Want-Ad Rates kCASH WITH ORDER, per word each Inaortlon Set solid no display ) Ad Paragraphed or S.l lo Dlepley Style. tc Dr line on ,,m lo w Uti!"!.!"'."fnre oonaMUtl.e tlmi (Count tlx worm to the lino.) GBABGB RATES 1 lo per IhM ".'. .fill! To por 11... thro. mmsmU Um" (Count oil word! to tho lino.) DpMlal Rataol Farm ond Ranch Land. T por lino, throo coneecutt tlm (Count oil word, to tho lino.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER OKNTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSI FICATIONS. , . , ono time iurUrrd''''-'tnr con..cuttv. Bm NO AD TAKEN FOB. I.ES8 THAN A TOTAL OF Mo OB LEW THAU 10 A DAT. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND TV- to. " tin. 7 oooli Inoortkm (Minimum chorno SO oonUt) MONTHLY RATE FOR BTANDIW. AM 1. IT. . MM BllOWtd.) Two lino or mere , ? I1M (Count sii wMki to the lino.) (Contract fates on application.) THE BKB will not b responsible for more than ono IncAVeet Insertion of an adver tlwmMit nrder.d for moro than on time r,:i.'iTiarUB .hAtitil ratlin receipts glveft by The Bm In payment for Want Ada. aa no mistake ran oe recm. - tuif ruDi rctr-i itpiioNiT. tf too cannot con veniently bring r send tn your ids Ask for a Want-Ad Titter, in- j -eelva th mmr good service aa whan de livering row ad at 'ha office DM l INK TYLER 1000. want-ad columns clobb. evening editions 2 morning editions i:m MOYIE PR06RAM if.i. f tho beet I IBMlirt in www (Chaagaw Daily.) Downtown. farnaW, 111, FARNAM Lou Tellegron, In "THE UNKNOWN" ,. Paimvi In TK HEART OF A PAINTED WOMAH" tmNCEsS: "TiiTll DOUGLAS Bluablrd, R.df.elhT an Untvaraal Production o Praeanled H.ro Plot io "Th Evil Womon Do" Thl ploy io from l ho Pamou .101, . "THE CLIQUE OP POUT North. DIAMOND, I4TH AND LAKE "THE HEART OF A DOLL ' "THE STOLEN BOOKINOS" SEE AMERICA ORAND, UTH AND BINNET THEDA BAR A, In ' . "UNDER TWO FLAGS AND COMEDY , tOTHROp; I41hTND LOTHBOP ' CLARA KIMBALL TOUNO "THE FEAST OF LIFE" .. Suburban, -Rth and auks EUGENIE FORD, In THE COURTESAN" ALSO A COMEDY South. "Tirifil AND LEAVENWORTH BLUEBIRD FEATUHB , , PHILLYS SMALLEY nd i ao i.arrn. tn HAVING A FAMILY NAME" BOULBVABD,""llD AND LEAVENWORTH FLORENCE TURNER IN "DOOR STEPS" 17TH Ar(D VINTON LYRIC , MARIE WALCAMP nd JACK HOLT. In ' ' L1DC.K1 X Bttf I.HB 1651 LEAVENWORTH "DESTRUCTION COMEDY West 61ST AND UNDERWOOD HOWARD F.STABROOK, IB "FOUR FBATH ERS" SOME MRDICINK MAN" . , x r-riMinrtv 2556 FARNAM THE BLUEBIRD PHOTO PLAY violet Eerserf.au, in ' BROKEN FF.TTBR1" A DRAMA 40TH AND DODOE MERLE OSTRICHB, M "BY WHO'S MAWU LUKK'S LOST LAMP PATHB COMKDX BESSB, FLORENCE LA BADIE, IB "THE FUGITIVE ALSO A CUMHiUT ORPHKUM, 14TH AND M STS. "MUSICKERS" AND A OOOD COMEDY nRATHS ft P'.'NERAL NOTICES, nu n.v h . .on of Mr. and Mr. M. j Conlon. at local hospital. Wednesday, September 10, aged 15 year. Funeral from Crosby's chapel, till N 14th St., Friday, neptemuer j, v torment For.'t ljwnl , , , "i , F1INF.PAL DIRECTORS, DUFFY JtlHNMTON .Aoalm.ra and f neral dlr..iore 111 H lih Tyl.t H70 L v HtiitK Ul SON Funeral dirwlors and timim'T iff.,...-.. - n, . . .: jii-i-.N jttdcrt.li.ra and ka'lmer il IHB ' Dougla IH Monument- t.nd Cemeteries. IsbUL'TlFIJL mrk.r. tablata and erueoe iinmarkad aravea Redman Orare ' Mark., Co 147 Spencr PI W.baior lll FLORISTS. BKdT CiUaLiIY CUT FLOWERS of plants, Ari .omoinstion wipi". where Exeellent eervlco lo our ouatom tm t vur. iwoommenrl HESS I SWnnoDA I4II rrnm Bl Dong 1101 Largest assortment of freak flower fl.liv.rea or anippou wijwiw m. . IKRIN il Farnam St Dour 1131 Sr leelUrmon lilt Douglas. Doug. 1144. PAIlr.l-.ll Kltiwel Shop. lJJ'.'h:D;.ll. A DONAGHUH. I HI Hra.y Uoug ot- BATH flnrwt 1x04 Papuan St D 10 FRATERNAL ORDERS. ATTENTION STAGS. A.h nnv. No. 136: YOU r ejueated to tttend the funeral of Brother w. ai. wngnt, em wj ff.v ant 10. lilt. run.ral aervlc at th raaldenee, llll g. 11th Bt. F'lday. Bept II, at p. Members will meet at 111 Boa Bldg. B n m eh.Pn bv Order. VICTOR B. LUND, Chairman. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Glacomo and Ooorgl Badent. 1161V, South Thirteenth, girl; Jamee Ar tv,nr .nil H.ttl. Moran. 4107 Webater. boy; ' Meyar and Clara Roblneon, llll North uinaiMnih. elrl : John and Anna Wyaayn- kl, 4414 F. girl; Mlehael and Ketherin 1 Kolodxter. 4417 south Tnirty-aoeona, gin I. tart Mar Hln.a. 1181 North Twenty eoond. girl: John and Ellen Murphy, 4101 Knrth Thirteenth, girl: Gilbert A. and Rose Batten, 111 North Nineteenth, girl; Robert end Mvrt e CamolMlL III Bt. alarr AV.- nue.. boy; Stanley and Barbara floeewator, Deaths Sophia Kreiol, , IMS' South Thirtieth: Baleelana Horstkl, It month, Tblrtleth and H: Willis C. Schmidt, I, Thlr. ' U-efith and Y; Arnold Robinson, 11 muntha, liar-l'l: Ben Kollay, 17. hospital ; Ole Ol. un. on, 151 Cuming; Mr. Lottie L French, 11. 4!S Chicago. ATTRACTIONS : '. ...o-koUND at German Home Park -;ll from Sept, II to Oct. I, at 4401 th 13th SL MARRIAGE LICENSES The following permits to wed haVa be-n ; tlmt and Residence. Age. Joseph Bartos. Knoxvllle, Neb Antonta Bweboda, Omaha 1 Charles Wuerth, Thuraton Neb, .. .over 21 Grace Heltzman, Thurston, Neb.... over IS Men no Good. Blair , 32 Sophia Carlson. Blair 21 Anton Lanlk. Wahoo Gertrude Mitchell, Valparaiso 19 Louia O. Sehrader. Oakland 24 Myrtle H. Kauffman, Oakland 22 Wlltlam Zetnea, Omaha J Reglna Ctalark Omaha 26 Jay L. Welchel, Omaha 84 Margaret u. uotaon, riaiumoum David H. Potman, Omaha 2 Helen Heaton, Council Bluff 20 Herman Peteraon, Kennerd 22 Nettle Wllkina, Kennard - PInrv .T Rnnntr. Omaha . 