THE BEE: OMAHA. ' FRIDAY, " SEPTEMBER, 15, 1916. Society Notes : Personal Gossip : Woman's Work .' Household Topics MARRIED COUPLES AT DINNER DANCE New form of Entertainment at Happy Hollow Seems to Be Meeting Popular favor. GUEST LIST QUITE LABGB By MELLIFICIA, September 14. Happy Hollow club teems to have instituted the moif popular form of entertainment this season when it iifgan its married folks' dinner lances. Tonight the second one this war will be given, and it promises to ,e even .more popular than the first. Mr. and Mrs. Don T. Lee will have twelve guests, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hay ward and Dr. and Mrs. G. D. Shipherd will each have ten guests; Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edwards will have a party of six, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Brown, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Brown and Mr. and Mrs.' Porter will each have five guests; Mr. and Mrs. M. R. .Shafer will, have a foursome. and others who will have Small oar- tics at the club wjjl be Messrs. and jaesaames .. retert, w. t. Rhodes, Walter Dale, G F.'Weller, G. R. Wright, L. V. Nicholas, Cuth hert Vincent J. F. Prentiss, J. M. Gilchrist and Dr. . and Mrs. G. T. Quisrley. . , -r Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Linderholm will .have as their guests: Meeere. and alaadamea IH. K. Shafer, O.K. Smith. ti. H. Conrad, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Howe will have in their party: , !:-. and Maadsmee R I. Howa. Edward JL KnaoD. JE. T. Ractor, . , With Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Carrtgan will be: ,t ' . Meaira. and Maadamat C. B. Moffltt, w. C. Tamoklna Maatara , v'. MaiUra Ljohn Moffttt, Kucana Carrlran. l Mewlamce Meedamta- IL. B. Skinner I. A. McCell. at Krla. Pa., One of the largest partiesof the evening will be given by Prand Mrs. iti. u. Lemere. lheir guests wm oe: ( Meaira. and Meedamee Oeorfe Sttinnar, - ' A. H. Fattara, H. C. Bvarla, Sidney Smith, aeorsa Lalar, - Uairr Plerpont. w. n. wood. Dra. and Meadamet C. W. Pollard. . L. Bridges, ' S. a. Hollntar. At Happy HoUow Club. , , Mrs. E. R. Perfect tiad twelve -ruests at luncheon at the club today. ittxt Thursday she will ntertam another luncheon party of fourteen. Table decorations were asters. v Mrs. E. P". Sweeney entertained at nrhmn at the dub todav for the .Uissptr Parrotte of Rushville, 111, ind Mrs. Herman Weber of Quincy, liL, who, motored to . Omaha two weeks ago and will leave on their trin tomorrow. Thev are the guests of Mrs. James H. Parrotte. Covert were laid for these guests, in addt lion to the guests of honor: i M.avi.rt, Mredamea' V. C. ttokae, aut Uabatnh. Ullaaketk Ooodrloh. - , .. . , I Mrs. William G. Fuller entertained at luncheon at the club today.' Her able decorations were baskets of ti ers. Those, present were Meeaamea ?. C Twamlaf. , :iarenee Rubandalfc l. R. nod., villlam P. Whamr. L A. HISSlna, tarry O. Steele, V a. WHIInma,- ' jlle A. HlCfWn, ieorie R. Wrtsht, 3. P. Howe, E. a freemen, i 1 Hies Bart ha aillnfwood. " F.dward Havden had ' . ... -. 1 k... .f U 1i,K trtHav Meedamee Joeeph Poloar, P. I. Klltok, Charlal O. Talmadfe, O. II. Dnrkea, , Lee L. Hamlin, eimaott Jonee, ' Ror A. Ralph, . V Lynn D. Upham, D. K. Illlnswood, S. N. Hewoa. SIX arrived to be with Mrs. Love for sev eral months, and for Mrs. Henry Pen nock of Seattle, Wash, formerly of Omaha1, who came Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. I. S. Leavitt of Dun dee. Mrs. Pennock was one of the or ganizers of the Fine Arts society and Mrs. C. H. Johannes and Mrs. A. W. Jefferis will entertain a number of her old friends of - that society at luncheon at the Fdntenelle Saturday in her honor. Mrs. Philip Potter wilL give a luncheon for Mrs. Pennock at her home Friday. Sunday she will be the fuest of Mrs. Charles Offutt and on fonday Mrs. F. E. Cole will enter tain at luncheon at the Fontenellr in her honor. Davis-Wait Wedding. The marriage of Miss Alice E Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph S. Davis, to Mr, Augustus Wait took place Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock. Rev. T. J. Mackay officiating. The bride wore her traveling suit of dark blue broadcloth and a black hat. Her corsage bouquet wat of Ward roses. Mr. and Mrs. Wait left Tues day evening for Chicago. They will be at home alter October 1 at ferrys ville. 