THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1916. t Good Things for the Table Offerings of the Market Household Hints a 9 K, Jiome Economics department UUeJ by Irma X The Laws of Canning. j The old question, "Do you have r any luck in keeping your canned " fruits?" is dying out gradually, as women come to understand and mas ter laws 6f canning. The housewife who would understand the whys and wherefores of the canning process must go back to the science of bac teriology for enlightenment. We know now that the s porting of food, : the process of decay, is caused by the presence and action ot microscopic plants called bacteria, yeasts and 4 mo J lue jw can olds, inese tiny invisible torms ot are present everywhere. We kf cannot eliminate them; but we can i kill them so that they cannot continue I their work of destruction. The pro- a- $ cess of killing bacterial life is steril Jimjfr izing. It may be accomplished by i ,m boiling the material to be s'crilized 11 j "f. for twenty to thirty minutes. 'r'. "" Hence the first law of canning. Boil JjL, the fruit sufficiently to sterilize it. jr In the case of acid fruits less than W . . ..'II .. 1 L W Cl I ly IIUIIUICS Will DUII11C, UCtdUIC the fruit acid acta as a preservative. Also, boil all jars and lids for fifteen minutes, which time is sufficient to sterilize the smooth surfaces of jars. Since rubber rings cannot stand long continued boiling they must merely be plunged into boiling water imme diately before use. Spoons, forks, etc., used for putting the fruit into the jars should also be dipped in boil ing water. Sterilization alone, however, will not insure the keeping of canned foods. If air can enter the filled jars it brings with it fresh bacteria, yeasts and molds, which will cause spoiling. Hence the second law of canning: Seal all jars tightly. Fill the jars to overflowing and seal immediately. In the case of screw top jars the lids must be screwed tighter after the glass of the jars has cooled and con tracted. There are many methods of carry ing out these two laws of canning. Vegetable canning can best be done by the "cold ' pack" method, which will be discussed 'later, ine oia fashioned method of cooking fruit till tender in a syrup and then tilling ster ilized jars with the cooked fruit and syrup produces a finely flavored nroduct. In all cases the fruit should be Economical Side of Bacon The homeniaker, chct or caterer who has not made , use or bacon as a flavoring hats been missing great opportunities. There are hundreds of women who seem to have the' idea it is not good form to serve bacon .excepting fried with eggs. It, is best when broiled, even though served , in the good old way with fried eggs. But once the housewife tries the good old standby in some of its various uses she will find that there is no need for monot ony in her menus. Food Value. Bacon Ib willy dlgeste-i and assimilated and furalahes th body with tlMiw builder and fat to tore. .Bacon Omelet. Broil or ,fdr baron -until erlpa. break It up In fine dice and add to two well beaten eggs AM two -tablespotmB of mllK and bit of salt tfnd paprika. Have omelet pan hat and brushed with purn laf lard or A Culinary Jewel A cook in a Baltimore family is in ,...m n! oirtK anti plaudits because she has been faithful to stove and sink in one situation for twenty-five years. So long a period of domestic service is almost incredible in these days when, as a tnicago wu. ic marked, the cook may leave between the bacon and eggs. Nowadays when an employment agency brings the lady of the house and the maid-of-all-work together it is the employer who is catechized by the employe. The mistress fervently hopes that she wjll suit the grande dame below stairs and lives in fear of giving the under ling displeasure. Is the solution of the servant question to be the pass ing of the servant? A strike in the kitchen means nothing less than the fracture of the staff of life. The do mestic economy with the domestic out of it is paralyzed. The old saying. 