Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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JT.JIO 111.(1
21.111 17,041
II 91,991
ji,u 144,434
Desirable Cattle of All Kinds
Steady Feeder Lambs Are
Steady, Killers Lower.
Hoas ten .to nrriEK up
Omaha, Sept 14. ltl.
Receipts wort! Cattle. How. Bbw
Official Monday . U.l .i;
ocfici.1 Tucdr ...... .' ';
Offlclsl Wedneeday.... i."4 M44 13.14S Thd.r.... . -';
Four thU week... 96.044 94 449 .
Same dftvl thla W0eK..XB,JB ....
Bum I WHtl ago. ...91,169
Seme 9 weeks mo... .17.440
8eme 4 weeks ago., ..14. 17
Same days tut year.. 19.991.
Rseslpts end disposition of live "etoek at
tl Union Stock Tarda. Omaha, for twenty
(our hours ending it I p. a, yeaterday:.
: .". Cattle. Hot . Shoop. K'fl
CM. 4 flt P...
MtMOurl Peclno -.
L'nton Pacific . . .
C. ft N. W., tut.
C N. W west.
C, St. P.. M. 4k O.
C, B. Q.. out
C. B. h Q... well.
. f!.. R. I. P..' east
C, R. L A P.. was
lllinoli Central . . .
Chicago 'Ot Wei
Total Receipt! ..14 . ' 101 . 10
. Cattle. Hois. Sheep.
Verrll A C. 440 14 J.470
Swift and oompany.... 78
Cudahy Pack. Co....... 71
Armour Co MOO
Hobwaru 4b Co
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln Pack: COj..... . 11
Omaha Pack. Co.,..,. I
Oorr Pack. Co. -. ...
Codehy, Denver. . .
Benton, vansant a 1.UIB sua
1 . 4
.'II ... '11 1 '
t - 14 10 "i
- V '
' lit
Hill 4) Son...
Y. a Lewis .........
g. B. Root CO ,
1. H. Bulla
L. P. Hum.
Rosenstock Brot .
P. O. Kellogg
Werthhelmer Degon
Sullivan Brou
Rothechllda Kreba...
Mo. Kaa. Calf Co...
Huffman ., ..
- Meyers
Baker ...........
Banner Bros
John Harvey .
Dennla Prancli .....
Jensen Lungren
Other buyers
i: '
- I ,
. in
. it
. ii
f t
. .- li
. it
. it
. ' 4
" ' 4 '
. 10
. 1
. 11 '
.... 11,05
1,111 34.100
(air (or
" rati! ftaeelnta were very
Thursday 10 carloads being reported In.
For the week the total amounts to lt,044
held, the largest of any rsoent week and
1,000 head larger than a year Bto, Desirable
kinds were generally steady with yesterday,
whIM other kinds were slow and weak the
Him as they havs been for tha laat three
days. Good light yearling steers And heifers
sold up to 910,40, wttn very cnoies wsu
unfshed yearlings selling as high as 110,1.
Quotations on cattle: Oood to eholos
beeves, llt.90Olt.1t; (air to good beeves.
10.00919.001 common is fair beeves, ib.tibj
0.00 good to choloe grsss bosveo, 97.710
a 111 felt til aeon erase baavea. 17.107.71
eernmon to (air grass beeves, 99.39 0 7.99:
good to eholcs heifers, 99.707.91 good to
hoie sows, 90.esoi7.oDi rair to gooa eowe.
9.lO.0; oommon to (air eowe, I4.I0O aeod to choice feeders. 97.JIOI.3I;
fair to good feeders. 14.11107.11 common
to (sir toedors, fO. 0094.11 good to eholcs
s'scksrs, 11.197.7; stock heifers. 11.79
7.00; stork eowe, Il.0090.t0: stock calvee,
9I.I9OII01 veal salves, lt.009ll.40l beef
mills, slats, ato., Il.o0 9 7.00i bologna hulls.
' Representative salosr
No. Av. Pr.
.1070 14 10
. 77 T It
.1111 10
T 00
No. ' . Av. Pr."
II ...1007 II 40
10..,...,. 077 7 00
U.. i. ....1100 t It
11 111! 11 II
11.., 771 10 41
'. , CALVES. ' .. ' '
4........ Ill t 00 : 1 ...190
I,., 101 10 70
'' -i ' . NEBRASKA. .
Tlitasr.. 701 7 00 70 heifers.. Ill
IT steers. .100 (40 It steers. .1041
I calves. ..17 J 00 I steers., oil
7MVH...1000 I 11 .11
11 Tin.... "1 7 00,.ll steers
U stock's.' lot 7 11 11 stock'
Hogs Tha - market was a sharply higher
affair (rem the very outset Chicago report,
ed a 100 advance, and ss both packers and
- skippers wanted hogs badly here tha move,
meat started early, 1091to higher prices
bett'g obtainable most. any tlms. whlls at the
bsst tlms droves sold fully 10 higher, and
Ion a few Individual loads oven mora of an
Vsdvance than that wee. quoted.
. fteproasBtallvp aaleal , : .
ers, 17.10 9 0.00; native calves, 14.00911.7.
Hose Reoetpta. S.000 head; market low.
er; pigs, 17.19101; lights, I10.70911.M;
mixed and butchers, 110.11; gooa
heavy, 111.11911.10; bulk of aalas, 17.709
11 II. .- - .......
Sheen and Lambs Receipts. 1.1O0 head;
market ateady; lambs, 7.O0911.1i slaugh
ter owes, IS.00 9 7.11; bleating awea, 10.009
10.00; yearlings. 90.0090.10.
Cattle Firms, Bogs Strsag SJed Sheep Ca-
Wheat Shows Slight Advance
fa Spite of an Enormous
Run to This Market.
Chicago, Sept 14. Cattle Receipts, 1.000
head; market firm; native beef cattle, 90.40
11.11: weetarn steers. It 00 0 0.40: stack
ers and feeders, 94.4097.06; cows and heif
ers; calves, Il.lii911.00.
Hogs Receipts, 14.000 head; -marlcot
strong. lOOllc higher; bulk of sales, 110.1
911.10; light, 910.10911.40; wised. 19.009
11.40: heavy, 10.1011.10: rough. 11.19
10.01; pigs, I7.00O10.00.
sneep and Lambs Receipts. 11,000 head:
market uneettled; wethers, 14.0090.10;
ewes, 94.00 91.00; lambs, I7.0C911.00. , .
Kansas City Lire Stack Market.
Kansaa City. Sept 14. Cattle Receipts.
