THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1916. BRINGING UP FATHER Drawn for The Bee by George McManus Copyright. iu, International New, Serrle. I HAVE. NO TIME TO BE BY COLLr. THEY'RE CITTlN' HELLO-JONES -POT MY (SAME OH THAT LIST TWICE TO ABOUH THEM ? pole: NAME TO mf PETITION- ve VAHT Tft Aftm iu PETTIER EVEIf KN1N' THEM THINGS DrVC! "WE TELEOPH POLES AS THF-v hiio tuc BEAUTY OF OUR CITY'. y US LhSlA I J (oil I r I I I -J , M AX HI I "ROURKES CLODT ODT AN EASY VICTORY Defeat Topeka in One-Sided-Game by Score of Twelve to Two. GASKELL ON THE MOUND Topeka, Kan., Sept. 20. (Special Telegram.) It was Omaha today that staged a big inning, and the Rourkes copped the' game easily, 12 to 2, Omaha lost no ime int clinching the game, scoring five runs in the first inning, enough to win. The visitors wore their batting clothes, getting a total of fourteen hits off four Topeka pitchers. In addition, six Rourkes walked and two others re hit by pitched balls. While the ODeka ouartet of hurlers was giving an exhibition of punk pitching. Prince uasKCM was nurung near snui out oau. He did allow a safe hit in the first four innings, but took it easier there after when the Savages got two runs. Sanders, who .started for Topeka, was wild and ineffective. Shag Thompson, first up, walked. Irelan flew out. Forsythe and Miller were walked, filling the bases. Krueger took one in the ribs, forcing Thomp son over the plate. Marshall was walked, forcing in another run. Then Pete Kilduff cleaned the bags with a triple. That was the end of San ders. Southpaw Dashner took the mound and retired Smith and Gas lcell without further scoring. Dashner also was roughly treated in the second round. He walked Ire land, after which Forsythe and Mil ler doubled and Krueger singled, netting three runs. Kilduff's double, a wild pitch and Gaskcll's sacrifice fly gave Omaha another in the fifth. Singles by Krueger and Kilduff, with a wild pitch, resulted in another run in the seventh; Saffel, a local semi-pro southpaw, pitched the last two innings for Topeka. He Mopped Omaha in the eighth, but in the ninth double. Kilduff opened on him with a Smith was hit and Gaskell singled, scoring Kilduff. Sacrifice" by Thomp so and Irelan brought Smith home from second. Kildutt had a great day at the bat and in the field, get s' a triple, two doubles ana a single out of five at bat. .men pa Are By Sioux Braves St. Joseph, Sept. 20. Sioux City defeated St. Joseph today, 6. to 3. Kinnen, a local recruit, made a good showing against the visitors. Score: SIOUX CITT. AB, R. (illmore, If 1 Watson, rf 4 2 Mete, lh 8 0 l.ejoutu'. cf 8 0 Connolly, 3b 4 0 Itader, ss 3 , 0 Cooney, 2b 4 1 Livingston, c 4 0 lirover, p 4 2 Totals 36 ' ST. JOSEPH. AB. R. U'rtght, rf. 4 0 'llllams, ee. 4 0 McCabe, lb 4 0 Klrkham. If. . .' 3 2 Sullivan, rf 3 0 McClelland, 3b 2 1 usner. c 3 0 Beers, lb 4 0 Kinnen, p 4 0 'Sommers 0. 0 Totals 31 3 H. O. A. E. 2 6 0 0 2 10 0 1 13 0 0 110 0 10 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 0 3 0 3 0 10 27 7 0 H. O. A. E. 3 4 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 3 0 2 4 0 0 0 10 0 2 4 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 0 9 27 3 0 Batted for Ktnnen In ninth. Bloui City 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 6 JJpux City ...00301100 6 '"struck out: By Kinnen. 2: by drover, 7. Bases on balls: Off Kinnen. 