Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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lethodist Ministers at.SaaV
lings Are Told' Forge
;,;..:Pwn Interests. - ,
Hastings, Keb, Sept. 15 (Special
Wegram.) Bishop Stunts opened
tf Methodist conierence louay,
tasting again on iw nr.i cuauici
Eohesians. He told the preachers
at tat successful man is, the one
hofforgets self in his desire to serve
Is Pirist, a fact that can be only by
art eniigntenmeni.
1 he .following ministerial cuss was
ceived on trial: J. O. Cresap,
oyd B. Harmon, E. C. Staley, R.
Barr, U U. iroy, u u. nosiora,
S. Hildebrand, A. C. Swanson.
The following were . advanced in
-ir studies: G. A. Randall, R, Rich
njd, F. Sedy, R. Trowbridge, B. R.
ruscott W. S. Morris. , Arthur
bckner, at his own request, was dia-
ntanued. ',
ITfie following were received jnto
ll connection: k. Arrogue, u. ai-
h,5J. F. ,St6her,.J. E. Jones, b. tj.
cWaniel, f. A. carmony, uaucie
:ake, U W. Oramiey, K, Miner, t.
Scofield, G. R. Pease, B. A. Bes-
ei K.-.O. Pearson. . ' .
List night '"was missionary night.
the anniversaries of the Woman's
reign Missionary society and the
iard of Foreign Missions, the Rev.
tut Lowe presided. ; Short ad
kssea were made by Mrs. George
Ite of University Place and Miss
la Watson of Lincoln.
Laymen irom various charges over
It itate are beginning to arrive In
r shy. some to visit the conference
id some to look after the interests
their churches. More1 will arrive
spend, the week-end in Hastings, -
Near Neighbors
Wr It O. ataao waa an Cnnaha "rUltor
itirjBar. ,. . .
ia PmtI Sharp of Chloaao Is vtaltlnf
oca; ralatlvaa. .
4r,';Md -Mrs. 11111011 Hohmalar wafn Sun.
fr llora at Omaha,
fr.. and lira. Joan Hat kava ratlins
m 'M trip ta Bortrand. - . ,
Ha Martoarlto Franela of Koala? was
orar Sunday visitor har. . . v
Hal Blsla Opn of Norton apat Saturday
itiak bar paraata la Avow, ,
irijand lira. E. L. Shaoklty kav ro
nojl Inflji trip to Ztonver.
Mary S. Harmo 'sntartaln tha
cv Woman's elttb Wadaaaday.
Ir.f'and Mra.. Prod Nutsmaa vara Kara
n prlla Wsdnaaday avaaiaa.
riaa Nlta ymnela waa at Dunbar ovar
day (or a rlalt with bar paranta,
'laii Clara Uarqaardt latt laat waak (or
aktek, whara ska will taaoh acbool.
tr.! and Ml. Lloyd Harmon latt tola
k for Union wbaia tbay will raalda.
rr. and lira, Slohard. ot Arap.ho. ara
clns at tba koma o( Mra. Blabaraa' par
i, JKr. and Mra. Oaarhart.
fr,:' and Mra. Caarlan Williams o( Iton
d, .Clkl., ara vlaltlna ralatlves woat o(
- .
tr. and Mm. Marxaaa Bahraa and Or, and
i. J, M. Dunbar mqtorod Is Alvo laat
day. :,:. J-.'
rai W. A. Rollanbaniar waa at Barlln
r for a rlalt uk W slatar, aba, Joka
ar, ... ,-r- i
ra, Cbarlas Smith of Pholpa, Ho., kaa
a ylaltlaf at -tk O. W. Braaaoala koma
i woak. '.. ,: '
r. and Mm. Kobart Mlekla and daat ktar
avtava ara vlaltmf ralallvaa at Ituak
iaa Kaa. .
x Ploranea ' Bardlll aatortalnad tha
motional iAdloa' Aid aoolaty Thara-
afiarnoon. . j
r. and Hra.' I. M. Ward and davktar
. and Mr.' and Mra. M. O. Xaady lalt
y lor a trip to Colorado.
