Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Briej City News
Haa Boot Print It Now Beacon Fm
Lithtins WitTM Burgess-Oranden Co.
Half karat Whits Diamonds tis Edholro
"Toclajr'ii Movh Pnnrnam.- ci&ml
fled nrtlun today. It appear In The
Bee exclusively Find out what the
various moving picture theaters offer.
H. F. Cad Lumber Co., W. O. W.
building, has a fine .me mar Lake
street iit sa at a price of 12,800.
which Ib not i .uch over hi 1 what It
cost InvestlTf.te Immediately
Garage Incorporates Incorpora
tion papers have been filed by the
Dundee Garage company by Corne
lius, Rudolph and Theodora Lund
t,rren. The company Is capitalized at
Buys Farnam Lot Theressa Arn
xteln has purchased a fifty-foot lot on
the south side of Farnam just east of
the Potter apartments at Thirty-third
afreet The property was purchased
from A. L. Meyer. .
Judge Hears to Talk The Barris
ter's club will resume its mjetinps
Saturday noon at the Commercial
club when V. G. Sears, Judgr. of the
district court will cpeak on "A More
Efficient Court Procedure."
Dying Mother Wants Son The po
lice have been asked by William
Xorth of Westvllle, 111., to try and lo
cate his son, George North, whose
mother Is at the point of death. Aug
ust Ltllimann of Dallas City, 111.,
seeks his brother, Robert, who Is be
lieved to be in Omaha.
Two Divorces Granted Charges
of nonsupport against Harry R. Car
roll have brought a divorce decree
to Bessie. Her maiden name, Bessie
Kluson, is restored. Magdalene
Htamm has been divorced from Carl
on grounds of extreme cruelty Grace
B. Smith has filed a petition asking
divorce from George W., on grounds
of nonsupport. They were married in
Omaha February 9, 1812.
Fine Flreplaee Oaoda Sunderland.
Orchard-Wilhelm Co. Man Is
Elected President at Stock
1 holders' Meeting.
Fremont's Kennel
Club Show Draws
Some Fine Animals
Fremont, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special.)
The fourth annual show of the Fre
mont Kennel club opened yesterday
with an entry list of 381 doss, includ
ing canines from Chicago, Ka.tsas
Uty, Umaha, Sioux Lity and other
points. It is the largest show, by far,
ever held in Fremont, and takes rank
with the exhibitions at Kansas City,
Denver and other cities. The Fre
mont Kitten club and the Dodge
County Poultry association are hold
ing shows in connection with the dog
show. There are seventy kittens and
upward of 200 chickens on exhibition.
Judging of dogs began this after
noon, A. F. Hocwatt of Dayton, 0
having charge of this work. Otto
Pohl's collection of Irish setters, in
cluding two champions, is attracting
much attention among dog fanciers.
Joe 'Montfort, another Fremont
fancier, Has a large entry of Amer
ican pit bulls. The pit bulls outnum
ber any other breed, with collies sec
ond. This evening was Ad club night.
Three Motor Cars Stolen
From Parking on Street
Three motor cars were stolen from
their downtown moorings yesterday,
and have not been recovered. The
victims: ,
George Diercks, Bennington.
McCague Investment company.
A. E. Swanson, Twenty-fourth
street and St. Mary s avenue.
Maay Faapla Don't Know.
A alntiriah livor causes an awful lot of
mtsary to kaap it aetlva use Dr. King's
Saw Ufa Pills. Only sic. All drugsuu.
" Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
VV. G. Brandt with the Orchard-
Wilhclm company, was elected presi
dent of the Associated Retailers of
Omalia at the annual stockholders'
meeting at the Paxton hotel yester
day evening. He was vice president
last year. The succession from the
office of vice president to" president
the succeeding year is an accepted
course in this association.
Charles E. Black was elected vice
president. H. M. Rogers was elected
treasurer. J. W. Metcalfe was re
elected secretary, and J. A. C. Ken
nedy was elected counsel.
The seven directors chosen were
Joseph Hayden, George Brandeis, W.
L. Holzman, L. C Nash, C. C. Bel-
den, C. B. Brown and W. S. Stryker.
The credit committee reported 470,-
000 credit ratings in the files at the
present time, on 91,250 master cards.