4.004 head: market higher, 10010c hither
than Monday; prime fed steers. 110.009
11.00; dressed beef steers, 17.101 . 76; west
ern steers,; cows. 94.797.:'
heifers, 94.009 lO.tO; Blockers and feeders,
tt.00Sl.2t; bulla, 9t.H9t.i0i .calves, 94.10
vij.oo. ; A ' - - '
1 Hots Receipts, '9,400 '' head;' market
higher; bulk of sales, 910.t09U.00: heavy,
110.40910.16; packers snd butchers, 1100
p ii.oof . ugat ' 9JO.ii9ii.oo;, pigs, 91.00,0
U.0, ... .. A. .
Sharp and t-ambe Rteelpts, ll.aso head;
market 1091tc)lower; Jamba, 910.00910.70:
yearlings,; withers, 97.0097.Ti;
twos, ....
St. Jenpb lire Stack. Market. '
St Joseph, Mo. - Sept. 14 Cattle Re-
celote, 1.4O0 head market ateady: steers.; rows ana nsiisrs, oe.Bucyiu.ev;
cslvee. 14.00911.10
Hots Receipts, 1.000 head: market 1910c
hither: tap, 910.90: bulk, 910.9910.00.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts . 1,000 head:
market .Suit and lower; lambs, , 910.169
10.71; swss, 97.0097.10. ,
. tin Sleek hs Sight, .''
Following were tha receipts yesterday St
ths flvs principal wsstern markets: ,
w Cattle. Hogs. 1 Sheep.
Omaha '.; ;; 4,100 0,700 ,17,000
Chlcato 1,000 14.000 , II.OCO
Kansas City ...... 4,000 ' 1,000 11,000
8t Louis ......... 1,000 ' l,'0 ! 1.IO0
sioui City ....... 1,000 v 1.600 . i.too
Touts .........11,100 17,109 97,100
1...1049 9 II
.re.. 0019 ft
tk's. 111. t II
Sh.' - Pr.
.140 919 II
... 10 4
... 10 61
... 10 TO
let 10 it
Vo. Av. Sh. Pr. ; No. Av.
79. ,101 11 111 M 94. .131
J4..11I ... 14 4 to. .104
0T..14 19 11 il 70..I6I
6I..J1I 40 It 99 ' M..964
116 ... 10 10 I4..109
' Sheer RecelpU of hep ind lambs Win
real liberal for a Thursday, an even 10
oars, w about 17,000 head, being raportstl
lit. V '.. ' '
Ths packer market was another very dull
j , : C.... ham -V.n r. . -a haarlktl
than on prevloue days, ths largost run of
the week m vnioago ana anotnsr Dig supply
here giving them a chance to brak prices
Up to mid forenoon not a single sale had
bull made... What bide packers had made
UP ts that time were at leaet a quarter
lower, while tome sellsra eatled their offers
19400 lower. The usual, good delegation
' of feeder buyers was here, and whlls owing
to.lha packer olownsss ssllsrs were a llttb
Late In getting thstr feeders ready to ahow
somo business was dona In. fair season at
good gtsady prlcta. Ons bunch want to (sed
er buyers at 110.10 without tha lat top be
ing Uksn out, and waa considered around
a dime lower than a c,ut of the earns band
' yesterday, when . the paoker end aold at
110.0. and feeders got the nulls at 91141.
Straight feeders Hid as kith aa 110.41, with
. a Plala kind at 110.00. Brokel-mouthed
. breeders were ateady at 47.0O nd soms
ee-eri breeders reached 97.1. ' t
If anything, the market Improved ao It
went along, and several eelea wore thought
streagsr... Quality was good, a numbsr of
sales being made at 910.40 9 10. . Feeder
ewee' at .9i.lt0tl.l0 'wars considered fully
steady. . . , , . v
It waa almost noon -when packsra Anally
got started. , Before they cut looea Boilers
bad bettered early bids to somo sstsnt but
' using tha heavy runs aa t, e-lub, packers
managed ta enforce pretty atlff concessions.
. getting two or thrve bands around noon at
prices that were 30 9 tlo lower than yeeter-
day. Mates of yesterday's 910.10s landed at
910.40, while another cut of a band that
brought 910.19 yeeterday was bought, at
110.10. .
There were hardly enough (at Sheep hsrs
to be worthy of mention Only a deck or so
of fat ewea waa sold up to noon and they
looked, . If anything easier, noma that were
- good being bought at 97.19.
.. Q relatione on sheep and lambs: Lambs.
good to choice. 110.169 10.00: lambs, fair to
good.; lamps. leaders. 9S.109
16 10; yearlings, good to choice 97-609
6. It; yearlings, fair to good. 94.I097JO;
yearlings, feeders. 90.90 90.00; wethere, (air
to eholcs.; swas. good to eholcs.
91.497.19; awea. fair to good 99.9094.40
owes, plain to culla, 94 90Ot.T4l awea. feed.
Ing. ewee. breodera, all ages. r '
Kepreeentatlv aalea: . - -
'. No. - .' . . .- Av. Pr.
lit Wyoming owes It T 00
119. Wyoming feeder awep...,-.. 94 19 4
09 cull swes .......... ........ 99 4 40
11 Wyerrlng feeder ewes...... 9t ' ' 9 60
111 Wyoming (eedar lambs.,... 97 .. 9 9t
110 Wyoming feeder lambs..... . 94 14 It
01 Wyoming lambs .w ......... 04 10 04
II cull lemhs ................ -44 ' 40
109 Wyoming lambs - 99 19 9
- ' Vftlpu city lire Stack Market. ''
, ; Slou City, Is Sept 14 Cattle Re.
celpta, 1.400 head; market .steady; heel
sisers,; butchers, 9t.t49l.0t;
lookers and feeders. 90.00 9 9.99: bolls,
stats, etc., 4l.li99.99; feeding cawa and
heifers. It. 1104.71.
Hoas Receipts. 1.909 head: market. 109
It cents hither: light 910.11910.49: mined.
110.10910.00; heavy,; bulk of
tales., ,
Sheep Receipts. 1,909 head; market
eteady; iambs, 9I.I0910.19.
St. Leaas Lira Seeek afarlcat.
St. Loukv Sept. 14. -Cattle Receipts.
1.001 head: market higher: . native
steers, 97,44911.00; yearling steers and
Iwitfera. oowa. lt.i0OI.00:
etockere and faedera. 99.1099. 00i Tetas
auaranttna ateorp, 9l.t409.tti. prima south-
era eteoro, 94-00 9 0.00; soars and heifers,
9.isvi.o;.pnme yearling steers aa netf.
Day's Operations Eighth Con
secutive Session to Bun Well
Over Million Mark.