I s Waaptaa- Watar. '
ha McKay kaa Bona ta BaCalo dap
,.. u rlalt kla alaur. Mia, Major Joknaan.
a, Uaala rataraoa of Hltaaun, la., la
at tba bamo ( bar unola, . Aloa
nal. 'i - ,
and Mm. Bird Dawaan ara vlaltlna at
r, Nab., wltb Mr. Dawaoa'a slatar, Mra.
hllpot. ,
and Mm. Blmar Worman fcava ra-
4 from trip ta Wlnlfrad and otkar
4 ta Montana. -
r. and Mia. Joaapk Cnrtaa of Nabraaka
, vvlaltad at tka noma at tba Sormar'a
t, Mra. Aucuat Hobmaa. .
'vttattona ara out for tha waddtat of
l Malaa Day to Mr. Doaa awttaar, wblob
a juka piaea Wodnaaday, Baptambar it.
'ord haa boon roealvad of tha aiarrlaa
lyda Laeay to Mlaa Clara (traraaa at
Wwl Mr. Lasay'a aaraau raalda
.t -. ' - .
nt Robart Drav.r and llttla baby at
wall. Ntb, ara hora for a rlalt at tha
k of Mra. Dravar'a paranta, Mr, and
,. Will Ptlora. , - .1- .
r.iand Mra. Art Marahall e( Coiad, worn
t nation wltb ralallvaa at tblo plaoa,
li waa thalr iormor koma far many
f Chriatanaan wad bad baaa vlaltlna
4 home at bla alitor. Mm. Btlna Mo
S, haa raturnad t his koma at Fal
. Wan. . r .
-i doop wall that was balnf put down
in) Claranoo fool proparty, baa baaa
.Iftad. at a daptb of SOI (oat. and
it it US (aat of watar that eomaa la
M rata of S yallona par hour,
I - ' :.
5 prlaafloM.
I A. Baton' raturnad laat woak tram
lot. Nob. i
in BHiabath O'Briaa la vkrltta Mrs.
t. Batao. .
4U awanaon gm a dann In kla aaw
a laat Saturday night,
-ma Wataoa wont to Para Monday ta
-4 tha a lata Normal acttool. , ,
-aoa Ora and Lalu Smith of Omaha war
H ua frlaada bar, tkla woak. ... - .
r.raad Mra. Marks kava movod to Jaa
kjo., wkora tkay kava bouakt a farm,
ahlak acbool opanad laat Monday with
it moro papUs oa tko nil than wora
laat yoar,
rar Solomon Zoorlui and bar ann, Bote,
i, bft Monday far Urn Anaaloa. Thny will
(opa two yeara.
of Ralan Chrlatlanoon toft laat Monday
atcaso, whara aba will tax a ssuras ta
.lasartaa work.
r.Sand Mra. David Mlnkla ot Cambrldao,
., Vialud tba family of Aaa- Mlnkla tka
part of tka woak. . .
r. iaad Mra, W. J. Armstnnt ratanad
aar from two wooka rlalt Sa thalr
mi M
t Hnat, tntormodiaM taaabar, arrtvad
radnaaday. . , , .
Dlarka bad kls aatomoktla atolaa
a p umaaa waaaoaoay.
r. land Mra. H. Naamrar aatartalaool at
3 day party Tburaday.. .
and Mra. Honry Andoraoa of saar
vlaltad nlaUvoa bars Taanday. .
wine with tractora la now doao at
or Hill farm, Mark man farm, Boko
tana and tka Baaa farm,
rlea Oraa waa ta Mlaaomi Talloy
..aadav and Thuraday. whara ha Judsod
a arodnota at tka Harriaoa aouaty fair.
iv Mr. Nusbaum waa la MaaUaia tkla
t atuadlna tha moaUnaa of tko (oaoial
4 jof tha Oormaa L Miliaria akarok. . .
r. land Mra. chaotor rrra aava a
r at thalr homo. - ' '
"tarn anaeoob at batldtaf a
a wtii aaoitor two aara.
a Ladlaa' Xaaanrtoa bad a lwata as
am Haaaaa'a arova Tburaday. .