4; off Orover. e. Hit by pitched ball: By Kinnen. Lejeune; by Grover, McClelland. Stolen bases: Sul livan, McCabe, Watson. McClelland. Sacri fice hits: Sullivan. Fusner (2. Two-hase hits: Klrkham, Wright, McCabe. Three-base hits: McClelland, Orover (2), Klrkham. t.cft on basss: St. Joseph, 7; Sioux City, 3. Burned runs; St. Tioseph, 2; Sioux City, 4. June: i:4b. umpire: Kane. Des Moines Wins , By Thirteen to Nine Colorado Springs, Colo., Sept. 20. ; Althoogh the Millionaires hammered' in enough runs in ( the fourth to tie1 the score, Des Moines came bacg in the fifth and made enough to win, 13 to 9. Score: i COLORADO SPRINGS. I AB. R. H. O. A. E. lM.jt, rf 4 liiikprtn, ct 6 1 J S 1 0 8 0 0 8 i If. MMtton, 2b. .iiifflth, c. Uitsrhi. 3b. .tii) n. lb. While, w. . . 'Javls. p. . . Hunt Totals . . . '.'.'.39 DES MOINES. AB. R. Cass, cf. . . Hunter rf. Metoan, (2 b. 1 3 1 0 1 iKn8. lh. . fcwoldt, 3t. Br?n, If Rlgitby. c. Klle-m. p. . 2d usb? r, p. Totals 40 II 21 27 14 Flash Into Form OMAHA. AB. R. H. O. Thompson, ef. ft 1 1 0 Irelan, 2b ft 1 1 1 Forsythe, rf. 4 ! t R. Miller, lb 4 t 1 10 Kr-rliger, c 4 2 S 4 Marshall, 8b 4 t 0 1 Kilduff, ss. ft I 4 Smith. If ft 1 Gaakell, p 4 0 I I A. E. 0 t 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 0 1 8 0 1! t A. E. 0 t 0 1 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 o o o o u l Total! S8 Is TOPEKA. AB. B. lathrop. rf. 5 1 Engle, cf. ft t (ioodwin, 2b 4 t Defnte, Sb 4 0 Devors, If. 4 0 Agler, lb 4 1 Monroe, o 8 0 Llndamore, H 8 0 Sanders, p 0 0 Dashner, p 9 0 Saffel, p 0 0 llurwell 1 0 Allen 1 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total! 88 1 'Batted for Dashner In MTenth. Batted for Seffel In ninth. Omaha 88001010 It Topeka 00001000 1 t Three-bane hit: Kilduff. Two-bane hit,! Kilduff g, Forsythe, Miller, Ooodwln, Agler. Stolen basest KUduff, Lathrop. ac rlflee hits: Thompson, Monroe. Sacrifice flies t Irelan, Kaakrll. Struck out: By (laskell, 2; by Dashner, 4. Bases on balls I Off Ciaakell, 4) off Sanders, 8: off Dashner, t; off Saffel, 1. Wild pitch: By Dashner, 8. Hit by pltehed ball: By Sanders (Krueger, SaffeU, Smith). Hits: Off Sanders, In one-third inning! off Daehner, 0 In six and two-thirds Innings; off SaffeU, 4 in two In nings. Passed ball: Krueger. Umpire: Shannon. LIHC0LNSLOSE TWO Bears Defeat Visitors in Both of the Games of Double -: Header: - SECURE TWENTY-NINE HITS Denver, Colo., Sept. 20. Denver found Lincoln's pitchers for a total of twenty-nine hits in today's double header and took both games, the first, 14 to 6 and the second, 7 to 2. The second was called in the seventh bv Srment. Score, first game: AB. B. H. O. A. - E. Carlisle. If S 1 8 1 1 0 Williams, bs 5 11111 Rohrer, cf 6 0 13 0 0 Lober, rf 4 1 2 0 0 0 Morse. 3h 4 0 2 1 1 0 Hunter, lb 4 0 1 12 0 0 Smith. 2b 4 11110 Johnson, c 4 2 8 S 0 1 Gardner, p 4 0 0 4 0 Totals 30 I 1 24 14 1 DENVER. AB. -R. H. O. A. E. Miller, rf. 6 2 5 1 0 0 Reed, ss 4 1 4 2 1 0 Oakes. cf. 8 3 0 1 0 0 Kutcher. If. 6 2 3 8 0 0 Co!. 3b 4 2 3 2 B 0 Shields, lb. 6 8 4 8 0 0 I. My 3b 4 2 10 2 0 Kheatak, c 6 0 2 4 8 0 Ford, p 6 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 43 14 21 27 12 0 Lincoln 000020400 6 bonver S000 2 2 40 '14 Two-bsae hits: Cardner, Cole, Lober, Morse. Shestak, Reed (2. SmltH. Shields, Johnson. Three-bafe hits: Lloyd, Shestak. Home runs: Johnson, Shields 2). Bases on halls: Off Gardner. 