THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1916. Personal Gossip : Society Notes : Woman's Work : Household Topics "When We Build Castles in Spain" By Nell Brinkley Copyright, 1916. International Xtwi Service. J6 MELLIFICIA September 20. Airs. Draner Smith. Mrs. H. Gilford I and Mrs. F. S. Hanna. who were ap pointed a special extension coi'mit- tee ot tne social sememcm una -mer, have been so successful in their efforts that the association has de cided to accept their recommendation that the extension work be continued in a new location. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. oittora ana jars. Hanna, asisted by a corps of seventy five volunteer workers, carried on the extension work near the West Side ool of the South Side this sum mer. There they found crying need for the assistance which the settle ment Tenders. While at the present I location there are only a icw iurciBii nations represented, the majority of ,h.e hems Bohemians, in the new liiistrict there are at least twenty- Iseven foreign peoples living in kvMtrhrrl rirrumstances. Most 01 tne , ... ..... , . Imcn are empioyeo in y.r.i,.8 fiouses nearby. . In view ot the report oi me cxicu kion committee in regard to this state ,f affairs, the association lias de cided to give up its present quarters ,n Thirteenth street ana as soon Possible begin work among tnese lieedy people. At a recent meeting ot Ihe association board committees Kre appointed to secure a new head livorker ana a suuaDie uuuuuih- t Carter Like Club. Jhe music department of the imihi Women's club took luncheon ft:he Carter Lake club house thit fternoon. About fifty guests were resent. Cosmos and asparagus tern lormed the decorations. A short talk rogram followed the luncheon, at Ivhich Mrs. E. M. Syfert, president Ipoke, Mrs. Eugene Jonnston ta'Kea ln the music at the biennial meeting .f -4he Federation of Women's clubs, Mm. Wagner 1 homas sang, ana Mrs. IV O. Malstrom gave a musical I eThose who entertained at tne Dig Ilarvest Home dinner at Carter Lake !jb last evening were Miss Mary Marston, twelve;., tne women s Swimming club, sixteen; L. li. I. lUepen, twelve; J. F. Boon, twelve; rreeiana, twelve; r. j. mrii, I Hi A. W. Fitzsimmons, R. V. Hart, )f. C F. Patton. W. L. Killy. Mrs. K."0. Knox, C. E. Reese, Mrs. Hiss, i:.,H. Ward, Ot. W. M. layior, novo inch. H. W. Havilmd, . Miss fciia llrown, C. B. Horton, W. F. Weber, Iv-L.. Keller, Dr. r. r. Rani, l.. a. Jmion. C I. Cain. W. B. Stallard. I . J. Gilford. P. L. Harris, G. N. lAulabaueh. Georee Tierney. C. G, ofcox, L. Hiller, H. T. K. wmtlock, . U Madra ana a. r. kuxmc. , Kt5Happ Hollow Club. I Iwo hundred ana ntty guests are xnected at the Harvest Home dinner 1 1 (Happy Hollow club Thursday ev- nmg. " s." . The -Women a Bowling club met f hursdav Mrs. George B. Han- will aire eight guests at luncheon; Mrs. H.-.L. Martin, four, and Mrs. C. F. I V'eller, seventeen. Further reservations for tomorrow ivening have been-made by W. -H. I ones, four; M. M. Robertson,' three; , . Goodrich, four; C A. Abraham- on, four; H. K. Burkett; ' -E. W. iunther, eight; George A. Roberts, i. W. Marrow; J. M. Aikin; James )rummond, three;' J. F. Prentiss-,' J. V. Parrish. three: Vr. W. F. Melroy. ur: W. C. Fraser; S. W. Carver: Dr. "aimer Findley, six. ' : . j it Sevmour Lake Country Club. ' I i One of the happiest occasions of ne year was tne Dirtnaay party given x inc cjud issi dikhi. . inc icsuvi- es Opened with pageant' of the lomns ana a grand marcn, more lan 100 guests were seated at dinner pd tn only one instance ; did the jirthdays of two members of one imily fall in the same month. The iecorations were Unique and a huge irthday xake, from which each guest as. served a portion, occupied a table i the center ot tne dining room. Thirty-five women golfers gave a ncheon todav complimentary to Mrs. I H. Parratt, who leaves ahortly for rr home in Fremont ' Mrs. Parratt ?s been an active member of the Golf sociation and a handsome electric imp wis 4he token ot .remembrance resented. See our castle when we're little, but When we're twenty it just needs to be big enough for two E' ILEVEN'S castle must be shining with the morning sun gold and blue, with banners