General Dodge when looking over
nlann of the Union Pacific and it
would he a fitting' tribute to his
memory.". According to State Ensji-
; neer Johnson ot Mcorasxa ine onugc
cannot be tonstructed for less than
1,000,000. , . : . ,
Needs Long Approach.
Preliminary plans and estimates
furnished by County Engineer Lou
Adams show that the bridge must
cross twenty-seven railway tracks
and that an approach 1,100 feet long
on the Douglas county side will be
reauired.- He indorsed the state
ment of the state negineer regarding
the million-dollar cost. .' ,
"Based on the wealth. and popula
iion of the two counties,. Douglas
.'county, should pay three times as
much as Pottawattamie," said Attor
ney Young. "Council Bluffs leader!
assert that they are unable to go be
yond $2O0,Q00 in voting bonds. That
means a total of $600,000, and that is
insufficient to build the bridge pro-
i . . . i
v Robert B. Wallace of Council Bluffs
made the oDenini speech for the folks
from Pottawattamie,'' urging that
. Omaha extend the hand across 'the
Missouri to achieve mutually desir
able results. "We have decided that
$200,000 is a fair and adequate share
. for the people of our county to con-
. tribute toward the tree Bridge. AC
cording to official figures the tolls ex
tracted by the present company ex-
elusive of street car traffic during 1915
were $68,000. Think what this means
every year to the people.
Commissioners Willing.
County Commissioner Lynch said
"Douglas county commissioners are
but servants of the people. If they
will give us an expression of what
they wish done regarding the erection
of the bridge we will act favorably on
their suggestions. .
H. A. Searte. manager of the Mon
. arch Ms ufacturing company of
Council Bluffs: , "We would be spend
ing the people's money foolishly by
building the bridge while steel prices
are sky high."
' Congressman' Lobeck: "Bridge
plans must fii st be submitted to army
engineers, ine Lincoln memorial
fund is being used for the Potomac
memorial and no funds will be avail
able for other purposes."
. Other impromptu, talks were made
. by members of the commercial or
1 ganizations seeking suggestions from
engineers paving the way for the con
sideration of estimates at the meeting
ot the bridge committees Monday,
oreceding the meeting of the execu
tive committee of ' the Commercial
club Tuesday. ,
(Oaattan4 Free Page oat.)
. we are not all right in our views,
though we may confidently believe
we are. The democratic party holds
, . to certain political practice diametric
ally opposite to republican practice.
We cannot both be right. Keep that
' :- fundamental fact in mind and we will
then realize that it is a matter of the
highest moment whether we choose
the right or choose the wrong.
"Now, four years ago the American
people were in the possession. of un
precedented prosperity: we were, in
the midst of the golden age. We were
just emerging after sixteen years of
republican prosperity, the greatest we
had ever enjoyed. It came under the
administration of William McKinley,
one of the greatest statesmen our
country ever produced. It continued
under the administration of Theodore
Roosevelt and William Howard Taft
There was business advancement at
home, and there was honor and high
prestige in all of the chancellories of
the world; there was no flag that was
' more revered and respected than the
Stars and Stripes of America. We
were going on in that day with tre
mendous rapidity, everywhere there
was labor for every band, food for
every mouth; we were a great, happy
nation, some ot our countrymen be
lieved that it was advisable to change
leadership in our national concerns.
We of the republican party had un-
patriotic republicans divided in their
views upon party management. Wood-
row Wilson was elected president of
the United States. It was a proud
day for democracy, but it was an tin
fortunate day for America.
"One of the first things the present
ure of Mr. Fail-bank's visit to Omaha was hi purchase of the first ticket to the carnival
grounds for the current year. Front row, left to right: Frank W. Judson, Charles L. Saun
ders, Randall K. Brown. Charles W. Fairbanks, Everett Buckingham, Gould Dietz. Back
row: John D. Weaver, Louis C
administration did was to overturn
the republican system of protection.
This was not unexpected; it was from
the first regarded as one of the in
evitable things that democracy would
accomplish if it could. It was in power
. i i l j .! i : .
in ine executive Drancn snu mc legis
lative branch also. Its majority was
so decisive that it was able to execute
its unbridled will. For months the
congress was held in session by the
president, wno aominaieu 11 wnn au
tocratic power. The work of demoli
tion went forward, although a major
ity of the American people had ex
pressed themselves as favoring pro
tection, it is unnecessary tor us to
go at length into the numerous sched
ules which were incorporated in their
tariff law.' Many great and many
small commodities, aggregating mil
lions and millions of dollars, were put
upon the free list, and the tariff du
ties, which were being paid by for
eigners under the republican tariff as
the price of their doing .business in
our market, were ruthlessly thrown
away. '
The authors of the law expected
that its ensctment would result in.
imimshed revenues . and they pro
vided for making up this deficiency
by imposing direct taxes .upon the
people and their business..;,
Law Starts Its Work.'