41 mma A- u uonneu, vesier, Ma....... Sterling Peek, Omaha Lillian Lackey uimwooa, weo v Iarii Rlalp. Omthm l IB wtnefred. O'Connor, omana...... BUILDING PERMITS A. S. Chrlatonaon, 4110 South Nineteenth, brlok factory, 11,000; Le-Colt-Andreen Hardware company, i-ai rarnam. nr. nMnr mhmt... 111.000: SlabauKh A Orlf. tlth, 4010 Davenport, frame dw.lllnt, la. 000: P. A. Filter, J71I-H Dwoy avenue, re pair, and apartment. 17.000; Frank Frock. 4206 South Twonty-oocond. repair to dwell ing, 12,000.. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IV fOU'loaa anything and will advart.se It hera, you will aureiy recover u u iwunu by an honest peraon. Remarkable rerov-1 arlea are brought about evary day through thla column. 1 THE LAW People who And loot articles are Interested In knowing that the state law la strict In requiring thorn to seek the owner th ough advrllsempnt and otherwise, and that a failure to do so, If same can ba proven, Involves a se rious penalty, - OMAHA" A 'COUNCIL BMTFF8 STREET RAILWAT COMPANY. Persona having lost snme article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffe Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. . , Many article each day ara turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful ownare. Call Tyler ids. LOST Large heirloom oameo pin, re turn to S71I Poppelton Ave. or Oil Pax ton Blk. Harney 1004 and receive liberal reward. ' LOST Bunch of key; nm tag on ring. J. D. Stanton, 1440 N Tenoka Ave., Wichita, Kanaaa. Call Doug ttM. LOST 111. between Uth to 30th a Dougla St. Peraon finding HIM ploi call Web ll7. Reward LOST Small cameo pin between Florence and 10th and Dougla. newra. van Florence 44. LOST Blue leather handbag, bank book and moneyj liberal reward, fbon wai nue 010. LOST One platinum ring with dlamondi Reward, If returned. Phone tsar, oojx FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. BUY YOUR FURNITURE NOW. While the underwriters' prices hold way. Tho more you buy th greater will o your eaviria. 151) T now. STATE FURNITURE CO., Cor. 14th and Dodi:e. Dougla HIT, STOVES, furniture, ruga, bedding and linen or all .mnaa. upon tut m p. u. Dolgoff, 1631 N. 34th St FOR BALE Patented Ironing boerd, nt and well built I will lt ureume. ruon. us tor particular, uoug. ei... FURNITURE cheap, acct. moving. Call H. 4123 or p. zator appointm.nt. - FOR SALE Cheap, aa range; good con dition. a a. X4tn AV. HOUSEHOLD good and plans for aalo. 4102 N. Sltn, upatair. Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR BALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand naw, oaroom ana poca.t, witn compi.t. outfit. ,136, aecono-nana i.uie. ei ... Aiicd nrloea: bowling alley and suppllea; ey paymonta. Cigar etores, drug, dell catenen and aolda fountain flxturea. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDUR CO., aol-tul South 10th St. FOR SALE 3 nearly new pool tables, mla- lon tyla, rumea ok xinisa, ex., t-a.n or .aay terms. Lock Bog 120, Orlawold, la. lewelry, Diamonds and Watches. itODBOAARDS "Lucky Wedding Ring" at lth ana uougi pt. - Machinery and Enginei. NEW AND SECONO-HANU MOTORS EXPaIRT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 113-30 S. I21h St., Omaha. BOILERS, atoam. electrle, gaa engines. pipes, uross wrecaing t.p .... .uihiii.. Printing and Office Supplies, COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also" public Btsno, mono tor price., iwugia. ..v., 840 Paxton Blk. - ' Oet our prices on Job printing. CAMPAIGN CAMUH A BrriiiiAuii. II s. PTG. CO.. RHUS BLDG, DOUO. IUI. WaTeRPBARNHART Ptg O. Co., qualify printing. Tel, Doug. ,u. .3. a. i.tn ot. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rant, repair, sell iissdioa and parts of all sawing machines. MICK EL'S NEBRASKA CYC LB CO., lBtn and Harney Sts. Doug. 166$. Typewriters and Supplies. WB BUY, Sell, KxchangerRant Typewriters, Typewriter moDon, one jwrDon paper, 160 box. Midland Co.. Bea Bldg. NEW machines sold the same as rent; $$ per moniD. OSS us oewr you waj vi rent, wifv .. ..-. - free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange, 116 S. Utn. umana, weo. vpuWRITERM sold, rented and repaired Rent an Oliver lypewiuer, a nianinp (or $6. Central Typewriting Exchange, 1905 Farnam. . REMINGTONS, Monarch! and Smith Premiers ror rant; sen. anywner-. nvm Ington Typewriter Company. 4. 1284. Miscellaneous. Horns-made grape wine. 1 $i.2S PER GALLON. Sun ktit port, full quart, (0 cents. Old Taylor whisky, full quart. 1$ cents. CACKLEY BROS. m tiih standard of Quality will ba main tained; 4 quarta or uia ronieneu wnisny, S3 is! bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Uoug. 7161. 132-124 N. lath St. nMiHi PILLOW CO. Pelt and hair mat imum mad over in new ticas i nan the pries of new ones. Phone us for samola of ticking. Mall orders filled. 1907 Cuming St. Douglas $.467. BEE want-ads OAINED 19,699 MORE paid ADS than any other omana news paper gained In first seven months 1916. GOOD HUBU1.1B AT .n,ao vuoi IS THE REASON WHY. ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE, -rnirt.enin ana liouki... Bottled In bond whisky, 86c 11.00, II II full quart. D1CSKS, ..fos, scalea, showcaeea, shelving. eto. we buy, ssll. umana rixture Supply Co., 414-11-18 a 18th. Doug. 1714. SAVKflO par cnt on typ.wrlt.r ribbon, and carbon. Call Doug, list, Miaiana v;e. Bldg. KNCYCLOPBDIA Brtttanlra. ninth aditlon, for sal. ahea.p). Phon weoeter sssu. sin Ohio Bt. RADIANT Mom bane burn.rTNo. t-K doubl. he.l.ri gnat bargain, llll cum lng. DRY KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY, HARNEY 1187. PAIR of ladle' new witch-elk mountain boot,; height 18, .Is. I. Colfax 3, POR SALE Touri.t go-cart, good oondl tlon. Colfax 1646. MAHOGANY gratonola, reasonable. Colfax 404s. aood oonaition. POR SALIC Beoond-hAnd Q.m furnace. 1823 N. 31th Bt. POR SALB-rGood ga rang. 1064. