THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1916. LIVE ST0CK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light, Trade is Active and Steady Sheep and Lambs Steady. 'bogs are fifteen higher II - Omaha, Sept 14. lilt Cattle. Hob. Sheep. 14.114 11.744 11,114 27.111 14.100 v.- Wia1nta want Official Moadar 15.140 4,110 OfflrUI Tuesday 1.170 7,401 Ofrlrtat Wedneadar 1,114 1,104 Official Thursday .... 4,417 .01 Vrtiimw 1.200 4.000 Flva dxyi Ihla week ..10.611 87,114 I11.17J a... Have lul nd, .11.140 1,074 (1,141 Same day. t week. eoi:,ll 14, IJJ.JJl Same daya 1 week a(o:l,411 14.04O 11.114 Eimt daya 4 week! a(ol7,7l 41.104 1.1 ;um dy lest yaar.. 11.(4 11.41 11,111 " Receipts and disposition of Hva stock at 'the. Union (lock yards, Omaha, for twenty ,feur houra ondlM at I o'clock p. m. 'Sa turday; i RECEIPTS CARS. Cattl. Hoe. Btwap.H'r'a. ... 1 C. C. M. St P Wabash Mteeourl Pacific Union Pacific C. N. oaet N W. west.... 8t. p., m. a o.:. B. Q. east.,,. . B. q., vest..'. , ft. 1. P . east.. . R. L P., west. ' Total receipt. ....14 Morris Co... Swift A Co ..Cttdahy Packing Co... Armour at Co fVhwart 4k Co... 1. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing- Co... Omaha Pack. Co.. Corr Packing Co SY B. Lowla.. 1. B. Root A CO....X. L. F. Hues .' F. Q. Kellogg.... Rothschild at Krebs... Chrlstl Hlggina Olassberg Joha Harvey ,,. Kline lensen A Langrea...., Other buyer ,.. Totala 1 1 .. 1 II 1 ,1 11 .. 1 , 4) . ... it is 's i 4 I? tl t N HEAD. Cattl. Hog. Sheep. 201 !t 142 eoi in I mi (4 . HO lil74 144 II 1.404 .... 101 .... .... J,14( .... . 1 4 231 .... CI ,i :::: .. i 14 I 1 1 11 .... I II .... .... , 4 (7 .... 11.104 HEW YORK STOCKS Redeeming Feature of Market ,1s Forward Movement in High-Grade Shares. 1,1(1 1,121 10,111 Cattle Receipts were flr tor a Friday, while there waa a good demand and a rea aottsbly active market. Price showed lit. tie or no change In either direction, being, a a rule, about ateady with yesterday. Practically everything sold In good season In the morning. A very fan"? grass steer elected from a bunch of Colorado cattle sold at 111.31, the highest, price ever paid on thl market. - Quotation on eattl: Good ta choice beevea 110.0910.71: fair to good beeves, tl. OOteio 110; common to fslr beeves. 11.710 M0; good to choice grass Peeve. 17.7141 1.21; tatd to good grass Iwevee. 17. 2197.71; rommou 10 fair grass teevea, t(-2!(7 111 good to eholca heifers. M.764t.ll; good to choice cows, K.1U407.60; fair to good oowa. SC.sltff.ln: common to fair cows, 14.104) t.ll: goo4 to cholc feeder. 17.314pl.21. fair to good feedera. 14. 8197. 31: common to fair feeder.; good ta choice awker. 17.1(07.71; atock heifers, 11.7(41 7.(0: stork oowa, 11.1(4(1.10: stock OS Ives. IC.1O0IUO; vaal calves. 11.00011.00! beef Hulls, staga. ato.. I4.0(jl.00; bologna bulla, 11111 IS Reprasentatlva sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 4.. 17.. TRADING ON HUGE SCALE New . York, rWpt 1. Th rwlMmtni feature of today1! market quite apart from the abnenca of the wIM and ipectacular fluctuations of the preceding day. wan the forward movement In high -trade Invest merits pay In v laeuee, which gave the Hat a dearee of much-needed Rtrenitth. Tradlnc was once more on a flrantlo icale the total turn-over of 1. 270,000 aharea making the tenth consecutive full session In which dealings have run Into seven figures. There were no alcna at the outset of the .rrefiv larltjr and liquidation which caused such an aorupt cram bit nr of Quoted values in - terday's final hour, but from time tft time the mors speculative shares manifested some susceptibility to pressure. In point of fact, today's final prWs of leading rails and In dustrials were higher than yesterday. Almost two score Issues of various de scriptions touched levels well over any of tne year, and some, notably Union Pacific, which made an extreme gain of m points, to 146 U, wero at their maximum price since the war. Other potential leaden which rose 1 to almost 3 onlnta Included South ern Pacific, Oreat Northern and Northern racine Atchison and New Tork Contra). The line In these stocks. It waa coin ted out, may have been a belated recognition of their strong position, as Indicated by the recent report of the Interstate Com merce commission, showing that the lead Ing railways of the country, tot the flint time in their history ntlwd ud net earning of more than $1,000,000,000 In theJast fiscal year. Many Industrial! and specialties made gains or I to points, and Drlggs-Seatiury, one of the newly listed munitions was con plruous for Its advance of almost 10 noli. tit to 1114. United States fit eel repeated Its man recorn oi id? and a mil ted shares, al though Irregular at limes, were strong In iiw main, Flrmm-ss was the only feature of the bond n.B.rH.ei on moderate expansion of bus! ness. Total sales, nar valua. 