Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Testimony Does Not Show He
" Got Ring by Impersonating
' Secret Service Agent.
After a four-hour hearing before
United ' States Cqmmissioner Mo
Lauehlin. Charlea E. Gleason. a trav
eling talesman for ri. Omaha piano
house, who was arrested about, three
weeks ago by federal authorities and
charged with impersonating a govern
ment' secret service officer, was dis
charged. ,
The specific charse for which Glea
son was held was that of obtaining
a diamond ring valued at $200 from
Jessie r. Siflzer ot Windheld, W. Va.,
nurse, on the strength of his al
leged cfhce as a serciet service man
in the employ of the United State;
Commissioner McLaughlin, in de
ciding whether or not the evidence
warranted the defendant being helJ
to the federal grand jury, declared he
would base his findinr on a common
sense basis and from a standpoint o'
right and wrong.
How He Got the Ring. '
The whole case hinged on the fact
whether or not Miss Sulzer gave
Gleason the diamond ing through the
influence brought to bear along the
- lines of his "secret service" jrestige.
, as sworn to by the woman on the wit
ness stand.
The United States commissioner
iuicu iiiab me gifvci mucin uui iij
had not sustained the technical charge
that Gleason, by virtue of his alleged
, tales of secret service operations, got
possession" of the ring through influ
ence of that nature.-
The soriiewhat lengthy hearing was
taken up for the most part by the of
fering of a mass of testimony by the
government attorney and Gleason's
counsel, I. J. Dunn, and frequent tiltr
over legal technicalities.
Telia Weird Tales.
According to Miss Sulzer's, story on
the witness stand Old King Brady,
. Nick Carter, et at., in their palmies'
days didn't have anything on Glea
" son when it came to vivid .rehearsalr
of "sleuth hound" operations.
She testified Gleason told her that
while he was "secret servicing", he
, had chased counterfeiters to their
, den, battled with ten of them and
was finally overpowered, spending
eight months in a hospitals a re
sult! harl run white slavers tn earth;
frequently had to -drop off the earth'
tor a time, ana otner exciting es
. capades of the variety that in dime
novel form keep , small, imaginative
boys awake night
Grandma Celebrates
Birthday with Baby's
Mrs. E. M. Mitchell, 90 years of
age, and Katherine Culton, her 2-year-old
great-granddaughter, observed
their birthday anniversaries yesterday
afternoon at the home of Mrs, E. D.
Simpson and Mrs. S. F. Winch, 3512
Dodge street, daughters of the vener
able celebrant.
Mrs. Mitchell was born in Salem,
Ind. W. U Defauw, her uncle,
founded the DePauw University at
. Greencastle, Ind. He was one of the
founders of Salem. Mrs. Mitchell has
five daughters and sons, twelve grand
children, thirty-three great-grandchildren
and two great-great-grandchildren.
Mrs.. E. D. Simpson and
Mrs. S. F. Winch of this city and
Mrs. James Culton of 3505 Avenue
C, Council Bluffs, are daughters.
She claims relationship to Napoleon
Bonaparte through Napoleon Bona-
1 parte DePauw, who settled in New
Orleans many years ago.
Women Will Play Golf at
Happy Hollow on Saturday
t Women of the Happy Hollow club
will play Saturday morning for the E.
M. Wellman' trophy. This competi
tion was scheduled for last Monday,
but was postponed until Saturday be
cause the caddies are now in school.
Saturda afternoon a special match
against bogey for three classes, with
a prize for each class, will be played.
A week from Saturday the vHappy
Hollow golf season closes with a
team match between squads selected
by President Sherman and Vice Pres
ident Hamilton.
Railroads Will
s ' Run Specials in
' Ak-SrBenWeek
. The railroads are lining up their
extra service into Omaha during the
week of the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities.
The afternoon and evening of the
electrical parade the night.of October
4 the Burlington will run a first spe
cial from Lincoln, leaving there at
5 o'clock and reaching here at 6:50,
making stops at all stations. A sec
ond special will leave Lincoln at 5:45
and run through without making any
stops. Returning, three specials will
be run, leaving at 10:20, 10:40 and
11:30 the evening of the parade.
In addition to -the Lincoln service
the Burlington will run a special train
from Flattsmouth, leaving there at 7
in the evening. Returning, it will
leave Omaha at 11 o'clock at night.
