Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Erfaraa at Omika wnrtorfie aacond-claaa alattar.
By Carrier
par month.
Dally at gniy s....
Dully aritkout S-rMar ....
Ercnlnt art Gunrtay 4Se..I.
Evrnina Hthat Sunday..... a
Bnhflay tniy
By Mall
par rr
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bally and StiiKlay Ba. tw yaara hj advance. I10.W
Bmi notice of ch.nae f adrlray at Irreaularity is aa-
llrery to oana Bee. Clrenlwtion ifepartmenu
a..u v. .. aMHaa Mat! mmIm Onlrtafit atamtia
Uttan in payment of .mall aeaonnta
a . i .1 .L
UUen in payment M email aeeonnre rmmi ...--.
ecept on Omxha and eaetem eaehanae. not aeeeptea
Omaha The Bee Building
own Omh 211 N atreat.
Council Bluff 14 North Main atrott.
Lincoln 21 t.Mtlc Bulldlnf.
Chloaao Bin People'a (la, Bulldlnf.
Nc York- Boom KM, I Fifth aeemie.
Bt. .brala-lt) New Bank of Oommeraa.
Whinton 78H Fourteenth etreet. H w
AdMi aommunieatlon. relatmt to ewe and aaltoftal
matter to Omuhe Be EdWortal Penartment
55,755 DrilySunday 51,048
Dwlahl Wllllame alreulatloti manatee at The Bea
PnbMiklaa aomriny. Mna duly eworn. aaya that the
averaae circulation for the month of Auiuat. ISIS, waa
Gi.7fiS dally, 'nd 11. 14 Sunday.
ypWI0HT WILLIAMS. Clreulatlon Manager.
Sueeenled to my presence and aworn to before ma
thte Id day of September, t ft 1 J.
BOBF.RT HNTE. NoUry Pnhlla.
Sub.erlWT ! lb Umperarllf
ahoilM ha- Tho Bm aaallaj Id than, A4
draat will b tkaafaS aa aft aa rnulrxl
No polities whatever In th land bink location
but still we won't know wher it lands until
after election.
British Tommies calf the armored tractors
"tanks." The title establishes Peoria's inventive
skill all right. . '
Announcement is made of s secret compact
against war between Norway and Sweden. The
added postscript delicately warns the Danes
their not 1n It. .
- Diplomats of the allies think the retalia
tory legislation of congress is useless. That
depends on whether the administration has
enough sand to put the punch over.
Isn't It s trifle brash to have the question of
republican campaign contributions raised by the
mouthpiece of any democratic candidate who ia
hlmseU financed by wet-goods aourcea?
Picture the reunion of the formerly divided
repuMicaa elements any way you please, it does
not alter the fact of reunion which stares our
fearsome democratic friends In the face.
'. i .: V . t.'' "
t "America over all" The motto of Mr. Hughes,
flashed st Milwaukee, tersely embraces the is
sue Jl Americanism. In brevity, clearness and
force It outweighs reams of democratic plati
tudes. . r;., ' , ' ' ' '.
': William M, Calder easily captured the sens
tership prize id the New York primaries. Others
in the ract showed great sprinting powers, but
to Caldef felt the honor of bringing home the
Nearly $30,000,000 were contribated by Ameri
cans to the various funds for the relief of the
victims of war. The record is flattering to nt
tionu pride a pride . chastened with gratitude
for the means to give and readiness to give it.
!:' the British government is said to be negotiat
ing loan of $200,060,000 In Japan. Remember
ing how the Londan bankers accommodated Japan
. during the war with Russia, the "Yankees of the
east" will reciprocate if possible and recoup them
selves for the London squeeie with Interest to
date. Trust the Japt to get all the traffic will
', 1
Disastrous floods in China and In Bohemia
involve thousands of lives and property loss of
immense value. In normal times these disasters
would eall forth worldwide sympathy and sue
cbf. But the world, surfeited with human
slaughter and property destruction wrought by
men, makes tittle more than passing note of na
ture's ravages. , Man's destructive rage over
shadows nature.
