Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Wisconsin Congressman Ana
lyzes Wilson's Financial
Mr. Maude E. Remington, recording secretary; Mr. J. J. Bristow, vice president; Mrs.
Lela G. Dyar, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Laura Taggart, treasurer; Mrs. Mamie M. Claf
lin, president! .
Hastings, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.)
Congressman James A. Frear of
Wisconsin delivered an address here
last night, in which he disculsed the
financial record of the Wilson admin
istration and the sectional manner in
which money so extravagantly appro
priated had been expended. Mr.
Frear said in part:
"One of the strongest indictments
made in 1912 by the democratic plat
form reads:
We - denounce the proflleate will of
money' wrung from the people by oppressive
taxation through the avian appropriations
'A republican congresses.
"This charge was made in a plat
form drawn by Mr. Bryan and his
associates. In the wild riot of waste
and extravagance which has accom-
Sanied the Wilson administration we
ve been confronted with the slogan,
'He kept ns out of war.' Every think
ing man knows we have been kept
out of war, not through the adminis
tration, but in spite of its blunders.
The ery is raised primarily to prevent
inquiry into broken platform prom
ises. Let us stick a pm into one hole
at a time and see what becomes of
democratic promises and policies.
What is the record of 'profligate
waster .
Seven Hundred Millions More.
Lea vim out Panama canal expend!'
tares in both' administrations, the
total appropriations during the Taft
administration, from 1910 to 1913, in
clusive, in round numbers, reached
$3,800,000,000. During President Wil
son's term thus far the total appro
priations reach over $4,846,000,000, or
more than $1,000,000,000 increase for
the four-year Taft period. Deducting
extra defense items of about $340,000,
000 leaves a net increase of $700,000.
000 m appropriations thus far made
or 18 per cent excess apart from the
extra defense bills. I will not discuss
figures to show how and where the
waste occurred beyond saying that
over 7.000 new olaces were created
with annual salaries of about $7,700.-
000. That is a net increase; $9,756,000
more was salary increase to care lor
8,000 more positions where huge sums
were provmea ana a aiscrctiun icu
with heads of departments.
; Money Spent In Sooth.
"A Iarsre oart of these appropria
tiona are given to the south. That is
natural, because the democratic ma
jority comes from the .south and
every important committee chairman
ship, -some thirty-two in number,
comes from the south, all excepting
Fitzgerald of New York, whereas
thirteen southern states only con
tributed $4,856,000 toward the income
tax revenues of 1915, while thirteen
northern states contributed $65,308,
000 during the same period, or four
teen times as much. Is it not time
for the people of this country to in
quire why these heavy tax burdens
are being levied and where they are
distributed? Nearly half of the $43,
000,000 for rivers and harbors, in
round numbers, goes to the south, al
though all the actual waterway com
merce of the entire south does not
amount to one-half of the commerce
of the Duluth-Superior harbor. Is it
not time to ask an accounting from
those who control congress and four
years ago denounced republican ex
travagance?" ,
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Tabloids of Politics
Little Items About the
Progress of the Campaign,
Arthur 'Ct Smith has been chosen
chairman of a Hughes and Fairbanks
Business Men's lergue. Harry S.
Byrne is secretary. The following
will serve on the executive commit
tee: Arthur C. Smith, H. H. Baldrige.
Gurdon W. Wattles, Luther Drake,
Joseph H. Millard, John C. Wharton,
Louis C Nash, George Brandeis and
F. H. Davis. It is expected that dur
ing the remaining weekr of the cam
paign the league will hold noonday
meetings, to which leading speakers
will be invited. The league will also
circularise much literature designed
to interest the business men in the
candidacy of Mr. Hughes.