19 1 TA. Ann United States bonds were unchanged on call v Number of sales and quotation! on leading stocks were: Hales. Hlh Ivw fnm Am. nugar Kenning i.orto American Cnn Am. Car ft Foundry Am. locomotive... 7,(,0 0 7W 19 Am. A Rf.. 11,400 109 101 109 nut. outir naaritiiqs; , , , lis Am. Tel. at Tel 2,109 1.3 "ei 1S1U 132 K.. L. at a 9. itOO 40 U. Ittt 1A Awrnnni (topper, it.,jua ri Atchison 10,000 100 nam. locomotive., 11,400 llalttmore Ohio. 0,100 ostii-B. ninn, ifiw, ..inm. : 1.000 94i 93 U 3W 39,fi'i0 fi 04 U flftij - 18,400 th 60 67 4 Brook, Rapid Tran. H. A 8. Conner. . . . Cal, Petroleum Canadian I'aclflo...' Central Leather.... Thesa pea k at Ohio C, M. Ht. P... Chicago AN. W..., C, R. !! P. Ry.. Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel Iron.. Corn Products Ref. crucible Bteel, : 100 s,:oo 41.000. 1.B00 0.R0O 14 4Vi Distillers' Securities 4,100 Erie 11,000 Oeiural Electric... too 170 170 170 Oreat No. pfd..... 1,100 1114 1KH "' Oreat No. Ore otfa. 7.200 lis. 41 41' Ko. II... t... 10... Av. Pr. 117 tt 11 741 ( 10 t.. 1.. 141 I II I 1 t 00 I 71 lat I SO Av. Pr. . m 16 to . m i to .1001 i oo CALVES. , mi I ei i. . 2310 10N -westerns. H, T. Wltkettdon Montana. II fUers,4fl; It 40 1 steers. . ,i:i IT 50 tt niaih Ma Krai all l , Iteedtrs. 618 00 10 steers... 114 II. Trtekler Montana. Tcojra... S20 S 79 6 cows... Itl Chris Christenaen Navada. 'loowa... 6 I Tt loows...l0tt O. M. Emmons Nebraaka. II steer. .1004 1 to lateen. .1101 C K. Andarson Nebraska, inRtn aa& a It 1 calf.... tlO T steers.. 760 t0 t bulls... 40 T6 tl steers.. tOtt T 20 t steers.. 171 t 7B BOUTH DAKOTA. t ' It steers.. 105t Tit steers. .1080 Tit Hog Chicago came sharply higher again AM morn In and with only a moderate run at their disposal packers and shippers literally fell all over each other In their efforts to nil their oraers. ii- coon omy few minutes to clean up nearly everything t prices th&J were In almost no Instance less than 10 4 Ho higher, and to some uaios were called aa much as 20o higher, the average market being mostly Ho ar-'e Thursday. Practically everything had ohanged hands long before 9 o'clock. Unit of the sales landed at tlO.Sttl 10.70, while packer paid as high as $11.10 fr oholca butchers, setting a new recora for the yards by looker hundred. Tops tire now a dime above last weeks close, While bulk of th hogs Is selling at the hi heat level of th year to date, SOc .mum- than til Prlvn In fore last Bat brday. Coat of all droves was sround today, the hlfbeat so far this year, and tint within a fuw cents of being the high- set l.i history. Back In March, 1011, the record average was made, oust reaching 10.71 for on day, .but that was In the Krlng when quality was, or at least should v been, gonerally good, and considering this factor hogs are probably costing pack ra more today than -ever before. Representative sales:. . No. Av. 8b Pr. . No. Av. TI..I49 ... 910 SO 7ft. .107 to io eo SO 10 70 12.. 131 ,, 10 SO , 81. .143 10 11 OS" tl..3t MhHi Far a Friday sheeo and lamb re- slpts were real generous, th supply being stlmated M fifty-three oar, er 14,100 head. This brings th total for th week to data up to 1S3.S74 head, which Is 40.000 Urser than a week ago. but slightly small- r than two weeks ago. and a falling off Of It.oOO head as compared with the oor trea ponding days a year ago. Packers had evidently forced fat lamb ftriuea down to what they considered War kin basin, and whit today's run was ry fair, and early reports from Chicago hr.ii 1 Ian anraurat n. they tooH Bold in good shape here, th market being active t good steady prices. Quality was hardly su to yesterday's standard, but packers did t anticipate any noticeable change In tressed costs, and on paper, at least, prices were ateady, bulk of the deelrable fat lamb bringing 119.10010.40, with tops at lb latter figure. Price ar 2o to, in siireme cases, as much as 40 Oelow the tiose.uf last week, when medium to good Ismbs sold at H0.40tflO.H6, with a real kji.-t kin auotabl at til. 00. I'eeders made up the small snd of th arrnrinn and here. too. th trade was rood steady affair, tl0.S0ttts.60 buying biot of the deoent to good lambs, while artLftlrat v no feeder shHiD were here. Ouotatlons on sheen and lambs: tamba. toed to choir. ttO.t0ttlO.t0; lambs, fair lo good. flO.lOtf 10.60; lambs, feeders, 9.7t BlO.ftO; yeartings, gooa to cnoice, ii.iio vearllnss. fair to good. t7.ootfT.Tt roarltngs, feeders, t.608.00i wethers, fair Ut chuice, $6.t0tt7.t0i ewe, good to choice. lt.tiiT10; ewes, xair to gooa, t.vosf.ev, M-a. t-laln to culls, 4.00Ot.7t; ewes, Ied Uic. tt.009t.t0; ewes, brooders, all ages. Rupresenutlv sales: ISO native yearlings ....... 