IB THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1916. LIVE ST0CK MARKET Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Off and Slow Lambs Very ' Slow and Some Lower, HOGS TWENTY CENTS DOWN - ' Omaha, Sept 11, WIS. " fteee.pt were: Cattle Hon Sneep Official Monday 17.TM .70 M61 Official Tueaday 11.711 s.001 26 Official Wedneeday... T.MT t.tlt 3t,0t7 EUllmata Thursday.... 1,600 MOO 38.000 . Four daya this wk.. 46.007 N.IJT 1IMS3 Bama daya laat week. 36, 331 tMM 117,tT4 Bimi daya I wka. afo.16.i0 M Barn daya I wka. afo.Sl.l&l 17.30 111.618 Kama daya 4 wka. ao.J7.40 21,692 27,044 Bama daya laat year.. 18,401 10,226 141.662 Receipts and dlapoilttOD of llva stock at th Union Stock yarda. Omaha, Nab., (or 'twenty-four houra ending at 2 o'clock Sep tember 21, lilt. RECEIPTS. ' v" Cattla. Hoia. Bhsep-HVa. .C, M. A St, P 2 6 Wabash 1 Ulaaoarl Pacific . . 1 Union Paclflo .... 27 16 72 C. N. W., east.. 22 1 C. N. W., weat.. 48 24 1 O, St. P. M. O. 4 2 1 1 C, B. Q.. eaat.M 1,6 C, B. wait. .117 '17 20 C, R. J. at P., aaat 3 2 .. C, R. I. 4 P., weat 1,3 Illinois NCentral 1 : Tout racalpta ..342 72 36 1 DISPOSITION. Morrto A Co.-... 864 741 I.SftT Swift and Company ...1,134 1.314 4.332 Cudahy Packing Co.... 467 1,644 1,323 Armour ft Co. 1,812 1,426 2,861 Bchwarti ft Co. 67 J. W. Murphy Xorrtll 1 Lincoln Packing Co. .. 33 South Om. Packing Co. - 23 toor Packing Co 101 Armour, Xonvar 1.088 W. B. Vanaant Co 307 Benton, Vanaant ft Lush lit -P. B. Lew la 167 J. B. Root ft CO. 247 , J. H, Bulla 76 L.-F. Huaa 103 Poaenatock Broa. ...... 62 Y. O. Kallogg 100 Werthslmer A Uagen ., 200 H. F. Hamilton 117 . 8u III van . Broa. 24 Rothschild A Kraba ... 130 M.'ft K. Calf Co,., 117 ..... ...... Christie 73 Illgglna 1 . Huffman t, I Roth 13 Meyers '. 8 .. .... 'Qlasabarg II Bannar Bros. ,...,., 18 .... ...... John Harvey .......... 460 Dannuf ft Francis ..... 1 ..... ...... Klina r. 43 ..... Jensen ft Lungren .... 61 ..... Other Buyers ......... .1,361 13,260 Totals ...1,200 1,217 17,731 Cattia Receipts this morning ware large for Thursday, 368 cara being reported. There were more cattla at this point than st any other market today and the re ceipts for ths four daya foot up 46,000 head, being ths largeat of any week thua far this year and larger than for the cor responding week A year ago hy over 2,000 head. The trade was naturally little slow, buyers being In no great harry to All or- : dero with so many cattle from which to make aelectlona. For that reason the fore noon was pretty well advanced before much business had been transacted. Prlcea ranged all the way from steady to lOo or mora lower than yesterday. Quotations on cattle; Good to eholoa beeves, 210.O0wl0.86j fair to good beeves. 88.00O10.00; common to fair beeves, 36.760 8.001 good to choice grass beeves, 97.76$ 8,38; fait to good grass beeves, 7.26e7.7. good to choice heifers, lt.7647.26; good to choice cows 18 808)1.08; fair to good cowa, - 3.662.60i common to fair cowa, 34,60 Its; good to choice feeders, 97.3601.32; fair to good feeders, 96.8607.86, oommo.i to fair faedeas, tf.9Q6M.lt; good to choice stockers, 97.2607.76; stock heifers, 98 000 f.26; stock cowa, 92.80 0 6.80; atock cairns, 6.6O0i.8; veal calves, 28.00 0 11. 00; beef bulls, stags, eto. 98.0007.00; bologna bulls, 861606.62. RepreseatAtlv sales! ' "- CALVES. ' No. Ar. Pr. No, At. Pr. ......... 428 93 00 167 10 26 . , WESTERNS. 9. H. Deckle Wyoming. 19 steers. .1188 17 42 4ateers.. 998 f 49 C R. Chestnut -Nebraaka. aatesrs..ll6 T 00 16 ateera..l03l I 90 d Catron Nebraska, lleteere., 814 2 90 7teers.. 981 9 10 O. F. Robinson Wyoming. . 18 feeders. 919 9 40 10 feed era. 981 9 75 J. K. Berene South Dakota. -3 steers.. 178 9 28 7 ateera.. 229 1 90 William Clark Nebraaka. 22 eteers. .10:14 7 06 9cows...lS33 9 82 8. M. Underbill Nebraaka 34 ateera. .1313 9 10 2 steers. .UBl T 30 Auguit Anderson California. 38 feeders. 278 8 80 11 oowe. ..1104 9 90 Joe Do lan Wyoming. 94 feeders. 1070 7 40 3 feedere.1018" T 90 Springfield Ranch Co. Wyoming. It cows... lt06 8 60 Scows... 210 4 80 f Mercer Bros. Wyoming. 2,9 feeder 631 7 26 27 heifers. 844 T 00 Donald Lac hton Nebraaka. 18 feeders, 203 9 60 8 helfera. 669 I 90 Thomas Got wale Wyoming. 92 feeders. :a 7 30 74 ylga. . .. 6B9 7 T9 O. W. Story Nebraaka 97 steers. .1003 6 80 7 steers.. 1131 7 19 WYOMING. 48 steers.. 1811 9 10 01 ateera. .1148 7 10 18 ateera.. 234 7 00 1 calf .... 260 9 90 SOUTH DAKOTA. 13 ateera. .1101 7 72 Iateera..l1ti f 36 ateera. .1236 7 36 9cowa...U78 9 16 NEBRASKA. 