1 "Too many cooks spoil the broth," 1 has ceased to mean anything, because. too many cooks would be an incred ible superfluity. How much is the mistress to concede? Is the cook to have breakfast served to her in bed? Is she to be allowed to give nightly parties in the kitchen when she does not carry away meat and vegetables and elect to spend the evening else where? Any disciplinary measure may produce a flare-up and a resig- Bation. The tired business man can easily frown over his newspaper at his wife and say "I wouldn't let her talk to me that way. Why don't you dis charge her?" That just shows how little the good man knows of the problem of getting anybody at all to do the work and keeping the peace even imperfectly. The disciplinarian of the business office has his whip hand in the fact that there is -a waiting list for business chances. But ?ood cooks command their own price and can pick and choose their elective affinities in the way of diffident young mistresses newly from the :ooking school. If you think it is asy to keep orfc cook for twenty five years go home and try it over on your own linoleum. You will find :t all but impossible to please the same servitor as long as that. You iavc too many crotchets and whim ;ies, too flighty a temperament, too . A for and Grt e, THE HICHEJT QUALITY SPAGHETTI $ 36 Redft Book fht SKINNER MFG. CO- OMAHA, U.SA UJCIS! MACARONI FACTORY IK AMiAICA Gross -a-gg Co-operation Readers are cordially invited to ask Misa Gross any questions about household economy upon which she may possibly give help ful advice; they are also invited to give suggestions from their expe rience that may be helpful to others. picked over and washed. Small fruits should be taken from the stem, large fruits should usually be pared, and sometimes halved or quartered. The easiest method of removing skins from peaches and tomatoes is to plunge the fruit into boiling water for two minutes, then into cold, after which treatment the skins slip off easily. Peaches. Eight quart! ot peachee, on u,uart 0f su gar and three quarts of watr. Or. If more syrup Is desired, eight quarts at peaches, two quarts of sugar and four quarts of water. Put sugar and water together and stir over fire until sugar is dissolved. When the syrup boils skim it. Pare the peaches, cut in halves, remove stones, unless you prefer to can the fruit whole. Put a layer of the prepared fruit into the preserving kettle and cover with some of the hot syrup. When the fruit begins to boil skim carefully. Boil gently ten to fifteen minutes, then put in the sterilized jars and seal. Put another layer of prepared fruit in the syrup and proceed as above. J Peart. Treat exactly as peaches, except that pears require a slightly longer time for cooking, about twenty-five minutes for halves. The cooked fruit should be easily pierced with a fork. Plums. Eight quarts of plums, two quarts of su gar and one pint of water. Nearly all kinds of plums can be cooked with the skins on. If if is desired to remove the skins of any variety, plunge them in boiling watet for a few minutes. When the skins are left on prick them thoroughly to prevent bursting. Proceed as with peaches. The time of cooking is five to ten minutes boil ing. It may be that more syrup is de sired; if so, use three quarts of sugar and one quart of water. bacon drippings. Pour In the mixture, cover, lower heat and let brown on one side. Boll the omelet and turn onto a hot platter. Garnish with grape Jelly. Pea with Bacon. Dice crlep pieces, of bacon and add to canned peas which are to be served with a white sauce. A few diced carrots are a desirable addition to thla vegetable. When serving canned peas with a white sauce save the liquor off the peas for soup. It contains the mlne-al salts which supply material for bones and teeth. Oysters and Baon. Thla dish la called Angels on Horseback in the south. Roll a piece of thin sliced baron around an oyster, secure with a toothpick. Broil until bacon Is crisp. Serve on hot dish garnished with quartered lemon and paaley. Canned tomato soup just as It comes, is delicious served with these. With Spnvhettl. To give Just the right flavor to spa ghetti and rice dishes crisp three or four thin slices of bacon, dice them and add the boiled rice or spaghetti to the. pan con taining bacon and bacon drippings. Add de sired seattonlng to dish and let simmer. This Is delicious with a can of tomatoes, a big an appetite. You would have to dismiss yourself several times in that period, and you would earn little but ignominy in your own eyes. Phila delphia Ledger. Offlrer Shot and Killed. El Paso, Tox.. Sept. 21. Sergeant 3 Belrne, Twenty-third United Stales Infan try, was shot and killed In a saloon her, today. Subsequently William Sands, a stati ranker, was placed under arrest. Beirut who was a provost guard, was said to havt been attempting to arrest an Intoxicated soldier. ( j i i Hi 1 ' i 'V ' , , nil' ., ,i . 