THE BEE; OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 15, 1916. 5 Nebraska KENNEDY, BUM m fif: district 1 Repubii 'a Candidates Address Large' Crowds at Holdrege ' . and Minden. LOUD CHEERS FOR HUGHES X Holdrege, Neb., Sept. 14. (Spe-m1.)-A rousing republican meeting wis held here last night in the dis- trict court room. John b Kennedy of Omaha, republican candidate for United States senator, and Silas R. Barton of Grand Island, candidate for congress from the Fifth district, were the principal speakers. They Were to have spoken here August 23, but in i deference to the Swedish-Americans, I I then holding their annual' festival .Jfc. here, their meeting was postponed by . them until tonight. J. W. Hammond "vlof Cambridge, republican candidate J3r state senator, also spoke. The court room and balcony were packed to the doors. Prior to the meeting the Holdrege Boys' band led a parade ""vJlo the court house. W. B. Abraham jM'soa of Holdrege presided and intro ' duced the speakers. Many republic ans drove in from Bertrand, Loomis, Funk and Atlanta to attend the meet- 5' in?-. .. ' " . ... . ..... Mr. Knnflv ana Mr. canon ooin talked on the great national issues of the campaign and particularly ior me national and state republican tickets. Tk laror rrr-aiA rneatrllv ftfJDlaud- ed the' mention of Charles E. Hughes' name, and many old-time republicans ana oiner leaaing men oy i meeting was the best held here in several vears. Mr. Kennedy and Mr. ,4 barton are assured oy local propneie that they will carry rnelps county. They will continue the campaign in 1 the Fifth district bv visiting Wilcx, J Hildreth, Franklin and McCook to- morrow. - v 4 . Afternoon Meeting at Minden. 7 Minden, Neb., Sept. 14! (Special.) lohn L. Kennedy of Omaha, repub- V lica candidate for United States sen- r ator from Nebraska, and Silas K. f Barton, republican candidate for con- gressman from the Fifth district, ad- dressed a mixed meeting of republic Kns and democrt'. here yesterday J,'T i afternoon in thv Cambers of the " Iroontv court house.' Hit. Barton told his audience of the excessive and lav- . ish exoendttures of the democratic administration of money raised by compelling the farmer and western merchant to lick revenue stamps in the time of peace. He told also of - the numerous raids on the civil serv ice and the unnecessary creation of offices to satisfy the cry. of demo crats seeking patronage. Mr. Kennedy explained that he did not wish to talk sectionalism, but that the records disclosed that the democratic tariff measure had put the thinffs In- which the south and east were concerned. on the protected list and the things in which an agricul tural community was interested on the free list He said that the so- railed orosoeritv of the - last two years was built upon the graves of ' Europe s best men, wno naa laiien in the world , war, and that the protect ive tariff would be necessary as a preparation for peace after war.,, ( Sutton Says His '-: Remarks on Rail I . mnK Micquoiea " Aurora, Neb., Sept 14:-r!(Special XTeIe-ram.1 ludee A. L. Sutton, re- publican candidate for governor, while f A 1 - ..I- . j 1 I . u u . TaT, I..- a n..l,s nlnlr in ,Vl - national platform of his party dealing with railroad matters. He stated that he had been incorrectly quoted as op posing the railroad plank. The State Railway commissions, he' said, are valuable parts of the government and will never be abolished. "However, he said, "it is possible that future rate making may fall largely to the ' Interstate Commerce commission." Notes From Beatrice And Gage County 1 Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 14. (Special.) At the' closing session of the Ne braska City Vresbytery at Adams on Tuesday evening Rev. N. P. Patter son of this city was elected moder ator. There were about forty dele gates in attendance. Two new min isters were received into the presby tery, Rev. Mr. Rhinehardt of Omaha and Dr. Cherry of Council Bluffs. The meeting was brought to a close by the serving of a banquet by the wo men of the Adams freSbyterian church. The next meeting will be held at Fairbury. r- . i. : . i: I .i cvcryming la m rcauincss tur uic enetian nieht pageant to be held on the Blue fiver Friday evening. There will be thirty decorated boats in the parade, including water fireworks and a concert by the band. , Mrs. Anna Hover, .for the last ten years a resident of Beatrice, died yes " terday at her home in this city, aged 40 years. She is survived by her hus . band and three daughters. The body was taken today to Joplin, Mo., for