.1 Want-Ad Rates kCAMB WITH ORDER, per word each Insertion fSet solid no display.) Ada Paraarephed or Sot In Display Stria. c per lino n ,tlra" 7o per lino throo consecutive tlmoo (Count oil words to tho Uno.) " ' ' CHARGE RATES I lo per Mno .-.".J to por lino throo conoocuttvo Umo (Count 111 wordo to tho Uno.) Sporlol lUtosl Pans aod Ranch Land. T por lino throo coneecutiea Utnoa , (Count alt wordi to tho lino.) rOREION ADVERTISING CNDEH AOBNTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSI 1 FICATIONS. c por word ona urn Ui per word. . ..throo consecutive times NO AD TAKEN fOB LEHH THAN A TOTAL OF to OB LESS THAU Ita A DAT. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FU NERAL NOTICES, loo par lino aach Inaortlon (Minimum charro to cents.) MONTH LT RAT8 FOR STANDING ADS (No change ot copy allowtd.) Ono lino V.-.!.; Two llnoo or mora P (Count all woeka to tho Uno.) (Contract latea on application.) THE BEE will not bo responsible for mors than one Incorrect Inaortlon of an adver tisement ordered for more than one time ADVERTISERS should retain receipts given by The Bee In payment for Want Ada, aa no mlstske can be rectified without them. (.'BE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently brlnit or Bend In your ada Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and you will re ceive the aame food service aa when do Uverlnf four sd at the office. PHONE TTLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOBB. EVENING EDITIONS H: MORNINO EDITIONS : P- MOVIE PROGRAM Curreat olferlnrs of the beat Mattaa Picture Theaters In Omaaa. (Caenfed DsUy.) V Downtown. FAKNAM. Hll TARNAiJ A METRO MELODRAMA THB SHADOWS -OF A GREAT CITT" WITH THOMAS JEFFERSON and APELAIPB THUKBTUil PRINCESS, - 1111-11 DOUOLAS Bluebird, ftedfeather and Universal Productions to Presented Hero First fa Rodfeathor Feature Day ' ir il COUNTRT SHOULD CAM A Drama of Mother Love and War Ttrea North. DiAMOND. J4TH AND LAKE LIBERTT," No. I (l-reel Serial) "MOUNTAIN BLOOD" THE TERRIBLE TURK" "ANIMATED WEKKI.I "ffririm BINNE? GRAND, 'The Greater Obllbatlon," a l-reel drama. Featuring nryani r. esnnucn And a Good Comedy, LOTHHOP, "TlTH AND LOTHROP DE WOLFE HOPPER, In "CASEY AT IHtt BA 1 SUBURBAN. I4TH AND AMES SUBMARINE-' No. II. THE HOLLY HOUSE" ,i "OOINO TO THB DOGS." 1 A COM KPT, South. APOLLO. IITH.AND LEAVENWORTH ; "ONE GOOD PICTURE" , AND ' COM KPT BOULEVARD, lit) AND LEAVENWORTH NANCE O'NEILL, In - "SOULS IN BONDAGE" "TOM'S TRAGEDY," COMEDY LYRIC, UTW AND VINTON ONE GOOD PICTURE I AND COMl'iDT' ROHLFF, ISH LEAVENWORTH ' VIRGINIA PEARSON, r "A TORTURED HEART" ALSO A LONESOME LUKE COMEDT Want. DUNDEE, flST AND UNDERWOOD FLORA PARKER I)K HAVEN, In THE WORLD OF PKHTINY" MAURICE COSTBI.LO A BTIIRL (IRANDIN MONROE. 31 FAHNAM "THE YOKE OF GOLD WITH DOROTHY DAVENPORT and EMORY JOHNSON OMAHA, 4VTI1 AND DODGE WARREN KERRIOAN, In "THE BECKONING TRIAL UNIVERSAL WEEKLY South Side. I4TU AND N , THEDA BARA, ' I , IN "UNDER TWO FLAGS" Oni'HEUM, J4TH AND M 1 DE WOLFE HOPPER IN "CASET AT THB BAT' DEATHS t FUNERAL NOTICES. A'DKINS Joe E., aged 17, at the family heme, 1102 North Nineteenth street, fol lowing an Illness of several montha, He la aurvlVed by hla mother, Mra. Mettle Adklns; daughter, Doris, two brothers, Fred B. and Charlea M., and two alatera, Mrs. B. B. Mcpherson of 7 Kansas City, Mo., and Miss Georgia. The funeral will bo held at the family home at 1:10 Saturday. Burial private at For est Lawn. ' ADK1N8 Joseph E., September 11, 1110, aged 27 yeara, ' f Funeral Saturday at 1:10 p. m. "from the family residence, 1101 North Nine teenth street. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends are walcomo. ARNOLD William, September 11, 1111, aged II years, Funeral Monday, September 31, ,-llls, at :I0 a. m, from -family residence, 1032 North Nineteenth street, to Holy Family church at I a. m. Interment, Holy Sepul. ehro cemetery. Friends Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DUFFY JOHNSTON, embalm re and fa. neral directors 717 8 loth Tylsr 1ITI M K BURKUT A SON Funeral directors and embalmer. Ie4 lavenworth Har. II. lil'LBK A HIKPttN. undertakers and .m aimers, isl H ll't ' Douglaa 1131 Monuments una Cemeteries. BEAUTIFUL markera. tanleta and croesea tor unmarked graven Redman Grave Marke, Co I47 Spencer St Webster 1.01 FLORISTS. BEST QUALUY CUT FLOWERS or plants. Art combinations, ebtpped every, whera Excellent aervloa to our custom- era tn past yeara recommends HESS A BWOHODA. till rarnam Bt. Doug. Ilfll LARGEST ASSORTMENT of fraah "f lowera. delivered or ahlpped anywhere. U HEN DEHSON, i.l. Farnam Bt. Dou,:. 1231, Fontenelle Florist LEE L. LARMON 1111 Douglaa. Doug. 1144. HAIIKi.h Flower Shop. Ill 8. Ilth, D. 1101. A. DONAOHUE, lull Hsmey Doug,' 1001. "HATH floruit tIM Famam St V ItlOt nBnHMMeeanMnwan " MARRIAGE LICENSES- The following pormlu to wed have bon Muedi - i. , Name and Hesldencai Age. John Blair, Omaha.. 30 Wlnafred O'Connor, Omaha... 23 John PrebyL Omaha 21 Rachaal Miller, Omaha II Byron A. Root, Murray. Neb 14 C'aiidaee M. Darla. Cincinnati. O II John B. Riley, Missouri Valley, la...... 29 Agaea Larson, Mlaaourl Valley II Axel Robert Carlson, Benson 14 Carrie A. Flacker, Omaha.,.. Clyde U wtlllsjnson. Carroll ....A. 21 Marjorla P. Denner, Wayne '....,.'11 Stefan Blaa. Omaha........ 24 Mary Sorya, Omaha... II Harold 1. Wilson, Chlcstfo.,. 