- Omaha, September 14. 111. '
The wheat market today was vary steady 1
ths receipts of this cereal was heavy and
there waa a very gooa demand for the
better grades, selling a cent higher. The
off-grsde wheat waa hard to sell and most
of ths sales were mads at lower prices. Ths
demend for No. I and I hard wheat con
tinues good-.---Wheat was quoted unchanged
to 1c higher.. .
1:0 rn receipts continue tight, only lony-ooe
cars being reported In for two daya. The
setter grades sola uncunngea ,io,a
Oats wars quoted unchanged. . ,
. Rye waa Vt 91c higher. ' 1,
Barley was unchansgd. .'-"'
With commission bouses active buyers
and offerings light at the opening, wheat
acored a moderate advance. Later In the
dsV. however, It aold off sharply, closing
much below the opening, torn ana ww
both held within a narrow range. Predic
tion Of frost tdhlght had " ccwierable
mflusnca on corn; Much- of tha crop Is
not yet out of the way of froat
Three aalea wars reporteo toaay:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: -! car,
9 cars, 91.49; 9 cars, tl.tltt. No. I hard
winter: 1 car (dark), ll.ilH; It cars, 913;, 1,91 1 40 cars, 91.131 I cars, 91.13.
No. I hard wlster: I cara.; 13 cars.
II. II: I cars. Il.livt: I cars, 91. si; s -
oars, 91.99; 1 cer, 11.11. No. 4 hard win
ter: 1 ear, 41.11; 1 car, si.eTw; e care,
11,47; 4 9-9 care. 91.44: 9 care. 91.44; 1 car,
11.14 til 1 car,' 11.41: I care, 91-41; 1 car,
11.41. Sample hard winter! 1 car, 9144;
1 cars. 41.44: 1 car, 9144; I cars, 91.41; 1
cars, 91.41; 1 cars, II. 11; 1 car, si.ei;
car,; 1 car, No. 1 spring; 1 car,
II. t. No. 1 sprint: 1 car, si.ei; , car,
11.50. No. 1 durum: 1 cars, 91119- No. I
durum: 4 l-i cars, Il.tlH. No. 1 mlaso-:
1 car. 11.11: 14 car. H.M.- Mo. I mnen;
1 car. 91.13: 1 car, 91.9. No. 4 mlaed: 1
car, 91.41 9 cart, 91.44. No. 9 mlied dur
um: 1 car, ' . 1 .
Barley No. I, 1 car. Il.os. no. s. 1 car,
11.00: 1 car. Ho. No. 4,. 1 car. 41c.
Corn No. 9 white. 1 car, sows. wo. e
whits, 1 oar, 7Hc. No. I white. 1 car, 70c.
Kn 1 vllnw. 1 car. HUc No. 1 yellow. I
cars, 110. No. I yellow, 1 car, I0o: 4 cars,
loic; 1 car, toe. no..! ysttow. i car, tma
ale. 1 mixed, I ears, 10c. No. I mined. 7
cars, 71 He. No. I mind, 1 oar. 7lo. No.
I mired. 1 cars. 71c Sample. 1 car, 74c: 1
car, 71c: 1 cars, 70c . '
Rys No, 2, l csrs, si,"; o, e. b
core. 11.11 ; 1 car, 91.17: No. 4,. 1-9 car,
(1.14; 1 car, 91.17.
Oats No. 1 white 1 car, 44c; standard,
4 care. 44c; No. 1 whits. 4ts 1 car, 41c;
No. 4 white. 11 cars, 941 Uc 9 oars, 4lc;
sample. 4 cars, 4lo; 1 oar, 43o. .
Clearancea wsra: wnsat ana tour, equal
. 1.40,000 .bu.; oorn,. 119,000 bu.i oats,
911,000 bu.
Liverpool closs: Wheat, 19I1 lowsr;
oorn, unchanged to d higher.
Primary wheat recetpta were 9.111,900 bu.
and ahlpmsnls 1,169,000 bu., against receipts
of 1310,000 bu. and shipments of 1,109.000
bu. last ysar. t
Primary corn rseelpts were 700.000 bu.
and shlpmsnts 261,000 bu., against receipt
of 997,000 bu, and sbipmanta of 19.000 bu.
last year.
Primary oats rseslpts ware ou.
and shipments 901,000 bu., against rseslpts
of 1,111,000 bu, and ehlpmenta of 409,000 bu.
las; ysar.
. .Whsat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago ............ HI : Mte . lit
Minneapolis If! ,. ... ...
Duluth 164 ... ...
Omaha V. ,. ......... 141 . 41- " II
Ka.iraa City ,., 210 II ' It
St. Louis 1(1 14 II
Wlnnlpsg 114 ... . . ...
Omsha Future Market.
Omaba oloslna prlcso on futures for this
May '
t 44
1 41
1 4141
; 70
High. I Low.
1 44
1 41
1 to
'141 I
1 41 -4344
1 41
1 44
" 4T
Chicago oloslng nrleea. furnished fb Bee
by Logan St Brysn, stock and grain braksra
is aoutn Btsteentn etreet:
Low.l' Cloee. I Tea,
Art Opsin High,
Sept li96
DSC 7171
May 7979
Oato ...... .
Sept 44
Deo. 47 47
May 9090
I It 91
1 91 44
( 14 47 '
1 19 77
14 10
1 II 141 1 41
1 99 149 1 41
199 144 149
It 99 II
. li ii 7i
79 7499 , 74
' 41 44 ' 44
, 47 44 44
99 44 . (i0
14 49 ' 111 10 19 00
97 60 119 46 II 90
14 47 14 10 14 10 '
II 97 IIS 92 II II
14 to 114 90 14 II
11 70 11 0 11 70
It 4
II 19
14 01
II 41
Qaeiatloaa af tha Day Oa ths Tartaea Laad-
1 :S ... lag CemuBadltloe.
, New Tork, Sept 14. Flour Unsettled. '
Wheat Spot- Irregular. No. 1 durum,
91.71: No. I hard. 11.91 l No. 1, northern
Duluth, 91.77; No, 1, northern, Manitoba,
11,73. f. o. D, NSW Torn. ' .
Corn Spot barely stsady; No. S Tallow,
94o. 0. I. t New Tork.,,
Oate Spot ateady, ,
Har Steady. . ' ' ' '
Hor: -iS;c?dy; stats common to oholes,
till, 149110! nil. 191401 Paeiso coast,
1114. 11914c; llll, 19130.
Hides Firm; Bogota, 939y39o Centre!
Amsrlcanc I80.
Leather Firm; hemlock flrsu, I7e; Sec
onal, tic, i , '
Provisions Pork. Arm: moss. 910.009
11.00; family, 919 00 9 14.49; short elee.Pt
937.01930.00, Beef, flrmi moss, 930.009
31.00: family, 9H.QO0l4.oo. Lara, nrra
middle west. 914.49.
