-THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1916. 12 LIYE STOCK MARKET Some Kinds Cattle Steady and Soma Lower Sheep Steady and Lambs Higher. HOGS TEH TO QUARTER OFF Official Monday 17.714 Official Tueeday 12,711 liatlmate Wednawlay.. 7.401 Sept 30, 1111. Cattle. Hof". Sheep 4,70. (.004 26.004 e ooo 12,000 , Thre. dare thle wk. 17.010 16.711 IM.MI 8.m. d.y. iMt w,.k..SM44 17.763 I0.II1 Ham. daya I was. a-!" J Ui day. I wka. " "! J "! sane day. 4 wk.. o.JJ.Jlt ll.ll 7J.J1I Sam. dan laat year. . .16.104 7.114 174.001 ttecelpte and dl.po.ltlon ef lire .lock at the Luton nook yard. In Omane lor twenty lour hour, endlm at 1 o'clock ye.terday: RECEIPTS. C, St- J" Wabaah Mlsnourf Pacific i... Vnlon Pacific C. N. W., ea.t.... C. S. W., we.t... C 81. P.. M. O... '., B. Q.. eaet. , . . C. B. Q. wnl... v., H. I. 4 P.. eaat. . T.llnol. Central L'lvlcato 9. W...... Total receipt. .. 67 40 71 ' 1 .6 1 I . 17 31 34 1 !ii7 J ii 'i ..III 10 134 4 Morrl. Co ewift Co Cudehy Parking Co.... Armour k Co J. W. Mnrphy Lincoln Fecklnc Co.... So. Omaha Packing Co J. M. Packing Co Cudahy. Sioux City W. B. Vaneant Co Benton. Vaneant Jl L... Hennlger Oliver r. B. Lewi. J. B. Boot Co , J. H. Bulla , L, r. Hue. Hoeen.tock Bros. ...... r. O. Kellogg Werthetmer Degen... H. r. Hemllton fulltvan Broa, Rothschild Xrebe..., (o. Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Hlfglm Huffman. Roth Meyore i . Olaaeoerg . Baker Banner Bret. John Harrey TMnnta rmnol. Kline Jenaen A Utmrrea..... OlDay Other buyers DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hoge, Sheep. 1,40a 1.640 3.103 1.013 701 1.163 . 1,641 1.237 400 4.(23 3.117 1.101 good to choice. (10.60tT10.10: lamba fair to good, !10.264?10.4S; lambe. feeder., 11.760 10.46; yearllnra. good to choice, 17. 7641-60; yearllnce. fair to good. 17.007.76; yearllnge. feedere, 11.60491-00; wethers fair to choice, ll.60tr-7.60; ewes, good to choice, !7.00J'7.2fi; ewee, fair to good, 16.2600.10; ewe., platn to cull.. l4.00tY4.T4; ewe., feeding. 36.60 7.00; ewee. breeder, all age., 17.0001.60. Representative eale.: ro. 43 Wyoming breeding ewes.... 113 22 Wyoming feeding ewee 12 280 Wyoming reeding ewe.. 110 Wyoming ewee 260 Wyoming feeding lamb.. 104 Wyoming feeding lamba. 17 Wyoming lamb. 202'Wyomlng lambe 37 Idaho buck lamb........ 441 Idaho feeder lamba 221 Idaho lamb. 12S Idaho ewe. .104 . 61 . 67 . 74 . 13 . 77 .107 7 00 ( 16 30 7 10 10 36 10 36 10 36 10 36 1 00 10 00 1060 1 10 HEW YORK STOCKS Diminution of Public Interest -Brings Abont Unsettlement in Day's Market. 4 ,. I II Ill 133 161 Ill til 311 , II ..... ..... 161 . Ill 717 ..... ..... Ill II 167 101 101 ' 14 ' , 41 ..... " a ..... ..... 11 II ..... 114 ..... I.... 11 ..... . 100 ..... Ill It LEADING COPPESS STRONG Nw York, Rpt. 20. Plmlnutton of public Intermit coupled wtth prtat.rr.t beariih en croachment brought about urtiU1emnt In today ' atork market, Operation! ran be yoad a mil Hon ahar for the twelfth lion, lartnly at the expenae of quoted values. Receaalona were not tavera exeoept In aomtj highly apeeulatlva luauea. The lead In eoppera were conatently atronfc, Ana oornta rlalnv -S points to the new record of 4r; whtta Uuh, all allowing for ita recent dividends, aggregating 2 points also made a new maximum at 87 e. Preaeura waa directed against the rails soon after the strong opening, later ex tending to United States (Heel, which fluctu ated between and HOI, closing at 1107, a net loss of point, nans par tially recovered In the extensive short cov ering of final dealings and other Import ant stocks finished well above minimum. Shipping shares wer backward through out, Marines showing gross declines of X t Dolnls. with 3U nolnta for Atlantic Gulf and West Indies. Mexicans, some of the en ut omenta, minor industrials, and mu nitions denoted liquidation, the feature' of the latter class being Drlggs-Seabury. which made an abrupt break ot 11 point to l.tto. The day's news nan inns srrecc upon market conditions. Recent sessions Indicated Increasing confidents of short Interest. Humors that financial Institutions wars exer cising closer scrutiny of collateral offered for loana ware helpful to the movement. Total sales amounted to l,1&Mv shares. Bonds remained firm on larger and mors general offerings. Total sales par value si.i7a.ons. i united states vontu were uncnangea on call. ... i Bales. High. LOW. Close. Am. Beat Sugar.. MOD 94 MS4 l&,uu RAIN AND PRODUCE