14 lorothy Potur, Bed Uoud 31 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrth--Frank and Macy Grow. 4316 South Twenty-slsth, girt; Danlfl F. and Juliana O'Brien, 4106 North Twenty-tnira, gin; Leon and Joanna Cicrmtckl, 3217 K. girl; John and Mary Halat, -615 South Twenty- eighth, boy; Joseph ana Famine noaergK. 4412 South Thirty-fourth, boy; Frank and Kails Snyderovltz, 4324 South Fortieth, girl; Thomas and Mary 8w.erc.tak, 426 South Thirty. flifth. 'boy; George E. and rhMpttan Hall. 1)122 North Twentieth, girl; George and Anna Gamble. 4321 Burdette, boy; Chsrles and Gather Tynen, zvi nnn ater, girl; Roy and Marie Dylund. 1418 Westerfleld avenue, girl; Carl and Elinor Ryan, 60S South Twenty-aeventh, boy; Cecil B. and Elisabeth Stone, 3014 South Twenty-first, girl. Deaths Walter B. Wright, 47, 1986 South Eleventh; Roy H. Conlon. 25, hospital ; Wil liam Wolter, 70, 331ft South Twenty-ninth; Edward Nelson, 86, 110 Farnam; Myrtle H. Bellevlil, 33, hospital; Jacob B. Frey, 31, hospital; Elisabeth Houston, 7t, 3001 Mason; Frank Hermelbracht, 32, hospital. BUILDING PERMITS. .. arT.TTTi 4ll aUnih filvth noma nuuuai. int., a frame dwelling. $1,300; Daughters of Israel ... M, KT.e V. Tn.v-flfth hHrk bath house, 81.500; L. Silverman, 27U Bln- ney, rrame awening, .,v,v, ATTRACTIONS MERRY-GO-ROUND at Oortnan Home Park Carnival from Sspt, II to Oct. I, at 4401 South 13th St. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IP Toll lose anything and will advertise It here, you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through this column. THE LAW People who find loot articles are Interested In knowing that the state law la strict In requiring them to seek the owner through advertisement and otherwlae, and that a failure to dp so, If same can be proven, Involvea a ae- rlous penalty. OMAHA - COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omsha Council Dluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they loft It In the street car. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to tha rightful owners. Call Tyler 100. LOST Large heirloom cameo pin, re turn to lilt Poppelton Ave. or III Paa ton Blk Harney 1604 and receive liberal reward. ' LOST Blue leather handbag, bank book and money; liberal reward. Phono wal- nue .10. LOST Cameo brooch, last Monday R- ward. Harney mo. FOR SALE Mitcellaneout Furniture and Houaehold Ooodi. BUT YOUR FURNITURE NOW. While tha underwriters' prices hold away. Tho mora you buy tho greater will be your aavlng. BUY NOW. STATE FURNITURE CO., Cor. 14th and Dodge. Pouglaa 1117. STOVES, furniture, rugs, bedding and linen of all klnda. Open till I B. m. polgorr. I8lt N. 24tn Bt. FOR SALE Patented Ironing board, neat and well built will last a lifetime. Phona us for particulars. Doug, till. ) FOR SALE A fine aldeboard and practical ly new gaa range. Call Harney 4727. FTlRNITURB cheap, acct moving. Call B. 4123 or v. 2l ror appointment. HOUSEHOLD goods and piano for aale. 4102 N. Ilth, upstairs. Billiardg and Pocket Tablea. FOR BALE BILLIARD TABLKS. Brand new, oaroom and pocket, with complete outfit, 1120; aecond-hand tables at re duced prlcea; bowling alleya and auppllea; easy payments. Cigar stores, drug, deli catessen and aolda fountain flxturra. THB BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 407-401 South 10th Bt. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. IROPEaAARIVS "Lucky Wedding Rtnge" at 10th and Pouglaa Sts. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND BUCOND-HAND MOTORS EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND - MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 111-10 S. 12th St.. Omaha. BOILERS, ateam, electric, gus engines, piper Gross Wrecking Co.. lltl Cuming. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public Bteno, Phone for prices, Douglas 1101. 140 Paxton Blk. Gat our prices on Job printing, CAMPAIGN CARDS A SPF.CIALTT. U. S, PTO. CO., HEM "BLDG, DOUG, UTI. WATISI'isVbaRNHART Ptg O. Co., ouaiity printing. Tel. Doug. 1110. 121 B. 131h St. Sewing Machines. Sewing Machine Sale SATURDAY ' 12 BARGAINS. Only $10 each. Your choice of twelve good reliable drop-head ' machines, worth from $)5 to $25 each. These are used machines,-but jtre good ones, guaran teed for S years, REMEMBER SAT. ON LY AT THIS PRICE. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. .Open Sat. night until 9. 15th and Harney. D. 1662. SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair, sell needltis and parts ol all sew in macnines. MIC'KKt. 8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., tSth and Harney Bts. Doug. IBM Typewriters and Supplies. WE BUY, Sell, fcxihane, Rent Typewriters, Typewriter Ribbon, 60c Carbon paper, fi&o box. Aiiutanu io,, nee mat. NEW machines sold the same as rent: IS per month. 8ee us before you buy or rent. Shipped any plaoe en ten days' free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange, sis 8. istn, umana. win. TYPKW It ITERS sold, rented and repaired Rent an Oliver Typewriter, I months for G. Central Typewriting Exchange, 1105 Farnam. REMINGTONS, M on an-lis and Smith Premiers for rent; sent anywhere, Rim Ington Typewriter Company. D. 1884. ' Miscellaneous. Home-made grape wine, $1.25 PliR GALLON. Sunklst port, full quart, 80 cents. Old Taylor whisky, full quart, 98 cents. CACKLKT BROS. MY high standard of quality will be maln- talned; 4 quarts of Old Fontenelle whisky, 13.30, Dotuea in pona. Henry roilock, mall order house. Doug. 7162, 122-124 N. 10th Bt, OW AH A PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat tresses mads over In new ticks at half , the price of new ones. Phone us for sample of ticking. ' Mall orders filled. 