1. Struck out: By Ford, 4: by Gardner, 2. Stolen bases: Lloyd, Gardner. Sacrifice hit : Cole. Hit by pitched ball: Williams. Louble play: Heed to Lloyd to Shields. Time. 1 :3B. Umpire: Mullen. Score, second game: DENT3R. AB. n. H. O. A. E. 0 10 1 13 0 3 1 0 4 1 21 11 1 LINCOLN. AB. R. 8 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 1 1 A. E. 0 0, Carllfil, cf Williams, cc Rohrer, If Lober, rf . . Moras, 3b . . Hunter, lb Smith, 2b .. Johnson, e . Halla, p .... Totals 24 f (Called by ayreemnt. Lincoln 0 2 It 1'onver 2 0 0 03 0 -7 Stolen bants: Shields. Two-basa hits: Cola. Home run: Smith, Steven. Bsppb on balls: Off Harlngton, 4; off Halla, 3. Struck out: By Harrington, 2; by Halla. 3. T1m, 1:09. Umpire: -Mullen. Fast Track Features . Sioux City Eaces Sioux Citv. Ia.. Seot. 20. Warm weather and a fast track featured the opening day's harness card at the In- terstate fair this afternoon. Summa- ries: Trotting', 2:30 class, purse $00: Wlnne- toona won. Buster second, Ignatius McQreg- or third, Helen S. fourth. Best time: 2:18. Pacing. 2:26 class, purse IffflO: Axphil, jr., won; Black Hills Lady second, Harry B. third. General Glen fourth. Best time: Four snd one-quarter furlongs, running: Jennie Morris first. Bob F. second. Lucille B. third. Time: 0:l4. One mile: Emma Stewart first, Waymark second. Frontier third. Time: 1:43 "4. American Association. At Toledo R.H.E. Indianapolis ....0 7 0 0 0 1 0 2 011 It 1 Toledo 0 00200000 -2 4 0 Battertea: Seaton and Beltane; Adams, Kalaerllng and Wells. Miller, rf Reed, 2b 3 Oakcs. cf 3 Butcher, If .' 3 Cole. 3b 4 ShleMs, lb 2 Lloyd, 2b 3 Stevens, c 3 Harrington, p 1 Totals 27 I I I I I I I UJJAU Mill IMIIIlMl I llfrii I III Mill lilt nil I " III I. TUtu kT'. VfTTTTTiaBRai ULT. :! I IV DEMAREE DEFEATS THE PIRATES TWICE Philadelphia Hurler Wins Two Games From the Pitts burgh Crew. SCORES 7 TO 0 AND 3 TO 2 Philadelphia, Sept. 20. Demarce won two games from Pittsburgh to day, 7 to 0 and 3 to 2. Philadelphia won the first "ame when Cooper weakened in the sixth, after two men were out, and was knocked off the rubber, seven runs being scored in this session. In the second game Pittsburgh tied the score in the ninth when W. Wafner singled and sent in Raird, In the home team's halt, after Whit- ted doubled with one out and stole third, Cravath and I.uderus were pure posely passed. Niehoff fouled to Fisher. Cooper went to bat for Burns and Mamaux's wild pitch scored Whitted. Score: PITTBDTTRGH. PHILADELPHIA. ABH.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E Warn'r.Sb S S 1 I IPsske' 4 13 0 0 Blgbee,2b 8 3 Alt'b' 0 Hlnc'n.lf 3 Klng.If 1 J.W'gr.lD 4 Hrhulte.rf 3 4 Fischer, c 8 W. Wr.o 0 Cooper.p 2 lHanr-' S I 2 0 tock.:ib 4.0 3 OWhlt'd.lf 4 1 5 OCrav'th.rf I I I OT.ud'us lb 4 1 10 ON'leh'fr.Zb 4 1! OBurns.c 3 2 0 OUem'ee.p 4 10 2 3 I 1 0 0 Totals.. 36 11 27 11 0 0 Harmon, p 10 0 Total!.. 30 7 24 1 0 si Ptttsbunr 0 0 0 0 fl 0 0 0 O a Philadelphia ..0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 -7 Two-bane hits: NTehoff, Burns. Pnncroft. DoVbto plays: J. Waarner (unassisted); Nie hoff to Bancroft to Luderus. Banes on balls: Off Cooper, 4; off Pemaree 8. Hits and earned runs: Off Cooper, 7 hits and 3 runs In five and two-thtrds Innlnjca, off Harmon, 4 hits and no runs in two and nne-thlrd Innings. Struck out: By Cooper, 4. ITmptrea: Bason and Rlgler. PITTSBURGH. " PHILADELPHIA. . BWre 2b. 4 1 2 6 ft AB.H.O.A.E. 3 0 3 0 OPaak' 4 1 Hlnc'n.lf 4 2 1 4 2 10 Dalrd.Sb 0 0 0 Schulte.rf 3 12 Smith. ss 8 11 J' 10 0 McC'y.Sb 3 0 0 0 0 0 Flscher.c 3 17 Maina'x.p 3 0 0 Warner 0 0 0 W.W'g'r 1 1 0 OBanc'ft. 0 Stock, lb 8 OWhlt'd.lf 4 OCrav'th.rf S OLud' 3 0Nleh'ff,2b 4 OBurns.c 2 OlVm'ee.p I 1 'Cooper 0 0 0 Totals. .30 0 ' 0 0 0 6 27 13 Totals.. 