Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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1 1 1 i iiniMin t ii liii
u n i n u iiitiiiv.i ii it.
Presents Facts to Show Eco
nomic Advantages of Ten
Cent Loaf of Bread.
From Our Near Neighbors
By A. R, CROH.
' The big baker whom I quoted the
other day on the subject' of 10-cent
' bread didn't like my article a bit,
and Powell's cartoon, showing Mrs.
.Housewife baking her own bread
made him madder still. He called up
land asked to present some more ar-
guments for the defense, so I dropped
in to see him again.
? He was quite agitated. He said a
; couple of bad words; yes, he did! He
- (iam i ne oee ougm 10 ooosi ine oaK
intr business because it's a big in
dustry, the tenth in ize in this coun-
I try.
atid including the business ot (jreat
w i.i ninnn rrrnni- i- , .11.
"It strikes me," I said sternly (for
of mad); "it strikes me that you've
reduced the size of the 5-cent loaf
till is isn't much bigger than a bun,
u aA C A VA k.
aim jruu ic asiiaiiibvi u 11, aim . u uv
1 ashamed of it, too; and now you're
going to put it out of business alto-
. "M gether and start on the 10-cent loaf
and then begin reducing the size of
' mai.
Atmosphere is Cleared.
This little storm clearel the air and
we got along fine after that. The
I baker is really quite a nice fellow.
He pointed out that nearly every
thing used in baking has increased in
"These wrappers," he said, "I bought
at $1.38 a thousand two years ago;
now they cost me $3. Flour has gone
up 80 per cent, lard 20 to 30 per cent,
eggs 25 to 30 per cent, machinery 20
per cent, and so on all down the line.
The wheat crop is practically a
failure this year. Not since 1866 has
there been such a shortage of wheat
in proportion to population. Selling
for export has forced the price of
wheat to over $1.50 a bushel.
But all this, fellow bread eaters, is
not the reason for abolishing the 5-
cni iuai.
'The 5-cent loaf must be abandoned
because it is wasteful," said the
baker. "It is an economic mistake; I
will show you why.
Cuts Down Expense
"All expenses, excepting only tost
of material, are nearly as great in
the 5-cent as in the 10-cent loaf.
"Take the wrapping of the loaves
alone. The wrappers cost almost as
much and it requires nearly as much
string for a 5-cent a9 for a 10-cent
loaf. A wrapping machine will wrap
10-cent loaves just rs fast as it will
5-cent loaves. Hand wrappers will do
the same. I figure a saving of $2.40
on the wrapping of 1,000 loaves of the
10-cent size compared with the wrap
ping of the same -weight of bread in
the 5-cent size.
"Another consideration is the fact
that the 10-cent loaves are actually
better to the taste than the 5-cent
loaves. Many people call us up and
ask why we put better flour in our
10-cent loaves. We don't, but there's
something takes place in the course
of baking which makes a large loaf
get better than a small one."
Hacking- Mint Courh Relieved.
Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Houoy taken a little
at a time' will atop your rough; soothes Ir
ritation. Only 25c. All druggists. Adv.
Mr. Newton Qainei of Fremont pnt
Tueaday In Valley,
&11m Mart Galloway of Omaha was the
week-end guest of Ethel Ingram.
Mr. A. E. Hubbard returned Friday from
pending a week with Ruth at Orlnnall, la.
Myrtle Traphagan and Phin Smith went
to Omaha Monday and were vary qulatly
Mr. and Mra Wllllama returned from their
wedding trip and will bo at homo In the
Ockander house.
Mr. Charlti Webb entertained a few
friends for Mrs. Vincent Ramsey of Scott's
Bluff, Nob., Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Reckmeyer ot Arlington and
Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson of Norfolk, Neb.,
motored to Valley Sunday.
Mrs. A. Gardiner' was called to TIMen.
Neb., Thursday by the serious Illness of her
later, Mrs. Mary Hempsted.
Dr. D. E, Jenkins of Omaha occupied the
pulpit of the Presbyterian church for both
morning and evening services Sunday.
Mrs. Gaines of Fremont came down on
Thursday to spend a few days visiting her
daughters, Mrs. M A. Bams and Miss Orpha
Miss Lowell of Waterloo came up Monday
evening, visiting her sister, Mrs. Broneon,
and attending the funeral of Miss Campbell
aVlley schools were clod Friday after
noon that the teachers and pupils might at
tend the fair and the ad dread given by A.
