Look around Omaha at the firm that edrertue. They ara the one that hare grown from little concern to great big The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER WARMER VOL. XLVI NO. 83. OMAHA, FRIDAY, MORNING, SEPTEMBER . 15, 1916 TWELVE PAGES.TtX?.";: SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. MEDIATORS PLAN Oil INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY POLICE Serious Consideration Being Given to Idea of Establish- rag xieuvrai vuuDifnuu- lary on Border. TALK IT OVER WITH BLISS Mexico Still Adheres to Its Ex isting Constitution and Legal Codes. THIS IN DOUBT BEFORE , N$w London, Conn., Sept. 14. Serious consideration is being given by thi American-Mexican joint com mission to the idea of establishing some Sort of an international police or neutral constabulary along the Mexican border, it became known , here today. ; - ' As yet the propostion has not taken definite steps, but it is learned that the American commissioners, with whom the plan appeaj to be grow ing in favor, talked it over last night 1 with Major General Tasker H. Bliss and that they devoted part of today to further conferences with him on this and other projects. '' During the joint conference today the commissioners were told that Mexico still adheres to Jts existing constitution and legal codes, a point on which there had been much doubt ' in the United States. Until August 1, last, the Mexican members said, the provisions of the constitution had been suspended by war power, but with the re-establishment of civil courts Which began on that date, the old codes again became effective and would continue so until theycould be revised through necessary constitu- : tional amendments and acts of con- grcss. ' . ' - ,. . ' Old Latta Home at Tekamah is Burned, Boy Loses His Life Tekamah, Neb., Sept 14.-"-(Special.) The home of the late Congressman James P. Latta in Tekamah was de stroyed by fire which started in the louse about 1 o'clock this morn ' ing Mrs. Latta , had vacated the l 1.i-m. n Aitr r ar airtro in rHpi that' it might be remodeled on the inter- mr i uin niirn irnnm xmnnmi. r.1111 Lydick nd Elmer Moore, were room- in there at the time and were awak- j i it. j --4.t. a r ' ters had begun work on the bujlding . but yesterday. When the bqys were aroused they tried to get out by the stairway, but fire cut that avenue off and they proceeded to the window andyydick jumped from the window to the porch and told his companion to -follow Kim. The boy fell back into, the room, however, and before . he could be extricated he was so bad , ly burned that he died this morning at 6 o ciock. ine nome was com pletely gutted and the contents were either burned or ruined. It is thought that the fire was of an incendiary origin, as a small blaze was also dis covered in the barn on the same lot. It was put out without damage- ; Spannell Pleads Not Guilty to Murder Alpine, Tex., Sept 14. Harry J. Spannell, an I Alpine hotel keeper, pleaded not guilty here today to charges of killing his wife and Lieu tenant :M. C Butler, Sixth United States infantry, while the three were motoring here July 20 last Because of the feeling aroused in this community over the death of Mrs, Spannell, daughter of a leading west Texas ranchman, and the army officer, a change of venue to. Tom Green county was granted. Spannell ' probably will be taken tonight to San Angelo to await trial, the date of which has not been set The Weather Temperatures at Otnahm Yesterday E, - -i .... Hour.. .17.... De. WATAAVTJ " I I It. m 63 "wir ' ' ' P. m 67 1 I ' 7 p. m..... 55 I P. m 62 HUGH FRAYNE, represent ing the American Federation of Labor, active in the move ment to call out all organ ized laboring men in New York City in a sympathetic strike. .HUGH FJWaYKE. Compu-mUve Local Beeord. 1911. 1916. 1914. 1913. Highest yesterday ... 1 . 77 74 7fi Lowest yeaterdiy ... W M- 63 " 54 Mesn temperature .. 6 64 64 6$ PreclpfUUon T .20 V.72 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature t$fj Ixriciency for the day 10 Total excess since Mar. 1 an . Normal precipitation 13 Inch Deficiency for the day Y. ...... .u jnch Total rainfall since March 1....H.9S Inches Deficiency since March 1 9 49 Inches Deficiency cor. period, 1915.... .60 Inch Deficiency cor. period. 