Each master card represents an in
dividual account. A number of rat
ings may appear on the same card,'
It was also reported that 38,932
new ratii gs have been sent into the
office during the last year. New ac
counts to the number of 24,000 were
opened in the year, it was reported,
and of these 540 were persons who
had moved to Omaha from other
C. M. Wilhelm acted as chairman
of the stockholders' meeting.
Harvester Representative
Sees Roumania's Finish
Seward, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special.)
Fred Lepper, who has been in Eu
rope four and a half years, was in
Seward Friday on a visit to J. P.
Crouse. Mr. Lepper has been in Rou
mania in the interest of the Interna
tional Harvester company, and has
been stationed at Braila three years.
He says prices have doubled on
clothing in Roumania since the war
started. He was wearing a pair of
shoes for which he paid the equiva
lent of $11 in United States money.
In Germany the price on the neces
saries of life have only advanced 10
per cent. He says the war news we
get is so exaggerated that we would
not believe the truth. For instance,
in Montenegro it was reported that
the , Germans lost thousands, while
the number actually lost in killed was
thirteen. Speaking of Roumania's en
trance into , the war, he thinks it
will meet the same fate as Serbia and
Chambers Sells Lot
On North Sixteenth
The orooerty in which a feed store
is at present located at the northeast
corner of Sixteenth and Burt streets,
has been bought by M. T. Coffey of
the former owner, W. N. Chambers.
A trade is involved in the, deal, as
Mr. Coffey traded ,in some 'property
in Capital addition, which was re
corded in the deed as valued at
$20,000. The feed store property is
recorded as valued at $35,000.
Boy Will Be Returned.
Fort Does, la., Sept 18. Varnon Bailey.
,i nt Parker, a. D.. arrested Hare in a natr-
starved condition, will be returned to his
home, .authorities announced lonay. oauey
admitted to the officers that he ran away
to escape hailna at the Parker high achool.
Browning, King & Co.
Our New Fall Suits
For Men and Young Men
Are Awaiting Your Inspection
The Models and Fabrics are Exclusive
$15 to $40
Are Beauties and Range in Price From
$15.00 to $30.00
Our Exclusive Children's Department
On the Second Floor
is a veritable "bee-hive" these early fall days
We Are Showing in Our
Manhattan Shirts, B. K. & Co, Shirts, Early Fall
Underwear, Pajamas and Hosiery;
In Fact, Everything for Your Comfort These First
Chilly Days
Knox Hats for Men, $3.00 to $20.00
World's Largest Distributors of John B. Stetson
Hats, $3.50 to $15.00
Browning King Special Hats, $3.00
Saturday Special Hats, $2.00
New FaH'Caps "that are different" $1.00 up
Browning. King & Co.
Bellevue College
Will Open With Many
New Faculty Faces
Bellevue college will open next
Monday morning with more changes
in faculty, equipment and buildings
than for several years past. Five new
members have been added to the fac
ulty to replace others who have re
signed. New equipment is being in
stalled in the gymnasium and the do
mestic science department and a thor
ough cleaning and renovation has
been given every building on the col
lege hill.
Dr. David R. Kerr, president of
Bellevue from 1890 to 1904, will as
sume charge again, after an absence
of twelve years. He replaces Prof.
William E. Nicholl, resigned, who
has been acting head for two years.
Dr. Kerr will do no teaching, but
will devote himself entirely to build
ing up the educational snle of the
Other changes in the personnel of
the teaching corps include: Charles
E. Holley of the University of Illi
nois, who succeeds Prof. Nicholl as
head of the department of education
and psychology; Leslie N. Cullom,
also of the University of Illinois, who
succeeds Walter A. Peters as head of
the department of English, Prof.
Peters becoming adjunct professor of
English and head of the newly-created
denartmpnt nf nKliWw. m;..
Alma A. Jackson of Simmons college,
ooston, wno becomes head of the de
partment of home economics; Miss
Vivian Miller, whn iila t..
ter, Miss Bernice Miller, as physical
uirccior tor women.
New and additional equipment has
been hnncrht (nr tU fin. . :
...V HUlIlt KlUIIUIlllia
department. Miss Jackson is super
vising me installation of the new
equipment and the enlarging of the
Dresent ntiarfra rtn n A flA
of Lowne hall. A complete line of
gymnasium equipment has been or
dered and is expected within the next
few days. Every building oil the hill,
from Rankin hall, the president's
home, to Philadelphia hall, has been
undergoing thorough cleaning and
iciiuvaung mis summer.
