Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Secretary of Treasury So
Promises at Commercial
Club luncheon.
Secretary McAdoo told this
story at a luncheon given in his
honor at the Commercial club: -
"A democratic friend of mine in
the south was asked by his repub
lican friend advice regarding the
wisdom of the latter locating in
Texas in the legal profession. The
democratic friend made this reply,
'As an honest lawyer you will find
no competition in Texas, and as a
republican, you will be protected
by the game laws.' "
"I anticipate by your eager and
confident taces that you expect a tarm
loan bank in Omaha. There is no po
sition that tempts me so to profanity
as to have to be neutral, but Omaha
is going to get a square deal," stated
Hon. William G. McAdoo, secretary
of the treasury of the United States,
speaking at noon to a large gathering
of men at the Commercial club.
The secretary gave a succint and
interesting explanation of the scope
and operation of the farm loan bank
"The farm loan system is a recip
rocating part of, the credit mechanism
of this country. It does not collide
nor conflict, but rather dovetails in,'
continued the speaker.
Politics Has No Part.
"There is nothing political in these
things," he added. "I have contempt
for men who think only of legislation
for the benefit of some political party.
We should discuss economic prob
lems as intelligent men, above par
tisanship, discarding political bias
and prejudice.V There is a splendid
element of American citizenship that
stands between the political parties
and says to the party in power, 'Serve
all of the people or you may never
have another chance.' We need more
of truth and less of misrepresentation.
It is this independent element of our
citizenship that is going-to save our
country from besetting ills.
"The prosperity of the country to
day is due largely to a responsive
credit system, which enables business
men to go forward with wholesome
confidence. We have in the past
' Failed to adequately organize the farm
credit of the country."
Benefits the Farmers.
The speaker referred to the people
of the west as vigorous, with a vision,
and a citizenship which has been an
inspiration to the people of the east.
He explained that the farm loan
banks will be for the benefit of the
moderate and bona fide farmers and
not for land speculators. He said that
the federal reserve act has enlarged
the credit resources of the country.
Introducing Secretary McAdoo,
Gurdon W. Wattles said:
"There is a feeling of cordiality and
good will on the part of the bankers
of Omaha toward the farm loan
banks. Omaha is the natural base for
a farm loan bank. Prosperity has
come to us in such a degree that we
are no longer dependent on outsiders,
but-we realize that great benefits will
accrue through the establishment of
a farm loan bank here. It will relieve
many from the results of misdirected
information and will encourage sav
ing in this community."
Secretary McAdoo was accorded a
generous reception from the gather
ing of representative men of Omaha.
Woman Tips Police, Who
Get Fast Plumfiing Thieves
Plumbers may possess the reputa
tion of slow workers, but plumbing
thieves are speed kings. The solu
tion is probably in the manner in
which each nits the pipe.
Frank Delbridge, 1506 North Twen-tv-fourth
street, and F. J. Myers, 2221
North Fifteenth street, were noted
rat-epninir thrnnirli th varanf ruciF
dence of Charles Husters at 1610
North Twenty-seventh street. Mrs.
Ida Rainwater, 1614 North Twenty
seventh street, saw them plucking
plumbing as they careened, and
phoned headquarters. The patrol ar
med, but -were too late to snare the
offenders at this point, but a diligent
search of the neighborhood revealed
them completing operations in an un
tenanted mansion at 1011 North
Twenty-ninth street. They were corralled.
Again Jelinek Will
Try to Get That $20,000
When Judge Estel'e's court opened
Friday morning Anton Jelinek again
brought to trial his suit against the
street railway company asking $20,
000. This action has been buffeted
about in the courts since 1911. Jel
inek was awarded the judgment in
district colirt; the case was appealed
to supreme court and the decision
reversed. The supreme court ordered
the case returned to district court for
Jelinek complains that he was
struck by a street car at Twenty-second
and Cuming streets, January 24,
l'Jll. His skull .was fractured, the
hearing in the right ear impaired and
the sight of his right eye destroyed.