interment . .," 1 George J. Boettcher of Hollenberg, Kan., and Miss Viola May born of the Lanham vicinity were married yester day afternoon at 2:30. o'clock at the (home of the bride's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. James Mayborn, three miles east of Lanham. After a wedding trip of , a few weeks the young couple will re ctum and make their home near Han dover, Kan. Fred Schmader Drowned , - Near Louisville, Nebraska ' " - . Louisville, Neb., Sept 14. (Spe ' cial.j Fred Schmader was drowned i . last evening at about 8:30 o'clock n Li x the Woodworth sand pit just north of town. A number of bovs were down 7 at the pond when the question came P. up which one was the best swimmer. Schmader and" a companion went in L and Schmader sank in about twenty Tfcf'.'e, feet of water. The boys gave the jTf'alarm and a hay rake was secured and ?f ' in a short time the body was brought to the surface. He was 2s years of age and leaves a wife and a child, father, mother and six brothera - ftr W. J, Connell Says Street Railway Franchise Is Not Perpetual One former Attorney for the Com pany States His Views Be- fore the Southwest Improvement Club. " President Fred Scliamel and Sec retary F. ,V. Fitch invited Attorney W. J. Connell to come before the Southwest Improvement- club last night to explain the status' of the franchise of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company. The club has been fighting "perpetual" franchises for municipal corporations and has now turned its attention to the street railway company. "As most of you know, for many years I was attorney for the street railway ' As you also know, my resignation as such attorney was ten dered and accepted about the first of the present year. I am now a 'free lance.' and 1 propose, during the last decade of my legal career, to represent the interests of the public and to battle on the side of the in jured ahd the oppressed in place of fighting for the street railway. com pany. "Had the knowledge I possess re garding the franchise rights of the street railway been acquired in con nection with my services as at torney for the company, I would re frain from saying anything about them. But; what I know regarding these rights is entirely from or dinances and other records and from legal proceedings prior to the time I entered the service of the street railway. s "In the early days of street rail way litigation, I represented the old Cable company, known as the 'two streaks of rust," and with John D. Howe made a successful fight agaipst the present company and its claim to the exclusive use of the streets of Omaha.- I might also correctly add that I am the original pioneer in the prosecution of damage suits against the street railway. And, it is a some what interesting fact, that the first personal injury suit I ever had against the company, cuts quite a figure in the franchise rights t of the company. I refer to the suit of Mrs. Doolittle against the old Omaha Horse -Car Railroad company, reported in the Seventh Nebraska reports, at page 481. Mrs. Doolittle was quite badly injured by being thrown from a car as she was in the act of alighting. I commenced suit for her to recover $5,000. i well remember the nature and extent of her injuries by reason of the account her husband gave of them while a witness on the stand. Mr. Doolittle was a machinist in the Union Pacific shops. After asking him his name and in what business he was engaged, I asked him if he saw his wife and made an examina tion of her upon hiseturn home from the machine shops on the day of her injury, to which he replied that he did. I then asked, 'what did you find as the result of your examination?' and he .answered, 'I found she had two- ribs broken and one badly sprung.' The result was, the jury allowed $2,000 for each of the broken ribs, and $1,000 far the 'sprung rib,' thus giving her. the full sum we claim ed of $5,000, and judicially establish ing the value of fractured ribs at $2,000 each and sprung ribs at $1,000. After obtaining this verdict the next thing was to collect it. . For the pur pose of defeating Mrs. Doolittle in the collection of her judgment and to avoid other liabilities, the Omaha Horse Railway company went out of business and turned its entire as sets over to a new corporation known as the Omaha Street Railway com pany. It is the franchise of the old Horse Railroad company that the present company now claims to hold and also claims that such franchise is a perpetual franchise. To secure and hold this franchise the new com pany was obliged to pay the