9 Wyoming ewes ....... 9 nailv ewe IfO Idaho feeder Iambs... Hi Idaho lamb 148 Wyoming feeder lamb. I4f Wyoming feede. lambs. Mill IJ0O lie. HH IS . . . , 1c, 17 171 62 14 lit, US lt lit llti ISS 14 47 41 41 17 II 'i Illinois central 10,100 10! '4 101 K 101 Inter. i:on, torp... l.ono ik le ie-4 Insnlratlon Coun.r.. 11.400 II 11 K l aZ Inter. Harvealer 111 Int. H. M. pfd. otfs. 11,700 114 111. 110H K. C. Southern loo 15 21 ! Kennecott Copper.. 1,200 ttii (2(4 llli Louisville Nash.. 300 llluj 121 131 Meilcan 17.100 111 llit 113", Miami Copper 1,100 17Vi 17 "It M . K. at T. pfd... 104 Missouri Pacific..,. 400 4 ,4 ITt Montana POwer ...i M National Lead 1,000 71 71H 71 Nevada Copper 1,100 llti 11H 21U New Tork Central. 41.100 101V, 10f 10IJ4 Y. Ti. n. at n., J.owo si .. UUv 1,1 ,.V ,.11, I.40O lllj 110i 111 Si 1,000 21 21 ti II 1,000 II 17 27 U 1,400 II ll 114 ...... 69 Norfolk Westsrn, Northern Pacific... Paclflo Mall Pacific Tel. A Tel.. Pennsylvania ...... Kay uon. wopper. ... Readlnff .,, Rep. iron a aieei. . ahattuck Aria. Cop. Houthern Paclflo... Houthern Railway. ., Riudebaker uo Tenneasee Copper.. Texaa company..., fnlon Paolflo u Tnri Aleanoi.'u Btenl, ,f' IT . 6. 8. Sleel pfd Utah t:opper.... Wabash pfd. "B' Wvetern Union.. West, Klectrlc 14.. 110 II.. 330 15. .Hi ll.. HI Sh. Pr. 10 10 11 4 10 II 4 10 76 ... 10 10 ... It 10 . Av. . 11 .104 14 tj os 04 (4 10Ci 104 i 11 loti llj 14 17V a si3 171(4 GRAIN AND PRODUCE Demand for Cash Wheat Poor and Prices Are Three to Four Oenti Lower. HALF OF RECEIPTS SOLD 1,100 Ilk 3 00 22 21 1.100 171 177 1,400 41 (IK Omaha, September II, 1111. Demand 'or cash wheat waa poor today. Sellers held ont until lat. In the session, but bad to tak 1c to 4e n.ider yesterday's prices for this cereal. The receipt totaled 187 cars, but only about half o( those wsr. sold. Light receipts af corn failed to hinder buyers today. Cam was a poor seller, sell Inv unchanged to Ho higher, with only a few sales reported. Oat were reported d to tte lower. . Rr. waa unchanged to tt" higher, and barley aold unchanged to 2c highsr. These sales were reported toaay: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car. 11.41; 1 car, 11.41. No. 1 hard winter: 1 cars, II. O. No. I hard winter: 1 car (dark), 1.11; 1 car. 11.(0: 2 cars, 11.41: 1 car, 1.41: 1 care, 11. t: 1 car. 11.46; 1 car, 1.41; 1 car, 11.41. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 11.47: ( care, 11. tl: 1 care. 11.44; I csrs, 1.41; 1 car, 11.43: 1 car. 11.41. Ham- pis hard winter: 4 cars, '1.42; 1 car, ( No. 1 spring: 1 car, 11.11; 1 car, 1.41. No. 1 durum: 1 car, 1.60; 1 car, 11.10. No. I durum: 1 cars. 11.11; 1 car, 11.10. No. 1 mlsed durum: 1 car, 11.11. No. 3 mlxedr 1 car, 1.4. No. 4 mlsed: 1 car. 11.41. Rye No. 1, 1 car, 11.11; I car. 1.H. No. 1. 1 car, 11.11; 1 car, 11.17. Uarley No. 2, 1 car, (le; 1 car, lie; 1 car, (0c. No. ( 1 car, 12c: 1 car. Ilo; 1 intr S.o Corn No. I white, t car, lie. Mo. I whit.. 1 .ra. lie. No. I white. 1 car, 7(o. No. 1 yellow. 1 car. II c. No. I yellow, 1 eara, lie. No. 1 yellow, 1 car, lie. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 7c. No. 2 mlsed. I car, 10c. Nn s mixed. 2 cara. 10c: 1 car. 71c. No. I mlsed. 1 car. 71 e: 1 car, 71c. No. mixed, I car, 71a. Sample mlg.d, 1 car 74 c: 1 car. (Ic. Oats Standard, I cars, 4Je: 2 cara. 43 c. No, 1 white,1 II cars, 43 c. No. 4 white. 1 eara. 42o: 1 car, 42c. Sample, 1 car.. 42Uac. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 1,211,000 bushels; corn, (.000 bushels cats, 171,000 .buehels. Liverpool closs: Wheat, 244d off; corn. lat 2d off. Primary wheat receipt were 1,117,00 bu.hela and shiaments 1.108,000 buahsls, agalnat receipts of 2,141,000 bushels and hlnmenta of 2.021.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipta were 116., 000 buahels and shipments 411.000 bushels asslnflt r.ceipts of 721,000 bushels nd shipments of 141,(00 bushel last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,111,000 bushels and shipments 110,000 bushsls, agalnat receipta of 1,214.000 (rashels and shipments of 1,031,000 buehel, last year. . Whoat. Corn. 141 46( 111 ... 136 Du- Manitoba, Chicago . . Minneapolis .. Iuluth Oat. 260 Omaha Kansas City. St. Louis..., Winnipeg 117 . 