1914...... J.J 7 inches Reports f recantations at 7 P Jtf . Station and State Temp. Htirh- Rain- oi wesiiner. . i p. m, , est. Cheyenne, clear 48 ' 63 uavenpon, ciear 64 Denver, cloudy ......... 63 Des Moines, clear 68 6S 66 , 2 4 68 60 fall. .00 T .00 T .00 . .00 .00 T .00 Dodge City, clear . . . . . Lander, clear North Platte, clear . Omaha, celar Pueblo, dear a flit. aU.h Salt Lake CHy clear.. 7 vSanta Fe, clear' o 8 n Mhstrliian. elaar S ' o Bloux City, clear ..... 62 67 'o Valentine, clear ...... 63 64 T Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. WELSH. Usteorolovlst CORONER'S OFFICE MAY BE ABOLISHED Case is to Be Threshed Out Be fore the Supreme Court at Lincoln Tuesday. BOTH SIDES STATE VIEWS Will the office of coroner be abol ished and the duties of the office wished on ' the county attorneys throughout the statej Is the amenament passed Dy ine last Nebraska legislature' in keeping with the law when it wipei out the coroner's position? These questions will ' be threshed oat 4fOT-tU-uprem-ourt r Lin coln Tuesdav mornina when the ap- pealed mandamus case of Coroner Crosby of Douglas county against Election Commissioner Moomead on mandamus proceedings demanding that Crosbv's name be placed on the ballot, will be argued. Deputy Coun ty Attorney Abbott will conduct the case for the . state, while Attorney R. M. switzler will, appear tor the coroner. - " Aoolication for a writ of man- damusvwas refused when the case was tried before Judge Day in dis trict court. ' "The state constitution requires that when an act is amended the spe cific statutes and provisions to be amended must be specified. The amendment passed by the legislature in 1915 is faulty in, this respect and when the case is argued before the supreme court we. will claim the act not properly amended and therefore ineffective,' said Attorney Switzler. Deputy County A'ttorney Abbott said; !r . . . Law Entirely New. "The contention of the county is that this law is not intended to amend the other laws now in force in regard to county attorneys and coroners, but is merely adding some duties already prescribed by statute to the county attorney; that the law is a new and complete, piece of legis lation. ' Coroner Crosby contends that the new law is amendatory and therefore unconstitutional, because it does not mention the sections of, the statute which it intends to'repeal. That, however, is not necessary where the act is complete in itself and the controversy is over the question as to whether or not the hew statute is amendatory or a complete act. , "The county attorney also argues that the duties of the county attor ney and county coroner are not in compatible, and therefore the law is not void for that reason. The countv attorney has already won the case on these points in the district court."..: Bulger Is Given ; Sixty Days'vReprieve Denver, Colo, Sept. 14. The State Board of Pardons today granted a re prieve of sixty days to the week be ginning November 12 to James C. Bulger, under death sentence in con nection with the killing of Lloyd F. Nicodemus, a Denver hotel proprie tor. The board decided to -appoint a physician, to investigate Bulger's san-'-. Woman Nominated for Congress in Washington Seattle. Wash., Sept. 14. Mrs. Frances C. Axtell, who was nomi nated for congress in ' the Second Washington district on the demo cratic and progressive tickets, was a member of the legislature of M913, being the only republican represen tative from Vhatcora county. - Her campaign fo, the legislature was managed by Mrs. 'Ella Higgin son, the poet and novelist. Mrs. Ax tell is SO years old, the wife of a practicing physician of Bellingham. She is a graduate of Depauw uni versity, with degrees of bachelor of philosophy and master of arts, and h-s two daughters. The republican nominee is Lindley H.- Hadley, the incumbent. " ' Public Office a Family Snap;, How Democrats Care for Relatives Roll Call of Senate and House ' Employes Shows Nepotism : time had three members of his fam ily on the pay rolls. Secretary Red field, appointed U. Grant Smith his the Rule at Washington private secretary. Smith had one son mi T .o only have "desemii oeen giv- Washington, 5 en fat governnv -wherever pos sible by the dn administration but the "poor relations" of democratic cabinet officers, senators and repre sentatives have also been well taken care of. Nepotism is rife in the government service and at the capital. Never before in the history of this country has nepotism been so' ramp ant as under Mr. Wilson's adminis tration. - 'i- i :r .v. - . 