National Committeeman Howell is
corresponding with Raymond Robins,
who may be in Nebraska, September
29 arid 30, for a brief speaking tour,
"It is very evident that Senator
, Hitchcock is now trying to hang to
the Wilson coat-tail. His speeches
plainly indicate his present methods,"
stated a prominent democrat, who
doea not wish his name used at this
time,' for business reasons. He is
one of Omaha's well-known lawyers
and a politician of statewide acquaint
ance. He says he can read the senator
like a book. "The senator fought the
administration on the tariff bill and
the bank reserve bill and now is fol
lowing the Wilson band wagon just
: to get votes..! have always accounted
myself a democrat, but my democracy
s falls short when it comes to voting
i lor senator Hitcncock this time.
v "Preparedness, prosperity and pro
f lection," is the slogan of the National
Republican league, ot which John
i nays Hammond is president.
J. C. Robinson, well-known seed-
man of Waterloo, upon his. return
i trom the west, made tnis statement
"I heard Mr. Huehes sneak in Den
vcr before the Mile-High club and I
. came away enthusiastic over, the
; man.
: Mckinley dub has receivrd a tele-
gram from Henry J. Allen of Wichita,
Kan, former progressive candidate
for governor, saying he will arrive in
I, Omaha next Monday morning at 11:30
over the Rock Island. Plans are be-
ing made to have Mr. Allen speak at
; noon at the Live Stock exchange,
, South Side. He will be the principal
J speaker Monday evening at the Rome
i; Hotel, under the auspices of the Mc
: Kinley Club of Omaha, on the occa
lion of the state convention of re
publican clubs. Mr. Allen is a most
forceful as well as an entertaining
' speaker. ?
Wilson Sentiment
In Boone County
' Is On the Wayne
Albion, Sept. 22. (Special.)
While Boone county has for several
months sppeared to show a leaning
toward President Wilson, those ac
quainted with the situation believe
that a change has begun to take place
and that from now on Hughes will
be found getting the better of the
. Normally Boone is republican by
a small majority and republicans
hope to see the whole ticket climb
to the top by the time the votes are
counted. '
One of the leading republicans of
the county said today that he could
see that the people were beginning
to take more of an interest in the
compaign and that the argument of
democrats to let well enough alone,
was not meeting with so much fa-,
vor as it did a week or two ago.
"People are beginning to talk and
discuss the situation and when they
begin to do that," said he, "it aim
ply means votes for Hughes, for as
soon as the campaign becomes one
of education and the people under
stand the real situation, they will find
that all of this talk about Wilson
keeping us out of war, ending the
strike and giving us good times won t
stand up m a fair and honest dis
cussion of the question."
John L. Kennedy is very strong in
Boone county, as is also Judge Sut
ton. One of the leading democrats
of the. county, one closely in touch
with the situation, said today that
Kennedy would carry the county by
a big majority and that Sutton would
not be far behind him. This appears
to be, the general sentiment among
democrats and republicans alike.
Madison County Fair .
' ; . . Will Open Tuesday
Madison, Neb, Sept. 22. (Special.)
"-The Madison . county fair, which
opens next Tuesday and closes rir
day, promises to oe me ocsi exmui
tirm of the kind ever held in Madison
county, The total number of entries
will exceed 2,000. With theg rounds
well-lighted and an interesting pro
gram with a spectacular display of
fireworks' for each evening, the night
fair is a feature. There will be base
ball each day with a $100 purse, ex
cept Tuesday. Tilden. Battle Creek,
Creston and Madison teams will com
pete. Harness races, automobile polo
games, open-air entertainments and
band concerts are features of the af
ternoon and evening programs. 1 he
pigs of the Boys' Pig club and the
exhibits ot the wris sewing ana
Cooking club, the better babies con
test and the state farm exhibit re
quiring a special car for its transpor
tation, accompanied oy two expert
demonstrators, are additional attrac
tions. Thursd ay is children's day,
when all school children under 16 arc
admitted free without tickets.
healed her
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County
Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed, who re
side near Blue Springs, are in a local
hospital seriously ill from an attack
of typhoid fever. Their two sons,
wnu nave also uccn auurruiK uuiu
the scourge, are improving. Four
teen of the relatives who attended
the funeral of Walter Reed in Sicily
township are ill of the disease, and
the state chemist has secured a sam
ple of the water from the well on the
Reed farm, to determine, if possible,
the cause of the outbreak.