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS Naw desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam, HOLMES pays your price for second-hand alothea. boss and hats. waft. 13.0. THE BEE: OMAHA, ANNOUNCEMENTS 1000. 4-Hno. 4-ply. olxe 70 bualnesa card 11.76. Tn printing House 01 ji.iior Phono Doug. 7744. 1619 Farnam street. BRODEOAAIIDS "Lucky Woddlnf Rlnia" at 16th and Douglaa Sta. DAT and T M. C. A. Nlht School. Art CHINA PAINTING taucht, apcrlal cluh price. 63S S. 27th St. Harney 3. i Accountants. E. A. DWOKAK, C. P. A.. A. VAN ORDER. BS3 Rami. Bldg.. Phono Douf. al6t. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltcholl Co., 2ith and Martha Sta. Bakeries. CAKES, paatry and fancy bakery coodo oupplled to partlea. lodeo and antertaln rnenta. Z. H. Reader, 1106 N. lath. W.327, ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY. 212 N. 16th ST. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDEN BROTHERS. "OUR MOTTO" BETTER BAKED GOODS. LET US PROVE IT. Cleaning and Pressing. SUITS preaaed, c; cleaned and pnmaad, $1. Phil Greonatone, 1400 Harney. Red 2701. W. MADSEN, 2M5 Leavenworth, Tyler 14, Baths! DR. BEND A Sulphur, steam. Modern Turkish BATHS AND MASSAGE. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ants. 1919 Farnam. mono uoug. tu. Dr. W. H. Knollenterg, combining Sulphur Steam Bath A Chi -opractlc treatment. 13 for $20; alngle adjuatlng. !!- Lady at tendant S. W. Cor. 24th ft Far. St. I). 7290. RITTfCNHOUSR Banitaiium; all klnda bath. 210-214 Balrd Illk., 17th and Dougla. Buttons and Pleating. DRESS PLEATING, hemstitching and cov ered bultona. Van Ainum Dreaa ri-iai-Ing and Button Co., Sd floor Paxlon Blk. Dougius 3101 Carpenters and Contractors. Leasard & Hon, 1B06 Ua,.liii Ave. Tyler 132. White Bros., contracto s, builders. Jobbing. Red H51S, Wal. 33D9. Work guaranteed C. W. llokanson, 250 Leavcn'th, Ty. 2I02-J. Costumes. THEATRICAL ,.... toll drs suits, for rsnt. 206 N. 17th. Jobn Foldnan. D. 1123. Cameras and Finishing. REXOETL" cameras, 2H-3'.. -0; (uni versal focus lens), Ureen'B Pharmacy, lltb and Howard. Son them todny. Chiropractic. Dr.. Johnston, 1826 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 1629. Chlrooractic and Spinal Adjustment, LK. BURHORN 8 mod.rn sanitary chiro practic adjuatlng parlora 414-11 Rose tsia. D. 5347 Palmor Sch. grad.; lady attend't. DR KNOLLKNBERG, S. W. Ci.rner 24th and Farnam Kts. Phone Douglas 7216 Dr. Frances Dawson. 602-3 Rose Bid. Ty.S36fl Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg P. 46T Dressmaking. - ACCORDION a.di. Knir. Box Floating, Cov. Button, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating A Button Co.. 431-2 Faxtun mk. rt. teez DRKSSMAKINO, romodclli g. day or home. Mies M. Coo, 2104 B. 36lh Ave. H. 3606. FOR STYLE,- reasonable price In your" fall dicsnes, see Atkinson Co., lioz rarnam DRKSSMAKINO Reaaonabls prices. 300 Bslrd Bldg. A-l DRES9MAKINO, 281! Elm. Red 6 Kow'ter Dresamaklng Col , 1926 City Nal'l. Terry DrcBxmok'g college, 20th and Farnam, FmsT-CLAflX driBBmaklng. Harney 8034 Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, Six Neville Blk. Evld.no secuied In all caaos. Tylt r 1136. Dancing Academy. DU LUXE aSy School Monday and Wednesday Eva Dance Tus., Thurs., Sat., Sun. Night KeeD Dancine Acdv..m" Claas Mon. eve, class and aasembly Wed. eve, private lessons any lima, u. ieow. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No. pain. 112 W. O. W. Bldg, Tatt'a Dent. Rma.. 308 Ross Bldg. D. 8181. Attorney at Law. FRANCIS MORGAN, 613 Boo. Dougla 4061, Expert Masseurs. MANICURING, facial massage, by expert masseuse. 11714 N. 10th St., opposite poet ofllce. Room 208, daily, evenlnge. Express Companies. TWIN CITY Express Co., 1622 Casa St. Douglas 1717. Heavy hauling a specialty. ANYWHERE 2j5c WB. 2104 Everything for Women. ACaOROION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all alzea ana atyles; hemstitching; plcot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding, cording, ey. It cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON ANO PLEATING CO., 300 Oouglaa Blk Douglas. 1831. Fixtures and Wiring. "nTTPVTM Electrle washing machines, JLUiVl.lll electric Irons and reading lampa. 3333 Cuming St. Douglas 8611. Hair Dressing:. IDEAL Hair Parlora, 807 Balrd Bldg. Manl- curing, toll.t articles. Douglas 0185. Hat Cleaning and Blocking. STRAW, Panama, all kind, hate cleaned and reblocked. 1510-1620 Harney. Hand Laundry. CALL DOUGLAS 4626 and hav. your laun dry oonerigni ana reasonaoi.. Job Printing. GATE CITT Printing Co., high grade print ing. $521 N. 24th. Phone wen, 167. Justices of the Peace. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 612 Paxton Blk. Red 7401 Notary Public ; deposition, steno. C. W. BRITT. 801 Barker Block. Osteopaths. Dr. Mary Andersen, 605 Bee Bldg. D. SB96. Patent Attorneys. H, A STURQIS, 6110 Biandels Th. D. 1469. Pension Attorneys. 1, Qqrdon, 769 Om. Nat. Bk. D. 2480. Pianos for Rent. $3.50 par mo. A. Hospo Co.. 1613 Douglas. Rug Manufacturers. FLUFF ruga from old carpets; rag rugs a specialty; cleaning and alterations. Peary Rug Factory, Z4,a cuming. tteq iia-. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, JUi S. 11th. D. $23, Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co., Tel. Doug. 644. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE ELImCTRIC; RENT, $1 AND $1.50 PER DAY. DOUGLAS 1760. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU have anything to trade, make up a little ad ana run it in tnis ooiumn ror seven days It only costs 26c and 8c per answer. This oner is good only in Omaha, and excludes Real Estate, cash offers, and Business ProDarttes For Sale or Trade. These, as well as mall orders for use of Swappers' Column, must pay regular rates. Ona or two answurs are sufficient- to make your trade and the whole trans action only costs about soo. Try it. GREATER Increase In PAID WANT-ADS In THE. BEK than in any other Omaha paper. $2,021 MORE PAID WANT-ADS first seven months 1916 over same period of 1916 Thla figure exceeds by 19,699 paid ads the Increase or any other Omaha pa per for the same period. CHALMERS 6-passenger touring car, In running order, to trads for building stons. building material, on an aora near Omaha or what you nave, car muat ns dis posed of at once, as 1 have no use for same. s. c. S3 6. Bee. A THOROUGHBRED Irish water spaniel nun. bred from high-grade atock; excel lent for hunting or watching. I will trade for poultry, an L. c. smith visiiua type writer, or Winch -star 12 -gauge repeating shotgun or what have you; Address- C. 13$, Bes. FOR SALE OR" TRADE Stanley steamer In good condition; want band saw and foot power mortleer. or will sell cheap xor casn, J. w. fiKe, Xbbt Camden Ave, 6x7 VIEW CAMERA, F. 6.3 Anastigmat lens, 11 dbl. plate holders, wide angle lens. developing and finishing outfit to trade for ,Vod 4x6 camera, a. O. 33., Bee. ADDING MACHINE- Burrough'a Addln, Machine, in first-class con a; Ion; will ex change for office furniture, pictures, bonds, or what have yoT S. C. $4e. WANTED to swap a new Cygnet rear for a side pleasure car or dull very car that win nt any make or motorcycle Box S. C. 419 Bee FOR SALE OR TRADE $36 bicycle with carbide gaa lamp; rklden only X months: will take (16, or what have you? Ad dress 8, C 170, Bea. SEPTEMBER SWAPPERS' COLUMN WANTED A valve trombone, llver plated; muat bo In good condition ana atanaara make; will trade lomethlnf or will buy. Box s. C. 241. A RADIANT baao burner In good condition for toola, gun or what nave your Aa drra, S C. 367. Bee. . PAINTER To paint a email houao in 8outh Omaha Have furniture, new mat ting, phonograph, a part payment 8. C. 364. ANY amount pf 32.650 worth of tock in Council Bluffa corporation to trade for late model. 6-paa. auto. Addreea Box S C. 64s. Fn.vn ,ttlr,r,rl free when prlnta aro or dered. one-day ajrvlce KABE muuiu, 213 Neville block, 16th and Harney. I tlivr-. nnmbr of virtor arid Colum bla recorda which I have tired of. Would like to awap for othere 8. C.-84 Bee. FOR TRADE I Marlon retort atove. either hard or oft coal; make offer anything I can uae Addreaa 8. C. 357. Bee. WILL exchange Mlnneapolla motorcycle. late model. In good repair, for diamond, worth $100. Box S. C. 418. CLEAR LOT FOR BIO CA'l, Will trade clear lot. Wet Farnara dletrlct for 7-paaaenger hlgb fi'da oar. S C. 343, Bee. A LITTLE AD In thla oolumn will bring about ome remarkable exenangea. TWIN cylinder Indian motorcycle. In good condition, will trade for hone. S. C. til. Beet BUSINESS CHANCES AUCTION SALE. At 20th and Farnam Streets, $10,000 Stock of Groceries and Fixtures To Be Sold at Public Auction Mondav. Sent. 25. at 2 D. m. Sharp. une or. me mon ...uuci v,ui,-, u -eery ator In Omaha to be sold lo (he highest tiidder in iota u suu purvnascisi. Wi t u r.a rni-.BlBl of : ..m- i,uo cush register; one 1260 cash reftister. One $u00 meat box. One 1600 cheese, butter and milk Icebox. nr. tiiflil chtMtee counter, marbta top. One f27fi Hohart electric coffee mill and One 226 U. 8, meat sneer, jrour maroie top meat counters. Three display counters. Tbraa comput ing scales. About 200 feet adjustable shelves with ladders; three floor plat glass show cases; one cashier office; on large Iron safe ; one elbow cigar case and many other articles too numerous to mention, together with a first class stock of gro ceries. Mr. Merchant: Don't fall to attend thla aala Monday, Sept. 26, at X p. oi. at 10th and Farnam Streets. Por further Information call Carl Katie man, Attorney, trustee, 416 Koellne Bldg. Phone Douglas 4H48, or JAMES L OOWD, AUCTIONEER. W. O. W. Bid. Phone Red 3286. MOVING PICTURE THEATERS. Western Iowa and Nebraska locations, exclusive houses, towns 1.600 to 2,300 ; guaranteed strictly money makers, ma chines, ( halts, screens, etc. new aud slightly usud. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Balrd Bldg. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Paying business, should net $400 monthly and Increase. Can uad -riell competitor 60 per cent, still giving splen did value. Experience unnecessary. $400 cash required. Well secured. No travel ing or canvassing. Business of merit. Mr. James, Hotel Loyal, 10 to 1 or i to 7. FOR "SALE-rGood, clean atock of hard ware, live 'town, central Nebraska. Good reason for setting. Be quick. Address Y 2fi7. Bee BEE WANT-ADS GAINED 19,599 MORE PAID ADSjthan any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven months 1916. Quod results at less cost la the reason why. FOR RENT A fine general store, location In Des Molnrs la. A 4-story brick build ing on a good business corner; about 30.000 square feet of floor space. Writs Y 606, Bee. j FOR SALE Drug 'store In a email Iowa town. Fine farming country. Will trade for land If right. Good proposition. Best of reasons for selling. Address Y 607, WANTED A good man to conduct a first- class cafs in the Savoy Hotel, win matte free rent to the right person. Call at hotel office. FOR SALE Two box ball alleys; 36 ft.; al- m nar now - nar-ttin 11 lateen ai once. Charles Maupln, 407 E. 6U St, North Platte, Neb. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on tsuscn A Horgnorr. 7;tU World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 2319. WE BUY. we sell motion picture theaters. machines, feature filma. co-operative Film and Supply Co., 210 Bromley Bldg, WILLIAMS, established 29 years To buy or sell business see him. 4ii Mcuague Bldg. Reference, U. 8. National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co.. Omaha, haa closed out more mdse. stocks tnan any other firm In Ut S. Write for terms. t MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies Omaha Film Exchange. 