1 VI. I 10 UCKIll Willi W1C IHIMIICI. VVlltM. , I .. c William J. Bryan was secretary of I .n 'f Virginia hat a hroth state he had his son appointed to a i " t" t. position in the Department of Justice and his son-in-law to a position in the Treasury department. Secretary McAdoo, son-in-law of "President Wil son, put one of his son in the Depart ment of Justice and one in the De- artment of Commerce. Secretary laniels got a place for his brother in the Department of Justice. Former Assistant Postmaster General Daniel C. Roper, who recently 'resigned to assist in the 'Wilson campaign, at one n the Day roll as a house page, and .is son-in-law is a special agent of the Department ot Commerce In the house of representatives Speaker Clark's son is the parliamen tary clerk at $4,000 per annum. He is not yet 30 and was given this job by the democratic house majority be fore he had finished his law studies. Numerous democratic senators have takn good care of their "poor kin' with fat jobs on the government pay roll. Senator Overman of North Car olina has his son in a $2,500 position and a daughter holds a $1,400 job. A brother-in-law of Senator Kern of In diana has a good place in the senate document room. 1 he wite and broth er of Senator Gore of Oklahoma are Senator Mar- er as as sistant clerk to his committee. Sena tor Chamberlain of Oregon has his son as a messenger in his committee. The son-in-law of Senator Lane of Oregon acts-, as his father-in-law's private secretary. The son of Sena tor Tillman of South Carolina is the clerk in his father's committee. An other son is on the Alaska Railroad commission. Senator Thompson of Kansas has. his son on the pay roll. OonUnawt on l'.ffe Two, Column On.) JOY RIDE RESULTS IN BAD ACCIDENT Charles Jensen Probably Fa tally Injured in Motorcycle ! . Street Car Crash., OTHER RIDER ARRESTED Charles Jensen, Forty-fifth and Leavenworth streets, was probably fatally injured early yesterday even ing when a motorcycle which he was riding 'collided with a street car at Twentieth and . Clark streets. The handlebars of the machine were driven into the young man's abdomen by the force of the collision. ' Sydney Van Orden. who was i.ding on the rear of the motorcycle, re ceived only slight injuries. He was arrested and is being held at the po lice station. : 1 The accident occurred, accoting to the police, as the culmination of a wild joy ride about the streets of. the city. Several complaints had been re- etiveu at police headquarters of the reckless manner in which the ma chine was speeding and motorcycle. poiicement were in pursuit when Jensen's machine crashed into the street Car. , Jensen was taken "to St. Joseph's hospital, where doctors hold out scant hopes of his .recovery. Wanted for Murder,; Gardiner Takes His Own Life at Paxton Grand Island, Neb., Sept. 14.--(Special Telegram.) Ted v Gardiner. wanted here for the murder of Mrs. Nellie Goddard, took his own life at Paxton, Neb., today. ' , The body of Mrs. Goddard was found in her partly burned home on Monday.- Examination of the charred remains showed she had been shot several times, and then the place set on fire. - . . -: ' Gardiner is known to have quar reled with Mrs. Goddard over atten tions pftd to her by another man. i Grand Island, Neb!, Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) A coroner's jury today found that Mrs. Lucy Ooddard, whose in cinerated remains were found along side a bed after a fire at .her home had been extinguished, had met her death by being shot by some person unknown. Further evidence . was found, today when Sheriff Sievers, up on further search, found the revolver of the same caliber of the bullets in a patch of weeds near the home. i he evidence at the inquest brought to light that the woman had quar reled with Ted Gardner because he wanted her to go to Montana to start a rooming house and she declined to go. No clue has so far been obtained as to the whereabouts of Gardner. Miss Nevins, Suffragist - Worker, Kills Herself New York, Sept. 13. Miss Grace Nevins, a prominent