39eows...l007 ft 32 60 cowa... 827 9 00 28 cows... 279 9 00 26 cows... 912 9 86 Hogs Ths market was In almoat every way a repetition of Wednesday's average d- - cltne, being If anything a little larger than . It waa yesterday. Shippers again had prac tically no orders and. being without much competition, packers bought what good hoga were here at almoat their own figures, beat kinds showing mora decline than anything etee. A shipper buyer paid 910.80 for half a load of strictly choice light hoga, but the beat price given for a full load waa 910.66. The market opened a quarter lower than ths beet time yesterday, or at leaet 16c below the close, and seemed to If anything : get a little worse aa It want along bulk of the orferlnge selling at prices that were a big 90o below Wednesday's average, while beat hogs, which , showed ths leaet decline Jesterday. were called even more than a ttarter lower In more than one Instance, Representative saiesi No, Av. Bh. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. 21. .171 , ... 99 79 9. .207 ... 910 00 81. .378 S60 10 10 33.. 338 ... 10 18 32. .221 120 10 20 71. .210 120 10 26 20..16K - 80 10 30 16. .361 ... 10 36 98. .318 80 10 40 90.. 210 900 10 46 94. .172 ' 20 10 96 94. .179 ... 10 90 f 8heepThe advances fat lamb prlcea have cored ths laat two daya were In view of the action of other markets considered en tirely unwarranted by the packer and with "- the blggeat run on the market map at their disposal this morning buyers dealt out bear talk from the very outset. Bide were mighty scarce during the earlier part of the forenoon, but the talk was that pack ers had set their mark a quarter below wa terway. Feeder buyers boeught a few of the good to choice lambs during the first half oft the forenoon at about ateady prlcea, paying 910.26 In more than one Instance and giving 910.46 for aoms that were real good, but here, too, there waa a slumpy feeling, and demand waa I see keen than on any Dravlou day of the week. When movement actually started It was on a vary Irregular basis. Several bunches trf fat lambs sold 18026oIower, bringing 910.20019.26, while one strlns at 910-80 waa ateady with yeaterday. Feed ere were about the same way. trade being very etlcky after a few early sales had been made a steady prices. Not enough old meep had sold at aooa to give a line on tae market. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs: :, ' good to choice, 910.96018.60; Iambs, fair to good, 910.10010.96; lam be. feeder 9.76 . vie.ta; yearlings, gooa to cnoice, IT.760 e.eo; yeaning lair to coca. 17.0001.70: yearlings, feedsr 94.8009.00; wethers, fair 10 choice, 9.eo7,o; ewe good to choice, ftf.ev9f.4e; ewe isir w gooa, ft. letff.lv ewes, plain to cull 94.0006.76: ewe feed ing, 96.60 0 7.00; ewe breeder all ages. 0. vuos.ee. Represents tire sales! No. " . Ay. Pr. 1.049 Idaho lambs.. 70 10.60 42 lambs 97 10.60 (17 Idaho feeding lambs 97 10.30 171 Wyoming lambs ......709 910 36 217 Wyoming feeder swes 21 8 30 n Wyoming oreeaing ewes ....loo 7 99 cull lambs 49 8 T6 729 Wyoming lambs 82 10 36 101 Wyoming ewes ............ ,10 7 20 44 Wyoming lambs 04 10 60 1262 Wyoming feeder lamba..,. 89 10 40 Persiotent Advertising of Anything ihit is Keaiiy Worth-While Neva Fails. v CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Weak) Hoga Weak; Sheep Unsettled. Chicago, Sept. 21. -Cattle Recelpte. 9,000 heed; market weak; native beef cat II 1A SAffllll rHtrn itenra. 86.00A 0.36; Blockers and feeders, 94.6O07T6; cowa and heifer 93.90 08.20; calves, IS.60 y 12.00. Hoga Recelpta. 17,000 head; market weak. ISO to 20a under yesterday'l aver age; bulk. 910.20911.00; light, I B. 11.10; mixed.. 906011. 20; heavy, 1 9.76 11.10; rough, 88.76010.00; plga, 96-760 9.76. Sheep Receipts. 18.000 head: market un settled; wether 96-8608.60; ewea, 93.800 7.90; lamb 86.76010.76. St. Lottie Live Ntock Market. St. Lout Sent. 21. Cattle Recelpta, 6,200 head: market, v steady: native beef steers, 47-60011.00; yearling ateera and heifer 98. 6001 0.66 ; cows, 96.60 0 8.00 ; a toe kern and feeders, 96-3002.00; southern, 96.2002.(0; prime southern ateera, 98 000 9.00; cows snd helfera, 34 6008.00; prime yearling steera and heifers, 17.60 roo; native calve 98.OOK11.76. Hogs Receipts. 7,000 head ; market. lower; lights, 910.60011.00; pig 98.000 10.00; mixed and butchers, 910.60011.10; good heavy, 911.06011.16; bulk of aale 91O.6O0U.OO. Sheep and Lamba Receipts. 9,100 head: market, steady: lamba, 97.00010.90; ataughter ewe 97.0007.26; bleating ewea, 92.00010.00; yearling 98.0009.00. City Live Stock Market, Kansaa City, Mo., Sept. 21. Cattle Re ceipt 6,600 head; market ateady; prima fed ateera, 99.76010.90; dreaaed beef ateera, 97.2609.60; western steer 9.2609.6O; helfera, 96.0009.60; stocks r and feeders 36.600 8.00; bull 96.0008.00; calves, 99.00 011.00. Hoga Recelpta, 81,000 head; market lower; bulk, 910.26010.76; heavy, 910.260 10.76; packera and butcher 910.26010.96; light, 910.10010.90; plga, 99-0002.76. Sheep Receipts 20,000 head; market lower; lamba, 98,76010.40; yearlings 97.SO08.26; wather 97.0007-SO; ewes, 96.6007.26. Slonx City Live Stock Market. Bloui City. Sent 21. Cattle. Receipts. 