32 026 I 1 Two out when winning- run scored. Batted for Burns In ninth. Ran for J. Wagner In ninth. Batted for McCarthy In ninth. PI Usburr 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 Philadelphia ...2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Two-base hits: . Warner, Ftecner, W hoff, Whitted. Stolen bases: Balrd. Schulte. Luderus, Whitted Cravath. Dou ble plays: Smith to J. Wagner; Stock to Niehoff to Luderus. Bases on balls: Off Mammaux, 4; off Demaree, 2. Earned runs, Msmmaux, 2; Demarre, 2. Struck out: tty Mammaux, 6; by Demaree, 4. Wild pitch: Mammaux. Umpires: Rlgler and Eason. Cards Logo to Brooklyn. Brooklyn, . Sept. 10. St. Louis lost to Brooklyn today, 4 to 2. St Louis Inst through errors. Not one of Brooklyn's runs was earned. Air-tight fielding behind Smith held the visitors except In the fourth, when they bunched three hits on a pass for two runs. Daubrt had nineteen putouts at first base, Cutuhaw and Olson contributing clover Haslets. Score: ST. LOUIS. BROOKLYN. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Retze1,2b 3 12 0 U' 4 0 0 0 0 z'les.e 0 3 2 ODSub' 3 1 IB 1 0 2 3 2 2 t.-tiKi-l.rf 4 110 0 110 0 Wheat, If 3 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 ut'w,2b 4 0 3 8 0 12 0 O'fow'y,3b 2 10 10 J.MIl' 4 Lontr.rf 4 Hor'by.3b 3 Btit' 2" 3 12 6 2 0O.MU'r,c 4 10 2 0 OHmtth.p 2 0 0 2 0 Snyder. lb 3 Arnes.p ..2 0 2 0 HocK 1 Wlll'ms.p 0 0 0 Totals.. 29 7 27 20 2 Totals.. 30 i 24 13 4 Batted for Ames In eighth. '. Louis 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02 Erooklyn 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 4 Two-base hits: J. Miller. Mowrey. Stolen base: Mowrey. Double plays: Betssel Snyder; J. Miller to Retael to Snyder; Olson to cutsnaw to uaunart. Bases on balls: Off Ames. 2; off Smith, 4. Hits and esrned runs: Off Ames, 7 hits and no runs In seven Innings; off Williams, none In one Inning; off Smith, 2. Struck out: By Ames, 2. Umpires: Klem and Emslle. Giants Win Fifteenth Straight. New York, Sept 20. New Tork won its fifteenth straight victory here today, de feating Chicago. 4 to 2. With the score tied. New York scored twice In the seventh on Holke's double. McCarly's three-hase hit, and Burns' Infield out. Schupp. who shut out Pittsburgh Monday, tcame back with one day's rent and held Chicago to six hits and one earned run. Left FMder Mann was ordered off the field by Umpire Byron for arg-ulng. Score: CHICAGO. NEW YORK. AB H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E, Zld.r.3b 0 ORurns.lf Kslly.rf 4 Mann, If 3 Smith. ir 1 4 Wll' S Wllson.c 3 ysrkrs.Jb 3 Wort' 8 I.av'dor, p 2 Mollwlts 1 Hendrlx.p 0 1 2 0 8 1 ftnob'on.rf 4 6 0Zlm'n.3b 4 1 OFIt-tr' 4 8 1 S 1 OMcf'arty.c 2 1 0Schupp,p 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Total!.. 30 1 17 II i 0 0 Totals .81 (C4 18 0 Battel for Lavcndsr In slchth. Chlcaao 0 0 I 1 t 0 2 New York ....0 0 0 2 0 I 4 Two-base hit: Hoiks. Three-bsse hit: MrCarty. Htolpn bases: Zelder, flaler. Holke. Double play: Wormian to Fsler. Bsses on balls: Off Hrhupp 1: off Lavender. 