Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Lorimer Beaten in Bace for
Congress Mann and Mad
den Are Nominated.
Chicago, I1L, Sept 14. With Cook
county complete i tnd return! from
1.887 precinctt out of 2,973 down atate
compiled, Colonel Frank O, Lowdea
received 161,141 votes for the repub
lican nomination for governor in yes
terday'! primary. Morton D. Hull ran
second with 91,788 votes against 64,
640 for Frank L. Smith. On the demo
cratic side Governor E. F. Dunne for
governor received 108,146 votes in
Cook county complete and 1,335 pre
cincts down state; W. E. Brinton, 48,
498, and James Traynor, 14,474. ,;.
Lorimer if Defeated.
Former Senator William Lorimer
conceded his defeat for the republi
can nomination for congress in the
Sixth district when those precincts
upon which he had counted to give
htm a lead failed to live up to his ex
pectations. , i
Mann and Madden Win. ,:
- Nomination of Congressman James
Mann, republican house leader, by a
big plurality over Rev. Melbourne P.
Boynton, a minister, and the apparent
defeat of Congressman James T. Mc
Dermott, democrat, by Alderman
Charles Maryin were features Of
Chicago congressional primaries.
Martin B. Madden, republican con
gressman from the first district, has
been nominated again hy a safe ma
jority, as has George Edmund Foss,
republican, in the Tenth district. Con
gressman W. W. Wilson; republican,
has won nomination in the Third dis
trict by about 3.500 plurality. -'
Few Women Vote.
Less than 14 per cent of the regis
tered women voters in Chicago bal
loted in the primary yesterday, ac
cording to returns today. The small
vote cast by women was attributed
to the few officers for which they
might vote.
More democratic women than re
publicans went to the polls, returns
indicate. There were approximately
22,000 votes of democratic women to
the 16,000 for republican women. The
total woman vote is expected to reach
about 40,000.
Public Off ice Is
Family Snap; How ,
The Denis View It
' (Coa Unset Fran Fas Om.) '
A cousin of Senator Saulsbury of
Delaware was 'given a good job on
the Trade ' commission.' Senator
O'Gorman of New York landed the
job of collector of the port of New
Yotk for his son-in-law, Dudley Field
Malone. The nephew of Senator
Robinson is a senate doorkeeper. v
The most glaring examples of ne
potism are found In the house, and
more "poor relations" have been tak-
r . . i . I .L -
en care oi m ine nouie man in me
senate, simply because there are more
representatives than there are sena
.tors. Take Illinois for example. Tav
enner'l sister-in-law is his stenog
rapher. Stone's brother is clerk in
the house document room. Sabath's
nephew is also in the document room.
Indiana democrats have not over
looked appointing members of their
families to good places. Gray's sis
ter is his secretary. Cullop's stepson
it his secretary. Morrison s son is his
, Representative Poo of North Caro
lina jfor a time had his son on the
pay roll as the clerk of the commit-
ti on claims, drawing $1,600 per an
num. Young Pou at this time was
a student in the university ot Norm
Carolina., Representative Johnson of
South Carolina got one ot nts sons in
the Postoffice department and anoth
er a house job. A nephew was made
clerk to a house committee and the
representative's campaign manager
was made a capitol policeman. Rep
resentative Finley of South Carolina
has nit son at nit secretary ana an
oth-r son is t clerk on the house roll.
Representative Aiken of South Caro
lina employs his ton as his secretary;
his neDhew is in the sergeant-at arms'
office. Representative Clark of Flor
ida has two relatives on his commit
tee and got door keeper's job for
his brother, the ton ot Representa
tive Padgett it the assistant clerk of
his lather s committee, Ihe son ot
Representative Burnett is clerk of hit
fat herd committee. The son of Ken
'resentative Carlin, though a student in
. Georgetown university, it a clerk in
the house judiciary committee. A
nephew of Representative Shackle'
ford it clerk to the committee on
Toads. Representative Lloyd of Mis
souri has a brother in the committee
on accounts, and his brother-in-law i
assistant doorkeeper in the house. At
one time Lloyd had five membert of
his family on the pay roll. Keprescn
tative Watkint has hit ton as clerk
to a committee. Representative
Candler has hit son-in-law as his
secretary Representative Alexander
of Missouri hat his son as his secre
tary, and so has Secretary Hardy of
t exas. ihe son ot Representative
Sparkman is clerk to hit father't com
mittee, and the brother of Represen
tative f leldt Is hit secretary. J he
father of Representative Barkley is
one of the house door keepers.. This
list might be extended at great length
for there are scores of poor rela
lions" of senatori and representatives
drawing good salaries on govern
ment pay rolls. .