2,200 head; market, weaker; beef ateera. 96.6007.60; butcher 96,6006.60; . caunera,, 93.7606.26; bull ataga, etc., I8.00O6.28; feeding cows and heifer 94.7606.20. nogs rteceipta, 3,mu need; market, 100 20c lower: light. 910.00010.16: mixed. 910.16010.26; heavy. 910.26010.66: bulk of salffl, 910.16010.40. Shesp and Lam bo Receipts, 1,000 head: market, ateady: ewee,- 96.0008.76; lambs, 92.60010.291 St. Joseph Live Ntock Market. St Joaeoh. Mo , - Sent. 21. Cat tie Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market alow; ateera, 96.60010.60; cows and helfera, 94.2009.76; calve 90-000 u.6. Hoga Kecelpta. 4.800: market 16a lower. Top, 910 76; bulk of sale 910.20010.80. Sheep ana Iemba Reoelpta. 3.000 head: market lO016o lower; lambs, 910.00010.66. TJts Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five orlnclnal western markets yeaterday: Cattle, Hoes. Sheen. Kansas City ....... 6,600 91,000 20.000 Chicago t.ono I7,ooo 18,000 Omaha ,. 0,600 8,600 26,000 St. Louis 8,300 7,000 3,100 SIOUX City 9,200 2.600 1,000 Totals 24,600 93,100 96,100 OMAHA (JEN ERA L MAREETT Butter No 1 ores me nr. in aartona ar tub 24o; No. t. 8fc. poultry uvot Broilers. i4 to I lbs., llo; broilers, over t lbs., 17c; hens, over 4 lbs., 16c; hens under 4 Ibs.i 14o: roosters and stage wanted. 10 Ho; geeoss, full feathered. rat, 12o; young and old duck full feath ered, fat, 12a; turkey any alia over 2 lbs.. 24ct turkey less than 2 lbs., half price: canon 9 lbs. and over. 94c: noultrv. Door and thin, not wanted; gulneaa. each, 96c guinea young, sack 86o; squab uomvrs, per do i 14 oa each, 94.00; 12 oa ssch. 93.80; 9 oa each, 91-60; under I oa each, 60c. Pigeon per do. 91.00, Cheess quotations by urlau ft Co. Cheess Tin-foiled. Swiss. 4Bn: domeatla Swiss. 98c; block Swlsa 80o; twin obeese. 91c; triplets. Slot daisies, llo: yours Am erica, 33o; Blue Label brick, 37c; llmberger, 2c; new zorx wnite no; noqurort, 6o. vyaiera etsnaaroa, isvsvci seieois, avey 46o. counts, 82060a FISH Halibut, bright steamer stock. 13M,o: salmon, red. 14a: salmon, fall, lie: catfish. Isrgs or smstl. 17c; bisck base, ordsr alia 23o; wblteflsh, northern stock 11.CI pike. no. 1 tsnoy, 17o: bullheads fancy. 16o; herring, To; su often, medium 7o; trout. No. 1, lean sites to suit 16c; pickerel, heedless and dreaaed, llo; carp No. 1, dressed, tot flounders. Hoi crsonle medium. 9c; heedless shrimp, per gal.. 91.36: peeled shrimn. or sal.. 9l.Tli kin. pared sslmon, 10-lb. basket, per lb,, 17a; smoked wbttsflsh chub 10-lb, basket, per IB., 10O, wholeeale nrtcea of beef enre affentfve iepiember 11 are as follows: No. 1 rib 19c: No. 8, 17o; No. 1, Uo; No. 1 loins. 22c: No. S. 12fco; No. 9. 14c; No. 1 chucks 11c; No. I, 11 Ho; No. t, 10o; No. 1 round 1114a. No. I, MVfce: No t. llo; No 1 plates. I Hoi No 2, 9o; No. 1, 9 Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by Olllnsky Fruit Co.t Fruits Oranse na 99a, 100a. 124a 94 29 bos; vala 130 96.00 bosi vala 160 aa.ze not; it ixhs. 96-00 bos; 200 216 860 96.79 box. Lemons Fancy 900 14 0a. 99.00 box: cbolOS 900 260 ta.SO ban 170a alas 80 per oent less Grapefruit Mar ket prlc Apples Belief lower 91. 18 bos. Washington Jonsthsn sxtra fancy, 98 oo box; Colorado Jonathan extra fancy. 99.39 box: barrel, 98.80 bbl. Orapes Home grown, l3o bssket: malaga 9166 crats- loaay u.v orate Pea ra Colorado. Washington, fancy 8 tr.. la ia cr.i.- choice 8 tr, fancy 9 tr , 83.40 crate; choice 0 tr.. 81.18 crate: Kelfers. bushel 9178 bu. Keiier crate si. AO crsts. Plums Italian 81.68 crata Peaches market nrlne n.n. ansa 93.00 to 98.90 bunoh Csntaloupes arm da, 83-00 orate; pony 82 60 crata: flats, 9100 crata Watermelons 1 Ho lb. Vegetables Let tucs, head. 91.00 doa; leaf, 40o doien. Cauliflower, 93.00 orats Wax, green bean pea 31.00 basket. Pep per 30o baaket. Parsley, 30c do Turnip beet carrot 40o basket. Pickling onions 31.00 baaket Cucumbers, 91.00 basket Cab bage. 2Ho lb. Onion Spanish. 93.00 crate I'eachea Boxes, 96q to 91.00 box; bushel 11.78 to 92 60 bu. Honey 93.78 case. Miscellaneous Cracker lank. Mmnnn. checkers, case. 83 80; half case 81.76: pea- v. t, II. ac, jumoo pea cas 1,jKpopoorn' oaH 11-60; booey. new Coffee Market. v;onee an early rally waa followed by renewed weakneaa In the market for futures inriv wiK ... delteriea making new low ground for the movement In the late trading. The open ing was Irregular, December being 2 points i t iT i. ,,,un" were 1 10 4 """ vii uaiisrvu covering, or a iUi DUyln. which may have been inrw umi European buyera ware a little more active In Braill. Active months sold 1 to points net higher during the morning, but demand tapered off on the advance and the market eaaed off from Z'.l - J. i r nn irom i.oo to 8.0o for May under Wall atreet and trade .....m. . ,,w v.uon rt u yf f pOlIllS OWer 8.1... M.JS8 b.n. clMln. bid.: gepttm. lH.r. i.0ci Oolobw, I.IOoi Nov.mtr. l.7,o pw.mbr, MTo; J.nu.ry, (.