Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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i Society Notes :. Personal Gossip : Woman's Work : Household Topics
Meets With Friends of friends
in Most Remote Sections
of the Globe.
By MELLIFICIA September 13.
Miss Jessie Natoo. who has just
returned from a very interacting vilit
in the "Philippines, Japan and China,
was particularly impressed with the
fact that the world is very small alter
all In lloilo she met a classmate of
Uc R. R. Hollister in college, and in
other places she met every now and
. then an acquaintance of au acquaint
ance, who made her feel next door to
home. .. ' . . '
In Japan aBon said they
traveled rather than .visited, and all
along the way it paid o be more Eng
lish than American. Not that there
was any actual feeling displayed, but
in general the Japanese were more
friendly to the English. . -
Some people whom .Miss llason
met asked where Omaha wa! bhe
told them that it was in an important
position in the middle of, the con
tinent and did a little boosting on the
' On the Japanese boat upon which
she made her returr. voyage a cn
ing young American girl, with her
n;vr Japanese husband, was traveling.
One evening they were entertained at
a great dinner party in honor of these
young people. Toasta were proposed
and responded to on behalf of Japan,
of England, of Siam (there M'as a Sia
mese baron on board), and of the cap.
tain. When the bridegroom had tak
en his seat the bride rose quickly and
"VI w hmband has forgotten to
mention my country. 1 propose Amer
ica. Ana on mil japancnc u;. hum
i..,1h rnvaltv and an Enff uh cap-
lain in the company, all swept to their
icet in a rousing toast to our country.
Kimnwl-Shiartr Wadding.
II in Florence -Shearer and Mr,
u tlmmil were united in mar
riana at the home of the bride's
u, .ni Mm. Horace C
Shearer, Tuesday evening at 8:30
o'clock by Rev. C W. McCaskiU of
University Place,. Neb., assisted by
Rev. C. N. Dawson of this city. The
evening was the occasion of the
thirty-eighth wedding anniversary of
the bride's father, and mother. .
Twin nieces of the bride, Jane and
Joan Shearer, acted as flower girls,
and Master Harry Shearer was the
r, ..... - - , . .... i
Uoran, a niece or me nnm, vn)u
iht wedding march. The bride was
eiven away by her father.
TWnritimia in the livitiB room,
riV-Wo tlii ceremony was performed.
were green and wuite, ana tne aining
mom was decoratea in pirm. n r'
. fl, r.n tniinwea tne ceremony.
I i ri,it-n-town auetts were Mr. and
I Mr. Walter Draper of Red Oak. la.;
ili.s Clara Banks of Knoxvllle, la.!
ijVir, J. W. Kimmel of Arapahoe,
tieb.: Master Thayer JLongworthy of
i .Messina, la.: Mesaamea a, c..
worthy of Messina, la., and X. W,
Women rl Relief Coroa.
i The U, S. Grant Women's Relief
i-jjtps met with Mrs, E. E. Crane at
her cottage, Ottawa Endaian, yester
' day afternoon., A program was pre
e wntrtl h Miss Soohie Snvdcr, Mrs.
'hVagncr 'Thomas, lr. John Evans
alana Miss Alcvturray. sirs noon
ttArfaink. nut national oresident. spoke
I to the organization on the golden
jubilee aj Kauses City. . Assisting
I the hostess were Mi Bettlah Davis
Hand Mesdames Jerome Lily, Anna
ljLong, McMurray, Melviu and Long-
.tnecker. . r'lftv-scven guest were'
jprescnt. '
i!At Happy Hollow.
I The largest event 'or cunurriw ut
he Happy Hollow club will be the luncheon of die Omaha
Women's , club, at which about 150
"members will be present. Already
3Vitarly that many reservations have
fb;en made, and any further ones
( klmiilil he teleohoned to Mrs. C. A
I fihe-wood this evening. The plans
VUr that the club will be seated at
'fine 'utuc table decoratedvin garden
flowers, A program will be a feature
cpf the afternoon. ' i
'.J On TlmruUv Mr. S. S. Montnon
Tjry will have a luncheon party af
kt-v.iiteen irueatil. ' .
f Mrs. W. B. Vhiteliorii,nU..uiiied
f je of the circles of the Aid society
t- if tlie Westminster - Presbyterian
hurch at a keiising.on at the club
I tin's afternoon. .- , " ',
4 Reservations for the married folks
( jiiiiner-dame Tliurnlry evming bavc
.cen made by R. V. Wayward and
!)r. G. D. Shiphcrd for t.n guests; by
Torris Brown and Mr, Porter for five
e tod by Valter Dale, C. F. Weller, G.
m. Wright and L. '. Nicholas for
Smaller parties.
leys to pursue its game Mrs. H. J.