Greek Army Corps
Will Be Interned
Berlin, Sept 14. (By Wirelest to
aayviite.l An omciai announcement
under date of September 13. tayt an
arrangement hat been made to bring
to uermany the breek troops which
were at Kavala at the time of the ar
rival of the Bulgarian forces, which
occupied the eastern portion of Greek
Macedonia., The announcement shows
that German troops co-operated with
the Bulgarian! in the occupation of
nis territory.
far CiUMren'e Cms.
Y.U aaaaet tta. mn.Lhln fcttr far vau.
thIM'e mib ul mm tku Dr. King's
w piKttnrr. OnUIn iu thing Harmful.
JuarattiMO. at arutfleta. so., Adv.
Cheer Up It Might Be Worse
M w.r' "
Women Students at University
of Nebraska Excel Men in
' Scholarship. '
Lincoln, Sept 14. (Special.) So
rorities at the atate university more
than did themselves proud in the
scholarship records for the second
semester of ihe school vear of 1916,
made public yesterday by Dean Eng-
berg of the delinquency committee.
The percentage of delinquency was
the lowest in the history of the
school, with Delta Gamma at the
leader and Alpha Chi Omega a close
second, turning in perfect records.
The poorest scholarship record of the
co-eds was better than the best of
the men t fraternities belonging to
the interfraternity council.
Aloha Theta Chi led the fraterni
ties belonging to the council, with
the Farm House, a secret organiza
tion at the farm, the "real" leader.
Phi Kappa Fsi headed the national
fraternities and by reason thereof is
given the Hainer cup for scholarship
presented to the national fraternity
at the state university with the best
scholarship record. All of the fra
ternities reported better scholarship
the second semester than the first
In the table index indicates the
excellence of scholarship, the grades
of each members of the fraternity
and sorority being taken as a basis
for determining this. The following
table, with the fraternities and so
rorities in their ranking order, shows
the per cent of delinquency and the
Par Cent
: Delinquency.
Bishop Stunts, at Methodist
; Conference, Reminds Pas-s
tors of Common Failing. j
Hastings, Neb., Sept 14. (Special
Telegram.) Five hundred ministers
this morning heard Bishop Homer C
Stunts In his address at the devotion
al services of the Methodist Episcopal
conference. The bishop said too many
men were merely Holding tne , tort
rather than going to the front' ' ,
A misunderstanding has arisen
about the union' of the Nebraska and
the Northwest Nebraska conference,
so that their anion could not take
place this year. To adjust matters,
a vote wat taken this morning, show
ing fifty-nine against At tne rneettng
of tht Northwett Nebraska confer
ence next week a similar vote. will be
taken end ahnuld thev vote in. favor.
the union will be consumated next
year. j
W. T. Thompson and L. O. Jones,
representing the dry federation of
the state, appeared before the confer
ence,! urging the necessity of intense
activity on the part of every preacher
and layman to make Nebraska dry.
v Purs) tor Dr. Marsh.
Rev. D. I. Buckner of Aurora, in
a short speech presented Dr. Marsh,
retiring district tuperintedent of the
Heetlnere diitrirt. with a nurse as an
expresion of the esteem in which he
It neiu oy me preacnera ui una ma
trict . ,
A resort of the committee on uni
versity pastor recommending his con-
tinunace, wat unanimously auuuicu.
Dr. M. S. Marble made a plea for
the tupport of the retired preachers
pf the church. He wat here in the
interest! of a movement, world-wide
in iti scope, to raise a large endow
ment that will put this work on a
substantial basis. I
Lutherans' Condemn Russell.
Rev. H. Michelman was re-elected
president of the German Nebraska
synod of -Lutheran churches today.
Rev. R. Neumaerker was chosen vice
president, Rev. M. Koolen, secretary
and Rev. K. KHnger, treasurer.