"The law promptly did its perfect
work. It began to undermine confi
dence, breed distrust, reduce the pub
lic revenue, close , factories, throw
out of employment hundreds of
thousands of wages earners, and to
stimulate the charity organizations
and increase bread lines in many cities
of the country. You will bear me
witness, my friends, thst 1 Speak the
truth: I bring no unsupported in
dictment aaainat the . democratic
party. . That great party nad us re-'
lentless grip upon the country and
the country suffered in consequence.
"In due course relief came to us,
not through democracy, but through
one of the cataclysms in the political
world t' at dimmed all that preceded
it through the ages; the foundations
of Europe trembled in the grasp of
a mighty wsr. The nations engaged
in tne conflict reacneo out to tne
United States, the one rich neutral
power, for the implements and mu
nitions required in their, bloody strug
gle. Fsctories which had been closed
by democracy and which had been
engaged in normal production turned
their energies to this new Business.
New factories of gigantic proportions
arose as if by magic and joined In
the great trade of producing war sup
plies. Our railroads, which had been
forced into idleness, were quickened
to meet new demands by the exigen
cies of Europe, breat railway trains
camei down from the cities and the
valleys to our seaports, carrying the
implements of war to be sent into
the European field. Democracy began
to tit up and take notice. It pointed
to the expanding evidences of our
prosperity. Here at last were tro
phies of the democratic policies and
democratic administration, said our
Take Undue Credit.
The fact is that the prosperity,
such as it was and is. was not af
fected in the slightest degree by the
political measures or the policies of
the flarty in power. The prosperity
? rowing out of the European war, so
at as democracy was concerned, was
purely accidental. Democratic pros
perity is due to war, while republican
prosperity grows out of the normal
and peaceful industries of the people;
it is a prosperity which abides. Demo
cratic prosperity will vanish as mist
before the morning sun. When the
articles of peace are concluded be
tween the neighboring countries
abroad and God grant that that time
may not be distant the places where
democratic prosperity has prevailed
will wear a changed aspect; the or
ders from Europe for powder, shell
and shrspnel, which have made ten
thousand hells of hurope, will cease;
the golden currents which have been
flowing hither for these weary and
tragic months will stop.
In the afternoon Mrs. H. H. Bald-
rige gave a tea in honor of Mr. Fair
banks at the Motel f ontenelle.
Her Children's Onitw
Toil cannot, usa aaythlBff bottor tor your
child's .cough and eold than. Dr. Ktns'a
Now Dlaooverr, Contains nothing harmful.
Guaranteed. At drutflata. ISO. Adv.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package)
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Nash, Charles E. Black, George
Republican Speaking
Dates for speakers arranged by the
speakers' bureau of the republican
state committee for the next two
weeeks are:
abort W. Dovoo, Senator Shumwar and
Henator Reynolds and local count? candi
dates, at follow'
toptember S7 Hebron. . . . '
' Hep ten, her IS Beatrlee (ooaatr fair).
. pepiemoer w ortiann.
Nepterober SO Wy more.
tieioner t:ia venter.
Ortoner S Neleon.
IMober I Red Clond.
October B llloomlnftofl. '
October ft Alma.
October 7 Holdrcg.
Comrrmeman Jamee A. YYear ot ITIacolulns
Heptember S7 Humboldt.
September IS I'awneo City.
ConrreMman Htdne? Anderson of Minnesota:
Heptember 27 .Wahoo. .
Heptember SO Oreenwood.
Conaressman W. A. Rodenberf of Illinois:
October S Plattumouth.
October S NebraHa City. !
October 4 rails 1 11).
Senator James W. Wadewortb ( New York:
October 4 Osceola,
, October S -Kearney.
October s-LeilnUjn. .
VYarren O. Harding t
October S Hastings. .... . j
October lit Omaha. .'
Dr. Waaler Hnntberver of Now York)
Heptember 27 MaillAon.
Heptember SH 'oluinbuai ' .- .. i
September W Seward..