1 ,,, ijL J-- LUV. Hi .'lL,'.ii.U. , IS & "The Power behind the DoudK Ask your grocer- He Mows Jj-- Culinary Queries. Mrs. W. S. T.: The difference be tween jelly marmalade is that jelly is made from strained fruit juice, while marmalade is made from juice, rind and pulp. Also, so far as I know, marmalade has a lemon and orange foundation. Orange Marmalade. Five orangea, two lemons, surer and water. Wash and slice fruit very thin. Do not peel fruit. Weigh sliced fruit and add three pints of water for every pound of fruit. Let stand twenty four hours. Put on stove, bring to a boil and let boil forty-five minutes hard, counting time from beginning i of boiling. Let stand twenty-four ; hours. U eigh and add pound lor pound of sugar. Bring to a boil and let boil forty-five minutes. Pour into sterilzed glasses and seal with paraffin. Standard Recipes. The recipe card catalogue by its business-like exterior, suggests effi ciency within. One of the first prin ciples of the science of efficiency, whether practised in a store, a fac tory or a kitchen is standardization. Our modern housewife will standard ize her working conditions and also her working information. Her cata logue will not contain a useless repe tition of recipes of the same type, such as "white cake," "ice cream cake" and "pond lily cake," when the only differences among them are slight variations in number of egg whites used. A "ood working plan is to try out several recipes of one kind until a thoroughly satisfactory one is found. Then next to this tested type recipe keep a card labelled "variations." Thus, if one finds a particularly de licious chocolate frosting which owes its unusual flavor to the addition of cinnamon, then add that suggestion to the "Variations for Krostings" card, but do not make a new "Choco late Frosting" card. A woman is much more indepen dent of cook books and more mistress of the art of cooking when she re alizes that there are not 1,000,000 re cipes in the world, but just a few basic ones which she may maser and then vary to suit the tastes of her family as her own ingenuity dic tates. few slices of onion and a half a doaen shreds of sweet green pepper. With Naiads. Broil bacon c.lsp and either grate or pound very fine. Put In a kitchen salt shaker and sprinkle over various salada and scalloped dishes. A very convenient receptacle Is made hy punching holes In the top of a baking powder can. The Economical Side. Save every bit of bacon dripping by Itself. It Is splendid as a shortening for pantry or to grease the griddle with. The fo-elgn housewife has found that sandwiches of salt or smokod meat are very appetising when the bread has been spread with pure bacon drippings. Chlldroii relish these sandwiches when they are made with very thin slices of dry Salami sausage. IS lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 48-lb. tack Pennant Flour, for Saturday only, $1.79 48-lb. sack Sunkist Flour, for Saturday only, $1.89 10 bars Diamond C or Laundry Queen Soap. . . .25c 4 tall eans Argo Milk 2Se 5 cans Cleanser for 10c lQe can Krnut or Hominy Sc 3 Be bars Glycerine or Tar Soap...lOe We Make Our Own Peanut Butter Fresh Daily While You Walt. Come in and Try It. MAIL ORDERS FILLED AT ABOVE PRICES. MEAT SPECIALS Pig Pork Loin Rout (any amount) per Ib 16 ',c Hindquarters Fancy Mutton, per Ib 12 He Prime Rib Roast, rolled, no bone or watte, per Ib 17 '4 e Choice Cuts Fresh Ham or Pork Steak, per Ib 17c Mutton Roast, lb 03.c I Pork Chops, best cuts, lb ZOe Choice Cut Pot Roast, Ib 12"ic Mutton Stew, ( lbs., for ZSc Pin Pork Shoulder Roast U'ic I No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams IJ'.c Cuming Sta. The Peoples Market Douglas 1530 ' rr n nil tmirrr Recommended Menus INFORMAL DINNERS. Tomato Soup Brisket Creamed Potatoes Beef Chili Sauce Corn Pudding (Vegetable) Sliced Pineapple Drop Cakes Spiced Baked Ham French Fried Potatoes Apples Cooked in Brown Sugar Syrup Creamed Peas and Carrots Hot Biscuits ' Coffee Grape Gelatine Pudding Cold Evaporated Cream Sauce Beef Bouillon. Vienna Sausage Macaroni in Tomato Sauce Baked Celery Lettuce Salad Canned Red Raspberries with Whipped Cream Fresh Cup Cakes Boned Chicken with Kgg Sauce Peas in Butter Boiled Rice Tomato