Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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IPersonal Gossip -: Society Notes : Woman's Work : Household Topics
3 f
By MELLIFICIA September 21.
I- Omaha society's latest cultural in
2 West is Spanish. French, the lan-
ft guage ui uipiuniais, ucmg uiuv .v
a' share in popularity with graceful
Hispaniole. Miss Lucile, Bacon, who
I will leave Omaha to enter Washing
ii ton social circles this winter as the
1 bride of Walter Scott Penfield, has
' been an .enthusiastic student of the
Ci-lanffuace for some time. Leu me
je whisper secretly that soon Miss Ba-
,con will tiave neea jorvner unowi
J :dge, because a member of the Latin-
American diplomatic corps will be
oest man at the Penfield-Bacon wed
ding. '
jj; Mrs. Howard Baldrige, who an-
nounced Miss Bacon's engagement
r it a eharmins luncheon this summer.
r is another interested student of Span-
r ish. Miss Margaret Greer Baum,
S who will be another member of the
wedding party, is also taking lessons
L 5n Spanish.
Ri Affairs for Miss Bacon will begin
Einext week.: Mrs. Arthur M. Pinto
Will ClllCl l uil.lisvil ... ..
Now Come the Small Muff and the Circular Cape
honor Monday. On Wednesday
Mrs. 1. W. Griffith will give a lunch
k son lor ncr inu siiumcr uajr ucai
L week Mrs. Charles T. Kountze will
u ae-nosicsa ai a luntiicun bi iici uumc,
.' vwltn Miss Bacon as me nonor gucsi.
At Happy Hollow UUD. : .
! Mrs. E. H. Barrett save a lunch-
boil at the club this afternoon. Dec
orations were of pink and lavender
asters. Those present were:
: Maadamaa Maadamaa
I. H. Hlthaiv , H. Krani.
M. Shlrl.y. I. C. Wood. I
a. A. McDarraott, Mary Furay.
if. B. Colman. .
Mrs. F. J. Jumper entertained at
luncheon at the club today. Asters
were used on the table, Ihose pres
lent were!
I Vfllimi ' Maadamaa
M. K, Haarmann. W. O. Nlcholaon, ,
S. P. Boyar, , J. T. Kelly.
if. J. Healy, Katharlna lBart
t. A. Alaxandar,
Mrs. W. C Ross entertained the
members of the Tuesday Bridge
Luncheon club at luncheon at the
xiaDov Hollow club todav. A center
piece of zinneas and asters was used
bn the table. Mrs. .Edward KnaDD
Vt a guest of the club. Those pres
ent were: ,
Maadamaa Maadamaa
rtalph Emaraon, J. J. Davla,
w. H. Abbott. Alloa Ellaworth.
X. R. liorarland. C. K. Smith,
p. Shrank. Rodman Brown.
IV. Toiialln, " B. Z Ron. ,
I MIm Hall Janaa.
Mrs; R. P. Hamilton had as her
jguests at luncheon at 1 o'clock today:
r Maadamaa Muadamea
!. H. Cola, U L Hamlin, i
U. P. Crummar, Joaaph Crow,
blara Fowl.r, . B. A. Blum,
f Mlu Edith Hamilton. ,
Mrs. F?R. Straight entertained at
uncheon at the club today. Shasta
laisies were used on the table. After
uncheon the club members played
mction bridge. Those present were:
AUulamtl Maidamua
I. W Loomla, , Qaorae Bryaoit,
1. a Baars, , -Walta Srititar,
V. W. Hoyt, ' A. B. Soman.
V. W. MeBrlda, t '
Mrs.' E. R. Perfect had fourteen
;uests at luncheon today. Among
hem were two out-of-town guests,
Mrs. E. P. Hovey of Lincoln and Mrs.
ohn Pullman of Nogales, Ariz., who
a visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
peorge M. Ribbel. Ward roses were
ised on the table.
A Dutch treat nartv will be Riven at
he Harvest home dinner at the club
his evening. Those in the party will
at i
Advice to Lovelorn
"Wnltlnt: for Man."