1 " ' . , ' "f-
Party to Spend Two
:, Days in Nebraska
Lincoln, Sept. 26.-(Special.) The
prohibition party train will visit Ne
braska October 3 and 4. It is expect
ed that the following persons will be
among inose traveling wun u: j.
frank Haniy, candidate tor presi
dent: Ira J. Landrith. candidate for
vice president: uiiver w. Stewart,
chairman campaign committee, Chi
cago, and Daniel Polling world's sec
retary Christian tndeavor society,
Boston. Local prohibitionists will
join the train as it travels from point
to point, i ne toiiowing scneoute win
be followed, barring such changes as
may be necessary:
Octobsr 8 Fells City, II a. m.: Auburn.
1 p. m. ; Nebraska Ctty. i p. m. ; Lincoln, 4
&m. (open atr); Omaha, 7:80 p. m. (Audi
rlum). October 4 Fremont, 7:34 a. m. (park);
Norfolk. 11 a. m, : ysyne 8 p. m.
You Cannot Heat Your
niina In nAinf avhora Pan-
hard Oil will not lubricate it.
Panhard Oil li tht only oil that
Will not carbon. it In tht cy linden.
Pan hard Oil it "tht only oil that
retain t Itt 'vbrieating quaJttita at
all ttmptraturM.
Lt ut dtteuat thla oil qutatlon
with too and rteontmtnd tht
gradt btat tutted to your oar.
' AutomobDt Supotlta.
2051 Faro. am.
TPrMffttH B3ATS rV
A New Home Cure That Anyone Can Use
Without Discomfort or Lost of Tint,
we have a New Method that cures
Asthma and w want you to try it at our
txpenat. No raatttr whtthtr your east it of
long standing or recent development,
whether It it present at Hay Fever or
ehronie Asthma, you should send for a fret
trial of our method. No matter in what cli
mate you live, no matter what your age
or occupation If you art troubled with
asthma, our method thould relitva you
We especially want to send it to thott ap
parently hopeless cases, where all forme of
inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes,
"patent amoket," etc, have failed. We want
to ahow everyone at our own expense, that
thlt new method la designed to end all dif
ficult breathing, ail whetting, and all those
terrible paroxyama at once and for all time.
Thit fret offer It too important to neglect
a single nay. write today ana ttegtn tht
method at once. Send no monty. Simply mail
coupon below. Do it Today.
Niagara and Hudaon Sta., Buffalo. N. Y.
Send fret trial of your method to:
Brandeis, Charles D. Beaton.
svi VX
Stanford University
Professor is Killed
Stanford University, Cal., Sept. 26.
Assistant Prof. Robert E. Pellisier
of the department of French at Stan
ford university, met his death in the
French trenches during the battle
of the Somme, according to a cable
gram received here and made public
today by President Ray Lyman Wil
bur. Pro. Pellisier left. Stanford in
1914, shortly after the outbreak of
war, to take up arms for his native
country. . ; .
A year ago ' he was . seriously
wounded and on his recovery promo
ted to a lieutenancy.
If ron know aomcont who la troubled with
head noisea, or Catarrhal Deafnttt, out out
thia formula, and hand it to them, and you
have been tht meant of saving torn poor
aufferer perhapt from total deafnttt. Rtctnft
experiment htvt proved, conclutlvtly that
Catarrhal Deafnttt, head noitet, tt., wert
tht direct eaut of eonttitutionai aiatatt,
and that talvet, tprayt. inhalert, ttc. inert
ly temporiie with tht complaint and aeldom.
If vr. effect a oermanent euro. Thia being
o, much time and money hat been aptnt
of latt by a noted special it t in perfecting
a pure, gentle, yet effective tonic that would
quickly dispel all tracea of tht catarrhal
Douon from tht tyttem. Tht effective pre
tcription which wat eventually formulated,
and which hat aroused tht belief that deaf
neta will toon be extinct. It given below in
under tandahltt form, ao that anyone can
treat thtmtelvoa in their own noma at littlt
Secure from your druggist 1 ob. Parmlnt
(Double Strength), about 7fie worth. Take
this home and add to it H Pint of hot water
and 4 ob, of granulated augur: ttir until
dissolved. Take ons tableapoonful four
times a day.
Tht first dota should begin to rtllvte the
distressing head noises, l.tadache, dullnttt,
cloudy thinkings etc., while tht hearing
rapidly returns at tht system it invigorated
by tht tonic action of tht treatment. Lose
of amell and mucus drowln In tht back
of tht throat, art other symptoms that ahow
tht presenct of vatarrbal'poiton. and which
are often entirely overcome by thia effica
cious treatment. Nearly ninety per etnt of
all ear troubles art directly caused bs
catarrh; therefore, there mutt be many peo
ple whott hearing can be rtttortd by this
simple nome treatment.