Salad on Lettuce , French Dressing. Grape Juice Peach Cobbler Cream Sauce Chicken Soup. Tuna Souffle Spliaghetti with Ameican Cheese Sauce Combination Vegetable Salad, Peas, Carrots, Celery, pieces of Crisped Bacon with French or Cooked Salad Dressing Apricot Short Cake Breaded and Baked Tongue Mashed Potatoes Brown Sauce Baked Tomatoes Pear and Pineapple Salad Coffee Cheese Wafers AFTERNOON TEA. Toasted Rusks Thin Slices of Dry Sausage Candied Orange Peel Grape Float Saltines Spread with Veal I oaf and Sprinkled with Bacon Dust Preserved Figs Tea Lemon Butterfly Salad Bread and Butter Sandwiches Cookies Bouillon Celery Filled with Cheese Nut and Jam Sandwiches Mints Coffee Beef Bouillon Wafers Minced Ham Balls Bread and Butter Sandwiches Tea Pineapple, Cherry and Nut Salad Cooked Dressing Cheese Sticks Cakes Grape Juice Von will (let Instant Relief. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey aoothea your Dr. dough, allays Inflammation, looaens the mu cous and you breathe much better. 26c. All druggists. Advertisement. Spaghetti or Macaroni, pkg......7c Fancy Evaporated Peaches, lb. . . -7'Ae Best Grade Uncoiored Japan Tea. H lb pkgs., for .ISc Tested Recipes j Apple Salad. Select firm apples and remove the I centers carefully, leaving a thin shell 1 to hold the salad. Dice the apple and ; an equal amount of celery. Parboil a small green pepper in boiled salt water for six minutes, remove the seeds and cut up in small pieces. Mix with this chopped nuts and blend with boiled salad dressing. Have the apples ice cold when ready to serve. Finnan Haddie. Wash the fish well, then put flesh side down in a baking pan, cover with cold water and bring to a simmer. Drain, rinse with cold water, return to pan, cover with cold milk and bake for half an hour. Five minutes be fore taking up dot with butter, sprin kle with pepper and leave in oven until the butter melts. Oat Meal Cookies. Cream one and one-fourth cups sugar and one cup of lard thoroughly together, add two eggs, well beaten, three cups of rolled oats, out cup stoned and chopped dates, and one teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon powdered ginger, one teaspoon bak ing powder dissolved in one-half cup sour milk and two cups flour. Mix quickly and drop from spoon on greased bake tins. Bake in moderate oven from ten ot twelve minutes. If the spoon is dipped in milk before dropping each cake it "wil' be much easier. Do not substitute raisins for dates. Wife Asks Liberty, Alimony, Lawyer's Fees and Suit Money Married in the Parish of Orleans at New Orleans, La., August 22, 110, Gertrude Jackson complains that her husband has forgotten the teachings of the parish priests and has treated her with extreme cruelty. She lias filed suit for divorce, alleging that Thomas M the husband, is capable of giving her financial assistance. Jackson is a bookkeeper for the Harle-Haas Drug company of Coun cil Bluffs. The wife asks alimony, at torney's fees and suit money. Chocolate Fudge Sundae CHOCOLATE sauce, hot or cold, poured over our Delicious Choco late Ice Cream, garnished with whipped cream and fresh fruit, or a cherry, gives you a new and attrac tive service. Year Druggist Cn Supply You ICE CREAM The Fairmont Creamery Co., Omaha. Nebn FOR . ours l ..PRODUCTS. i-seefc rW the dealer who nhowa this eiaa im his wlaaow Grape Juice is the other beverage has eo large a variety of uses. Armour's, because of us purity, is the ideal drink for children, Invalids and old people as well as for the strong and vigorous. Order Armour's in Cold Weather Prevails in The Black Hills Country It is more winterish out in the western part of the state and up in the Black Hills. According to the morning report to the railroads, sev Cat the Round Package Used fog Vi Century. ff CAUTION 7S HDpvrLTJ 1916 Milk-fed Spring Chickens, lb 193c Choice Forequartera Lamb, per lb..... 9$a This week we have 10,000 lbs. el live sprint chickens, which we will dress te your oroer aaturaay. lorn early tnssa Porterhouse Steak, per Ib ITVie Steer Pot Koast. lb IOVic Young Veal Koast. Ib 1IV,C Young Veal Chops. Ib UV.C Pig Pork Koast, lb MVic Pig Pork Butts, Ib loVie Pig Pork Loins, per lb..-. lBe Pig Pork Chops, Ib 17e Spare Rlbi, per Ib 10c EMPRESS MARKET Opposite Woalwerth'a We Have Received a Carload of Mixed Fruit, Which We Are Going to Place on Sale Saturday. . Extrt Fancy BurtleU Pears, boi...