Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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I'cn Representing All Lines of
Business Appear Before
" Federal Board.
(roUnofld Pram fait Ona.)
of farmers and Implement dealers call
annually at the company's Omaha of
'ice than at any one of the other
. branch houses.
Peter Jansen, Beatrice, asserted
that while he does not live in Omaha,
and has no property interests here,
. he sees reasons why Omaha is at the
, logical place for locating the bank.
E. Stoddard, well acquainted with
the farm tenant class, asserted the
land bank would put the renting class
into the position of farm owners. He
added that there are 50,000 young
men in this state who want to get
'.' on farms, but are afraid to try to buy
, under the present loan conditions and
, Thomas Millett, Gregory, 5. D.,
said the necessary local associations
to negotiate the loans could be
formed in his localitv within thirty
days after the banks are established,
and that the operation of these banks
will be a great help in the develop
ment of that newer region of country.
Interest Rates Now.
J. B. Grinnell, Papillion, secretory
of the Nebraska Farm congress, gave
the results of his investigations as
to rates of interest paid now in Ne
braska on farm loans. He found one
place not fifty miles from Omaha
where 10 per cent interest was being
paid on a farm loan. He gave his
own experience of asking to have a
loan renewed, being promised a re
newal at 6 per cent and then being
charged 6 per cent on the day when
he had to nave the money. "I am
told they do this right along," he
said, "when they get a fellow in a
C. L. Burnham, Norfolk, asserted
that under the farm loan system of
cheap money and long term loans,
the Rosebud country would be de
veloped very much taster than it is
at present Although he it a banker,
he said he was in favor of this
cheaper rate of interest on farm loans,
-because it would make more general
. farm nroaoeritv. and would immedi
ately be reflected in increased de
posits. Wiley Telli of Wyoming.
S. S. Wiley, Omaha, and Wiley,
Wyo, fanner colonizer, and hydraulic
engineer, testified that all the Big
Horn Basin in Wyoming is tributary
to Omaha, tapped by great trunk
lines, that 12 per cent to IS per cent
ia thejrevailing rate of interest there,
-and that young men are kept from de
veloping that country more because
of the high rate of interest, which
they cannot afford to pay.
H. U fmey, neaa oi tne univer
sity Farm Extension Work, presented
a concise brief in which he showed
average rates of interest charged and
showed that west of an arbitrary
xone-line, extending from Holt to
: Phelps counties, the eastern com
panies, will not loan money, claim
ing that the rainfall is too uncertain.
He asserted the 300 co-operative ele
vators in the atate, together with the
; great number of other farmers' or-
ganiration would immediately form
a basil for (he organisation of the
necessary local associations to get the
i loans, i , ,
s . ' Among: others who testified were
Colonel Jack Moore, Buffalo, Wyo.!
! L. B. Fenner, Burwell, Neb. P. J.
i Brennan, Nobles county, Minnesota;
Anson Hiersche, Scotts Bluff; O. F.
!' Dornbtaaer, Dallas, Tex.; A. F. Mam-
mem, McClelland, la.: W. S. Dela-
, tour. Garden county, Nebraska, and a
; ' number of other Omaha men.
f The hearing continued until 6
t o'clock, after which the members of
J the board hurried to the private car
i and started for Des Moines,
f Position of Loan Agents.
S Four loan men have rushed to
i. Hyannis, Neb, to make loans now to
i the Kinkaid homesteaders, since the
f, federal farm loan bank law 'was
: passed, although before this bill be
ll came a law, scarcely a loan could be
I had there by a Kinkaider.
1 This came out In the testimony of
f John A. Hoban, a Kinkaid homestead
I "tr from that section,
f Hoban testified that before this bill
. became a law the loan men would not
loan money to a Kinkrder, as the
5 loan companies and the banks there
i were largely controlled by cattlemen,
" who wanted to oust the Kinkaid farm-
era from the settlement in order to
get the range back for their cattle.
, Commission in Advance.
Hoban testified that ' he borrowed
1 month, and that he ii to pay 3 per
cent commission annually for five
5 years, and S per cent interest on the
I loan besides. He testified that the
3 per cent oer annum commission,
I making IS per cent for the five-year
period, was all taken out in advance.
i t and that he tnus gives tne company
1115 per cent besides the 5 per cent per
annum interest.
t . This was the testimony adduced
when the board questioned Hoban as
I to how the federal farm loan bank
i loaning money at 5 or 6 per cent
would ocncni me r innaiu uuiuc-
i He testified that up to the present
month he had been able to get only
; small loans, and these from farmers
. or ranchers in the neighborhood in
7 (tead of at the banks. He paid 8 per
: cent on these.