Hackett won high score.
At the Country Club. .
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Latham
Davis will entertain at dinner this
evening for their guest, Mrs. Chaun
cey Dewey. oC Manhattan, Kan., who
has arrived to spend several days.
Mrs. Dewey will be the honor guest
at- a dinner at the W. D. Ho6ford
home Friday eveniiifc and Saturday
evening Mr. F. H. Davit will enter
tain at dinner at the club for the same
guest, those include', in the inv. na
tion for this evening art:
MeMrs. and Uaiiiim.
. I), Hoaford,
Ham 2urna,
Harry ruk,'
Chaunray bawy of
Manhattan, kau.r
Bn AVarwin. P. U. Javla.
Ill honor of Miss (Catherine Jor.
ranee of Los Angeles, who is the
guest of Mrs. Charles E. Metz, Mr.
and Mrs. K. A. Creighton are giving
little dinner party at the club this
evening. Lovers will bo laid f. Mr
and Mrs. Charles E. Mil? li
Kathcrine Torrance of Los Angeles,
Messrs. Herbert Council and (Jhirles
Mrs. (red Met2 entertained seven
teen guests at luncheon at the club
Mr. and Mrs. f O. C. Redick will
give a dinner party for eighteen at
the club Saturday evening. i
Outdoor Fashions for Early Fall ByLa Racmtuese
rharlffff T. koumaa.
will Uunin.
Rlla alutfn.
i M'udunt,'
tV. It. fM'rtnlrf.
Allan rtid)r.
ft. K. MathHOH.
-lohn Urlon,
H. C. Marlins,
.r. J. Fltlfarald.
W. . rhilby. , .
li?iiry l-'ortr.
.lohu Maklns.
laora Framda.
4. . W.:?drousli.
.Tnhn Bhtarinan
Malwl llalchar.
Seymour Lake Country Club.
Mrs. C. P. S. Tobin and Mrs. W. B.
Tagg were hostesses lf)day at a golf
luncheon. In the dining room a color
scheme of scarlet and white was car
ried out in salvia and riustv miller
Two golf games were staged and fot
the afternoon fame a handsome tro-
pny was given, the guests Included:
K. A. Ron.
I M. iord.
R. C. Vartntlllmi.
H. II.
Oaorfa Mlllr. 1
Uaerss Munilonaltl.
V. U Kins.
J. H, rsrratl. '
i. I). Itlnsar. f
A. C tildlam. ,
fi. A. UlohAr.
C i. vollmar
Slary Connnr.
Kathcrine Woi-lr.
Invitations have been issued
Mesdamet W. B. Check and E.
Rose for a reception at the club Sat
urday afternoon complimentary to
Mrs. VV. H. Check and Mrs. Robert
Daugherty, summer brides. ,
J. E. Bednar is seriously ill at the
Methodist hospital, where he was op
erated upon for appendicitis Sunday,
Smith College Tea. - ; .
Mist Eleanor McGilte" gave an in
formal tea this afternoon for the new
girls of Omaha who will enter Smith
college this fall. In addition to the
new students, the guests were. 'the
old students who will return soon to
begin this year's work. The freshmen-to-be
are: .-'
Mlsaaa &!1at
Ruth McCoy. MUdrod Rhoadan.
Carolina Hnlmqulst, slarjorlt Barratt, ' '
AUct Ruahtun,
. Present Smith college students are:
tlMa. . IIaaa
XatAvarlna Roblsaon, Harriet ffhannaa,
Oathaiina Woodworth, Irfla Robblna.
Irene Koaswatar, . . . J'loreaua Husaall.
Farswell or Miss Straits.
Miss Clara Kramer entertain at a
farewell party for Mist Vera Streiti,
who left for Rockford college Teus
day. Those present were:
Ulicee MUass ,
Vor airelts. Violet Co.
Rthftl Htrells. Anna Strelta.
Mamie Kllllun. Hysons Taunhen.
Alsrsaret llornsn, Clsra Olaen.
Helen liulton. -
Luncheon for Hout Oussts.