All other trains will carry extra
The Union Pacific will not run any
specials into Omaha for the electrical
paraoi!. but all trains will carry extra
cars. After the parade and at 11.15
o clock two special trains will be run
to Grand inland, 'one going direct and
the other by way of Stromsburg, both
making stops at all intermediate
points. The day of the historical pa
rade the Grand Island local will be
held until 6 o'clock in the evening.
The Northwestern and Rock Island
will depend upon the regular trains
with extra coaches to handle the
crowds into the city, but both roads
will run specials out after the parade.
The Northwestern will run aspecial
to Carroll, la., another to Sioux City
by way of Emerson, one to Lincoln
by way of Fremont and one to Corn
alea by way of Fremont and Scrib
ner. The other roads have not lined
up their service, but they will all have
special service out, if not in.
Mrs. Doup's Estate
Valued at $18,000,
Many Precious Jems
Jewelry, diamonds, sapphires, emer
alds, mahogany furniture and other
property of the late Mrs. Nellie ZA
Rnnft rinitn urif a( 1 fl n..nH
mattress manufacturer, are distrib
uted among her elatiyes and friends,
according to the will admitted to pro
bate in county court Friday morn
ing. The estate is valued at $18,000.
Mrs. Doup leaves the home, silver
ware and bric-a-brac to her husband,
who is named executor. A mahogany
dressing table and bookcase are
awarded to her sisters, Mrs. Mary B.
Wade and Mrs. Jennie B. Brown. All
her diamonds are left to her husband,
with the exception of one platinum
bar pin .set with sapphires and dia
monds, which goes to her niece,
Louise R. Bennett, The niece is also
given $500 .
The Visiting Nurse association is
awarded $500.
Lulu C. Bennett, a sister-in-law, is
given a gold spangle bracelet
Frank W. Brown, a nephew, gets
$500. ' -
. The remainder of the estate is given
to Mary B. Wade, Jennie Brown,
William R. Bennett and the husband.
Wilcox Heads the
r Local Credit Men
Members of the Omaha Associa
tion of Credit Men, an orianization
of Omaha, Lincoln and Council Bluffs
credit men, gathered at the Loyal
hotel l nursaay evening tor a banquet
an dto hear an address by Stanley M.
Rosewater on "Bankruptcy Law and
the Credit Men." Mr. Rosewater ex
plained that while some improve
ments could be made by amendments
it would be a mistake to repeal the
federal hankruntcv law because it
would be replaced by as many, and
probably conflicting laws as there are
states in the union. Following Mr.
Kosewater s talk a general discussion
Officers of the association are: B.
A.-Wilcox, president; C. N. Robinson,
vice president; C. F. Brinkman, treas
urer; A. B. Palmer, secretary.
Business Men Ask Barber
Shops Kept Open Sundays
Business men are circulating peti
tions to combat the action taken by
the barbers for Sunday closing of the
barber shops of Omaha. The hotel
men are especially interested in the
f '
Property Owners Storm Com
missioners' Office and Get
Promise of Nice Gift.
"Uerg UUita Me."
7?ew John TPoucher
move, as they say that they have hun
dreds of patrons who come to Omaha
to spend Sunday who have no chance
to be shaved on Saturday night as
they arrive Uo late. Manager Letton
says he oftimes has 100 men who
come in on the late trains Saturday
night tdspend Sunday in Omaha.
These all want to get shaved Sunday
morning. The question is to come up
before the city council Monday morn
ing. ,
New Record is Set Up
For Grassfed Steer
The highest price ever' paid on the
Omaha market for grass fed cattle
was marked up today when a very
fancy grass steer selected from a
shipment of Colorado cattle Sold at
$11.25. The previous high mark was
$11.00, brought by some select Mon-
tana cattle a couple of weeks ago.
Two miles of brick paving will be
handed to property owners along
west Center s(reel between Fifty
fourth and the Northwestern tracks
as a Cristmas present if plans of the
county commissioners as outlined
Friday morning materialize. Bids
will be advertised for at once and the
work started after the expiration of
the required thirty days. In case
paving brick cannot be obtained the
concrete base will be used tempora
rily until spring.
Beseiged by a delegation of twenty
property owners, headed by H. E.
Ball, the commissioners gave assur
ance that the road, said to be in a
deplorable condition, will be improved
"Automobile owners will not sell
a car to a resident of the west Cen
ter district and guarantee it for one
year because of the condition of the
Center street road," said Mr. Ball in
his appeal to the commissioners. "We
must have immediate relief."