364 111 , 431 II 20 31 Omaha Futar Market. Th quick break In wheat that cam just befor the close yesterday made the market In this cereal nervous today and made trad er uncertftln which way to Jump. Reports of killing frosts over a good part of th corn belt last night caused an upturn tn this pit. Oats followed wheat and corn and held within a narrow range. Art. Opel ins 111 112 17,100 II 17 47 k 100 30 10 30 14.100 100 100 1.400 34 23 24 13,400 121 121 U0 4,101 11 21 31 4.700 206 201 102 11,100 140 141 144 100 11 41 81 187 180 101 104 6.400 110 120 130 1,100 11 11 II 1,100 17 14 17 1.700 11 17 17.100 14 11 lift Total sals for the day. 1,170,000 haree. C1IICAUO UVll STOCK MARSBT. y Cattl. Strang I Hgs, , rtil . bbp. .-. steady. . Chicago. Sept 11. Cattl Receipts. 1.000 head: market trong; native beef, l.80t 11.26: western sieers. ... and feaera, !.(4) oowa ana Minn, !.60tI.S6l cslves, I.101I.OO. xiog iteoeipis ,.v ...., 10c to 20c advance: bulk of sslss, 110.419 11.10; light, 110.30011.10; mixed. 110. 0S 60; heavy, 414. vow u.evi rouso. .iw.vv,. 10.11; pigs. 7.00410 10. Sheep and lambs neceipta, i.,wv. oaw. market steady: toothers. 14.1001.10; .wee, 1.007.1l lambs, II.OOQU.IO. Coffee Market. Tork, Sept. 11, Rallle early declines In th. market for ooffe. fu ...... k.. -.. .iieeeded by weak. ..... ' l,h nrlnea tnakiU MW loW grolind for the movement in mm taie trauma. market opened at a declln. of 4 to 7 points under a ranewal of aoatterlng liquidation and trade selling Inspired by th. talk of Increased offerings from Brasil and the raor. favorable view of new-crop prospects. Th. selling waa not as active a recently, how avor, and rallies of several point, followed on covering, with December selling up from 1.02c to 1.12c, or about I points net higher. Later offerings Increased, although ther. urn., tn ne no nanicuiar cnanae in in. character of th., and December broke lo under renewed liquidation, .with th. market closing at a nei ,o.s o, j, ,u 17 point for th day. Sales, 44,100 bags. Closing bids: September, (,11c; October; November, 1.16c; December, l.llo; January, February,; March, 1.03c; April, 1.070; May, l.llo; June, t.llo; July, lOo. ' Spot corre. nun; mo TS. ice; eanto as, ilic. Cost 'and freight offers were re ported unchanged, although a shad, lowsr on soms of the high-grade Santos. Quota tions for Bunto. 4a ranged around 11c, Lon don oredit. Th. official cables reported an uncnangea market at Rio, with spot 100 and futures 76 re la lower. Rio exchange lower. Ban Paulo temperatures ranged from 17 to 16, with clearing weather. Rio cleared 1,000 bag and Santos 14,000 bag for N.w Tork. Wht. Sept fjeo. May Corn. Sept Deo. Mar flat Sept. loc. May 14l14i 1 41 1 ( . 11 19 ". ,0 44 High, I Lnw, Close. Tea. r " 1 46 142 1 4( 141 1 47 144 1 41 144 1 47 146 1 47 144 ii 7i n 7 17 11 . (7 .7.1 J 71 70 44 44 44 41 46 46 If 46 46 47 47 47 47 Chicago closing urlcea, turuiahad J'he Dee by Logan Bryan, stock and grain hrokora. 818 Ifoum Bitteenin sires. Art. I Low.l Closs. 1 Tes. iVhl Sept 110. May Corn Sept Dee. May lists Bept. Deo. May Pork Oct Deo. Ijirdi Oot.' Dec Hies Oct Jan. . p I 1 41 1 4H4I147 t J 41 141 14l-417t 110 147 141- 141 141-41 1 I0fc147 1 11 141 i I I IS 11 I8l 11 7171 72 71 72 71 76 74 74 71 74 45 ' 41 4Ht 44 47tJ 47 41 . 47 41 1 10 41 10 60 I It 60 21 76 II II ! 71 1 0 II II il II II 71 II 17 II 10 14 47 14 17 14 41 14 41 14 I II IT II II II 17 II II 12 14 10 14 41 14 II 14 IT 14 13 1170 1171 II 71 II Tl It 70 mixed, I212c: No. 1. 12!3c; ."vo. J white, !4S6c; No. I, naoitc; no, z yel low, l4(J16o; No. I, 1484c; December, 71c; May, 74c, HEW YORK 41KNF.BAL MARKET. Qtsstatloaa al the Day aa th Tarlaas Laad- . lag Commodities. New Tork. Sept. 16. Flour Steady. Wheat Spot firm; No, 1 durum 11.73; No. 2 hard. 11.14; No, 1 northern luth. 11.71: No. 1 northern, 1.73, f. o. b. New Tork. Corn Spot firm; No. 3 yellow, I7c. c.l.f. New Tork. Oats Spot steady. Hay Steady. Hops Steady; state, common to choice, 1111 14031c; 1216, ICtllc; Pacific coast. 111(1 12ljrl4c; 1116. (4J13C. Hides Firm; Bogota, 12933c; Central Americans, 22 c. Leather Firm; hemlock first, lie; sec onds, 14c. provisions pork: nrm: mess, 31.9: fstnlly, 12( 00034.00; short, clear. 127.004)11.00. Beef firm: mess, I20.004S 11.00; family, 21.00024.00. Lard, firm; mlddl west, 114.10914(0. Tallow Firm; city, Ic; country, 10 (c; special, (c. Butter Steady; creamery, extras, 12 score. 22933c; cresmery, higher scoring, 3ll!c; firsts, 32033c; second.. 200 11 c. Eggs Irregular: receipt, 11.16 aasea: fresh gathered, extra fine, 31037c: extra first, 34036c; firsts, 210 33c; nearby hen nery, whites, fine to fsncy, 46041a; nearby hennery, browns, II 43c. Cheese Firm; state, fresh, specials, llc; same, average fancy, 12 011c. Poultry Alive easier; broiler. 