Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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And Legislature Says it Will Be
More Dead After First of
the Year.
Tabloids of Politics
LittU Itemi About the
ProgrcM of the Campaign.
By A. R. GROH,
Sometimes there is lots of money
made in a dead business.
Your mind staggers under the be
wilderment of this seemingly contra
dictory proposition of mine, does it?
You ay you can't make money out
of a dead business any more than
you can get blood from a turnip or
intelligence from a democrat.
Well, the county coroner made
$2,991.26 out of a "dead" business last
z In 1914 the easy picking in this
' garden of large and easy fees amount
ed to $3,625.31
You admit now that our opening
proposition, which seemed so para
doxical, is but the simple truth.
No More Fees. ,
Restrain your indignation at this
pouring away of public money; for
the last legislature abolished the of
fice of county coroner an ' placed the
duty of holding inquests on the county
attorney, who is to receive no fees for
the service.
Coroner Crosby's term of office will
expire December 31 and the office
and the fees will expire at the same
time, though Crosby has carried the
case into the courts and ft is now in
the supreme court. Another landmark
of the old fee-grabbing days will dis
anoear with this office.
Let us consider the Eldorado of
the coronershiD. Whenever anybody
is murdered or commits suicide, or is
found dead, the coroner "views the
body" for which he gets $5, a very
beautiful "view," indeed 1 Then he has
the body removed to his establish
ment, $5. Then he holds the inquest
, for which he receives $ 1U.
More Feet.
He eets 50 cents for impaneling the
jury. He gets 25 cents for swearing
each witness. Sometimes there are
thirty witnesses in a single case.
When he journeys out of town to
hold an inquest. he collects 5 cents
per mile mileage.
All this is 4,vlwt" trt Ihp rnrrtn
The iurvmen and witnesses are paid
, by the county in addition to the cor
1 oner's feet. And a coroner's physi-
, cian It paid by the county $m a
Total Cost
T t vr the total exnense of the
' coroner s office was as follows: Fees
to the coroner, $2,991.25; coroner's
jUriCS, Ott, W1UICBBC9, ft,liw,uJ
" printing. $5; coroner's physician, $900;
summoning coroner's jurors. $395;
sneriu aciing a. uuiuiioi, ki?... w
11, fU.WI ttTai
In 1914 the total expense i was
"Summoning coroner't jurors is a
new little stunt that was added to
the exnense account in 1913 when It
was put through to the pleasant tune
of $388. In 1914 it showed a healthy
growth to $620.40.
In 1913 the coroner's own income
from this office was $2,879.35 in addi
tion, of course, to the amount the
county paid for jurors, witnesses,
printing nd physician. In this year,
also, the sheriff viewed tome bodies,
held some inquests, swore some wit
nesses and so on, by which he
"earned" flaunhter) $251.
In 1912 the coroner made $3,365.55
and in 1911 his fees were $3,126.25.
' , "Them was the days I" . . .
Emergency Orfler
To Complete Sewer
The storm water sewer extension
from Mary street to Redick avenue,
in Minne Lusa addition, will be com.
. nleted at this time, notwithstanding
thai $27,000 of the cost will have to
be paid out of next year's sewer bond
fund. To meet this situation the
council passed , an emergency , ordi
Suoerintendent Jardine of the pub
lie improvements department made
this statement: "This year't sewer
bond fund is nearly exhausted, but
to stop this Minne Lusa sewer exten
- tion would be unwise. The comniis
tionert visited that portion of the
work already completed and conclud
ed that an emergency existed, so the
work will be completed this fall."
The next extension of this sewer
will be from Evans street to Mary
street, which probably will be done
next year;
Mayor Was Not Asked to
Open the Dry Convention
A ttatement from Mayor Dahlman't
office contradicts the allegation that
representatives of the Woman's
Christian Temperence union were un
able to locate the mayor on Monday
or Tuesday to ask him to address
their meeting.
"The mavor was in the citv hall on
both days, attended the committee of
the whole meeting Monday morning
in the council chamber and the reg
ular council meeting Tuesday morn'
ing and was in the city hall most of
the time during both davs. none
called on me or telephoned me 'on th
subject." said the mayor's secretary,
Robert Ennis, president of the
Knife and Fork club of Kansas City,
former secretary of the Real Estate'
Exchange of Kawville, and former
president of the Commercial club of
the same city, while discussing politics
and tilings at the Omaha Commercial
club rooms said: "There are many
indications that Hughes will earn
Missouri this fall, and I am thorough
ly convinced of it. The republicans
are united, while the democrats are
split in twain. The democratic slate
administration has left a bad taste in
the body politic of the state. Mr.
Hughes was in Kansas City recently,
and 1 just want to tell you he made -
tine impression witn the rank and
file of voters."