8. Hits and earned runs: Off Lavender. 7 hits and 4 runs In seven Innlnrs; off sHndrlx, 1 hit and no runa In one Inning: off Srhupp, t hit. Struck out: By Schupp, 6; by Lavender, 4: by Hendrlx, 2. Umpires: Buron and Quleley. feeds Trim Browns. Boston, Sept. 20 Cincinnati bombarded the Boston pitchers for seventeen hits to day and won. 18 to 4. The visitors made six doubles, two triples, and a home run. Hal Chase In five times up getting a single, two doubles and a home run. There were I "HANDSOME HAL" IS NOW LEADING BATSMEN. HJ& CHASE, They do come back! Hal Chase, the Cincinnati Reds' first baseman, has taken the lead for the National league batting championship, with an ever age of .322. It was not so many years ago that Chase was considered a down and outer as far as the national game was concerned, but the old Yankee star has returned with a vengeance. Last year Chase did great work for the Buffalo Federals and this year his work with the Cincinnati team is even better. five fast "double plays, three of them. Score: Cincinnati making CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. b 2 1 0 OColltna.rf I 1 0 0 0 Groh,3b 4 Jt 1 8 OMar lle.H 13 6 8 1 Round, of 5 2 0 0 0-Wllholt.rf 41100 6 4 12 1 1 Kon'hy.l b 4 t t I 0 Grlf'th.rf 4 2 2 0 0 rcS'th.Sb 4 0 2 2 1 McK'le.Sb 4 0 3 8 OMagne.lf 40 1 10 4 3 S 3 0E.gan.2b 4 0 10 1 Wlngo.o 3 12 0 flOowdy.o 4 1(40 Mitchell, p 4 111 0Rud'ph,p 10 14 0 Nhf,j 0 0 0 1 0 Totaliv3fi 17 27 II lFltz'k.of I J 1 0 0 Barnea,p 0 0 0 1 0 B:ackb'n 1 0 0 0 0 Trag'er 1 0 0 0 0 Totals.. 16 10 27 I J l 0 'Patted for Collins In eighth. I 'Batted for Barns In ninth. OjClnclnnatl ...0 10 14 0 10 I 12 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 S 04 Two-base hits: Groh l), Griffith, Chase (t), Konetchy, Fltipatrlck Konf. Three hits: Wlngo, Roush, Konetchy. Home run: una, uouoie plays: ropr to chase Rudolph to MaranvlMe to Konetchy: Mc- Kecnnie to Chase i Mitchell to Konf Chase; Gowdy to Maranvtlle to J, C. Smith to Maranvtlle. Bases on balls: Off M l rhell, 1: off Nehf, I. Hlta and earned runs: Off Mitchell 10 hlta and 4 runs' In nuie innings; off Rudolph, t hits and 8 runs In five innings; off Nehf, I hits and 1 run In three innings; off Barnes, hits and 6 runs In one Inning. Struk out: By mm neit, i ; ny nuaoipn 1 J by Nehf, 2. Umpires: O'Day and Harrison. Team Golf Match At Happy Hollow Is Saturday Card Tlie golf season at the Happy Hol low club will auspiciously culminate Saturday, when all of the golfers in the club will take part in a team match. Charles R. Sherman, president of the club, will lead one team. E. O. Hamilton, vice president, will lead the other. W. W. Hoye will captain rresiuent snerman s team, while Yale Holland will captain Vice President Hamilton's crew. About ISO golfers are on each team. Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE. NAT. LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. Omaha 8.SS.6.14 Lincoln . . . .S3 61 .676 Sioux City. .79 Si ,m D. Moines.. .74 7 .607 Denver ....75 74 .503 W. L. Pet Brooklyn ...K4 66 .604 Phi la 82 66.694 Boston 78 66 .682 New Tork, ..74 62 .644 PlttsburKb ..84 77.484 Topeka 67 fa .460 Chicago .,..64 80 .444 St. Joseph. .64 87 .434 Louis... .60 81 .420 C. Springs.. ,68 tl .381: Cincinnati ..64 II .12 AMUR. LEAGUE. AMER. A8SOCTN. W. L. Pct. Bout on ....83 6 .S84IJoulBv1lle Chlcaao ...83 62 .672 IndUnap, Detroit . ...SS 63 .fiHslKan. City W. L. pet. .04 61 .806 .60 64 .684 .81 73.626 .84 73.686 .77 76.607 .71 81 .487 wew sorK..,4 b .cziiMlnneau. St. Louis ..76 71 .6141 Cleveland .74 71 .610 Wanhlnfft'n 71 70 .6041 .'hi la 11 110.2201 St. Pail.. Toledo .., Columbus ..66 84.440 Mllwauksa .60 192.829 Yaatardajr'a Beanlta. WESTERN LEAOUE. Lincoln, 6-2; Denver, 14-7. lies Moines, 13; Colorado Sprfriffs, 9. Hloux City, 6; 8t. Joseph, 3. Omaha, 12; Topeka, 2. NATIONAL LEAOUE. Cincinnati, 12; Boston, 4. fit. Louis, 2; Brooklyn, 4. Chlcaajo, 2; New York, 4, Plttsijurch, 0-2; Philadelphia, 7-1, AMERICAN LEAOUE. Boston, 4; Detroit, S. Washington, 2; Cleveland, I. Philadelphia. 7; Chicago. 8. New York, 8; 8t. Louts, 7. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Indianapolis, 11; Toledo, 2. Game Today. Western L ague Lincoln at Danrar, Daa Moines at Wichita. Bioui City at St, Jo seph, Omaha at Topeka. National league Cincinnati at Boston. St. Louis at Brooklyn, Chicago at Maw York, rmsburgn at Philadelphia. A me r Iran League Boston at Detroit, Washington at Cleveland, Philadelphia at Chicago, New York at Bt. Loui. TIGERS DROP FRAY TO CARRIGAN'S MEN Detroit Sinks Back Into Third Place When, Defeated by Boston Red Sox. FOUR TO THREE IS SCORE Detroit, Sept. 20. Detroit's. 4 to 3 defeate at the hands of Boston this afternoon helped the eastern team materially in it race for the pennant and cost Detroit second place. Hen riksen, batting for Carrigan in the eighth, sent home the winning run when the score was 3 to 3, his single scoring Scott, who had walked and stolen second, after two were out. Score: BOSTON. DETROIT. AH.H.U.A.K. AB H.O.A.l ITnoner.rf 4 110 OVJtt.Hb 4 3 1 ,)anv'n,2h 2 0 0 1 0'liinhnn 6 0 0 Shrt'n,cf 6 14 0 Oohbef 4 11 Hoh' 4 Oil 0 lViarhlf 4 1 S Lewis, If 4 110 OCraw'd.rf 4 11 aard'r,3b 8 0 11 8 2 11 8 2 4 4 nVounir.Ib 8 0 0 Carr'an.o 3 16 1 Otanage.a 10 4 Thomns,c 0 0 0 0 0Baker,c 10 1 Leon'U.p 4 10 0 lhmke.p 801 Hen'sen 110 0 'Burns 10 0 Dubuc 10 0 Pat.I IS I IT T 1 .. Totals. .14 I 27 II 1 Batted for Carrigan In eighth. Batted for Rtanage In sixth. Batted tor Ehmke In ninth. Boston 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 1 0- Detrolt 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t Two-bass hits: Hooper. Lewis. Stolen bases: Scott, Vltt, Cobb. Double playrBaker in Hellman to Baker. Bases on balls! Off Leonard. 2: off Ehmke, 4. Hlta and earned runs: Off Leonard, 0 hits and 1 run In nlna Innings: of Ehmks. I hits and 4 runa In nine Innings. Struck out: By Leonard, 6; by Ehmke, 1. Umpires: Oweni and Evan. White Sox Defeat Macks. Chlcsgo, Sept. 20. Chicago went Into (- ond pin today by defeating Philadelphia, 8 to 7, while Boston won from Detroit. Chl csgo Is one and a half games behind the loaders. The locals bunched hlta off John son in the first Inning for three runa and continued the bombardmsnt off Selbold. Philadelphia hit Russell hard, but Dan forth held the visitors safe, .Score: PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A.E. ABHOAE Witt, ss 8 0 0 S lJ.Col's,rf 41310 (Jrover.2b 6 10 0 OW'vsr.Sb 4 8 0 2 1 Strunk.rf 4 2 8 0 0E.Col's,2b 4 4 0 4 0 Schang.lf I I I 0 OJackson.If 4 110 0 Mcln' 4 1 11 0 OLelttold.of 110 0 0 Pick, 3b 4 S 1 4 0 Moss lb 4 17 10 4 0 10 OTerrys 4 0 4 1 0 Ha ey.C 110 0 OLynn.c 4 2 12 1 1 riclnlch.c 8 18 2 ORussell.p 8 118 0 Johnson, p 0 0 0 1 O'Fournler 1 0 t 0 0 Myers 10 0 0 0i?anrth,p on o o Snlho'd.t) 10 13 0 Parham.p t 1 0 2 0 Totals. .24 14 17 16 2 Totals.. 