; Right at the threshold of the demand coat
dealers dowh east received over night a wireless
hunch of a shortage in output, and prices Were
lifted several notches. Uncertain labor condi
tions and "unsatisfactory transportation facilities"
supplement the shortage hunch. These and minor
reasons are put forth in justification of the rising
markat, but they might have been expressed with
' greater candor in just four words: "We need the
Value of Autumn Leaves
-Cleveland Plata-Dealer.-
Hearing on tht Land Bank.
Omaha will be host today to Secretary of
the Treasury McAdoo and members of the Land
Bank board, seeking first-hand information as
to the possible locations for the twelve banks
that are to be set up nnder the new law. The
interesting feature of the proceedings, viewed
from ahead, is that the visitors wilt be brought
into contact with a number of representative
farmers, men who are to be most directly affected
by the existence of the institution. Local business
men and bankers, loan agents and others will
have their say, and will present reasons for lo
cating one of the twelve banks at Omaha. Aside
from the admitted business advantages of the
city, its intimate relations with the farmer and
stock raiser are more extensive than are gen
erally realized. Testimony along this line should
not fail to give to the secretary of treasury and
his associates a better understanding of the real
importance of Omaha as a market town, and con
sequently as headquarters for any government in
stitution that is to deal directly with farmers.
This will be the outstanding point in today's proceedings.
' Soon the leaves will be falling rapidly. Lawns
will be littered and flower beds covered. The
wind will carry the leaves in eddies into pro
tected corners. The householder with his rake
and barrow prepares to go forth to protect the
sanctity of his premises.
But these leaves are more than rubbish. They
are part of nature's balance. Nature ia returning
to the earth some of the substance the has been
extracting all the spring and summer. The man
with the rake disturbs the equilibrium, and must
buy fertilizer to enrich the soil lest it become
impoverished and fail to produce; he cannot be
expected to let the leaves cover hit lawn and
remain there all winter.
He makes a mistake, however, if he destroys
the leaves that he rakes up and wheels away.
These leaves should be saved. A professor at
the New York State College of Forestry at SjTa
cuse has been making some calculations in this
direction. He finds that more than s million
pounds of excellent fertilizer ia destroyed an
nually in that state alone by the burning of
leaves from forest and shade trees.
It it an aspect of natural conservation that
is too often ignored. Nature hat established in
every bit of forest, from the wood lot up to the
great forests of the Adirondacks, says the Syra
cuse professor, well-organized factory for the
production of fertilizer. It turna out milliona
of pounds. Destruction of this great store of
material is short-Sighted and highy wasteful.
- The situation is one which concerns prae
, tically everyone. Every household has at least
tome contact with the leaf problem. He should
realize that the bonfire of fallen leaves, so fa
miliar an aspect of the urban landscape on
autumn evenings, spells waste. ,
' Poett love to sing the praises of the highly
. colored foliage of October. It remains for some
practical person to urge the value of these same
many-colored leaves after they have fallen and
are ready to do their share toward reptenthing
he soil of mother earth.
V ;' '- ' " ,i'5' :'-
Two Laws That Are Miabrandcd.
Legislation enacted in haste and under duress
by the democrata just before the adjournment of
congress has engendered a great deal of discus
sion. As political medicine, thc Adamson rail
road bill and the law intended to retaliate against
the British interference with American trade are
splendid examples, but at laws doing what they
purport to do they amount to nothing. The Ad
amson law will not establish the eight-hour day
for railroad men, either in fact or in principle.
This it now generally admitted by the labor lead
en, who realize what thould have been apparent
at the first, that the measure it so framed that it
leaves' the working hours just as they now are.
The Cleveland Citizen, a labor paper of high
standing, says, referring to thit law: "It lookt as
though the railwaymen have been whlpsawed
again by legal aharps and politicians who try to
carry water on both thouldera."
