The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER ' FAIR I be 4. ,-archmnt not a peddler. VOL. XL VI NO. 90. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 19J6 FOURTEEN PAGES. Or mini, it Hottll. Nwt 8Und etc.. H. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. A peddler make sale A merchant make customers. Cuatomara ar made by constaat advsrtuing, good values and uni form courtesy. 600,000 WORKERS ORDERED TO STOP TOIL WEDNESDAY Organized Laborers in Nearly Every Industry in Greater New York Summoned to Walk Out. AT 8 O'CLOCK IN MORNJNQ Assertion Made Men Have No Means of Transportation With Transit Tieup On. SH6NTS WILL NOT MEDIATE New York, Sept. 22. Organized workers in virtually every industry in Greater New York were formally called upon late today to cease work at 8 o'clock next Wednesday morning in sympathy with striking traction employes. Labor leaders assert that approximately 600,000 mem, and wom en are involved. The call was embodied in resolu tions adopted at a conference of labor leaders representing federated bodies in all the ooroughs of the city, as well as many national and interna tional unions. Of the eighty unions in the city represented, it was said somealready had voted in favor of a strike. Trie call, it was said, would be 'issued not only to organized workers in New l ork, but also to those in West Ches ter coufTty, in which the cities of Yonkers, New Rochclle and Mount Vernon are situated, and would ex tend throughout a wide range of in dustries. Frayne's Statement. Hugh Frayne, New York state or ganizer of the American Federation of Labor, announced the determina tion to call the sympathetic Valkout in the following statement: "It was decided by the unanimous vote of the representatives of eighty unions of Greater New York and vicinity that there shall be a general suspension of all work in alt trades and industries in Greater New York and vicinity, the same to commence Wednesday, September 27, at 8 a. m." Officers of several international unions attended the conference, ilr. Fravne. said. Among these was T. V. COtonnor of Buffalo, president of the International Longshoremen's union. William B. Fitzgerald, general or ganizer1 of the Amalgamated Associa tion of Street and Electric Railway Employes, in charge of the traction strike; represented the carmen at the conference. . - -No Means of Transit. The call is based upon the proposi tion that union men "Cannot maintain theirself-respect" if they ride upon cars operated by strike breakers, ac cording to a statement issued tonight by Ernest Bohm, secretary of the Central Federated union. In cases where contracts-exist, Bohm said, the employers will be notified that the workers have no means of transporta tion and if the employers cannot pro vide transportation the workers must remain at their homes. "Union employes will not risk their lives by riding on xars operated by green motormen and protected by policemen," Mr. Bohm said. "Neither can they ride on such cars and retain their self-respect as union men. "The general tie-up will come be cause employers of union labor will not provide their employes with means of transportation to and from work to enable them to start off the dangerous strike breaking cars of the several traction lines." Won't Meet Men. Theodore P. Shonts, president of the Interborough Rapid Transit com pany and the New York aRilways company, reiterated his determination not to meet representatives of the srtiking carmen. "If 1 did so the men in the Inter borough brotherhood would have good cause to strike," he said. " Be sides there is no reason for negotia tions. There is no strike. We are carrying more people in the subway, on the elevated, and in theSteinway tubes than ever before. Yesterday we carried 2,208,257 passengers, or 387, 639 more than on the same day last year. The service on surface car lines is 70.5 per cent normal." - The Weather For Nebraska Fair. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. Comparative Loral Rcord. . .. . . , m- 19,5 91- Hlo-hott yesterday 61 70 66 63 Lowest, yesterday..... 4K 4 46- 36 Mean temperature.... 54 r.n E6 60 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1 and compared with the last two years: Norma temperature 64 Deficiency for the day 10 Total excess since March 1 257 Norma4 precipitation as Inch Deficiency for the day ,.. ,0s inch Total rainfall since March 1 ls.M Inches Deficiency since March 1, 1916 . .10.2U inches Deficiency for cor. period, lB16fc. 74 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, U14.. J. 4 Inches Reports From Htatlons it 7 r, H, Station and State Temp, of Weather. 7 p. m. fheyenne, clear 64 Davenport, cloudy 56 Denver, clear 70 Des Moines, clear 54 Dodae City, clear. ...... 66 Hlg-h- Rain fall. .00 70 76 73 II 76 68 74 80 Lander, part cloudy 74 North Platte, clear 62 Omaha, clear 58 Pueblo, clear 72 Rao d city. Clear 64 Hanta Fe, part cloudy... 