X Mlldrad Braaaar U haro from Oak,
.a vuiunc maaoa aaa ralauvaa. .
r. mad Mra. -Onorga Parna ara tba par
of a baby alrl bora Wodnoaday. -a
Dnrothy Hofeldt lyatnrnad Taoaday
, aararal woaka aialt with bar alatar.
picture shows French soldiers reaping a, hear harvest during a lull in their operations on
he Somme front The wheat crop has been unusually abundant this year. Soldiers from
he trenches are being used as reapers while off duty. Women also aid in the harvesting.
Mmm if
Mn, ttihr y.Adf tui Murk, f , V, ' Tiny
HoMdX aicoomii.DUd hr, '
Mr, nd Mra. It. A, Bntiurmaa Btlmdsd
1M dot bow mt rnnwDt Wdntdsr,
Mr, od Mn. RotMri vUUtd t
cm MfiM horn Tburdr mtxmnwn,
Mn. Adolph 'ott tht T, W.
lub WsitMday, ,
Mn 0Mrf Higbjf viiiud W msthr,
Mm. C'-Jv.rt, Wedndy(
Mr. Amy civrt wut to Clrw-tnr
Thurad i vUU )it! MM) imtftn, ftd (kiu-
P. J. lnvdin rturnd ImI wnlr from
u xi.ntlv trip In tha MULfc,
BrnMt Vytr wilt ylv dartM tn Twck-
hall . teturday, tfpttmbw I.
Mhta Hln pBt.raoa nturnad Wdnwd.r
vnin4V from KkmIrIosT Uprlnva, Mo., whar
m nu DMA uMing irwittn.Di lor riiu
Lanidon brtithri mrm wnten,pl.tlDtr th
rciioB ( ft mod-rn britth bulldlnt; to tab
tn piaoa or tb wooden atruoturo whlob
u daatroyad by flit laat waak,
Tba (ollowlnt youn paopla lft thta waok
to reiama their achool dutU-i MIm jrtorsnp
Sandy. Unlvarally of Nbrasia! JCrank
Raynolda, Unlvaralty of Mabra.ka; MIm Jat-
tl Blanetil, Baltavua oollanei Frank Hea
ooek, Cralgbtoa anlvaralty.
Beach Pleased
With the Outlook
In City of Omaha
tFrom a Staff Corroapondant.)",
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special.)
Chairman Ed Beach returned today
from Omaha, where be held s meet
ing with the-county committee of
Douglas county and other Incline re-
fiubhcant of that county, .Mr-lrtach-
ooks for big- things from' the big
town. -. . . i
W. A. Vasey of Beatrice, secretary
of the republican committee of, Gage
county, called at headquarters today.
Mr. Vasey reports conditions de
cidedly favorable for a republican vic
tory in Gage. Gage it . republican
county anyway, but it is going to in
crease its usual majority very much
this year, Hughes, Kennedy and Sut
ton are especially strong there, and
the other candidatei are going to pull
along well up with the leaders.
The information that ex-President
Taft would t'oealt In Omaha on the
eleventh of next month is exceedingly
(leasing to republicans in this vicin
ity, and it is probable that a good
crowd will go up to hear Mr. Taft, if
tne ipeecn is in the evening.
Old State House
Pretty Cold Place
These Frigid Days
(From a Staff Corroapondant.)
Lincoln, Keb.,, Sept. 15 (Special.)
The state house was as cold as s
barn this morning, and the. women
in most of the offices were shivering
with their coata on, while trying to
perform the duties which the heads of
the several departments had imposed
upon them while they were out in
the itate chasing votes.
In one office two young women,
whose face yesterday were beautiful
to look upon, were today blue and
twisted with the cold, while the ther-
Hot Water the
Best Liver and
Bowel Medicine
Says glass of hot water before
breakfast wishes poisons
from system.