The law Intended 'to provide for retaliation is
equally short of the mark. The European pow
ers affected by it agree that it means nothing to
them and the State department at Washington it
in doubt aa to whether its provisions could be
enforced. The secretary of atate saya the presi
dent "may invoke just as much or as little of
the authority vetted in him at he deemt best."
Experience with Mr. Wilton's foreign policy
leads to the conclusion that he wilt be very
wary at to how he proceeds in the matter of pro
tecting rights of American citizens. It ia not
likety that, even for political purposes, he will
make any move that will sincerely tend to the
Improvement of the status of our foreign trade,
which is steadily coming more and more under
the control of Great Britain,
The people of the United States are begin
ning to realise that laws passed, as were these,
without debate or consideration of any sort, can
not ierv the purpose for which they were pla
carded. The real motive was to make political
capital, but even this it turning into s boomerang
In its effect. '
Cut In Ocean Freight Kates. ,
A reduction of almost half in the ocean freight
on wheat may be simply directed to the end of
Stimulating ah export movement of wheat. This
conclusion hardly teems warranted, though, be
cause no appreciable diminution of shipments hat
been noted. It may be accounted for on an
other basis. For tome time a stacking off has
been reported in the Atlantic carrying trade, the
demand for tonnage being much less now than it
waa a year ago. Several ships, transferred during
the great rush, have been returned to the Pacific
trade, where business it much livelier than it
waa a year ago. Ocean freight rates have reached
an all but prohibitive mark, the charge! on ship
ments to South America being quite on a level
with thote to Europe, a general advance up to
300 to 400 per cent above peace timet. If the
lowering of the wheat rate presages a general
reduction It will be reflected in th price in due
time, for it it a world-market propotition and the
produce hat to take the supply and demand quota
tion with the carrying charge deducted.
What the El Pato Parade Should Mean.
Twenty-lix thoutand United Statet soldiers,
the largest number save one that ever paraded,
passed in review at El Paso, and the enthusias
tic reporter tells us that "not a gun sling nor
a hat cord was missing." This commentary it
indeed proof that the time tpent in camp dur
ing the summer has not been wasted. It indi
cates that the inspector hat been on duty, and
hat Impressed the importance of dress parade
on the mindt of officers and men alike. If
we may be given assurance alto that other bitt
Of military science and knowledge have been
as carefully instilled' and as completely assimi
lated, it will comfort us to know that at least
we have half of a single army corps ready for
actual military service,
The El Paso parade hat s deeper sig
nificance. It should terve to further emphasize
the unreadiness of the United States for the ser
ious business ot national defente. In connec
tion with other experiences along the Mexican
border during the tummer, it thould drive home
the' seed for better provision for the proper train
ing of the men of the United States for the
highest possible duty of citizenship, that of the
defente of our free institution! against any possi
ble danger. We may no longer delude ourselves
with the impossibility of war; nor will we be
wite to accept the sanguine statement of Secre
tary of War Baker that the present war in
Europe is the? last that will ever be fought. Uni
versal peace between the races of men is de
voutly to be wished, but no sign that it is im
minent has yet been noted by those who arc
guided by experience.
In preparing for defense we are but getting
ready for peace. Just now our unreadiness is
subjecting us to such treatment at no other great
nation in all the world's history has borne with
out resentment. Mr. Baker's speech at St. Louis
is in harmony with the wobbly attitude of the
administration on thit vital question; the parade
at El Paso typifies both the condition and the
possibilities of our defente. The only question
to be determined is how much longer will Ameri
cans indifferently rest in fancied security under
the real danger that follows their situation.
Much of the comment on the blackmail revela
tions hold the Mann act responsible for the hold
ups. Blackmail thrived before the law waa
drafted, and it likely to continue regardless of
law so long as unwary victims can he lured
into compromising situations.
