THE -BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1916. DO YOU OBSERVE THINGS YOD SEE? Ten Test Questions by Which Ton May Quiz Yourself to Find if You Do. YOU VIEW THEM EVERY DAY By A. R. GROH. Let's make a test of our powers of observation, folks, . Here, are some questions regarding buildings and things in Omaha that you have passed hundreds of times. They are all in the downtown dis trict, bounded by Twentieth, Four teenth, Harney streets and Capitol avenue. See how many of the questions'you can answer without looking at the correct answers given at the end of the article, All ready? Then, here we go: 1. Are the pillars on the front of the court house round or square? What shape are they on the other three sides of the building? 2. What fhotel has porches opening tVom itM Rrnnfl ttiirH otirt fmtrth floors? Roman Numerals. 3. What office building has the date of its construction in Roman numerals over its main entrance? t, How many public clock faces are now at Sixteenth and Famam streets? 5. What hotel has window boxes lull of flowers all around its main floor? 6. Are there any balconies on the court house? 7. What office building has HfHc green stones decorating the walls at its top two stories? t 8. What fcuilding contains the names of many famous men on its tront wall? 9. What store has big globe lights all arjiund its third floor? 10. What- store has a big ' brass boot with a spur hanging above its main entrance? ' . These may not be "facts worth knowing." Even if you can't answer a single one of the questions, it doesn't prove that you're not a well informed person. Power of Observation. But it will prove that you're not above the average on powers of ob- ci V4uuu; iviusi ui us go along wup our eves on tne erouna. Ana. unless we re in some otner citv seeing the slums, we aon i see manv stents. Iow, just see how many of the ten questions you can answer. Then take the list of answers below and give yourself a mark of 10 on each ques tion you answered correctly. Air rigntf Here Are the Answers. 1. Pillars on the front of court house are round. On the other three sides square. 2. Paxton hotel. i. Omaha National Bank building. 4. Four clock faces at Sixteenth and Farnam. 5. Fontenelle hotel. 6. Yes, on second and fifth floors. 7. Union Pacini headquarters tions. building has the little green decora- 8. City library building has the fa mous men's names. 9. Brandeis stores. 1 10. Nebraska Clothing company store, Fifteenth and Farnam streets. Well, how do you - Average?-If vou made a mark of over SO, you did splendidly. ,1 couldn't have done that well before I went out on the streets and prepared these questions and the answers to trap you. Harrison Confesses - Robbery of Train Martinsburg, W. 'Va., Sept. 13. Charles Jefferson Harrison of San An tonio made a full confession of the train robbery with which he was charged ,in the United States court here today before Judge Dayton. Sen tence of twelve years' imprisonment in the penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga., was imposed. The crime was the robbery of a Baltimore & Ohio train near Central Station, W..Va., on October 8, 1915. More than $100,000 in unsigned bank notes was taken from the express car. Funeral of Mrs. Sheeler Will Be Held Thursday The funeral of Mrs. Charles Sheeler, Angelus apartments, who died Sunday afternoon, will be held Thursday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock from Dodder's undertaking parlors. Rev. T. J. Mac kay will conduct the , services, after which burial will be in Forest Lawn cemetery. The pallbearers will be: o. W. Martin. Charlee Hendrlckson, Oeorxe P. Ftnnerty, Joseph Longfelder, Paul Jones, W. Garrett. Mrs. Sheeler was , a resident of Omaha for sixteen years. She is sur vived by her and two daugh ters. i j Date is Chanaed for Sale Of Uncalled For Mail The date of the semi-annual auction sale of uncalled for mail at the post office has been set forward from Sep tember 25 to September 18. Colonel Fanning, postmaster, made the an nouncement when it was decided that next Monday would be a more satis factory time for the holding of the sale. The 600 or so pieces of mail will be auctioned off from the Capitol avenue entrance to the federal