judgment of Mrs. Doolittle, amounting at the time of payment to over $10,000." No Foundation for Claim. Mr. Connell contended that "the claim of the street railway company that it has an exclusive right to the streets of Omaha or that. its franchise is 'perpetual, is a claim utterly un founded in fact or in law." . : He quoted from the act which' was passed by the legislature in 1867 granting to the Omaha Horse Rail way company a fifty-year franchise. ."As will be observed," he continued, "the term of the franchise is for fifty years, from the first day of January, 1867. with the express provision that at the end of fifty: years, to-wit: January 1, 1917, the road andNjthcr equipments should revert' to the city of Omaha. Under this law and in pursuance of its provisions the city of Omaha, by its mayor and city council, on the 28th day of October, 1868, passed an ordinance known as Ordinance No. 166, granting to the Omaha Horse Railway company the right to construct and operate its street railway tracks over and along such streets in the city of Omaha as the company might thereafter select for that purpose. Under this ordin ance and the legislative enactment re ferred to, the Omaha llorse Railway company proceeded to, construct its tracks and to operate the same so continued until about the year 1880 when for the purpose of evading Mrs. Doolittle' s judgment and other just liabilities, -its stockholders organized a new company, known as the Oma ha Street Railway company. Again Reorganized, - "Later on, it was again reorganized under the name of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany, but before this organization could be perfected, it became appar ent that to give it any right to the .streets, of Omaha it. would have to obtain an assignment of the old fran chise rights of the Omaha Horse Railway company. This assignment it secured and in order, to make the assignment of any value and secure the benefits of the old Horse Rail way company franchise, it was obliged to pay the debts of the old company, including the judgment of Mrs. Doolittle. The new company was then secure in the saddle with its right to occupy the streets of Oma ha until 1917.r' ; Speaking of the assignment of other franchises to the new company he said: "I know all about them and I assert most positively they are noth ing but a rope of sand, which will give way at the very first test that is made." As to the so-called "Street Railway Consolidation act" of 1899, permitting two or more street railway companies to pool their stock with "power to hold in perpetuity the prop erty, rights, powers and fran chises converted upon said con stituent companies," by which it is claimed by the street railway com pany that the time fixed as the ex piration of its franchise is extended so as to make its franchise a perpetual one, he called the claim "absolutely absurd.' The' real purpose of this claim and other like contentions," said he, "is to secure, with the aid of a club, an extension of its ex isting franchise, which by its terms expires on the first day of next Janu ary. . : ' , To Lay Foundation. It is to lav the foundation for a plea of estoppel. It is to get indi- recuy ana wiinoui mc- rcai purpuac being known or understood rights and extensions which it would be impossi ble to secure directly. " ; "It is now only a matter of a tew months when the city will have the absolute right to the street railway and to operate it as it should be oper ated. Nevor ' did the city trave a greater opportunity. Never could a greater service be rendered to better their condition. The one great thing at the present time is not to lose the rights -we have and a little later take such action as will enforce and secure these rights." - t - -.. Among other business,of the even ing the Southwest club approved that delegates to the Federation of Im provement clubs introduce a resolu tion in the federation requesting the city coune'l-to call a meeting of all civic bodies to pass upon futurejjond issues. . ; ., : Box Butte Fair Soon. Alliance, Neb. Sept 14. (Special.) The Box Butte county fair will be held September 27, 28 and 29, at Alliance. One of the headline fea tures will be the race program. Large premiums are being offered and ex ceptional inducements held forth. Amusements ' that will please and thrill. There will be an exhaustive agricultural display to disclose the resources of this bountiful county. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. 