108 8. 14th St. FOR SALE by owner Drug store, dwelling and stock; square deal. Aaureas owner. 918 West 6.h Ave., Denver, Colo. FOR SALE OR RENT Blacksmith shop. If Interested inquire at ouce, Theo. u. Paschke, Hampton, Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. PHYISICAN and Surgeon. 36 years old, with hospital experience, specialised tn nervous, diseases, desires to locate in live city or town within 200 miles of Omaha; ten years' practice ; can furnish best refer ences. Address Box 6174. Bee. MARRIED man, 24 years rf age, wants po sition as c em in notei. wire as waitress life-time experience, clean-cut, A-l ref erence. No objection to small town. Ad dress J. M. D, TsL D. 2620. 1617 South 26th St. WANTED Position In office, , law pre ferred, by colloge graduate; age 24; good typist; two yrs. experience. Address Box 63-0. Bee. N COLLEGE student desires board and room In exchange for any work. Experienced in driving car or furnace work. Box .189, flee. WANTED Position In office by law atu- dent from 1 to 6 p. m. and Saturdays good typist. Address Box Bee. MAN and wife, no chtldven, wish woik on farm or ranch. Best references. Addreaa F. L-icfcwood, 1923 Leavenworth, upstairs. YOUNG man. 12. vIMlntst. A-l sight reader. desires conneotlon with orchestra, theater or other engagements. Tyler 1108. BOOKKEEPER, four years' experience, rte sires position. First class recommendations Harney 1706. YOUNG man employed as draughtsman would like tracings to do evenings. Bea, BOX WANTED Situation as porter or janitor, good reference. Call evenlnga. Web. 4459, Hotels and Restaurs... RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1610 Davenport SL Douglas 1666 Headquarters for hotel help. Miscellaneous. COLORED man and wife want positions in flat as Janitor and chambermaid or laun dress, with room. Phone Har. 6671, 112 So. 2Hth. E. J. Moore. Female. COMPETENT stenographer (notary) da- aires position, experienced In rea.1 astatar-4 Implement and insurance worn, rnone Red 8151. YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER, with expe rience, deslrea a permanent position; good reference. Address 'Box $63, Crawford, Neb. WANTED Position aa ofl'Lce girl in phy alclan's or dentist's office; nurse's train ing, experience and references. Red 6174, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Pobllo stenographer and uoiary public 607 Bee Bldg. Doug lxes. neaa. rates THE REE charge for "Situation ads' lowaa than any other form of advertising. not enough to cover the coat or printing WANTED Permanent position by expo enced lady bookkeeper. Harney 3498. FIRST-CLAPS chambermaid wishes poal tlon In city; colored. Web. 1171. WASH, Iron; take home,, go out. R. 5964. FOR practical nurse call 8. S31. Launury and Day Work. Bt'NDLR W;ishlng; piece work; lace cur tains; work guaiantd. weo. am. DAY work, cooking; col. lady. Web. 1171. LAUNDRY work and day work" Web. 3401 ?tl'NrDLE washing and day work. Web 19- FIRST-CLASS laundress by day. Web. 6017, 1916. SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry and DayWjjrk Bdle wash. call, del., guar. UEaJM:H1l Eperlenced lady wants dav worKn DAYworkwanto"d. .PhojLi.H;rJL!y''lll BUNDLE washing done. Harney 3103, HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. SHIPPING CLERK... ...176.00 ,..170.00 .. .875.00 ...165.00 . .1110.00 ...175.00 .. .1:6,00 . . .If.S.OO BOOKKEEPER .... BKKPR. (bonk) LKDGfiR CLERK... SALESMAN (autiio). SALK8MAN 'otlB)... STENOGRAPH KR .. PACKKR (furniture) i r rcwin .150.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 6HO sur, i, .-; ASSISTANT SHIPPING CLERK, goou poo- man, prefer man 25 to m year, oi .. .aiaPU .i.n IK5. rood chance for ad vancement. Western Reference A Bond Ah'd.. Inc.. 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg WE have THIRTY-FOUR openings to be filled at once Call and see us .nu cil. ING fee, only 60 cent to Investigate re ferences. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1327 W. O. W. Building. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, wholesale -house; want young man with ambition to develop into an executive position; ..i.ir to begin, ,70. Box kzou, umana pee. EXPERIENCED ledger clerk, wholesale, $65 Western Reference Bond AsH'n., Inc., 762 Omaha National Bank BuUdtngJ sfBN6T,"'76.V ste'no." $60.;" typ.ot. $40; of fice clerk, $40, file elk., $35. WATTS REF. CO., 840 Brandela Thea. BOOKKEEPER, some stenosrayhy. $35-Jl0i Western Reference & Bond Assn., Inc., 762 Omaha National Bank B dg. EXEPER1ENCED grocery clerk; references required Box 6211. Beej Professions and Trades. WANTED Mia: -class shoemaker a do re pair work; must be ei ad and sober teadv emDloymr-riL and good wasa to th right man. Addrtes if. F. Tully, Grand Island, Neb. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATES. (!0-OPERATIVB REFERENCE CO.. Nebraska's Greatest Employment Ilureau KU5-16 City National BanK HUH;. vniiNr. man. Midv law. EVENING down town Ht.ss.urw9. univcnoui OMAHA law department. Sec'y Thom sen, 406 Omaha National Bank. WANTED MANUFACTURING JEWELER OR REPAIR MAN. KEN NAN at UVttt HOLDT. S26 BRANDEIS BLDG. CARPENTEilS, Iowa, 40c per hour, inside factory work, steady; learn trade. Ray mond's Labor Agency, 111 Douglas Bt. WANTED Pianist for moving picture thra ter. Call at Boulevard theater between $ a. m and 4 pm. 8306 Leavenworth St. WANTED Experienced presser and bushel man at once. Good wages. Address Cher okee Dry Cleaning Wo ka. Cherokee, la. MECHANIC wanted to work In garage Just completed. Address Homer McClurs. R lul'llc. Kas SHOWCARD writing taught evgs by work tng expert, complete for $10. Address Box 452, Bee. ANTED G'iod ba-ber at once. No stu dent. 14 fciurantoe. S. P. Varney. Antt- ley. Neb. SHOEMAKER wanted, good salary. at once. Wideawake, 62Z a. mm. SIX good rarpenters for counter work. Her man KOcn, Miliar-, neu. EXPERIENCED second baker. Welch a commissary, 1406 Douglas. DRUG store snaps; Jobs. Knelst, Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. THB ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTAW- ICA CORPORATION needs a rew high-grade salesmen to work on leads, both tn the city and to travel. To salesmen of other lines seeking work we can say that four-fifths of ' our successful men are men who had never sold books before. We particularly want men who ara not only good salesmen, but who ,have sufficient executive ability to handle other men. Those who qual ify tn this respect will receive ex tremely rapid promotion to positions in a permanent organisation which will pay them far more than la paid by the average salesman. If you are a real salesman regard less of what tine you have been In or are now selling, come In and talk it over with us. We train you thoroughly. Commission and draw ing account. Call 546 Ramge Bldg. HIGH-GRADE SOLICITORS Wanted In Saunders, Dodge, Burt and Sarpy oounttes by prominent LIFE INSURANCE ASS'N. Liberal conlracta to parties who can pro duce business. Men with automobiles pre ferred. Good proposition tor HA1U TOR NADO and ACCIDENT MEN. Address Y-698 Bee. WANTED First-class solicitors; good moti ey to right partlea. LeRoy OH Lot Co., 1606 Howard St. Room i. WANTED 4 good live solicitors, good prop osition to right men. Apply at 629 Bee Bldg. STOCK and boi.d salesman STAN DAM SEC. A INV CO, 1017 W O W B STOCK SALESMEN wanted. Inquire Sioux City Tire and Mfg. Co.. Sioux City, la. SALESMEN Big monty for business get ters, call at 1017 w. u. w. mag. Boys. WANTED Boys, over 16, In our bottling de partment. Willow Springs Distillery, 4th and Pierce Sta. BOYS wanted to learn trade; muat be 16 years of age. Gordon-Law leas Co., 8th and Dodge. OR 3 BOYS Steady work, good pay. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. WANTED Pin setters at once. Crescent Bowling Ass'n, Lincoln, Neb. BOY with wheel wanted. Teddy Bear Clean ers, 1908 Harney St. WANTED An office boy at Ralph Prlnt- lng Co. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBfcR COLLEGE Largest In the U 8. Earn expenses while attending by our plan. Positions guar anteed Special summer rates Writs for Illustrated catiogue or cell In persou. lis tf. 14th St., Omaha. Neb i Established h auto mechanics, earn bio money. Never Idle Big Domand. Easy to I .earn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO .'RAINING ASSN IS 17 N, 20th bl., Omaha Send fur Free Catalogue. GOOD MEN WANTED To learn auto work for the many po atttons now open. Fine training work in auto and electric starting s stem AWbRlCAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2063 Farnam. Omaha, Nb, LEARN barbur trade; be Independent, moro than ma Ke your expenses wnne learning Wages or percentage We won't over charge you to begin; 1402 Dodge St. TRI-CITY BARBER COLL-GE. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF 1 HE UNITED STATES. MK.N n AMTEn Abls-ltodu'd unma.-rid men undtr age of 35; cttlsena of United States of good character and temperate nanus, rhu ran sneak, read and write the Eng dsn iiuguage l-or infoimation apply to Hccruitl'.g Officer. Amu Biug . loth aod Dodae rfts . Omnhs. Neu . UO N "'n a Llmoln, Neb.. 2 4th St.. Sioux City Iowa. 207 ittb Ave.. Dee lloHiea Iowa A FEW MEN Common school education, good nay. no canvassing, write vvm. j. bilk, West Liberty, la. WAN1 LT Namos of ambitious men, 18 to tv wiahlns? to become umana man car riers Commence, $67 month. Address Y 690, Bee. WANTED Young men as railway mall FiMks: 176 iter month, sanvle elimina tion questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 2.1 R, Rochester. N. Y FaTMERS. ATTENTION We furnish real farm hai.d free of charge Write or phone Square Em ployment Agcy.. 209 8.13th, Omaha. Neb. $76.00 MONTH -Government jobs. Men and women want?. lisi or. poeiuune outm, free- Franklin Institute, lpt. 221 8. Rochester, N. Y. w a NT wn-Experienced freight handlers. Union Pacific Freight House, 9th and Jackson Ss MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at once; report at Lincoln WANTED-epJaaancM or Korean boy. 8. 15th. Dr. F. O. Beclt 2709 WANTED Boy to deliver grocer tea. tenell Groi-cry 10 -UI.N, 1 teaiusler; woik all winter. South 23. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS wanted in every town for uay kerosene burners, for cook rangea " lr McL.. 1007 Leavenworth. Umana HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WAJ-TED EXPERIENCED CASHIERS AND WRAPPERS; PERMANENT POSI TIONS AND GOOD BALARHC3. APPLY SUPT. BKANDEIS STORES. ASST. BOOKKEEPER $3.00 OFFICE CLERK lo-n. uv COMPTOMETER OPR $45.00 STENOGRAPHER (boglnner) $35 00 STENOGRAPHER $50.00 HOUSEKEEPER ( hr-tl ) . . . 340 B. and R, THE CANO AGENCY. 000 BEE BLDG. STENO. and bkkpr., $65-$76; steno., $60; steno. and bkkpr., 4&-&o; steno., do; It-dger clerk, $50; compt. opr., $50; mult, $40. WATTS REF. CO., B40 Brandela Thea. AN experienced bl I Hirr-ftlej-k to do aome stenograhy, $56-$t6. Western nererence Bond Assn., Inc., 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. WANTCD S topograph er for abatraeM ofriL-e, Must write plain lgiote nana Permanent posUlon. Apply to E. F Rob- Innon HrirMngtoit, Neb STENOGRAPHER and telegrapher, $76. Western Reference & Bond Ass n.. ino. 752 Omaha National Bank Building. Professions and Trades. WANTED Exoerienced white maid. Boquet Hotei 15th adHowar4 WANTED Experienced maKe.r ai uacy Tremalne .Millinery. 