Tallow Strong: city, 9cii eountry, ; 99
tttoi soooiai, mo. ,
- Butter Firman creamery, extraa, 91
score, ii9iio; creamery, hlghe acorlng.
930l4o; firsts, I39310i seconds, 109
31 o.
Etta Firm; rseslpts. 11,141 Caere; fresh
gathered, evtrs, fins, 119 87c; extra firsts,
34 0 3te: firsts. 94 0IBcr nearby hennery.
whites, (Ins to. fancy, .41941c; nearby hen
nery, Drowns, 119430..
Cheese Firm: state, (resh, spealala, llo;
same, average fancy, ll91lo.
Poultry Live, flrmj broilers,. Slo; fowls,
I9a; turkeys. 199100! dressed, steady.
Butter No,, 1 eraamsry, ' to cartons or
tuba Itot No. 1. lie
Poultry Live: Broilers, 1 to I Ike., lie;
broilers, over S lbs., 17oi hena, over 4 lbs.,
Ifio; hsns, uudsr 4 Iba., Itot rooetenr and
etaaa wanted. 10oi see BBS, full (salhsrsd,
fat llol young ana at auona, run reatn-
ered. fat. 1101 turhera. any alas over 9 ids.
3tet turkeys. Isss thaa 9 Iba., half prloe;
capons, 9 lbs. and over, 84o; poultry, poor
and thin, hot wanted: guineas, each, lio
guioees, young, aaon sso; aquaoo, aomsrs,
ner doa.1 It oa each. 94.00: 19 OS. aach.
93.601 9 os. each, 11.60: under 9 oa each,
Mc. Plgsona, psr doa, 91.00.
.jneeea nuoiaiiona oy uriau ej v-o.
Chesss Tin-rolled. Swiss, 4to; domsstlc
Swles. Hot block Swiss. lOot twin ohsesSi
not triplets. 910: daisies, no: young am.
ones, no; tilue taoei onea, seo; iimoergor.
jio! New Torn wntte. 110! Rouurort. sec
Oysters standards. 0ttNii aeleota 109
etc: counte. lldltou.
Fisil Halibut bright . staamtr' atoon,
like: salmon, rod. 14c: salmon, fall, lie
catfish, large or small. 17ot black bass,
order also. 13ol whltsflsh. northsrn stock,
Ito; plka, no. 1 ..fancy, not .auiinaaas
fancy, ltol herring, fo; tunflsh, medium.
70; trout Nr. 1, lean sissa t suit no;
olokerel. headless and dressed, no; carp.
No. 1, dreessd, 90! (loundsra, lld crapplee,
medium, 9o headlaas shrimp. ' per gal,.
11.11! peeled shrimp, per gal., 91.T1! kip
sored salmon. '10-lb, -basket par lb., 17o
smoked whlteflsh, chubs, JO-lb. baeket Per
lb., lfic . . - , -. . t
Wheleaala nncea or beef cute affective
September 3Z are st follows! no. i nn,
1101 nc 9. ito: no,. 9. 'iittoi no. 1 u na
llci No, I, lto: No. 9, 14ci No. 1 ehucks.
lie: NO. 1. HUC! NO. B. 10UO1 NO. 1
rounds. 170, No. 9. 16c: No. 3, llo; No.
piatea. soi nc- t, soi nc t. so.
Fruit and vegetable or toes furnished by
tillnsKy rrmt to.t
. VIW-VI .BIB. ,.
H I, box: IMa, H OO bol vt.1-, nog,
It. II) boxi .7S93, SKI., ,60 boKi 100 11.1.
16 Ti box. Mmoni-Fancy boo.
.0g bot; cboloi 10 us. IwOilMO box; 870s
UH h pr ent 1mv. ormpefniu Mir-
ki pruw. Apit Btiir lowers. 11.71 boi
WMMnvttMt Jon t nana, Axtra rinuy, 11.00
boil Colra4o Jontlitn, tr fnoy, I), II
i Mrrwia,- 11.9 bbl. UraietHom.
frown. 3o baakt; ma lavas, l.fll rata;
Tokaya. , I1.U0 cratu. Hears Colorado.
waibtnvton. ranoy 1 ir.t st.ft era to
oh f.t fancf I tr 19.40 erata; rbol
1 tr oriito: KUrt. buahla. Il.TI bu.
Kirra. cralaa, 11. .6 oral. Pluma Italian
II. I crata. Pachatrifcrkat prio. Baa-
-11.00 to is.aO bubeb. Cantalouoaa
Bianaraa. vi.vo.oratot puny. 13. 6t oraia
OatA 1100 crato. WurmlQDa Ho lb.
tjsraiabita iuuca. htwd. 11.00 dot.
leaf, tc doMo. Caullflowor, 11.10 crate.
wax,, traan baaoa. baa. tl.OO baahat. Pa
pari, loo basket. Pa relay. , 0j io. Turnips,
haVatlat. lsFfnfsl. A An kavaVreat tlgtlt Hut a MlrBts.
11,00 bukal. Cooumbara. II OO baikst, Cab-J B5u!a, "d lTn lUUon
baia, ISO lb. Ontona, Spanish, 11.00 MataH " h rllr unMttl4 tht rnkrkt, ao
raaoaaa Joxsa. lao to. 11.00 o: biuhtiigL
9J,lt CO fI.9)B OH,',
Honay 11.71 raoa. . . .
MlgUfallaiiaoua-MJraokarlaok. Mranrtna mA
Dn99Qg.Brav cms, ..oi nan cmm. si, 1 a: oa
utile, Bpttoisxi not it ia,, SHO, jumbo pa.
nuiav tioj (rapwrn, zmm as.ot aouay, new
oaaa, 1.7a., ' -
- u : Caffaa Msvkat.