1907 Cuming St. Dougtas246L BKtt want-ads OAINED 19.699 MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained in first seven months 191f. UOOD KKSULTS AT LKHS COST 18 THK HUASON WHT. THE BEE: OiSALE Miwcllfineou ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE. v Thirteenth and Douglas. Bottled In bond whisky, 86c, 11.00, $1.36 full quart. DESKS,eafc. scales, showcases, shelving, etc. We buy, sett. Omaha Fixture A SupplyCo., 414-16-18 S. 12th. Doug. 3734. GRIMES GOL7iEN ind Jonathan apples for sale. C. H. Peters, Brlggs Station. Phone Florence 2524. SAVE 30 per cent on typewriter ribbons and carbon. Call Doug. 2147, Midland Co., Bee Bldg. ENCYCLOPEDIA Brlttanlca, ninth edition, for sale cheap. Phone Webster 1110. 1111 Ohio St. KA I'lANT Home base burner, NtT T-K; ilouljl'j heater; great bargain. SI10 Cum ins DRY KINDLINO WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNET 1117. PAIR of ladles' new witch-elk mountain boots: height 12, site I. Colfal lilt. . FOR SALE Hull elk head, l-polnt, well mounted, will ascrlflcw. Douglas 3140. FOR SALE Tourist go-cart, good condi tion. Colfax 2648. MAHOGANY grafonola, reasonable. Colfax 404s. Oood condition, FOR SALE Second-hand Gem furnace. 1121 N. Ilth St. WANTED TO BUY PrlfiSS for Furniture, Rugs, Clothes, Pianos, Office Furniture, Trunks, Shoes. Douglas 3871. Res., Webster 4204. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. HOLMES pays your price for second -hand clothes shoes ana bats. web. salio, ANNOUNCEMENTS WE PRINT EVERYTHING THE PRINTING HOUSE OF M.AUER. Phono Doug. 7744. 1611 Farnam St. BRODEGAARD'S-;'Lucky Wedding-Ring? at lttth and Pouglaa Sta., DAY and Y. M. C. A. Night School. Art. CHINA PAINTINO taught, special club prlcea, 6B0 s. 27th St. Harney 3.61. Accountants. El. A. DWORAK, C. P. A., A. VAN ORDER. HI Ram re Rldf., Phone Doug. II t. Brass and Iron Foundriea. Paxton-Mltrholl Co., 27th and Martha St, Bakeries. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery goods supplied to parties, lodgea and entertain ments. &. n, Keeder, lbo. N. lata, w.a.17, ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY. 212 N. 18th ST. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. 'OUR MOTTQ" BETTER BAKED GOODS. LET US PROVE IT. Cleaning and Pressing. SUITS pressed, 3uc; cleaned and pressed, $1. Phil Greenstone, 140fi Harney. Red 2781. W. MA PS En, 2616 Leavenworth, Tyler 1246. Baths. DR. BEND A Sulphur, steam. Modern Turkish BATHS AND MASSAGE. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ants. 1919 Farnam. Phons poug. &ST7- RITT EN-lbUHB Sanitarium; all kinds baths. 310-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. Buttons and Pleating. DRESS PLEATING, hemstitching and cov ered buttons, van . Arnum Dress Float ing anf Button Co., Id floor Paxton Blk. Douglas S109. Carpenters and Contractors. Lsssard A Son, 1906 Capitol Ave. Tyler Hit. Whits Bros., contractors, builders. Jobbing. itea B5is. Wal. 8389. Work guaranteed. C. W. Hokanaon, 2605 Leaven'th. Ty. 2198-J. Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dresa suits, for rent. 206 N. 17th. John Fold man. D. 1111. Cameras and Finishing. "RRXOETE" camerax, SVi-1'4, t;..00, (un1- veraai rocus lens), Green's Pharmacy, lth and Howard. See them todsy. Chiropractic. Dm. Johnston, U26 W. O. W. Bldg. T. t6!t. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. DR. BUKHORN'H modern sanitary chiro practic adjusting parlors 414-11 Rose Bid. D. 6147 Palmer Bch. grad.; lady attend't. DR. K NOLI, EN BERG, 8. WT Corner 24th and Farnam Bts. Phone Douglas 7295 Dr. Frances Dawson, 602-8 Roao Bid. Ty.2366 Dr. J. C, Law ro nee, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 1461. Dressmaking. ACCOltmON Side, Knife, Box Pleating. Cov. Buttons, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating Co.. 481-1 Paxton Blk. R. 4942 DRKSHMAKINO, romodellrg, day or homV M Im M. Cos, 210 8. 86ih Ave. H. JIC 04. FOR STYLE, reasonable price In your fall dresses, see Atklneoa Co., 1802 Farnam. DRESSMAKING Reasonable prices. 200 Balrd Bldg. A-l DRESSMAKING, 2812 Elm. Red 618 Keister Dressmaking Col , 16? City NUM. Terry Dressmsk'g college, 20th and Farnam. FIRBT-CLA'Srt nrcssmakr Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 813 Neville Blk. Evidence secuied in all rases. Tyltr 1186. Dancing Academy. DU LUXE ACADEMY School Monday and Wednenday Eve. Dance Tues., Thurs., Bat., Bun. Night. Keep Dancing Acdy. Ilth and Farnam. Claa. MTJTt. eve, class and assembly Wed. eve. Private lessons any time. D. 7130. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No. pain. 112 W. O. W. Bids. Tsft'sSeiu. Rms., 308osbHlri. f. lis. Attorns? at Law. FRANCIS MORGAN, (II Bee. Iou,laa 40CI. Expert Masseurs. UANICVRINO. facial 'massas.. by expert masseuse, 117 N. 16th St., opposite poat- office. Room 108, dally, evenlnas. Express Companies. TWIN CITY Bipress Co.. 1.31 Cans St. Pouclae 1717. Heavy hauling a aneclalty. ANYWHERE 25c WB. "2104 Everything (or Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box , pleating; covered buttons, all slsea and styles; hemstitching; cplcot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut worn, nuttonnoles, pennants, IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 800 Douglas Blk. Doualas 1931, Fixtures and Wit-in. TYTTPTtTTM Elsctrlo washing machines, wvimui electrto Irons and reading lamps, i.zs uummg hi. L'ougias Jlillt. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors. 207 Balrd Bldg. Msnl curlng, toilet artlcles, Douglaa 8186 Hat CieaninE and Blocking STRAW, Panama, all kinds hats cleaned ana rehlot-ked. 1616-1620 Harney, Hand Laundry. CALL DOUOLAS 46!6 and havs your laun- aryaone riKfit sna reasonable. Job Printing. GATE CITY Printing Co., high grade print ing. 2631 N. 24th. Phone Web. 1697. Justices of the Peace. . H. CLAIBORNE, 612 Paxton Blk. Red 7401 notary run lie; apposition, steno, C. W. BltlTT, 3dlaTker"Brock Masse urcs. Bclentlflo maswage; bntha. l:iH Farnam St. Osteopaths. Pr. Mary Anderen. 80S itt-e Bldg. D. 169t. Patent Attorneys. H. A 8TUROI8, 30 Brandels Th. D. 1499. Pension Attorneys. S. T. Oordon, 769 Om. Nat. Ilk. P. Pianos for Rent. I3.-0 per mo. A. Hospe Co., 1513 Douglas. Rug Manufacturers. FLUFF rugs from old carpets; rag rugs a specialty; cleaning and alterations. Peery Kug . -actory, iwt uutning. Red 2143. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 1!0? 8. Ilth. D. 893. Wedding Stationery. n KDDINO announcements and printing. Louiaa i-nnting uo.. Tel. Loug. 044. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLT WITH RCLIPSB RLKCTRIC; RBNT, 1 AND 31. 60 PER DAY. DOUOLAS 1740. OMAHA, SEPTEMBER SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run it in tuts column ror seven days it only costs 25c and 3c per answer. This offer Is good only In Omaha, and excludes Real Instate, cash offers, and Business Properties For Sale or Trade. These, as well as mall orders for use of Swappers' Column, must pay regular rates.) One or two answers are sufficient to make your trade and tha whole trans action only costs about iOc Try it. GREATER Increase In PAID WANT-ADS in Tula bkk man in any otner Omaha paper. 11.618 MORE PAID WYNT-AD9 first even months 114 over aome period of 1116 This figure exceeds bv l,b9 pal ads the Increase of any other Omaha pa per for the same period. A THOROUGHBRED Irish water spaniel dud. bred from high-grade siock; excel lent for hunting or watching, I will trade for Doultry. an L. C. Smith visible type writer, or Winchester 12-auge repeating shotgun or what have you? Adores o. C. Ill, Bee. CHALMERS 6-passenger touting car, In runnlna order, to trade for bulla. rc stone. building material, on an acre nea tmitha or what you have. Car must be die posed of at once, as I have no use for same. 8. J. 23b, Bee. HAVE about 11)0 books, good .condition, by some of the best American'' and English authors, and 4x6 Prnmo., which I will swap for part or all for diamond, witch, or what have you? Address P, Bee office. South Omaha. FOR SALE OR TRADE Stanley steamer tn good condition; want band saw and foot power mortlser, or will sell cheap ror caan, J. W. Pike, 2556 Camden Ave. 6x7 VIEW CAMERA. F. 6.3 Anastlgmat lens, 11 dbl. plate holders, wide angle lens, developing and finishing outfit to trade for eVod 4x6 camera. 8. C. 832, Bee. AUDI NO MACHINE Burrough's Adding Machine, In nrst-class condition; will ex change for office furniture, pictures, bonds, or whut have you? 8. C. 34. WANTED to swap a new Cygnet rear car for a side pleasure car or delivery car that will fit. any make oi motorcycle. Box 8. C. 419, Bee. FOR SALE OR TRADE $35 bicycle with carbide gae lamp; ridden only Z months will take $15. or what have you? Ad dress S. C. 370, Bee. A RADIANT base burner in good condition for tools, gun or what have you? Ad dress S C, 387, Bee. A PAINTER To paint a small house In South Omaha. Havs furniture, new mat ting, phonograph, as part payment, o. u. ANY amount of 12.650 worth of stock In Council Bluffs corporation to trade for late model, (-pass, auto. Address Box B. C. D4a, FILMS developed free when prints are or dered, one-day service. KAm htuuiu, 213 Neville block, 16th and Harney. I HAVE a number of Victor and Colum bia records which I havs tired or. wouia like to swap for others. 8. C.-34g Bee. FOR TRADE X Marlon retort stove, either hen' a. mnt rVarn vthlnar X can use. Address 8. C SS7, Bee. WILL exohanre MlnneaDolls motorcycle, late model, In good repair, for diamond, worth 9100. Box S. O, 410. CLEAR LOT FOR BIO CAB. Wilt trade clear lot, West Farnam district ftr 7 -passenger high grade car. B C. 343, Be. TWIN cylinder Indian motorcycle, la good condition, will trade ror horse, s. J. 4J!. Bee. A LITTLE AD In this column will bring about some remarkable exchanges. BUSINESS CHANCES AUCTION SALE. At 20th and Farnam Streets, $10,000 Stock of Groceries and Fixtures To Be Sold at Public Auction Monday, Sept 25, at 2 p. m. Sharp. one or ma most moaei eauipnea ro- eery stores In Omaha to be sold to the highest bidder in lots to suit purcnasers. Fixtures consist of: ne 9600 cash register; one 9250 cash register. One 1500 meat bo. On 1500 cheese, butter and milk icebox. On 9200 cheese counter, marble top. On t27tt Hobart slectrlo coffee mill and meat srlnder. One U. 8. meat sllcer. Four marble top meat counters. Three display counters. Three eomput In ecales. About 200 feet adjustable shelves with ladders; three floor plat glass show cases; on cashier office: one large iron afe; one elbow cigar case and many othor articles too numerous to mention, together with a first class stock of gro ceries, Mr. Merchant: Don't fall to attend this sale Monday, Sept. 21,, at S p.