Physicians the world over recom
mend the inside bath, claiming this is
of-vastly more importance than out
side cleanliness, because the skin
pores do not absorb impurities into
the blood, causing ill health, while
the pores in the ten yards of bowels
do. , -. . , i
Men and women are .urged to drink
each morning,, before breakfast - a
glass of hot water with a teaspoonful
of limestone phosphate in it, as a
harmless meant of, helping to wash
from the stomach, liver, kidneys and
bowels the previout days' indiges
tible material, poisons, sour bile and
toxins; that , cleansing, sweetening
and purifying the entire alimentary
canal before putting' more food Into
the ttomach. " ' '
. Just as soap and hot water cleanse
and freshens the skin, so hot water
and' limestone phosphate act on the
eliminativc organs.
Those who wake . up with bad
breath, coated tongue, nasty taste or
have a dull, aching head, sallow com
plexion, scid stomach; othen - who
are subject to bilious attacks or con
stipation, should obtain a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate at the
drug store. This will cost very little
but is sufficient to demonstrate the
value of inside bathing. Those who
continue it each morning are assured
of pronounced results, both in re
gard to health and appearance. Adv.
mometcr was hovering around 55.
There was nb steam on, for the rea
son that the state officers having in
charge the heating of the building
were away,, as heretofore mentioned,
and tha head janitor,, knowing that
the watchword of the democratic ad
ministration was economy at any
firice, was loath to have a fire in the
urnace started without orders from
his superior officers. (, ,
The pitiable sight of fine looking
girls buffering from the frigid breezes
which came through the cracks of the
old edifice, was too' much for him
and he finally ordered the fires start
ed and at noon the radiators were siz
zling with steam antt danger from
pneumonia had passed but, horror
of horrors: $4.27 worth of perfectly
gpod coal had been' consumed to the
detriment of thi economy plans Of the
state officials interested in being re
elected.: : : ''-. '.'t.: . -vw.
I A Big Rug Purchase on Special Sale
i imon oiiTFirnNfi; on !
. WASH 'RAG' 'RUGS'. ;l tj,.-'
Sizes rangin from 18x36 to 4 ft by 7 f t
An immense purchase of splendid high grade rugs
in the weaves and sizes as mentioned above, bought at an
extra heavy discount, enables us to put" the entire ship-
ment on Special Sale for this one day only, at less than
present wholesale prices.' Come to his big Rug Sale
expecting to find extraordinary values and you wili not
be disappointed; and as always, YOU MAKE YOUR
- A Big Assortment of Patterns to Choose From
County Seeks Home for Little Girl
Who is Deserted by Her Mother
Foodless and Shoeless for a
Week, She Holds Closely
to Her . Doll . with - .
. 'One "Leg. ' V;--
"cantily clad, shoeless and without
means with which to purchase her
daily bread, little 9-ycar-old Opal
Udell, a shivering but bright lass of
unusual perception, deserted , in a
rooming house by her mother and
left to win her way alone, has iound
friends in juvenile authorities after
going foodless .and motherless for al
most a week. , Ihrough all her tribu
lations she has lugged fier one-legged
bisque doll, wrapped in a towel, under
her arm. i ' '
When Miss Alice C. Dellone, depu
ty probation officer, went to the
rooming house at 118 South Nine
teenth street to investigate reports of
the lodging house keepers that the
girl had been deserted by her mother
she found the little tot without shoes
hungry and begging for motherly af
fection. ' ' , . ,. ";. .
According to the girl's story she
has been unable to attend school be
cause she has had no shoes, Whe'
Miss Dellone appealed to the count;
charities she was given funds to pur
cnase a Drignt pair ol patent leatlie
boots for Opal. She is now at tht
Riverview Detention home awaiting
action by the authorities.
' "Mister, won't you please fix my
dolly? Mary Ann is only got one
leg,; was the pitiful plea made to
County Commissioner Best when- the
tot lifted up her towel-clad dolly, to
his gaze. Not only did Commissioner
Best arrange to have Mary Ann's leg
repaired, but after conference with
juvenile authorities trundled the little
girl into his automobile and gave her
the. thrill of her first ride in a real
automobile. , '
"Gee, but that was fun, exulted
Opal when she alighted from the ma
chine at the Riverview home and was
placed in the care of county authori
ties. ' " .