Bull Markets
-Wall Street Jei
The criterion as to the ability of the banks
to carry a rising stock market is whether or not
credit is extended in business lines the country
over. In this connection the relation between
bank loans and deposits is frequently considered.
If loans are running ahead of deposits it is com
mon to regard the situation as extended. But
this comparison, taken alone, is not always a sat
isfactory basis of reasoning. The large capital
accounts of the banks today may enable them
safely to employ more than the amount of de
posits in loans. The ratio of bank reserves to de
posits is a better indication of potential expan
sion. Thote who lay stress upon the position of
bank loam and deposits as re'ated to bull mar
kets may derive some interest from the sub
joined figures, setting forth the individual de
posits, loans and surplus reserves reported by
the national banks at about this season in certain
of the last twenty years which bear particular
reference to bull movements (ooo omitted):
Deposits. I oans.
$8,143,000 $7679 000
6,76Z,10O 6.7MbtW
3 820 600
2,508 200
1,853 300
I 597,800
6 400 700
4 678.500
3 998 500
3 0'8 6urt
2 066 700
55 200
252 500
299 200
lune 30. tDeficit
It will be seen that on former occasions loans
have throughout been ahead of deposits, even at
the inception of a bull movement. Not until we
come to the present time do we notice the
striking ascendency of deposits over loans. Ac
cording to the last national bank report, depos
its Hand nearly $500,000,000 ahead of loam.
But much more can we gather in this respect
from the reserve position of the banks. The bull
market that started on the McKinley victory in
1896, although marked by excess loans, was 'ir
ried through into the expansion that character
ized the opening of the century with relatively
strong reserves. When we come to the extended
situation, beginning with 1905 and culminating in
1907, we see how close the bankt were working
then to their reserves.
A glance suffices to show the different situa
tion today. In spite of a two billion increase in
deposits over two years, against an increase of a
little over a million dollars in loans, the banks
have a surplus reserve, over and above their re
quirements, of $800,000,000. If we discount the
pyramiding of reserves that is always involved in
the national bank figures, there are still the bil
lions of potential expansion provided by the
federal reserve act, a new and cheaper money
which was non-existent in former years.
We have used up some billions of credit in
the last two years, for the absorption of foreign
liquidated securitiet and in foreign loans. But
there are billiona more of credit available which
cannot be uted up in many years to come. That
the stock market it now calling into use some of
thit credit it because of the exceptional situation
growing out of the war, the almost fabulout earn
ings of certain industrial enterprises and the
wondrous ttream of gold to these shores. There
is danger, of course, of a bull movement being
carried too far, like the swing of a pendulum.
But s check will undoubtedly be administered
upon the advent of peace. And of that there is
no lign at present.
Wastefulness in Charity
-Plttaburfh Dispatch.-
An Interesting question as to the value to the
community in general of organized charity has
been raised by Judge Henry Neil of Chicago,
known as the "Father of the Mother's Pension
System." At the close of an investigation which
has taken him across the country eight times
and during which he hat made sn exhaustive
study of the workings of charity in many placet,
the judge declare! that organized charity, at he
has observed it, does not relieve poverty to any
appreciable extent; that It has a tendency to
perpetuate charity and poverty; that it has be
come the sixth largest private business in the
country, Hvith a closely-knit machinery not unlike
a political organization; and that it has been
the steadfast enemy of the mothers' pension law
and has promoted legislation that keeps destitute
mothers and children in distress.
This is a rather serious arraignment of a form
of philanthropy which the country has been told
during recent years was the only sane and suc
cessful method of relieving the poor. It hat been
argued on behalf of organized charity that it
prevented duplication of benefactions and conse
quently did away with a lot of waste. Efficiency
in discovering the real facts in cases of" distress
and so handling the relief that it did the greatest
good to the greatest number has been pointed to
as one of the principal reasons why the support
of the philanthropically inclined should be forth
coming. Yet here comes Judge Neil, who pre
sumably is acquainted with his subject, and de
clares without qualification that the system is
wasteful and inefficient; that it has no construc
tive social plan and that its result is really to
cripple the self-respect of those it is supposed
to serve.