111. , , For Mist Torrance,. T In honor of Miss Kathenne Tor rance ot Lot Angeles, who is trie gueatof Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Met, Mrs. Ross B. Towle gave a luncheon at the Country club today. Mr, and Mrs. Charles t. Metz will entertain at dinner at the Country club Saturday evening for Miss Tor rance. ' . . -:S ! '! Delta Tau Delta Luncheon. The Delta Tau Delta fraternity had luncheon at the Fontenelle today for the young men who are going back to school. This was also the, first of a series of fortnightly luncheons which the fraternity expects to give. On the Calendar. ' ' McKinlev Ladies auxiliary of the B'nai B'rith meets thit eveninar at 8 o'clock in Miss Cooper's studio, the t I- L..:u: i ; v , :, i.yric ouuuing. uuiin nonccxy win oe tne speaker. Parish Aid Meeting. Uean and Mrs. lancock will enter tain the Parish Aid society of Trinity cathedral at the Field club from 2, to S r riday atternoon. ; , ij Dogs as Trackers of Evildoers Pleasures Patt Mr. and Mrs. Forbes entertained at their home last eveninar at a dinner dance. Covers were laid for four teen: Mvaara. and Maadamaa Fred Lavlna, R. H. Baoord. J. W. Jaekaon. , N. H. T. Juray, 0. P. Bradford, R. H. Forbaa. Mr. Arthur wattarard. Mils Halan Waatatard. Byera-Richter Wedding. . The marriage of Miss Anna Byert to Mr. John Richter will take place at St. John's church thit afternoon at 4 o'clock. Thev will be attended bv Miss Margaret Hansen and Mr. Louis Kichter ot Burke, a. D. A receotion and wedding supper will follow the caremony at the home of the bride. groom's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 1 nomas Mickell. Mr. and Mrs. Rich ter will be at home after October 1 at, 2646 Caldwell street. Personal Mention. 1 Miss Mildred Rhodes arrived from Chicago -yesterday. , - Mrs. Ida M. Hanchett will return Tuesday from a summer spent at Bailey island on the Maine coast. Mrs. C. C. Belden. 'who met .with a painful accident last week when an artery in her ankle wat severed, is recovering rapidly, Mr. and Mrs. lulius E. Rau and for Mrt. C Louis Meyer, who hasfamily have returned from a aix weeks trio to the racihe coast, stoo ping at all the point! of interest. T tr Zfm-:$ fSx 44q Worry Thought Into Work Thought Military Dogs of the Dutch Army Which Assist in Guarding the Frontier. By OARRETT P. SERVISS. The value of dogs is becoming more and more appreciated by those who employ them tn police work. Not only do many cities here and abroad use dogs to assist in running down crim inals, but in Holland they are among tne most zealous guaruians oi mat war-surrounded land. One instance of a dog that seemed to have a special instinct for tracking crime is on record in Vienna. The police of the city possessed a collie which tracked the murderers of a boy and girl whose whereabouts were unknown, and on another oc casion discovered theb ody of a wo man missing for a week. Left in her room for three days, he was released, and then went direct to a river, plung ed in, and brought her body ashore. It was a dog, too, that brought some Spanish slayers to justice. Hit mas ter was killed in a quarrel and his body buried, but the dog succeeded in escaping from the criminals. It went to his master's house, and by barking before the eldest son, run ning to the door, succeeded in rousing his curiosity. The son followed the dog to the newly dug grave, where it began scratching; and the body being dis covered, the police were informed. After this had been done the dog con tinued barking as before, and was not satisfied until if was again followed. Then, leading the way to a cafe, it sprang at a man who later confessed. Sometimes dogs have been the un witting causes of bringing a criminal to justice. Some time ago extensive poaching occurred on a state reserva tion, but the wardens were unable to catch the delinquents. After an un successful day, a warden, accompanied by his dog, passed along a station where a small crowd was waiting for the train. ' A coffin was lying on the platform and the dog immediately approached it and pointed. His master consid ered this rather unusual, and his sus- Weddings Without Love Kt tiw Field Club. Mrt. A. L. Meyer entertained fifty priests at luncheon at the club today M,,h (rnm a summer soent n Salt Lake City and on one of the Luman ranches. Bowls of marigold I were usod on the table. Dr. and Mrt. E. C. Henry will en tertain twenty-four guestt at the club Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrt. L. W. Blessig of Minneapolis, who are visiting Mr. and Mrt. P. W, Mike sell. E. Darling will have a party of 'twelve the tame evening and Henry Steel will have eight guests. Omaha Woman's Club Luncheon, t The largest affair of today wat the Omaha Woman's club luncheon given tt Happy Hollow to encourage good fellowship prior to the opening, of ihe club season. The 150 guests were seated at One large U-shaped table bearing quantities of clematis and asters. , I Following the luncheon, vocal num bers were given by Miss Dorothy Brown, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Brown, a .club member, and Mrs. .Wagner Thomas, assistant leader of ,h m.iatr ffortarrment. . Each of the department leaders gave a short talk, which included an outline of the work contemplated for next year wtih a little boost for her own particular section. Mrs. Edward Monroe Syfert, the president, intro duced the speakers, who- were Mrt. K, J. Burnett, home economics; A. Li Femaid, literature; O. W; Malstrom, oratory: C. J. Roberts,, art; F.v A, Howard, current topics, in the ab sence of Mrs. M. I. Creigh; J. A. tfaarmann, music; Mrs. S. A. Collins, uliilosophy and ethics; Mrs. C W. Hayes, political and social science, and Mrs. E. E. Stanfield, parliamen- arr law. ;, -t , K.; White Shrine Whitt Clb. ! I The members of the White Shrine A hut club gave a luncheon followed v an afternoon of whist at the Cr- I er Lake club Tuesday. ' The guests .i ere seated at small tables decorated ,n vellow. the club colore The prizes ?ere won by Mrt. L. P. 'Heeney, tfrs. E. E. Porter. Mrt.' U n. T. liiepen and Mrs. D. D. Moore. Cov ert were laid for the following mem hers and their guests: -" -. 1 ' edama Maadamaa- .1. J, Rllter, C B. , llolefly, u A. amlth. A. J. Plaraaa. lam Dreahar, Jr.; . Carrla D. Scatt,' 0. V. Bone. Floyd Kallir. . ' Arthur Kuhs, . B. Portaf OT , a. P. Marti. St. Joaaprl. Mo i Mary Waarna, C. II. T. Rlapan, Mary Otta, ' 1 P. Haanay. , liworaa Croaby. C. F. Barrow. ' i. R. Ledyard. Jack Bowline. B. Mi Arthur, , A. St. Lontwal, 1. V. thrum, JT. F. Raran, A. C. Conant. Daa t. Uoora. Waa Rata ItcMord4 4 . , , Luncheon at Omaha Club. Mrs. A. I. Love entertained at uncheon at the Omaha club today for ir sister. Mrs. Kov I ones ot Apple. in. Wis, who with her mother bat Women from the Far East Will Speak Here Sunday Mist Daisy Wood of Calcutta, In dia, who is visiting her sitter, Mrs. W. A. Jenkins, and Miss Mary. Grif fith of Japan, who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. W. Stallard, will speak at the morning service at Pearl Me morial church Sunday. The service is in charge of the church missionary society, of which Mrs. I. S. Leavitt it district president. - By DOROTHY DIX. A young girl asked -my advice the other day about whether the should marry a certain man who had asked her to be his wife. - "Do you love him?". I inquired. , "No, she replied, "but he is a good man. .He is comfortably rich, and my mother wants me to marry him." ... "Vtll, then, let mother marry him," said I.' "Don't you do it, for if you marry a man you don't love you will be miserable ever after, no matter if he is a saint and a' millionaire com bined." A woman's affections are the me dium through which she looks 6n life. If she does not love him her husband cannot please her, though he were a model of all the virtues. If, on the other hand, she loves the man who shares it with her, the can be perfectly content in a two by four flat. She can prefer doing her own cooking to going to balls, and be blind as a bat at weaknesses at which all the world jeers. For this reason no woman should ever marry unless she it wildly, franr tically, madly in love. A man may marry a woman for whom he has only a mild and lukewarm regard and get along in reasonable comfort, be cause after marriage love is only a side issue with him. anyway. Besides, the masculine code teaches a man not to welch, and when he makes a bad bargain to stick to it. so the indifferent husband is not in frequently a fairly comfortable one to live with. But women are notoriously poor losers, arid, no matter how deliber ately they make' it, when tbey find ourjlja.t the marriage of convenience, ST" Stuffed Cabbage 1 Bf CONSTANCE CLARKE. A variation from the plain vege table dish may be found in the fol lowing recipe on stuffed cabbage, which it appetizing and easily pre pare Take a larg head of