(,.; F.bru.rj, .7l0i M.Kh, I.710J Afrrtl, 1,77c: My l.llc; Jun, l.5oi Julr. I.IOoi Au.u.t! I.t. Spot roffM, nomln.l: Rio 7., r- v.ry i.w ir.nn otf.r. noiid.r. A .at. ni reportml of hl.hiv dracrlbod Danloa 1. .nd 3. at 11.16c, Lon don or.dll. Th.r. w.r. no offlol.1 c.bl,a '- ...-.-.u "n hi. apoia war. un chan.ed and Mturea 100 to 1.0 rel. lower R.ln mm.ImI Ik . . - . . . j . . p...i . V w'"ncia OI Bao to niwU: '""'"9 rn,,nf irom Oauatw Hay sUrksi. Sralrla 14a vT'k.L ..-- ... 11.00; N& 1, 99.60010.00; No. I, 97 00 O S SB- M- 1 11 AAA a ' Ti. T . --.. w -r- .w. vuumv miuiana 98.60O9.69;Na 1, 97.6009.60; No. 9, 96.600 vy.vw, vnvice lowland. 97.0009.09; No. 1, 94.6001.60; No. 9, tt-.OO Straw TlhAlra Bhut an na. . -.a, vw, VHWIVW HI or rys. 84.0006.90. airsira cnoice alfalfa. 919 90014 80; No. l, 912.oooi9.6o. Standard, 9io.ouo 1180; No. 2, 98.80010.00; No. 8, 99.000 9.00. . Metal Market. New York, Sept. 31. Metals Lead, 98.90 O7.10. Spelter ateady; spot East St. Louis delivery, 99 60 asked. Copper firm; elec trolytic 927. 00028. 26. iron ateady and un changed. Tin quiet; spot offered at 338.60. At London: Ppot copper, 1118'lOs; fu tures, 4113; electrolytic, 1139 10a; spot tin. 1172; future 173 10s; lead, 30 16s; a pel ler, 66. Sugar Market, NewTork. Sept. 51. Sugar Firm; ran trifugal, S.77c; molasses, 4.Uc; refined firm, 10 points higher; cut loaf, 7.79c; orushed, 7.60ci mould A. f.lOc: cuhea. 1 1- "YVKV" powdered. 0.76c; powdered, 6.70c; fine granulated, 8.40c; diamond A, 6.60c; con fectioner's A, 9.80c; No. 1, 8.46c. Sugar futures ac moon wars I w ii pouaia higher. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Few Wheat Sales Make Dull Market and Lower Prices Generally Prevail. CORN IS FAIRLY ACTIVE Omaha, September 21. The cash wheat market was very dull to day and although the receipts were good, there were very few sales reported. Prices generally were about a cent lower, only an occaatonal aale being made at yesterday's prlcos. The bulk of the No. 3 hard wheat sold around 21-49 and 91 4H "d the No. 9 grade ranged from 91.48 to 91.49. The corn market waa fairly active, but prlcea were rather Irregular, the market ranging from c lower to He higher. While the cash demand for all kinds oi corn waa active the white cereal was especially In demand and aold at a aubatantlal premium over the other varieties. The trade In oata was pretty active and the aalea were made , at practically un changed prlcea. The bulk of the samples graded No. 2 white and sold at 44c, while the better grades sold about He higher than the No. 2 white. The poorer grades of oata ware not much in demand and sold for about 43c and 43Hc. The rye market was rather quiet snd sold about a cent lower. ' There waa a good trade In barley and the market ruled from ateady to 2c higher. The better grades of this cereal sold from 98c to 91.02 and the No. 4 aold at 81 He. Clearancea were: Wheat and flour equal to 806,000 buahela; corn, 80,000 buahels : oata, 186,000 buahels. Liverpool close:' Wheat, lH02d lower; corn, 4d lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1,821,000 buahels and shipments 1,042,000 buahcla, agalnat receipts of 2.472,000 buahels and shipments of 1,864,000 bushels last year. Primsry corn recelpta were 678.000 bush els and ahlpmenta 222.000 buahels. agalnet receipts of 648.000 bushels and shipments of 430.000 buahels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,100,000 bush els snd shipments 721,000 buahels, against receipts of 949,000 buahels and shipments of 968,000 bushels laat year. CARLOT RECEIPTS, Wheat, Corn. Oats. Chicago 87 2 '7 143 Omaha 73 23 36 Kanaas City 208 24 43 Bt Loula 103 11 24 These aalea were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter, 1 car, 91.60; 2 car 91.49H. No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, 91.60; o cars, I.b; s cars, i car, 81-48H. No. 8 hard winter, 4 car 91-49; 1 car, 91-49 H: 6 3-6 car 81-49; 1 car. 81.47: 1 car. 81.46. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car, 91.4S Mi ; 2 cars. 91-46H; 1 car, 91.40; 1 car, 91.384. Sample hard winter, 1 car, 91-40. No. 2 durum, 1 car, 91-61. No. 9 durum, 1 car, 91-60; No. 1 mixed durum, 1 car, 91-60. No. 2 mixed, 1 car, i.f jno. 4 mixed, 1 car, 91.43. Rye No. 2, 1 2-5 cars, 91-13. Barley No. 3, 1 car, 91-02; 1 car, 91-00; 4-6 car, 98c; No. 4. 