Dear MIbs Faii fax: I am , 20 and hav
been going out for two and a hallNyeari
with a man of 23 years, who Ifl much in lov
with me and who wishes to mar. y me. He
ii good natured, ambltloua, and I care for
htm very much, but he is not In a poaUlon
flnanrlally to support a wife and may not
he for two or three yt-ais. He objects
st'rrnusly to my going out with other men,
but I think I should go out and enjoy life
while I'm young. I have explained to blm,
but he Insists that I should not go out
with other men, and says that I do not
care for him if I have Intentions of going
with other men, which I do not want to
make him believe. J-1-
I can understand that you do not want
to make yourself conspicuous by going about
entirely with a young man who la not In a
position to marry you. A great many girls
lt tike circumstances do go out with other
men. But I feel that If one mrfn Is occu
pying your heart. It Is mercenary and cold
iiKioflfd to go about with other men merely
i '.civ sc they - can buy you social dlver-s'i--ri
e-id protect yo'u from gneslp. I think
imchf muTiimise by going about occa
sionally I;- :a'-ii'-9. but I honestly cannot
Ma how h girl who loves one man can find
vny pleasu -r in going out with othera. Wait
ing for a man Is not easy for a girl. And
r am not a bi-lievei; In long engagements,
however, the question of long engagements
;s a personal matter which every girl
muat settle fo herself. Waiting Is no eas
ier for him thnn for you, and If you care
for him unaeliishly you ought to lighted his
-a ?
Broad-minded indeed in its attitude toward fashion is
the stole above, Jut it isn't by itself in that; there will be
many stoles quite as generous to keep it company. This
one is of ermine, stopped from gfling to even greater lengths
by a row of ermine tails on each end. The muff is of the
new oval "cantaloupe type, and, in common with other new
arrivals, it is trimmed on the lower side with ermine tails.
Furs, even .without their usual summer hibernation,
come out with all sorts of new ideas about fur physiology.
The muff above, of moleskin and ermine, has a fringe of
ermine tails across its apron, and was so generous with
itself little seemed left to make a collar, so the moleskin
neckpiece has to be very close to make ends meet. The
brown velvet hat has a jet dragon to guard the crown.
Capes made tentative littie monies at the mode this
winter, and fashion encouraged them with bits of favor
until she trapped them as neatly as the hunter trapped the
animal to make this Kolinsky cape. So now fashion makes
the most of her catch, and capes will be admitted this win-ter-,in
all the best circles. This very handsome Kolinsky
cape at the right is an especially good circle which falls
almost to the elbows.
(Wrtrude Aiken,
tIorothy Bingham. '
Florence Montgomery
of CMoago, ,
Frank Helby,
- Wlllard Slabaugh, -Taylor
Belcher, ,
Uarjorle Foot,
ttjjth labaugh
xfa Engler,
Jary Morris,
?.l Holland,
ftoorg EngletV
. B. Montgomery
j The Eldcen club took luncheon at
Hnllow c!ub todav. " "-'
I Reservations have beeen made for
i;ht harvest home dinner this evening
by J. B; Porter, W. E. Palmatier,. C.
9. Sadler. W. R. McKarland, James
1 4 y a
L nf T7 n f xi
twuiiamson, vv . r.
Holliday, J. I. Yates, W. C Rosa,
hve: Morris Brown, E. A. Benson, A.
C. Parcose, Guy Liggett, W. L. Selby,
Seven j P. F. Peterson, ixi Thomas
'Ztr'Ynd' Mrs. C. H. Walrath' will
ntertain at dinner at the club this
tvening. A large basket of asters
rill decorate the table. . Those pres
et will be:
Maaara. and Meadamaa '
laoraa Mlckak 4hn Adnma,
rinlar Oomba. C. B walratn.
Wank Adatna, Dr.1 and Mra. In B.
b. C. rt-lir. Portar. ;
j. Xfr. and Mra. Chester Nieman will
have as their guests this evening:
pr. ana aira. jonn mac. i
Mr. and Mra. r., A. nauaer. ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gunther and
ir. and Mrs. J. E. Pulver will each
iiave eight guests at the club this.