66 hheridan. clear 70 Sioux City, clear 54 Valentine, clear 60 L. A. WELSH, MeteorolOflst. j la. m H 10 i, m 66 NljV It a. m lift 4 p. m. 60 --" . 6 p. m 61 JESs 6 p. m n : p. m 6 1 8 p. m 66 G. 0. P. ENLARGES ITS HEADQUARTERS Growing; Sentiment in Ne braska for Hughes Pleases State Committee. POLL IS SATISFACTORY (From a Staff Corrpspomlort.) Lincoln, Sept. 22. (Special.! Growing sentiment in Nebraska in favor of the candidacy of Charles Evans Hughes and the republican state ticket lias necessitated an en- largment of the campaign headquar ters of the state committee and the addition of more helpers, Secretary Beebe announced today "There has been such a demand for republican literature in the last week that the present office force has been unable to take care of it," Mr. Beebe said. Accordingly we secured an other room next to the present quar ters of the state committee in the Lindell hotel and will put on enough workers to take care of alt of the re quests for literature. Secretary Beebe said the first of the poll books have reached the state committee and shpw an entirely sat isfactory condition of affairs in the state, auguring well for republican success in November. "The Hughes sentiment in Ne braska," said Mr. Beebe, "is growing by leaps and bounds, and especially since the second tour was started. With Mr. Hughes making plain the policies he would put into force, Iuke war mrepublicans and alarge number of those who-are classed" as independ ent voters and who were first leaning towards Wilson are now strong- for Hughes. . Mr. Hughes has made a big impression in this state in his last series of speeches and we have felt it at headquarters." The poll books show the situation is splendid for the success of the re publican state and congressional can didates. We are very much pleased with the first reports. Congressman J. W. fordney of Michigan, who spoke to a large and enthusiastic audience at Fremont last night, and who will speak at York to night, was a caller at the state head quarters this morning. Congressman Fordney brought glowing reports of republican success in the east. He said that he had been spending the majority of tiis time speaking in eastern states and found that Hughes would ha,ve an easy time there. Mr. Fordney predicted that the republican candidate would carry New York by 100,000 votes. Attorney General's , Suits Against Lines Has Been Dismissed (From a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Sept. 22. (Special.) At torney General Reed's injunction suit aaginst the railroad companies doing business in Nebraska, to prevent them from violating the state 2-cent fare law and the law requiring the sale of 1,000-mile books at the 2-cent rate, has been dismissed by the state su preme court. The decision is by Chief Justice Morrissey and is concurred in by all the other members of the court except Judge Rose, do did not sit. . As to the Rock Island and the Mis souri Pacific railroads, the suit is dis missed because the United States court had previously taken jurisdic tion in the suits brought by those companies, against the attorney gen eral and the railway commission and had issued injunctions suspending the 2-cent fare law. The application is denied as to the Burlington, North western and Minneapolis & Omaha roads on their showing that they had made no move toward attacking or resisting the state laws and had no present intention of doing so. French Submarine Is Sunk by Bombs Dropped by Plane Berlin, Sept. 22. (By Wireless to Sayville.) The French submarine Foucaus has been sunk in the south ern Adriatic by bombs dropped from Austro-Hungarian naval aeroplanes, The entire crew of twenty-nine men was rescued and made prisoners. Tenth Private Bank i In Chicago is Closed! Chicago, Sept. 22. The private bank of Campbell, Dubia & Co., the ! tenth tr fail in I u.tfli.n U. i tenth to fail in Chicago within -the last month, closed its doors today. Creditors filed a petition of involun tary bankruptcy against the institu tion, which was operated in the for eign quarter under the name of the Industrial Savings bank. The petition gives the liabilities of the bank as $800,000, and states, that the assets given as. $900,000 have de preciated so as not to exceed $600,000. Rapid City Man Hurt During Automobile Race Sturgis, S. D Sept. 22. (Special Telegram.) Birney Webster of Rapid City, was seriously injured late this afternoon during a five-mile race between Fords at the Mead county fair. His injuries are very servere and he is not expected to recover. Fairmont Creamery Asks Reparation for Oil Changes (From a Staff Correspondent. Washington, Sept. 22. (Special Telegram.) The Fairmont Creamery, company of Omaha has -filed a com plaint with the Interstate Commerce commission, against the Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe Railway company, that their rates on fuel oil in tank cars from various points to Omaha were unjust and has asked reparation for $2,204. OMAHA PRESENTS ITS CLAIMS A . FARM 0 BANK Men v y aentting All Lines of "Business Before the Board, Pointing Out Need of Such Institution. MUCH TESTIMONY TAKEN This City Shown to Be Logical Location- for Accommoda tion of Many People. FACTS AND FIGURES GIVEN Omaha wants a Federal land bank and all the farmers who were at the land. bank hearing yesterday in the federal building in Omaha before the Omaha to have that bank. in a hearing that lasted all day and brought out an overwhelming mass of facts, tending to show the state's need of such an institution, and Oma These two points were' made clear ha's great advantage as the point of location. After hearing farmers, bankers, colonizers and loan men all forenoon and half the afternoon, the board sud denly turned to the Omaha case, and Francis A. Brogan of Omaha went on the stand to present it. Mr, Brogan asserted Omaha had been located logically and necessarily by the natural rtend of commerce and industry, and in the heart of the agri cultural region. He suggested as ; tentative district for this bank, Ne braska, Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming. Omaha Logical Location. "If there were no Omaha on the map, a practiced eye could discern where it would naturally be and where a great city would develop," said Mr. Brogan, "just as astronomers are able to determine the location of a certain planet long before they have been able to locate it in the heavens with a glass." He showed that within 300 miles of Omaha there is nothing in the way of industry but agriculture. It l thad been determined, ne said, 'to establish one such bank, instead of twelve, Omaha would still have been the logical place in which to make the experiment." Mr. Brogan furnished the board with several maps specially prepared for this occasion, showing the rail roads and trunk lines that converge in Omaha, and other maps showing the zones in which mail is delivered from Omaha in six hours after it is mailed here, and in twelve hours and eight een hours.-. Present! Some Figures. He showed that there are seventy seven passenger trains out of Omaha daily and seventy-six in; that thirty six of them leave for, and thirty seven enter from Iowa; eight leave for, and ten return from Missouri; six leave for Wyoming and seven re turn from there, and that there are seventy-two mail trains ut of Omaha daily and sixty-eight in, and a lot of other figures on train facilities. He summarized the grain and live stock figures, pointing out that Oma ha annually received 7,000,000 gallons of cream from the farms, and that it leads the world in the production of creamery butter In every way he de veloped Omaha's importance as an agricultural center, and then showed the farm mortgage indebtedness of the four states proposed for the dis trict in 1910. These figures follow: Iowa 120), 242, 723 Nebraska 62,373,472 South Dakota S!i,771,3fta Wyoming- J '. '.. 4,207.98:1 Total $303,595,636 Omaha is the Distributing Point. Mr. Brogan showed that there are forty national institutions such as the John Deere Plow company, the Ford Motor company, etc., which have found it necessary to establish branch distributing points in Omaha and also that there are 4,000 country grain ele vators in the proposed territory. In a brief of ninety-six pages the vast store of information Mr. Brogan presented was filed with the hoard after he left the stand. E. V. Parrish, manager of the bu reau of publicity of the Commercial club, went on the stand to state brief ly the work o fthe bureau of publicity, which, he asserted, is misnamed, and is really a bureau of development, as shown by the success of its great seed-corn campaign of 1910, and other campaigns. He assured the board of the bureau's readiness to co-operate in O-Cttinor infnrmit'mn i: these banks disseminated throughout .1. 61 tnc state ana adjoining states. Bankers Favor the Bank. Luther Drake assured the board that the bankers locally were in favor of a Federal farm loan banlt, had no feeling in the matter and would co operate. Everett Buckingham, general man ager of the Union Stock Yards, as serted that the stock yards is a mort gage lifter, and in locating a bank - the board need only follow the na- tural lines which the live stock fol lowed in finding its way to Omaha. J. B. Swearingen, president of the Omaha Grain exchange, developed the subject of Omaha's importance as a grain market. John L. McCagne asserted that of all financial centers the people (n Omaha and the region around were the best acquainted with the working of such a banking plan, as they had been so educated largely by .the large building and loan business here. T. C. Byrne