Very Little Market for Mixed Corn Helps to Keep Price Down Wheat is Dp. MODERATE OATS DEMAND Omaha, September 30, 19W. Wheat was strong today, advancing itflc over yesterday. There was a fairly good demand for No. t and No. I hard winter wheat. Corn sold unchanged to lHc higher, the hits com selling at lU02c over the yel low and 8e over mixed. The mixed corn was poor demand and most of the No. 2 mixed told at 71c, with few buyers. oata were also selling UOo higher, with a fairly good demand. Rye and barley remained unchanged. Clearances were: Wheal and flour equal (13,000 bushels, corn. 43.000 bushels; oats. 000 bushels. . Liverpool close: Wheat nnehaifaed to 4 off; cotn unchanged to 2d off. Primary wheat receipts were l.lsl.ooo bushels and shipments 938,000 bushels. against receipts of 2,31.7, 001 bushels and shipments or 2,238,000 bushels laat year. rrimary corn receipts ware 936,000 busn- Is and shipments 249.000 bushels, against receipts of 866,000 bushels and shipments of iz(. voo bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1.362.000 bush els and shipments 1,140,900 bushels, against receipts of 1,126,000 bushels and shipments of 1,406,000 bushels last year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn Oats. Chicago Minneapolis EMllUth Omaha ..... annas City Louis . . Winnipeg ,. These sales American Can...., Car Fdry.. 3.114 24.908 iwtg..;.,.......iMM - Cattle Receipts were very 1,014 19,170 liberal this utniti Ml mm feeing raoortsd In. This makes the total run for the three days thia wMk IT 910 head, the largest of any flmltar period this season and almost 1,000 Head larger man lor sam uim ieelrable flashy and weighty beef eattla at arloa that were generally stsady. wtth less 4lrab1e kinds slow and weak. A load Of very good yearling cornfeda gold at $10.19. Cows and heifers 414 net "how much changa, ths market on that class of stuff Wing generally steady with yssterday'i low ef market ... A fsw good to choirs weighty feeders commanded about steady prices, but ths lighter rattle, aven thoaa of good quality, wars both slow and lwer. Quotations on cattle: Good to eholo beeves. II 0.00 9 10.16; fair ta good beeves, jl.09fjl9.Mi common to fair beeves, M-7&0 9. 00 1 good to choloo grass beeves, 97.799 9 iS: ri.li ta aood grass beeves. I7.2997.79; good 9o c ho toe heifers, 19.799)7.31; good to choice cows. 99 9097.90: fair to good oows, i.l894,IO; common to fair cows, I4.80(f .19:. good to e holes readers. IT.1SOS 16; fair Wo good feeders, 9.8(f7.18; common to fair fasdeqs, 98,909)9.99; food to choice stockera, a7.Cb-9T.TA; stock heifers, IK.199 T.90: stock cows. tM099.8Q: sto k calves, 6.6999,89) veal ealvee. 3I.M9H.00; bast bui is, stag 9B.vsyi.i aoiogna sutis, , RopraoanUtjv aalsot , BEEF STEERS. No. i ! Ar, ' Pr. No, At. 8.. 1489 11 09 . STEERS AND HEIFERS. . i. ....... TT0 89 19 94T IS 80 ....'.... 864 00 99 ISt I tl t. 360 I 78 1 160 I 10 I........ 310 30 00 WBRTERNS. ' Anrui 8utherland--WV0. 4lStears..t 27 7 JO I steers. .1071 I 40 W. T. Johnson Wyo, 14 steers... 999 9 10 10 steers... I tl f 49 Stunbla A Ensia Co. Nab. 4lstars.. 999 1 36 31 steers.. 144 T II Prank Smith Wyo, 8staars.,1014 T 80 17 cows. . .1047 I Tl H. Karar Nebraska. 31 steers.. 6M 144 ' 11 steers.. 114 Tl - Robert Hanson Nebraska. 14sUara-.ini III 31 steers. .1060 T 19 W. W. A J. U Drtsklll Wyo. 31 stasia. .1143 T.TO llstsnnil 174 C. S. Ta'nnor Wyo. ' SI itsrg..lt 61 f 00 9 cows... 1191 Tl Hugh Palmar Wyo. II COWS,.. 1101 I II 18 steers.. 0 T 40 J. C Blrdsell South Pakot, ll-ataars.. 149 9 16 -. W. s Carpsnter Wyo. kl.atsaige.13U I 91 . 24 steers, .1101 I II Little Horao Creak Cattle Co. Wyo, 41 tar.. 1016 T 00 91 steers. .1911 T 10 t J. A. Stevenson Wyo. 3lsters..l063 TOO 16 steers, . 141 T 10 .A. Undsrwood Nebraska. IT feedira.1184 T 40 9 feeders.1000 I Tl C. S. Orahaxn Nebraska. i 4 targ..lllT 99 , Otaara., 114 I II H 133 133 42H 42U 91 944 10444 104 16,308 $0 87 16 2.400 I9-I 81 II 100 $b BB'j tt 4,000 68 ' 644 3 "M "M 1144 y ii i6i 1 lttT lli Amer, Loeemotlv, 1.101 11 71U III m r a R 16. ,00 1014. IMS. 1071 Am. Suiar Reft ... loo 1114 111 1104. Amer. TeL Tel.. aov 13BH l Am. Zlno. u 0. 1.4O0 43 Anaconda Copper. .116,700 14 Atchison 1.600 101 Italdwln Lfteo..,.. Bait. Ohio Brooklyn RaD. Tr. Butte A Bup. Cop. Canadian P.Hflo.. Central Leather... Ches. A Ohio Chi., Mil. St. P.. ChU Northwest. Chi., R. I. 4k Pec.. Chlno copper Colo. Fuel Iran... 11,100 Corn FrdcU Refc Crucible Steel Dletlller'a Src Bru 17,101 ,.n...t KisAfrln... 