3 6 It 24 1& 1 'Batted for Russet In seventh. Batted for Johnaon In second. Philadelphia ..OS 3001 20 0 T Chicago I 2 0 0 110 0 I Two-baae hits: Pick, fltrunk. Three -base hits: Schang, Pick. Stolen bases: E. Col lins. Lelbo1d. JJ.J JColllns. Weaver. Bases on balls: Off Russell, 2; off Seibold, 3. Hits snd earned runs: Off JJJo.fhnson, 4 hits and three runs In one Inning; off Salbold, 8 hits and 3 runs In four and one-third In nings; off Parham, 2 hits and no runs in two and two-thirds Innings; off Russell, 11 hits and 6 runs In seven Innings; off Dan forth, no hits and no runs In two Innings. Struck out: By Russell, 6; by Dan forth, 3. Wild Pitches: Helbold, Russell. Umpires: Dlneen and Ulldtbrand. Browns Whip Yanks. St. Louts, Sept. 20 A battlnr rally f St. Ijouts in the eighth, after New Tork had tied the score, gave St. Louis today's (tarn, 7 to 8. In this Inning four singles and a double off Fisher, who replaced Rus nell after the latter gave way for a pinch hitter, netted four runs. Two of the - visitors' runs were gifts, while St. Louis earned all their runs. Sta ler led the locals wtlh three hits, three runs and a walk In four limes at bat. Score: NEW TORK. ST. LOUIS. AD H.O.A.l. AB.H.O.A.B. 4 13 0 Ohotton.lf 4 13 0 0 Hi-nd s.rf S Peck'hss 4 I'ltip.lh 4 Bak.r.ah t K.MIl'r.lf 8 l u u v "oDin.rr b 0 6 3 OSisler.lh 8 0 13 1 0PrHtt,2b 4 0 8 1 8 0 8 8 II 1 2 OMar'nscf 4 0 OVuotln.Jb 8 0,T,umler 1 OWal'ceJb 0 OHartley.c 4 Ol-avan.M 10 room, p S Oci1on,2b 8 Wslters.c 8 s 0 1 1 6 man 1 Aragon Alsx'r.c 1 Russsll.p 2 o 0 Totals.. 33 13 37 14 3 Rsuman 1 Flsher.p 1 0 Totals.. 88 T 84 IS 1 RattM for Austin In stshth. Ratten for Walters In seventh. Ran for Hlrh In asvsnth. Hatted for Russell In seventh. New York ...0 0 0 0 0 0 St. Louis . ...I 0 1 e 0 0 0 a Two-base hits: Hendryx, Marsans. Pratt, Oroom. Btolen bases: Photton, Oedson (2), E. Miller. Bases on balls: Off Russell, 3; off Fisher, 1 : off Oroom, 5. Hits and earned runs: Off Kussell, 7 hits, 8 runs In six Innlnfs: off Groom, 7 hits, 1 rUn In nine tnnlnia; off Plsher, 5 hits, 4 runs In two Innlnas. "truck out: By Russell, 8; by Oroom, 2. Psssed hall: Hartley. Um pires: Connolly and Chill. Indians Beat Senators. Cleveland, Sept. 80. Morgan's errar al lowed Cleveland to scors two of Its runs and defeat Washington, 2 to 8. flmlth led In bat ting, with three hits In three time, up, a throw by (Jraney to the plate, doubling Smith In tho olghth prevented Washington from tying tht score, floors: CLEVELAND. WASHINGTON. AB.H.O. A.T9. AEH.OAI (lraney.lf 8 13 1 0Leon'd.3b 6 0 18 0 Ilarb' s v nnier,.'D , o 8 II Spesk' 2 1 nothrf 4 1 W'gss.s, 8 0 8 1 Kav'gh,2b I 1 Deberry.o 2 0 O'Neill, c S 0 Dneh'g.p 8 1 Allison 0 0 u w s 1 0 0mlth,rf I 8 4 2 I 1 0 1 0 4 0 Morgans, 8 t a ownrms,o 8 1 0 OAyevs.i, 2 ft 4 0 -Johnson 1 0 0 0.vlrnus'y 0 6 Total,. .38 ( 17 21 2 Totals. .20 0 24 IS 2 'Bstted for Tyers In ninth. Ran for Williams In ninth. Ran for Deberry In seventh. Washington ...010100 0 0 02 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 Two-base hit: ftmlth. Stolen base: Milan. Pouble piny: araney to O'Neill. Bases on bslls: Off nnehltng, fi: off Ayers. 