'I am opposed to spending money
needlessly for temporary road im
provement, but I favor the immediate
laying of brick paving on Center
street," said Commissioner Harte. "To
spend money for macadam is fool
ishness. The next legislature will
without doubt extend aid to the coun
ties in good roads work by levying a
tax on automobiles according to their
horsepower. This tax will probably
average $10 on each auto and will be
turned-into the road fund. We have
$23,700 available in the road fund and
will spend that on west Center street.
As fast as more money accumulates
from inheritance taxes arid other
sources we will extend the paving."
Plans were also made for the grad
ing and improvement of Spaulding
street from the city limits at Forty
eighth to Fifty-seaond. This worl
will complete the boulevard between
Fontenelle park and Krug park.
Now! While We Have
Them All Together
The Largest and Finest Collection of Master Tailored Garments Ever
Shown in the West, we want you to see if you can find their equal in
beauty of pattern and with the bigness of the values wo offer in them.
HANDSOME NEW FABRICS in 'undertone Stripe Effects," "Nut Brown Tones," "Silver Tonr
Grays," and green brown mixtures, single and louble-breostcd models, two and three-buttons
belted back and loose back styles, pick point and battleship lapels, patch or regular pucketf
Vi or full lined.
I Kuppenheimer, Society Brand
and Collagian
Admitted far Onmrtetitnm even u tha Finest nn Earth
. And Up to $40.00.
Commerce, "King of Ranges"
This well-known range is con
structed of pure cast iron and
Heavy Rolled Steel, with all out
side walls interlined with heavy
mill board asbestos. It is a time
tested, perfect baker, and has a
record for small fuel expense.
You can buy this range on our
New Policy Lower Regular
Price at $33.50, $"6.00,
$29.50. $35.00. $46.00-
Range like cut for $19.50 Sold
on thirty days' free trial in your
home and guaranteed satisfact
ory. As usual, you make your
own terms.
Enameled Double Boiler,
like cut
Enameled 2-qt. Coffee 1Q
Pot, like cut 17C
14-qt, Enameled Dish O I
Fan, like cut.. OlC
17-qt Enameled Dish QC
Pan, like cut uOC
No. 7 Enameled lea Oft.
Kettle, like cut. ....... 07C
tun Bill. J JCTl
x m S3p Wfi inr.g......76c
H5 U. "AT ttS
: y si i
:: "thf rookie" 3: f y
"i1 "Hat sensation of the season (B, I t-MMKwJs
m m 7jct- gl -ii .l- ri hi i w m. m mw mmt .r-
- America first-:-
Enameled Berlin Kettle, OQ
like cut auvC
Aa U,d.I
You Make
Your Own
ASD NOWHERE tn Omaha can you find such
but her. Such selections of (armenta, pat
terns, models and woolens as we have to offer
U0.C0, $12.50, $15.0)
Worsteds, Cheviots, Tweeds, Mixtures and
Blue Serge. Models (or young fellows and for
Light Weight Top Coals
Showf r-Prool
They're smart. Jaunty looking, single or double
breasted, form-fitting or swagger loose back models.
Tricots, cheviots, nubbed novelties, blue tlbbett and
fancy mixed cloths. One-quarter, one-halt or full
lined, st
$18, $12.50, $15, $18, $20
Superb qualities and fabrics In skinner satin or
Italian lined eoata , , ,
$25.00 lo $50.09
THIS IS THE STORE for the smartest, live
liest and snappiest Fall Suits for boys you
ever saw. Extraordinary big valuea, St....,
All fresh, new, clever suits, designed especially for
bos who give their clothes hard wear. 17.60 val
ues for .- 85.00
And all with two pairs of full-lined trousera.
Other handsome two-pants suits, at
82.50. $3.00 and 83.50
Finer Weaves, up to SI 0.00
New Pall Caps .50 ' 75. $1.00
Shirts and Blouses ,..50t) to SU.&O
. Boys' Hose are advancing.. Buy them now.
' Every Day
We demonstrate to our customers the remarkable
excellence of our great stocks of shlrta and under
wear. .
We show s variety ot fabrics and patterns In
shlrta of big attraction. i
The Berg Special, at ...................... .gl.00
Star Shirts, at ........ ....t. SI. 50 and $2.00
Savoy, at 81.50. $2.00. $2.M
Manhattan, at 81.75 and $2.25
Soft cottons In one-quarter arm, three-quarter let
ana run lengtn garment in either. Superior o
Vaasar make $1, $1.50, 82. $2.50
t I If yon hare
I nit already
fl r made your hat g
1 Q V purchases we I
5 l k V want to advise
11 A you of some
II H w shape
x II ti Pand'eolorsjuat
H ,j In. st- v
K W $3.00
it I I The Berg A S
IS, 11 1 Mallory. Stet- 9
-4 J I I son's exclusive
1 I I I creations
I I 1 I $3.50 and 15.00
I I 1 1 and up to 18
IL I 1 Ismail Caps st
V I 11
asaaw " bbti Mil
7T73 j ? 9 Ol schooei,u
j&l&AtCUU rpieS'toU;
Train Your Hair at
an Actress Does
No class of people devote as much
time to beauty as do actresses, and
naturally no class must be more care
ful to retain and develop their charms.