1H::3 Farnam, WOMAN to cut and sw under garments Ap ply 69 B'--e Bldg Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED A lady to take charge of a crew of lady solicitors ; one who has had ex perience and la familiar with crew work; good salary and a permanent position. Apply at Bi'ddeo'a. 1417 Douglas. W A NTED Experienced , help. Orkln Bros. coat and aklrt Household and Domestic; WANTED Competent maid for general housework. Harney 6256. Mra. W. W. Rlchardnnn. EXPERIENCED general girl, white pre ferred, where laundress Is kept; good ref- e ences. Harney 6$14. , WANTED Cook at St. Rita Hall. Residence for girls and business women. Doug. 6206. WANTED--GIri for general housework; 4 In family; 17 per week. 140 No. S3d St. WANTED White girl for housework, small family. 3022 Pacific St. Harney 633. WANTED Competent cook. Mra. H, F. Davla, 62S So. 20th. Hotels and Restaurants. 50 EXPERIENCED waitresses, 25 exper ienced chambermaids. Apply, 302 Black' stone Hotel. WANTED Cook In small country town. N. 19th. Doug. 8366. Miscellaneous. WANTED Young women aged 17 to 21. with common school education, erffcl sight and hearing, for cal and long dls lance telephone wo k Apply to C. F Lambert. 117 Douglas St. WANTtiD 50 girls lo work In cracker fac tory. Apply at 7 a, m. Loose Wiles Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davenport. A YOUNG gtrl, 16, to take care of small children at the Creche. 1236 South 7th. Douglas 6621. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES POLLFGH. DAY SCHOOL NIGH'l UCHOOL Every day la enrollment day Book keening, ahorthand, stanotvps, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service all commercial and English brancnea. catalogue ire. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglaa 1566. 19th and Harney Sta VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS, Second Fluor Omaha National Bank Bids. Entrance.. 220. Douglaa au. Musical. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS. 1511 Dodge. EuroDean systems modernized and Amer icanised riOigralifylngreaulta. D. 8471, Harp Limited number pupils accepted com- Ins season, early applications favored Harps fur. Loral ta Da Lone, 806 Lyrlo Bid PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. B. It Tarry ores piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writs for book on rso tal dlseaaea with testimonials. DR. EL R. TARRY. 140 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. THE Salvation Army Industrial home au- Unit your old doming, run.ltur, maga Blnos. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. 1J 1 T DTT 1 T TJ Successfully treated with IVUI 1 UXiJ-Jfjut a surgical operation. Call or wrlto Dr Frank H Wray. 306 bee Bldg NEW HAMILTON CAFE New Management. Home-Cooked Meals. Mod. prices. Hamilton Apls..24th & Farnam. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium "Baths of a. I kinds, massage and chiropody. 210-214 Balrd ,Blk ., Uth and Dougias D. 2463. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW Di-LlCATESdh.N, lb Ob FARNAM MAE B RUG MAN, M. T. Scientific nwBfuae hatha. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. CORSETS made to order Prices $3.60 to $20.00. Expert nttlng Nu-Bone Corset Shop. Brandela Thea Lobby, D 4:196 MlS 1. L lA Bath snd massage. Ii: Far nam it.. Zd floor I'hone uoug. 3410 A PRIVATE maternity home, 4416 N 38tb Si. Phone co Iran 2042. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. So 2 Da vidua Blk Flione Douglaa 8751. LU1 I. LA WEBSTER, maHst-usi. 51s Paxton Blk.. 10 a m to b p m D. 8227 fcCIENTTFIC massage 620 Bet l.ituirUs 672. Fi'lt 1-uHi advice .-all Don u In Mann u-i.iK ii i id mans ltiktJ Farnam Rm 19 MISSCLARK. nJcurngTy2er 2232. Miss Lee. VaanaKR 1802 Far St Rm. No 2 FURNACES cleaned. $1, Central Tin Shop FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS If jou fail to find the room yoa desks' among tht-se sda. csll at The Pee oifice for s R'-nm List Gives fyrnplet detailed dwrlptiv i of va cant rooms in all parts o' (he vtty if more convenient phon. The Bee A'ani Ad Uept, and give your name and addreaa and a list win oe mailed to you at once New lists are Issued every wuek. l Furnished Rootps. FOR GENTLEMEN Choice location, on car line; home strictly modern; rent reason able, or would oe gisa to nave student and allow part room rent ror light work. Walnut 1837. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN ONLY nn NORTH 17TH ST BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with at cove, suitable for two gentlemen or two employed ladles. Harney 6293. FOUR furnished rooms, $1 per week; also other strictly modern rooms at $2.60 and 63 per week. :oia n. mn st. CHICAGO 35 10 In private b me. largo south 'ront room with alcove, also eld loom LARGE front room, twin brd, private en trance, excellent car service. Call H. 4737. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ROOMS- $? per week; rlso rooms with k'tchenetlBS. Ogden Hotel, i ouncn aiuum, COMFORTABLE, close-in south front room In modern home. m. LARGE, well-furnlshed front room in pri vate home , modern. Call Harney I.Si. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, private ba l h If desired. 21ZI uougias. uoua NICE room in new, modern Hanacom park home for 2 gentlemen. Harney 4206. 1 LARGE sleeping room, all modern con veniences. Tel. Harney oo,. 2063 FARNAM Nicely furnished room, ngax In town top floor right Doug- Housekeeping Rooms. 