O. Thomas, state superintendent.
The funeral services of Miss La Rue Viv
ian Campbell, youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Oeorge Campbell, who died Sunday,
were held from the home Tuesday morning.
City were visiting here Sunday.
Miss Elsie Arends left Thursday for a
visit with relatives In northern Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barte! are spending a
few weeks with relatives In Minnesota.
Elmer Corhln left this week for a two
weks' visit with relatives at St. Joseph.
Miss Juliana Rehmeler was down from
Weeping Water for a visit with her parents.
A P. Johnson returned the first of the
week from a mvf. uu.- ,. . -.
pel. Neb, v
Mesdame Henry and Walter Abker were
here from Berlin Tuesday for a visit with
Carl Ankerson and daughters were here
from Weeping Water Sunday for a visit
with relatives. x
Mrs. Charles Woodson and son are here
for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
I W. Fahnestook.
Prnf A fi !..' . . ...
. in vi neinany win
preach at the Chrlstna church here next
Sunday morning and evening.
miss Marguerite Francis was here from
sister, Mrs, H. H. Marquardt
J. C. Zlmmerer, Adolph Zlmmerer, Wil
liam KAVtlAP. ir o w- - Jt ma .
, . ,. JP. m ,i,4 raraj. aiunn
Herman motored to Chappel ,hls week.
Mr. snd Mrs. Simon Rent.. and Mr
and Mrs. Fred Rehmeler autoed Omaha
Wednesday to attend the Rehmeier-Nelson
Mm T T Ttnv .. .
hosmtartr.: r, "n
she underwent an operation for appendicitis
and gall stones.
staying at the Leach home for several
The Ladles' Aid society of the German
Lutheran church will hold their Quarterly
meeting September 21. Their baser will be
held October U.
U. O. Mangold and son, Leonard, wore in
Omaha Wednesday where the latter had his
eye, which was injured the first part of
the week, treated.
... , ;
State Varsity Greek Letter So
cieties Take 161 Freshmen
Into Membership.
Mr. Aft.h .... .
O...DHI.1IICU mfl ijaaies' Ken
sington Wednesday.
Misses Llda and Tina Hofeldt visited their
parents aSturday and Sunday.
Mrs.. VanAlst is visiting in Omaha this
week with Mrs. C. W. Baldwin.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Herring ton were Elk
horn callers Wednesday morning.
; i.r, auenuea tne mineral
of Benjamin Bell at Waterloo Wednesday.
mr. ana Airs. J, A. Gibbons and Miss
..v., wiuaiui vuuon inurs-
day, .
.Tavrk T7anan m.A r ...
, vuvn ox nei-
den, came in for a few days to visit with
relatives last week.
Charles Wtttee returned the last of alst
week from Excelsior Springs. Mo., where
he spent a week for his health,
A surprise party was glvon for Mrs. Earl
Baumgardner, who expects to leave for
Wyoming In a short time to Join her husband.
Mrs. D. J. rAlr was In (-...I rut
day. nu"'-
Mr and HArm T,,- Tllll
relaiive. m Montan:: " T'"U,ng
Mm. Horn .Inhnann ..a
Mrs. Anderson, this week. '
Mm Part Pantro
in an automobile collision.
schools In this vicinity Wednesday.
tiarry iack went to Scott's Bluff Sunday
with his uncle, Mr. Grover, who has been
Spring field.
Rev. and Mrs. Arnold are visiting In
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Haney are visiting
friends tn Pent.
Haslett Nicholson of Senaca, Neb., Is
here visiting his parents.
The alumni of the high school havt
bought a piano for the school.
Mrs. Pat Allen and children have gone
to Holt county to visit relatives.
Mrs. J. P. Winn of Omaha visited My.
and Mrs. W, W. Dow last Sunday.
The high school girls hav formed an
athletlo club with Miss Murdoch as ad
viser, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. E1w.ll and Mrs. R
N. Chrlstlanson visited friends In Walthlll
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fish of Santa Bar
Bar a, Cal., are here visiting Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Fish.
The tabernacle for the evangsltstlo meet
ing is being erected on the lot by the
Baptist church.
Miss Cordelia Gramllch, candidate for
county superintendent, was in town the
forepart of the week.
Rev. F. W. Burleigh, who resigned the
pastorate of the Congregational ohurch, has
received a call from the Congregational
church of Cortland, Neb.