-n. at 20th and Farnam Btreeur, For further Information call Carl Katie- man, Attorney, trustee, 011 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas 4848, or JAMES L. DOWD, AUCTIONEER, W. O. W. Bldg. Phone Red 328S. MOV1NO PICTURE THEATERS. Western Iowa and Nebraska locations, exclusive houses, towns 1,600 to 2,3f0 guaranteed strictly money makers; ma chines, chairs, screens, etc. new and slightly used. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Bslrd Bldg. Omaha, Neb. FOR 8ALK Paying business, should net 9400 monthly and Increase. Can UKiTaell competitors 60 per cent, still gluing splen did value, Experience unnecessary. $400 cast) required, wen secured, jno travel ing or canvassing. Business of merit. Mr. James. Hotel uoyal. id to l or s to t. FIRST CLASS blacksmith shop tn west ern town, aood business and treat future. Ill health caused from Injury forces me to sell at one. A. urodiuenrer, Mltcnell, Neb. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hard ware, live town, central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. Be quick. Address Y 257. Bee. BKE WANT-ADS GAINED 19,599 MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained tn first seven months 19H, Uood result at less cost Is the reason why. FOR RBNT A line general store, location In Des Moines, la. A 4-story brick build Ins on a good business corner; Hbout 30,000 square feet of floor space. Write I 600, wee. FOR SALE Drug store In a small Iowa town. Fin farming country. Will trade for land If right. Oood proposition. Beet of reasons for selling. Address x 607, Bee. WANTED Oraduat nurse or physician, capable of managing small Institution In Omaha, wno can invest utile money. Address Box 0127, Bee. WANTED A good man to conduct a first- class cafe In the Savoy Hotel. Will make free rent t th right person. Call at hotel office. 1 FOR HAB Two box ball alleva: SB ft. : al most new: a berratn If taken at once. Charles Maupln, 407 E. 6th St., North fiatte, ?eD, IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming houae call pn busch & Borghoff, 730 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 3319 WB BUY, we sell motion picture theaters, machines, feature films. Co-Operative Film and Supply Co.. 310 Bromley Bldg. WILLIAMS, established 30 year. To buy or v sell business see him. 411 McCagus Bldg. Referenre. U. S. National Bank, DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, ha.-e closed out more mdae. stocks than an: other firm In U. 8. Write for terms. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 8. 14th St. FOR SALE by owner Drug stofw, dwelling and stock; square deal. Address owner, 118 West th Av., Denver. Colo. FOR SALE OR RENT Blacksmith shop. If interested inquire at once, ineo. ti. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 16e PER LINE." Day work or business ads, regular rate t lines one week .:. 30c I lines one week 46c Each extra line l&c per week. Male. WANTED Position In office, law pre ferred. by college graduate; age 34; good typist; two yrs, experience. Address Box uaeo. Bee. COLLEGE student desires board and room In exchange for any work. Experienced In driving car or furnace work. Box 0189! uee. WANTED-c-Posltton In office by taw atu dent from 1 to I p, m, and Saturdays good typist. Addreas Box "i-I, Bee. MAN and wife, no children, wish work on farm or ranch. Best references. Addreas F. LdCkwood, 192J Leavenworth, upstalra YOUNO man, 31, violinist, A-l sight reader. desires connection with orchestra, theater or other engagement. Tyler 1108, 1916. SITUATIONS WANTED BOOKKEEPER, four years experience, de nnslllnn CI rat t ll O PP 111 l.ed& tlO US tiarney i (ut. YOUNO man employed as draughtsman I M ,.. a , ... A., .u..n RsV Box 620. . WANTED Situation as porter or Janitor, good reference. Call evenlnga. wop. .q. Hotels and Restaurs RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1910 Davenport St. Douglaa isos. Headquarter for hotel help. Miscellaneous. COLORED man and wlf want position In flat as Janitor and chambermaid or laun dress, with room. Phone Har. C671. 113 So. 3Hth. E. J. Moore. -. Female. COMPETENT (Stenographer (notary) de Ira. nnalrlnn' TnrUneitf1 III real SStat. Implement and Insurance work. Phone Fed tm. WANTED Position a oflc girl In phy sician's or dentist's office: nurse's train ing, experience and reference. Red 3174. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public stenographer and notary public 607 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1861. Reas. rates. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the cost of printing. WANTED Permanent position by expert' enced lady bookkeeper. Harney sv EXPERIENCED laundress want any kind of day work. Call Webster 2666. FIRST-CLASS chambermaid wishes posi tion in city; colored. Web. 1171 WASH, Iron; take home,, go out. R 9904. FOR practical nurse call 8. 2833. Launut? and Day Work. BUNDLE washing; piece work; lac cur tains: work guaranteed, web. 3104 DAY worfr, cooking; col, lady. Web. 1171, LAUNDRY work and day work. Web. 3401. BUNDLE washing and day work. Web. 1948. FIRST-CLASS laundress by day. Wsb. 9037 Bdie wawh; call, del.; guar. Mrs. East.H. 3864 Eperlenced lady wants day worn, tt DAT "work wanted. Phor.i Harney 1461. BUNDLE washing dona. Barney 1903. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER I BKPR. (BANK) OFFICE CLERK ....$45 STENOGRAPHER V THE CANO AGENCY, 00 BEE BLDG, STENOV, $76; steno.. 