J. J. Gould, who was bound over
to the district court Monday on the
charge of assaulting Gladys, the 13-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Burton of this city, was released from
the county jail on bail of $2,000. Fear
ing harm from someone, he returned
to the jail and asked that he tfe placed
behind the bars. A number of his
friends visited the jail in an automo
bile and took him to 'the Burlington
station, where he left the city on a
northbound train. His brother, Ira
Gould, of this city, appears as bonds
man. Since Gould's ariest his wife
and three sons have arranged to lo
cate at Boone. Ia. He is nearlv 60
years of age and has always borne a
gooa name in ine community.
The Gage county fair will be held
in Beatrice September 2M6 to 29 and
the exhibits promise to be unusually
large. A number of fast horses have
been entered for the races.
Fred Altergoot, who was arrested
here last week for the murder of
Louis Banks at . Stockton, .Kan , on
August 23, last, was arraigned at
Stockton last Wednesday, pleaded
guilty and was given a life term in
the Kansas penitentiary.
Jury Drawn for District
Court at Red Oak
Red Oak, la., Sept. 22. (Special.)
The trial jurors for the October
term of the Montgomery county dis
trict court were drawn Tuesday after
noon by Clerk F. P. Greenlee, Audi
tor Peter Ostrom and Recorder S. E.
I'ryce. The October term will open
on the 17th, but Clerk Greenlee has
not yet been notified who will be the
presiding judge.- Judge Arthur of
Logan is sick in an Omaha hospi
tal and will be unable to do any more
work this year, consequently it was
necessary for the judges of the dis
trict to rearrange their assignments
in order to take care of the assign
ments of Judge Arthur. Only a few
cases' for the new term have been
filed, but several old cases are left
over o nthe docket from the last term.
Madison Court News.
Madison.. Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.)
Alonzo Garvey and Martha Naw-
man were married at the county
court room, Judge McDuffee officiat
ing. Both are from cattle Creek.
A marriage listnees was issued to
John F. Bredchoft and Martha Fen-
ske, also of Battle Creek.
The will of Augusta Minnie Stein
late of Norfolk, Neb., was admitted
to probate and Philip J. Fuesler of
that city appointed administrator
with bond fixed at $4,000.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
itching skin
"I had a terrible case of ectema which
covered both my hands. My fingers
began to itch, then tiny water blisters
came which formed sores all over my
hands. 1 suffered for two years, getting
very little rest or sleep because of the
terrible itching. I usea very many rem
edies, but they all failed to give me any
relief. I tried Resinol Ointment and
Resinol Soap and got immediate relief,
my bands were completely cured.
They arc soft and white and without a
blemish, and 1 shall never be without
Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap in
my home! ' (Signed) Mrs. Jacob Schwarts,
1263W.CarySt. Richmond, Va., Jan. 21.
AU arat fills ssK Ksstsel Obttnsmt end Resinol
Bee. For a (res isMpleet sack, write to Dept. 5.R,
lUeleai, aaltisMta, Mi, Ws( Mr try aim.
Yon Never Saw a 'Tiker"
With a Dresher Label
in HI Coat
W have made over $1,000,000
worth of clothes In the past fifteen
years for well dressed Omaha men.
Wa do not aaalt chaaa) cloth.
DRESHER, The Tailor,
IBIS Faraaaa St. Tyl.r MS,
A Big Enamel warci PurcHasfe
Union Outfitting Company
16th and Jackson Streets
An unmans purchasa of doubl and tripls-coated enamelwara bought
t an axt'a heavy discount enables lis to put th antir shipment oir
Spacial Salas for this on day only, at prices that will maan an abso
lute saving to you of at laast ona-half. Com to this big enamelwara
sal expecting to find axtraordinary value and you will not b disap
pointed) and, as always, YOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS.
Two-quart Cof
fee Pots
Sale 17-
Dippers -r-Sale
Price lvt
Wash Bas
ins, Sale
Price IA-
Fourteen-quart Dish Pans-
Sale Price
Seventeen-quart Dish Pans
sale Price
Railroad Surgeon Condemns
Meddlesome Laymen Who
Attempt to Give Help.