Nebraska Editors
The Wood River Interests, O. M. Quacken
bush, editor, appeared in a brand new dress last
The Semi-Weekly Sheridan County Re
publican of Gordon will henceforth appear as a
The stork left a fine baby boy at the home
of Editor C. E. Jones of the Summerfield Sun
on September 7.
Editor George A. Miles of the Holt County
Independent last week issued a handsomely illus
trated twenty-four page iindustrial edition.
County Judge T. J. Ashby of Minden has
purchased the Orleans Isser from Frank P.
Shields. The name of the paper will be changed
to the Orleans Chronicle, ludee Ashbv has em-
ployed Arthur V. Shaffer, former editor of the
Alma Kecora, to edit ana manage tne Chronicle
until he retires from office.
Alfred C. Hsmer, for more than thirty
years editor of papers at Red Cloud, died at his
Ute home last week. Mr. Hosmer retired from
active work a few months ago and sought to
recuperate his failing health in California. The
change of climate failed to benefit him and he
returned to Nebraska about a month ago.
People and Events
A St. Louis millionaire left his son $300,000
on condition that he remain on the water wagon
for five years. Performing the task in St. Louis
comet perilously near, "cruel and unusual pun
ishment" Edward P. Ripley, who has declared an inten
tion to test the constitutionality of the new fed
eral eight-hour taw in the supreme court of the
United States, has been president of the Atchison,
Topeka & Santa Fe railway for the last twenty
years. He began his career as a clerk in a Boston
railroad office in 1869.
A veteran litigant of Brooklyn, Josiah J.
White, is dead st the age of 76. White was
happiest when in court, not because he loved
the court or the judges, but because he relished
legal technicalities as a means of freezing out or
beating his opponents. His manner of express
ing contempt tor judges rendering adverse rul
iiiKS consisted in biting hia thumb, and so fre-
I q ntly was the operation performed that digit
j resembled a chronic aore thumb.
Thought Nugget for the Day.
Censure is the tax a man pays to
the public for being em.nent.
Jonathan Swift,
One Year Ago Today In the War.
New Auetro-Oerman army cannon
aded entire northern Serb frontier.
French aeropianes dropped 100
bombs on royal palace and station at
Germans captured Ostrow, but bulk
of Russian army in Vnna salient es
caped. ,
Germans claimed capture of nearly
two miles of the Russian front south
east of Dvmsk.
Bulgaria signed ''armed neutrality"
agreement with Turkey, and concen
trated army on frontier.
In Omaha Thirty oars Ago.
A new social club was formed by a
number of young men, who met at
the Millard hotel. The officers e.e.ted
were Charles Beindorff, president;
John Meisner, vice president; George
Sternsdorff, secretary, and William
Newhall, treasurer.
The well known market located at
S14 South Fifteenth is now in the
hands of Albert WesseM, who for
years past has been head salesman at
the Dodge street market of Harris &
Cuff Redfteld, the 18-year-old son
of Joseph Redfteld, fell off his father's
house, at the corner of Tenth and
Bancroft, and brcke his arm.
A schoolhouse la flew In course of
erection near Hanscom park and the
school board has selected a site for
another, of large proportions, in
Bong s & Hill's Omaha View.
Cadet Taylor, business manauer of
the Republican under the new regime,
has arrived In the city.
Mies Nina Martin, formerly of the
force of lady clerks In the cour.Jy
clerk's office, has accepted a position
In the cdurt accountant's office. Union
Parlflc railroad headquarters.
The Metropolitan club has elected
officers for the ensuing year as fol
lows: President, ti. Cberfelder; vice
president, Adolph Meyer; treasurer,
Dave Kaufman, and secretary, . J.