3G0; typist, 140; file clerk. $36; office boy, $80. WATTS REF. CO.. 840 Brand. Theater Bldg. EXPERIENCED ledger clerk, wholesals, $16. Western Reference ft Bona Ass n., wo. Omaha National Bank Building. BOOKKEEPER, some stenography, S6-100. Western Reference a Bond ass n.f inc., 763 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FIRST CLASS typewriter operator, $66. THE MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. W. HIdg. Professions and Trades. WANTED First-class shoemaker to do re pair work: must be steady and sober; steady employment and good wages to the right man. Address Fr F. Tully, Grand Island, Neb. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATES. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., Nebraska's Greatest Employment Bureau. 1016-10 city National Bank Bldg. YOUNG MAN, study law: EVENING down town BESSIONa UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA law department, flec'y Thorn sen, 406 Omaha National Bank. WANTED An experienced tire repair man. steady worn ttt year around, can at implex Tire Co., 101ft s. Main BC, coun cil Bluffs, after 7 a. m. WANTED MANUFACTURING JEWELER OR REPAIR MAN. KENNAN A OVER- HOLDT, 826 BRANDEIS BLDG. WANTED Pianist for moving picture thea ter, call at Boulevard theater between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. 3306 Leavenworth St, WANTED Experienced pressor and bushel- man at once. Good wages. Address Cher okee Dry Cleaning Works, Cherokee, la. WANTED Gordon press feeder; 13 week, Holland Printing Co., 26th St. and In diana Av. BHOWCAHD writing taught ev. by work ing expert, complete lor no. Address Box 4662. Bee. WANTED Good barber at once. No stu dent. $14 fciurantoe. 8. P. Varney, Ann ley. Neb. WANTED A meat cutter. Apply Ernest ButTett, 60th and Underwood. SIX good carpenters for counter work. Her man Koch, Millard, Neb. EXPERIENCED second baker. Welch's commissary, 1400 Douglas. DRUG store snaps; jobs. Knelst, Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. THE ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTAN ICA CORPORATION needs a few high-grade salesmen to work on leads, both In the city and to travsl. To salesmen of other lines seeking work we can say that four-fifths of our successful men are men who had never sold book before. We particularly want men who ar not only good salesmen, but who have sufficient executive ability to handle other men. Those who qual ify In this respect will receive ex tremely rapid promotion to positions In a permanent organisation which will pay them far more than Is paid by the average salesman. If you are a real salesman regard less of what line you have been In or ar now sellisv, come In and talk It over with us. We train you thoroughly. Commission and draw- lng ' account. Call 646 Ramge Bldg. A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY" TO E8TAB LISH A BUSINESS OF TOUR OWN. PHONOGRAPH CO, WANTS A MAN TO BECOME SOLE SELLING AGENT FOR TALKING MACHINE. IF TOU HAVE LIMITED CAPITAL, BUT UNLIMITED AMBITION, CALL MR. BORTIN, HOTEL LOYAL. WANTED Experienced grocery sAleemen to sell direct to farmers, ranchee. eto. Oood deal and big money. Men now sell lnx for Omaha concerns who prerer to ship from Sioux City are urged to write Consolidated Grocery Co.. Sioux City, Ii WANTED A good steady, gentlemanly salesman to handle a Ward a waaon In Douglaa county. No experience needed. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. ward's Medical Co., Winona. Minn. Es tabllehed 1866. . SALKSMEN to call on professional men. E; tabllahed trade. Steady, permanent In come. State age, experience. Also on for outside city. v. o. Box 131, Fbiia delphta, fa. WANTHD Flrst-claas solicitors; good mon ey to right parties. LeRoy Oil Lot Co. 1606 Howard St. Room i. WANTED 4 good live solicitors, good prop osition to right men. Apply at 629 Bee BUlg. STOCK and bond salesman STANDARD SALESMEN Big money for business Boys. WANTED Boys, over 16, In our bottling de partment. Willow Spring Distillery, 4th and Pierce Bts. BOYS wanted to learn trad: must be year of ag. Gordon -Law lea Cfe, Stb and lodge. 1 OR I BOYS -Steady work, good Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. WANTED Pin setters at once. Crescent Howling Ass n, Lincoln, Neb. BOY with wheel wanted. Teddy Bear Clean era, los itamey Bt. 1 WANTED An office boy at Ralph Print lng to. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Largest In th U. 8. Barn expense while attending by our plan. Positions guar anteed Soeclal summer rate Writ for Illustrated catiogue rail la proa. lit . Altai V... vum, "" a t Established 1193.) HELP WANTED MALE Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy -to Learn by Our Method. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ABS'M 3911 N. 20th St., Omaha. Bend for Free Catalogue. GOOD MEN WANTED To learn auto work for th many po ltlon now open. Fin training work Is auto and electrto starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 1063 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expense wmie learning. Wage or percentage. We won't over charge you to begin; 1403 Dodge St. TRI-CITT BARBER COLL ICQ E. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN vV ANTED Able-oodiea unraamea men under age of 16; eltlsen of United State of good character and temperate habit, who ran speak, read and write th Eng lish lauguage. For lnfoimtlon apply to Iti-crultlr.g Officer. Army Blug . 16th and Dodge fits.. Omaha. Neb.; 130 N. 10th Sc. Llnoin, Neb.; W 4th St.. Sioux City. Iowa; 207 tub Ave.. De Moine. lowa CARPENTERS, Iowa; 40c per hour. Long job. coal, concrete ana lumoer iiu.via. RAYMOND'S LABOR AGENCY. 