1 car, 91He; No. 1 feed, 1 car, 76c. Corn No. 9 white, 1 car, 92c; No. 9 white, 9 car 91c; No. 9 white, 3 cars, 90Hc; No. 1 yellow, 1 car, 79Ho; No. 2 yellow, 2 cars, 79Hc; No. 2 mixed, 4 cars, 7BHc; No. 2 mixed, 2 cars, 78Hc; 1 car, 78 Ho; 48-6 car 78c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 78c; No. 8 mixed, T car, 7tc. Oata Standard, 1 car, 44Hc; No, 3 white, 19 cara, 44c; No. 4 white 8 3-9 car 43c; sample, white, 3 cars, 43o. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 hard, 91.4901.60; No. 9 hard, 91-4801.49; No. 4 hard, 91.28H0146H : No. 2 spring. 91.470 1.64; No 9 a p ring. 91 4401.61; No. 2 durum, $1.6101.62; No. 2 durum, 91-6001.61. Corn: No. 2 white, R1H0S2O1 No. 2 white, 80140 81c; No. 4 white, 8OH081c; No. 3 white, 8OU08OHc; No. 8 white, 8O08OHc; No 3 yellow, 79079Hc; No. 3 yellow. 79079Hc; No. 4 yellow, 78 079a; No. 8 yellow, 78H0 7S4ic: No. 8 yellow. 79H078Ho: No. 9 mixed, 78H078Hc; No. 3 mixed, 78018Hc; No. 4 mixed, 77 0 78c; No. ft mixed, 770 77Ho; No, 9 mixed, 7607&HC. Cats: 'No. 2 white, 44H 0 44Ho; standard. 44044Hc; No 8 white, 43H 044o; No. 4 white, 43048HC.' Barley: Malting, 8Oc031.O2; No. 1 feed. 760 82e. Rys: No. 1, 91-1101-H; No. 9, 11.16 1.17. Omaha Futures Market. Ths opening on December and May wheat was a trifle lower, while the September opened practically unchanged. The mar ket, however, waa very nervoua. The December advanced He during the early part of ths aesslon and later declined to 21.46H, or lHo below the opening. This decline was only temporary, the December option rallying and closed about Ho higher. Ths trading In corn was mostly confined to ths December option, the professionals doing most of the trading. December and May com ruled a trifle higher, while the September option oloaed fractionally lower. Tnere wsa very amis interest in oats, ine trading being confined to the December and May options, which closed He lower and Art. I Opcn. Tlfn. I Low.! Cloae. I Tea Wht," "iT J I Sept 1 4 1 49 14S 1 46H 140 Deo. 1 47 H 1 47 146H 1 47 147 May 1 47 1 49 146H 1 47H 147 Corn. Sept. 79H 79H 79 79 79H Deo. 69 8H 68 68 H 9 May 71H 71 UH 71 73 Oata r Sept 44 44 44 44 Deo, 46 - 4 46 46 46 Msy f 47. 4SHj 47 4ti 48 Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, atock and grain brokers, 918 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art. . Open. :ilgh, Low.) Close. 1 Tea" WhT j 1 i Sept. 1 48 H t 49 148 1 49 149 Dec. 149-41 - 1 60 148 1 90 14 May 160-149 1 91 149 1 61 160 Corn. Sept. 89 87 96 96 B Dec. 72073072 7272073 73 May 79 0 76 76 76 76 79 Oats. Sept. 44 46 44 45 45 Dec. 470H 48 47 47 48 May 6O0 61061 60 60 51 Pork. Oct. 26 90 93 90 29 90 39 90 311 96 Dec. 23 80 IS 7B 23 60 33 75 22 85 'Lard. Oct. 14 1 14 86 14 60 14 88 14 90 Dec 11 96 14 00 12 23 14 00 12 97 Ribs. Oct. 14 18 14 IS 14 16 14 IK 14 27 Jan. 19 j 12 70 l2 60 12 70 12 66 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Lower Cable Quotations Havs Depressing Influence on Wheat. Chicago, Sept 11. Wheat prices rallied today on account largely of European buy ing, which developed after a decline here due more or leaa to lower quotations at Liverpool. Ths cloae was ftrm at 91.60 for December and 91-51 for May, with the market as a whole He off to o up, as compared with yesterday's finish. Corn closed HOKc down to c advance, oata at a loaa og HO Ho, and provisions ranging from 13c decline to a raise of lOc, Depression ruled In the wheat trade here until suspicion was aroused that today' tt Liverpool quotations had been lowered to facilitate European buying of wheat In the United States on a cheaper basis than might otherwise be the caae. Liverpool ad vices gave a different reason for the set back In valuea abroad namely, that in creased shipments were expected from Aus tralia, and Argentina. There were reports alao of rains in Argentina, where of late a serious drought has prevailed. Aa aoon, however, aa gossip apread that the break In Liverpool quotatlona was artificial and mainly for effect on this side of the At lantic, ths market here began to harden Sudden drying up of wheat offerings here resulted, and estimates were current that fully 10 per cent of European purchaeee In ths laat few daya had been of wheat grown In the United State Announce ments were made just before the cloae that vessel charters for Europe during the day had reached aa aggregate of 500,000 bushels. Corn swayed with wheat Illtnola cron damage' re porta tended to handicap the oeara. eapeciatiy in mo last port of thi aesslon. Oats sagged In consequence of i lessening of export sale Weakneaa, though. Was checked In a measure bv spreaders who were purchasing oats and at the time selling corn. Lower quotatlona on hogs carried down provision After a moderate setback, how ever, good buying developed and brought atDaui s reaction, particularly in lard. Chicago Cash Prlcea Wheat: No. red. 91.63: No. 9 red. 91-4001.81; No. 1 hard. 91.64 01.64Hi No. 1 hard, 91-3601.62. Com: No. 2 yellow, 87087o; No. 4 yel low. 82c; No. 4 white, 82ff3c. Oats No 3 white. 