1.100 at. Northern p(d.. 1,100 110(4 lll'A 1114, - do ora ctr. 4,000 is " " Illtnol. Central.... 100 10:44 10144 102 Interborougn u u. i.ewo n,. Inspiration Copper. 11,000 13 60 11 intwi. w. 'in itfi VV.ioo lioii njji uijt K. C. Boulhern... 100 II 164 1644 KennMOtt Copper. 11,400 I3V. II 63 IauIs. Naah.... ...... .... .... II e. petroleum... i;.;; 11. 3 "3 Mo.. K. A T., PM Missouri Pacific... ntana Power... National Lead.... Nevada copper. . . . New Tork Central N. T.i N. H. A K.. NorroiK west. Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Ray Con. Copper.. Reading Rep. Iron A Steel, Bhattuck Ar. Cop. Southern fact no muinarn rarnin.i. i.iuu iui Southern Railway. 4,600 36 34 StudebakSf Co.... 1,600 131 119 ?ennesaoa Copper.. 17, TOO 26 exaa Company... 1,004 119 i Hog -Hog racelpta wars vary fair, being the largest so far tnls weak. Estlmatsa plaed tba run at eighty -six oars or 0,000 Wad, This makaa the total for the first half af the week 11,716 head, which la 1,000 abort of laat weak, but 11,900 heavier than ' two weeka ago, and mora than twice as larre aa for im same period last year. t Order buyers wars aatlrely out of the market thia morning, and. with packers Vho have been looking for chance to ' gat arioso down In complete control of the market, a sasrp crop in prices waa a tore gone ooaoiuaioa. One packer whoso order called for choice no its. nicksa up tno est nogs hero at decline of around 10c. paying a top of 111 -. Moat of the offerings were as usual of only A fair to common sort, and on these kinds . the trade waa never lass than a 10980c lower affair and got steadily worse, the late trade being vary dreggy, and at least I ika lower than yasterdav'a avsrua. some . hogs being still la 'the pens at a rather late hour at that, common grades or an weights were In mighty alack demand, and t whlle sellers managed to get rid of some of t their- poorest hogs early, a good many of them went until the close without ever at tractlng even a bid. With shippers out of the game, packers had more hogs at their disposal tnan tney reauy wanted anyway, and -the demand tor this plain stuff waa naturally very alack, especially towards the lata-ana or tno msraet. r A falling off In the fresh meat demand : Is about the only eiplanatlon of thta sudden ' lack of shipping ordure, and the extreme bcarlshnasa of packers. The big outlet for "trash meat, which has consumed the hogs about aa faat aa they were marketed all summer, la what baa held prioea at the record levels that have bean In force the lat several months. - Today'a general market averaged close to 20c below,r yesterday, the bulk sailing "at 1i0.30910.'l0, with a .soatterlng of the oesi'Kinaa on up. RspraasMaUva sales: Av. tl.. 2)2 81. . 346 til..3&f 44.JI6 . 69.. 384 91.. 306 S60 10 31 300 10 It ... 10 41 10 10 II 1 ... 10 80 11 No. Av. 41.. 134 93. .381, 71,. 344 47.. 86 41.. Ill Sh, Pr. ... 10 80 130 10 40 40 10 10 40 10 94 49 19 II Sheep Pat lambs continued on the un- frrede this morning. Packers started early and a good ahara of the lamba moved bv ths middle of the forenoon while everything Vwas cleaned up wall before midday. On ; paper prices were ldgllc hlghsr than yea- -tarday, and while part of this upturn waa .tredsrs called the general market around' -.a dime higher. Bulk of the lamba sold at ;.t14.69910.ao, the same prices that were . ,1a fores on last week's close. One band wn.co proved a nign buy at 19.4Q yester day waa unable to beat the Dries todmv. ; -.ill the top reached 110.11, a nickel above ust rridays best price. .Feeding lamba were strong. Prices ware as much aa 10c higher than yesterday on - paper, but mora good lamba were here, and considering quality there was little real advance. The top reached 119.46, whtle ' 119.86914.40 . bought, ssvsral , desirable' - euncnaa, ':, . juotatleng an sheep and lambs: Lambs. 6,700 9i 66 96 U 900 179 1,300 68 4,400 44 2.400 800 127 4.100 19H 14 13 3 .3 16 II 47 1144 11 1.100 176U 17144 174 w.re reported todaj : Wheat No. 1 hard winter, I cars, 11.614; cars, 11.6044: No. I hard winter, 1 car. 1.61: I car.. 11.604: 1 car. 11.60: 2 care. II. I; No. I hard winter, ! can, 11 60; ear, 11.1IU: l can. 11.41: 1 4-6 can, 1.44; 4 can, 11 47; 1 car. 11.44: No. I hard wlnt.r, 1 car, 11.41; 1 car, 11.41: 1 car., 11.41; I cara, 11.41; 1 car, I1.44U; 1 oar. fsmutty), 11.44: 1 car, 11.44; aampM, hard inter, 1 car, 11.41; 1-6 car. 11.16; No. 1 .print, 1 car, 11.63; No. 1 aprlnf, 1 oar. 1.62: No. : durum. 