Ihe question oi support tor tne
widows and orphans in the church
was dicussed during the afternon, but
no action wat taken. The doctrines
of Pastor Russell were branded as
heresy by Dr. R. W.upper, president
of the Martin Luther seminary at
Lincoln. . .-
M, C.Peters to Open
Fall Hunting Camp
Near Oshkosh, Neb.
M. C. Peters, accompanied by his
sons,: Douglas and Clarence, and L.
C Doup, leave Friday for Oshkosh,
Neb., where Mr. Peters will open his
annual fall hunting camp. . .
The Peters hunting camps have al
ways provided exciting . times for
Omahans every fall, but th r Mr.
Peteri promises to hav-. , better
camn than ever. He hat ti hated
a large lake at Oshkoth and for tome
time the lake -hat been doted from
hunting, with the result that ducks
and geese are said to abound. Oma
hans fortunate enough to be invited to
spend a few days at the Peters camp
of their lives. ' '
- Mr. Peters has erected a large
cabin at the lake, and a number of
anticipate some of the best shooting
tents will be erected, so that he can
entertain week-end parties ot consid'
tapghla ait)
Mr, Peters plans to remain at Osh
kosh about a month this year. ' ;
Four Hundred I.W.WVs
. . ' Locked Up at Scranton
Washington, Sept H.J-The Turkish
government, in a communication re
ceived today by the State department,
consents to the shipment of relief sup
plies from the United States to famine
sufferers in Syria. The action reverses
the previous attitude of Turkish offi
cials who had refused ' two urgent
picas Dy tne department tor the priv-
eiege to tnake shipments.
Perm Rove.
Bushnell Guild
Alpha Theta Chi.......
Delta. Up.llon .'
Alpha Tea Omef....
Sliver Lynx
Phi Kappa Pel
Phi Kappa PI
Phi Oamma Delta. .....
Slfma Chi
Delta Tan Delta
Delta Chi
Phi Delta Theta
Slfma Alpha Epalloa..
Sltma Phi Epilloa.....
Beta Theta, Ft
sta-ma Nu ....'
Kappa Sltma
War Summary
rum rxExcii hays mom t
vmm motto H rcraiui, wnar wmj nmrm
diWea total 41tMM of tlx snllec Into
U Offnu UtkM ilnoi tll7 1, whu tb
BmBBW ffMttlV httu, tad mw v wttb-
.Uftdtac mHm of 0rauw cuitr
u Hit new rrcBoit poaiuona Mia noru
m4 toutb of lb Somm. but wr frall
1m. roordin to today 'l Pfvrii ballatl.
Imh rorotM apparrauy w wo mmg
DfMiid sb lb rtsiht ml iM feloiilkl mmI-
ilea. Ih Hrttltih wb adTMMd mnm ih
vtnu betnv reporta w nv wiinarmwn
to Um wn( bank. Tb MrblaM. howavwr.
mm contlnuinf their yrcwnr MrAinvl lb
BnlvmrtaBf Bionc th wtni nd of th
11b. Th lncb wmr 'fie report tbmt
th BCscmBt J Lk 0trv I
tnralA 1b Imrwr of th Bill mnd tht
BulfrtaUi trBh aad hvttbl aorth-
bv th Merbtftit.
LATRKT REPORT fram both rid on th
CBmptlsTB l HoumMian provim? oi
Dobrudj bow th epixMlof fore in
roBltvrt lnc vlrtMBlIy th entire (rbni.
ApprBuy vimi Mceint m im
tMitdln. '
iNiMTt) nmMlu in toe bbibbm pm mwb
nDtwd ont t th awferrao ot th rm-
tri power t" la proffm at 4inaaa
hfMulqamrter. Ovrmanj' QontrlbattoB to
Ui loro ttomr tmu m w,wv bbq a'
trU't at lOOOO. t
Persistent Advertiiing It the Road
to Success. , -
'fi0 School
AeammmM kr their parnta. I will
ttamina their ejee enthout eherte. IX
they seed tlaeiee mt Prloee ill be the
lowest Khould you teed terms pou eaa
arrant to Bieke It ta parmenta. Setie.
lactloa taarastatd.