cabbage, cut Out a plug-shaped piece from the cen ter and dig out the interior of the cabbage, sprinkle the inside with salt, pepper and melted butter and till with the meat filling prepared as below). Replace the plug and tie with a cord and steam the cabbage in a atewpan with a rack in the bottom. Meat Filling Take two or three peeled onions, chop them up in little dice shapes and put them into a stew pan with two ounces of butter. Fry them together for about fifteen min utes, then season with a little salt and pepper, add a teaspoonful of finely chopped sage, two ouncea of white breadcrumbs, half a pint of brown gravy or stock and one pound of round- steak as finely minced as pos sible. Let these boil together for about fifteen minutes and use as di rected above. Serve with brown sauce. Tomorrow Beetroot and Bean Salad. , ( or the marriage of ambition, or the marriage for money is a failure, they have no shame in squealing, as our sporting friends Say, and thus it hap pens that the unloving wife it invari ably a complaining and disagreeable one. ' . Now, no woman can live with a husband she does not love and be' happy, and not one woman in a thou sand hat the- strength of character to do her duty at a wife unless she is happy or treat a man right not because she wants to, but because she ought to. Of course, the girl who marries a man for whom the hat only a pale pink friendship deludes herself by thinking that her liking will warm up into hectic love after marriage and that she will make him a good wife whether the is fond of him or not. Neither of these miracles takes place. The man who failed to fas cinate her when she saw him with his company clothes and company man ners on is not going to enthuse her when she has a steady dose ot him in everyday' attire and negligee con duct. .Nor, unless she it a wonder of her sex, can she always remember to be considerate, and kind, and forbearing, and patient, and agreeable to one who gets on her nerves, and towards whom her only sentiment it one of obligation1 and duty. The plain unvarnished truth it that it takes a lot of love to enable any body to endure matrimony, which may be a holv estate, but is certainly one full of trials and tribulations that tax both the flesh and the spirit to the utmost. There is no human being with whom we are brought into close contact but --who necessarily makes large drafts upon our temper, our taste and our patience. So the girl who is thinking of mar eying should not ask herself if a uitor can give her this or that, or if e possesses certain graces and "harms, but only if she loves him well nough to do without things for his ake, and to forgive him his cranki ness and love him still. .. There are times when tvery hus band is cross and unreasonable, and stingy, and mean; when he rows about little things, and criticises his wife's people; when he refuses to go out with her and is otherwise pesky, and the only way this is bearable is for the wife to be to much in love that she blames his cantankerousness on his business and begs him not to work' so hard. - It is far more important for a woman to be in love with a husband than it is for him to be in love with her, because love's spectacles are rose-colored, and while a woman looks through them she' sees in a man just what she wants to see. ' And as .long as a wife it satisfied with a husband he is satisfied with her. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. CENTRAL COLLEGE For Woman, Lexington, Mo. 1 An AnratttaS Jonlar Coltaff. Xanana City', natr it Woman', Coll-I", LITERAEYTSCIKNTtriC. IUBIC. AKT, EJUTUCSSION and IHJMlOiTIC it- B. ai ClENf i faeolty. Low tnjtlou with minrfraaadrantaava. Cauloa and Vtaw Book ami rKfcK, Addrtaa, cm. Willi RIMWfc picions were aroused when the man accompanying the coffin, showed signs of confusion. . His replies to the ques tions concerning the identity of the body, and particulars of the death, were so unsatisfactory that the coffin was opened and found to be packed with patridges. - - One day the Paris, police were over joyed at laying their hands on a noted coiner, for whom they had been hunt ing, but they were unabje to find his address. Fortunately, he had a dog with himi when arrested. This was Iti lUUJt 111 IHC OUGC19, IIU IIIC UCKI. . tives followed the animal to its home, where a large collection of spurious coin and a complete counterfeiting plant were found. A woman was murdered at