21c: fowl. 20c; turkey, 11020c; dressed steady. , DUN'S TRADE REVIEW. Trend la AH Una Toward Further Increase la Activity. New Tork Sept II. Dun' review tomor row will say: i ''In nearly all Important Industrial and mercantile line the trend 1 toward a fur ther Increase in activity and Is exceptionally marked In some directions. Manufacturing nlants are being operated to their capacity, the shortage In the supply of labor being practically th. only deterrent to additional expsnslon.' "The demand for fall merchandise Is en couraglngly brisk and th. general business sentiment Is optimistic In the central statee the movement of commodities con tinues well austsined and reflects pronperous conditions. . In the south the Inquiry for staple goods is increasingly active, while western commerclel centers report substsn tlal Increase In business over last year. "On the Pacific cosst the favorable crop prospects In that region, together with the generally high prices for agricultural prod ucts, are Indicative of still further progress. Retail trade drags at some points, owing labor controversies, but this condition is regarded as temporary, and demand for fall merchandise, aa a whole, Is maintained In volume that reflects aa expanding purchaa- ig -power on the part ox the people gener ally. Weekly bank clearings, 14,338,197,110." New Verk Money Market. . New Tork, Sept . 16. Mercantile Paper 1 per caat. ' - Sterling Exchange M-day hill. 14.71: demand, 14.76: cables. 14.71. Silver Bar, Ilo; Mexican dollars, 62 c. Bonds Oovsrnment steady; railroad steady. Tim Loans stronger: oo days, BOB per cent; . (0 daya 1 01 per cent; alt month, 104 per cent can Money ateady: high. I per cent: low, 1 per cent; ruling rata, I per cent; last loan. I per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent! offered at I per cent 8. r. la. reg. It Ho., Kan. at Tex. - do coupon ... (I 1st 4 II . S. Is, reg,...100M. P. con. Is 101 do coupon ,...100Mont. Power 6s. 17 B, s, reg. . . .ivvsci. I. u. aeo. es.iiz. oo coupon ...iiv r. i. ,juy ms..iiu m.Smelt. ls...lllN. T., N. H. 4V H. Am. Tel. 4k Tel, iv. (a 110 CV. 4M.8 IIOVjNO. PaClflO 4B. ... 92 Anglo-French I. ( do I ......... 16 Atch. gen.- 4... (2ure. B. L. ref. 4a 02 A O. 4 1144 .Pan. T. 4k T. 6a. 10114 Beth. St. ref. 6.100Ponn. con. 4s..l04 ceait. pan. 1st... ss ao gen. 4s...iui C. 4V O. cv. 4. (0 Reading gen. 4. (4 C, B. A Q. It 4s (7 St. L. 4 San F. M. at. p. rcr. 4s bou cv. ( 101So. Pac. ev. 6s.. 104 , n. r. ny. oo rer. 4.,.... si ref. 4s 71So. Railway 6S..100T. 4t S. ref. 4(4s. 13 Union Pao. 4s.. 14 . tt it. u. a,, 48. 77 aov.. .8 ,(. Brie gen. 4s 71U. 8. Rubber la. 102 Oen. F.lec. ......101(411. 8. Steel Is. ..106 ut. No. 1st 4 11'W. Union 4. 16 I C. ref. 4s (I W. Elec. cv. 6s. 121 Int. 11. M. 4s..l0l Dom. of C, 1111 (7 k. c. bo. rer. 8 SB a, ma. L. 4k N. an. 4.. 14 Ottoa Market. New Tork. Sept. 16. Cotton Futures opened steady; October, 16.44c; December, 6.62o: January, ll.llo; March, u.llo: May, II. 01c. Spot, qul.t: middling upland. 16.(0o; no ale. Cotton closed tady at a ttt lo of 4 to point Liverpool. Sept. .16. Cotton Spot, easier good middling, 1.17c; middling; low middling, s.aoc; sale. .12,000 Dales,. TEXAS RANGERS , STIR DPTROUBLE Captain Poucher, Back on Fur lough, Talks of Border Disturbance. CHURCH GREETS PASTOR. Pr. T 11 T 10 71 1 00 10 66 10 76 10 II ItC Lea Is Lira Stack Market ' Sr. Louis, Sept. II. Cattl Recelpls l.uvO 'head; market higher; native beef rtcers 11. 60011. 00; yearling steers and half Is, 14.10010.46; cows, 6.IO0(.O(; Blockers and feeders, 16.K0l.OOt Texaa quarantine steers. 16.6901 10; prima southern steers, fl. 0001.09; oows and heifer. I4.IIOI.00; trtnta yearling ateers and hellers, 17.100 OS: (lattra calves, 14.00011.76. 'Hog Receipts. 16,600 head: markt higher: lights,; mixed pigs and but hers, 10,70011.16: good heavy, 111 10 Oil 36: pin. 17.10010.11; bulk ( aales, l(.760i:.2O. Sheep and Lama Receipt. 1 10 hd; narket ateady: lambs, I7.OO011.; slaugh ter ewe. 16.0007.11; bleating awes, 11.000 21.00; yearlings, 1140 0 ( 40. W ' St. Joseph Uv. Stack Market, ' t. Joseph. Sept 11 Caul Bcg.lnla, 600 haasl: market ateady: ateera. 10. 60 0 10.60: cow. and heifer. 14.10010.00; ealvea, 14.04 11.0. Hog Receipt. 1.644 head; market high r; up, 111.(4; bullkf alea, 1(.4I01.II. Sheep and Lamb. Receipt. 2.100 head: tnark.t slow; lamb. 110.00010.161 ewes, I7.OO07.6O. . ........,.. 1 . City U Slack Market Kansaa City. Sept II. battle. Receipt, I, 000 head: market strong: prime fed steers, 10.00011.00; dressed beef steers, 11:00 (76; western stsers, (4.1001.60; cow.. 14.76 07.16; heifers, 14.01010.60; Blockers snd feedera, t4.OO0l.I6; bull. li.3S04.6O; calve 11.600 11.00. Hoga Receipts, 11,000 head; market higher: bulk of Bales, 110.06 011.01; heavy, 10.60 011.04: paoker and butchers, 610 460 II. 06: light. 