Naw Tork. Bapt ' 14. A -mora favorable
view of nw crop proapaota antf raporta
that Brasillaa ahlppora waro shown an la-
oraaaaa atpoitioi. to- sail sMmd isnon
Iblo ofra further daottna In tha msrkat
lor ootraa luiures nere today. After onn
tnv I to l points lowar. prlraa steadied
a point or two on covert n f. but trade In-
teres ia waro aaiiara, whlls demand was
tlmitad and tha market km turned Weka
onaar a ranawai 01 liquidation. Daeem
bar eontravota aold off to I.Ofte and stay
to l.lOo, or Into naw low ground for tha
movontant and about half cant from tha
hltk lavol of aflptaraaar I. . Tha aloes was
at practically tha low point of the day
ana irom 10 ia mi poimo not lower. Bales,
t .svv ( traptsmirsr, p.ibcj ucioBer,
v.isa; novamoar, i.iici ooeomDar. s.-To
Jahuary. 0.11c; Farbuary, Marrh.
ff.liei Aprti. l.iie: Hay. s.iio: Juns. 1.11a
July. t.Jl. 8 pot eaffos lrrular; Rio, t
-jTiv-, D-qtDs s, j.s9r 11-f.a; orasiuan aa
vlcea say ths prsaont crop la turning out of
ogod to high gradas, but ta email bean
and good drink, but not good roaatera. Cost
and fratght offers waro lower, with quota
tloaa rangtng from lO.Oao to ll.lOo for
Santo'a 4' a.
ha official eablea reported rata In four
diet r lota of Sao Paulo, .wits taempratursa
ranging from 04 to 00 dogroaa. hlo was
71 rata lowar. Tha Bantoa spot market
was not quoted, but future war unchanged
ta It rata lowar. sUntoa reported clear
a oca of 10,000 bags for Now Tork.
. Kansas Cltj WImM MawttaA.
Kanaaa City. Ma.. lUpt. 14 Wheat No,
I hard, 11; No. I, 1.HJM.: No. I
red. l.Mtt 41: No. I, t.40t.; Decern,
bar, 4)1.444; May, 11.44 H
Cam No. mixed, islat No. I, 11
flic: No. I white, llo;. No. t, 140 14 c;
No. 1 yellow, 044eilo; No. t, 04411401
Dacsmbor, TOajTOSr; May. Tte,
Oats No 1 white, 4IW44TA; No. I
iivUad. OOtffaTtV; l,,,, ...... lv!t-
Nw -Tork. Sept. 14. To find a parallel
for today "a ttJirastraload speculation. It Is
necaasarjr to hark back to tho wild mar
kets of tha summer and autumn of 1016,,
when war share and kindred Issues were
leadtng tho list to dlisy heights. Today's
operations, In which trading reached the
enornvoua total of 1,410,000 shares, waa the
eighth cenaacutlvg segslon to run well over
It was a session also of many now ree
ords. United States Steel at 107, Republic
Steal at 40. Marino common a1 0f At
lantic Gulf and West Indies common and
prefen ed at 01 and 11, and other more
prominent metal 1m un being elevated to
new lit els. '
Bethlehem Steel made an extreme gain
of 21 points, at 080. General Motors bested
all other e'tocks, gelling up to 710, an over
night gain of 63 points, and representing an
advance this week of 170 potato. . Tho "war
onaea" were rar unaer ineir recoroia or
1015. The percentago of profit taking was
beyond all computation, but ovary setback
or reversal was followed by a fresh rise.
In ths Anal hour, however. It became evi
dent that supplies of stocks were exceeding
tne demand and prices faded away. Minor
shipping Issues, papers and motor acces
sories manuested weakness. Tha, bond mar
ket was negligible, diversified. Total sales,
par value, 13,046,000.
uniteo) statea coupon ta declined ft. per
cent on call. ' v
Sales. HI ah. Low. Close.
Am. Beet Sugar... 13,000 03 14 03 03
American Can 21.100 44 I4A 44U
Am. Car 4 Fndry. 19,100 67 46 41
Am. Locomotive... 36,100 02 79 80 I
Am.,900 109 107 107
Am. Sugar Rfng... 1,600 111 111 110
Am. Tal. ok Til. .... 1,300 133 132 133
Am. Z.. L. ft 8... . 3,709 40 39 20
Anaconda Copper , .76,300 90 09 19
Atchison 4,600 104 103 101
Baldwin Loco 41,600 03 80 00
A O -.. 4.200 14 14 86 U
Btjook. Rapid Trans 94
u. at b. uopDer.... i.sud
Cel. Petroleum..... 1.900
Canadian Pacific... 1,700 171 177
Central Leather.... 14,000 44
Chesa. ft Ohio.,.,. 3,600 43
C, M. A St. P...,. 1,600 94
Chi. ft N. W 100 126
C, R I. ft P. Ry..(. 1,300 17
unmo copper ,voa
Colo. Fuel ft Iron. .34,600
Corn Prod. Refng.. 1,700
Crucible Stool 97,400
Dint.- Securities 12,200
WhaM Talus Arc rim Bsoanss af Okar-
. aoter af News Fraaa UveriMoI.
Chicago. Sept 14. Suddaa weakness
seised the' wheat market .lata today after
an oariy display at strength, The down
turn, which some cases amounted to 7
oenta a bushel aa compared wrth top prices
of the day, was accompanied by- assertions
that Argentina wheat waa being offered
cheaper In the United States than domestlo
wneat, ana oy unconfirmed rumors that
Sweden had decided to go to war, presum
ably against Qreat Something of a
recovery ensued, out; prices closed weak,
t-693o net lower,, with , December at
1.4I92.49 ftnd May at 91.40 01.49
Corn lost 4o and oats 49a In pro
visions tha outcome tanged from a cents
decline to a rue of It cents. -
Bx troths breaks of flT cents a bushel
from the top prices of the day In wheat
were brief,- but neverthelese lasted long
enougn to antorca tha eacrtno of many
III -protected holdings. Tho causes of the
flurry were known to but few at tho tlms,
and would have -made' little If any differ
ence, as moat of the sale were of an auto
matic stop-lose character. It waa not until
a considerable Interval after the session
waa over that any public mention waa made
of -the rumors referring to tha supposed
warlike action of Sweden. Tha reoorta.
however, aa to tow-priced offers from Ar-
that not much more waa heeded to tumble
pries nsaatong downward. - -
Prevloue to the lata setback In wheat
prices the market had been tending upward
the greater part of the day. Influenced by
announcements that tha Greek so v mm ant
had purchased In the Vol ted Slatea 1,000.000
ojssneie or wneat and 90,000 barrets of flour
Another source of strength waa tho flrm-
befts of prices at Liverpool, where sellers
were withdrawing offers, and It waa said
Argentine smpmenta promised to show
heavy falling off, '
Corn fell when wheat turned weak." Be
fore that time the market had scored de
cided advance owing to predictions of a
widespread frost tonight that might result
In sortoua damage to a largo fraction af the
crop. . . . . , ,
Oata swayed with oorn and wheat. Lib.
oral export buying proved Inaofftclent aa
an offset to Increaaad oftsrlnga la the laat
hour. a, ) -, i ,
Provisions bulged on account of reports
of big purchasing for Belgian relief. Profit
taking on. the part of Tueeday'a buyers
formed a noticeable feature and tended to
oaaa prices aown at the laat.