1 Fire Place Goods Everything for the hearth Andirons .Wood Holders Coal Holders Spark Screens Gas Logs Fenders Fire Tools Grates AT LOW PRICES e have in our sales rooms avery large assortment, including articles appropriate for your hearth. , TAKE A LOOK M 1 I'l i Enlti ire Third Floor Keeline Bldg. . SUNDERLAND 1 Praise From a Minister's Wife ' Mm. Joseph Fry, of Wayneavllle, N. C wife of the Pastor of Jonothan Circuit, Western North Carolina Conference, M. E. Church, South, lays: ."About fifteen year ago I had a severe case of Typhoid Fever and a re lapse which left me In very bad condition which got worse all the time. . . I was bo nervous that I could not stay In a room alone. , . I couldn't sleep tor four and Ave nights at a time. . . I then began taking Cardui and after I had taken a halt bottle I felt I was Improving. . . After I Had taken tour or five bottles I was able to. . . do my own work and f got back my correct mental condition for I had been so nervous and absent-minded since my Ill ness." Can you doubt the merit of Casd-u-i In the lace of such evidence?' Give It a trial All good druggists sell Cabvul ' S-2 ACCUSED AUTOISTS HAVE DAJJN COURT County Attorney Has Large Grist of Oases to Push in Addition. .1 TO FIX DATES SATURDAY i Next Monday morning, at the open ing of the fall term of the district court, thirty-one prisoners ' in the county jail will pi -pare for trial. One hundred and thirty-three cases are on the criminal docket. Two automobile drivers charged with manslaughter will be tried, Cal vin Lambert, with running down and killing William Gorham, August, 16V and Charles H. Stockdale, with kill ing Mrs. Christina P. Cunningham while driving an auto, August 31. ' V Lisle Messer is charged with hold ing up the cashier of the Calumet res taurant and robbing the register of $125. , ' Robert W. Ralston, wealthy stock breeder and shipper, of Lexington, Neb., will again be called to court to answer a perjury charge in connec tion with testimony concerning an accident on the Union Pacific when a train struck an automobile near the Lane cutoff, killing four occupants... Manslaughter Charge. ' Neil Cross, ' manslaughter, " is charged with passing a street car. in an auto April 3 and killing Otto J. Schirck. ., .. , . ( ... Charles 'Johnson, charged' with bigamy, has two colored wives, both of whom are insisting upon prosecu tion. George Brenner of the Irvington Country club js charged with selling liquor without a license. v-; Jess Lee is accused of assault with intent to do bodily harm to City De tective James Kennelly, June 2. ' Ada Weatherly is charged with stabbing 1 Minnie Brown,, colored, June 18. , - ' - , V A. R. Kelly, accused of practicing law without a license, will be given another hearing. He was convicted in county court and fined $100. Del Brooks, who, with a razor, cut Joseph Johnson, will face a man slaughter :harge. - George Logan is charged with shooting, with intent to kill, hit wife, July 7. . Leroy Bush will be tried on the charge, of stabbing' Police - officer Martin Ryan. ; r :--, George Groves, colored," il ac cused of assaultng Police Officer Jo seph M. Baughman with intent to rob. . . : ' . - 7 Presiding Judge Sears .of the dis trict court has issued a call to all attorneys intereste'l in t'le 133 crim inal cases to be tried, asking them to meet with him Saturday morning to set dates for hearings. -Attorneys will confer with County Attorney Mag ney to arrange trial dates at that time to, clear the boards for action for Monday morning. ; , Mewjfork Schools to Opn. ' . Naw Tork, Sept. -IS. Tho' publte" tAhooli of New Tork City will open on September 26 Thti was decided tonlffht by the Board of Educattoa. There had been a difference of opinion between federal and city health authorltlea at to the wtidom of openlnt the echoola at th time aet becauee ot the Infantile paralyala epidemic - , Why City Commissioner Hummel Likes to Bask in Soft Moonlight It may be all right to. know how many windows there are in the court house, or the color of Postmaster Fanning'a eyes, or whether Chief Salter has an open-faced watch;. that may be 'all right but the question is, what is the color or tlie moon these nights, and what kind of a moon shines at night time just now? Are you observing? Do you notice the moon? If not, why not? Go to City Commissioner Hum mel and learn of the moon, thou my opic one. . Mr. .Hummel is a moon worshipper. Ever since he was a small boy he has believed in lunar influence and has found surcease in stealing a while away in the even tide, to watch the moon as it sheds its flow of mellow light upon the stilly earth. - The park commissioner visited Car ter lake Wednesday evening and feasted his eyes upon the harvest moon which shed a lane of soft light across the lake. In this lane gently moved a motor boat, "a perfect pic ture of the night," as Mr. , Hummel said..; .