1-6 ear. 11.61: No. 1 durum, I can, 11.61; No. I mlied, S can. 1.61 H; 1 car, 11-47. uarl.y no. a. 1 cara. lie: No. 1. 1 car. 13c; 1 car, llo. corn No. l white: I car. lie: 1 car. II Via No. I white: I ears, lie No. I yellow: 1 cara, lOo, No. I yellow: S can, 71V.0. No. yeiiow: car. 7,0. No. 1 mixed: 1 car. 71Uo: 4 care, 71c. No. I mlied: 1 car. 74c. Sample mixed: -.1-4 car, 71c, oats No, 1 white: 1 car. 44440. stand ard: I cara, 44 Vic; 1 car, 44Uc. No. I white: 10 1-1 oan, 44o. Sample whit.: t cara, 41a; can, 4ao. Omaha Ca.h Prleea Wheat: No. I hard, 11.414,01.61; No. I hard, 11.4401. 60; No. 4 hard, 11.4301.41; No. I sprtn,, 11.410 1 66: No. I aprlnf, II 4Set.41:No. I durum. 1.4.1P1..I. corn: No. I white, liuaizc: No. 1 white, 1044 OUc; No. 4 white, 100 lotto; No. I white, 7IViO10c; No. I white, i,07itte; no. 1 yellow, 7144 010c: No. 1 yellow, 7IH071V.C; No. 4 yellow, 71V40 71c; No. I yellow, 77 071c; No. I yellow, 77Vi0 77o; No. i mixed, 7107IV.0; No. mixed. 71 44 4, 70c: No. 4 m xed. TlUi 7144c: No. t mixed. 7I0774.C; No. mixed, 76 077c. Oats: No. 1 white. 44V40444ic: standard, 44 "it 44 Vic; No. 1 whlta, 1344 4) tic, no. , wntte, av434.e. Barley: wall. l.c,i.oo: no. 1 reed. 70 012c. Rye: No. 1, ll.nttl.ll; No. I, 11.1101.11. emalm Futures. Heavy taklnie by the exnortera yester. day oau,ed th. aharp advance In wheat toward fho cloa. of the ae..lon. This aam. factor tav, th, marlt.4 a aironaer tone to. day. Th. atrentth of th, liorthwut Tnar Mia today was attributed partly to buy. Int by forltn.n. Corn and particular feature. Theae held within a narrow rante. 700 too I.I0Q ,.00 .1 'I i1 . S.XOO 1144 17.1 11 444 4 till 11 70 70U 11 11 i 1.400 101 107 10? 1,600 It 10 V 10 1,200 1104, 110 13. nil lis 11146 112 1.000 II 14 37 11 1.001 17 44 17 17 Vi 1.100 161. 14 11,101 lllVi 110 11.100 41744 16 1,6 00 1 044 10 1,400 101 I, 11 11144 II 10 H lot i'i SI Ill Union facltlo .... IM00 147 14 146 d. ltd ., 101 S3 11 II U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 10,100 131 127V4 111 V 1 Steel 163,100 10 107 107 do pfd ....... ..v 1.100 131 120U 110 Utah CoVper 13.401 17 44 II Vi 17 Wabs.h pM "B" . . 1,100 14? I7 17 144 14 44 114 Western Union.... 1,600 Weatlnlhoue, Kiea is.uuu 144 l. iti ia4 I 4 44 Total aalee (or th. day. 1.160,000 aharos. Wm. Vark Mowsy Market. New Tork, Sept. 10. Mercantile Paper ,P.ro.n.. .... Bterttnt aixonant-.w-wr wni ...i.ie 14 7144 1 cablea. 14.7144. Silver war, .o; uu,,..., .i.u. Rend. t4ov.rnmen4 steady; railroad firm. tin. f,.ne Firm; 10 daya. 1410146 per e,ntt 10 daya, I.VItj in Bene mauin., r-.ii Uoney FHrmt tilth, I Per cent; low. t per cent; rnllnt rat., I4 pr cent; laat loan, a per ceni; niueuia .., .is k .....ta at 1 m. eent. U S ret la. ret. Mo Pec eon 4... 10744 Mont Power I... II Vi N T c.nt n ,. 41, N.w Torx t--uy 444, (llll). ...Ill N T, N II H ov I. Ill North Paelfto 4s 11 North PacKlo 3. II Onton 8 L. r 4s 1244 Paclflo T A T I. 10144 p.nn eon 4V... ..104 do ten 4 Vis. .10144 Readlnt ten 4... do. coupon. rj a l..; ret. ...1004 00, coupon . TJ 4., re, 1J; aO, couiiun. ...... . m Rmeltera 1.1134 T a, T ov 444. 1101 Antlo-Fnch Is 16' Atohleon ten ee " Kelt Ohio 4. Ill Beth Steel r Llo" p.ririo i.t 111 Ch.l O . tV4a 10 Chi. C. R I P ret 4. 71 i South Pao r 4s. II a a iui l.444Snuth Ry la. ..101 . n 11 Mn 1. 7, U Union Paelflo 4a II 41 Oen Kleotrlo 6.100 -u nuooer Ol North 1st 414.11 V o Bteei ...... ie III Central r .a.. "H"'" ynwB 1,-r. e,if,u t, dominion 01 Canada 1131 Bid. n a n 11 u Ill's L 1 2 r r 41 Tl it If J 1. 101 Vi South Pao 0 I..I14H lnl M 4V....10IH K C South llo K T lat 4. I, Neeh un 4. 14 14 .. LndM Stock Markei. tnrtan. Sent. 10. Mon.y waa In batter demand and, dlacouni reiee w.r. iuiar w d.v The treasury tethered 111,000,000 by varoua ahorl term teeuea ia.c w..a. ... tock markei continued dull. Inveetment bu.lneaa wa. checked by th, approschlir, French loan, the uneettled railway dleput. nd tha faol that money win be required for commercial unuertaainta . aunnt (no fall. Rubber ahara. and foreltn rail, at traded attention, but roretfa jwnns ana the war loan drooped and American se curities w.ra n.ilectad. Silver liar, l244d per ounoa. aionev 4V4 ner cent. Discount Ratea Short bllla and . three mouths, 6HOSS per cent. Clly 4enenl Markei. Kansas aty. Sepk 10. Wheat No. hard. I1.I0O1.I0: No, I, ll.44 01.ll; No. red. II. 6601.10; No. 1, II 4101 61; Peoem. ber, 11.41111 May, 1.471401.47Vi. Corn No. 1 mixed, IIHOSIHOI No. Iiuailvlo: No. I white. HViOllo; No. llVtOS414c; No. I, yellow, llVkOilo; No. . liauun: December. 