Chicago Cash Price Wheatt No. 1 red.
ll.MH49l.MV No, t red. 91.IO01.40; No.
t hard, t.l4fl.6; No. I hard. 11.6909
1.41. Com: No. 8 yellow, 4&ITc; No.
4 yellow. II II No. 4 whlis. littttlUri
.': io. s wmte, eea,o: standard,
46c. Rye: No. t. 91.16. Barley. I4r
91.10. Seeds: Timothy, IJ..O494.80. clover.
III. 0007 14.00. Provisions:' Pork,, 937.16;
lard. 114.40; ribs. Ii4.ft0vl4.l0.
H , Mm'itaseaU 43rUi Mrkl. ,
Mlnnoapolts. Minn.. Sept. 4.-Wheat
Cloaedi II lli.lib.. (ssh: No, I hard.
$1.47 No. 1 northern, 11.40 1.41 ; No.
I northern. I.I41.41; No. 6, 91.41
10. .
CoraNo. I yellow, 99 lie.
OatNo. I white, 4l42e."
Plaased9l.0ll.l3. - ... f
' Flour Uaehanaed. v
, Barley 46cl. 03.
. Bra 130,004911.00.' ,.
' Uvarteol Oiwlw MukA
' Ltvarpool. Sept. 14. WheatNo.' 1 spot.
Manitoba. 148 10d; No. it, 14a 4d; NaT I,
14 4d; No, 8 red western winter, 14a d4.
Cora epot Amartcaa mixed saw, 10 Id.
19 49
21 23
77 177
42 43
4 f
General Electric.
Ot. No. pfd
Ot, No. Ore Ctfa.
Illinois Central..
Int. Con. Corp...
70 71
22 13
106. 106
69 69
129 129
109 109
21 24
39 34
47 '47
19 37 37
900 173 172 172U
,. 4,400 117 114 114
..18,404 43 41 42
........ 101
400 14 10 1U
Inspiration Copper. 46,100 42 40 61
int. Harvi, n, j... sou lie us lis
I. M. M. nfd. etfs. .41.600 12C 1201 121 i
K. C. fi 800 26 36 35
Kennecott Copper,. 16,600 64 63 64
Louis, ft Nash.... 300 129 138 128
Mexican Petroleum. 48,700 116 113 113
Miami Copper 1,600 37 27 37
M., ml. T. prd jo 0
Missouri Pacific 4 00 4A 4 4
Montana Power. ., .....
National Lead 1.700 72
Nevada Copper. .. .10.100 23
N. T, Central 14,200 104
N. T-, N. H. ft H. 4,100 Bl '
Norfolk ft Western. 8,700 130
N oft horn Pacific... 4,300 110
Pacific Mall 3. 1 DO ZM
Puc. Tel. ft Tel.... 400 94 &
Pennsylvania 1,400 66 66
nay con, tapper.. .la.nuv
iteaaing . , ..if.euu uvt i mil
Reo. Iron ft Steel. .41.900 09 44 64
Shattuck Arts. Cop. 1.200 31 .80 30
Houthern facmc... i.iud a
Southern Railway.. 1.800 24 33 24
Studebaker Co 34,900 134 180 1.1
Tennessee Copper.. 3,200 26 29 36
Texas Company.... 4,600 208 204 204
Union Pacific...... 1,401 143 142 12
Union Pacific prd.. 700 so v a
U .8. Ind. Alcohol.. 17,300 120 123 127
U.. S. Steel 38,630 107 106 104
U. o. "oteei Pia..,, i.buu xvr 117 un
Utah Copper .11.400 89 98 81
Wubssh Pfd. "B".. J.100 27 26 26
Western Union. .... 8,400 MS 99 07
Wentlngh Kleotrlc. 13,300 64 43 43
, XOtai sates lor ine as;, s.sav.vvv iirt.
New York Money Market. '
New Tork, Sept. 14, Mercantile Paper
1 per oent.
kt 9.1-tin Kirhsnro 40-day bills.- 14.71 :
demand, 14.76; cable, 14.74. Franca, de
mand, M6; cables, 16.84. Marks, de
mand. 49c; cables. 49e. Kronen, demand,
12 O : CaOiea, 1 A 9. -n iners, asniHiiu.
40c; cables, 40c. Ltres, demand, .44;
cables, 14.43. Rubles, demand, Sla; ca
bles, II c.
Stiver Bar, 4lc; Mexican dollar, S3o.
TtAnrtiwAavflrnmant weak: railroad steady.
Time Loans Strong; sixty daya, 38
per cent; 90 days, HV- Pr cent; six
months, l43 per cent.
Call Money Steady; high, I per oent;
low, 2 per cent; ruling rata, I per oent;
last loan. I per cent; closing bid, 1 per
ani Affsrad s.t I nar cent.
U. 8. ref. 2s, reg it M..K.AT. lat 4s. .73
do coupon. ..4.99 Mo. Pac eon. 4s. 101
U. 8. 3a. reg..;. 100 -Mont. Power a.. 97
do coupon. ,;j..i,a. j. aeo. a.,.isn
U. S. 4a. reg.,..109N. T. City 4a
do coupon. -.,.110 (1466) ..101
Am. Smelt, 6s...U2-N. T., N. H.ftH. 4
ImTATftVlial.llOVi 93 SB .11V
Anglo-French ts.;96No. Paclflo 4a.. ..91
Atchison gen. 4s. 92 do Be. ........ .46
B. ft O. 4s...;. .40
Beth.Steea ret. ss. ico
O. 8. L. ref. 4s... 92
rac. T. t. es..)vx
Cent Pao. 1ft... .88 Penn. cn. 4a.'.104
C. ft O. T. ao xn. is...iui
C, B. ft Q. it. 4s. 97 Reading gen. 4s.,.96 .
C, R. I. ft P. By. So. Pac. ov. 6a.. 104
. ref. 4s... 71 do ref. 4s..v-'M
C. ft ret. 4a.4lSo. Ry.
D. ftR. O, con. 4a,77Unlon Pacific 4s. .94
sne gsn. as i" u
0.n. Slee. So... .1044c. S.
Ot, No. 1st 44s..tltfy. S.
cv. 4s 0914
Bub. Is.... 101 .
Steel S....106S
111. Cent. ref. 4s. . 01 West. Union JHs.ltfc
I. M. M. 4al. ..loo weec.Bieo.ov.w.. ....
K. o. S. raf!'iDom. Can.(llll).10t
U N. un. 4 IIH 'Bid. . .
' Laeal Staaks aa. Heaas.
' ouiatatlona furnleheo br Burna, Brinker
aj L.O,, tes-ei umana cauooa. hu uuitw-
Inr. Omaha, nahl . . .