An Easy, I'lrasunt laxative.
One or two l)r. king's Now I.lro Pills
at night Insures a free anil easy movement
the bowels. JOc. All druKKlsts. Adv.
Not Forgetting His Side Line
w :
Hughes Captures
Interloper in Home
J. W. Hughes of the Uintah apart
ments was preparing to carve himself
a portion of mashed potatoes Thurs
day evening, hen he happened to
glance toward his bedroom and discov
ered Ed Fitzgerald, interloper, can
vassing his tweeds.
Hughes dropped his tools and then
dropped Fitz, after which he tele
phoned police headquarters and
awaited the limousine. Fitz was sent
lo jail for sixty days.
Big Rush to Rescue
Justice Britt's Exiled Car
Justice of the Peace C W. Britt is
having his troubles.
Every mail brings a variety of pad
lock and skeleton keys from friends
who sympathize with the justice in
his atlliction.
"I've got more keys than Omaha's
largest hardware store. Each key
carries a different notation and advice
from the unknown donor," said the
down-hearted justice. "It's all been
brought about through my unfortu
nate losing of the key to the padloc'.:
on my garage. The two keys origin
ally provided have been lost in the
shuffle. Because of losing , the keys
my flivver has been tied up behind
the door of the garage. Then, again,
on another occasion I entrusted the
key to my wife after the door was
locked and the machine placed in the
garage. She, too, lost the key and it
was necessary for me to rip the
hasp and the padlock from the door
in order to get the machine out.
Now some evil-minded friends insist
on rubbing salt in the wound by mail
ing me daily consignments of keys.
I'm becoming a regulation locksmith.
The collection includes every variety
of key from a watch key to a huge
skeleton key about seven inches
New French War
Credit of Nearly
Nine Billion Franks
Paris, Sept 22. The Chamber of
Deputies today unanimously Toted
war credits for the remainder of the
year, amounting to 8,838,000,000
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Mac and Jim Slip Away From the
Curious and Go to View the Movies
Where did Mayor Dahlman and
Secretary of tl" Treasury McAdoo
go after the dinner tendered the cab
inet officer last evening at Hotel Foil
tenelle? Did they go roller skating?
No .
The Secretary of the treasury of
the United States of America whis
pered to the mayor of Omaha this
thought: "I would like to go to a
picture show."
It was 9 o'clock and the lobby of
the great hotel was filled with per
sons who wanted to get a 'glimpse
of the keeper of the national ex
chequer. And the keeper of the na
tional "kale" was anxious to attend
the movies.
Secretary McAdoo is addicted to
the movies. It is his passion, and. of
course, when he is away from home
attending the farm loan hearings and
other functions, they do say he is
a regular devil for the movies.
Mac and the mayor slipped out of
the hotel and in a tew minutes tlie
Danish Women Seek
To Land Convention
Members of the Danish Sisterhood
of Nebraska and Colorado, to the
number of seventy-five, who have
been in the city during the last two
days, the guests of the members of
the local branch of the -association,
left last night for St. Paul, Minn., over
the Great Western. In St. Paul the
national convention of th: sisterhood
will be held, it bringing together
1,000 women from all over the country-Members
of the Omaha branch of
the Danish Sisterhood who attend the
St. Paul meeting will ask that the
convention next year be held here.
Wilson Will Speak at
The Indiana Centennial
Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 22. Presi
dent Wilson has ;..:cepted an invila
tion to speak in Indianapolis October
12 at the celebration of Highway day
in connection with the Indiana cen-1
tennial observance, according to a
message received here today by Gov
ernnr Ralston from Vance C. McCor-'
mick, democratic chai. nan. The gov
ernor said the address is to be non-political.
were enjoying the silent drama. The
secretary is partial to films that have
a kick in them, with a good lauijli
now and then. He likes to laugh anf1
he thinks Charley Chaplin has a bet
ter job than a cabinet officer.