suffragist, was found dead ir her apartment here to day. The police reported the case as one of suicide, attributed probably to ill health. Miss Kevins came here from La Crosse, Wis., about fifteen years ago. TREATY DOES NOT CLOSE OPEN DOOR i ' ' Russia and Japan Assure the United States Fact Doesn't Affect Former Treaty. REPLIES ARE UNEQUIVOCAL Washington, Sept. 14. Both Japan and Russia have given the United States formal assurances that the new Russo-Japanese treaty does not re peal or affect the treaties of 1907 and 1910, in which the nations pledged themselves to maintain the integrity of China and the open door policy. The assurances were given to Am bassador's Guthrie at Tokio and Fran cis at Petrograd, m response to in quiries. The State department today received from Mr. Guthrie a note on the subject addressed to him by the Japanese foreign office, stating in un equivocal terms that Japan had not for a moment entertained an inten tion pf departing front- those,.policies. -. Department officials let it be known that thW statement were entirely sat isfactory and that inquiries regarding the new-treaty. over which they had been consideraby perturbed, probably would not be pressed further. x Text of Treaty Provisions. ' The treaties of 1907 and 1910 be tween Japan - and ' Russia affirmed China's territorial' integrity and the open door policy. Article 2 of the 1907 'treaty, which was reaffirmed with slightly different wording in the 1907 convention, reads: "The two high contracting parties recognize the independence and terri-. torial integrity of the empire of China and the principle of equal opportun ity in whatever concerns commerce and industries of all nations in that empire, and agree to sustain and da fend the maintenance of the status que and respect for this principle by all the specific means within their reach." .' , . Replies Unequivocal. I State department officials today ex pressed complete satisfaction with the unequivocal reply made by Japan and the statement from the Russian for eign office. They felt these assur ances left no doubt as to the main tenance of the open door policy and regard for American interests in China under the terms of the new Russo-Japanese treaty, although its text has not yet been made public. Officials expect that a copy of the new convention will be forwarded in due course. ' "Kruppism" Opposed By German Alliance Grand Island, Neb., Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) The German-American Alli ance closed its seventh annual ses sion here tonight. All officers were re-elected according to the ;ecom iiiciiuauuu ui inc cuinmume on nomi nation. Hastings was seleated for the next annual meeting. , Resolutions -adopted sfavored the public educational institutions, good roads, a new state capitol, proper pre paredness and true Americanism, and apposed "Kruppism" and prohibition. Poison Found in Body of the Iowa Girl Who Died at Seattle Fort Dodge, la., Sept. 14. Gabriel Danielson of Cowrie, la., near here, told local authorities today that he would take steps against Dr.. Percival Allen of Seattle, Wash., following the death of Danielson's sister, eleven days after her supposed marriage to Allen. The Seattle physician recently was convicted on statutory charges following his trip with Miss Daniel son from Fort Dodge to Seattle. Danielson said that examination by experts at the University of Minne sota had revealed traces of poison in the dead girl s stomach and that a test of the fluid used to embalm the body had developed no trace of that poison. Miss Danielson was the daughter of a wealthy farmer living near Gowrie. Minneapolis. Sept. 14. Dr. John O. Taft, who was Anna Marie Daniel son's physician, declared today that unless charges of a serious nature are placed against Dr. Percival D. Allen within the next few days,, he will start for Seattle in connection with the case, accompanied by attorneys in charge of- the woman's estate. Dr. G. B. Frankforter, who con ducted the chemical examination of the woman's stomach at the Univer sity of Minnesota will be called to Seattle soon, it is expected, personally to submit his report to the authori ties there. Dr. Taft said. Dr. Frank forter declared, he found traces of poison in the stomach. . Miss Danielson, owner of an estate valued