Mr. and Mr. Abraham Lucas cel
ebrated their fortieth wedd ng anni
versary. A large number of friends
were present and the Rev. C. W. Sav
Idge made a fitting speech.
This Day In History.
1776 Nathan Hale was executed
as a spy at New York by order of
General .Howe.
1798 Marshall P. Wilder, who pre
sided at the first national agricultural
convention held in this country, born
at Rlngge, N. H. Died in Boston, De
cember 16, 1886.
1816 Phlletua 8awyer, pioneer
Wisconsin lumberman and United
States senator, born at Turland, Vt,
D ed at Oshkosh, Wis., March 29,
1862 General McClelland, In com
mand of the Army of the Potomac,
occupied Harper's Ferry.
1891 The ceded Indian lands in
Oklahoma were opened to settlement
by proclamation of President Harri
son. 188 The emperor of China made
a forced abdication in favor of the
dowag-er empress.
1906 Atlanta waa placed under
martial law as a result of anti-negro
1912 A typhoon awept Japan,
causing many deaths and 120,000,000
property less.
The Day We Celebrate.
Emerson Benedict, contractor, 18
years old today. He was born In
Princeton. III., and was a member of
the legislature from this county for
one term.
Dr. John C. Davis, physician and
surgeon, was born September 22,
1855. at Brldgeton, N. J. He came to
Omaha in 1878 and has practiced
medicine here continuously since
Major General Hugh L. Scott, chief
of staff of the United States army,
born at Danville, Ky 68 years' ago
Abdul Hamid, 2d, who reigned for
more than fifty years as sultan of Tur
key, until deposed In 1909, born seventy-four
years ago today.
Prince Miguel of Rraganza. who
married Miss Anita Stewart of New
York, born at Richenau, lower Aus
tria, thirty-eight years ago today.
Guy Bates Post, one of the well
known actors of the American stage,
born at Seattle, Wash., forty-one
years ago today.
James P. WalBh, outfielder of the
Beaton American league base ball
team, born In Ireland twenty-eight
years ago today.
Timely Jottings and Reminder.
Rev. J. Ross Stevenson, president,
will deliver the annual address today
at the beginning of the one hundred
and fifth session ot Princeton Theo
logical seminary.
An official party, headed by Gover
nor Burnqulst, is to attend the dedica
tion of a Minnesota soldiers' monu
ment today at Little Rock, Ark.
Leaving Richmond at 7:30 o'clock
this morning. Charles B. Hughes will
swing back through northern Indiana, his day's Itinerary at
South Bend.
The federal government is to con
duct examinations In all the larger
cities today for lumber experts, who
are wanted for the important work of
fluding out what the United States'
opportunities are of selling lumber
In Europe when peace is restored.
Kennett Square, Chester county,
Pa., the home of Bayard Taylor, is
to hold an elaborate pageant today n
celebration of the fiftieth anniversary
of the publication of the famous au
thor's historical novel, ."The Story of
Kennett," the main characters of
which were drawn from people who
lived In or near the town, and mmy
of whose descenuanta are still living
Storiette of the Day.
A lawyer tells this story of himself
and hia efforts to correct the manners
of his office boy. One morning the
young autocrat came into the office,
and, tossing hia cap at a hook, ex
claimed: "Say, Mr. Jones, there's a ball game
down at the park today, andsl'm go
ing." The lawyer 'thought he would teach
him a lessen.
"Harry," he said, "that isn t the
way to ask a favor. Now, you come
ever here and sit down, and I II show
you how to do It" '
The bi.y took the office chair, and
hia emp.oyer picked up the cap and
stepped outside. He then opened the
door scftly, and, holding the cap in
hia hand, said quietly to the boy in
the chair:
"Please, sir, there Is a bill game at
the park trday. If you can spare me,
I would like to get away for the aft
ernoon." . ...
Whereupon the boy replied:
"Why, certainly, Harry, and here Is
60 centa to pay your way In." New
York Time.
Ttic Presidents Responsibility.