Every person who Is troubled with head
noisea, catarrhal deafness or catarrh in any
form, should give this prescription a trial.
Use This Clear Soap
For a Clearer Skin
Tko iroad.rful "iativ AUraia Bath"
is wonderfully pure. The
lather absorbs that "dirty"
feeling and Instills a delight
ful freshness.
Unexcelled for Shampoo Bath
and General Toilet Use,
Bett For Your Oily Skin
Tat Trm Sample Writ. Junes 8. Khk Co.
, Dept A53, Chkaso, U. & A.
art half the battle. Sueeest comet to
the man who looks protparoua and
clothet do help a lot.
Goodt and llningt noted for dur
able wear at $2 to $46 for ault or
overcoat. . - v
MacCarthy & Wilson
Tailor Comfort Clothes.
SIS South 16th StwElk'a Bldg.
1 U
Seven Airships Try to Destroy
Ports and Factories in the
North Midland Country.
London, Sept.. 26. Twenty-nine
persons were killed in last night's
Zeppelin raid it was announced offi
cially today.
The announcement follows:
"Seven airships raided England last
night and in the early hours of this
morning. The districts attacked were
the south coast, the east coast, the
northeast coast and the north Mid
lands'. 'The principal attack was
aimed against the industrial centers
in the last mentioned area. ", '
"Up to the present time no damage
to factories or works of military im
portance has Jieen reported. It is re
gretted, however, that' a number of
small houses and cottages were
wrecked or damaged at some places
and twenty-nine deaths have been re
"No attempt was made to approach
London. The raiders were engaged
by our anti-aircraft defenses and were
driven' off from several large indus
trial centers."
Aerial Plights Along Somme. .
Paris. Sent. 26. On the Somme
front yesterday there were forty-seven
aerial engagements. The war office
announced todav that five German
aeroplanes were brought down and
others were badly damaged.
Now Five Cents Straight
Hvlev fn ffcA tnrroajierl float of nro-
duction, the manufacturers of CINCO
Ciirare, UTTU KiSENiAmK ci
vanced their selling price to the deal
ers, and in future this cigar will be
sold to the consumer absolutely at
five cents straight, instead of six
for a quarter, as heretofore.
The CINCO Cigar has attained a
national reputation, and, through the
maintenance of a high standard of
quality, has become the largest seller
in the world, and the manufacturers
deemed it advisable to advance the
price rather than sacrifice its long-es-
tablishea mgn quality. aov.
The Store of the Town
Browning, King
& Company
' ''Beginning
We Will Specialize
Men's and Young Men's
' At.
Which we believe to be
good values at $20, and
we are willing that you
be the judge.
These Suits and Over
coats are of the Browning-King
standard make.
. See 15th Street. Windows.
is not far off
Are you prepared? If
not let us prepare you
and you will know you
are right
Browning. King
& Company
To Quickly Relieve
Soreness and Inflammation
Rub In a frw drops ot Absorbing Jr. It
la surprising sow promptly it panatrata.
and acts how daw sad pleasant it Is to
uis and how awnomlsal, bMann only a w
drop, an nqnlrad to do th. work.
In addition to bains' a dapendabl. Unl
m.nt, Abaorblna, Jr. Is a aafa. powarfnl,
trustworthy sntlieptifl and f .rmieids which
doublaa Ha aftlclaner and Its nsaa,
Whso applied to cut., braises and aoreo
It hula the trms. malm the wound aseptt.
eajlr elean and promotes rapid, healthy haal
Ins. It allays pain and inflammation prompt
ly. Swollen stands, painful varleoee fetne.
wena and bursal enlargements yield readily
to the application of Absorbine. Jr.
Abaorblna, Jr., la sold by leading drng
Lta at tl.M and fi.SS a bottle or sent
direct postpaid. v
Liberal trial bottle postpaid (or 10c in
W. F. Totms. P. D. F.
104 Temple 81, . Springfield. Mass.
H fasla'on GnW of fte UM
The House
Apparel Section
A section of interesting
house wearables with
which you should be
. come acquainted. ,
Dresses in a number of
attractive new styles.
Aprons suitable for all
purposes. Petticoats and
many other desirable
wearables. ( J
All Priced Lower Than Usual.
In thi Bassmant.
At Prices That
Sale Lasts
You will find this beautiful piano
on of our latest styles in this spe
cial sale.
KirYTinT? The
$275 Upright, ebony case... 845
$250 Upright, ebony case. . .$68
$500 Upright, rosewood case, now
for v ...890
$350 Upright, mahogany ease,-now
for .r... $110
$500 Upright, mahogany case, now
for l $145
$400 Upright, rosewood case, now
for $115
Do not forget 4o see our wonderful window, display - Wednesday
evening, September 27, at 7 p. m.