' Law Helpa Already.
"Do you believe the Tact that the
, farm loan bank law is soon to go into
S effect had anything to do with your
t ability to borrow this $2,600 now?"
' asked Secretary of Treasury McAdoo.
"I do," he said. "1 believe that is
I lust why I got it. The loan compan
ics sent men into Hyannis as soon as
' the law was passed, and there are
f four men in Hyannis right now mak-
.- tug farm loans to Kinkaiders.
The court room was packed a half
1 hour before the hearing - started
, j Three hundred men crowded the
room, and hundreds more packed the
. We make clothe for '
particlar men. .
Sack Suit from $55 down
DRESHER, The Tailor,
1515 Farnam. Tyler 345.
corridors seeking to push their way
in, or waiting for someone to leave
and make room for another.
Sixty Are Farmers.
When Secretary McAdoo asked to
see the hands of those who were
farmers sixty hands in the room went
up, which did not include any in the
hall unable to crowd in.
Mr. McAdoo made an opening
statement, briefly telling the purpose
of the hearings, and George W. Nor
ris followed with a summarized state
ment of the intent and purpose of the
bill and the method of its operation.
J. A. OUis of Ord was the first
witness called. He testified that in
the last few days he had talked to at
least eight men within a radius of
three miles in his neighborhood who
had from $1,000 to $3,000 apiece, but
were afraid to buy even an eighty
acre farm, though they wanted one,
because they teared reverses mat
would make it impossible to pay off
the mortgage in 'the five years al
lowed them under the present system.
He said all these men declared they
woxld feel safe in buying a farm un
ci -r the tarm loan act when thty could
get cheap money on a twenty or for
ty-year term under the amortization
All Charge Commission.
Mr. Oltis testified that the prevail
ing rate of interest on farm loans in
Valley county is 6 per cent, but that
all the loan companies charge com
mission of l'i per cent for making
the loan.
Ed P. McDermott of Kearney, a
kwyer, next on the stand, had a pack
of letters in reply to inquiries he had
sent to loan men all over the Sixth
congressional district of Nebraska.
While many of these loan iiien did
not want their names mentioned, they
gav: information freeh' as to rates
of interest charged and commissions
deducted. Summarized, they were in
part as follows:
Bartlet, Neb., 6 per cent plus com
mission. Sidney, Neb., formerly 10 per cent,
now 8 per cent since the farm loan
law passed. .
Sherman county, S'i to 6 per cent
interest and 2 per cent cash commis
sion. Dawes county, average of 9 per
cent interest, and in some rases com
mission as high as 6 percent.
Keya Pans county, 6 to f per cent
interest and varying commissions.
Dawson county, 5 per crnt interest
and $20 per $1,000 commission.
Sioux county, 'up to recently 10
per cent interest; now 8 per cent.
Scottsbluff county, under irrigation
10 per cent interest and other rates
varying with the individual case with
regard to irrigation facilities, etc.
Keith county, 8 to 10 per cent in
terest and commission at IK to 2
per cent.
Kimball county, $5 per $1,000' com
mission, which always runs the rate
of interest up over 8 per cent
Banner county, 10 per cent interest
and 10 per cent commission.
Lincoln county, 6 per cent interest
and 3 per cent 'commission.
Cheyenne county, 6 per cent on the
best improved land.
Many Leave Farma.
Mr. McDermott declared that of
the Kinkaiders who settled on these
640-acre homesteads a number jf
years ago; ouly 10 per cent are now
on tne tarms. 1 he rest, he said, had
to get out, largely because they could
not get cheap money on long term
loans with which to develop these
1 feel sure from a canvass I have
made." said McDermott. "that 60 oer
cent of the farmers in the Sixth dis
trict will avail themselves of the op
portunity to Dorrow money, under
this new plan as soon as the federal
farm banks are established. Thev
are all willing to join the local as
He wound ud bv readinsr some re
plies as to location favored by men
from various places in the western
Dart of the state, all of whom fivnr.
d Omaha, giving tht. railway facili
ties and many other reasons for their
Victor Anderson of Kearnev. who
with his brother operates an 800-acre
tarm, testified that the prevailing rare
of interest 'on farm loans in his lo
cality is Ski to 6 per cent, with a com
mission charge ot 1 per cent a yea.