Weeping Water.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vogler of Manley were
here Wednesday.
' Mr And Mrs. R. C. Fry have returned
from a six weeks visit to California.
H. B. Paine of Scranton, Pa., nrrlved on
Tuesday to visit his sister, Mrs. Stella But
ler. Soren A Skamrls has bought one of An
drew Olsen's 160-acra farms southwest of
T. L. Davis motored to Malvern, la., on
Thursday to attend the funeral of an uncle,
Allen Morrow.
Mr and Mrs. E. H. Stoner of Havelock
are visiting at the George Stoner and Owen
McGrady homes.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cllsbe of Cody, Neb.,
are visiting at the Mrs. Amelia Cllsbe and
J. J. Meier homes.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Towle, a
girl, September IS, and to Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Johnson, a girl, September 11.
Mrs. William Heebner has gone to Hitch
cock, S. D.. for ft visit with her father, who
she has not seen for over twenty years.
E. Ratnour has received word of the birth
of his first great-grandchild, a son born to
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Riehl of Kansas City,
Alpha Tail OmegasMichael Daily.
Alpha Theta ChlChariee Parson. Har
old Hudaoth.
Beta Thet PI Edward 8. Chamberlain,
Walter Chamberlain. Jr.
Delta t hi Fred B. Walrath, Harlan Cat
tin, Timothy Sullivan.
Delta Tan Delta Russell B, Best, Mark
B, Havens.
Phi Delta Theta Harry Caldwell Stewart
nriKinaid, ttrooks ance.
Phi titmmi Delta Harold Patterson.
Silver Lynx J. C. Kldredge, R V.
Eldrege, W. C. Ullbert.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 22. (Special.)
One hundred and sixty-one fresh
men in the University of Nebraska,
including seventeen Omaha boys,
were pledged by the fraternities of
the state university, according to an
nouncement made by Prof. Milo Buck
of the interfraternity council
Although rushing came to a close
last Wednesday, announcement of
pledges was delayed until the scholas
tic records were examined. It is the
largest number of freshmen ever in
vited to join the Greek letter socie
ties, the list being exceptionally large
in anticipation of the sophomore
pledging rule which will go into et
feet next year. The rule was delayed
a year in order to give the fraternities
time to prepare lor it.
Beta Theta Pi, with fifteen pledges.
headed the list in number.
Following is the complete list of
Acacia Harold B. Whitfield, Allen
Holmes, Lincoln; Jay Sterling Kelley, Frank
Kohn, Beaver City ; Edward Neal Petty
grove. Osford; J. Alden Casteel, Graf;
Claude Franklin Dally, Exeter.
Alpha Tau Omega Clifford Lundgren,
Wausa; Merwln Helad, Wahoo; Harold Qr-
Mrs. Hendrlcltson visited her son In Fre
mont Monday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Vestal and family
motored . to Kennard Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dler and Elmer Delr
visited friends In Florence Sunday.
Minnie Deln and Alfred Williams attend
ed the ball game In Omaha Sunday.
The Ladles' Aid society met at the A. D.
Knight home for dinner Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Andersen of Benson
were entertained at the John Blelck home
Chrlss Deln, Paul Meloti, Beatrice Knight,
Anna Sun dell and Anna Wltike spent Sun
day at 1'apllllon, Neb.
Paul Thompson came home Sunday from
North Platte, Neb., where he has been
working In an experiment station this sum
mer. He will leave Monday for Kansas
City to work oa a dairy farm.
Rev. A. Jungmeyer and family moved
to Lincoln Wednesday.
Miss Amelia Schmidt has gone to Atchi
son, Kan., to attend college.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Boiling of Cheney,
Neb., are visiting relatives here this week.
C. H. Gehrlnger has purchased the I. D.
Clarke cottage In north Papllllon and will
make his home there.
Ralph Nlckeraon left last Saturday for
Allegheny collctra, Meadulle, Pa., where he
will attend school this year.
The fall term of district court convened
Monday. The Jury appeared Tuesday and
will have a couple of weeks' work.
Mrs. H. A, Collins entertained the Wom
an's club at Its regular meeting Wednesday
afternoon. Mrs. George Boyer led a very
Interesting lesson on Henry IV, one of the
historical plays of Shakespeare. Five new
members were taken Into the club, Mrs.
G. P. Miller, Mrs. Tom Dooley, Misses
Smith, Lewis and Norrls.