Eleetrieal kelp far the deal. -
or. j. t. McCarthy
ttlt W. O. W. BI4, utk aU F,
Obituary Notes
" JACK WHITNBT. a nloneer of
Nance county, died at tht borne ot
hit daughter, Mrs. John Kuatell, Mon
day morning. Hit body was taken to
nit noma, eignt muet in tnt country,
from which place the funeral was
conducted Wednesday by Rev. w. H
uooDer ot tnt fretDyterian enurcn.
All business houses In Fullerton were
closed during the hours of the funeral.
In all enterprises for the best Inter
ests of Nance county he waa an active
worker and had held many responsible
otflees. Besides tht widow there were
present all of hit children. Barlow.
Oeora-e, Sam, Jake, Frank, Mrs. Mary
hoksruk ot Mcrnerson county, Ne
braska; Dr. Alice Buckner of Long
Beach, Cat: Mrs. John Russell of
Fullerton, Neb., and Lucy Whitney,
one of Nance county's teachers. Last
spring Mr. Whitney celebrated hit
teventietn birthday.
MRS. B. F. NORMS died at the
home of her daughter In Falls City.
Neb., Wednesday. She wat a former
resident of Falla City before moving
to a ranch near Hardin. Mont She
leaves four tons,' three of whom ar
employed by railroad companies. Joe
Norrit and Frank Norrts, residing In
Lincoln, are employed by the Burling
ton ana Hal Norrit or utnana by
the Union Pacific Jakt Norrla of
Hardin, Mont, la a real estate dealer.
One daughter, Mrs. I. C. Mautt re
sides in Falla City. The funeral will
be held at the residence ot Mrs. Mautt
on Friday. ,
Alkali Makes Soap
Bad For Washing Hair
.. Most Msaf and nranared ahamnooa
contain too much alkali, which is very
injurious, as it dries the scalp and
makes the hair brittle.,.
The best thing to use it jutt plain
mulsified cocoanut oil, for this is pnre
ana entirety greaseices. it's very
cheap and beats the most expensive
soapt or anything else all to pieces.
You can get this at any drug store,
and a few ounces will last the whole
family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is
all that Is required.' It makes an
abundance of rich, creamy lather.
cleanses thoroughly and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and ia soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to
handle. Beaides It loosens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
aanunui Aavarusement.
.HI " 1
Delta Oamma' .
Alpha Chi Omera
Kappa Alpha Theta....
Delta Zeta ,
Alpha Delta PI
Chi Omega
.Alpha Omlcron PI.....
Alpha XI Delta...
PI Bete Phi
Delta Delta Delta
Kappa Kappa Oamma.
Alpha Phi
144. S
193. 1
161. 1
II. t
171. 1
141. t
j 141. I
Brophy Delivers
Address at Labor
Meet in Fremont
Fremont Neb., Sept 13. First In
ternational Vice President Brophy of
the prettmen't union wat the prin
cipal speaker at the convention of the
Nebraska State Federation of Labor
here today. Mr. Brophy told of the
progress of the work and of the need
of further organization. Resolutions
favoring the passage of a law provid
ing means for transporting idle labor
to sections of the country where it is
scarce, providing for free employ
ment .bureaus and one favoring the
strict enforcement of the weights and
measures law were passed. The ses
sion yesterday was given over to com
mittee work. The convention will
probably continue till Friday fore
noon when officers will be named.
Tuesday evening the annual con
vention of the Nebraska Trades
Union Liberty league was held. C L.
Shamp of Omaha was named presi
dent and Adolpb Huller of Omaha,
secretary-treasurer. J. R. Wrangburg,
state organizer, is in attendance at the
meeting. '
Patriotic Day Changed '
. To Date in October
' (From a Staff Correspot'dentl f
Lincoln. Sent 14. Special.)
'According to general orders, issed
trom brand Army ot the KepuDiic
headqaurters "Patriotic day" has been
changed and this year will be helej
the second Friday in October, which
falls on th cUth. Obesrvance of the
day has heretofore been held on the
Friday before memorial day, and the
change was made because the public
schools, which generally assist in
the observace of the day, were busy
with commencement exercises.'
' Flannlgan it Reletsed.
Charles Larkin, chief of the detec
tive bureau, said he had no evidence
on which to hold Flannigan. who was
taken into custody at the request of
Canadian authorities. flannigan de
nied anr knowledge of the bank rob
bery, and declared that he was in no
way connected with the arrest of
Shortall. ' Flannigan later wai re
leased after the police had queitioned
him. :
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. . .