build ing. , PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Johnston have returned from a summer vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Singer of Oma ha are guests of the Elms hotel, Ex celsior Springs, Mo. Registering at the Hotel McAlpin in New Yorft City from Omaha dur ing the last week have been Mr. E. E. Zimmerman and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lyon. - Miss Dorothy Dahlman and Miss Florence' Rahm will re-enter Monti cello as seniors September 28. Mrs. Mary Andersen of Atlantic, la., has been spending' the week with Mrs. Mary Heath Bailey and other friends in this city. , , War I poa Pain. Sloan's Liniment proparea jrou tor every emergency. Keep It hands' It'a the a-reat-eat pain killer erer discovered At all flruj-a-iate. 2te. Advertisement. Finds in Omaha Safety She Sought from Raiding Zeppelins Omaha, U. S. A., looks pretty good to Nellie Shepherd of London, Eng land, who is just now visiting with her sister, Mrs. Hector D. Black, at 2502 South Twentieth avenue. Miss Shepherd has lived in London during several Zeppelin raids and says the experience is rather trying, even when one is not directly involved. The unpleasant prospect of being just underneath several hundred pounds of high explosives, dropped from several thousand feet up in the air, isn't the most supporting, and so she feels quite a bit of relief from being in Omaha, which is quite some distance further from salt water than she ever was before. Miss Shepherd is a vaudeville' actress and expects to make her home in this country, now that she is here. Her ride from New York to Omaha was quite a surprise to her, for she ' had no idea of the vastness of the country, nor the ex tent of its development. Her moth er and sister preceded her to the United States. Divorces Granted Five Women and One Man, Others Ask It Douglas county judges are busy grinding out divorce decrees, clearing the dockets of marital tribulations in expectation of a grist of legal battles with the opening of the fall term of court next Monday. Six decrees were passed out to troubled husbands and wives. Katherlna Grand jean has been divorced from Axol li.mll on the ground of nornmp port and hau beon given the custody of the daughter, N'athalla Meilna, ayed fi. 1 She la also awarded $4,380 for the aupport of the child, to be paid In monthly SliO Inatalmenta, Nonsupport brought a decree to Hatel May Terrell from J. Leonard. Her maiden name, Hazel May Sqholl was restored, Emma Dwello was - eeDaratad from George on grounds of nonaupport and her maiuon nume, JSmma, Carr, returned to her. Insertion was charged by Mattte J. Becker In her petition tor divorce from Peter J. They were married In Can county In 1893. The wife In given the custody of tho l-year-old on, Morris) P, Becker. Bert Clair has been granted a dlvorca from Catherine because fcla wife deserted him two years ago. Anna 8. Ballard has been divorced from Wllaon L. by Judge Day on ground of non aupport. , . Marlon McQee haa filed petition asking divorce from Hugh on grounds of extreme cruelty. She alleges that her husband haa torn her clothing from her person at times. They were married In Cleveland Id 1906. Mary Selmar asks that she be separated from Adam on grounds of nonsupport and runner requests that she be given the cus tody of the daughter, Violet. Mary Stanku, a resident of Omaha for twenty-four years, asks that she be di vorced from Joseph, on grounds of nonsup port and that her maiden name, Mary No- van, d restored. J False Thone Clue Leads to Wanted Man The jjolice got an emergency 'phone call telling that a man was under the Sixteenth street- viaduct "with his arm shot off." After wad. ing through a sea of mud beneath the viaduct, officers brought forth W. Gatlande, Mexican, who had a slight scratch on hi cheek. Gatlande is held pending an investigation into a recent Mexican killing. Retailers' Concert Course Tickets Ready This Morning The committee in charge for the Associated Retailers' grand opera and concert course announced that the tickets for the five rlumbers of the course will be ready this morn ing at 9 o'clock Vt the box office of the Auditorium. , Subscribers who have remitted their subscription may exchange