'Meddlesome laymen," in the sense
of administering first aid to the injured,-
came in for a scoring at the
Friday morning's session of the Medi
cal Society of the Missouri Valley,
which is holding its twenty-ninth an
nual meeting in Omaha.
Dr. C. W. ffopkins of Chicago, chief
surgeon of the Northwestern railroad,
in his paper on "First Aid to the In
jured," declared that in "civil practice
the weak sentimentalism prevailing
among laymen often results in loss of
life or limb or material increase (in
pain and suffering and in prolonged
He decried in none too gentle tones
the activities of the busy-body mem
bers of the community who are al
ways ready to rush to the scene of an
accident and volunteer their services.
which, he averred, more often resulted
in a mess that proved a handicap to
the doctors.
According to Dr. Hopkins' state
ments, it is well understood by sur
geons that the character of the first
treatment given an injured person fre
quently determines the final result.
Too Often Ignorant
It is all well and good, he explained,
when a layman really knows what to
do, contending however, that the av
erage person is vastly ignorant when
it comes to taking the initial respon
sibility when an accident occurs.
Following the close of the morning
session the society elected officers
for the ensuing year, Dr. C. R. Wood
son of St. Joseph succeeding Dr.
John P. Lord of Omaha as president.
The other officers chosen were Dr.
E. W. Rowe of Lincoln, first vice
president; Dr. C. B. Hickenlooper of
Winterset, la., second vice president;
Dr. O. C. Gebhart of St. Joseph,
treasurer; Dr. Charles Wood Fassett
of Kansas City, secretary. Dr. Geb
hart and Dr. Fassett were re-elected.
Keokuk Gets Meeting.
Keokuk, la., was named as the
next meeting place.
Dr. F. B. Dorsey of Keokuk was
elected chairman of the committee
on arrangements for the 1917 con
vention. At the closing day's sessions pa
pers were read and discussions led
by the following: Dr. Robert H.
Babcock of Chicago and Dr. A. D.
Dunn of Omaha, Dr. G. Wilse Rob
inson of Kansas City and Dr. C. R.
Woodson of St. Joseph, Dr. Frank D.
Dickson of Kansas City and Dr. W.
H. Orr of Lincoln, Dr. Leigh F. Wat
son of Oklahoma City, Dr. H . . J
Lehnhoff of Lincoln and Dr. J.
Shuman of Sioux City. Dr. James M
Patton of Omaha and Dr. P. I. Leon
ard of St. Joseph, Dr. C. H. Newel
of Omaha and Dr. Daniel Morton o
St. Joseph, Dr. L. A. Dermody o
Omaha and Dr. W. T. Reynolds o'
Kansas City, Dr. E. L. Delanney o
Omaha and Dr. W. J-Frick of Kan
sas City, Dr. Michael Y. Wohl o!
Omaha. '
To Visit Clinics.
Clinics will be held at the yariom
hospitals in Omaha this morning.
Dr. Patton is chairman of the com
mittee in charge of this feature ol
the convention.
Five Men Dig Wav Out
Of North Platte Jail
North Platte, Neb., Sept. 22. (Spc
cial.) Digging a hole eighteen ind'
es square in the brick wall of the
"bull pen" in the county jail, five
men effected the first jail delivery tj
be attempted here in five years, hd
Long and William Hunt, serving
thirty days for intoxication; Elmer
Daggett, serving a similar sentence
for carrying concealed weapons, and
two Mexicans serving short terms for
trespassing on railway property, arc
the men who are missing. How the
men obtained tools to dig away the
mortar is still unknown. The men
escaped sometime between 10 p. m.,
when the sheriff retired, and 6 a. ni..
when he again visited the "bull pen.
J-e-rlfWWyVWaWV CO.
of special interest to men
are our Stein-Bloch
Smart Clothes
For Fall
Of special Interest because they lift a man out of the- rut of the "Dead
Ones" into the ranks of men who know the value of social preferment.