Stocks ' " T- Bid. Asked
Booth Fisheries Co., pfd, 10 11
Cities Services Co.. oorn.., tlltt 113
CRIb. Ssrvlos Co.. ntd. ......... 17 S7 Vb
Deere It Co., pro. I os .i
Douglaa Hots) Co., stock. - 40 70
Fairmont Cream. Co., 7 pet.. 104 109
Qooch 91. Co., 7 peL pfd "B". 99)9 100
Kaneaa city Bya Co.. com...: is to
Kansaa City Rye-Co., pfd... 90 70
Kanaaa City L. 4 P. Co., com. It 10
Kanaaa City L. P. Co.. pfd.. It 70
Mountain State T. T. Co... .111 Mil
atollno Flow Co., 1st pfd I IV, 1119
Omaha O. B. Ry. B. pfd. 90 00
Omaha It C B. St. Ry,. pfd.. 7119 70
Omaha Ry.. com.... II I3H
Petera Hill Co.. pfd II 101 It
Packard Motor Co., pfd... 100 ' 101 .
Swift 4k Co.. stock ,.......Ut ui
Union Stook lords I pot stock. 100 101
Am. Tel.- Tel. Notea ..100 10019
Baofh-St. Loula ts, llll...' 911 100
Calgary, Al. I pot Q. B. 1131-44 13.40 04.10
Iowa Portland a Co.. Is 1114-14 II loo
Kanaaa City Ry. lat 9a, 1944.. 9119
Omaha C. B. St. Ry. Is, 113 IS 14 1714
SulsMrger Sana Co. ts. 11.4 90H 10011
Sinclair Oil f. Co. la. lots, itit it
Trenton. Neb. Sleet, la, 1111-14.104 . 104.11
Swift Co, Is, 1944 109 lOOti
v Haak Clsarlaga.
Omaha, Sept. II. Bank clearings for
Omaha today were, and for
the corresponding last ysar, 13,31,,
19.01. .
Every Han, Woman and Child
is Supposed to Be Worth
$1,410 in Property.
A. R. GROH. ;
If some billionaire came along and
took a fancy to Greater Omaha and
wanted to buy it he would have' to
pay $237322,?05 if we were willing to
sell out at the valuation fixed by the
tax assessment for 1917.
Of course, we wouldn't tell the
good old town at any price 'if we
couldn't get another like it." . And
where could we get another city nan
as good this side of dear old Paris?
Watson Townsend, engineer in the
department of public, improvements,
has prepared some interesting figures
on this subject.
If Omaha 'property were divided
equally, every man, woman and child
in the city would have $1,410 worth.
i Tax Per Person. '
: If every person paid the same
amount ot taxes, eacn man, woman
and child would pay $15.93 to city in
a year. . V
If the hypothetical billionaire above
mentioned bai come along before the
annexation of South Omaha and Dun
dee, he would have found the original
city of Omaha worth $ib,uw)uu.
The next year after the c6nsoltda
tion. Greater Omaha was worth $233,-
043,325. .And now the town is valued.
at the big figure mentioned in tne
first paragraph.
The value of Omaha property per
capita is very high, $1,410. In Pat-'
erson, N. J., the value per capita is
only $812. If you have ever been in
Paterson you will not be surprised at
New York City claims a valuation
of $1,715 per capita. No doubt there
are lota of people in the Mills hotels
and on the -East side who "haven't
got theirs." , . - i
Boston Rate High.
Boston has the highest per capita
tax rate in the United States, $33. It
also has the largest city debt of any
city near its $124,000,OCO. -
Umaha s debt is a little over
),000, of whih the greater city in
herited $1,118,188 from South Omaha
at-J $195,000 from Dundee.
We have a larger city debt than any
other city anywhere near, our size
in the country.' Out of thif$15.93 ner
capita annual tax, $5.73 goes to pay
interest on the debt, Unly three
other cities in the whole country pay
larger interest charges, namely, Bir
i..ington, Ala., Spokane and Tacoma,
But let us not be boastful.
Includes Water Works.
Of course. we have the water
works. If we deduct the $7,500,000
paid for the water plant our public
debt wouldn't be very bad.
The proportion of city taxes re
quired to pay. interest charges on
debts in several cities are as tollows:
Birmingham, Ala., 50 per cent: Ta
coma, Wash., 42; Spokane, Wash., 38;
Omaha, 36; New York City, 33.
, From this they run down to such
pay-as-you-go. cities as these: St.
Louis, 6 per cent; Milwaukee, 6; De
troit, 6; Chicago, 8; IndiStnapolis, 5.
You aee, while we're bully little
boosters for Omaha, we poult out
its faults (when we cart find any) just
as we laud its virtues (which we are
always finding.) ,.-."
Selattea'e Flerelng sala. '
Ton can depend upon Sloan's Liniment
to kill tha nerve pal lb of sciatica I It pene
trates without rubbing. Only slo. All
druggists. Advsrtlsement
Big Run of Range "
Cattle to Keep Up "
For Quite a While
The railroad freight men assert that
now with the run of range cattle at
about its height, more cattle are on
the way to market than, at any time
during several past yelrs. Owing to
the solendid condition of the Nei ras-
ka and Wyoming and Soutn Cakota
ranses. the run of range cattle will
continue later than usual and will not
end much before the last of October.
Although prices are abnormally
high, the cattle men are not Selling
down any closer than usual. They
anticipate still higher prices next year.
io keep the animals in good condi
tion more hay than usual has been ,
put up. ' . ' ' '.. ' . '.-....
Ice Cream Woman
Figures in Divorce
Because she alleged her husband
has been buying ice cream for an
other woman and has failed to sup-
tort herself and their three children,
.ill ie Driscol has filed suit asking di
vorce from Fred, and the custody of
the youngsters. Mrs. Driscol alleges
in her petition that her husband left
the home in Detroit in 1913 to aid
relatives afflicted by the tornado in
Omaha, and that he has since been
apart from her, although explaining
his absence in letters declaring he
was financially unable to send for his
family. She asserts that after com
ing to Omaha with her children, and
while walking on the street , they
found the husband and father in an
ice cream parlor with a woman. She
asks the court to grant sufficient ali
mony to support the children; .
Only 190 Named
In Property Suit
Suit has been filed against 190 de
fendants who were former owners of
bits of property in Greater Omaha,
by the Continental Realty company,
asking that titlebe quieted. Twenty
six pieces of property areV involved.
When the suit was filed by Attorney
W. J. Hotz he was asked to contribute
$54 to Douglas county coffers as costs
for filing and indexing, , s -.