floating from every turret, tieven reaas a faery-tale book with her knees under her chin, pressed against her heart to it bony little cage. The half-tamed rose nods in the wind at her back. The gooseberries pop in between her hard little teeth one by one! more" dreams real onest night, for you, young ladyl And ' Eleven turns dreamy eyes and a freckled nose to the great blue sky and builds her castle in Spain I 1 Her castle mounts pile on stony pile until it scrapes the sheer blue of the sky. Its war-like pennons ripple. among the whipped-cream clouds. Iti roofing is like as not close-laid lollipops! There are hosts of win dows where a princess can lean and see the Plains of Lombardy the blue Mediterranean and the Big Horn Range in Montanal A sapphire lake washes all day long in silver rings at the "water-stairs." And Eleven, in golden plush, and pearls and ermine, with a deer hound, and a crown in the day time, cornea down those water-stairs to t the Country Club. (Mrs. J. D. foster will entertain six- een club friends this evening. Mr, fid Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson will have ine guests. Mr. and Mrs. U. U Ked k will have a party of seven. Mr. and Mrs. William Tracy Burns ill have seventeen guests in honor I Srs. Chaunce Dewey, .of. Manhat- in, Kan. Mr. and Ms. E. G. McGilton will ave as their guests at dinner this ening: Measn. and UMdamn .org H. Payne, B, H. Bnnnar, :in and lira. Palmar Plndlay. Mr. Elmer A. Cope will entertain t the Country club this evening for Lisa Marguerite Colcord and Mrs. harles Rensen of Atlanta, Ga., who re euest at the D. t. Patterson line. Ten guests will be included the party.' Mist Alice Duval will give a bridge party for Miss Hector, combined with a shower for Miss Louise Bed well, an autumn bride. Saturday afternoon at bridge. Miss Hector will be the honor guest of Miss Edith Hamilton, bundav. a party ot young people will accompany her back to Logan by motor. Miss Dorothv Denmson Dumop ot Providence, R. I., who js visiting her aunt, Mrs. O. B. Williams, is a very popular guest. Numerous informal affairs are being given for her each day. Sunday afternoon, Mrs. u it. Johannes will entertain in her honor. Comua Club Party. ,',Mr.: and Mrs. Charles Lanstrom entertained the members of the Co mua club and their husbands at their home Monday evening. ' Decorations were ol goldenrod, , and a color scheme of yellow was carried' out in the refreshments. Club guests were: Mrs. Jessie Hern. Mrs. T. A. Truel- som of Stanton, la.; Mr. Lee Larmon and Mr. Donald Hood. . Prizes were won by Mrs, Charles Lanstrom, Mrs. T. A. Truelsom, Mr. E. B. Ferris and Mr. Lee Larmon. Thursday af ternoon the club wilt meet with Mrs. J. F. Dimick. Press Club Tea. Mrs. Martm Harris will entertain the Omaha Women's Press club at an informal tea at her apartments in the Dwight, next Tuesday after noon at 4 o clock. Mrs, Harris will give a short talk on the one-act play, and a general discussion of the drama will tollow. Bridge Party. Mrs. t. A. HiKRins entertained at the second of her twin bridze parties at her home today. Decorations were exactly similar to those of yesterday, ahasta daisies, and the same number of guests were in attendance. Four tables were set for the game. Original Cooking Club. Mrs. Samuel i. Burns, jr.. enter tained the members of the Oriiinal Cooking club at luncheon at the Coun try eiuB today. J hose present were: llMdam.a HudtinM-- Moahler Colpattar, rharlea T. Kountta, Luth.r Kountaa, w. H. Popplaton, Oaorca B. Prlns, . W. H. WhMlar. the Field Club. iMr. and Mrs. A. L.'Meyer will nave i truest at dinner this evening. . ! Saturday evening E. A. Wells will ave a dinner oartv of eight - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Allen will ve a family dinner party of nine at je club this evening. In the Calendar. (The Dietz club will have a dancing irty Thursday evening, septenv Vr 21. (The Qui' Vive Dancing club will bid its parties this season at Turpin's sancing academy every alternate Fri kv becinnina- November 10. The ira. Hughes' Orchestra that has layed during the season at Happy jnllnw club will furnish the music IMs. J. P. Lord will entertain the Ives of visiting physicians at tea iday afternoon. 