1119 Douglas. X FEW MEN Common achool education, good pay, no canvassing, writ wm. j. Silk. West Liberty, la. WANTED Names of ambitious men, 18 to 46, wishing to become omana man car riers Commence, $67 month. Address Y 690, Bee. WANTED Young men as railway mall clerks; $76 per montn; aampi examina tion question free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 R, Rochester. N. T. FARMERS. ATTENTION. We furnish real farm hands free of charge Writ or phone. Square Em ployment Agcy., 209 S. Htp, umana, weo. $76.00 MONTH Government Jobs. Men and women wanted. l,ibi or poeiuone open, free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 8. Rochester, N. Y. , WANTED Man who understanda cleaning furnaces and putting up pipe. Apply Knapp A Gruenlg, 1813 St. Mary's. WANTED Experienced freight handlers. Union Pacific Freight House, tn ana Jackson Sts. MEN wanted to enltet In Signal Corp at one; report at Lincoln. WANTED Japanese or Korean boy, 8709 8. 26th. Dr. F. o. Beck. WANTED Boy to deliver groceries. Fon- tenell Grocery. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS wanted In every town for Day kerosene burners, for cook ranges, west ft Mcu, 1607 Leavenworth, Oman. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER $66 STENOGRAPHER A, 60 STENO, (BEGINNER) $30 STENO. AND CLERK $36 COMPT. OP. $45 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG, STENO. and bkpr., 186-170; steno., $60-$66 steno.. 960; steno. and bkpr., 946-960; steno., $36; comp. op., $60; mult, 40; of fice clerk, $36. WATTS REF CO., 840 Brand. Th. Bldg. AN experienced billing clerk to do some stenography, 166-966. Western Reference ft Bond Ass'n., Inc., 762 Omaha National BanK Bldg. OFFICE CLERK Bright, neat young lady, 130-935. THE MARTI CO, 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced white maid. Boquet Hotel, lMh and Howard. WOMAN to cut and sew under garment. Ap- piy e Bee Bldg. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED A lady to take charge of a crew ot lady solicitors; one who has had ex perience and Is familiar with crew work; good salary and a permanent position. Apply at Beddeo's, 1417 Douglas. Household and Domestic. GOOD girl for general housework In family or two; no laundry; wages 98 a week must be good cook and 'neat; references required, box )t, Bee. WANTED White girl for general house work; wages $5 per week. 3078 Msson St. PI me H. 1208. WANTED Competent maid for general no use worn. Harney 9266. Mrs. W. W. Richardson. WHITE girl for general housework; must do plain cooking well. Webster 3859. WANTED Olrl for general housework; 4 in lamily; $7 per week. 140 No. 38d St. WANTED White girl for housework, small famllv A99 at II am WANTED Competent cook, no washing, COMPETENT girl for general housework a in lanuiy. wainui aas. WANTED Competent cook. Mrs. H. F Davis, 628 Ho. 20th. GIRL for general housework; 3 In family. i mmet ot, Hotels and Restaurants. 60 EXPERIENCED waitreWs, 36 exper lenced chambermaids. Apply, 302 Black atone Hotol. WANTED Cook In small country town. 418 n. lain, uoug. ssob. WANTED Dishwasher, Bakke Bakery Tel. South 197. WANTED Experienced pantry woman. raxion Hotel. Miscellaneous. WANTED Young women, aged 17 to 23. with common school education, perfect igni ana Bearing, ror . cai and long dis tance telephone work. Apply to C F. moeri, isii Douglas at. WANTED Twenty xlrls for musical com edy to Join at Holdrege, Neb., Monday good salary; long season. Address all mall to Washburn McShanon, Parker shows. A YOUNG girl, 16, to take care of small children at tne creche. 1336 South 7th. Douglas 66 31. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. EDUCATIONAL Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools Now Open Regular Day Commercial Course Employment Bureau Free Thirty Subjects at Night Ask for Catalogue. Enroll Now Y. M. C. A, SCHOOLS. OMAHA. NEBRASKA, BOTLES CC-LLFGBL DAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day t enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, etenotvpe. typewriting. telegraphy, civil servlc all commercial and English branches. Catalogue free BOTLE8 COLLEGE, Douglaa 166. Ilth and Harney Sta VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS, Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg Entrance, 330. Douclaa 6i) Musical. BOLRICIU8 MUSIC STUDIOS, 1611 Dodae. European systsm modernised and Amer icanised with gratifying reaulta. l. 3471. Harp .Limited number pupils accepted com- In season: early anDllcation favored. Harp fur. Lorlt De Lone. 306 Lyrlo Bid PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book m ra tal diseases with testimonial. DR. R. TAR AX, 140 Be Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. THE Salvation Army Industrial hom o- llcjta your old clothing, luruiturs, maga lnaa We collect. W distribute, Phou Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bom. illO-llll-1114 Dodre St. REWARD for Information regarding John Fulburg children, whether alive or aeaa. If dead, what was cause. Important officer in charge. Box 9a. RTrPTTTPPluMaasfully treated with XVUiT i. U IXjout . surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray. 101 Bee Bldg. NEW HAMILTON CAFE New Management. Home-Cooked Meals. Mod, prices. Hamilton Apts.. 24tfa A Farnam. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium. Baths of all kinds; massage and chiropody. 