said thM nearly $1 70, 000,000 worth of merchandise is dis tributed from Omaha annually. Presenting Other Facts. J. A. Roberts, salesmanager of the Kellogg Corn Flakes company, told of the colume of business done in Ne braska, Iowa and Missouri. W. D. Hosford of the John Deere ! Plow company said a larger number (Continued on Two, Column One.) SERBIANS FIGHTING FIERCELY TO REGAIN LOST COUNTRY The picture shows Serbian gunners in new uniforms nd shell proof helmet in a rocky pass near the top of a mountain picking off Bulgars in a trench 600 yards away. Note the gunner lying prone on his back to keep under cover and feed the ammunition into the machine gun. SEEBIAJN GUHNERS AT HUGHES MAKES TALKSJN INDIANA Delivers Addresses This Morn-' ing at Newcastle, Ander son and Muncie. AT SOUTH BEND TONIGHT Muncie, Ind., Sept. 22. 'Charles E. Hughes' second day in Indiana was a day of many short stops, whisking into towns and out, with station crowds, brass bands, brief rear plat form addresses and handshaking. Into the day's program were crowded twelve short speeches. The thir teenth will be delivered at South Bend tonight. At New Castle, the first stop, Mr. Hughes spoke briefly on the tariff, At Anderson, where yhe special was switched,' to anotheifailroad line, the nominee left the '.train and made a short talk at the court house. Re publican enthusiasts had brought to town an old cannon that saw cam paign service in.the days of Garfield, and this boomed out a deafening sa lute as the train stopped. The front of the court house 'had been plastered yesterday with Wilson and Marshal posters, but they were all torn down early this morning, and when the nominee arrived the front of the building was covered with Hughes posters. Kaymond Robins, who was cha r- man of the progressive national con vention, spoke to the crowd to tell them that Mr. Hughes' voice was poor and that he would better' not speak in the open air. The crowd wanted to hear Hinyhea. hnwever anrl shouted for him. The nominee spoke for ten minutes, disregarding signals from members of his party to sit down. At Muncie another crowd o-reeteH him. Mr. Hughes confined his short talks mostly to the tariff: Joint Debates in Colleges. Chicago. SeDt. 22. The Hinrhra JJs. tional college league has accepted the challenge of the National Woodrow Wilson college men's league for a ser ies of debates on issues of the cam paign, and has appointed a committee composed of Karl Behr, chairman; Amos J. Peaslee, Lloyd Paul Stryker, Elihu Root, jr., and Emory R. Buck ner to meet a committee representing the dempcratic organization to ar range details. I he speakership bureau at western republican headquarters announced today that arrangements have been made for Judge D. D. Woodmansee of Cincinnati, republican, to meet United States Senator Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma, democrat, in a joint debate to be held at Albuquer que, n. M.,-at the opening of the New Mexico state fair, September 25., Mason City Officer Shot by Burglar Mason City, la., Sept. 22. Aman- dus Tageson, policeman, was shot and seriously wounded last night by a burglar he surprised in an outlying grocery store. The officer had en tered the store to telephone to head quarters and as he turned away from the phone the burglar sho. him. After an exchange of shots the burg lar fled. Tageson was able to re port to headquarters over the tele phone. Ak-Sar-Ben Dates Ak-Sar-Ben Festivi ties, including car nival and Nebrask; Statehood Semi-cen tennial celebration Industrial parade. Electrical Pageant. Historical Pageant. Royal Coronation Ball. Masked Court Ball. Septl 26 to Oct 7 Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct 6 Oct 7 -3 WORK . BAKERS PUSHING MOVE FOREMBARGO Petitions for Extra Session Will Be Circulated by 30, 000 Gotham Retailers. EXPECT A MILLION NAMES New York, Sept. 22. Petitions asking the president to call a spe cial session of congress to meet the increasing cost of food by ptacing an embargo on foodstuffs exportation were distributed today among some 30,000 retail grocers, bakers and Cill er small dealers throughout the city. Efforts will be made to get the peti tions signed by 1,000,000 consumers. The Master Bakers' association, which launched the movement here, has decided to make a, nation-wide campaign., Chicaco Housewives to Meet. .Chicago, Sept. 22. Housewives of Chicago were called upon today to attend a mast meeting at which or ganization will be perfected to fight increase in the price of foodstuffs. The announcement that bread is to be advanced from 5 to 6 cents a loaf resulted in the call for the meeting. "Men are interested in buying and selling for a profit. It is therefore folly to expect them to take any ac tion," the call reads. "Women must put a stop to unwarranted increases and we alone can stop them." Net