He testified that 40 oer cent cf the
farmers in his county are tenants,
that all of them are ambitious to own
farms, and that these' would all be
greatly helped by the establishment
of a farm loan bank.
News of State Capital
(From a fluff CosTMpondenL)
Ltneoln, Bpt. II. -(ipocUI.) An opinion
wrlttan by Chief J us tic MorriMjr gtvoa At
torney C B. Band, I of York, an affirm
ance of tna Judgment ho Moured In York
count r for IMI6 aa him fen for laa-il urv.
leaa for rapraaantlnf Uorlti and Herman
Otio In II titration Involving proportjr worth
00,00o baionvtn to thalr fathar. William
Otto, Bandall acted aa thalr attorney In a
controverts with three other children of the
emer uno. The mivatlon waa aubaequently
Ult4 out of oourl over the aUornov'a bead.
In a ?aie Invotvtna tha value of a hoi
which fell through tha approach to a bridge
ana nan to do amen oeoauao of Ita InJurlea.
the high bench decldea that Rlchardaon
county muai pay namagea to the ?, H
IMlea aetata and John Wililama.
Aa Effect. Coach TrontaMna.
Ona teaapoonful of Dr. Klnfa New Dis
covery taken aa needed will aoothe and
check your cough and bronchial Irritation.
All druggist. Advert leeroent
Monday, Sept. 25
Milton Rogers
1515 Harney St
1M m umiw .t turn
B.lp. to MM dudnL
wft Mia unarrnM.
0. N. Mitchell Nearly Wrecks
Interior in His Effort to
Make Escape.
Kearney, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special
Telegram.) A daring jail delivery
was thwarted here early this morning,
but only after one police officer had
been knocked unconscious by a blow
from a bolt in the hands of O. N.
Mitchell, alias John Jones, and an
other had been forced to club him
into submission.
Mitchell was in the city jail on the
charge of operating an automobile
without a license. The .jail was not
guarded from 8 o'clock until 2 a. m.
His attempt to get out was one of
the most daring ever known here. He
literally demolished the interior of
the two-cell lockup and tore off the
entire door sill which leads into the
office. Just as he had forced his way
into the office he heard the officers
coming down the hallway with an in
toxicated man. He hid behind the
door and as Night Policeman Bede
Laughton stepped in he was floored
with the iron bolt in the hands of the
After a desperate encounter with
Officer Vern Smith, lasting for ten
minutes, he finally gave in. Mitchell
then confessed that he was wanted in
Phillipsburg, Kan., for stealing an
automobile. A tent i.t which he had
been living at the fair grounds was
found to contain many stolen articles.
The Kansas sheriff has been notifiea
and will arrive tomorrow to take
charge of the prisoner.
Start the
Children Right
a grown-up
owes the shapeliness
, her feet to the shoes
wore as a child. It is more im
portant that children's shoes be
made upon right fitting lines than adults' shoes, for a
child has practically no choice.
Our stock of children's shoes contains every kind
of sioe for every purpose and occasion for children.
They are designed and macle with the same care for
comfort and support as our adults' shoes.
School shoes from $2.25 to $3.50, according to size.
Duymg at
Saves You
Read Over This Bargain List For Saturday,
$1.00 Listerlne 594
50c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
for 29
60c Canthrox 29(
50c Orazin Tooth Paste.... 344
Bottle ot 100 Hinkle Cascara Pills
lor ' 19c)
50c Nadinola Preparations. .344
60c Hind's Honey Almond Cream
for 344
50c Doan's Kidney Pills. . . .344
60c Lantz Red Kidney Pills. 394
Rubber Department
$3.60 Whirling Spray Female
Douche ..$2.38
$1.50 Legrand 2-qt Fountain Syr-
ing 794
$1.60 Legrand 2-qt Hot Water
Bottle 794
65c Atomisers 394
$2.00 Legrand Combination 2-qt.
Fountain Syringe and Water Bot
tle for 81.15
$1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey .794
60c Java Rice Powder 344
10c Lustrite Emory Boards. . .54
60c Lavorls 344
60c Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets 294
85c Castoria 214
26c Mentholatum 164
5c Ivory Soap 2 for 64
26e Graves' Tooth Powder.. 15
25c Sloan's Liniment ...... 174
Mail Order Receive Our Prompt Attention.