the card given them in return, at the box of fice of the Auditorium and receive their scat tickets f-r the ( entire course. Subscriptions are now being re ceived for the season's course by Miss McN'amara, care Brandeis Stores, and A. L. Green, care Burgess-Nash com pany. ' Thursday Night Brings Last Chance to Win Prize If you don't write your "what and why" answer and get it into the mails by Thursday night, you have no chance to get one of the big cash prizes for suggesting the most urac- ticable factory for Omaha. This is the contest of the Commercial club s industrial committee. The contest closes September 14 and the answers must be in the mail by tne evening of that-day in order to be considered. Open Season on Water Fowl Opens September 16, Not 15 Contrary 'to a belief that has be come more or less prevalent around Umaha, the open season on water fowl in Nebraska will not start on September 15, but or. September 16. Federal authorities wish to make this plain, so that shooters in their eager ness will not start their hunting cam paigns a day ahead of time. JJELLIE SHEPHERD. Constipated? Try "LAX-OLA" The New Wonder-Worker Hert, at last, la the preparation yon long have waited for a tonio-laxativa which really assists Nature, instead of antagonis ing her I One which gives more than tem porary relief and which does, not encour age the laxative habit. LAX-OLA acts so easily, gently, there f never the least pain or discomfort. No nausea no upsetting of stomach no In jury to the intestinal lining. Instead of weakening, it strengthens drives awaj de pression, makes you feel like a new being from head to toes I LAX-OLA ts Without Question the most natural, most effective and safest remedy for costiveness, and associate troubles yet produced by medical science. It is so re markably meritorious, so "different." that no man or woman who tries It wmiM vr think of using; any other laxative after that LAX-OLA is the Ideal laxative for old and Joung, for invalids as well as the robust, eedn't hesitate to give it to the children; they all like It Lax-ola eomes In small, delicious, chocolate-flavored tablet that you chew up just like candy. - Get a 2Se box of Lax-ola from Tour ernm- glst get your money back tf not pleased and delighted with it , Don't take anything elite there's nnthintr "just as good " Advertisement- Select. Architect For Athletic Club Thursday Morning The- architect to build the Omaha Athletic Club building between Sev enteenth and Eighteenth on Douglas street, is probably to be selected Thursday morning. A meeting of the directors of the club is to be held Thursday morning at U o'clock at the office of President W. A. Fraser in the "Woodmen of tbe World building. Mr. Fraser says an Omaha architect will be chosen. There is also an agitation to raise the membership fee immediately to $200 instead of the present $100. Mr. Fraser says this boost in the cost of membership will probably come about October 1. Barefooted Boy Wants Work to Help Mother Paul Stadiek, 16 years of age and barefooted, appeared at the Welfare board office in quest of work. "My father is sick and ' cannot work. My mother 'has a baby at home and she cannot go out to work. I want to go to work to help myx mother, pleaded the boy. Me In sisted -he was 16, but he looked younger. The family lives at Thirty-sixth arid H streets, South Side, with rela tives and the youngster said his mother and father were in danger of being evicted by relatives because they have no money. The superintendent of the Welfare board will make an investigation of the case. Farmers Plant More Winter Wheat Than Ever General Manager Walters of the Northwestern is in from an inspection tour of the company's Nebraska lines and asserts that he has never seen the whole state as prosperous as now and crops generally as good. According to Mr. Waiters, farmers, due in a measure to the high prices paid for grain, are putting in a larger acreage of winter wheat than ever be fore. The ground is in perfect con dition for plowing and seeding. Practically all over the state, as serts Mr. Walters, corn has passed beyond the period where there would be any damage from frost. The corn, generally, is good and the yield will be above the