-' . " ' ' ' . "It was a glorious moon, suspended high in the heavens bathing the earth with a blanket of beautiful yel low light I wished, as J watched the moon on 'Carter lake last evening, that every, boy and girl in Omaha HELP FOR WOBXIHG VOMEti Some Have to. Keep on Until They Almost Drop. How ; Mrs. Cooley Got Help. ' Here is a letter from a woman who bad to work, but was too weak and suf fered too much to continue. How she regained bealtb : I'rarjkfort.JKy.-"! suffered so much with female weakness that I could not ao my own work, had to hire it done. I heard so much about LydiaE. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound that I tried It. I took three bottles and I found it to te all yon claim. Now I feel as wellaseverldldand am able to do all my own work Main. I recommend it to any woman suffering from female weakness. Yon may pub lish my letter If you wish." Mrs. James CONLBT.BI6 St. Clair St,Frankfort,Ky. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope until she bas given Lydla E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound a fair trial. , This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has far forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and ihvigorntorof the female organism. All women re inrlted to wrlto to the Lydla E. Pinkham Trledl eine Co Lynn, Mass, for special odrlco, It will be confidentiaL might have been there and enjoyed the sight It was inspiring," assever ated the commissioner. Mr. Hummel maintains that moon beams hive curative properties for tired nerves. .... ): - Milk Prosecutions at v.? Grand Island Pushed ' (Thiol a Staff CofreapondenL) i Lincoln, Sept. 14 (Special.) State Food Commissioner Harman and his department have turned their eyes officially ,. in the direction of Grand Island. ' Information reached the office that E. Lenkbeil had been fined $10 and costs for selling milk and cream below the standard and Dick Neidfieldt and Ed Schlenkahst had been cited to appear before the tribunal of justice for selling milk and cream below the grade required. A Big Rug Purchase on Special Sale AT THE . .. Union Outfitting Co. ' . 16th and Jackson Sis. . ONE DAY ONLY Saturday, Sept. 16 Axmintter Rugs , , . - .Velvet Rugs' v.'." Wash Rag Rug Slaea Rarltlnt From ISaSS laches te 4 rt Vf i rm. '.. ' An Immense parehaie 6t splendid, hlgh-srad nkga tit the weevee and lacs mentioned abova, bought dtreot from oh ot the larceat weaver, of Rich-grade floor eoveringi In America at a price which' was much below the market raid and which eneoUe us . to put' the entire shipment on eipcfllal aala.'for this one dag f nig at prince that will mean , a asTing to you cl at leeat rae-heUV' . Thar ant positively bo seconds In cluded m this his purchase each and avsrg'.rug w. guarantee to ht' per fect. ,-!;-. '. ,; ' ' ' - Come to this blk salt expecting to find ntrmordlaarp values and gou will not be disappointed and, as alware, TOU MAKB YOUR. OWN TERMS. Have You Tried Schmoller & Mueller's Columbia Service ON YOUR FEET ALL DAY? TRY THIS HOME EASER ThouMMl ot ptopl who arc on tholr foot fttl doy auffor terrtblo tortum bocauee thulr foot actio, burn, ohafo and grow tender. Tit la I tho way a aaloawoman In a bit depart ment otoro hao aolved tho problem of keeping her (eat alwaya In food condition. She buya a 16-cent packace of Wa-NoTa and In tho ovonlng on arriving homo she re move! her ahoea and atockinge and for a few del iht tul mlnutea allowi thenifmo aoak in a pan of warm water In whlchwtwo or three Wa-Ke-T tableti have been dleeolvod. Then aho puti on front) hosiery and ahoea and her evening ! comfortable, All tho krnlnv, : throbbing, aching naatlone are gone out of her fet. If you t troubled again, try .thli. Wa-Ne-T added to tho bath water la cleansing and purifying.' re moving Impnrltlee iyid banishing body odora. You can get Wa-Ne-Ta at all drug etoree for ti oenti, or wo will mall you a sample package prepaid to your address If you will tend u 10 cents to cover cost of packing and shipping. , I. C Landon Co.. South Dend, Ind. i : j' i ail I ' f ' Mahogany, I i . Walnut or 1 .i Oak Casa. LJ V' -'- $78.90 i Socurws Tills Magnif kaat GHAFo:;om and 12 selections of your own choice. (Six 10-inch double disc records.) ... V , :. - , Terms $5.00 Par Month. Schmoller & Mueller PIANO CO. ' 1311-1313 Farnatn St, Omaha, Nab. Retail