Omaha, Sept. 21. To the Editor of
The Bee: In an editorial cn the
"Shame of Watchful Waiting" in to
day a Bee you say, "Of course the
president had cognizance of what was
going on in Mexico, for he had access
to the reports made to the State de
partment" In this statement have you not
shie, ded the president from the great
er part of hia responsibility by stating
on'y 1 per cent of the truth?
in addition to the State department
information, available In full to the
president every hour of the day, did
not the president send his own "per
se nal representative" to Mexico, time
and time again, for Investigation and
It would be highly educational at
this time fur The Bee to remind us in
detail of the incursions of "personal
representatives" of the president into
Mexit o with a view of
whether the president could have pos
sibly been ignorar t of the murder and
rapine of American cltliens in Mexico,
known, as it was, from day to day for
a period tf more than three years by
every reading citizen of the United
States. Yours for the whole truth,
Wants Kt. Present Pool' ion Known.
Strrmsburg. Neb., Sept, 20. To the
Editor of The Bee: Ycu did me a
gross injustire recently In running a
news item which charged me with
favoring an Increase of farm tele
phone rates. The quotation frcm my
brief In the Polk county telephone
case was considerably garbled. It
left out the preposition set out In
large type immediately preceding the
quoted matter, which was as follows:
"The commission erred in dismissing
the complaint In that the new rate
approved by the commission discrimi
nates unjustly against the respondent
nnd the users of business telephones."
The brief did not contain a word fa
voring the increase of any rate and
was directed altogether against doing
Aa to my position In the matter I
think that the farmers are paying
high enough rates for the party line
service they receive, as a rule, and too
high in some capes that I know of.
Slabaugh and E. A. Benton borrowed
the same from a bank for the com- K
mittee. The dally papers oi inoee
, ... a.,..-., anlonriiri aid to the work.
Among those who worked hardest to
make tne piaygrouna a nucceoe waa
Miss E. K. .HcCarty, secretary of tno
Omaha Improvement club. George
Sugarman, then a lad and now an at-.
torney. was one of the most enthusias
tic bocsterB In the Juvenile city and
its first mayor. The Woman's club, by
Its generous donations, was a great
help. There were other loyal men
and women who worked hard and
gave liberally to promote the move
ment In Its early years, but it was
found that the work without muni
cipal aid was too burdensome, and it
was turned over to other capable and
loyal persons, but they found the same
to be true.
If playgrounds are good things, a
municipality should operate them, and
with su h authority and the money to
pay for service, they will best succeed
as Is demonstrated by the splendid
ccnditU n of the work I Omaha to
day. Although we are far behind
some cities, yet that fact is because
the people of our city do not yet see
the value of the playground, and
therefore do not give sufficient support
to those having it in charge.
Origin of Playground Movement.
Omaha, Sept 21. To the Editor of
The Bee: A writer in your Letter
Box speaks of the origin of the Play
ground Movement in Omaha. The
origin of any movement is generally
interesting, although the moat impor
tant thing is what is being done at
The Playground Movement, as I
understand it, really began in Omaha
in the fall of 1902. W. W. Slabaugh
then president of the Omaha Im
provement club, as a delegate from
the Woman's club of Omaha that fall
attended the Naticnal Improvement
association at St. Paul, and on his re
turn reported m the progress of the
playground movement in various cities
of the United States and especially
the advance work in Louisville, Ky., as
told by a delegate from that city. He
urged that the work be taken up In
Omaha. The next year a committee
on playgrounds was appointed as one
of the committees of the club. It was
found difficult to find any person who
would take charge of the work.
Finally in about the year 1904 Mrs.
Harriett Heller was asked to take the
chairmanship of that committee, but
feeling that she could not take up the
burden, asked her husband, Frank
Heller, to report that fact to the club
at Its next meeting, then held In the
park board rooms of the city hall.