Dale Auction Bridge Club,
f Mrs. I. F. Buriress was hostess for
the Dale Auction Bridge club Tues
day. Mrs. W. Barnum was the guest
bf the club. Mra. J. B. Fradenberg
Jnade high score.
for Mrs. Bryan.
Mrs. William Jennings Bryan will
fe thei guest ot honor at a tea given
this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the
Slotel Fontenelle by her hostess, Dr.
V. H. Callfas. The guests will be
he wives of visiting physicians. Mrs.
iiiryan win De tne guest oi ut. uau-
tas during her stay in tne city. .
tinner for Bridal Attendant
Miss Henrietta Gilmore will give
Jinnitf at IWnnv Vfnllnur rlllh TneB.
Uay evening complimentary to Miss
kielen Jackson of Westfield, N. J.,
tier roommate at Wellesley college,
(who cornea to be an attendant at the
imarriage of Miss Gilmore and Mr.
Lloyd Mattson, October 11.
.Surprise Party.
I Mr. James Moore was surprised by
forty-three of his friends Tuesday
fevenina: in honor M his nineteenth
birthday. Music, games and dancing
(occupied the evening. ,
On the Calendar.
I In honor cf Lieutenant and Mrs.
Sjohn Pullman of Nogales, Ariz., who
ire visiting Mra. Pullman's parents,
Mr.' and Mrs. George M. Ribbel
from September 4 to the middle of
October, numerous affairs are beinc
planned. Mrs. Kibbel will entertain
tor her daughter at luncheon at the
Country club Saturday. Sunday a mo
tor picnic, which will include parties
in seven motors, will go to Valley or
Elk City. Next Wednesday Mrs. Rib
bel will entertain for Mrs. Pullman at
luncheon at the Fontenelle.
Will Present Diamond Medal to
Contest Winner at Conven
tion Tonight. - '
Peraonal Mention.
Miss Marioric Barrett, who is a
graduate of St. Mary's at Notre Dame.
111., will leave next Wednesday even
ing to do graduate work at bmitli
college. She expects to obtain the
degree of M. A. in the English de
partment there.
Mrs. Morris Meyer and Mr. and
Mrs. H. L. Goldstone and son mo
tored back from ' Grand Island
Mrs.' Mamie C. Claflin of Univer
sity Plaie was re-elected president
of the Nebraska Women's Christian
Temperance union at the state con
vention, in session at the First Chris
tian church. Sentiment seeems to be
in favor of a re-election of most of
the present officers.
Mrs. William Jennings Bryan, who
is a delegate from Lancaster county,
made a brief talk, i Mrs. Bryan has
been interested in the prohibition
movement since she was a girl of 16
and presented the diamond medal
to the contest winner at last even
ing's session of the convention.
, Mrs. Ella A. Boole of Brooklyn,
national vice president, talked on
means of raising money. Mrs. Boor?
left at noorf alter being entertained
for several days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Flack.
A resolution, tabled yesterday,
pledging each union for $1 per capita
for state work, was this morning re
considered and passed.
Delegates Named.
Equal Franchise society delegates
to the state suffrage convention,
which will be held in Hastings Octo
ber 2-4, were appointed by the president,-
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf, as follows
Mesdames E. M. Fairfield, C. , H.
Johannes, Z. T. Lindscy, Edward
Burke, James Richardson, E. W.
Gunther. Halleck Rose. C. W. Russell
rand Mary Carmack. Mrs. Metcalf is
a delegate by virtue ot her oltice.
The Political Equality league has
not completed its list of delegates,
but the president, Mrs. F. D. Wead,
and Mrs. Myrtle Kelly will attend.
Days When the Friend is Dearest
"What do you think of Mrs. X?" a
young lady friend asked me the other
day, and I replied that I considered
Mrs. X a very nice woman. Isn't it
the ordinary thing to say of people
if you have no objection to them?
But she wasn't satisfied.
"No; but what do you think of her,
really?" she asked.
She is a young lady who can be
very serious at time, and now, when
I looked at her, I read something in
her eyes that told me she was ask
ing me a serious question. She was
in earnest about Mrs. X. Her ques
tion was one of those that suddenly
load one with a responsibility as to
how one answers them. They are
abominably disagreeable if you can't
say much in favor of the person in
quired about. Fortunately, I felt
none of that embarrassment now.