4604c; standard, 4041c. Rye; No. 2. 21.20 1.21 . Barley: 80c O 91.14. Timolny; 23.6008.00. Clover, red 111.00014.00. Pork, 3311,09, Lard, 914.77. Hlba, 814.40014.76. Iluttar His her; creamery, 29033c. Eggs Receipts, 9,404 cssee; unchanged. Potatoes Lower: recelpta. 45 enrs; jer seys, 91 1501.60; Ohio 91-1501. 2n Poultry Alive lower; fowl ' 12Ha; spring 19a, NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on the Leading Com modities. New York, Sept. 21. Flour, steady. Wheat Spot, ateady; No. 1 durum, 91. 74; No. 2 hard, 11.66; No. 1 northern, Dulutb, 91.79; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 31.73. f. .o b New York. Corn Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, 97 c, c. I. f., New York. Oats Spot, ateady. Hops Firm; Pacific coast 1916, 13 018c. Hay Steady. Hides Steady. Leather Firm. Provlalona Pork, firm. Beef, ateady. Lard, firm; middle west, 916.06016.15. Tallow Firm. Butter Receipts, 10,180 tubs; creamery extras, 93 score, 334 34c; creamery (higher ecorlng), 34036c; firsts, 220 33 4c; aecond 31032c. Eggs Steady; recelpta, 14,900; fresh gathered, extra fine, 28c; extra f I rata, 360 37c; firsts, 32074c. Cheese Firm; state, fresh specials, 19 019c; state, average fancy, 19019c. Poultry Llv firm; broilers, 21c; fowls, 20Hc; turkey 17 0 23c; turkeys, 26036c. Kanuu Clt? O.n.rml Market. Kanaa. City, 8.pt. 21. Wheat No. 2 hard, ll.4,l.0; No. 1 red, II 5.1.0; December, ll.4SK01Vi: Uay, l.,7ii9 l.iJH. Corn No. 2 mixed, 83984c:; No. 2 white. MSHlic; No. 2 yellow, 84Vt8Sc; No. 9, 84 68414c; December, 1154c; May, 75ttc. Oata No. 3 white, 4747ic; No. 2 rail ed, 45 017c. Butter Creamery, 31Hc; flrata, 22e; aec onda. 27Hc; packing, 24Hc Kffca Flrata, 23c. Poultry Hens, lttc; rooatera, 11c; broll ra, 20 tic. Minneapolis (train Market. Mlnneapolla, Sept. 21. Wheat December cloaed, II. (S; caah. No. 1 hard, 21.67; No. 1 northern, 11.614,01.844.; to arrive, ll.6801.61S; No. 2 northern, 11,66 1, I. 61; No. 2, 1.48ei.6-. Corn No. 3 yellow, 82B3c. Oat. No. 3 white, 43H043c Flax I2.0it2.10!1. Flour :unchang-cd. Barley 66c & 11.06. Rye 81 17t1.18. Bran 121.004)33.00. St, LooU Grain Market. St. Loula, Sept 31. Wheat No. 1 red, II. 6601.66; No. 2 hard, $1.66; December, ii. semen. 6o4. Corn No. 3, 84c; No. J whit., 86ttc; December. 72 0 72c. Oau No. 2, 46i,c; No. 1 white nominal; December, 47c. Liverpool Grata Market. Liverpool, Sept. 21. Wheat Spot No .2 hard winter, 13a Sd: No. 2 Manitoba, 14., 2d. No. 2, 14e; No 8, nominal. Corn Spot American mixed, new, 10c. Cotton Market. New Tork, Sopt. 21. Cotton Future, opened barely steady. October, 16.84c; De cember, 16.09c; January, 16.08o; March, 16.17c; May, 11.87c. Spot cotton . quiet; middling upland., 16.16c; no .ale.. The cotton market closed today at . net advance of 14 to 16 points. Liverpool, Sept 21. Cotton Spot, easier;, good middling, 170c; middling, 8.64c; low middling, 3.38c. Sales, 7,000 bales. Oil and Kosln. Savannah, Qa., Sept. 31. Turpentine Firm; 44c; sales, 407 bbl..; recelpta, 188 bbl..; ahlpmenta, non.: stock, 34,830 bbla. Rosin Firm; sales, 1,068 bbls. ; receipts. 837 bbls.; shipments, none; stock, 84.896 bbls. Quote; A, B. C, D, 18.98; B, 15.90; F, l10; O, fe.16: H, I, K, M. 16.26; N, 16.36 6.10; WO, 8.46.50; WW, 16.600 6.60. What 3) rohifoitiomi Will Do: (Excerpt from "The Topeka Daily State Journal" of August 29, 1916) "Of the 166 criminal cases docketed for the September term of court 106 are for violations of the prohibitory law." "Not all of these liquor cases will be tried. Some will be dismissed after they come to trial, the county discovering there is not sufficient evidence to secure convictions. As a rule about one-tenth of the cases . brought charging violations of the prohibitory law are tried. They cost the county about $50 each." "One noticeable thing about the xcriminal docket for the September term is that forty-six of the joint cases are against women. Forty-six women are charged with selling liquor." The evils that prevail under prohibition in the city of Topeka, the capital of Kansas, would prevail in Omaha. If Topeka, after 35 long years of prohibition, is unable to make prohibition effective, what reason is there to believe that Omaha, a city four times as large, will escape the de