at $100,000, met Dr. Allen on a steamship while traveling between San Francisco and Seattle last spring, according to friends here, who de clare the woman wrote of her mar riage to the doctor and later confided that she had been trapped into a mock marriage. She died in her apartment in .Seattle on July 10. Before 'going west, Miss Danielson made her home here. WAR EQUIPMENT ISSUES BOOMING IN WALL STREET Extraordinary Rise in Stock Market, Unequalled for Tear, Attains More Impressive Proportions. RAILS ARE IN CONSPICUOUS Industrials, Motors, Oils and Related Stocks Rise from One to Three Points. STEEL MAKES NEW RECORD New York, Sept. 14. The extraor dinary rise in the stock market of the last fortnight, unequalled since last year's movement in war brides, at tained, wider and more . impressive proportions today, the first hour's trading of almost half a million shares being attended by gains of 1 to J points in industrials, equipments, mo tors, oils and shares of almost every other description, with a 20-point ad vance in fiethlchcm Steel at 575, United States Steel was the chief feature, rising to 106J4 in the first hour and exceeding its previous rec ord by of a point. Demand for Studebaker. Industrial Alcohol, Lackawanna Steel, Baldwin Locomotive, New York Air Brake, Mexican Petroleum and related issues carried those stocks 2 to 5 points above yesterday's final prices. Raits were relatively inconspicuous, although Jteading, Union Pacific and New Haven were higher by 1 to 2fi points. Realizing sales for profit tak ing was in such enormous volume dur ing the forenoon as to effect rever sals of 1 to 2 points from best prices of the opening. This was off set, however, by fresh buying power, much of which seemed to originate from out-of-town sources. 1 General Motors Star Performer. There was no letun of the feverish activities of the first hour, sales at 1 o'clock amounting to 1,170,000 shares, or at the rate of almost 2,000,000 shares for the full session. Additions to early high records were made by United States Steel at 107. Republic Steel at 69 and sev eral of the leading, coppers. General Motors was the star performer, ris ing 53 points to 750, a gain of 176 points since last week. Reading; also sold at the unprece dented price of 114 and other lead ing rails developed renewed strength. Marines contributed largely to the enormous turnover, the common at the new high of 50JI. ,- a Four Killed and ; Three Injured by An Ammonia Blast Newark, N. Sept. 14. Five men. including Samuel Botkin, president of the Interstate Milk and rreinwrnm. pany, were killed today in an explosion of an ammonia tank at the company's plant, which was to open ext Monday. .....u..B mivnH U.BU IB uuiniu o son-in-law, Lcyiis Menkowitz. Three other perspns were injured. Persons including: Harrv Lutr of Waynesboro, Pa., foreman , for the f rick Machine company oUhat city, which was installing the tank. Lutz is expected to die. Theother three kilted were J. M. Ballou of Richmond Hill, N. Y., Louis Ellis, a relative of Botkin and an un identified man. - The' tank,, nine feet by eighteen inches in dimension, was being tried out, preparatory to putting it into use any all the victims were watching the tests. A small fire broke out, after the ex plosion, but it was quickly extin guished. I Chambers Sells Lot On North Sixteenth Th n,Anwl.. it. .l.:k t.-A il at nrenpnt- 1nrati1 nf t!i nnrtliMaaf corner of Sixteenth and Burt streets, nas Deen hought by M. 1. Coffey of the former owner, W. N. Chambers. A trade is involved in the deal, as fr f'.iffet' troHoft ft, mnm nmn.r... in Capital addition, which was re corded in the deed as valued at $20,000. The feed store property is rccurueu as vaiucu a $jj,uuu. Four Burned to Death In Detroit Lodging House Detroit, Sept. 14. Four men are dead and a score of others narrowly escaped from a fire which swept the Salvation Army Industrial building early today. About seventy-five per sons were in the building when the fire was discovered. Most -of them were on the second and third floors. One of the men who jumped from a top story may die. The property loss was nominal. Concord Club Members To Compete for Prizes Taxicab mileage, hats, violin lessons and laundry tickets are a few of the prizes to be awarded members of the Concord club, an