71a: May. 76440. Oala No. 1 while, 47Vko; No. I mixed, 41 0 47 Vic Butter Creamery, 11440; flrat llo; ttc- onds. Iivto; packlnf, 14 He n.n rirata. llo. Poultry Hena, 114,01 rooalera, llo; broil rs, 10HO- . ' Oil and Best. Savannah. Oa., Sept 10. Turpentine Plrm; 434io; aalea, 174 bbla.; racelpta, 2.3 bbl.,; ahtpraanta, 111 bbla. I .took, 11,117 bb .. Rosin Firm: aalea, 1,111 bbla.: racelpta. 1.141 bbl..; .hlpm.nta, 1,171 bbl..: .lock, 14.061 bbla uot: A. B. C D. 16.16 16.10; P. 11.10; a, 11.11; H, I. K, M, 11.16 N, 11.16: WQ, II.4IO1.I0; WW, 14.10. - Huaar Markei. New Tork. Sept. SO. Sutar Raw, firm: centrlfutal, 1.77c; molaa.ee. 4.l7o; refined, firm at 10 point, hither; out lo.r. 7.16c crushed, 7.60c; mould A, 7c; cubes, 7c XXXX powdered, 1.16c; powdered, . .60c floe tnnlilated, 1.60c; diamond A, 1.60c eonfectlonen' A, 1.40c; No. 1, l.llo. Sutar futures were firm and hither early follow- lot th, atrantth In both raw and refined. Rank Cieertnt. Omaha, Sept. 30. Hank cleartnts tor Omaha today were 16.116,011.11 and tor the oorreepondlnt day laat year l,!ll,ni.l4. I7.00OI 00; No. 1, 16. 10O7.I0; No. 1, 15.00 01.00; No. I. 3.00OI01. Straw Choice wheat, 16-OOf .hole, oat or rye. II. 00 0-60. Alfalfa Choice alfalfa. I11.60O14.I1: No. 1, il3.10OH.60. Standard, 111. 00O 11.64; No, I, II.60OH00; No. 1. 11.010 1.00. .101 500 ......172 103 172 101 Ill 111 II 101 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET Duller No. 1 creamery. Is cartons or tube, 14c: No. 9. 330. Poultry Lire: Broilers, 111 to I lbs., Sic; brotlera, over S Iba.. 17c: hena, over 4 lb... llo; hena under 4 lb... 14c; roosten and etate wanted, lotto: teeese. full feathered, fat, 12c; youns and old ducke, full feath ered, fat. 13o; turkeya. any else over 1 Iba.. 34c; turkeya. leas than I Iba.. half price; capone, I Iba. and over, 24c; poultry, poor and thin, not wanted: tulneaa. each, 11c tulneea, young, each 86c; squaba, bomen. per doa,: 14 oa. each, 14.10: 12 oa. each. 13.10; I oa. each, 11.60; under I ox. each. 61c. Plteona. per doa,. 11.00. Cbeeae quotation, by Urlau A Co. Cheeee Tin-foiled, Swum, 4le; domaatte Swtae. ISc; block Swlae. 31c; twin cbeeae, 21c:l trlnleta. 21c: daisies. 31c: yoort Am erica, 23c; Blue Label brick. 27e: Umberter, 23c; New York white, 23c; Roqufort, 160. Oyatera standarda, 14O40O; seieoia, nt 46c. counts, 134y6u. F1SH Ha lout, nritnt steamer aioca. IVvc: aalmon. red. 14c: aalmon. fall, 12c; catflab. lart. or .mall. 17c: bl.ck "baas, order lae. Z2c: wblteftab. northern stock. llo: pike. No. 1 fancy, 17c; bullheada fancy. 16c: berrlnt. 7c; eunrlsh. medium. trout, Nn. 1. lean alaea to euit-.l.c; pickerel, headleua and dreMed. 12c: carp 1. dressed, vc; flounder., no; orsppies. medium, lo; headleaa obrtmj). per tel.. 11.36: peeled ahrtmp. per gal.. 11.76; kip pered aalmon. 10-lb. baakeu per lb., 17c; emoked whlteflab. cbuba, 10-lb. baaket, per lb., 16e. Wholeaaia Drlca or baer cut. effective deptember 11 ar, a. follow.: No. 1 rlba. c: No. 2. 17o: No. 1. 12Vic; No. 1 lolna. 33c: No. I. 1146.0; No. 1, 14c; No. 1 chucks. ic: No. l. ll Vic. no. i. lotto: no. 4 rounds. 171&0. No. 1. 16Vic: No. 1. 13o; No. piatea. ,140; No. 2. ,c; No. I. sc. Fruit and vetetabl, prices furnlabed by Ulllnsky Fruit Co.: Frulta orantea, vala, ise. 100a. S24B 14.26 box; vala. 121a, 16.00 box; vala, 150a. 6.21 box: 171a. 311a. 16.60 box: 200a I1M. 310., 16.71 box. Lemona Fancy 100., 210. 1.00 box; choice luoe. ItOa. 11.60 box: 170. Is. 60 per cant leu ffrapefrult Mar ket price. Apple, Belleflowen. 11.76 box. wasblntton Jonathana; .xtra fancy, iz.oo box; Colorado Jonathan., extra fancy, 13.26 box; barrela, 13.60 bbl. Qrapee Home. trown. 23o baaket; malagaa. 11.16 crate: Tokaya, 12.00 crat,. Peara Colorado. Wa.hlntton. fancy I tr., 12.16 crate: cholc. I tr., fanoy I tr., 12:40 crat.; choice tr., ,3.1. orate; tieiren, ousnei., 11.10 pu. Kelfera. eratea, 11.60 orate. Plum. Italian 11.16 crat,. Peachea market price. Ban ana. ,2.0, to 11.10 bunch Cantaloupes stai,. da, ia.,0 crate; ponya, 12.10 crat.: flat,, 11.00 crat,. Watermelons I Vic lb. Vegetable, Lettuce, heed, 11.00 dol.: leaf, 40o doxen. Cauliflower, 13.10 orate. Wax, green beana, peas, 11.00 baaket. Pep pen, 60e baakat. Panley, 30e doi. Turnlpa, beet,, carrots 40c baaket. Pickling ontona. 