Beaton Drug Company
15th and
Chassis, $325.00 Touring Car, $360.00
Runabout, $345.00 Sedan, $645.00
Coupelet, $505.00 Town Car, $595.00
Tke Demaids
Wheat the blood (tht power laid of your
body) is properly nourished, vour bodv In
variably radiates signs of glowing health
But it Is to tuy to neglect its importance,
and blood dimtt't ot malignant form,
like Rheumatism, Catarrh, Malaria, Scro
fulous poisons and akist diitaaes take hold
before we ate swart the result of negli
Ketp your blood
pure by the nourishing qualiiits of t I.I. and ban
ita then undetirable tenant! from your body.
Supreme Court Holds Wiig
Building Was Hit by Light
ning Before Blown Down.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special
Telegram.) Martin Wiig of Omaha,
whose brick building was destroyed
in the Omaha tornado of 1913 can re
cover on two policies for lightning
and fire which he held in Girard Fire
and Marine Insurance company and
the American Insurance company of
New Jersey, according to a ruling of
the supreme court this morning.
The companies fought payment of
the policies on the ground the build
ings were blown down first and took
fire afterwards. The high court says,
however, that the evidence shows the
building was struck by lightning first
and was blown down afterwards. Nor
is "it possible, the court says, to sepa
rate the loss due to fire from that
due to the collapse of the building.
Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special
Telegram.) Harry Tohmpson and
Miss Othelia A. Brunsbach, both of
Maryville, Kan., were married here
this evening by County Judge Wal
den. Department Orders.
Washington, Sept. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Penitone f ran ted: Nebraaka, Mar
tha J. Beck. Campbell, $11.
Tha following letter carrtera were ap
pointed In Iowa: Arryle, Pblllp Frank;
Arlon, Foeter 8. Kepford; Blakeaburf, Paul
Chaaman; Crawfordavllle, Emeat L. Clark;
Earlvllle, Samuel McCarvey; Ollmore City,
James F. Mulholland; Schallor, Gold Sonne
burn;- Scran too, Albert F. Hatch; Beranton,
Fred Croae.
Perfume Specials
$1.00 Piver's Extract, all odors,
Ser ounce .694
c Assorted Perfumes, many od
ors to select from, per oz. .244
60c oz. Sachets, large assortment,
per ounce 244
a Photo Department
Films Developed Fra
$3.50 Pixie Camera, 2MxiK
tot 82.00
$2.50 Pixie Camera, 2Vix3'4
for 81.50
6c M. Q. Tubes 6 for 254
Special prices on enlargements.
We are agents for Hnylers',
Cranes' original Allegretti and
Lowney Chocolates and Bon Bons.
Fresh shipments received daily.
Cigar Special
10c Chancellor, Conchas size, each
for 5
Limited 6 to a customer.
10c Odins 5 for 254
10c Tom Moore, Conchas size,
each 54
Limited 5 to a customer.
16c Muriels, Breva size 3 for 254
10c Gibraltar Perfecto 5 for 254
of Tomr Blood
(power fluid) running
Rock Island Must
Settle With Circus
. Men Hurt in Wreck
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.)
Joseph Maucher and James Crog
han, employes of the Rmgling Bros.
The Glories of
Do People Like to
Be Humbugged?
Some ttoret evidently think
to. We might explode a lot of
ttrong language in this ad and
perhaps attract more attention,
like a small boy with a fire
cracker, but we prefer to tell
the simple truth in a plain, un
derttandable way, because we
seek your confidence as well as
your attention.
Toilet Articles at
Special Prices
Ideal Rubber Cushion Hair
Brushes, tripre bristle, for
Saturday, only $1.00.
An excellent Medicated Toil
et Soap, at 19c a box.
Saturday only; quantity
to each customer limited.
Main Floor.
Remember This
When You Buy Silks
Silk is one of the easiest
products in the world to
"load"; that is, to make it
appear genuine, silky and
like a pure-dye taffeta.
Many unscrupulous man
ufacturers substitute, adding
three or four times the actual
weight of the silk by using
tin or iron. They overload
and weaken their silk to
such an extent that it is prac
tically worthless and at the
first strain it splits and tears.
MORAL: Insist on Beld
ing Bros. Guaranteed Silks,
which are pure dye, will not
split or tear and cost no more
than is asked for ordinary
We are Exclusive Agents
for Beldiug Bros. Silks.
Shoes for Fall
An unsurpassed
Selection From .
Which to Choose.