Inquiry among them develops the in
formation that in hair care they find
makeshift hair cleanser. Instead they ,
have studied to find the finest prep-1
aration made for shampooing and
bringing out the beauty of the hair. !
The majority of them say that to '
enjoy the best hair wash and scalp
jtimulator that is known, get a pack-!
age of canthrox from your druggist;
dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup of
hot water and your shampoo is ready. !
It costs less than i cents for this ,
amount. After its use the hair dries j
rapidly, with uniform color. Dand-j
ruff, excess oil and dirt are dissolved
and entirely - disappear. Your hair
will be so fluffy that it will look much I
heavier than it is. Its luster and
softness will also delight you, while
the stimulated scalp gains the health
which insures hair growth, Adv.
m 1
"In Chat by Ifttr
Brewed and Bottled by
Jetter Brewing Co., Ltd.
jTaaally ia4 SnnlMS ky Wm. tttUt. '
ssos a sttMt. , K . - rasa smda. assi..
Every Kind Prices Vary Low
Over five hundred machines to
select from. Rent applied on
Central Typewriter
Exchange, Inc.
190S Farnam St.
Phone Douglas 4121.
Heals Skin Diseases
It li unnecessary for jov to suffer with
ciema, ringworm, riihti and BltnlUr iktn
troublta. A littl tamo, gotten at any drut
atora for 28c, or 11.00 for axtra larga bot
tle, and promptly applied will usual 1 glv
Instant relief from Itching torture. It
eleansea and soothes the skfn and heate
quickly and effective! most ikln diseases,
Zemo Is a wonderful disappearing liquid
and doe not smart the most delicate akin.
It Is not greasy, li easily applied and costs
little. Get It today and aave all further dis
tress. , Zerno, Cleveland.
Saturday Drug Sale
Every Saturday is bargain day at the Sherman & Mc
Connell Drug stores. Prompt service, fresh goods, obtained
in most instances direct from the manufacturers Free de
livery. These are some of the reasons why our stores are
all "busy" ones.
1 Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound, for. ....... .
11.00 Wine Cardui, i
60c Doan's Kidney Pills,
60c Listerine, genuine, I
60c Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin, for
$1.00 Rexall Kidney Rem
edy, for
25c Carmen Cold Cream,
for '.
Tar Shampoo Soap. OA
40 fhampooa for aslC
Pure, Fresh Drugs
Witch Hazel, large bottle, J tjg
Wood Alcohol, large bot- OA.
tie for... 4UC
Hinkle Tablets, 100
Quinine Capsules, 2 doz. ftg
for. tDC
Arom. Castor, Oil,
100 Blaud'a Iron Tonic OQ
Pills for.! aCiJC
2 dozen Aspirin Tablets or O ?
Capsules for... OOC
Kodak Supplies
We handle a full line of Ansco
Cameras and Kodak Supplies. Dy
yeloping FREE when pictures are
ordered. Expert Service.
FREE at our perfuma count.r,
Massage Direction Cards, show
ing how every lady may be her
own beauty doctor.
25c Mennen's Talcum, -
6 kinds.,.
11.00 size'?. S. S.
for ,.
25c Cuticura Soap,
for ,
35c Limestone Phosphate,
60c Hinds' Honey Al
mond Cream
25c Hays' Hair Health, ,
86c Genuine Fletcher's
Castoria, for. . . . ........
Rubber Goods Sale
1.000 Items in Rubber Goods
This has for many yeare bera one of
our strongest linee. We buy direct from
factories and guarantee each item to be
In prime condition.
16 th and Dodge Sta Home of Down
- Stairs "Sodoasie."
aam Sta.
OmabVa fading Prescription Storea.
OWL DRUG CO.. let and Harney Sta..
- Home ml Beautiful Dowa-atalra Lostcb.
RHim"The Owl'a Nest" .
rarnam oia.
, Use a Bee Want Ad and write a Rent Receipt for thai
r vwv mm vwu -s.uo vtui UVI f gfVm i r