The mayor piloted the secretary
around to a few of the movie theaters
Omaha is proving to be a verital'U
oasis for Secretary McAdoo and
party, who have been oul thirty-one
days, and last night was the third
night they slept in beds other than
sleeping cars.( The dinner lst nighi
was the -second of the trip in which
the menu "(lid not include chicken
"Just a trifle satiated with chicken,'
remarked the secretary. The function
was the first of the trip at which Mr
McAdoo did not have to speak. '
"You bet we like Omaha," sail1
Herbert Quick, who regards himselt
as a former Omahan. Mr Quick has
dispensed with his mustache.
Saloon License Granted
When Protest Withdrawn
James Cunningham's saloon license
was renewed at the meeting of the
rounty commissioners when the pro
test of George J. Neuman was with
drawn. Mr. Neuman complained that
Cunningham, operating a saloon at
1601 West Q street, had violated the
K o'clock closing law and had dis
posed of intoxicants on the Sabbath.
Without warning the protest was
withdrawn and the licenso renewed.
The license expired June rJ and the
saloon has since been closed.
We Are Proud
of Our Customers
and they are proud of their clothes
DRESHER, The Tailor
1515 Farnam St. Tyler 345.
Beautify the Complexion
Nadinola CREAM
The Uneqtulcd BeautfHer
Guaranteed lo remove
tan, freckles, pimples,
liver spots, etc. Extreme
C33c3 cbout; twenty days.
Rids pores and tissues of impurities.
Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy
Two sizes, 50c. and $1.00. By toilet
counters or mail.
. uy itttUu. tulle i
luvm In Onittiia.
"Everybody Knows Leon"
Hurrah! Boys!!
You know my record
for giving long value. My
new Douglas Street Shoe
Store will be conducted on
the same principles for
value-giving that govern
my hat stores.
My prices start easy at
$2.95 and embrace all
pop ular prices up to
$4.95. Every pair of shoes
that I sell you represents
a saving of just $1.
Meet Me at My
Shoe Co.
1415 Douglas.
Conducted by Leon.
Mr" is so
omama, veo ' . r
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West
Family Trade Supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor,
2502 N.'St Telephone Douglas 4231. South 833 or 86&
viklu rfiTHOUf THE
FttUu..v Fixture and all fmnr
dinees curfd unW a pomtive
BUMrtintiV; nn nv imiil oimd
Frw Book for m-n nd womn. KsttibliiitW pernmnn11v fn JV Mnfnew lor vi-m.r.
.OH. C. V. CLEMENT., BPEOIALIHT, 617 liJuck, lifc.8 MOINES? !ow
"l)t( Bulla Ms."
Business Swells Onward
Distinction in value, variety, taste, quality tailoring and the best merchandise at the
lowest possible prices are the characteristics that have made the Berg Clothing Co. the
largest retailers of fine clothing in the west. This is the home of
-I I, vt
Kirschbaum Collegian Kup'enheimer
Cothes Clothes and Society Brand
$15.00-$30.00 $16.50-$35.G0 $18.00-$40.C0
(lr(airahif mVincr At $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 is a fact we
VJlC-ctl V ai UC'g I V lllf are proud of , and to men and young men
who limit their purchase to these figures, we ask to come and see the result
to be found at those prices..
Every New Model in Suitsand Top Coats
One, two and three-button models, In every style, close-fitting, loose-fitting, pinch
back, and belted garments. Red and green s ubdued stripes, two-toned clotbs, fancy
nubbed and basket weaves, handsome grays, browns, greens, unfin-
V, art hmImI. T,rl HI,, a i.,h mi.rt., .Iralatnn mnA ftill HnnH
Specialists in
High Grade
You'll not find else
where so large or varied
an assortment of fine hats
as here. '
John B. Stetson, famous
American Hat, $3.50,
S I, $5 up to $15.
Herg and Mai lory crav
enetted Hats at $3.