Court Officers Would Put, Out
Furniture of Office Where
Girl is on Watch.
T. J. McGuire of the republican
county central committee has re-
ponded to a call trom Jesse Craig ot
the state bureau of speakers to go to
Chapman and other points to make
addresses on behalf of the repuu
lican nominees.
Chairman Dahlman of the demo
cratic county central committee, at u
meeting in the Swedish auditorium
Monday evening announced that one
of the big cards in the campaign of
this county will be democratic oppo
sition to the prohibitory amendment.
Colonel W. F. Stoecker, identifying
himself as "not a candidate for gov
ernor," is issuing bulletins against the
liquor interests, lie is distributing
this literature on street corners.
Bride Delays the
Ceremony Until the
Hand Points Down
While the hour and minute hands
of the marble clock in the county
ourt pointed upward at 11 o'clock
Anton Lanik and Gertrude Mitchell
refused to take the marriage vows
oeiore justice unit, rvnci inc min
ute hand had moved downward and
pointed to II :30 they promised to love,
nonor ana ooey. juage nrm, jvew
pie" Stubbendorf and "Kay" Ken
nedy waited out the half hour in order
to satisfy the superstition of the bride.
"My grandmother and my mother
were both happily married while the
minute hand of the clock pointed
downward and I insist that my mar
riage ceremony be performed under
similar circumstances," said the 19-year-old
bride in explanation of the
naif-hour delay.
Anton Lanik, a farmer, aged 22
resides at Wahoo, Neb. The girl bride.
Gertrude Mitchell, came to Omaha
from her home at Valparaiso, Neb.
They will return to the Lanik farm
at Wahoo after the honeymoon.
rel Itaffft IrriUbleT UlaMtl.fllf
Tour llvvr ! th cauaa. Cleatf out your
irilim with Dr. King's Now Lift Pills. Tou
will tool tint. Ito. All drutsliU. Adv.
Th Come-back" man wu really never
tjown-ana-out. Hit weakened condition be-
mbn of over-work, lack of eiercise, tra
proper aatlnc and living-, demands stimula
tion ta satisfy the cry for a hoalth-vlvlna;
appetite and the refreshing; aUep esasntlal
to strength. GOLD UK DAL Haarlem Oil
Capautea, the National Hsmedy of Hollnnd,
.will do the work. They are wondeiful!
Three of theee capsules each day will put
man on hta feet before he knowa It,
whether hi trouble comve from uric acid
poisoning, the kii sa. gravel or atone In
- the bladder, a ton- h derangement or other
Aliments that b i- . the over-aeaioua Amer
ican. Don't wait until you are entirely
down-and-out. but take them today. Tour
druggist win vladly refund your monsy if
they ato not help you. 16c, loo and tl.vo
, per box. Accept no substitute. Look for
in name uold medal on every bos.
Toey are tne pure, original, imported Haar
lem oil capsules-Advertisement
Pyorrhea, Son Gums, Fua, Looee Teeth
and Toothache manreleualy relieved over
, atght and completely corrected tn a few
cys oy asm Anu-ryorrnea, an accidental
auoovsry mat cures, ma and several otbara,
Wnta for DartieuLan or aonri II f..r l.n.
bptUo. prepaid by 1. N. NESLO, Coamaaarelal
Judge Woodrough Makes -
Short Stay at St. Joseph
Federal Judge Woodrough it baclc
in Umana again ana reaay tor dusi
ness after a trip to St. Joseph, Mo.,
where he occuDied the bench there
for a while but a mighty thort
The Omaha federal judge't stay in
the Missouri city was short. Severat
factors went to make it so. 1 be at
torneys were not ready for some of
the cases; tome persons to be tried
jumped their bonds, and several oth
ers pleaded guilty.
Where is Dr. 1". J. Little?
What is to become of office fixtures
in rooms 212-232 Neville block?
Where will Miss Myrtle Mewcom
ber, office girl, recover pay for six
weeks watching headquarters of the
United Doctors while the doctor has
been absent?
These questions are puzzling Coun
ty Judge Crawford and will be
threshed out when an action started
bv Judge Neville is heard. Eviction
papers were issued to Constable llen
sel Wednesday and lie was instructed
to break into the rooms in the Ne
ville block, if necessary, and remove
the fixtures. Mr. Neville complains
that the missing doctor is indebted to
him. Friends of the physician assert
that he is seriously ill in a sanitarium
t Lincoln.
"Dr. Little has been away from the
office for nine weeks. During the first
three weeks he sent me checks for
my services and wrote me urging that
I keen the office open to notify call
ers that he would be absent for some
time on his vacation. I have received
no wages for six weeks," complained
Miss Myrtle Newcomber, the office
girl when she appealed to Probation
Officer Miller to arrange plans for the
collection of her wages.