110 8 2tUhAve. Modern furnished house keeping rooms, free gas, laundry prlvt legus; one sleei Ing roum Harney tl$ 546 S. HiiTH ST.. uutj uf three unfurnished "fiouse keeping rooms; gas. steam heat. Douglwj 31- etecuiolty. Z ROOMS fur light housekeeping, with pantry and closet, complete; modern Harney 6264 2902 DODGE CLEAN. NICELY FURNISH ED MODERN HOUSEKEEPING Kouaia, 2 BASEMENT rooms for light housekeeping. very reasonable. Doug. 2440. 1611 H6WARDrVodert."bouaekeeplng rma. Board and Rooms. NICELY furnished cosy""room. one or IwS gentlemen; home privileges, excellent board, with private family. Call Colfax 829 PARK Ave. 2 elegantly furnished front rooms with board, suitable for 4 or gentlemen. Ha ney 1875. Unfurnished Rooms. MODERN unfurnished rooms, heal, light and telephone; walking dlaiauva; reason- aole. Hartley 6264. Rioms WanttM TWO or three housekeeping rooms wanteti for two months, Oct. and .Nov must bh VERY GOOD AND CONVENIENT TO FARNAM SCHOOL. Prefer something m private family. References. Address 6420. Omaha Bee. YOIT PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOI'S. CAM THE BEE WANT-AD DEFT at 3 H id M!I all about the FURNISH El ROOM UUH'ol It's s plan that Is belpiug mil) peopis rent their rooms FOR RENTFURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. SPLENDID. NEW. Pl'RNISHBD. TRAVERTON P1RKPROOP I4TH AND LAN DON COURT Catering to people of refined taatM Apartment completely equipped fo housekeeping, up-to-dute and coo fortabl. TRAVER BROS. Tel Doug 6.e VU6 Omaha Nat Rank. Or Call Web 4136 1118 VINTON 3 large well-f urnished room. pantry and gaa range; private entrance! good location! 13 par week. Phone Red 6387. Houses. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT. 2103 Lothron St.. rooms 1 year lease. per month fev.vo 2102 South 33-d St., 10 rooms. I to 6 months tease, per month , fo.os GEORGE & COMPANY. Pnon D. 761. 108 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. HOUSE'S for .rent, walking dlatanoe. 8 and 7 rooma. Plrat Trust company, v. 1161 FOR RENT HOUSES West. HEAT AN TANITOR SERVICE 1 N1SHED. Beautiful, new brick residence, eight rooma. modern throughout, 4102 Farnam atreet. Large living room, sun room and dining room, kitchen, vestibules and re frigerator room on first floor. Built-in bookcases, china closet, cupboards; dining room - beautifully finished and lighted. Three bedrooms, sun room and tile bath room; built-in wardrobe and large clothes closets on second floor. Large, dry base ment. two store rooms, laundry equip ment. This house waa built for a home by the owner. The appointments are exceptional ly fine and convenient. Open for Inapao tion Sunday, from 2 to t p. tn. For particulars call Walsh Bros. Co.. Tyler 632, at 1317-18 city National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. 1 blk. to car, east front, nice lot, fine location. Near school. Splendid condition, nicely dec orated electric lights, gas, two fins bed rooms and bath. Will rent to good party for $11.60. Can be seen any evening. Phone Benson 123. Take Benson car, get off at 6 1st, coma south to No. 280S. TRULLINGER. FOR RENT 7-room and sleeping porch la best part of Dundee. ,' HIATT CO., ' 246 Omaha Nat, Bank. Tyler 60. 6-ROOM house, modern, 3664 Howard St, $36; small cottage, 3560 Howard, $16. In quire at 3654 Howard St. 8-ROOM 2 baths. West Farnam dlstrloL $46.00. Phone Doug. 2947. $ 2 6, 7 -r. ho use. A Iso 4-r., $16. Cloae In. Apply 1646 Capitol Ave. North. NO. 3220 BURT ST. 7 rooms; bat Water heat; large lawn; half block Cram oar Let us show you thla. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1636. Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam. 1516 GRANT ST 7-r conm., modern. ts T. F Hall. 43.1 Ramge Bldg Doug i40 NlNb.-ROO.kl modern house near high school, $46.00. Q. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. South. FOR RENT Ten-room, all modern house at 3017 Pacific St.; newly painted and papered throughout and In fins condition. Call 1202 City Nat Bank Bldg., or Phono D. 3132. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except fur nace; goon location on car line. South east corner South 32d Ave. and Geld St. $16.00. FOR RENT All modern; bath, furnace. electric light; 6-room house, 1710 Deer Park Blvd. Phone Tyler 2376 W $20.00. FOUR big rooms, water, gas and eleotria light, $12. Douglas 7581, 6-R. house with bath. 16U Dorcas SL Miscellansovs WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 4-r, 3401 Maple St 6-r 1718 California St MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6-r., 2904 Saratoga St 6- r., 1819 North 27th St 7- r., 270b Keward St .$ 9.09 . 16.00 .$20 00 . 16 00 . 12.50 BTHIUILT MUUUKN. 6-r., 4313 Seward St. (A good de tained house newly deroH'd throughout, la a good rend ce section) . .$30 .00 6- r.. 341 1' Francis St 35 00 7- 1 , 3C07 No. 30th St, (A choice cottage, with garage In rear) 2 rt6 8- r., 3901 No l.th 8t 30 00 H-r.. '-2: Park Ave. Close In), re duced to 26 Oft 5- r. 1721 Park Ave. (A good brick dwelling newly d"i-o-atd through out, choice rcsid-.,e auction) ... 35.00 6- r.. 3716 Lincoln Ulvd (A good u tached house In very choice resi dence section) 40.00 FLATS, l-i., 711 No. 10th SI 3C 00 WE HAVE OTH.-.R.4. SEE OCR COM PLETE LIST BKFORE RENV1NG. PORTER SHOTWELL, 201 Bo. 17th St. Doug. 6011. FOR RENT T rooms, with sleeping porch and sun room, mantel and grate, hardwood finish, polished floors, tiled bath room and every convenience. Exceptionally fine view, quiet neighborhood $50. 5 -room modern bri k. In nice condition. Walking distance 122. J. H. DUMONT ft CO., 414-18 Keellno Bldg. Phone Doug. 490. $ 7.60 4-r. cottage in rear 2222 N. 20th St. $26.00 6-r. bungalow, all mod., 2223 Clark. H. A WOLF, 614 Ware Blk. Dourlaa I Of!. M.'l'Sfcb roR KBN't CRE1-.H SONS A CO. 60S P.KR Bl.lKl IM'L'U IS, Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtus in Advertising. 4