Chicago Saloon Han Arrested
In Connection with New
Westminster Bobbery.
Chicago, Sept 14. Martin H. Flan
nigan, a saloon keeper, was arretted
here today in connection with the
mysterious robbery five years ago of
the branch of the bank of Montreal
at New Westminster, B. C Loot
amounting to $271,000 wat obtained
by the robbert. .
The arrest of Flannigan was made
as a result of the arrest in Toronto,
Canada, yesterday . of Michael B.
Shortall, a marble worker of Chi
caso. who was attempting to cry
open a safety deposit box in the vault
of the bank of Toronto.
The box, rented by Flannigan four
yean ago, wat found to be ttutted
with Canadian bank notes. Shortall
told, the Toronto police he had been
employed by Flannigan to make the
trip to Toronto, '
Flannigan, the police say, is the same
man arrested three years' ago on a
charge ot having in his possession
stolen' Westminster bank notes. That
time Flannigan gave the name of
Michael J. Flannigan. He escaped
conviction as the numbers on the
notes-did not correspond with those
stolen from, the British Columbia
bank. -. ..
Alleged Wife Deserter
Resists Extradition
Falls City. Neb.. Sent 1 . ( Sne-
cial.) Sheriff Ratekin has' under ar
rest Henry C Pendergraft on the
charge of wife desertion on a war
rant issued at Larned, Kan., and he
will be held for . the Kansas, sheriff.
Pendergrait- wtll resist the nroceed-
ings and will make an application for
habeas corpus in the county court.
He says that he has not been a resi
dent ot Kansas for twenty years and
that he has committed . no . recent
crime fn that state; that he and his
wife, Lucina M resided fifteen years
in Sugar City, Colo. Seven years ago
they moved to Falls City and lived
here until six months ago. She moved
to Kansas and he does not want to
live there. He claims a right at head
of hit family to say where the place
of residence shall be.
Wood River Band Plays.
Wnnd fflvr Cnt 14 fC.ui.ll
The Wood River military band, eon-
aietiner nf fiftMn eiie mnA .1...
ers from Shelton, furnished music for
tne county lair at orand Island to
day. Thit lame band hat a contract
to play at Omaha during the Ak-
Cured Her Children of Colds. .
During the oast winter I had oc
casion to, give Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to my two children, who were
at the time suffering from severe
colda. It proved to be the very medi
cine they needed," writes Mrs. Myron
J. Pickard, Memphis. N. Y. Obtain
able everywhere. Advertisement
We claaa and rtblock both Ladies'
. and Maa'a Halt.
2211.17 Faraam St. '
, Phont TyUr 348.
The House of
a showing of Imported Frcnek
Suits on tmntlfa Hring nodtli
Saturday ntffM batwaan tha hours ;
j.ot 7M and 846. This showing
- rayrat ante If.OOt worth al Im
ported rarmanta Thar eaaa in
too lata for ear ttyla show. -,
Yam Ar Coty lavttotl ' :
The House of
"Tha Star far Oaatliininaa
1I1S Faneaa Street.
War Office Reports Farther..
Progress North of Glnchy
and Near Souches.
London; Sept 14. The . Britith
have made further progreii on the
Somme front north of Ginchy, it wat
announced officially today. : 1
"The general tituation is on
changed," says the statement "
"South of the Ancre there were the
usual artillery bombardments on both
sides, hostile artillery being active in
the neighborhood of the Poiieres
windmill and south of Thiepval. .
. "In the neighborhood of Souches .
we carried out a successful raid last
night taking some prisoners."
French Repulse Assaults. :'
Paris, Sept. 14. The Germans
made vigorous efforts last night . to
drive the French from captured ter
ritory captured recently on the Sonv
me and Verdun fronts. The war office
today announced the repulse of sev-'
eral assaults north and south of the
Somme and east of the Meuse at ,
Voux-Chapitre wood. ; i '.;
.' Entente Assaults Repulsed.
' Berlin, Sept 14J (Via London.)