"Mrs. X is one of the best women,
and one of the truest and wisest I
ever knew," I answered.
. She gave a big sigh of relief nd
her face brightened. The little cloud
of anxiety.had passed away from it.
"I am so glad," she cried. ' I like
her myself, and somehow somehow
I thought she might be a friend. One
gets to know such a lot of people,
doesn't one? But there's something
something with many of them that
"That closes vour lips when vou
would like to speak about the things
that are of importance and dearest to
vour I broke in as she stammered.
She nodded her head
The person to whom one can speak
about such matters is a rarity how
rare we discover the longer we live.
Early in life we flatter ourselves we
shall make hosts of friends who will
'e intensely interested in us. Even
f they haven't the sense to be so. we
ell ourselves that we cannot do with
out them.
A friend of Sir Charles Russell, the
celebrated lord chief justice, told me
that upon one occasion, when he
heard someone sing a song about the
famous miller who used to boast, "I
care for nobody and nobody cares for
me," and whistled his independence
Sir Charles expressed the opinion
that that miller was one of the most
Research Club Lectures.
Father William Livingston. S. J..
will direct the Research club's work
for the coming year. The opening
lecture of Father Livingston's series
will be given at St. Berchman s acad
emy the third Sunday in October.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
I Wilbur Haynes, 832 Georgia ave
nue, is entertaining Lester Stephens,
a former frat brother at the University
of Nebraska, now in the sophomore
year at the Annapolis Naval academy.
Child Conservation League.
The Child Conservation league will
meet Monday afternoon with Mrs.
Miles Greenleaf. Programs for the
year will be given out by the commit
tee, which consists of Mrs. Allen
White, Mrs. N. K. Spye and Mrs.
I. H. Arey.
At the Country Club.
Small luncheon parties at the Coun
try club today were given by Mrs.
J. C. Kennedy, H. O. Edwards and
Art Scribner.
Saturday A. J. Coolie will have a
party of ten, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. C,
Johnson will have fourteen and Gen
eral Harries will have ten guests.
p- Mrs. C, F. Weller entertained a
luncheon party of seventeen at the
club today. Mra. George il. Uarr had
eight in her party.
Wedding Announcement, ,
News- has just been received here
that Mr. John W. Agncw of this
city is in Syracuse, Ind., where he will
wed Miss Jesse Callandir.
?ra --
lJUT J 1
I riJ""" """"" ILL! "" . " -1 '1 1
Lobster a La Francaise I
lunatic mortals he had ever heard of.
"But perhaps a good many of us
are like that at one time of our lives,"
he added. "We find out what foois
we have been later."
We are meant to care for somebody
and that somebody should care for us.
The solitary person-goes mad and the
lonely heart withers in bitterness.
Sympathy is a necessity of our nature
and we discover it in time. In the
meantime, though we scrape along
pretty well without much of it. The
merely "nice" person suffices during
days when the sun is shining and all
is well; and it is astonishing how
"nice" some people can be, isn't it?
Christie Murray once went to din
ner at the house of a friend who had
a wife extraordinarily skilled in con
fectionery, the blot upon the din
ner was that she had paid so much
attention to the cakes that she had
forgotten the meat and potatoes. It
was not a satisfactory meal tor a per
son with an appetite. It left, Murray
declared, "a yearning for something."
There are times when we lack actual
sincerity and honesty, and when the
mere jam of niceness won't do, "just
as well." In times of stress we would,
as school boys say, "swop" a good
many of our nicest acquaintances for
one sincere friend for one with
whom we can exchange confidences
and sympathy. Could not we help
them, and could not they help us?
For underneath the appearance of
mere niceness men and women are, as
Mark Twain remarked, queer things
more real and better than they ap
pear on the surface. Most people
would not for the world allow you
to suspect that they are halt as
"roubled as they really are, or thai
they are half as capable of feelir for
others as they are.