Each of the models shown is the faithful copy of a custom made prod
uct of some high grade Fifth avenue tailor,-who charges his customers
$40.00 to JS0.00 per suit.
The cost of manufacturing clothes is unusually high this year, owing
to abnormal market conditions, but we ask men to inspect our newly ar
rived models, to examine the construction and trimmings of the garments,
and to tell us fairly if it isn't a good investment to buy clothes like these
as a matter of self-respect and standing in society and business.
And Remember Instead of $40.00 to $80.00
Ours Are '20.00 to '35.00
The Hat Shop Offers
' Nearly a hundred new styles, colors and qualities. An assortment
comprehensive enough to suit every man in Omaha.
Derbys Borsalinos Schoblo Hats Pembertons.
Straight, Negligee, Roll or Pencil Rim.
$2.00 $3.00 $400
"Dents" Gloves
Are handin-glove with the
world. Known throughout
every country as the most
dependable makers in this
particular industry. Benson
& Thome are singularly for
tunate in securing an early
shipment of certain very at
tractive values in mocha with
black points, real tan capes
and butter colored wash
ables, all at
50c Neckwear
A broad stripe in strik
ing colors. Best pat
terns in a floral design
and a figured satin of
good weight. In all 20
dozen. All new goods.
We shall commence to sell
them at 8:30 a. m. Satur
day, for
Positively the most complete
stock we have ever carried
and we venture to say the
most complete ever in this
city. Including Interwoven,
Holeproof, Phoenix, Eiffel
and Wilson makes, in silk or
lisle. Plain or fancy and it
is some stock of fancy
25c, 35c,
j j I
Doubl and
1 Wholesale Efcht-qu.rt Berlin V
1 Kettles, with cover
1 73? 28? JJ
Tea Kettles Small Sizes Enameled Jelly and Pie P iji
Sale Price ,-.:JlC Plates Sale Price ...... ijij
This Big f-lwar. S.U for On. Enameled Drinking Cups l"!
Day Only, Saturday, Sept. 23d. , . . y hi i V
oaie rrice jsrs
10-qt. Water Pails, y
aale price OCX. U j.?ji fV I ?! U tfV
12-qt Water Pails, OQ v1,i j Kj j JJ
Cam early while th as- Savory Meat Roasters, Turkey 7fis. C' (11
sortmants an at Siie Sale Price IOC OVm h
, their best. Gray Enamelwara, Turquois, Blua Enam- trV pi l !
' ' elwara, Onya Enamelwara. A I 11
Our Inexpensive Location Enables Us to Make the Lower J", 11 II
0 KKm-irrjjjyLJrrCTr
C eeasesaasaesaeaee Baaaaaaa-e.
Lower Prices On Clothing
and extend to you the easiest credit service on reliable goods. Come
in tomorrow and get your new fall Clothes and pay for them later.
$1! A Week
Ladies' All Wool Serge Suits at $16.50
Ladies' All Wool Serge or Silk Poplin
Dresses at $7.95.
Ladies' Fancy Mixtures Fall and Winter
Coats at $7.85.
Ladies' Fall Skirts from $3.50 to $14.50.
A large and beautiful line of Ladies'
Waists from 95c to $15.00.
Ladies' Fall Hats from $2.50 to $12.50.
We have a nice line of Ladies' Shoes in all
lasts and styles, from $3.75 to $6.00.
Special Sale for Saturday of Men's and
Young Men's High Grade Suits,
from $15.00 to $32.50.
Boys' Suits from $3.50 to $7.50.
Men's Hats and Shoes at popular prices.
D 1 1 C Q Rectal Disease, Cured Without Operation
riLetO Nearly every case cured in one treatment I do not tor
w ture you for weeks, as most doctors do. No knife or
anaesthetic No wait at hotel or hospital. Absolute guarantee to every case.
treated. . a a ijl
DR. J. C. WOODWARD, 301 Rose Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ' WCKWWWWXWWW