and Wholesale Distribu tors for Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. " Quick, Painless Way To Remove Hairy Growths (Helps t( Beauty) : Here is a simple, unfailing; way to rid the skin of objectionable hairs: With some powdered delatone and water make enough paste to cover the hairy surface, apply and in about 2 minutes rub off, wash the skin and every trace of hair has vanished. This ia quite harmless, but to avoid disap pointment be sure to get the delatone in an original package. Adv. Basement Bargain Sales Women's and Misses' Newest Fall Wear Bargain Sales Buy We are now showing hundreds of Women's, Misses' and Children's Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Etc. ' Women's and Misses' New Fall Suits, many different styles, new length coats, large collars. All-Wool Poplin, Serge, Whipcord, Gabardine, Novelty Checks, .etc Plain and fur trimmed, fancy silk "and braid trimmed, etc. Good linings. , Perfect fitting garments, ex cellent workmanship. .. Copies of higher priced suite suits that you cannot duplicate elsewhere for less than $17.50 to $25.00. All the new colors-Burgundy, New Green, $12.48, $13.85.$14.85 Battleship Gray, New Blue, etc r ' Women's and Misses' New Satin and Serge Dresses, dozens of pretty new fall styles, in the latest colors. New big white collars, pockets' and belts. (Copies of higher priced models, values to $22,50, at ' $9.95, $12.48, $13.85, $14.85 Of a New Fall Coat Friday White Coats, Black and Blue Serge, Novelty Cloth,. Fancy Plain, Stripe and Check Coats and Silk and Satin Coats. ,, Dozens of styles to select from, most; desirable coats for early fall wear, at great savings. , , '.y $3.95. $4.95, $6.95 up to $12.95 - e Fall Skirts Finest" Styles We are now showing a beautiful new line of Worn men's and Misses' Fall Skirts. New high belt and popket v effects, etc. Made of satin, fancy checks and plaids, all wool serges and poplins. Corduroys in all colors. AH new ' fall colors and styles. Extra sizes for stout women. Won derful skirts at very low prices. ' $1.95. $2.95, $3.49, $3.95, $4.95 ; A Budget of Other Most Remarkable Bargains for Friday Domestics, Shirtings, - Flannels, btc . Sh.r Printed Voiles, Voil.e . Celesta and Spray Voiles, values to 15c yard... ..54 , Easllsb Shirtings, : 32 inches wide. Yard 9H . Mill Romnants of , 36-Inch Dross Porcalo .5e . Fancy Outing Flannel, per yard ..,...... 7K Curtain E t a an 1 n o , Mar- ' 1 quisetto and , Curtain Voiles', yard r... 8 C.nuino Amoskoaf White Outing- Flannel, yard, 84t Mill Remnants of' Dross and Shirting Prints 3M 36-Inch Bleached Muslin, , Cambric, etc., yard 5 Mill Remnants Beautiful Art N Ticking,""' Cretonnes, etc., , t - lOHt Comforter Challia, new ori ental and. Persian designs, yrd ...HMt Drapery Bargains. One Case - of 1 Fine. Scrim, Voiles and Marquisettes, . yard ...........10 One Big' Lot of Heavy Por tieres, values to $6, 81.08 700 Fine Lace Curtains, val- ues to $2 pair, each, 494 Blankets. Extra Weight Cotton ' Blankota, size 72x80, at. ' pair ............. .81.98,.' Cotton Bed Blankets, size 64x76. pad. 81.25 ' Full S I a e Wool Plaid . Blankets, $5.50 values, : at, pair ...........;.. 84.75. Crib Blankets, , 19c values, . at V..V12JiV ' Full Siae Siikoline Covered Comfortera, each... .81.25 - ' Trimmed Hats. Sailors, i Pokes,- Tarns and Othor Stylish Shanes, trimmed in great , variety, at 81.95 and 82.50 Children's School Hats, Cor duroy Tarns, Pokes. . . .694 ... Spreads, Turkish Towels, Etc Huck Towel Ends. . , . . . .14 . 800 Bleached Cloths, 98c values ........694 Bed ' Spreads, size 84x92 inches, $2.00 values, 81.50 100 Down Full Bleached Turkish Towels, 20c values, at ..15 Underwear Specials Women's Peeler Vesta and Ankle Pants to match. .254 Women's . Lightly Fleeced Union Suits ......504 Woman's Cause Sleeveless Vests, worth to 10c. . . . .54 Women's Union Suits, all sizes ....254 Children's Waist Suits, ages 2 to 12. a ...... 254 Handkerchiefs. For Men, Women and Chil : dren, 8 tor 10c, each, 3H4 Hosiery. Women's Fiber Silk Boot Hosiery, seconds. .... .154 Children's Cotton Black Hosiery . , ....!.-.. .8K4 Children's Mercerised Black Hosa ..64 Men's - Colored Socks, sec onds, worth 7 Vic 54 ' Dress Goods. ' Remnants and Mill Ends of All-Wool Dross Goods, at, yard 39a and 594 Manufacturers' and Travel ers' Samplea of Fine All Dreee Goods , at, each Piece .....394 , Importera' and Manufac turers' Dress Goods Samplea and Single Pieces, each, 15 Thousands of Fine All-Wool Drees Goods Remnants, Fri day, each piece.. 694 ' Sold in Basement : '. ' and Main . Floor .