1o.6o0n.O6: pigs, li Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 4,100 head; market Btesdyr lambs. (10.00 010.70; year lings, 17.7101.11; welhora, 17.3107.71; owe, , ' Slain City live stock Market Slaax City, la. Sept II. Cattle Re ceipts. 1.300 headi market steady; beef teers, (1.16011. 00; buluners, (6.4007.76: cannera. 14.0006.11: Blockers and' feeders, 16.7601.76: calves. 16.60011.0; feeding cow. and neirers. r.8QTV.S6. Hogs itcslpts, 1 700 head: market 109 0o higher: light. 110.26010.60: mixed. 1IO.SO01O.IO; heavy, 110.10011.00; bulk of ales, (1(.(O01O.7(. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,000 head I market steady; awe, 16,0007.00; larnba, (4.(0010.4. Ilea Stark la Sight. Reealpta of llv tSck at tha flva principal CHICAGO OBA1N AND PROVISIONS. Irratralar Opening, Followed by OeSeral Ad ranee and Decided Reaction. Chicago. Sept. 11. Serious drought- reports from Argentine tended to handicap the bears ta whsat. Largely In consequence, th mar ket, although unsettled at tha close, waa to 1C net higher, with December at u na to 11.4141. and May at 11.10. Corn flnlshsd 101 to lc up and oata with a gain of th 0c. In provisions, ths outcome vartsd from five pants dclln ,10 a riss or sio. It waa avldsnt at th outset that yester day's sudden break Inth prlc of wheat, had taksn place without any ' adequate caiiss, but confidence aaemed to have been shaken ao badly that until late In the aeaslon rallies were not well maintained. Ail developments tended ta establish that no Argentine wheal of any consequent. waa headed toward th United Btat.s and, that owing to a lack of vesssls, no future largfl shipments could b looked for. On th. other hand, tha bears mads much of ths fact that recant purchasing for th Oresk govsrnment had turned out to. be only half a larg had been supposed. Bulla finally appear, to hev. obtained a clear advantage, hewovor, after the receipt of' word that the crop situation In Argentine was critical, owing to drought. Resides tha menacing Argentina crop out look, an enlargement of export sales In the United Stataa'had much to do with strength ening whest prices hr In ths last hour. It waa aald forelgnera had taken 2,000.000 bushel within 41 hours, and that there were order for 1,0(0,000 buahehs more at price which wr only to a -Blight degre out of Una. Froat last mint and more predicted for tonight carried corn valuea upgrads. Ad vance war checked by knowledge that large percentage of the crop waa out of danger. Oat derived firmness chiefly from corn and wheat. The seaboard gave notice of 400,000 bushels of oata sold for sxport. Htaher prices on nogs iirtea provisions. Belgian relief orders tended also to make the maraet asosna. Caah Prices Wheal: No. I red, 11.11 1.61; No. I red. 11.4601,41: No. 1 hard, 11.63: No. I hard. 11.61. Corn: No. 1 yellow. !5crfsc; no. 4 yeuow, 010; no. 4 white, ( uata: r.0. s wnne, ., 46c; atandara, 46048c. rtye: no. 1 ll.12Kl.24. Parley. I4c0ll.ll. ' Reeds Timothy. 11.10 0 4.60: clover. 111.00014.00. Provisions: Pork, 1:7.10; lard, 114.10; ribs, 114.10016.00. Butler Higher: erearaery, I7y.us2tte. Kgga Higher: receipt. (Ill cases: flrets, 210:lc: ordinary firsts. 2l011o; msrk. cases Included. 2202(0. Potatoes 'Receipt, 11 . care; maraat an changed. Poultry Allva, unsettled; row!, lio springs. lSc. . 041 aad Baela. -: Savannah, Oa., . Sspt 16. Turpentine llarket ateady. 41 c; aales (03 bbl..; celpts, 4(1 bbls.; shipments, .10 bbls.; stock 34.372 bbls. Rosin Markst firm; salsa 1,6(1 bbl.; re ceipt, 1,261 bbls. ; shipment 104 bbls.; stock 21.117 bbls. Quote: A, B. 11.16: C D, I6,5; JO, (6.(0; F, ((.1(; o, (6.20; H, I, 11.26; K, M, 8.I0; N, 11.40; WO, 16.50; WW, (l,7(. ., . t . Metal Market New Tork. Bent II Metale Lead. 11.10 07.00: spelter steady; spot East St. Loula delivery, (0(c: copper, firm; electrolytic, 127.00028.26; tron, steady ana unonanged; tin. .tendV! snot 8S8.260B2B.7& At London spot copper, xl. 10: xuturee. 1112: electrolyuc, 1131 10: apot tin, 4170 (s; futures, till (. western market yeaterday: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 1,300 4.000 14.100 Chicago 1,000 14 000 11.000 Kansas City 1.000 16.000 4.100 St. Loula 2,000 16,600 1,100 Sioux City 1,101 1,700 - 1.00 Tatal , 7 4( tl.lM 40,41 , Omaha May Market. Omaha, Neb. Sept II, 1(14. Hay quotatlona are; , Cholc upland prairie, (10.60 011. 00; No. 1, ((.00010.00 NO. I, (7. 6008.60; NO. , ((.(0 0 7.00. NO. midland, 11.(0010.00; No. I, 1. 40 0 4. 00. Choice lowland, (7.00; No. 1, ((.(0: Ne. 4.0001.00; No. I, .OO01.M. Cholc al falfa. Ill 46 011.66; No. I. 111.60 011.10. Standard alfalfa, .1.100 10.60; Na, I, 11.000 B.ov; jva. ., (b.0008. ov. Minneapolis Oral Market Minneapolis, Sept. 16. Wheat December closed at 11.67(4. cash: No. 1 hard. (1-674 No. I northern, tl.1101.14: No. 1 north ra, I1.ST01.I1H; No. 3, H.1001.11. core. No. I yellow, (00810. Dale No. 1 white, 41 (4 0 43. Flaxseed I8.0IS.I3. Flour Unchanged. Barley I6C0I1. 