average. Mother Asks Damages, Alleging Son is Beaten Charging that her son, Charles Marsh, was attacked and beaten by Hugh O'Neil, jr., and Elmer Long, while Hugh O'Neil, sr. looked on, Mrs. Rose Marsh has filed suit ask ing $1,000 damages from the two boys and the elder O Neil. The mother al leges that the son was kicked in the face and seriously bruised and battered. PURE, SWEET AI1D MELLOW IS "OLD KENTUCKY" Has tbe Luscious Flavor off Ripe Fruit A Wonderful Chew BEST PLUG TOBACCO MADE The natural juices of choice to bacco leaf have an appetizing, wholesome relish and the only way you can get their full benefit is to chew good plug tobacco. The choicest Burley leaf pressed into golden-brown plugs of Old Kentucky makes a chew that has never been equalled for mellow quality and pleasing taste.' The pressing of Old Kentucky is done so slowly that not a par tide of the juice escapes, so that every chew of Old Kentucky is full of the wonderful fruity flavor and wholesome quality that nature put into the leaf. ' ' You simply can't get so much delicious appetizing flavor out of any other chew. Try a ioc plug of Old Kentucky and you'll get more solid tobacco enjoyment out of it than you ever had before. Ask your dealer for Old Kentucky. Advertisement. COUNTY WARD DEAD, STARTO HERSELF Mrs. Julia Wheaton of Valley Refuses to Take Any Sort of Nourishment. FORCE FOOD INTO STOMACH After refusing food for weeks, kept alive by injections of soups and undergoing the experience of having bits of food forced into her mouth by county physicians, Mrs. Julia Whea ton, a grandmother aged 76 years, passed away at the county hospital at 10 o'clock Tuesday night "Self imposed starvation" is the cause of death given by attending physicians. Mrs. Wheaton was taken to the county hospital on September 1 after citizens of Vallev had interested themselves in her condition and care. For months she lived in a shack at Valley. Her demented condition caused neighbors to appeal 'to coun ty officials, but when she was placed in the hospital she sternly refused to take nourishment. "We have devoted all our energies toward saving the life of Mrs. Whea ton since she has been in our care," said Superintendent Wood of the county hospital. "Two physicians have been giving her their undivided attention and have been constantly forced to inject liquid foods into her stomach. She has fought all' efforts to save her life and has apparently bctn suffering under the delusion that the physicians intended to harm her. "In her rambling statements she told of a son, but refused to give us his address. She has a sister, Mrs. Nellie Bryant, living at Elk City, and a daughter somewhere in the middle west. We were unable to get the ad dress. Despite Her emaciated condi tion when she was brought to the hospital, Mrs. Wheaton fought stren uously when attempts were made to feed her." Married at Fourteen, Girl Now Wants Separation Married at 14 to protect herself from being taken to the state school for girls at Geneva, Alice Martin Long, a pupil at the Bancroft school, was freed from the marital bonds ana given the name of her girlhood when judge Leslie annulled the marriage and returned the youngster to juve nile authorities to start life anew. The 16-year-old Mrs. Long, testi fying, before Judge Leslie, asserted that she ran away from the Creche at Council Bluffs two years ago and that. while worried over the fear that she would be arrested by juvenile of ficers and sent to the state school for girls, she was married to Russell Long, aged 24, on November 27, 1914. She was taken in charge by probation officers the day of the marriage and has since been a ward at the River view home. Her mother resides at St. Joseph, Mo., while her father is employed on the South Side. Police Catch' Burglar Suspect When Woman 'Phones When Mrs. M. Scavis, 505 South Twenty-sixth street, 'phoned head quarters that someone was trying to break in her home, the police re sponded, and, outside a window of the residence, that had been tampered with found a bundle of wearing ap parel. A hasty search of the neigh borhood revealed Emit Huntzicker fleeing with' a like bundle. He was arrested and is being held for investi gation. Goes to Pen for Writing