organization of busi ness and professional men, at meet ings this fall. The prizes will be do nated by members of the club. - At the weekly meeting and lunch- con, held at thcHotel Fontenelle at noon, C. E. Corey, secretary of the club, acted as chairman. Short talks were made .by several members. Supreme. Court Resumes , Work After Vacation From a Rtaft Correrpondnrt.) Lincoln. Sept. 14. (Special.) The state supreme court will have its first sitting after the summer vacation, Monday, September 18. There will be twenty cases for hearing during the week before the court, and fif teen before the commission. COUNT APPONYI, for year a leading Hungarian peace advocate, is th most prominent of five men talked of for new ambassador to the United States. r;.y fr- ' I? V COUNT APPONYI, MORE CARS RUNNING OH NEWYORK LINES Union Leaders Say They Are Not Discouraged and Benew Sympathetic Strike Talk, STRIKERS HAVE A PARADE ' New ( York, Sept. 14. Despite the maintenance of regular schedules on the subway and elevated lines of the Interborough Rapid Transit company, and the gradual restoration of service on the surface lines, leaders of the striking street railway employes de clared today they were far from being defeated. They hinted that the danger of a "sympathetic!' strike is not yet over. - . . '' Foltowinast oarade and demonstra tion by the strikers, the question of a sympathetic strike will be ancuaseq at meetings of the Central Federated unions of Brooklyn and. Manhattan. Strike leaders predict that resolutions favoring a strike among trades allied with the street railway employe will be adopted. Whether the strike wilt actually take place however, will de pend on the individual votes of the unions, it is asserted. Traction officials announced today that service in the subway and. on the elevated roads was better than normal, while service on most of the street car lines was from 25 to 40 per cent below normal.-he railway companies say it is no longer necessary for them to hire strikebreakers, - claiming that hundreds of their former employes have returned to work. A sympathetic strike of 70,000 trade unionists allied with the striking street railway employes wilt be called Satur day night unless Mayor Mitchell and the public service commission suc ceed in bringing about an amicable, settlement prior to that time, was the prediction made by James P. Holland, president of the state federation of labor, at a maw meeting held today, following a parade of 10,000 of the striking traction men and sympathiz ers. "The match is ready," Holland said. "If nothing is done by Saturday a strike that will astonish the city will be called." Marshall Notified Of HisRenomination Indianapolis, fnd.,. Sept 14. Vice President , Thomas R. Marshall was notified tonight of his renomination for vice president on the democratic ticket, and formally accepted the honor. The ceremonies were the third of the kind to be held in In dianapolis within the last few weeks. The other two notifications were for J. Frank Hanty, the prohibition can didate, and Charles W. Fairbanks, re publican vice presidential nominee. Prominent democrats from all over the United States were present. In formal , political conferences were held by the readers, and plans for the campaign were' discussed thoroughly. Reports of what had been done in In diana were made to National Chair man Vance'McCormick. Martin H. Glynn, former governor of New York, delivered the speech of notification, after having been intro duced by j. A. M. Adair, candidate for governor of Indiana,) chairman of the ceremonies. All the speakers praised the present democratic ad ministration, replied to the republican attacks which had been made on it, and expressed confidence of a demo cratic victory. rA big parade preceded the ceremonies. Osteopaths Will Meet Next Year in Beatrice Lincoln, Sept. 14. (Special Tele gram.) Nebraska Osteopaths in ses sion here closed their work . today with a vote to meet next year in Be atrice. Dr. Y. P. Gass of Beatrice was elected president, Dr. Jennie Laard of Omaha vice president, Dr. Lulu L. Cramb of Fairbury secretary and Dr. V. S. Peterson of Beatrice treasurer. , . . ' Three members, Dr. . Gass of Omaha, Dr. Peterson of Beatrice and Dr. Archer of Linard, were recom mended to the governor from whom to select a member of state examin ing board. . .. -, , . 