210-314 Balrd Blk., 17th and Dougiaa. D. 8463. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALL NEW DlSbiUATEBSEN, 1HU FA It IN AM. MAE B RUG MAN, M. T. Scientific masseuse bath. ini tfarkanh Rllf W CORSETS made to order. Prices $3.60 t -5 120.00. Expert mting. HU-uon t-orserwf t Bhop. Brandels Thea. Lobby. D. 4330, ' M1S L. V1-.L.Y Bath and massage, UiiJ Farnam It.. 2d floor. FDone uoug. siiw . PRIVATE maternity home. 441 N. Si. Phone Colfa 2043. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. 2 Davidge Blk. rnone uougia s.w. LUCLLA WEBSTER, masseuse, 618 Paxton 141k.. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m, u. a37. SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Boo Bldg. Phone Diuglas 637S. FOR legal advice call Douglas 31,31. Manicuripg and mass. 1623, Farnam. 'hm.li. MISS CLARK, manicuring. Tyler 2232. Miss Lee. Massage, U02 Fag. St. Rm. No. I. FURNACES cleaned, $1. Central Tin Shop. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. BOOM HUNTER3I If yon fall to find th room yon desire among these ads, call at Th Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed deacrlptli i of va cant rooms in all parts o' the city. If more convenient phonj The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your nam and address, and a list will bs mailed to you at once. New list ar Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. TWO newly furnished and decorated south front rooms In private family; strictly modern; on Harney car. Harney 2466. FURNISHED room, strictly modern home; private family of two; 20 mln. ride to 16th and Farnam. "Web. 8308. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR MEN ONLY. 108 NORTH 17TH ST. BEAUTIFULLY furnlsherf room with al cove, suitable for two gentlemen or two employed: laaies. tiarney ezua. FOUR furnished rooms, 31 per week ;v also other strictly modern rooms at 2.60 and 3 per week. 2012 N. 18th St NICELY furnished front room; steam hat; suitable for one or two; is per montn. 2002 N. 26th. Webster 1058. CHICAGO 2610 In private hme; large outh front room wltb alcove; also aid roonij . LARGE front room, twin" bed, private en- trance, excellent car service. Call U. 4787. ROO&iS I? per week; also rooms wltl kitchenettes. Oirden Hotel. Council Bluff. LARGE, well-furnished front room In pri vate home; modern. Call Harney 3034. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, prlvaU bath if desired. 2121 Douglas. Doug. 1741. NICE room in new, modern Hanscom park home for 2 gentleman. Harney 4205. 2063 FAR"nXm Nicely furnished room, right in town, top loorlght, Doug. 8860. FURNISHED room In private family, walk ing distance. Tel. Harney 4M4. 612 NORTH 20TH, large, well furnished front room for two young men. 1 LARUE Bleeping room, all modern con veniences. Tel. Hrr.iey 6254. PRIVATE family. West Farnam; breakfast If desired. Walnut 3477. COMFORTABLE, close-in south front room s in modern home. H. 6193. Housekeeping Rooms. 110 8. 26th Ave. Modern furnished house keeping rooms, free gas, laundry privi lege ejonesleeplrigroo 646 H. 2G1TH ST., wutto of three unfurnished housekeeping rooms; gas, electricity, Hteam heat. Douglas 3161, 2 ROOMS for light housekeeping, with pantry and closet, complete; modorn Harney 2901" DOPOK CLEAN, NICELY FURNISH ED MODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 2 BASEM ISN'T rooms for light housekeeping, very reasonable. Doug. 2440. 1611 HOWARD, modern housekeeping rms. Board and Rooms, FRONT room In strictly modern home; best residence district; convenient to car; morning and evening meals, very bent. Phono Walnut 1401. 1 LARGE room In new private residence, near to car line; north part of city; very desirable; board If desired; references. Colfax 3877. NICELY furnished cosy room, on or two gentlemen; home privilege, excellent board, with private family. Call Colfai ' 2245. MODERN furnished room In strictly mod ern, private, refined home; board If de - sired; rr sonable. Webster 2229. 829 PARK Ave. 2 elegantly furnished front rooms with board; suitable for 4 or I gentlemen. Harney 1875. YOUNG man. In private home, Hanscom Park. Harney 4666. Unfurnished Rooms. 2 MODERN unfurnished rooms, heat, light and telephone; walking distance; reason able. Harney 62f4. , 1137 N. 18TH; 3 modern rooms for house keeping; heat and gaa range; also 1 fur nlshed room. Rooms Wanted. TWO or three housokeeplng rooms wanted for two months, Oct. and Nov. MUST BP1 VERY OOOD AND CONVENIENT TO FARNAM SCHOOL. Prefer something in private family. References. Address 6420, Omaha Ben, YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BBE WANT-AD DEPT. at d Aid out all about th FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that Is helping ma ay people rent their room. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. SPLENDID, NEW, FURNISHED. TRAVERTON FIREPROOF. 24T7I AND LANDON COURT. Catering to people of refined tastea Apartment is completely equipped for housekeeping; up-to-date and con f ortable. TRAVER BROS Tel. Doug. 6886 705 Omaha Nat Bank, Or Call Web. 4H35. 1011 VINTON 2 large well-furnished rooms, pantry and gas range; private entrance: good location; 93 per week. Phone Red 6287. Houses. (-ROOM completely furnished house, elos to car line. 1801 Btnney. Webater 294. Miscellaneous. HOUSES for rent, walking distance, 8 and 7 room Flrat Truet Company. D. 1161. Persistent Advertising otrTything That Is Really Worth-Whilc Neve Fails. a 5' i r