Checks with No Funds in Bank Rich Rohrberg, charged with issu ing checks without sufficient funds to meet them, pleaded guilty when brought, before Judge Sears in crimi nal court and was sentenced to the state penitentiary for one to two years. The specific charge was the passing of a check for $50 on Nick Savatovio. I Was Mexican Girl Murdered for Her Friendship to Omaha Police? Body of Woman Found in Building in Council Bluffs Identified as the "An gel Senorita." Did Gertrude Garcia, or Davis, the "Angel Senorita," lay down her life because she was unswervingly loyal to the Omaha policemen? It is the belief of some detectives that the Mexican girl, whose nude body was found in a Bluffs' hut, horribly mutilated, paid with her life the debt of gratitude she owed to the police for having saved her from brutal treatment at the hands of countrymen. The corpse was so butchered that it was not un til early Tuesday night that intimates recognized it was the body of Se nora Gertie, half caste Spanish girl of wondrous eyes and hair( who so often acted as guardian angel for police detectives assigned to difficult cases in the Mexican colony. Ever since last Sunday Council Bluffs police were at loss as to the identity of the supposed ncgress who was found murdered there in at most vicious manner. Yesterday Chief of Detectives Maloney identified the New Canon Bans the Remarriage of Divorced Persons Chicago, Sept. 13. Marriage be tween parties divorced for any cause, either of whom has a husband or wife living, will not be permitted here after in the, Protestant Episcopal church if a r.ew canon, recommended by the commission on marriage and divorce, is adopted by the general convention of the church at St. Louis, October 11, according to an an nouncement today. VThe proposed legislation does not affect cases where the marriage rela tion is annulled by the courts for causes arising before the marriage. The difficult question as to whether divorced persons who have re-married by the civil authority or by a clergyman of some other church, shall be admitted to holy communion, is to' be referred by the parish priest to tbe bishop of the diocese and is decision is to be final." Miss Nevins, Suffragist Worker,. Kills Herself -New York, Sept 13. Miss Grace Nevins, a prominent suffragist, was found dead in her apartment here to day. The police reported the case as one of suicide, attributed probably to ill health. Miss Nevins came here from La Crosse, Wis., about fifteen years ago, HEADACHES ttetmnot el men tat mum eoSer from neadecaee every oat, othar Ihouiende data beadachee averr week oi eeer? montD, art till otrnra ban headache eccMlonellj, but ool at recularlnterrale. The beet Doctor leoltennneble So find tb oanea of many of these beadscbee, and In moot other caeee, knowlni the eauie, he aoee not know what will reroovels, to as to tiro a permanent cure. All he ean do le to preecrlbe Ibe usual Bain relievers, which tin Mmporarr relit!, but tie headache return, as nsaal, and treatment it at aln neoeteerj. II you luHer (mm beadechet, Be natter what their nstare, lata antl-kamnla tablets, and tbe molts will be telle- Sctore In tbe bliheel decree. Ton eta obtain em at all draeittte In any qnantltr, 100 worth. ISO worth or don. Atk lor A K Tablets. SICK-HEADACHES ' Sick-heed ache, the aunt nhwrtMe of alt dek Beteee, loees Its tenon when A-K Tablete are taken. When yon leel an attack Comtek on take two tablets, and ah many oaaee, the attack will be warded off. Durtai an attack take one A-K Tablet ererj two bourn. The reel and comfort which louow, can be obtained to bo other war. CmafcM A-K TaMeM her Ilk) K. mamf' (Hum At all druggittt. body of the woman as that of "Se nora Gertie," and as he did tears came to his eyes, for Gertie was not a stool-pigeon she was a friend of the detective bureau. A year ago Chief of Detectives Ma loney himself saved Gertrude, a half breed Mexican girl from the fists of a lover. She was always grateful and though her life down in the bottoms of the Third ward was tumultuous, she often found time to come volunta rily to headquarters and visit. When an interpreter was needed in Mexican trouble, it was always Gertrude who obliged. . She knew every Mexican and his why