Lyons, and on top of a cupboard crouched a cat, its eyes staring in terror, which no persuasion could move. Suspicions were directed to certain persons, who were confronted with the cat, which arched its back, spitting and growl ing. Both turned pale, and one attempt ed to strike the animal,' which fled with a yell of terror,. Circumstantial evidence was also strong, and a con fession followed conviction, though, without the cat they might have cone Wree. v , . , : An ape once identified the murder er 'of its master in the same manner. It was the only witness of the crime. Clues were few, and no' one was strongly suspected; but one day a certain man passed the animal, which threw itself against its cage and show ed the most intense rage so long as he was in sight. . Suspicions were aroused, the clue was followed UD. and a Strom? chain of circumstantial evidence adduced, the ape being produced, in court at the trial, giving . evidence . by its actions. . -v. Three monkers showed the most extraordinary intelligence in India when their master was murdered, be cause he refused to give up a goat he had with him. One seized the goat skin the goat' being killed and skinned to provide a meal and took it away ; unnoticed, a second re mained near the grave in which the body had been hastily buried, while the third went into the village and attracted the attention of the head man. , Its - signs' were unmistakable, ao he followed it to the jungle, where two of them began tearing up the earth.; The body being found, all three monkeys then proceeded to the hut of the man who had done the deed and attacked him tooth and1 nail. ' , . By ADA PATTERSON. Do "yf u think straight through a subject or do you think under, above or around it? i Thought is more precious than money. Are you careful of it as you are of your purse? That machine whose wheels we grinding against each other, at the same time rasping your nerves in the streets, is wasting its force. More, it is destroying itself. ' . - When you worry that is what your mind does. Turn your worry thought into work thought. ' v Too many persons think as a grass hopper jumps, and arrive where he arrives, in winter. v Too many others think as the water spreads oyer a swamp, without a channel, without distinction, without purpose. - We should think as a' pathfinder cuts his way through a jungle. As an arrow flies to its target'. We should make our thinking bear fruit in ac tion or in principle. You like this person. You enjoy her society. Yon are stimulated, strength ened by an hour with her. Why? Be cause she thinks right. You dislike that person. You avoid her. You are weakened and rendered despondent bv a conversation with her. Why? Because she thinks wrong. The chief difference between people is nbt in the color of their eyes, not in the slant of their features, not in the vigor or weakness of their frames, but in the way they think. ' Few 'have the habit of thinking their way through a question..- They begin determinedly, even noisily, but they wander of Unto bypaths and re turn to the main track in the heavens, because they would, oftener than not, stray out of their orbits,, into tan gents, and disturb the poise of the neighboring planets. A woman sits down to hem a towel and she generally hems until the has finished. If the dropped the towel six or eight times to look out of the window, to run upstairs, to look in the mirror, or to read the morning news paper observers would say she was scatter-Drainea ana wouia De rtgnt. But like such towel hemming is the too-common habit of thinking. The world would be a far more hab itable and comfortable place if we would all cultivate the habit of con secutive thinking. If our thoughts were all as consecutive as mounting a pair of stairs. We should discipline our power of thought We should bridle and sad dle it and guide it in the course we wish to follow. We hear that 4his man has turned right about face and begun a new manner of life. - We hear that that Skinner THE HIGHEJT QUALITY EGG NOODLES SKINNER MFG.CCL. OMAHA, USA MlwlST HACMOW fACTOtV HI AMERICA W Clean Lac Curtains. DRESHER BROS.,' 2211-17 Farnam. St ' Phone Tylar 345. ' LOW PRICES EASY TERMS AT LOFTISBROS. & CO. No. 4 Men', Dia mond Bins, t prong tooth mounting, 14k olid gold. Roman or polUhad , - CC linUh 9W tl.88 a Waak ll Si i lata IJ 989 Licit ' Dia mond 1 Ring. 14k olid golds "Per fection" tCA Mounting. . . 