After Mr. Heller had reported that
fact, he was aeked to take the chair
manship. In a day or so thereafter
he accepted the place and to him
more than to anyone else is due the
splendid work and success of the play
ground movement that followed for
two or three years thereafter. The
writer recalls the fact that Mr. Heller
on his way down to report that this
wife could not assume the responsi
bility had a serious bicycle accident,
but escaped sufficiently to attend the
meeting, and was told that a man that
could pass through such an accident
would make a good playground super
intendent. Mr. Heller, I believe, had
charge of the work until his death. He
spared no time In the work, and many
will recall the playground at the
northeast corner of Twentieth and
Harney streets in 1904, 1905 and 1906.
A juvenile city was also formed
with various officers all the way from
mayor to police judge and policeman.
Equipment nf many kinds was pro
vided on the playground. Many
things were given by the merchants of
Omaha and work donated by loyal
citizens. In a crude way nearly every
thing was provided that was found in
the playgrounds of the larger cities.
A superintendent was later hired from
Chicago, and if the mc.ney was not
on hand for his payment W. W.
Center Shot Cartoons.
Omaha, Sept. 21. To the Editor of
The Bee: 1 see a "subscriber" asks
you to open your heart and renew the
"Jigt?s comic." I also ask that you
open your heart. The series Is no bet
ter than Powell's cartoons. Opinions
differ as to humor, but It seems impos
sible for two differing opinions in re
rani to these two artists, yet I know
there are such opinions, or some car
toons wouldn't be published.
906 North Forty-ninth Street.
Note This Dissent.
Auburn, Neb., Sept. 20. To ,the
Fditor of The Bee: Will you be so
kind as to allow me spare to suggest
that the learned Dr. T. Wupper of the
Martin Luther seminary of Lincoln
has certainly gotten the horse before
the cart when he declares: "It Is easy
for men to err unless they allow their
reascn to be guided by the word of
God." Can it possibly be otherwise
than true that it is impossible for men
to avoid erring unless they mpk rea
son their guide while reading or at
tempting to impart Instruction from
Bible pages or passages? Can men.
without employing God's reason reach
rational conclusions while trying to
depend on the words, lines, para
graphs or chapters written by God
only knows for what purpose or by
whom written? J. H. DUNDaS.
"I'm surprlBAd to hear of Maud being; en
gaged to Mr. G&yman. He'i bo awfully
fast, you know."
'Oh, I' don't know; apparently he wasn't
fait enough to get away from Maud.'
Botton Transcript.
"A-u-t-o-c-r-a-c-y," spelled Tommy, read
Ina; aloud. After a pause, he pronounced
it triumphantly, "Autocrasy."
And he wondered why hia father laughed.
Chicago Herald.
"What did you do with your stock of con
vention medala ? I thought you wer
'Ho dtd I. But I sold the entire lot to
a Fouth American general who Is getting
ready to start a revolution somewhere."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
HOW CAW! our
3 -M
Willis I wonder If there will over ba
universal peace?
amis Sure. All they've got to do la to
get the natloni to agree that In case of
war the winner pays the pension. Dallas
"A farmer when he putt up wire, fences
around his truck stuff to keep the cattle
f om destroying It, pursues methods en
tirely dlftrrent from other business ons."
"How eo?''
"He keei s his trade by closing out his
entire stock." -Baltimore American. (
A Scotch farmer, on hearing that the
minister was making munitions on week
days, remarked: "Munitions made by min
isters are of no use: theV haVe hen mak
ing them all the week during the past ! 000"
years ana nnng mem ri tne ae u o nun
days, and he's aye to the fore yet." Bos
ton Transcript.
He had complained Jealously that she
had too many other young men around.
"The Idea!" she laughed. "Why, I can
count them all on the Angers of my left
hand. The Index finger Is Mr. Smart, the
second finger Is Mr. Balder, and the third
fingec of my left hand the third finger ia
Next day he got a ring for It. New York.
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Prompt deliveries to any
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