State Chairman Beach Tells
Douglas Republicans Whole
Ticket Will Win.
Republican State Chairman Beach,
who was in Omaha for a meeting of
the Douglas county central committee
last night, learned while here, that
ex-President W. H. Taft will make
one speech in Nebraska, at Omaha,
on October 11. The information came
after Mr. Beach had addressscd an
enthusiastic meeting of Douglas
county republicans, and from which he
came with renewed assurance of re
publican victory in the fall. No par
ticulars of the coming of Mr. Taft
have as yet been received, but his
address will undoubtedly feature at
one of the big celebrations of the
Message of Cheer.
State Chairman Beach brought a
message of cheer to the Douglas
county committee at a meeting held
last evening in the court house. He
heartened the local yeomen to the
task before them, and promised to
devote every minute of hit time until
election day for the success of the
"We should not lose sight of the
importance of organization. We must
enlist the young men. ' remember
when I was 21 years if .gi and was
placed on a political committee, I felt
much elated and honored," stated the
chairman. '
He tbld of the portentious signs for
the unification and success of the
party, and gave the committee a prac
tical business-like talk on the cam
paign. He urged all to center their
tire and inject a little ginger into the
campaign. He told of eighty of the
ninety-three counties of the state now
lining up with fighting rganizations
and the others getting ready. He re
minded the candidates' that they rep
' resent their party as much as they
j represent their individual interests.
All Will Win.
! "We arc going to win and if one
candidate should fall by the wayside
j 1 would feel it as a personal defeat,"
added .Mr. Meacn.
Chairman Howell of the county or
ganiztaion presided and gave evi
dence of the enthusiasm which in
vests hit being at thit time. "We
expect to place Douglas county where
it rightly belongs, according to
the registration," said Mr. Howell. He
referred to the present state of mind
of the democratic party by relating
an incident wherein a negro asked
General Grant if he was seated when
he went into battle.
"Of course, am tcared," replied
the general, "but 1 know the other
fellow it more tcared that 1 am."
Mr. Howell maintained that the dem
ocrats are "more tcared" and will be
"more tcared" before election day. He
said the democratic party administra
tion it one of emergency and ex
igency. Prosperity Due to War.
Benjamin S. Baker, candidate for
congrets, charged the democratic
party with inexperience and ineffi
ciency. "The people are growing wise
to the fact that temporary prosper
ity it due to the war rather than to
any democratic virtue. We all know
that during a republican administra
tion there is prosperity," stated Mr.
He added the thought that Omaha
and Nebraska have enough repub
licans to win without making it nec
essary to proselyte among the demo
crats, although it it a common occur
rence to see democrats trying to in
fluence republicans.
Telephone Bowlers to
Start Year September 27
The Nebraska Telephone Company
Bowling league, composed of the fol
lowing eight trams, will open the
season September 27, at the Farnam
alley! : Western Electric company,
Accounting, Engineers, General Of
fice, Auditor!, Wire Chieft, Commer
cial, Installers,
Lowden's Plurality
Bigger Than Dunne's
Chicago, Sept. 15. Late returns
from the Illinois primary tonight in
dicated no change from the earlier es
timates, with the exception of the
probable nomination of Joseph O.
Kostner of Chicago over Everett Jen
nings, in the democratic race for con-gressman-at-large.
The late returns also strengthened
the lead former Senator William E.
Maton has over B. M. Chiperfield, in
the republican fight for the same of
fice. Defeat of Lieutenant Governor
Barratt O'Hara by Henry W. Hutt
man of Chicago, in the democratic
nomination for lieutenant governor,
was assured by latest downstate re
turns. Governor Edward F. Dunne's plu
rality for democratic nomination for
governor probably will be 95,000, and
Fran1: O. Lowden's plurality for the
republican nomination for the same
office apparently it 100,000.
William Lorimer hat conceded his
defeat for congressman.
Turks to Allow Aid
To Reach Sufferers
Washington, Sept. 15. The Turkish
government, in a communication re
ceived today by the State department,
consents to the shipment of relief sup
plies from the United States to famine
sufferers in Syria. The action reverses
the previous attitude of Turkish offi
cials who had refused two urgent
pleas by the department fcr the priv
ilege to make shipments.