TERMS $1.00 TO $2.00 PER WEEK -
The Largest Retailers of Pianos in the World.
kc -Jr '
Alwayssafeand reliable. If it
isn 't all we claim your grocer
will refund your money.
Combing Won't Rid
Hair of Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you de
stroy it entirely. To do this, get about
four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon ;
apply it at night when retiring: use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub
it in gently with the finger tips.
Do this tonight, and by morning,
most if not all, of you dandruff will
be gone, and three or lour more ap
plications will completely dissolve
and entirely destroy every single sign
and trace of it, no matter how much
dandruff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft and
look and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and
never fails to do the work Adv.'
Policeman, atrett car men, mail carrier
and all othara who ara on thair ft con
atantrV IU bo Intaraatod In tho aucceiafu)
iprlmnt ot a Chicago policamao who haa
aolvad th question of having comfortbl
feet Thla policaman atanda at the Interaec
tlon of two buay atreeta, directing traffic alt
day. ' Br night hla feet uaed to torment htm.
H couldn't aleep for the patne and ache
they gava htm. Then he heard of Wa-Na-Ta.
and now he auffera no more. Two or
three of theae tableta In a bowl of hot
water, a, tew minutes bathing, and all the
aorenesa la gone, hla feet cool comfortable,
easy and happy. You can use Wa-Ne-Ta
with delightful effect In your body bath.
Leaves akin soft a"nd 'antlectptlcally clean.
Tou can get Wa-Ne-Ta from your drugglat.
It only coats 6 cents. If your druggist
hasn't It we will gladly send you a sample
package If you will send us 10 cents to
oorer coat ot packing and mailing to your
address. L. C. landoR Co., South Bend
Ind. Advertisement, 1
New Fall Fabrics
Pleasing Prices -
Wool Finished Plaid
Suiting,' best for school
dresses; colors are fast.
36 In. Wide, 25c a Yard.
Park Hill Zephyr Ging
hams, in stripes, checks
and plaids.
32 In. Wide,'30c a Yard.
Plenty of new fall patterns.
Amoskeag Bleached Out
ing Flannel, 27' inches
wide, 12V8C a Yard.
A good weight, extra value.
la the Basement.
Lose Sight of Cost
Six Days
Listen Many standard makes
of anew, used and shop-worn
Pianos are included in this Sale
and marked at Quick Selling
' We are obliged to move this
stock at once. We fully realize
that only the greatest sacrifice of
prices will sell this stock imme
diately. Pianos of Quality that
you all know are included in this
sale. ,
Steinway, Weber, Hardman,
Emerson, Steger & Sons, dicker
ing & Sons, Knabe, Kimball, J. &
C. Fischer, Haines, Mathushek,
Bush & Gerts, J. H. Hale. .
This sale will last only Six Days,
so make haste, Mr. Piano Buyer.
Free 30 Days in Your Home Free
Extra Cut in Prices
.the Next Six Days.
$325 Upright, mahogany case, now
for $118
$1,000 Grand, rosewood case, now
for $175
$250 Upright, ebony case... $74
$450 Player Piano, Walnut case,
now $195
$500 Player Piano,, oak case, now
for ....$235
$650 Flayer Piano, mahoeany case.
now $350
' For light,
wholesome cakes, !
biscuits and. pastry, use
Don't Let Soap
Spoil Your Hair
When you wash your hair, he care
ful what you use. Most soaps and
prepared shampoos contain too mucr
alkali, which is very injurious, as il
dries the scalp and makes the haii
brittle. .
The best thing to use is just plair
mulsified cocoanut oil, for this i:
pure and entirely greaseless. It's very
cheap, and beats the most expensive
soaps or anything else all to pieces
You can get this at any drug store
and a few ounces will last the wholt
family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with watei
and rub it in, about a teaspoonful it,
all that is required. It makes an
abundance of rich, creamy lather
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to
handle. Besides it loosens and takel
out every partioie of dust, dirt and
dandruff. Advertisement.
How to Rid the Skin
of Objectionable Hairs
(Aids to Beauty)
A simplified method is here given
for the quick removal of hairy or
fuzzy growths and rarely is more
than one treatment required: Mix a
stiff paste with some powdered dela-
tnns anrl water, annlv fn hairv alir-
face and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, '
wash the skin and every hair has van
ished. This simple treatment cannot
cause injury, but care should be exer
cised to get real delatone. Adv. . ,