$2J8 uuhH box Kitfffr Pars, box. . . .$1,50 'awv Frteatun Paachti, wrapped. PT rate, at Mc ttm.a Uiue Plums, 4 banket orates, per crate, at , . , .$1.40 per banket, at 38c .'ukfty Grapei, 4-baiktt orates, per crate, at , ,$1 80 per basket, at ,40c Extra Lame Cooking Apples, peck... 25c Kxtra Fancy J una than Bating Apples, per peck, at 30c Best Granulated 8unar, 18 lbs.... 81.00 aisxtra Large Sweet Potatoes, per larre market basket, at 48c MEATS Home Dressed Spring Chickens, lb..X2c Home Dressed Spring Ducks, lb..., 23c Choice Steer Rib Roast, Ib 14a Choice Steer Rib Shoulder Roast, per lb., at 12ViC Young Veal Roast, per Ib 18c Young Mutton Legs, Ib HVtc Young Mutton Slew, 8 lbs, for,..,.?.Sc Young Mutton Chops, Ib, , , , . .0c Young Veal Chops, lb lflc Choice Steer Sirluin Steak, lb ..Jc We Always Have a Pull Lin uur ueiicatessen uepartmeni la m ltp-iap anapo. Auto Deliveries Twice Dal.y to All Parts ml the City. ' The Washington Market Tha Meal Sanitary an. U.-lo-Dat. Market la Ike Wsst. Tyler 470 140T Daaiflee St. C.nnecti All Deots. Oaaaka, Nek. 1916 Milk-fed Spring Chickens, lb. .19c Pig Pork Loins, per lb , . . .ISttc W. out the chickens baler. 6 last I live sprint chkksni, which we will areas Steer Pot Roast, Ib IOV,e luuna veal noasi. ID 1I7,. Youna- Veal Chops, lb lV,e I'iB Pork Roast, lb 14'Ae Hit Pork Suits. Ib I(c roriernouse Biaaa, per id 17',. LamD Less, lb 14. Spars Ribs, lb lOYit I'll Pork Chops, Ib 17V.C PUBLIC MARKET Mall Orders Fired Prompt'y. 100 PurTTI jr's Grape Juice carries MM Armour's the famous Oval Label Armour's guarantee of absolute purity. This Is nature's own beverage, undiluted, nnfermented and unsweetened save for the natural susar of the crape. Per fect clrrification by the exclusive Armour process. great summer drink for all No the Family Case oi six one-pint bottles. ARMOUBCOMPAMV SSS KO&iT. IJU1.A.-, Mrr., tutu and Jones 3ta., Phane Deuelee tOHS. Omaha. Neb. JV. WILKINSON, 28th Q, Tel. So. 1740 eral points in western Nebraska reg istered 32 to 36 degrees above zero, while in Deadwood, S. D thermom eters indicated as low as 28 above. In Nebraska the weather is calm, but during most of the night a high, wind was general. - AlcForndCETX HORUCTC THE OMGIHAL MALTED MILK Made from clean, rich milk with the ex. tract ol select malted grain, malted in our own Malt Houtef under sanitary conditions. !nfant$ mnd ehildrm f Arioo on it. Aft with (Ac wakvat ttamach ml Me invalid or tht afeai. Nds Me CtassW Jf mddititm af m.iik. Mouruhca and auataina mors than tea, coffee, tte Should be kept at home or when traveling. Aon tritioua food -drink may be prepared in a moment A glassful hot before retiring induces refrahing ebep. Alio in lunch tablet form for bulimia m Substitutes Cost YOU Sam Pries) take a Package Homo cnicKena will sen last. No. 1 Rib Roast of Reef. Ib IStte Extra Lean Regular Hams, Ib 18 Sugar Cured hams, Ib. ....... ..I2,e Extra Lean Bacon, lb a5c Sugar Cured Bacon, Ib tVi SPECIALS From a to p. m. 3 lbs. C. P. Lard, 38c From 9 ta 10 p. m. Lamb Chaps, lb., US South 16th Street Phono Doug. 21Q7 Sc mat 10 Store. Extra Large Potatoes, 18 lbs. to tha reek, per peck 35c Brands of Creamery Butter, lb... 38c liood Butterine, In 2-lb. rolls, lb 18c Home-made Peanut Butter, made while you wait, per Ib ,18c Extra Fine Peaberry Coffee, regular 26e seller, per lb .tOe Tea Siftinge, per l-)b. pkg .UVaO Extra Fanny Mixed Cookies, per lb... lie Ileat' Em-All or Diamond C Soap. 18 bars for 28o WASHINGTON S BEST FLOUR Not h Ins finer on the market: every aack warranted or your monty refunded, per aack a..,. 1.M Choice Steer Round Steak, lb.....lTW Choice Steer Shoulder Steak, lb....UVic Pur Lard, per lb ISc per No. 60 can.,,. i,...8,98 Compound Lard, I lbs., for. 28c per No. 80 can $8.95 Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, lb..l8a.e Extra Lean Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon per lb., at 22V,e Sugar Cured Regular Hams. lb. ...I8 Sugar Cured picnic Hams, lb. , . .13VSa f Fresh Fish and Oysters. SaturaWjr. This week'w. have XB,030 Ike. to your order. No. 1 Rib Roast of Reef, Ib .I3e Extra Lean Reeul.r Ham., Ib left Sugar Cured Hama, Ib 12c Extra Lean Oaeon, lb..... ...lac Sugar Cured Bacon, Ib ,' c SPECIALS From S to 0 p. m Chop., Ik Sc From to 10 p. m. Park Chop., Ik, 13 Phono Douglas 2791 1610 HARNEY STREET Now Rapid Delivery System irmoursl M.",P . in mi sup iiiisiiuw