Earnings of Railroads Pass Billion Mark Chicago, Sept. 22. Railroad finan cial results for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1916, made public today through the Railway Age Gazette, show that net revenues for .'he year crossed the billion mark for the first time. The net operating revenues for the year were $1,176,804,001, or $5,134 ncr mile, as compared with $938,560,638, or $4,831 per mile, for 1913. The aver age mileage represented in 1916 was 229,229 and in 1913 221,829. The increase is due largely to in creased efficiency, it is stated. The increase in total operating revenues was only 7.5 per cent, but the net operating revenue increased 21.3 per cent over 1913. Compared with the fiscal year 1915 the current year shows an increase -of $308,390,025, or 16.9 per cent per mile, in aggregate operating revenue, op erating expenses' increased $388,86, 393, or 8.3 per cent per mile. The smallest increase in net oper ating revenues was in the west, with 26.5 per cent, and the largest in the eastern group of railroads, with 45 per cent. In the south the increase was 44.6 per cent. Burned Five-Dollar Bill Redeemd for Shenandoah Man Shenandoah, la., Sept. 22. (Spe cial.) Currency burned to a crisp, charcoal state has been redemmed for Swain Solon, a Shenandoah man whose home burned the last ofs Au gust. He sent the charred purse to the Treasury department with a let ter of explanation. With the aid of miscroscopes and chemical analysis an examination was made. This morn ing Mr. Swain received a registered package containing $5 in new bills, two dimes and three pennies. The amount that was burned was thought to be $5.25. Mr. Swain, who is a student, had previously clipped an article telling of now the government chemists anal ized burned money. He sent in the purse, partially through curiosity growing out of the remembrance of the interesting little article. The article, Mr. Swain states, told how the ashes were turned over to a woman chemist whose experiment results were taken as final. She was never told what the owner said about the sun. of money that was destroyed before making the test. In this case the experiment showed the value of, the money was $5.25, and as that was : what Mr. ?wain claimed it was sent him. - VILLISTAS FLEEING FROfflCHIHOAHOA Mexican Official Report of Con ditions Conflict with Gen eral Bell's Account. LATTER 0. K. SAYS FUNSTON Chihuahua City, Mex., Sept. 21. (Via El Paso Junction, Sept. 22.) Carranza troops are pursuing the band of Villistas which attacked Chihua hua City last Saturday southward, ac cording to official announcement here today. The Villistas ' are reported passing along the road to Jimincz, southwest of Chihuahua City. Ranch era arriving report Villa's forces were discouraged at. failure to obtain loot promised by Villa when he captured the city, Reports from the dlstrtct through which the band is passing, It was given out, say Villa has lost considerable prestige because of failure ot the at tack. - - i . , Prisoners taken by Villa, who have returned, say Villa's plan was to sur round the palace during the Independ ence day celebration, kill General La cinto Trevino, commandant at Chi huahua City, and his staff and to dis organize the garrison. Villa last was reported in the Sier ra ue La silla district near Santa Ysabel. Washington, Sept. 22. Secretary Baker let it be' known today that the War department was not disposed to accept as accurate the report of Vil la s raid on Chihuahua City last Sat urday, transmitted by Brigadier Gen Bell yesterday on the strength of in formation that had reached him in El Paso. "We have no military information as to renewed Villista activities," Mr. Baker said, indicating it was assumed that General Bell's account was based upon rumors and reports current in border towns and not facts obtained through armychannels in Mexico. He declined to discuss in any way what effect the reappearance of Villa, if it were confirmed, might have on the movements of American troops in Mexico. San Antonio, Tex., Sept. 22. Gen eral Funston today said he placed full credence in the report of Villa's attack on Chihuahua City, sent to the War department by Brigadier General George Bell, jr., and given out for publication yesterday. He said that he had been informed that General Bell's information was gained from reliable persons, who had come to El Paso directly from Chihuahua City immediately after the battle. Chihuahua City, Mexico., Sept. 22. Commenting on the report in American newspapers attributed to Brigadier General George A. Bell, jr., at El Paso, Tex., of the Villa raid upon this city last Saturday, General Jacinto Trevino, commanding the Carranza army of the north, today issued a statement to the Associated Press in which he described it as "a tissue of lies and falsehoods." State Railroads Are Enjoined