Instructions to arrange for trans
portation of sixty-five American
women and children out of Palestine
on the cruiser Dei Moinet, were
cabled by the State department today
to the American embassy at Constan
tinople. They will embark at Jaffa,
where the cruiser is to deliver a sup
ply of medicines- and will be taken by
the cruiser to the nearest Italian port
and transferred to ocean liners for
the United States.
Livfi Stnok Mftn at
Denver for Meeting
Denver, Colo, Sept. 15. Live stock
men from the west and southwest
were here tonight for the conference
of the marketing eommktee of the
National Live Stock association with
shippers to lie held tomorrow. Among
those expected to attend the confer
ence are Ike T. Prior of San Antonio,
Tex.; E. C. Lassiter, Dwight B.
Heard of Phoenix, Ariz.; president of
the .Vational Live Stock association;
Governor John B. Kendrick of
Wyoming, E. L. Burke of Omaha and
E. C. Hall, chief of the bureau of
marketing, Department of Agriculture.
Dorit be discour
aged! Heal your
sick skirvwitk
In the pasttwentyyears Resinol Oint-,
nient hat made thousands of lick skins
well. In the great majority of the cases,
it ttopped the itching, burning and
smarting at once, and quickly drove the
unsightly eruption away.
To appreciate how much good Resinol
Ointment really does, you thou Id try It on
your own skin trouble at our expense,
llroa LM Althaifh all drasilMa sail knhtal
CHnuaont, wa will sladlr aand a Iras laatpla. Writs
m DL 44-K, Kwuol, Haltlrora, Ma.
! Store Hour: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturdays Till 9 P. M. i
Store Open
8:30 A. M.
Burgess-Nash Company.
Store) Closes
6:00 P. M.
Friday, September IS,. 1916.
Phona Douglas 137.
Remarkable Sale and Display of Lamps
Opening a New Department Featuring LAMPS of
Almost Every Description and for Most Every Purpose
Every Woman Know the Finest and Beit Wearing
Clove Come from France.
THE glove market is thoroughly disorganized. Most of
the gloves come from abroad and the glove makers
masters and men are, mostly, in the ranks. It is the one
feature to give most concern to women who make it a point
to study completeness of detail in costume.
Fortunately for the women of Omaha,' glove stocks at
Burgess-Nash are in excellent condition.
We made early and liberal provision and are still re
ceiving shipments from France. And prices are less affect
ed at Burgess-Nash than anywhere else we know of.
Our line of Domestic gloves is also complete the
washable leather being in greatest favor again this season.
French Glove, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 to $2.50
Domettic Gloves, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 to $2.00
Burgaaa-Naaa Co. Mala Fhwar.
Die-Stamped Stationery 79c
DIE-MADE with either your one,
two or three initials, and the
paper, which comes in white, blue
and buff stamped in gold, silver or
colors. The stationery is assorted in
either one-quire boxes with 24 en
velopes or one quire of correspond-
"pr EBR combination box of one-half quire of paper,
aft Is one-half quire of correspondence cards and
24 envelopes, cards and combination boxes,
come in white only with a selection of the
newest monogram designs to choose from ; a few of which
are herewith illustrated, all complete Paper, Embossing,
including Real Steel Die, which becomes your own prop
erty, for 79C. Buraaas-Naah Co. Mala Flaw.
These Novel Autumn Blouses
$3.95, $5.95, $6.50. $8.50 and to $25.00
BLOUSES that recount all the fascination of new models
beautiful materials, clever designing and modestly
New sleeve themes collars, bead trimmings from tailored
plaid and striped silks to soft frilliness in sheer Georg
ettes, runs the range of blouses in our wide collections.
Blouses of Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe, Chiffon, Net, Taffeta,
Men's Wear Crepe, Roman Stripe and Plaid Silk, to complete the Au
tumn costume. Bur,..,-N.h C:-ami Flaw.
For Saturday
Exquisitely Trimmed Hats $10
INDIVIDUAL creations, no two alike, depicting the very
pinnacle of style Hats of the finest quality silk velvet
and hatters' plush.
The trimmings that have been used
include novelty fancies, ornaments,
gold and silver ribbons, etc.
There's a style to suit every fancy, clever
in design and a style individual. Hats of
every fashionable coloring and with every
favored tramming feature for the young
miss, the young woman and the matron;
specially priced at $10.00.