Tailor Troubles Cease
if we make your clothes. We
are expert cutters and tailors
of every style of men's gar
ments. Suits to order, $25.00 to $45.00
MacCarthy - Wilson
Tailor Comfort Cloth,
315 S. 15th St. Elk." Bldg.
To Overcome Eczema
Never mind how often you have
tried and failed, you can stop burn
ing, itching eczema quickly by apply
ing a little zemo furnished by any
druggist for 25c. Extra large bottle,
$1.00. Healing begins the moment
zemo is applied. In a short time us
ually every trace of pimples, black
heads, rash, eczema, tetter and simi
lar skin diseases will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making
it vigorously healthy, zemo is an ex
ceptional remedy. It is not greasy,
sticky or watery and it does not stain.
When others fail it is the one depend
able treatment for all skin troubles.
Sond Your Clwninf to
One of the finest lighted, best
equipped, sanitary dyelnf and
dry cleaning plants in America.
Tyler 345.
-WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treas.
Our Bigger-Than-Ever Buying Power
is Demonstrated in These
Superb New Autumn
Clothes for Men
WHEN you can buy the World's Best Rochester, N. Y., Hand-Tailored
Clothes; the most beautiful clothes ever designed, the most perfect
fitting models. When you can buy these clothes at an actual sav
ing of $5.00 to $10.00, is there any reason why you should not come and
make a real clothes investment this Fall? See them Saturday make your
selection now get the best of the be st.
The Suits offer
n endless va
riety of new and
novel patterns, in
models thet kin
dle enthusiasm.
Single end double
breasted, belt
back and many
sack suit vitia
tions; all sixes; a
big feature.
ft Extra value
Guaranteed Saving of $5 to $10
The Coat, afford
the greateit
choice of decid
edly d i f f e rent
models and rich
fabric. Sport
coats, motor
coata, box backs,
belt backs, pleat
ed backs, in sin
(le and double
breasted styles.
A New Standard in Finest Clothes Made.
Look where you will, compare the highest priced custom tailors' $60.00 to $75,00
clothes, before you buy, in justice to yourself, slip into one of these finest journey
men tailored suits or overcoats. The superb finish, artistic lines, magnificent im
ported and domestic fabrics and the superlative fit will give you a sense of clothes
satisfaction, that you have not enjoyed before. Great selection of suits and over
coatsfinest clothes made, $30. $35. $40.
Inspect our wonderfully, complete Fall Showing of Manhattan Shirts. Bates Street
and Yorke Shirts. k Stetson and Crofut and Knapp Hats
$5.00 and $5.50
T-r.v. r-w.: mm l i jji jjis-ew
eaisssMi i r st rsrTfjf if ir'i irn
m j n miii raraf
50c, $1 and $1.50
hart, David Harvey, Newman Orova , War
ren Bcnnlson, Lincoln; Mlchasl Daily, Oma
ha; Turner Ross, Hurm-r.
Alpha ThMa I'hl Walter MrOnocsn, Un
noln; Chit Mm Parsons, Harold HudupMh,
Omaha; Paul Peterson. Nils;h; Charlns
IVawlinns, Loonsrd Plnamore, Wymore; Har
old HHndunkjr, Sterling; be Loss Moulton,
Alpha 8 1 if ma rhl Floyd M. Stone, Fylr
Slonlser, Karl O. folton, Lincoln; William
H, Angel, Ulysses; Irving J. Llltrell, NHson.
Obcrt N. White. Pones; PonsM E. Newhall.
West Point; Raymond L. Brown, Harry
Jarkaon, Scottihluff; H. R, Palmateer,
Oreeton; Jeremiah Hhumway, Lyons; Ken
neth Burke. Unlversliy pce.
Beta Theta PI Norval R, IMehl, Rtratton;
lease Moors, Lincoln; Edward S. Chamber
lain, Walter Chamberlain, Jr., Omaha; T.
O. McCarl, Hasting, Verlln W. Taylor,
Red Cloud; Wayne lnntng-. Qlltner; Irving
Chapln. Hoicoe Hewett, Glenn Urown. Lin
coln; William H. Hfanty, Fairfield: W. L.
Dunn, Weeplnf Water; Seneca Yule. Lin
coln; D. i Gallagher, O'Neill, repledged.