From Increasing Rates Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 22. Governor Morchead, Attorney General Reed and the state railway commission to day obtained in the state supreme court a temporary restraining order against the seven railroads in Ne braska, restraining them from putting into effect the higher tariffs pro posed to the commission yesterday. The railroads have applied in the federal court at Omaha for a re straining order against the railway commission to prevent it from en forcing the present class freight rates of the state. A hearing on the appli cation is set for tomorrow. The railways have appTaled the present class freight rates to the su preme court and the case is to be heard at the next sitting of the court. The state is asking that the roads be restrained until a hearing is held on the appeal. The hearing on a per manent injunction is set for Octo ber 2. TIDE IN DOBRUDJA TURNS IN FAVOR OF TEUTON ALLIES Berlin Official Report Says Russ and Roumanians ' Defeated and Are in Full THo-ht - - - o CIRCLE ATTACK SUCCEEDS German War Office Also Tells of Scenes of Desperate Fights in Carpathians. SERBS CONTINUE ADVANCE Berlin, Sept. 22. (Via London, 4:42 p. m.) The Bulgarian and German troops under Field Marshal von Mackenzen have driven back the Rus sians and Roumanians in Dobrudja in disorder, the war office announced today. The victory was 'gained by means of an encircling counter at tack. The text of the statement follows! "In Dobrudja strong Roumanian forces attacked southwest of Toprai Sari (fourteen miles southwest of Constanza). By an encircling counter-attack by Gcrman-Bulgarian-Turkish troops against the flank and rear of the enemy, the Roumanians are being driven back in disorder. "Macedonian Front Fighting ac tivity on the Fiorina rivulet is still lively and has been reawakened to the east of the Vardar river." Desperate Battle In Carpathians. Berlin, Sept. 22. (Via London.) i Desperate fighting between the Aus-tro-Germans and the Russians in the) Carpathian mountains continues. Tha summit of Smotreo, which has changed hands several times, has again been captured from the Ger mans by the Russians, says today's German official statement. Further Russian attacks on Babaludowa were, repulsed. The German statement says: "Carpathians: The Smotreo sum mit again has been lost. Continued efforts of the Russians on Babaludowa again have been without success ow ing to the tenacity of our brave chas seurs. - I "Enemy attacks in the Tatarca see tor and north of Dofna Watra have been beaten off. i "Siebenburgen (Transylvania) thea ter: There is nothing to report." ' New Successes by Serbs. Paris, Sept. 22. French and Ser bian troops operating along the west ern end of the Macedonian front have scored new st.ccesses against the Bul garians, the war office announced to day. , , . - Serbian troops continuing their ad vance along Broda river have reached the neighborhood of Urbani, ..where 100 prisoners were taken. North of Fiorina a Bulgarian at tack was broken up by the fire of the French infantry. As a result of heavy engagements the entente forces were able to make progress on the heights dominating the road from Fiorina to Poplli. The communication reads: 1 "Along the Struma front and in the region of Doiran lake there has been the customary artillery fighting. Between the River Vardar and the River Cerna a violent Bulgarian at tack upon Zborsky was subjected to a sanguinary check. "In the region of the Broda river Serbian troops continuing their for ward march penetrated as far as the immediate vicinity of Urbini (Vrbeni). About 100 prisoners were captured by MIC kJCi U1SII3, "North of Fiorina an attack of the enemy was broken by the fire o the French infantry. Our troops cleaned up all the ground northwest of Arrens..o" and made progress fol lowing some severe fighting upon the heights which dominate the road from Fiorina and Poplli. "Foggy weather interfered witfi the operations along the entii front" Wyoming Guards ! Ordered to Border Washington, Sept. 22 Two Wyom ing National Guard infantry battal ions, troop A of the Kansas cavalry and troop B of the Wiscorsin cavalry were ordered to the Mexican border today by the War departr-ent. V isfAM. r-:i- e. -i- vvuinaii rues amis Against Two Husbands Oklahoma City, Sept. 22. Suits for divorce from two husbands of the same name filed by Mrs. Maggie Hill today are pending in district court here. Mrs. Hill filed the suits yes terday, seeking absolute divorce on grounds of abandonment and no sup port from the one, Cyrus Hill, and an annulment of the marriage to the other, Tony Hill. The problem of find ing the one person amongst thousands who would RENT OR BUY your real estate is made easy by the little Want Ad. No airow ever finds its mark as surely and quickly as the Want Call Tyler 1000 for Bee Warit-Ads. r