Many are, with regard to the con
cealment of their troubles much like
two old diplomatists of whom I once
heard DeBlowitz, the great Journalist,
tell the story. They were it meet at a
eception and each resolved it was
nost important to impress the other
Each squeezed himself into the mos)
imposing uniform he possessed. It
was horribly uncomfortable, but it
'lad to be done. Then they met. They
stood engaged in conversation for
over half an hour, and neither would
confess to the other that he was dying
tj sit down. In the end they parted
to seek their carriages, and went
home to bed to recover. Each was a
martyr to gout, and neither would
confess it. They reviled one another
bitterly afterward.
Ask for and Get
36 A Rteift Book Frtt
You have looked forward with an
ticipation to the diy when you cou'd
be the proud possessor of a sparklins
diamond. Turn thst anticipation ints
REALIZATION. No need to wait until
you have laid by enough. Get your
wished-for diamond now. Your credit
is food with
Diamonds on Credit. Eight months'
time to piy. The payment so easy
the most modest Mry can meet
them. Your ered't la good with us.
tome In and use It.
No. 659
T.rm.: ' W )
ftf Finest quality Diamond, perfect
in cui ana iuii oi iierj Dru nancy,
ik solid gold
mounting. Spe
cially nrieed at
Terras, 5 a Montn
W carry a most complete assort
tnent of Emblem Charms, Buttons,
Ptns and King) fur all Fraternal
Organizations. Prices and terms to
puit any purse.
Open duly tJl 8 p. m. 5ats. till 9:30
Call or write for illustrated catalog
No. 903. Phone Douglas 1444 and
salesman will call with articles desired
4MS.IMII St. Omaha
"This Is the
Kind I Want!"
"Mother tried all brands,
she hnomt which is best
know how to get good,
wholesome baitings every
bale-day how to savt
Bak ng Powder money
avoid bake-day sorrows.
"She likes the wonderful
leavening strength fine
raising qualities absolute
purity great economy of
"Don't think the Baking
Powder younow use is best.
Try Calumet once" 6nd
out what reobakings are."
Recafod Hlrliaat Awards
New Cook Bock tree
Set Slip in Pound Can
f For Women, Lexington. Mo.
An AraKtd Jmior Collnra. Knu CltT'i MP
BLilvNCE. Exceptional fscultj. Low tuition with
PraaMaal. la euia !., Laalnctoa, aj,'
Druggist Says -
Black-Draught Best
M. R. Blowers, druggist, of South Creek, N. C, writes this letter: "I hav
been afflicted for many years and have tried many aorta or kinds of L.edt
cine for Indigestion, but the Black-Draught excels all medicines 1 evei
tried. I went to using your medicines when I ate anything it would soap
teel as though I were loaded down with rocks in my stomach . . . After
using your preparation my stomach feels like a new one." If you Buffer from
Indigestion, from a stomach that seems "loaded down with rocks" aftei
meals, this druggist's experience must carry conviction of the merit of this
purely vegetable preparation, Thedford's Black-Draught. Mr. Flowers used
many remedies and then says: "Black-Draught excels any 1 have evei
tried." Why don't you try it? At all druggiata 25 cents a package. S-2J
Unbeatable EScterminator
nf Rata.Mlee and BuaS v
Used the Vvbrid Over - Used by K.S.Oovemmit
The Old Reliable Thmt Never frl's ISc.3Se.Af Drut; gists
This shell fish, if it has been cooked
alive, as it ought to be, will have a
stiffness in the tail, which, if gently
raised, will return with a spring. In
order to be good, lobsters should be
weighty for their bulk; if light they
will be watery, and those of the me
dium size are always the best. .They
should be broad across the tail. In
boiling lobsters, the appearance of
the shell will be much improved by
rubbing over a little butter or olive
oil on 'being immediately taken from
the pot.
Take one boiled lobster, separate
the body from the tail, break off the
great claws and crack them at the
joints without injuring the meat and
split the tail in halves. Pick the meat
from the sheel and cut it up into small
pieces; put in four tablespoonfuls of
while stock, two tablespoonfuls of
cream and pounded mase and cayenne
to taste into a stewpan, add the lob
ster and let it simmer gently for six
minutes. Serve it in the shell, which
must be nicety cleaned, and (tarnish
with parsley and lemon quarters.
A Brannew Beverage
Omaha Beverage Company
6002 to 6016 South 30th Street
Phone South 1267.