1.00 naak.t. cucumber, 11,00 baaket, 4ab- bate. z6 lb. Onlona. Spantah, 12.00 crate. Peachea Boxes, 160 to 11.00 box: buabele. 1.71 to 12.60 bu. Honey 13.7a caae. Mlaoeltaueoua crackerlaok. ' oornooDa and ch.ck.ra, can,. 13.60; half case., 11.76; p.a- out., opeoial NO. 1. lb .Vbc; jumbo pea nula. lo. DODCorn. caaa. 12.60: honey, new oaee. 1.71. CMtra Markei. New Tork. Sept, SI. Cotton Futurea opened steady; October, 11.10c; December, 11.110; January, 11.110; March, ll.llc; May, li.eia Futurea elosed ateady, October, ll.IKo: Pecember. 11.00c: January. 11.01c: March. 1.220: May. 'll.llc. soot aulet: mlddllnt upland., 11. 00c: no ..1... Liverpool, tfept. ... uotton spot, fair d.mand; prleea .teady; tood mlddllnt, 7Sd: mlddllnt. ...Odulow mlddllnt. ,.44d: aalea, ' 1,000 balea. Including 1.700 balea American. eata bad no cereal, both Art. I Open. I Hlth, I Low.! Clo... 7 Ta.. Wbt. I f I T ' Sept 1 41 1 47 14614 1 41 14644 toc. 1 47 Vi 1 4144 14714 I 4744 14741 May i I7 1 41 14714 ' 1 47 H 147 Corn. f Sept 10 10 7IH 7IV4 714 Deo. 1144 lilt 1444 11 II May 7114 714. 71 71S 7IV4 Oat,. Sept 44 41 44 14 Dec 4144 41 4444 4H 44 Mar' 47 41 1714 4IVj II Chicago closing prleea. furnished 'I'h, Bee it.n m Bryan, aioca ana South Sixteenth atraati Open. 1 Vt 1 10 i 1044' Art WhT" Sept DOO. May Corn sept 1 11 Deo, l4HOV4l Mar 7,110 ... i. Sept. Deo. May Pork Oct. 1 31 ,0 Dee, I II 70 Lard , Oct I 14 60 Deo, I II IS Nib. 1 Oct. 11 II Jan. I II 10 HJth. I .Low, t 10 1 11 1 11 141 14l 160 .)") 47 ltlO'01 Hl 11 74 " MVil! Itl , 4644 4144 61 II tl IS II 14 To 14 01 14 SO 15 71 II 47 11 ! 10 IS 6 14 10 11 101 II 111 II 10 1 iU II u tUtiw ?9tS II H 149 100 110 73 44 47 91 14 19 21 II 14 12 111 17 14 10 11 66 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. , Whjeat PrioM Rise Beoaaas of Clumwtar ef Mews frasa Europe, Chicago, Dent. 30. Reooris that the armies or noumame ware in a perilous pO' sttlon tended to lift the nrtoe of wheat to day, out word of a Roumanian victory near ins .viaca aaa, aciea later as an oirssL The market closed atsadr. 11.49 for Da- oember and 1.64 for May, and with the market aa a whole Ho off to Me up aa oomparsd wtth yesterday's ' finish. Corn closed unchanted to 9)o lower, oata at an aavanca 01 o ua provisions uq chanted to 16o hlaher. Bulls in wheat seemed to be dtsnoasd for a while to put considerable stress en admissions from London that Bou mania had been caucht at a - dlsadvantafe by Bulgarian attaoka tlr ths southsast. These admissions were oouplsd here with Russian Kdvlrtasi that t haut it mmm wia atn mm um,rumn9nmm 'wouia - oe openea It time to aiiow anr am omenta tnie MMn. r. sides gossip waa currant that foretrn ov srnmsnu were HKeiy to give prefersnoa now to wheat froira the United St ties in order to forestall a possible embargo mis country taier on. However, vessel ratea from Argentina showed a decline and It waa dented that Holland had purchased any of . the cargoes recently ordered ahlpped from Argentina to New Tork .Subsequently announcements that the Roumanlana had defeated the Bulgarians and Teutons In Dobrudja turned sentiment mora and more to the aide of the Mara, virtually wipuiB vm mil me eariy game. . Disappointment over the eomno.ro.tiv emaunesa ok export business counted late in ins aay aa a nanoicap on the wheat bulls. Tha total waa only 400.060 huhi In ths laat haft hour especially there was much unloading on the part of sarly buyers uj iw oi i am isj-b nouses on change. Fine weather eased down th mm ,... ket - The lata weakness of wheat also wrnm mn inouement to sellers, not withstand mg that rroat waa predloted for the northwest tonlaht. Oata hg.rdnr1 in pa thy with an advance at Winnipeg. There waa a good cash Inquiry here, but shipping " aTja.Mivi.ejl4 1 "UOArUJiy D( CSrB. AlthflUBh navivlalnnal m t ilHi owing to depression in tha hog market, an upward awing took place later. Influenced a aemanq ior tara. Home of the pur ohaalng waw aaerlbed to the paokera. r.nntii ivn. a varl. ai K1 a 1.12; No. 3 red, 4l.461.61; No. I hard. ' nmra, i aQiA9. Corn: No. I yellow, s;M4C; No. 4 yellow, il woou, i.t,, w witi i a.- Bin n.n. (iota na 1 white, 4&H9)44Hoi atandard, 466464c. 11.16. Heeds Timothy,; clover. ii.vvvii,o, i-ruvieions: fOTKi I6.0T xu, oii.ioj now, fll.tVQM.lB, Butter Higher; creamery, IIOJIHo. KgfS ReColDIS. 