Repeated and violent assaults against .
the Germans on the Somme front yes- :;
terday were repulsed with sanguinary
losses for the allies,, the war office
announced today. - V 3 '-:; ':,
' btabriedl88t '
Our Annual Sale
of Fall Petticoats ;
1 ' In spite of rising costs, the price remains .
the same Commencing Friday 8:30 A. M.
Sateen Petticoats 69c
Which rice is less than,
actual cost of materials.
Colors are black, . blues,
greens, rose, purple, black
and white stripes with
figures. . . ; ,
All Sales Final. '
69c is a most re
markable price; in
' fact, the best value
ever offered..
' ' Basement, Center Alsla TabU.
Blanket Specials
wool; finish ; plaid
. BLANKETS ?3.00 a
pair; full double-bed
size in blue, .brown,
pink and gray; block
and broken plaids; ex-
tra weight and finish.
cotton' blankets
$1.50 a pair; size 64x
76, rl:ite, gray, or tan
color ' with; fancy
striped borders.
if HMaWna -jj ,
Tico Foandatko Fonn
7 , ;i WweiTaeee lee a 4 egl
College .Student
Wt art offtrhif fibrt MTcrttJ ttonk
on I -ply venaar vattwood in SA and
40lneh alact, alto In
haighti. with maastva corner, atardy
Loeka and Hlngaa. Ona deep tray eon
vanlently divided and extra dreaa teay
all nicely lined.
Thoroughly Reliable
Trunk. $10-$12-$14-$16
Freling & Steinle
"Omeae'e Beat Bet rage Boilaera."
1803 Farnam St
Fresh Fish of All Kinds at the
Washington Market for Friday
Fancy Catfish, per lb ...MHe
Fmb Pickerel, par lb Ik
Pike, per lb .0
Fresh Whlteftah, per Ih SOa
Trent, per lb r,. aoa
Genuine Black Baia, lb. ...,S0
Faney Freeh Crappfea, lb SOe
Freeh Dressed Herrin, Iba for..29
Dressed Carp, per lb .10c
Fresh Salmon Steak, lb. ...... .....Ue
Fresh Halibut Steak, lb Ifa
Bullheads, par lb. 18c
Flounders, per lb. lSVi
8onfieh.,l lb., for.... Ifte
Fresh Haddock, per lb........ .40c
Genaine Fresh Codfish, per lb, . ..... S9e
BInefish. par lb.. ........sVjB
Red 6 nap per, par lb...t...a..ri-.
Eels, par lb........... ....J. v
Kippered Black Cod, par lb.... 3S
Kippered Salmon, per lb. ... ,,,.2Se
Smoked Chubs, par lb...... ..XOc
Smoked Wbitefish. par lb ,JO
Smoked Chinook Salmon, par lb....90e
Smoked Blueheads, par lb 1So
Fancy Finnan Haddles, per lb. ...... 20c
Smoked Cromarty Bloaters, eacb...,Sc
Boneless Skinned Herrlnf, par lb 90c
Small Norway Mackerel, S for...,...,25
Extra' Large Mackerels each,,, 20e
' Ta. Mee SealUrr aa Ole-Dete Market to tke Weet. ; ..
rkaa. Tyler 470 Cruet. All Dqito.' v ' ' ISCT-OnitUa St. Oanks, N.fc.
ASSETS $10,400,000.00
Niotaze, Kansas, May 4, 1916.
Mr. Fred M. Sanders, Treasurer,
Bankers Life Insurance Company, '
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your draft for $1,017.88, which
is the cash settlement on my policy of $1,000.00, number 3929,
which was issued to me May 4, 1896, or 20 years ago. ' ,
I have been pleased with this policy, which cost me $33.40
per year, taken out when I was 34 years of age, and now when the
v 20 years is up the total cost of $668.00 has been returned to me
with an earning of $349.88 added.
1 am highly pleased with this settlement and will gladly rec
. ominend the Bankers Life of Nebraska to all my friends.
Respectfully yours,
. Mature In tha
: of Lincoln, N.braaka.
Nana ot ........ .Kail. Cexeamaa
Raaidanc. Niotas. Kantaa
Amoant of policy $1,000.00
Total premium paid Company ,5684.00
Total cash paid Mrs. Gawaamaa. . . .$1,01748
And SO Year. Insnraaco for Nothing
Ifs mi to Mil Bankers Life policies. They mature so modi better than others. Why not try it?