. ' Mis' Gertrude Owen entertained
informally at luncheon today for her
two California guests, Miss Dorothy
Linhard of Pasadena and Miss Phyl
lis Beveridge of Hollywood, who
stopped here enroute east Covers
were placed for these other guests:
MUea . . ' Mleaee-
Bn( Reed. i Allen .lecitllth.
nilaaholli H0, 1 lialhoV Wllhelm
Joaophlue Consdon. f . .
Notet Of Inttrest. ;
The Misses Anna Stillwock and
Gertrude Gaebler have returned from
a month spent at Lake Minnetonka
and the Twin Cities.
Mr. and Mrs, H, V. Andersen of
Huntington Beach, Cal are visiting
Mr. Anderson's parents, Mr, and Mrs,
W. Andersen of the Rome hotel.
Mr. Oliver C. Nkkum left for Lin
coln Tuesday morning, where he will
attend the University of Nebraska, V
Miss Mary Colt has returned from
the east. She gave a dancing exhi
bition at Chautauqua, New Vork,
Curing her absence. ( '
'' ......... 1 7
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Fruiti and Fruit Juices
Tea, Hawaiian Style.
Allow three' prepared pineapple
cubes to each glass; add cracked ice
and pour fresh tea over this. To
make the pineapple cubs, put in small
sauce pan half a cup of the syrup
drained from canned 'pineapple, add
one-half cup canned pineapple cut in
small cubes, and two tablespoons su
gar. Bring to boiling point and
simmer until the syrup has been near
ly, or quite absorbed by the cubqs.
Ofape Mint.
Choose long frappe glasses for this
palate and 'eye-gratifying drink and
arrange lengthwise in each four sprigs
of fresh mint leaves. Put in finely
crr.shed ice to one-half depth of glass
and -pour over this pure grape juice.
Sweeten to taste and add to each
glass a green Creme de Menthe
cherry. :
Crape Juice Fix.
Have both grape juice arid charged
water very cold. Fill glass one-third
full grape juice and add charged wa
ter. This 'is a guaranteed thirst
Graoe juice is not extravagant tor
familv use if you get the pure juice
to which you can add two parts
water. , ;
Pinapple syrup, that is, the juice
from the canned pineapple, blends
very nicely with grape juice. If you
want something extra nice to serve,
mix together one cup each of pineap
ple syrup and pure grape juice,
sweeten to taste and add charged wa
ter or just ice water.
Not only in its excessive length is this- fur
scarf distinguished, but also in its' pelt, for it it
of fitch, that almost unprocurable German fur.
The tiny skins are beautifully matched and the
scarf is a rare possession for wear with format
' Full of color, and of snappy style, too, is this
out-of-door costume for October and November
days. Heavy silk hersey in gray, cross-barred
with orange, is the material, and there are fac
ings of orange kid on cuff and collar. The black
beaver sailor hat ' and white gloves and boots
make smart contrast with the sport suit.
Early Marriages Often
Cause Quick Divorces
A silly little goose of a girl hal
been haled into the divorce court by
her husband because, she neglected
her home and her baby. In her defense
the young woman makes this excuse
for herself: , j
"I ant barely nineteen now. I am
young and pretty, 'and I just want to
have tome pleasure in life. I want to
go around with the other girls to
parties, and the theater, and to dance,
and play tennis, and have a good
time. I love my husband and my baby,
but my husband hasn't got any right
to expect me to be alwayt tied down
to a house, cooking and sewing and
scrublng, and to want no other amuse
ment except wheeling out a baby
perambulator. Why, I am nothing but
a girl even if 1 am married and have
baliy" - - ".-'
And there you have af pertinent an
illustration as you could wish of on
of the reasons hy there are so many
divorces, It's youth. Youth that must
be served, that cries out for its joy
and laughter, its fun and playtime be
forr age comes to take the spring out
of its step and the effervescence out
of its soul. It's youth whose weak
shoulders are not ttrong enough to
h-ir the heavv burdens of life. .
There'a nothing the matter with"
this little girl, at there is nothing the
matter with hundreds like her who
make failures as wives and mothers,
except that they have rushed into
?M th Field Club. i '
Mr. and Mrs. U. U, .Carrier will
,,'uvc twenty guests at dinner at the i
i'leht club Saturday evening.