01. Rye 11.1001.13. Brand 31.00 011.00. ' '. St. UU Oral. Market. St Iul. Sept. II. Wheat Lower: track No. I red, 11.11; No. bard, 11.1101.14 Uecember, (1.64, Corn Lower; track No. I. I401lc; No. I white, I40llc: December. Tl073 Oats Steady; track No. I, 44041c; No. I white. 44c. Rya Steady; No. I. 11.11; December, (70. Kaaaas City (Jeaeral Market Kanaaa City, Sept 16. Wheat le lower NO. I red, (1.6O01.6C No. I, 11.44 01.48 No. I red, IIH01.1O; No, I, 114401(7; De oember, (14601.46: May, (1.44, Oala Unchanged: No. 1 white, 44 17.:; No. I mlsed, 44041c. ButUr Creamery, lie; first. Ilo; a ond. 37c; packing, 14 c a Egg Firsts. 81c. Poultry Hens, 16o; rooster, lit; broil ere. xic. Corn Unchanged to HQ lower; Na. Rev. John F. Poucher, captain and adjutant of the Fourth Nebraska reg iment, returnee? home last evening on a twenty-days', furlough. ' He is also pastor, of Trinity Metho dist church, Omaha, and he found most of his congregation idown, at the station to meet him. v Many of them came in automobiles and form ed a regular parade to escort him to his home. ' " Captain Poucher left the regiment at Llano Grande, Jawrr last Monday. stopping at Several places on the way home. "The Nebraska boys are getting along fine," he said. "They are well fed and housed and the only thing that worries them is the feeling of uncertainty regarding when they are coming home. The Young Men's Christian association is doing a great work. They have a house for head quarters with every brigade. Hangers Cause Trouble. "I believe, from my observations, that the whole trouble on the bor der has been caused by the Texas rangers., these men go about ana get together bands of Mexicans on this side of the border and lead them on to do their work. It is a money proposition and when the troops are withdrawn I think the trouble will start again." Rev. Mr. Poucher has been "hob nobbing" with some famous men. He met rrancis Sayre3, President Wil son's son-in-lsw, who was down there for some time, presumably in connec tion with Young Men Christian as sociation -work. He also got well ac- ouainted with Runert Hushes, the author, who is captain of one of the New York companies, tie acted as guide for a day for George Pattullo. the writer. "A Strang thing in the Nebraska regiment is that there are so few dem ocrats," said Rev. Mr. Poucher. "There isn't a single officer that 1 know who is a democrat." It is possible that Captain Poucher will not return to the border. If the regiment is likely to be mustered out very soon he will probably not go back. ' Besides his other military duties he preached every Sunday in one of the Young Men's Christian association buildings. Milk Investigation Added to Bread Probe Chicago, Sept. 15. A federat in vestigation of the increase in milk prices will be added to the list of food price inquiries now under way in Chi cago, United States District Attor ney Clyne announced today. Clyne said investigators for the De partment of Agriculture will begin an inquiry into the milk situation here within a few days. The federal 'inquiry into the, in crease in bread prices was nearing its end today. It was said bakers had convinced federal authorities that an increase in price was necessary be cause of advanced cost of ingredients, but no confirmation of the report was obtained from Clyne. , Load.. Stack Market. London, Sept' -lt.-Amrlcn Bteel share continued firm on tha Stock exchange Nto- Sllver Bar, 33d per ounae. " . her Mnf PUcount Rate Short bllli, 4 5 pur nt; tar6 montni, ittV pr cnt. Dry God Itorkei New Tork. Scst tt. Dry Goods Cotton roodi wort firm and rlalot today. Tarns wore very firm; wool market wera firm and mora active. Knit oou were actlva. Jobbers were very busy In nearly all depart ment!, i Sutrar Market. New Tork, Sept., 10. Suaar Raw easy centrifugal, (.3Tc; molaaiea, 4,87c. Refined teady; fine granulated, 6.40c. Ifutures opened firmer today, Vt noon prices wore to 9 points signer. v . Uretitoal tiraia Market Liverpool, Bept. IS. Wheat Spot, No. Manitoba. 14a td; No. t, 14a 4d; No. 3, not quoted; No. i red western winter. 14b 4d, Bank CtoarUtga. Omaha. Bept. IK. Bank clearings for Omaha today wera 4,613,614.56, aiul for the corresponding day last year $1,7 M ,G7. 