N moralizing influences that exist tp this very day in Topeka. What is true of Topeka is also substantially true of every city in Kansas. The Nebraska Prosperity League QPPOSED TO STATE PROHIBITION - IN FAVOR OF LOCAL OPTION, HIGH LICENSE President, L. F. CROFOOT ' " Treasurer, W. J. COAD Secretary, J. B. HAYNES Send for our Uterahire. OMAHA, NEBRASKA NEW YORK STOCKS Efforts of Aggressive Specula, tire Faction to Depress Prices Futile ' SALES OVER ONE MILLION New York, Sept. 21 The striking feature of today's session tn which sales ran over a million shares for the thirteenth consecu tive full day. was the futile effort of ar aggressive speculative faction to depres nrlces. Initial quotations were malnlj higher; some subs'antlally so, but a serle. of bear attacks effaced this advantage be fore the first hour, leaving the list rather unsettled. These tactics were successfully main tained until the middle of the day, when conditions Improved, chiefly In consequence of another and more general advance In coppers, those Issues responding to an nouncement that producers and agents had advanced the price of the metal for No vember delivery to 28 Vj cents. New maximums were made by leading metals, Anaconda rising to 964. Utah to 90 and Inspiration to 64. Related Is sues were correspondingly strong on fur ther advances In lead, spelter and by products. Dealings In the metal shares were on the largest scale of ths year, amounting to about 30 per cent of the whole. United States Steel lifted the list to the day's highest level In the final hour on its advance to the new record of 109, passing Its previous top by almost a point. Ralls and other Investments moved up 1 to more than 2 points, gains being effected almost wholly at the expense of the short Interest, which surrendered such prospective profits as the previous day's Irregular mar ket may have yielded. Many minor Issues, such as leathers, sugars, Mexicans and some equipments, participated more or less generally In the recovery with shipping stocks andmotors. A conspicuous exception was Oeneral Motors, which fell 65 points to 6S0, that decline, however, hardly offsetting its re cent advance of about 176 points. Total sales of stocks amounted to 1,366,000 shares. Franc, and mark, were slightly firmer, with other foreign remittances unaltered. More gold was reported to be on the way from England and French credit negotia tions were continued. Bonds were strong with an Increased demand for Investments. Total sales, par value, 83,970.000. United States bonds were unchanged on call, with coupon 4s lower by per cent on sales. Sales. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar.,. 7.000 96K 93 94 American Can 8,100 64 62 63 Am. Car & Fndrv. 2.700 6744 rrv. . ... American Loco..., 5,600 78 77 78?, ..mvn.ativcB. O.UUW JIV. 1V(1. IUU Am. Sugar Refg.. 1,600 111 111 111 Am. Tel. A Tel.... 2.000 133 132 133 Am. Z., L. A 8 3,000 44 43 43 Anaconda Copper. 128. 600 96 94 64 Atchison 2,100 106 106 105 Baldwin Loco 27,600 89 84 87 Balltl. A Ohio.... 2,700 89 8 88 Brook. Rapid Trans. 700 86 85 86 B. A S. Copper.... 6.400 66 64 65 Cal. Petroleum.... 600 S3 U 22 22 Canadian Pacific 400 178 178 178 Central Leather... 17.500 6? 64 67 Chesa. A Ohio..,. 4.400 65 63 64 C, M. A 8L P.... 3,900 95 95 95 C. A N. W 600 127 126 126 C, R. I. A P. Ry.. 2.000 19 18 18i Chtno Copper 9,200 55 63 64 Colo. Fuel A Irolf. 11,200 54 62 64 Corn Prod. Refg., 400 15 15 16 Crucible Steel 67.900 92 89 91 Dlst. Securities.... 1,600 47 47 47 Brie 8.900 39 39 39 Oeneral Electric. 2,200 174 173 174 Prohibition will increase our city taxes at least $352,000 every year not only for next year, but every year thereafter. ' ; At present the city of Omaha derives that amount yearly from the issuance of licenses. 130 44 103 17 64 i:o 36 84 113 39 119 120 42 44 102 102 17 17 62 63 117 117 36 120 26 62 63 130 112' 113 38 "4 38 10 4 4 13 74 70 72 81 21 107 107 60 60 130 130 111 111 26 26 36 67 67 26 26 110 111 64 66 30 31 100 101 24 24 128 130 22 25 315 117 146 147 83 82 137 129 107 109 121 121 89 90 28 27 98 98 62 64 22 Central 11,900 107 N. Y.. N. H. A H .00 60 Norfolk A Western 1.800 1.1 112 Northern Pacific. 1.900 Pacific Mall Pac. Tel. A Tel. ... 1,000 27 Pennsylvania 1,900 67 Hay Con. Copper.. 6,400 25 Reading 34.300 113 Itep. Iron A Steel. 26.400 67 5hatuck Aria. Cop. 4,100 31 Southern Pacific. 6,000 101 Southern Railway. 2,600 24 Studebaker Co 14,400 131 Tenn. Copper 6.800 26 Texas Company... 2,600 217 Union Pacific 38.000 147 Union Pacific pfd. 1,000 83 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol 8,900 129 U. 8. Steel 176,300 109 U. 8. Steel pfd... 1,700 121 Utah Copper 17,100 80 Wabash Pfd. "B". 