9.236 CUM- llnK.n.t Potatoes Unsettled; receipts, 40 cars; ""' ei.iuvr.se; unioe. 91.5001.30, Poultry-Alive unchanged. MUuMapolls Orala Market. Minneapolis, Sept. 10. Wheat December u.oeea ti.osa. vasn: no. l hard, 91. 67: No. l northern, ll.91 01.64t to arrive, 6I.6H4tfl.4m; No, I northern, 11.610 l.ll; No. I wheat. ll.4lfc01.6TU.. riour Fancy patents (lOo higher; quoted Corn No. I yellow, II Sir. ' Oats No. I white. 43 044c. riaxaeed 12.01 .UU. Barley 3c4Hl. 09. Rye 91. 189)1-19. Bran 131.00033.00. OaaaJsa Ray Market. pralrte Ray Tholes upland, ( i.vv, 1-4,0, i, vv.owv iw.utj ; ro. B, ?.0DSJ 9.40; No. 3, tb.00fpT.O9, Cholcs midland 7.10; No. , 46.e0fJ4.00. Choice lowland. 119.10 tf 17.00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Unsettled, Hogs Weak. Sheep Strong. Chlcaro. Blt. 30. Cattle Receipts, 22.000 head; market unsettled; native beef cattle, 16.60011.30: western steers, I8.0QU stoeksrs and feeders, 4. 00OT. 66; cows and heifers. . 6009.20; calves, B.7. 13.00. Hoss Recelots. 25.000 head; market weaK 10016c under yehterday's average; bulk of sales, 110.36011.30: light. $10.104yH30: mixed, 19. 96? 11.40; heavy, 19.9011.30; rough. S9.9O01O.U; pigs, 7.009.Si. Hheep and L.ambs Kceipis, a,avv neaa; market strong; wethere, IS.TStfS.SO; ewes. 3.80v7-l0; lambs, 16.70 1 1.00. Coffee Maxket. New Tork. Sept. 20. A moderate early advance was followed by renewed weak- nens tn the market for coffee futures here today, with March contracts selling ' off from 1.47c to 9 0c and May from 9.60c to 8.70c. The market opened at an advance of 1 to 4 points wtth active months Baling about I to 6 points net higher during the earlier trading tu a result of covering and scattered buying. There was no aggressive demand, 'how ever, and new low ground was reached Later under trade selling and liquidation, in spired by reports of an easier tone In the cost and freight situation and continued good weather In Braill. The close was 9 to 14 points net lower. Sales, 48,000 bags; September, 8.94c; October, 8.94e; Novem ber, 8.67c; December, 1.73c; January, 8.76c; February, 8.77c; March, 8.79c; April, 8.8.1c; May, 8.88c; Juno 8.92c; July, 8.97c; Au gust, 9.01c. Spot coffee, easier; Rio 7b, e; Santos 4s, llc. Cost and freight offem were reported a shade easier with quota tions ranging from 10.76c to 10.86c for Santoa 4s. The official rabies reported an unchanged market at Rio, while .Santos spots were unchanged and futures' 26 rels higher. Rto exchange on- London d higher. nt. Loots Live Stock Market St. Louis, Sept. 20 Cattle. Receipts, 9,600 head: market steady; native beef steers, 97.50011.00; yearling steeri? and heif ers, 18.60(910.60; cows $5, 6O1JS.O0; Blockers and feeders, $5.308.00; prime southern steers, 18.0009.00; cows and heifers, 44.60 8.00; prime yearling ateers and heifers, 7.&0 9.00; native calves, 16.00011.76. Hogs Receipts, 9.200 head; market lower; lights, 1O.7O01I'.8O; pigs. 18,00 10.25; mixed and butchers, 110.6611.80: good heavy, 111.36011.30; bulk of sales, 110.65 11.26. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,600 head; lambs, 97.00010.86; slaughter ewes, 6.00 7.26; bleating ewea, 9.0010.00; yearlings, S. 0099.00. Omaha is to Have Signs on All the Street Corners Hurrah! , The public improvements depart ment in the city hall is sending ,to property owners along Farnam street, Eighth to Twenty-fourth streets, no tices to place street name signs on the corners of their buildings, in accord ance with an ordinance passed years ago. ; The 'council has adopted a style of sign which shall be used. These signs may be obtained through Mr. Jar dine's office at a cost-of 96 cents per corner, or owners may have their signs made according to the style ap proved by the city officials. , Notices will be served on all corner property owners within the estab lished fire limits to place these signs within a reasonable time. The city will provide signs for gas lamp posts outside of -the fire limits. AMl'SKMKNTS. AMUSEMENTS. Complete Chans, at Bill ToJey. JOHN T. DOYLE CO. Presenting THE DANGER LINE" A Sereaminf Farce Comedy, MARIE THOEN Vaudeville Son, Queen BERAN FLINT A Slight InlerruBtlon. ADROIT BROTHERS A Veraatile Variety Ollerm,. Beet and Laleet Pbotoplaya. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." S Ilia m a. e,a at K"". iM-w &auWy!Tt5& HKANUtIS tfzrjjSi 77VB iJ. , , M ",kal ENGAGEMENT CLOSES SAT. NIGHT ffit "A New York Girl" JIMS; ; g Sb- Mile Babette, Harry Bentley, Clare Bvane. D I'u ft NA Prince. Tall Bot.It.rd, 4Valter Pearson, 8)1- RAMON A via Brody, Irvln, Sands, Jjn, Person and , j.,,,., F,m(u, Kmmn , BU Beauty Chorue ol Honeet-To-Uoodneee SYMPH0NY ORCHESTRA 28. N'W (iri0p.rtrm.n Friday Nle.l Choir .1 Ml.. Ion Sin-. I Indira' Dime Matinee Week Uaya. MaMHKejBMaaaaXaaJaaVaVJaaaT g.t, MsL Wx: "HIP, Hip Haorsr O.tla" j ISSi I BRANDEIS nfTxt's'unday wf fJipLJIM Tha Sensation of Seneatlons. "THE LITTLE GIRL NEXT DOOR" Startlhiff Vivid Faeta Regarding the Underworld Based on tha Illinois Senate Vice Investigating Committss. Picturs Every Man and Wo man Should Sa. Kansas City LI.e Stock Market. Kansas City. Sept. 20. Cattle Receipts, IB, 000 head; market lower; prime fed steers, $9.7610.90; dressed beef steera, 7.60ft9,&0; western steers, f.60ti.50; cows, $4.507.60; heifers, $".005)10.00; Blockers and feeders, 5.608.75; bulls, S5.0G.tQ; calves, 11.00. Hogs Receipts, 10,(00 head; market low er; bulk of sales. $10.40 11, 6; heavy, J10.50 10.16; packers and butchers, tlO.45li.06; light, 91O.40ll.OO; pigs, 3 Ce lft.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 16,000 head; market higher; Iambi, 110.003 10.66; year lings, 7.606.60; wethers, f 7.0t3T.T6; ewes. $6.7607.36. Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Sept. 20. Wheat Spot quiet; No. 2 hard winter, 13s lOd; No. 1 Manitoba, 14s 4d; No. 2. 14s 24d; No. 2 nominal. Corn 8pot steady; Americas mixed, new, 20a 4d. , Dry Gooda Market. New York, Sept. 20. Cotton goods were firm and active today and yarns moved to higher levels Jobbers did a very active trade for home and export markets. JITNEY TAXI MAXWELL CARS Webster 202 Jinn Pkon D. 9069. nirr ISth and Harney. TODAY ONLY EDWIN FORZBERG, la ' "FORGIVEN" - -.- From Frederick Briton's Great Drama, la aix acts. PHONE DOUGLAS 4M. i, .ft BtSI Uf V.Ui)VILI.E Dally MatlsM, 2:1ft. Cvsry Night 1:15. Thla WaiK. viint nuunboie, n, RAl.PH DUlf BAR'S MART LAND SINGERS; Johnny Cantwell Rets Walker. Im rarltl Ohlntss Trie, lleckwell Wood. Mile. Vers Bablns Co.. Orphemn Trsnl Weeklv- Prices: Hstlnees, beat suU (eicevt Sstur dar uid Sunday). 25c. Nights. 10c. 23c, Mo, 75c. SARAH PADDEN L CO.. Is "THE CLOD" 1 FRANCES BAETENS TEACHER OF PIANO Monaaya, Wedneed.ya, Thur.d.r., Sa4urd.jra. 20 Arlington Block, 151iy Dodge St Telephone Doug laa 3064. TODAY 2:30 KruG TONITE 8:20 WILLIAMS' SELECT PLAYERS 10 cants "ARIZONA" 25 cents FARNAIYT Theater TOMORROW LOU TELLECEN in "THE UNKNOWN" Florence Bailer Palmer ART OF SINGING. Just returned from New York' City Reopena Studio September 11th. 107 Faraam St, Phone D. 8634. OMAHA, NEB. TURPIN'S SCHOOL OF DANCING High School Claas.becins Saturday, September 80, 8 p. m. Flnt Children', Claaa Saturday, October 7, 2:10 p. m. Application, .hould be mad, early. Now open. Adult Beainnera Monday, 8 p. m. and Adult Advanced Tuesday, 8 p. m. No more i pupile re ceived in Monday and Tuesday daasea alter October 10th. Arrantemente may be made for private lesson, day or evsnins. . , B1 t . Phon, Harney 5143. s 28th and Farnam StratrU. I Thursday, Friday, Saturday A Superb Special Showing of the Authentic New Style Ideas in Beautiful Afternoon and Evening Gowns In Direct copies of U the productions of II the most famous 11 designers- , II ' ! U 1 1UT Ainirrr(C wsiaTcx 7 Jin a j nstrss. See the Special Display in Our New 16th.Street Windows. i is Y Vrf. n . U aUj6 If DODGE Aw DOUQLAS STREETS W A SPECIAL SHOWING which " represents the culmination of months of thoughtful planning and most painstaking selection of the choicest offerings. A display which affords our , customers opportunity to select from broad assortments of ele srantand distinctive models orig inating from the world's master designers at surprisingly moder ate pricings. Evening Gowns at $65, $75, $85, $100, $125 and $175 Dainty Dancing Frocks Lovely Afternoon Gowns ' $25, $35, $b5 up to $75 $85$i5, $55;up to $125 ' Direct copies of the most captivating new models from Premet, . . w , . -wa, 1 y-1 1 1 i TJ-, 11 T Faquin, (Jheruit, bernara, uanot, unscon, jenny. So varied and beautiful are the styles that mere words would signally fail to convey even a faint idea of their charm. You must see i;hem to appreciate their exceptional desirability. Consider this as a special and personal invitation to attend this display Thursday. Your honest praise or criticism alike will be keenly appreciated. co,.4ac1c..4a.a,.o,ogi5,Qo.c3i I( ( i f-V-Bh. la mm