' Miss Dellone, who takes an official
interest in the welfare of the young
sters placed in her charge, is seeking
a desirable home for Opal. Authori
ties at the county hospital havere
fused to accept her as a patient. She
has also been refused admittance to
other hospitals appealed to by juve
nile authorities. Her mother, Jessie
Odelfi waa a silver washer at the Fon-'
tenelle hotel before deserting the girl
In the rooming house. - . .
Bloat Kills Ono, Injort E:zht.
' Pomnton Lakca, N. J., Sapt. 16. A
orkma.n waa Wiled and elslit othara wera
'.jurod hero today when lightning- caused
1 exploalon In the culminate building at
ho DuPont De Nemoure Powder company's
lant. The exploalon started a fire.
Remains of Aeroplane r j .
Brougnt rrom ivansas
(From a Start Correspondent. .
Lincoln,' Sept. 15. (Special.) Re?
mains of the National Guard aero
plane, use'd by Captain Ralph McMil
len when he fell to. his death in Kan-
1. t ... ,,l.a tan hovi nOFfl
sas a couuic vi -o" .,
received by guard headquartera, and
now is siorea at mo .
There is very little left which could
be utilized again in the. making of a
i iru. nu, ,ha marnine
cost Captain McMillen $5,000, and at
tnat time was consiaereu tu us m
k., ,, -U,v,pl haa the
propeller, which was about the largest
piece ot tne plane icu. intact..
Feeling Blue?
. Take a
nd feel in the pink
aa aisttiJitsAnl Ask your
Ul lyUIIUIllun;
onononononoomonono Benson & Thorne Co.onoooooiaotaonoaOEioaoiS
S Our Mail Order
Children's Shop
Q Operates
P annroval
upon sn
money refunded if
you are dissatisfied;
all express charges
prepaid by ns. Get
the benefit of ad
vertised values and
have - your orders
filled as if you were
here in person, j ,- .
Fitted by
0 .
O r
It's ssier than you 2 'J'!'
would : think : when , g;
you "know how"
we have experts wno w
,'Ttnow' iow" : and .
who are here to give
you this Special Ser
vice Free., Mail your
orders; give us what,
information you are
able; leave the rest
to us,. . t . ,
I This Children's Style Center
Just teems with better things to wear,
better styles, better qualities, better values '
. ..... '
Coats for School
Paul Jones Middys
This best of all styles for the Miss, just as
trig and neat as ever,, eomes with exactly
sufficient variation in cut to be new again.
Larger collars, , some styles with pockets
and belt. The ever fresh trims of red and
blue are here again. Sizes from 6 to 22 Yrs.
1 $1.00 and $1.50 J .
Are most attractive in Chinehillas, Velvets.
Cheviots, Bolivias, Broadcloths and Bright
Mixtures. Full flare shapes with convert
ible cape collars, large 'pockets and "cuffs
trimmed with buttons. There are many
plain, serviceable coats in the assortment.
. o
,. 95c
. .$20
Bite 18x36, Sale
Site 22x36, Sale
Pries ..........
Site 27x52, Sale'
Price ..........
Site 86x63, Sale
s Sire 4 feet by 6 feet 6
3 Inches, Sale Price..,,
; Biss 27x54, Sale
Site 4 feet 6. inches by
. 6 inches, Sals Price ..
Site 2ialB,i, fealo i t . C ? '
Price .-.!; i , , '. , ,aKy
Size 30x60, Sale c i., Ofi
Pries ....i.....j...'..0DC.-
Stea 86x72,. Sale jg J
Size 4 feet by 7 feet, tfO A C
Sale Pric .fPt.a'iaJ s
Size 36x72, Sale . ' (4 CA :
Price ...........'.Ps'oOU s
teet , e a nc -" S
This Big Rug S1 for Otis Day Only - SATURDAY,
;. i ..." . September loth. , " ' r ; . ,
3 , Tluravrua)ivM ; . wrvaua nuiak ROME.
if. .'
Itoosil J-P(uaf
Ring Binders
A substantial and Inexpensive cov
er for all manner of loose sheets.