and wherefore, and though she told nothing of their coming and go ings, still she refused to let her friends be annoyed when a particularly urgent business required any certain Mexi can, v It was last August a Mexican known as ."Mike" was found stabbed to death and another one called "J. Aerney," virtually cut to ribbons with a stcllctto near Twelfth and Chicago. At the time it looked like an impene trable mystery. Gertrude was called in again. She told the authorities all she knew. Sunday they found her murdered. Police Hold Man To Explain Wife's Mysterious Death E. T. Hoffman, Lincoln, stopping at the State hotel awakened yesterday morning to find his wife, Elsie, aged 30, dead at his side. Hoffman told the police that his wife had been sick for a week, but apparently was much improved Tuesday. Upon retiring' they ate a light lunch and she appeared to be in good spirits. Both hail origi nally from Esbon, Kan., where Mrs. Hoffman's parents and her 11-year-old daughter reside. The Hoffmans have been married four years and have lived at the State hotel for more than a month. The police, who were summoned to the Jiotcl, concluded that the case would bear further in vestigation and 'brought Hoffman to headquarters, where he is being held. ' Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. v Good Health Makes a Happy Home ; 'EvrryPkfart HHstStory" B. .la Good health makes housework easy. Bad health takes all happiness out of it. Hosts of good women and good mothers drag along in daily misery, back aching, worried, "blue," tired and worn, because they don't know what ails them or what to do for It. TheBe same troubles coma with weak kidneys, and, if the kidney ac tion is distressingly disordered, there should be no doubt that the kidneys need help. Get a box of Doan's Kidney Pills. They are safe and reliable. They have helped thousands of discouraged women. , An Omaha Case ' Mm. Chat. Mooberry, 4018 N. Twenty fifth SU tare: "After an attack ot La Grippe, I came down with kidney trouble and it made me mieerable. My back hurt ma ao that any exertion or turn or twiet of my body pained me. All work waa hard and at night 1 couldn't vet my proper rent. The kidney eecretione bothered me a whole lot. I tried different medivinee, but found only temporary relief. Finally, I ueed thre boxea of Doan a Kidney Pilla and they made a eure that hae been permanent." DOAN'SW 50 at all Drug Store foataP.MUburnCo.awea BuffolaNY To Avoid Dandruff You do not want a alow treatment when hair le falltnt and the dandruff term te killing the hair roots. Delay meana no hair. Get, at any drug store, a bottle of sema for lie or 11.00 for extra large eiae, Uie aa directed, for it doea the work ouickly. It kills the dandruff germ, aouriehee the hair note and Immediately atop Itching scalp. It la eure and eafe, la not greaeyv U eaey to nee and will not etain. Scape and eham pooa are harmful, as they contain alkali. Tha beat thing to uie la xerac for It It pun and alto Inexpeneive. Zemo, Cleveland. ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE 0RIGIHAI. MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes ooat TOTJ same pried v;?15Q& frizes For the Best Suggestions on What Factories Will Beit Succeed in Omaha, and Why? Your answer must b in the mail by Thursday evening of this week, addressed to What and Why Committee, Commercial Club of Omaha. Everybody Is eligible to 1 r i compete and somebody is going to get those prizes. WHY N0T.Y0U7 ... : ..' First Prize, $50-r-Three Second Prizes of $25 Each Ten Third Prizes of $2.50 Each. Write Your Answer NOW rtTi The Older It Gets the Better It Gets It's vastly different ! Smoothest thing you . ever knew. You wouldn't believe so much power could be so quiet, smooth and soft as to escape the senses it's uncanny. It's a car for keeps. Better old than new youll hang onto it for years. Absolutely the only kind of motor that actually gets better with age and is virtually everlasting. You're Skeptical every one is till they try it After that you wouldn't have anything else. But you'll agree when you know. Why not todav? WILLYS-OVERLAND, Inc., Omaha Branch SALES ROOMS 2047-49 Farnam Strtot Douglas 3292 SERVICE STATION 20th and Harney Stmts 1 Douglas 3290