500 38 Western Union.... 1,300 99 Weetingh. Electrlo 12,600 65 ma. Total sales for the day, 1,350,000 ahar... New York Money Market. New York, Sept 21. Mercantile Papar 3 per cent Sterling Exchange 60-day bills, 84,71; demand, 84.76 11-16: cables, 14.76 7-16. Silver Bar, 68c; Mexican dollars, E3c. Bond. Government steady; railroad strong. Time Loans Easier: 60 and 30 day.. 1 3 per cent; 6 months, 8 03 per cent. Call Money Steady; high. 3 per cent; low, 2 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent; closing bid, 2 par cent: offered at 2 per cent U. 8. ref. 2s, reg.99 M., K.AT. 1st 4s. 73 do coupon. ...99 Mo. Pao. con. 6s. 101 U. 8. Ss, reg...l00Mont Power 6s. .98 do coupon ...100 N. Y. C. deb. 6a. 113 U. a 4s, reg,..109N. Y. City 4s do coupon 110 (1965) 110 Am. Smelt. 8s. .114 N. Y., N. H. A Am.T.AT.cv.4s.lll H. cv. 6s 110 Anglo-French 6s .95No. Pacific 4s. ...91 Atchison gen. 4s. 92 do 3s 66 B. A O. 4s 90O. a L. ref. 4s. ..92 Beth Steel ref. 6s. 100 Pac. T. A T. 6s. 101 Central Pao. 1st. .89 Penn. con. 4s.l04 C. A O. cv. 4s.83 do gen. 4.. .101 C. B. A Q. jt 4s.97Readlng gen. 4s.. 95 C.,M.ASt.P.ov.6s.l06 St.L.AS.F.ref.ts .78 C, R. I. A P. 80. Pao. cv. 6s. .104 Ry. ref. 4s 72 do ret. 4 89 C. A 8. ref. 4s. .84 80. Ry. 6s 100 D. AR. O. con. 4s.7SUnlon Pacific 4s. 96 Erie gen. 4s 71 do cv. 4s 94 Oeneral Eleo. 5s. 106 U. 8. Rub. 6a. .102 Ot. No. 1st 4s..99U. S. Steel 6s.... 106 III. Cent. ref. 4s. .88West.Unlon 4.. 96 Int M. M. 4s..l09 'Westlnghouse K. C. S. ref. 6s. .89 Elec. cv. 6s. .126 L. N. un. 4s...94Dom.otCan.l913.100 Bid. London Stock Market, London, Sept. 21. American securities were quietly steady on the atock exchange hero today. Copper share. Improved on good American advlc. Money and dis count rates war. unchanged. British and French treasury bill, were in good demand. Consols hardened. Sliver Bar, 82d per ounce. Mcney 4 per cent. Discount Rates Short bills, 606 per cent; three months. 605 per cent Bank Clearings. Omaha, Sept 21. Bank clearing, for Omaha today were 26,013,067.60 and for th. corresponding day last year 88,646,425,86. Ot- Northern pfd. 1.100 Ot. No. Ore Ctfs.. 16,100 Illinois Central.... 400 Int. Con. Corp 500 Inspiration Copper 88,200 Int. Harv., N. J I. M. M. pfd. ctfs.. 10,800 K. C. South. m.... (00 K.nnecott Copper. 13,100 Louis. A Nash Mexican Pertoleum 13,200 Miami Copper 1L200 M.. K. A T. pfd Missouri Pacific... 100 Montana Power National Lead.. .. 18.100 Nevada Copper.... 3.900 The advocates of prohibition ask the people of Omaha to abandon a yearly revenue of $352, 000, and adopt their system, the prohibition system, under which the alley joint, presided over by disreputable characters, both male and female, takes tue place of the licensed dealer. School Nurse May Not Be Appointed, Ernst Tells Graff Eresident Ernst of the Board of Education has directed Superintend ent Graff not to appoint a head nurse for the public school medical inspec tion staff. The action of the board last Monday evening will be recon sidered at the next meeting. The vote to appoint a nurse in stead of a physician as head of the medical inspection was 6 to 4, Dr. D. E. Jenkins voting "yes" under a mis apprehension, he has stated. Vice Chairman Cowell of the board was out of the city at the time, so in .view of these circumstances, President Ernst thought it would be well to hold the matter in abeyance until the next meeting of the board. The eight nurses will contimre their inspection work under general direc tions of the superintendent of instruc tion. Goes to Pen for Holding Up the Calumet Cashier One to five years in the state peni tentiary was the punishment meted out to Lisle Messer, the boy bandit, when he plead guilty to holding up and robbing the cashier of the Calu met 1 restaurant. Justice was tem pered because of Messer's plea that the crime was his first offense. He was captured at Chicago after escap ing with $125 taken from the till of the restaurant during the congestion of after-theater supper parties. Mes ser is 19 years old. Dry 4ooda Market New York, Sept 21. Cotton good, were less active, but firm today. Yarns wer. firm. Haw silk was barely steady. Carpet, were easier on a few welt known lines. Jobbsrs did an active business. INSTEAD OF 3 TO 6 WHY NOT MAKE.50 or more in a I8it(mt bushiest. tat and stable as insurance or bank inf. In vestors SAFEGUARDED by contract with a trust company. Address P. R. GIBSON, Secy, 123 W. Madison St-, Chicago, 111. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. A dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Monday, October 16, 19 1. to stockholder! of record at the close of busi ness on Saturday, September 80, 1916. G. D. MILNE, Treasurer. J n