Only One School Room is
V Closed Because of Cold
The kindergarten room at Park
school was the only room of the pub
lic school system which was closed
Thursday , on account of lack of
heat. , This room is detached from the
main building. ,
i tiTtirv
Webster 202
Nights, 25-50-75
Mats, 2Sc e SOe
Twice Daily at 2:15 and SilS Sharp
Clune'a Cinema Opera
Helen H. Jackson's Famous Romance
Choir of Mission Sinters'
Dalls Mat.. 3:11: tim SUM. 9:11. TS'4
IMISS IRENE BORDONljg,lB. j. Ta. 4ooa
A VlorrlB. Weran A Amotos Co.. Srentale. Jack C.
llrLsllen A till Canon, probeum T'b(
Price.: Met. tellery. 10c: beet erts "i
dir sail Suadar). 250. MUMs, Wo. C wo-
&nixillA r,ay M"-
EUtVtSteBt H.2S.S0-7S.
'Step Lively Girls" fSSu.
1 S.4..rJ.. Mat mat WaMtk.
"A New York Girl" Co.
Ladles' Puna M. tines wees vaps.
BA VI. Playing h
M I Isf Spoken Drama
Nsat Sunder for Four Days. Mattnaat
I Daily. . George Barr McCntcttaea't
Truxton King
Dramatization by Grace Haywarel.
Mat,. 25c. Night 10c and SOe.
" Cotton Market. . ,'
Naw Tork, Sept 14. Cotton Futures
opened firm; October, lt.tto; December,
it. tic; January, 19.11c; March, lt.lOo; May,
11.140. - ,
Spot, ateadyt middling upland, 19.96e.
Sales, 1.149 bales.
A sharp early advance was followed by
reaction In the ootton market thla after
noon, with January sslllng off from l.IOo
to 1&.70C and closing at 16.70. The general
Hat closed steady at a net advauce of 14
II points.
Liverpool. Sept. 14. Cotton 4lpot. steady;
good middling, 1.74c; middling, 9.9tc; low
middling, 9.30c, Sales, 9,000 bales.
Oil and BeeuT ;
Savannah, Oa., Sept. 14. Oils Turpen
tine, firm, at 4ii044c; sales, til bbls.;
receipts. 131 bbls.; shipments. ISO bbls.;
suck, 31,701 bbls.
Rosin Firm; aalea. 77 bbls.; receipts,
III bble.; shipments, 610 bbls.; stook, 11.040
bbls. Quote: A, B, 11.1061.16; C. D, 11.8
(910; s. 9S.IO04.OO: K,; o,
.1104.3; H, 9S.30el.IB; I, 96.2SOI.S0:
K. 96.3O04.SS; M, 8.10('.t5; N, 94.400
t.90; WO, 94.90 0 4.40: WW. 15.76.
Omaha, Hide and Tallow Market,
Quotatlona furnished by Bolles it Rogers,
SIS South Thirteenth street:
Hides a. S.: No. 1. lie: No. 1, 17o.
Oreon: No. 1. lie; No. S, lSc O. S., bulls:
No. 1. 16c: No. 3, ltc. Deacons, each, 11.26.
No. 1, horse, each, :.S0; No. 2, 14.61:
ponies, 13.69. Sheep pelte. large, 76c0
11.36; medium to small, 26076c.
Tallow No. 1, 74c; No. 1, 6 Ho.
' Metal Market.
New Tork, Sept. 14. Metals Lead. 9 70.'
Spelter, flm; apot, East St. Loula delivery.
91.00. - Copper, firm; electrolytic, 937.000
31.11. Iron, ateady and unchanged. Tin,
firm; apot, 131.36031. 71. ,
At London-r-Copper; Spot, 9117; futures,
lilt; electrolytic 1183. Tin: Spot, 170 lOe;
futures, 9171 10a. Lead, 130 Ss. Sp.lter.t6t.
Omaha Hay Market.
Omaha, Sept 14. Prairie Hay Chotce
upland 111 00 011.10: No. 1, S.SO01.'O;
No I. II.00OI.I9: No. I. 11.000100 Mid
land pretrls. No 1. Il.9001o.00: No. 1.
I1.I0OI.00. Choice lowland prairie, 11.00,
No. I, 99.09. No. I, ll.WOt.0l: No 9. 9I
Alfalfa Choice. 91l.v401t.lo: No. 1
110011.19: stsndsrd. 11.10011.49; No. 1. No. I, n.eoei.oe.
Straw Oata, 9l.MOl.t0; wheat, 96.000
9.10.- . . -'.. . . . ' . .. . .
'-riottoa Caaaasspttsa Increases.
Waehlngton. Sept. It. Cotton ueed dur'
Ing Auguat amounted to ttl.rif running
bales, eaclualve of Itntera, and for the yeai
ending July 91, 1,117.912 bales, ths csnsa.
bureau today announced. In Auguat a yeai
ago 4.4,113 bales wsrs used, and during th
year ending July 91, 1919, the quantity wee
I.II1.III balss. .A '
Dry (Seed Market
New Tork. Sept .14. Cotton goods tnar
ket was active today and jobbers and re
tailers reported, a good trade. Cotton goods
and yarna were firm. Raw allk was firm
and acttva. Ready-to-wear manufacturers
reported an active buelnese.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. :
Optical Co.
For Glasses
Expert Fitting
807-9 Brandeis BIdg.
R U VI - September 16
Box Office Now Open.
t Vie sTt. I , ' '
' Frits! Frits and Bud Walsh
3 Other Acts and Feature Pictures
Virginia Pearson ,
Daredevil Kate.
mn n 15th ind Harney
r r Open 11 toll Daily
-..,.' JAMES COOLEY. la ,
A Social Drama In Five Parla
1 Brur Bin eicTrse a
A Powerful Drama of New York Life.
Also ...
St, Louis (ttala Market. -St
Loula, Sept. If Wheat No. 9 red,
91.101.44: No. I hard, I1.II01.II; De
cember, 11.41 e.
Corn No. I. 11011401 No. I white, llttc:
December. TlUje.
Oata Higher; track No. 9, 44c; No, 1
white, Ulta; December, 47HO.
' aagw MarkatT " ' " " j
New Tork. Sept. 14 Sugar Raw, Heady; '
aalea, 14.004 begs centrifugal, 4.43c; mo
lasses, 4.74c Refined, eteedy; fine granu-.'
lated. 9vt0c Heavy realising depressed sue
gar futures and at noon prices wore 19 to I
It paints net lowsr. 1
! JlpittiBj J
III Henry RoUH Company 1
j 111 Dutrihuttn ' (
lllj 2M7-69LetTOWirrtliSt. V T II
111 I8M "ou'' 'J' J Catf (
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III) Pter Omh f aTllll
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