8. Hits and earned runs:, off Boehllng, 6 hit, and' 1 run in ln Innings; off Ayers, 4 bit and Sport Calendar Today Boilnjr Phil Bloom against Leo Johnston, ton rounds, at Brooklyn. Joe Connolly against Kddle Flynn, tea rounds, at Boston. 1 run In eight Innings. Hit by pitched ball: Wambsganxs, by Ayars. Struck out: By Ayera, 2. Wild pitch: BoehUng. L'mplrea: O'Loughlln and Nallln. Little More Water Needed in Canals, Says the Engineer fProm a iuff Correspondent Lincoln, Sept. 20. (Special.) State Engineer Johnson, just back from a trip of inspection oef the North Platte country, has found that irrigationists in that section will not need water much longer. All of the year's crops have been harvested, Mr. Johnson reports, and fall wheat is already in, some of it al ready up. After the wheat fields have received a good wetting there will be no' need of further water this year. The state engineer will io notify the United States reclamation service that the Pathfinder dam in Wyoming may be closed in Uctober except to let out such quantities of water as The moment you start to run a new car Friction begins its sly work ot depreciation. GRAPHITE Autsmobile LUBRICANTS tie Friction's hands and draw its teeth, Atk ytmr 4ltr for (A Dim Lubricating Chart JOSEPH DIXON CItUCIBU COMPANY Jam Chr. N. X KtmUUkti l2T ures fiMCTuM.faoca , Who Selectt YOUR TIRES Inform yourself about Law Puncture Proof Pneumatic Tires before you buy again. Lee Puncture-Proof Pneumatic Tires arc Guaranteed Puncture-Proof un der a cash refund. And "vanadium," used under the Lao process, doubles the toughness of rubber 6,0 00 miles la the hia nf adjustment. POWELLiSSlfW'' UPPLV COMPANV UPPHeS OMAHA aoai Fsraasa nlXON la GRAPHITE Is produced in a modern plant under most sanitary conditions. Only the choicest Barley-Malt and the finest imported Hops are employed in its manufacture, and it is a most healthy and refreshing beverage. Save coupons and get premiums. Send for catalogue. Phone DourUs 1889 and have a case sent home. Luxus Mercantile Co. Distributors the government is under contract to furnish at this time of year. Former laws limited the period of irrigation to from April 1 to October ' I. This is no longer covered by stat ute, but government officials are anxious to begin storing water as promptly as possible to guard against the possibility of a dry winter season. ARROW COLLARS GO WT.LL WITH BOW OR FOCI-IN-HAND IScti.aach.aforNcta. auiTT,KAtoov4veaiNCi)Mi(tvii THE MEN WHO KNOW CHEW "OLD KENTUCKY" Other Tobacco-Hasa Flavor That Gives.Them.So Much Enjoymefll SWEET, FRUITY, SAHSFY1XG If you.should visit the great to-acco-growing, tobacco-manufac-uring centers, you would find that .lie men who are the best judges if tobacco in all its forms chew plug, tobacco. Old Kentucky gives you the.full benefit of the natural juice of he leaf and the ' juice contains ill the flavor, and all the whole-. ome, satisfying elements which nake it so valuable as well as en oyable. Old Kentucky is. chewed by more tobacco experts than any other brand. Its sweet,; mellow flavor pleases them,.; and they know that it is made of choice, selected, ripe Burley leaf, in a clean, sanitary factory. A ioc plug of Old Kentucky is fresh and delicious. You'll say you never tasted its equal, and the more you chew it the better you u like it Grt t from your dealer. Ad 'ertlsement