-Again to the front with a gigantic sale for Saturdpv in our
Men's, Women's and Children's Dept's., featuring special prices
throughout the entire store. '
Ladies' Suits serf e.gj Laoies' Suits, pop- A Wm PA Ladies' Suits, mtn' f f f
poplin, aoveltytl W lie, aba r d i n e A 3U tailored; poplin, er- Vl II I
cloth, fur or velvet T I 1 serges, fur or vol- T I ca ges, novoltjr doth, 11
collars; all colors; I m I vet collars; all styles; I I fur trimmed; worth to II
worth to $21.80 I W "" 24.50. . . . I $30 Ih W
Ladles' Coats, rft Ladles' Coats, Cfl L ' C e a t ., A Um r
cape velvet collar, I QU 'T PUid nd mU" jk 1 J JU Pu,h " '" 1 f JU
novelty cloth; new- T tures, in all colors; T I with belt or full Iff
est styles; worth I velvet -collars worth I M flare; worth I I
$12.50 I $1850 Ik $25 I I
Lingerie Waists, in all A Georgette Crepe Waists t A New model Trimmed t ft OQ
styles; worth UHP worth $5. ZI Hat. for fall; worth ef U
Feature price UUIl Feature pric V $7.50 to $10 U
Elegant line of Skirts, ( J O R Sailor Serge Dresses, Q 0 N,w Silk Otnm, ell f el I"
worth to $7.50; all I ZZ. es; worth to 1 shades; worth to I 1
,ty .....I535 $12.50 U $30 IU
Men's, Young Men's, Boys' Suits, Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods, Main
Floor. Bargains for Saturday.
Men's Suits, ' eassi-1 "f C fl Men's Suits, plaehf f Q C Women's Shoes, all J Q Q
mer, worsted, fancy P luU back or regular cut; C fj Jw colors and two lone; f A 30
mixtures; worth f worth H Mat shades worth U 3
112.50 " vl8.50 W $7.50 '
Boy s' and Girls' t 4 Q0 Boys' School Suite, in $2.50 M"'' Vnion SuiUt ia69C
School Shoes, extra 1 0 M , worh ,g , and best that money can buy. AND
good; worth I !E3 '
$2.50 1 $7.50. $3.50 Come see. 98C
circus in 1913, are entitled to recover
$10,000 and $15,000, respectively for
injuries in a railroad wreck when a
Rock Island passenger train hit the
circus train in a rear end collision at
a siding near Richfield, Neb. The
judgments returned in the district
court of Douglas county run against
the Rock Island.
The railroad pleaded a special con
tract with the circus and also assert
ed the damages were excessive. The
lie Fasfiion GrrteroTilie Middle
Autumn Colors Everywhere
Luxurious Furs
In Fashionable Styles
Moderately Priced
This season's newest
styles are very attractive,
and present a complete
showing of QUALITY
FURS at popular prices.
The Fur Shop Second Floor.
Children's School
Hose Special
ise, 3 Pairs for 50c
A fine ribbed black cot
ton hose, durable and
sightly. For Saturday
only, 18c, 3 Pairs for 50c.
Stylish Sailors of Hatter's Plush, $3.95
A Special Sale Saturday
Three fashionable hew
shapes, small, medium and
large, made of fine black hat
ter's plush. An tQ QC
extra value for pv,J
Trimmed ljats,$ 2-95.$3-95
NHats of Silk Velvet in new
styled and. colors and smartly
trimmed ; remarkable values at
these prices, for Saturday only.
On Sale ia Basement Millinery Only.
214 North 16th Street
high court says it would be against
public policy to recognize the specialy
. ..... ,.l in virw of the serious
crippling of the two men, the judg-
ments are not too large.
H H FURNAI.D died at hla home
at Plai'nvlew, Neb., yesterday. His
body waa brought to Seward and tho
funeral took place Friday. He was
I p'oneer resident of this place. He
leaves one son. Albert of Plainview.
The Store for
New blouses, fresh
from their packings,
ready for Saturday.
We will enjoy show
ing them to you.
Second Floor.
Featuring as usual
The latest styles in Laces,
Dress Trimmings, Beaded
Flouncings, Metal Laces
and Rose Trimmings. When
so much of the success of a
costume depends upon the
finishing touches, it pays to
be particular and select with
care. We will be glad to
have you look. Main Floor.
Infants' Shirts & Bands
On which the Baby's Sec
tion specializes.
Wrappers, no buttons, dou
ble across the front, of
medium weight cotton,
sizes 1 to 6, 25c.
Ruben's Shirts for infants,
cotton and wool, all-wool,
silk and wool and all-silk,
, sizes 1-6. Priced accord
ing to size and quality,
from 50c to $1.85.
Infants' Bands, cotton and
wool, all sizes, 25c; all
wool and silk and wool,
at 50c and 55c. Third Floor.