61. Washington Affairs Hearings before Secretary Daniels and the general board of the navy on the quetttlon or a suitable location Tor tne projected gov ernment armor factory teloeed with appro ni mately lift cities ana rural districts asaing for the plant. A selection probably will not be made for more man two montna. . . (PraabytaiiM Picnic, . First Presbyterian Sabbath school ptcnln will be held Saturday afternoon. Cara wilt leave Thirty-Fourth and fa roam atm enroute to Glmwood park. Concord Club Members To Compete for Prizes Taxicab mileage, hats, violin lessons and laundry tickets are a few of the prizes to be awarded members of the Concord club, an organization of busi ness and professional men, at meet ings this fall. The prizes will be do nated by members of the club. At the weekly meeting and lunch eon held at the Hotel Fontenelle at noon, C. E. Corey, secretary of the club, acted as chairman. Short talks were made by several members. AMUSEMENTS. BOULEVARD theater . TODAY Second Episode of "CRIMSON STAIN MYSTERY" "DR. RAMEAU" 6 Act. JITNEY TAXI MAXWELL CAKS Webster 202 AMI'SEMKNTS. Tonite If new.f and all 8i20 BAR Uianexlwe'k WILLIAM'S SELECT PLAYERS SEPT. I (-23 OMAHA'S LATEST AND BEST STOCK v COMPANY AUGUSTUS THOMAS' CREAT PLAY "ARIZO N A" 10--CENTS--25 MATINEES Sunday JJ, Thursday Toeediy B -.turoay NEXT PI V"THF. ROSARY. BRANDEIS Niahts, 2S-50-7S Mala.. 2Sc A SOc all aeata reserved NOW AND ALL NEXT WEEK Twice Dally al 2:15 and 8:15 Sharp Clune's Cinema Opera R A M O N A Helen H. Jackaon'a Famoua Romance 25 SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 25 Choir of Mi)on S Infer a Phona Doug. 494 THE BEST OF VAULEVILLE LAST TWO TIMES OF CURRENT BILL MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 "rtaTn TONIGHT, 8:10 Next Week Martin Beck Presents SARAH PADDEN, in "THE CLOD" . BA V I. Playing A U I U Spoken Drama Beginning Tomorrow Matin, far Four Days, George Ban McCutchson'a Truxton King Dramatization by Grace Hayward. Mat. 25c Night 10c and 50c "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." gSEt "A New York Girl" Mile. Babette, Harry Bentley, Clare Evane, Frances Talt Botsford, Walter Pearaon, Syl via Brody, Irving Sands, Jane Pearson and a Big Bpauty Chorus of Honest-To-GoodneM New Tork Girls. , , (Final Performance Friday Kite.) Ladles' Dime Matinee Week Day. THE iMIELTY CO.1 "THE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE FEATURING SPECIAL PRICES SATURDAY in our MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR DEPT'S ALL AGLOW WITH BAGAINS COME AND SEE LADIE'S SUITS-COATS-MILLIMERY DEPT'S 11" SECOND OR LADIES' SUITS j LADIES' SUITS $J mm CA LADIES' SUITS 9f Poplin., ..r,.. ,.b,r.1 M. UiIor.o lp.f f W Broadcloth, poplini, Villi . ' I ' ' " I lins. nora tT cloth, f T.lour. plaids; new- 11 din., in fur, or I PI blrdine; ur or I I ..I mod.U) fur, braid 11 braid trimnMd, aatln I I nlrat trimm.d; all I I nd Telret trimmed) g lined) worth to $25.00, V colon; worth to $30 I I worth to $37.50. ... 9mt W LADIES' COATS afavCA LADIES' COATS LADIES' COATS J mm CQ N.w..t plaid .trip. flOU , th. Bew modM, - " th. minute W 9U choose from) worth If, pUid.. No T.lue. ret- . rar. 1 J c t ion to $20.00 L or; worth to $25.00... I W worth to $30.00. . . I I ; , i MILLINERY DEPT. offers for Saturdaytwo specials ii? extra fine, $2.98 hand trimmed hats in all the newest shapes; worth $7.50 to $10.00. Fine ndQft selection to pick from . . .. eJ.Jo Linge rio W...L, Le. trim- A fk Crepe de Chine and Tub $4 98 f morM? C''SS cap. eoUar, worth to QRfi Silk W.Ut., .11 color W.Uto.. in .11 color.) worth J $1.50 aWT worth to $3.00 1 to $6.50 FEATURING SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY IN OUR MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, SHOES, HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS DEPTS MAIN- FLOOR. NOTE PRICE LIST DON'T MISS ONE ITEM. K $7.45 srVSttir $2.45 tV'r?;hhr,f.srhonrs 980 cut or r.ul.r tV oxtr. ,ood ralu, Kn. T wr( ,p.eUl price. . 31 c.'." dr .i- 1 At - g Qft Strd. let u. .how Cf 0g worth $10 to $20.... flaaia from. Com. .eo 0.W you T-'W The , Store for the People. THE NOVELTY COMPANY 214-16 North Sixteenth Street BERNSTEIN & KRASNE, Proprietors The Store for the People. Shoe Sale . Buy your shoes where you can save more than 25 en your purchase. Man' She, ISM valea, QQ Mea'i Msj' Li 'ad 'taatharV ' ! CA anal striae, up Iresa ?.JU "r.............a98 l-aallea' Mfk taaj laacr si, tl CA Sakaal Skan far Sara aaa . CA Clria, a al.. , .sJl.JU Hrr. :...-.....98 J. HELPHAND CLOTHING CO. 314-316 N. 16th St 1 IT. '' H i , tW i n c i t v" Jim i t e d " I To.Ste.Paul and Minneapolis I ' - Leaves Arrives Il "'Omaha. - 8:30 P.M. St; Paul 7:30 A.M. W Council Bluffs 8:50 P.M. Minneapolis - 8:05 A.M. . I . Day Train L,v. Omaha 7:40 A, M.r Ticket 0lc: j . j jjj III Council Bluff. IM A. M., and Arrival 1522 Farnsm Street, Cmahs P St.rauir:4SKM:,MinnaapiU,S:J0P.M. Phone1 Dooglas 260