Children's New Fall HaU,
at 50c, 98c, $1.25 up to $10
EVERYTHING that is new and desirable
at prices that will appeal to every
thrifty mother.
Saturday Morning, 8:30 to 12
WOMEN'S Tarns, made of Lyons silk velvet, ehie and youthful,
black, red, brown, green, purple and navy. Regularly to
$3.98, Saturday morning 8:30 to 12, at 11.00 each.
Bwfaaa-Naak Ca. Sacaaa! Flaw.
WHY not a new lamp at a lower price? Winter evenings will be long, wny not nave a
mellow, grateful Illumination in your home? All too many of us spoil our eyes
with unsubdued gas and electric lights. In this display and
Sale of Portable Electric Lamps (or Saturday r
are hundreds of different kinds with a great variety of new shades of silk, parchment
paper, etc., that are sure to soften the light. , , .. . ' .,.
Lamps that are reproductions of antiques, tne classic perioas
and original creations. Very unique patterns in modern and Orion .
tal designs, in black and white or any shade to match any color .
Floor Lamps, Library Lamp. Boudoir Lamp
with stands of mahogany, gold lacquer, enamel, modern and Oriental ,
designs with shades of silks, cretonnes, etc., fitted with cable and
bulbs ready to use.
Mahogany stands of different designs, B feet 6 inches high, with pretty silk
shade, lined with cretonnes; variety of styles In shades at S1B.OO.
LIBRARY LAMPS, $10 and $15
Gold lacquer or mahogany stands with
silk shades, plain or figured, finished with
fringe; some empire effect, decorated
with braids and tas
sels f 10.00 and
White enameled, decorated Japanese
lacquer, gold bronze and mahogany stands
with silk shades, in practically every
tint desired, spe
cial for Saturday at
Women's SILK,
HOSE for 85c
Burgess-Nash Special $4.00
Shoes for Women Are Best
FOR the price you will find anywhere. More than twenty
styles, including all the best leathers and combinations
every pair looks like a $6.00 value.
Women's Novelty Boots, $5 to $12
The moit exclusive line shown in the city. Footwear that gives
the finishing touch to the outfit of correctly dressed woman.
Saturday Is Children's Day
In Our Second Floor Shoe Section
Much care and attention is given to the proper fitting of children's
feet For Saturday wa feature Kindercraft shoes for children in patent
colt and dull calf.
Sizes 8g to 11, at $2.55 Sizes 11 V, to 2, at $2.75
Sixes 2Vt to 7, at $3.65
BurftMt-NMh Co. 'Second Floor.
Men's Fall FURNISHINGS at Burgess-Wash
BLACK or colored pure thread
silk hose with lisle or all-silk
tops. Full fashioned, full regular
made; mill imperfections of $1.25
quality at 85c pair.
Women's Hose, 39c
Fiber silk with ribbed tops;
black, also white or colors, with
plain tops, full seamless; imperfec
tions of 50c quality at 89c pair.
Women's Hose, 25c
Black fiber boot silk hole, full
seamless, special at 25c pair.
Bursass-Nash Co. Mala Flaar.
THE very sort a man wants big, generous assortments," and easy to select just In
side the Harney street door. .
aa a,-.- ata aa
men s aniru ai i
Stiff and soft cuff shirts, new designs, colorings and patterns, fresh
crisp merchandise bought at the old prices recently delivered to us and nt
the price we are quoting they are a decided bargain Price, $1.00.
Men's Fall Neckwear
Fall neckwear season, all the new designs and shapes in rich color
ings and recent patterns of the best makers of scarfs. We will feature
three lots Saturday $1.00, 65c and 60c.
Fiber Silk Hose, 6 tor 79c
One hosiery item worth while. Mostly black, all sizes, slightly im
perfect, of 25c quality fiber silk hose; six pairs to a customer, 6 for 79a.
Sample Night Robes and Pajamas
A clearaway of sample outing night robes and pajamas; all the sam
ples of a large factory; soiled and mussed, of course, but offered Satur
day at fully one-third less than regulnr. They are very well made, having
been used for samples, night robes, SSc. pajamas, $1.25.
"Travelo" Sweater Coats at $3.50
Just the thing for these frosty mornings and evenings; fits under the
coat closely; made of worsted yarn; very elastic; all colors. Price, $3,50.
Buraaaa.Naali rlu.
Co. b very body atore loth and Harney-
J . .J