Indexed. Can be used as a scrap
book, writer's file, printer's sam
ple book, advertising proof book,
student's lesson-sheet book or s
dozen other
Post Binders
Cut shows a light, strong binder,
with locking button which slides
easily, grips securely; instantly
released. Provides a permanent
transfer for records of all kinds. -
Sneciftl Outfit Mad ,n B," Book. Ilk. tk abora (o Doton,
pCUftl VUl(lt Uwrara, DantUts. Contraotora. Hotala, 8tuonta,
Banks, Saloanoa, bunjrue Moo, Rani Eitata Man, Hospitals, Oarasaa, Gaa Com
naniaa, Enainaara. ( . . . , .
' Stock ahoot. niM for nuny dtfforant pnrnoaaa, ara aappllod'na 'atatlonora', and'
Inelud. Oosoblnatlon Cask, Journal and Bank Account, Inventory, Pay Roll, RavorU,
Quoutlons, Aaooanta Pay.Ua, SlmelUlod Monthly SUUmonta, Trial Balanoaa, ata.
At All Omaha Stationen v ;
1Mntaa rrwyT rinoiaa roraw an! DotIom ara acknoarMtoS tho fcaat ky
IIUIC liiiiH-fmaa MTt u4 daalara. ,Wnr aabnit to aubaUtationT
' Largast Lssss Loaf Mamutaatnrwa ta tha Warlt ' v
0 Wash Frocks ifj4
n In Gingham, Chambray and
O Madras, with small ' checks,
Q cheery, bright plaids and plain
O colors. Trims . of whits - and .
D shades to contrast. '-,
$1.25, $1.95, $3.50
Girlish Millinery
$7.50, $10.75, ;l6.50.f!-;t:
? . .. 1 . L..V U
Boys' Shoes
Hard Knockers
It Is unnecessary to get that
boy "clod-hopper shoes i" we
ara offering a food-looking
line of Hard Knockers that
he can wear in the worst
weather as well as ia tha
house, that will out last any
thing else we know of and
cost -you about 18 "less
than regular. ' ' ,
$2.15, $2.45
Specially designed for the
School Girl, with Soft drape
crowns the Jockey; -' Turban
and Semi-Poke. Most wanted,
'serviceable Fall colors.
Be Sure and
Attend Our
Sale of
UCH corking good suits
&nd the special price
such an inducement. Style
features you will like, such
as pinch backs and patch
: pockets Materials that
look, feel and act like real
good wearing fabrics.' -
Specially Priced at ;
Footwear ' for Girls
' There are' NO REGRETS with
Startrights. This make of Shoe
has solved the problem, of thou- '
sands of mothers who have,
girls. "The Quality-Standard'7
stands without rival in Amer
ica. Shown in dull leathers,
fancy styles with white kid and,
cloth tops, patents and tans. -All
styles with welts and all
sizes in any width. " ,
82 to 11... $2.25, $3.25
Mostly p
Sam Peck
. No duplications
under $7.00...
No duplications flJC QC .
under 9.60. . .... . . .vO. VD
$9.95 "
No duplications
under $12.00 ...
No duplications
under $13.75. ..
Fall rains and dirty weather make this coat, which also
affords warmth, a complete protection against the ele
ments. . A guarantee feature with very $ ? 7C ?C fift
coat. The only thing for boys .......... ; 1 9K JUU
o -,
D 4
o '
D .
O ':'-
D -
o .
D -
- .
! Two Pair, of Pants 2
with, nearly every suit o
" Hats in New Fall eoU
I orings . . .50c to $3JB0 o
' Caps, the,' kind fellers
like ...y. . .50c to $U0 j I
Aeio Neckwear, 25c, 50c g
New Blouses, 50c, $1M V
New Shirts, 75c, $1j00 q -
saf ' f en n '.
wi . ......... oia;i j
M S- asTFSjfl
With every purchase made in our Boy's Shop we will
give absolutely free, one kite on a strong wire frame
& -tm
O ',.
aonoaoaoEioaoaoaOaapttioa 1 516-20 Farnam onononononoaonononon
IZlsjy-J A
(Sterns Ssgm &