95 Montn EMBLEMS W carry a most complete atfeortment of Emblem Charmi, Buttons, Pins and Hinge for all Fraternal Organisations. t'rieee and terms to sun any purse. Opea Daily ttlPvM. Saturdays Till 0i3O Call or writ fof illustrated catalog No. SOS. Phone Dour las 1444 and our sales man will eall with any article you desire. V are VI ''"m MHiwtuiiui aw rpwm CHOOLa AND COLLEGES. woman has won new and startling . success. We are apt to impute thit change of fortune to some change of, circumstances and environment. It is far more likely to have been the result of an hour of hard, close, determined thinking, and of arriving somewhere. The great epochs of our livet come from within, not without First thought, then resolution, then action, then change. Learn to think right. To think rteht honestly. Don't let your thoughtt lie toyou. They will try it. To think right is to think directly, straight as a' " crow flies or an arrow sings its way through the air. I , Fashion Hints Square -cut decollete Is much In evidence ' in some of the moat recently Imported even ing gowns. This ts a. generally becoming line which should be hailed with delight by many women. Pash and youthfolneaa beat express the charming features of tome cleverly de signed neckwear, high stocks " with trim overUp sections at the chin and full Jabots that give a much desired vwaggerness to smart tailored suits. O 0 0 Get Your Heavy Clothes Ready To Wear Now! ; NOW is the time to have them cleaned, dyed; altered or re paired don't wait till it is cold. We clean or dye all kinds of wearing apparel Or House furnish ings" that require CARE and SKILL in handling. With the finest equipped plant in Nebraska, with the best trained and best paid corps of employes in the city; with many more years of experience in the business, we should do the best work In town. We do and will prove It to you the very first time yon give us a chance. ' Let one of our autot come for your work. ' The ' .;" ' ; Pantorium "Good Cleaners -and Dyers" 1515-17 Jones St. Phou D. 963. GUY LIGGETT, Pres. ' O O Here's ANew 'Proposition A TYPEWRITER BY PARCEL POST ON TEN DAYS' FREE EXAMINATION This typewriter ii not an unknown mactiine of unknown make. It is the ''-": rh vrv latMt aiMSrtnn tn the trrnt M minetnn farnilv of ...j p. e , ., ' .' typewriters. A new and smaller Remington built tor - the needs of the professional man and the heme. At the end of 10 days, if you decide not to keep it, tend , it back no obligation involved. It you decide to keep it, the price is $50. Send us 10 monthly pay- . ' ments of$5 each and the machine is yours. Just the machine you .have always needed, made by the most celebrated type writer makers in the world, and sold on just the terms that suit you. Refuaftoa typawrittr Compear, (Incorporated) . 327 Broadway, New Yerk. Sen ma a Rtminrtos Junior Type writer, price t0. an (rem examiiuflflii f Uuadentooatbatl mar return th machine, ifl chooat, within am airt. If I aecjof W pnrentM It, I Stk to pay for tt fa 10 monthly payment, af I5 each. , -.. , IIIIUIIIIIIIIIllllimilllllll)lllilllllllllllllllilllllli:iilllll!im!!!!!!!!!l!:!!ll!l I Lincoln Medical College j I FOUR-YEAR COURSE I f TUT ! A Pin OaTaV a net mrtuiv DWA The Magic Box b one In which jroa lay away a ft-caat rioe, sprinkled with a little ' naitio powder, and In lU month you open the box and find there a bright, new hill-dollar. This provided you don't 'peak" at any time daring the tlx month. In EgA-o-latum have a matfic ointment that doublet Taloea Jut the same at Ska ma1afl iivtMtA Maallv. tfllitf. tflaV I , J Yon take a down froth egg, vr man. during AtKnat September or October rub tltMtWMP n.r.r'1 wftrth nf Eltf-tvlatnin. and lav awiv in thm iwllar rill aft the Nmm Vm Then, on opening the bagprou And that,"preetol" the value haa changed to doable, and the eggs nave not cnaogea a ou. awv eggs irou wm rami. It's Just the tame thing. The easiest and soreat moneymaker In the world. --rWaun at SO rnta awriarr, ptpmid, imn?k fmr 406 atava GEO, H. LEE CO. - 427 L Building OMAHA. NEBRASKA Registration September 13 UNCOLN, NEBRASKA 16 IlllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllUIIIIIUUIUIIIIIllllllUllllltlllllUIIIIIUlllllUlllUIIIIIIIUU Unbeatable Exterminator LJ Unbeatable Exterminator r Rata.Mlee and Buas ' Used tho World Over - Uaed by U.s.Govwrnnwnt P Old Rmlimbf Thmt Never fits l5c.25ciAt Drucqhra " THE RECOGNIZED STANDARD -AVOID (SUBSTITUTES O