'Mica luanita Hector of Loaran. la. '.' -a. much-feted guest of the week ist' evening Mr. Leon Nelson gave ' i little dinner party at the Happy a-illow club tor Miss Hector, i nurs 'Iv'eveninB Mr. and Mrs. C H iliton will entertain at the Field ' Ub.-in her honor. Friday afternoon to' Minneapolis. Miss Mona drove every inch of the way, while her father and mother sat back at their ease in the tonneau. Most remarx- able of all, not a single accident not even a puncture, happened to mar the pleasure of the ride. ihe Lowells went ny way oi tne Iowa, lakes. Storm and Soirit Lake, and from Minneapolis went for short trips to Lake Minnetonka and Christ mas Lake. They made a leisurely journey, stopping over when oaa weather beset them, ana enjoying ev ery moment of the trip. Rlchey-Dickman Nuptials. The marriase ot miss emma uick- man and Mr. Charles Reen Richey takes place today at the home ot the bride's parents in Rapid City, S. D. Sorority Tea. The Sigma Chi Omicron sorority of the University of Omaha gave a tea for a number of new girl students at the home of- Miss Katherine Richey on Saturday. The decorations were in purple and gold, inose present be rowed upon the "flood." The castle swarms with pages and lackeys and old wives with white kerchiefs; there's a youth in motley and a minstrel with a gold and black harp strung to his velvet back. And they sail up and down the stairs and through the rainbowed gardens, with steaming dishes and peacock feathers, and a golden mist of grandeur wraps the castle round I And the sun smites fire from the coat-of-arms in some high stained window. A great sigh lifts the blue flowered apron above the little beating heart and Eleven eats another gooseberry I However, there's a prince. Twenty swings in the porch hammock. Twenty was once eleven. Under the band on her forehead in the new Greek runner style she lifts blue eyes and builds her castle in Spain anew. Mer awning-stripe snoes tiptoe gently, pushing the swing forward and back, like a boat in a languid sea. And her castle I Just big enough for two. A little brown ' Mluaa Rita Carpantar. Rtta Barantarn, Rathar Knapp. Kathcrloa Rich?. were: Ml.a Marlon Pamraall. Ollva Brain, Ruth Patars, Halan Johnaton, KllaabalU Barryman. Scottish Rite Woman's Club. Important business will be trans acted by the Scottish Rite Woman's club Friday at 2 o'clock at the cathe dral. After the meeting refreshments will be served by a committee includ- '"gj.,,,' Adalla Stlna. Maadamsa C. McCllntook. F. J. Andaraon, yesterday, Miss Sybil Nelson gave a prettily appointed tea at her home this afternoon. Pink snap-dragons in baskets, tied with tulle bows, were used on the tea table, and the living loom was decorated with pink asters. Seventy guests were present. Those assisting at the tea table were: Maadumra. Meadamaa. H. Y. Cook, Herbert Daniel. Haro'd Sobotkcr. Cheater Nleman. Mlaaea Mlaaea Alice Duval, Ruth Dlabaush. Graoa Slabaugh. Notes of Interest. Mrs. Fred Fitzgerald leaves Satur day for Jersey City, N. J., to join Mr. Fitzgerald in their new home. Mrs. Ellen Hershey left for Stras burger, Neb., Monday to visit her daughter and family. Mr.' Charles W. Young of Buffalo, N. Y., left last evening for his home after spending a few days with his son, Mr. Raymond G. Young, and Mrs. Young. Mrs. Herbert Rogers entertained at luncheon at the University club today. house with a sun parlor in the back, a rambler over the door ("we must have every window hinged to swing open even if it does cost a little more"), a little brick wall and window boxes, a "good chimney," some of those darling Italian poplars and a peach treel "Five rooms is all I can take care of at first," ruminates Twenty, "until Jackie makes a little more." A little brown house with a blue and white kitchen, a tea wagon and plenty of "clothes closets I" Just big enough for two and some day three. Oh, I forgot just to say however, there's a prince the same old prince I When we are little our' castle is so monstrous big and fine when we are Big our castle's but a nest. Time moves the pieces in the game widens the cage of the beating heart and softens the dream. NELL BRINKLEY. Palay Stlna. Meadamea ' Hayes Oeantner, M. C. Warran. Luncheon and Box Party. Mrs. I. C. Wood entertained at luncheon at the Hotel Fontenelle to day, followed by a box party at the Orphcum matinee. Her guests were: Meadamea Meadamea Donald Marrae ot Robert B. Wallaea of Council Bluffs, Council Blufla, M. Shirley. B. A. McDermolt, A. P. Condon, H. 0. Krana. B. K. Barrett, Fidelia Club Party. 