Delta Chi Kred B. Walrath, Harlan Cat
Itn, Timothy Sullivan. Omaha; l.enter Frun
dell, Crete; Buell Oergans, Humboldt; Boy
Noble. Beatrice; Mllo Beck, Wither; Henry
Meyers, Wahoo; Clarence Ullstrom, Mein
phle; Travers Foster, Upton, Wyo.; Oeorge
Hlgglna, Hsrtlnffton.
Pelt Tau Delta Leland U Waters. Her.
man O. Schroeder, Arnold A. North, Hu
bert Upton, Lincoln; K unset) R. Best, Mark
R. Havens, Omaha; Bayard T. Clark, Re
nerve. Kan.; Bryan W. ISiromer, Vern Chris
topher, Hastings; Raymond W. Watson,
North Bend; Roscne L. Rice, Crelghton.
Delta I pal Ion Harold It. Schmidt. Cahel
Jack son. Henry W. Andrew, Lincoln; Ray
C. Wenk, Creaton; Hiram O. Studley, Cres
ton; Blaine Grabtll, Roy K. Greenlee, Har
old C. Rowan, Sidney; Orvllle K. Hilar
brook, Fremont; Clyde Thompson, West
Kappa Sigma Raymond Turnure. Paul B.
Polnlsky, Red Cloud; Ray D. Seabury, Lo
gan, la.; Rob Roy Robertson, Broken Bow;
Dan U. O'Urten. Stewart. la.; Ronald L.
Wygant, Denlson, la.; Allan Mortts, A.
Farlny rating, Oakley Cos, John Majors.
Lincoln; Leslie Orr. Clay Center.
Phi Delta Theta Ray Lans, Kearney
Harry Caldwell, Stewart McDonald, Brooks
Vance, Omaha; Arthur Ynrte, Falls City;
Carl A. Llndstrum, Columbus; Lewis Kelley,
North Platte.
Phi Gamma Delta Rea Bod we 1 1, Leba
non ; James Boyd, Kearney; Oeorge Ruth
nell. Lincoln ; Richard Bryson, Fullerton ;
Vaughn Gaddls, Kearney; Harold Patter
son, Omaha.
Phi Kappa Pel Irving Augustine, Grand
Island: Perry Branch, Gaylord Davis, Ken
neth Saunders, Lincoln; Bar) Howey, Rut
gers Van Brunt, Beatrice; Charles Wright.
Floyd Wright, 8co tie bluff; Samuel Kellogg.
Nebraska City.
Sigma Alpha Kpstlon Earl II. Harrah,
il II ford; Orvllle Davenport, Alliance; Ken
neth Thornton, Douglas Thornton, Oertngi
Ralph Loyerpeach, Alliance; George Forbee,
York: Proctor Sawyer, Walter Bauman,
Grand Island; Lawrence Shaw, Oral la.
Sigma Chi Trails Wiggins, Ralph Mock
ett. Lincoln; William Richardson, MynardJ
Allen Campbell, Des Moines, la.; Harry Qll
dersleeve, Wayne.
Sigma Nu Maurice B. Horn, Crelghtonf
Cecil A. Chase, Mason City; Bernard H.
Lynch, Pender; Edward H. Schumacher,,
Tllden; Leon Hamilton, Wahoo; H. W.
Munn, Fa Ir bury; Clarence Rundqutst, Royal;
GUIs Frye. Panama.
Sigma Phi E pat ton Carl Gelger, Clef
Tyler, Lincoln; Kennet Plehn. John A. Em
ery, Scottsbluff.
Bushnell Guild Leonard Nelson, Plereej
Leonard Kline, Blue Springs; Floyd Rog
er Randolph.
PI Kappa Phi Herbert Tenne, Fort Mor
gan, Colo.; Joe Llebendorfer, James Barker,
Pawnee City ; George D. Driver, Battle
Creek, la.; Barl L. Ayers, Milan D. Waeser,
Joseph B. Riley, Rabetha, Kan.; Grant Wat
kins, McCook; Ray Fond, fit. Edward.
Silver Lym Mansen O. Overman, North;
Platte; J. C. Kldredge, R. V. Eldredge, W.