Our Speciar, the best
ever, at 82.
Smart styles in Cloth
Hats at $2.
GreatValues inBoysClothes-$5
BoyB All Wool Norfolk Belted Suits with two pairs of
full lined trousers. Fashionable materials of ttC AA
fine quality. A regular I7.B0 value for.H''.""
At $6, $7.50, $8 and $10
Boys' Norfolk Suits in fine Scotch cheviots and soft,
warm worsteds. Each suit with two pairs full lined trous
ers, some with belt to match.
Boys' Norfolk Suits In a great variety of belted styles,
with two pairs of trousers, at
$2.50, $3.50 and $-1.50
ImmeiiRi) stocks of medium weight Union Suits, lj
sleeve, length or full regular. Ught wool, mercerized
or soft cotton. Vassar and Superior makes. $1.00.
$1.50 nd $3.00.
Manhattan and other high-grade fall and winter style
uhlrts in soft and pleated bnBom, laundered cuff styles, at
$1.75. $2.25. $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50.
Fancy Jersey Sweaters
Slip-easy Hnnd Nerrkwear, rich silk and satin novelties,
50cS 75, and $1.00.
Mochim, Suedes anil the Washable Cnpe Nonshrinking.
New putty and biscuit shade, ueaiy embroidered back,
$1.00, $1.50 und $2.00.
IW3-I5I5 Howard St
Our Rug Depto
Big Special Values
Read the
27x54 Bigelow Wiltons, extra good selection . . $4.95
27x54 Wool Fibre 59c
27x54 Wash Rugs. ....'..... C9c
36x63 Wash Rugs. . ! $1.25
36x72 Axminster Rugs $3.60
9x12 room sizes, select designs, Axminster s. .$17.75
Bedroom sizes in pretty patterns, 7-6x9, Brussels,
at , $9.75
Bedroom sizes, "pretty patterns, 8-3x10-6, Brussels,
at $10.75
Same patterns, 9x12 $11.75
Royal Wiltons, 9x12 $35.00
Every One a Choice Design.
Standard Drugs and
Household Needfuls
At the Lowest of Cut Prices
These npecials are .necessities the thinga you use every
day in the sick room, on the toilet table and around the
house. 'By making your purchases here, you are able to.
buy standard drug and toilet articles greatly under reg
ular prices.
$1 Pinkham's Vegetable C pure Fresh DrUBS
Compound for V- witch Ha2eli torge bottle - -
$1.00 Wine Cardui CQ for aC
for 7t Wood Alcohol, large bot- Ofi
tie for a-UC
for D!,!.. 34c nkIe Tablet-100 ' 19C
$1.00 Listerine, genuine, CQ Quinine Capsules, 2 OKf
tor'. '. OVZ dozen for COC
50c Caldwell's Syrup On m- C?,t1r 0il 25l!
Pepnin for ...... . ("o"0' "C
100 Blaud's Iron Tonic Oft-
$1.00 Rexall Kidney Oft Pills for t"C
Remedy for OSQ 2 dozun Aaplrin Tablets OP -
, or Capsules, for OOC
Tar Shampoo Soap, OA D , e .
40 shampoo, for UC Rubber Goods Sale
1,000 Ilsmi in Rubber Goods.
25c Mennen's Talcum, 10 Thi ha. for many years been
R kind, for 1ZC one ot our strongest lines. We
B klnl8' for buy direct from factories and
$1.00 size S. S. S. C guarantee each item to be in
for D4C prime condition.
25c Packer's Tar Soap 11 Cigars
for 1"C 16c Reynaldo Qc
36c Limestone Phosphate Ol ra"f'?s,."
for r lAC Manila Media Regalia, , ffl OP
box of BO tpl.siij
50c Hinds Honey Al- OQ Box 25, 10c 1 PA
mond Cream for AwC Cubanoids forv Jl.OU
Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co.
oUoorf4 Big Rexall Stores fiSE'.V