1 The Fidelis club entertained 100 guests at a card party at the Happy Hollow club this afternoon. Tables were placed for bridge and high-five and twenty prizes were offered. The hostesses tor the occasion were: . Uesdamee Masdatnea t). T. Callahan, A. r. Mullen, B. C. Ferrell. C. T. Klayla. , A. r. Howk, J. B. Crea, M. T. White, Patrick Oanroy, Catharine Bchapp, Nellta MacNamara, 1, A. Kervan, J. R. O'Hamlln, ' J. H. Lynch. T. S. Miles. Charles Caufhlaa, Return From Motor Trip. Miss Mona Cowell, the versatile young society - girl, has proved a ''lucky stone to take along for an automobile trip. She and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowell, returned yesterday from a most enjoyable trip B'nal Ami Dance. The B'nai Ami club will entertain at an informal dancing party at the Hotel Castle ball room Sunday even ing, October 8. Preparations are be ing made by the club for another dancing party to be given Decem ber 24. Afternoon Tea. In honor of her guest, Miss Juamta Hector of Logan, la., who armed We Feature PAGENET All Coiora All Qualities. For Man 50s tS Sl.OOl rot Women .7Ss ts 2.0oB . FADDEN ft BITTNER SI1 So. Ith St. SlOHNERS THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI 36 Afr Urdft Booi frre JWKHER MFG. COL OMAHA, ULSA Drexel's Arch Preserver This is a most wonderful shoe. Made on scientific principles to preserve the beauty of the foot. Stock is fine glazed kid and so constructed that the arch receives the support necessary, doing away with the bunglesome, heavy metal arch prop inserted in the or dinary shoe. It is neat and attractive and light on the foot We have them in two styles broad or narrow toe low or medium heels. $goo Parcel Post Paid. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Faraam. Best Investment ana iaaguug Gift of All A Genuine diamond Buy a Diamond Through Our Easy Payment Plan. Then Make It Grow. GENUINE DIAMOND RING GENUINE DIAMOND RING Guaranteed Perfect Cut, 822.50 How You Pay It 1st week, S .SO znd week, .15 Srd week, l.OO 4th week, 1.2S Sth week, 1.M th week, lis 1th weak, t.OS Sth week. t.S th week, J 50 loth week, S.15 11th week, 8.00 lttta week, J.25 10 INTEREST Allowed upon payments until your diamond Is paid for. Large Beautiful Stone, $67.50 HovrVou Pay It SELECT TOUR OWN MOUNTINGS GROWING DIAMONDS After purchasing our 122.60 diamond should you desire to buy a larger or higher priced diamond we will allow you your full purchase price in exchange. 1st week, $1.00 tnd week, 1.50 Srd week, S.OO 4th week, S.OO Sth week, S.OO tin week, S.S0 1th week, 4.00 Sth week, 4..W Oth week, 5.00 10th week, 0.50 11th week, 10 Itth week, 0.1)0 OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS You can purchase your diamond from us by mall and feel absolutely "assured you receive the same attention as though you personally visited our store. Prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. BR0DEGAARD BROS. SIXTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS. ckMJh ft II Ifffl It! Ml-v '-'iriii'SS Crushed from full-bodied, lus- Ml f If I lll'lllllin lif ' Urii dous Concords bottled at the vine- N jf I III Hill, I I N till III ysrds, right whsrs tha bsst grapes t'ow II I I III I III II H fill delivered to you undartbapurity-protactioa llllLUP""" S. III Hill n '111 of the Oval Label thal's frrtwirs I III aPJfesfeTV J' If 111 IIS health-pleasure drink lor J pjr ' lliPIitta. lliiii! Unfermemted,unswerteTied,cUrifieel I YSim IH FT! Ifirfl Th. d.lidou. thlr-qti.nching smack of A 'MfiM rich, fruity goodness Diluts it to your usw. ffiffW T ifj rjfrmOUrsi4 Buym in the Family Case in.'JHl, aUPRODUCTSJry!! armouhcompaktj; asssBaaaaaaaaS OBT. BUDATZ, Msr, ISA and Jones Sts, !iSijsrslOTi " Phone Doue'aa IOSS. Omaha, Neb. 1 lrVirnafljtesgT5im!TIi' 1 ! Leo for tMe alsa mm W. l WILKINSON, 29th 4 Q, Tel. So. 1740. :ETfft tgOVIlJ i Ms IF I ni 1 1 I