1 TEUTONS PLAN BIG OFFENSIVE MOVE IN THEBALKAIIS Rome Dispatch Says Germany and Austria Agree to Fur- nish Three' Hundred Thousand Men. FIGHTING IN MACEDONIA British War Office Reports Activity on Doiran Front on Both Sides of Struma. RUSS DEFEATS BULGARS London, Sept 14. A wireless dis patch from Rome say that the gen eral council of the central power at the headquarters of the German em peror, an offensive campaign in the Balkans was mapped out and Ger many will send 200,000 men and Aus tria 100,000 for this purpose. '"There has been activity on both our Struma and Doiran fronts," says the official report of the British war office today in regard to the Mace donian campaign. "Our patrols have been active On the east bank of the Struma." , Bulgars Repulsed in Dobrudja. Petrograd, Sept 14. (-Via London. Sept. 14.) Russian troops have re pulsed series of attacks by the.. Ger mans and Bulgarians in Dobrudja, the war office announced today.. "In the region of Silistria, on the right bank of the Danube, fighting is still proceeding," the statement says. "The Roumanians repelled series of attacks by German-Bulgarian troops and captured eight light guns.'' Serbs Take Bulgar Trenches. Paris, Sept 14. Serbians and Bul garians are engaged in violent fight ing on the Macedonian front. The ....... ntt:.. .Va..rj i. u. Serbians had captured Bulgarian trenches near Vetrenik and height northwest of Lake Ostrovo. An en gagement south of the lake is turn ing in favor of the allies. i ' .Turk Pillage Greek Port Paris, Sept. 14. The Greek port of Kavala was pillaged and civilians, massacred by Turkish Bashi Bazouks on the withdrawal of the Greek gar rison, according to a Saloniki dis patch to the Havas ageSicy. The dis patch says that the Bulgarians sent an ultimatum to Colonel Christobou los, commander of the garrison, on the night of September 10. Colonel Christoboulos then left with ' 1,500 men for Thasos. ; A terrible panic occurred in the eity jvhen the garrison withdrew. The Bashi Bazouks entered and after breaking open the prisons, indulged in an orgy of pillage and massacre. All who could fled before the invad ers. ' , ;., ..... ,' The Bulgarians are now camped it Catdorman- and Kuchuksoroman. Bulgarian aeroplanes flew over Ka vala on Tuesday and dropped bombs which killed nine persona. a Bulgar Leave Kavala. Athens, Wednesday, Sept 13. (Via London, Sept 14.) The British-legation today informed Garrett G. Drop pers, the American minister, that the Greeks have surrendered to the Bul- the seaport of Kavala, in northeastern Greece. Several of the forts were oc cupied some time ago by the Bulga-' riant. Warships of the entente allies have removed 1,500 Greek soldiers to Thasos. . ' Rioting at Kavala is reported and it is said houses and shop have been pillaged. A number of Americans are endangered, as is property of Ameri can tobacco companies to the amount of more than $2,000,000. No ships are permitted to remain in the harbor. Central Powers' Chiefs' - Meeting in Conference ' Amfttrdam. Via T.nnr1nn C-nt 14. German newspaper attach pro found importance to the conference now taking place at German eastern headquarters. Those in attendance in clude the German emperor, the impe ial chancellor, Dr. Von Bethmann Hollweg, tffe chief of staff, Field Mar shal von Hindenburg, and the first quartermaster general, Von Luden dorf, representing Germany, Archduke Charles, representing Austria-Hungary; King Ferdinand and the crown prince, representing Bulgaria; and En ver Pasha, Turkish minister of war. Jack Frost Beats the ' City Hall Folks to Heat Young women clerks of the city hall are wearing sweaters and coats at work. The old steam plant has been takpn nut and mnn-rtinn kq not yet been made with an outside piani wnicn win iurnisn neat tor the municipal buildine this season under a contract arrangement. i ne present ro'tcn or wintry weather prompts the city hall officias to has ten the remodeling work, lest Jack Frost catches them tinawarM unA M prepared. The problem of find ing the one person amongst thousands who would RENT OR BUY your real estate is made easy by the little Want Ad. No 'arrow ever finds Jts mark as surely ana quickly as the Want Call Tyler 1000 . , for Bee Want-Ads.