C. Gilbert, Omaha: F. V. Vsssey. Mitchell,
S. IX; K. A. Cornish, Shelby; A. L. Albert,
Hartlngton. Incomplete.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Reasons Why
This Is the
Clothing Center
1st The best mak
ers make this their
selling headquarters
2d Every garment
bears the test of
Reasons Why
This Is the
Clothing Center
3d Our salesmen
are prompt and ef
ficient ith Every garment vn
dergoes a rigid examin
ation here.
lO Every
Thread All Wool
That's the Best Guarantee
Anyone Can Give You
This Is The Home of
Hart Schaffner & Marx
And the Clothing Center of Omaha
CojritHsrt8cUbst tUnl
A guarantee of ALL WOOL means so much
to you when you go to buy a suit, that no man
who wants to get his money's worth should
accept anything else. There's a very com
fortable feeling that comes with the knowl
edge that the Clothing you purchase is EV
VERY BEST TAILORS and will wear satis
factorily. All these things will be yours if you come
into the entrance under the biggest Electric
Sign in the Middle West The Home of Hart
Schaffner & Marx.
Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Top Coats
$20, $22, $25 and up to $50
We are showing extreme patterns conservative models too, in more shades and color
ings than you ever dreamed of. Biggest assortments anywhere something , to please
Young Men's Suits, $12.50, $15
Twenty different effects In Fall Weight Cheviot.
Cassimeres, Novelty Worsteds aiid Plain Blue Sergea.
Coats in correct two and three-button models; also
pinch-back designs; single or double breasted; sizes
33 to 48 chest measure.
Seven Thousand Pairs of Trous
ers for Men and Young Men
In Worsteds, Cassimeres and Blue Serges each at
saving of from J 1.00 to 13.00
Prices for this sale, 81.98 to 37.50.
We Are the Omaha Distributers for
Patrick Duluth "Bigger Than Weather"
Mackinaw Coats.
Also Sherm Brothers and Ogden City
Woolen Mills. Prices $7.50 to $15.00
Hart Schaffner & Marx Tuxedo Suits,
S30.00 to $45.00
Hart Schaffner & Marx Silk Lined
Top Coats,
In Oxford Gray and Blacks, $18.00.
Second Floor Ride Up On The Escalator.
$1.50 and $2 Silk Four-in-Hand Ties,
Beautiful Fall Neckwear
12S Dozen Men'i Pure Silk and Silk Fiber How,
mostly all shades in plain colors and fancy
striped and silk clocked. Pair Wl
65 Dozen Men's Shirts, special purchase. Made
of extra good quality corded madras and satin
striped soisettes. Sale price, M 1C
WE PURCHASED a most unusually beautiful lot
of imported Silks; rich in color, heavy in fabric
and elegant in design. It would be impossible to
duplicate these Silks today our orders were
placed when the war began.
These Ties are all exceedingly well made and will hold
their shape and wear exceptionally well.
Large open end shapes that will tie up splendidly.
Rich, luxurious Four-in-Hands, that will be hard
to duplicate even at higher prices
One Lot of Man' Fall Weight Union Suits, mostly
samples and surplus stock. Mads of extra fine
quality combed Egyptian yarns, In white, ecru and
.n:?1.e:a.t: 98c .Bd $1.25
suit .
Main Floor, Men's Store.
11 eW l lcllb and young Men
"Mayo" Hats, $3.00
A new top piece that sets any man right with the world.
It is a wide brimmer, as the picture shows. The only cheap
thing about this hat is its price. The style is ffO nn
trrpnr Mvn Hats are snlrl Vioro nvMiiaiirolv vO.VV
o " - J
Brandeis Special
Another new Fall hat. All the
new shades. The best CJO AA
hat made for j.vU
Stetson Hats
We are headquarters for Stet
sons. All the new shapes will be
found here
$3.50. $4.00, $5.00
Sample Hats, $1.65
High grade sample hats, regular
$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 ffl CP
values, Saturday Ol.vJ
rs t w v i
noys neadwear
The greatest assortment of
Boys' and Children's Hats and
Caps for Fall and Winter Wear,
priced, at
25c, 50c, 65c,
$1.00, $1.50
Men's $1.00 Caps, 65c
Immense purchase of Men's Fall
and Winter Caps, values RKi.
to $1.00, Saturday
Men's "Hurley" Shoes in All Leathers
Kid, Calf and Russia Calf, in welt soles, English
and other lasts; all sizes and widths
$5.00 to $7.00
"Trustworthy" Shoes for Men
Latest styles, leathers are Kid, Calf, Dark Russia
and Light Tan, in all sty.js and sizes; button
and lace
$3.50 and $4.00
Main Floor, Men's Bldf.