"Dr. Little is not here and his pres
ent whereabouts are unknown to us,'
was the answer .to inquiries at the
Schlitz hotel, where the physician for
merly occupied a suite of rooms.
Library Has 'ome Books ,
For ihe Boys on Kites
The Omaha Public library believes
in some crazes, the one in this par
ticular instance being the kite-flying
craze, which seems to have gotten a
firm hold on the boydom of the city
For the benefit of ambitious kite
flyers boys who would know the
why, wherefore and reasons thereof
of everything pertaining to
ilirary officials have arranged a list
of books on the sport.
Mrs. Doane Sends
Out Call for Some
Shoes and Clothes
"We are very much in- need of
clothing and shoes for school children
at this time," said Mrs. G. W. Doane,
superintendent of the Associated
She added that the supply which
the charities had on hand has been
exhausted and with the coming of
cooler weather there will be many
calls for clothes and shoes for un
fortunate boys and girls.
"If those who have discarded gar
mcnis and shoes would remember us
at this tinie we would be prepared
when calls come to us later in the
season," added Mrs. Doane.
Free to Pile
An Excellent
Stomach Bitters
Try a bottle for
You'll find it a splendid aid
The amount of l
comfort and hap-
pineia spread
over the conti
nent by the fa
m o u a Pyramid
Pile Treatment li
truly remarkable.
A FREE trial
package will con
vince anyone who
tiff ere f-r o m
Itching:, bleeding.
protruding piles,
hemorrhoid and
such rectal trou
ble. Get a 60
nt box today
of any druggiat or mall
Take no aubgtitute.
I , v
eoapott S trial. . g
, ,. ,,.. , 'llJif'tiiillllBjBM
640 Pyramid Buildinr,
Marihall. Mich.
Kindly nd mt a PrM aampla at Pyra
mid PUa TraaMMiit, la plain wrapper.
City ..
I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk
several years ago. Doctors aald my only
hope of cure was an operation. Truasea did
me no good. Finally I got hold of eome
'hlng that quickly and completely cured
ne. Teara have passed and the rupture
fits never returned, although I am doing
tard work aa a carpenter. Thre waa ni
operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have
nothing to aetl, but will give full informa
tion about how you may find a complfts
r-ure without operation, if you writ; to me,
fiugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 199C Mar
roll us Avenue, Manasquan, N. J. Better
out out thla notice and show it to any
others who are ruptured you may save
a life or at least atop the misery of rupture
and the worry and danger of an operation.
Make Skin Smooth
There ia one safe, dependable treatment
that relieves Itching torture instantly and
that cleanses and soothes the skin.
Ask any druggist for a 25c bottle of semo
and apply It aa directed. Soon you will find
that pimples, black heads,- eceema, ringworm
and simitar skin troubles will disappear.
A little aetno7 the penetrating, satisfying
liquid, la all that is needed, for It banishes
all akin eruptions and makes the akin soft,
smooth and healthy. .
Zemo, Cleveland.
Jin Advertisement by
The Pullman Company
1T0t'') w Rn important ele-
ment in the service
afforded by the Pullman Company, and includes not
only the safeguarding against loss of life, or injury
through railway disaster, but the protection of health
against contagious diseases.
All cars used by the .Pullman Company are built in its
own shops and represent the experience of fifty consec
utive years of car construction.
Built of the most enduring materials, designed to resist
the most violent shocks and to withstand every con
ceivable strain, the Pullman' car affords the traveling
public the greatest assurance . of safety.
Not only is the Pullman car designed for strength, but no effort or
expense is spared to make each car as completely sanitary as possible.
Smooth painted surfaces, sanitary floors, the avoidance of heavy
hangings and superfluous upholstery, scientific ventilation and
adequate screening eliminate as far as possible the dust, and dirt
of railway travel v
Systematic mechanical cleaning combined with frequent thorough
chemical fumigation, maintain each car in a constant state of
cleanliness and sanitation. ,
make use of their
Spare Rooms during
the next two weeks
f Tl.e Ak -Sar-Ben festivities
a ill draw thousands of people
to the city aad Rooms will be
at a premium. Advance res:
ervations at the hotels and
regular rooming houses indi
cate there will be
A Scarcity of
l Many private families are
planning to (hrow open their
homes and rent their spare
rooms, but still more will be
flit does not matter where
you live, people will be glad
to go long distances and pay
good prices for places to sleep.
See that your room is ad
vertised in The Bee get it in
at once. The cost will only be
one cent per word.
Bring, Phone or Send
Your Ad. in NOW
Call Tyler 1000
Bee Want-Ads gained 19,599 more
paid ads than any other Omaha
newspaper gained in the first seven
months of 1916.
I 1
wis m di tTowia vouaa.