.Vest Tuesday Mrs. A. D. Merriam
V: ill have fiftv at luncheon,
'f Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Giller will
?Hc a dinner party this evening for
,wlr, and Mr. L. W. Ulcssig of Min
neapolis, who are visiting Mr. and
I', vv. .Mikeseii tor a week, aat-
evcuing they will be entertained
nr lit, I l mil Urn . H I
''Henry. Covers will bj laid Jin ;ven-
nar for:
anil uaauamea-t- - i
IK-- . i
"Sirs. I
"Way .
"'At din
,.. W..UIM
,; MIBimap
' rs i I
K . ( V.iU I
. V. Ullianll.
Howard Uouldlut.
Harry Waller. .
. -lilmwts or
V .Iff.
e it J). )..
I'r ami MUaniee
. Urui-nlua. ilr. Albert Krut.
. O. Hlford.
M I'r
A- 1
i f Veiblameo--' ' I
..a. llne Kmc. J. C
Mayonnaise of Chicken
Jo Party at Orphaum.
1 Members of the Theta Phi Delta
Vaternity of the University of Omaha
ntertaiued several freshmen at a box
karty at the Orpheum yesterday
sVeniiiff. Those oresent were:
y ,MterH.
.Uli Tallarere.
'i ben llahu.
itll lumpen.
ailit Hill b. i .
Mil rl!lOt:jC:tl.
rank UroftdweU, '
tmth WlOdiior,
ivoi-nll Hasard. .
frea Honnlacer,
Mark Lowe,
Kenneth Klepeer.
Frank Bryaer, .
Howard Wldenor,
William noberu,
Walter OUbert,
Read Klinmermaa.
owling Club Mssts.
flic Carter Lake Bowling club met
ut-siiay moraiiig at the rarnam al-
Lpon the arrangement of the table
depends to a great extent the suc
cess of a luncheon or dinner. As the
summer advances and delicious fresh
fruits and vegetables become plentiful
it is easier to get up new dishes and
the arrangement of attractive menus
becomes' correspondingly simple. A
dainty dish for a summer luncheon is
mayonnaise of chicken. -I
Have china or paper cases for these.
Place about one teaspoonful of thick
mayonnaise sauce in the center of
each dish; take the remains of cold
.chicken and cut it in very small
pieces) also little crisp pieces
of lettuce and slicea of hard
boiled egg. boiled shrimps and stoned
olives. Arrange these alternately on
the sauce, forming a nice pile, then
cover up with mayonnaise sauce. Cook
some chicken livers in tittle buttsr
for about teit minutes in the oven,
with' a paper over, and season with a
little pepper and salt. Rub the livers
when cool, through a wire sieve, and
then sprinkle it lightly over the may
onnaise. Have the htrd-boiled yolk
of egg likewise passed through the
sieve and lightly sprinkled oil the
liver. I'laca little French capers on
the mayonnaise and garnish the tops
of each witlt a little circle of shrimp.
Serve . one to each perabn and dish
on a lace paper.
(Monday Stuifed
I matrimony before they were ready fot
it. iney are miserable, trettmg, wnin
ing, complaining wives and neglectful
mothers, because they are children
who have left their play to assume the
responsibilities of grown people, and
they are pining to be Pack amusing
If vou will look about among your
acquaintances you will see that the
pleasure matt women, tne women wno
are craxed : over society, who can
never get enough card playing, or
dancing,, or retaurant or theater go
ing, are invariably women who mar
ried when they were very young.
These women regard home as a
prison, and their one idea of having a
?;ood time is to get away from it. They
ook upon their husbands and children
as burdens, and are forever complain
ing about the dull monotony of dom
esticity,;, --' ' . ' ' ' "'
The reason is Derfectly plain. They
married before they had had their
olavtime of life, before they had had
their fill of admiration and gadding
about. Therefore, the things that they
have missed have always had a tatal
lurt for them. ; ,.
On the other hand, you will see that
no women are so domestic, such home
keepers, such admirable wives and
mothers as the women who have mar
ried late and who have had a long and
hanuv tirlhood. These have been
satiated with society and admiration,
and are glad to turn from its froth to
l,i lltlnffi nt Aviilrnr.
These women know that there is
no other good time on earth like the
good time that one has in building
up a home. They know that the excite
ment of the most thrilling flirtation
does not send the same tingle along a
woman's veins as does the look of love
in the eyes of her husband.
To them children are not tiresome
little hrats that keep a woman from
doinrf the thincs she wants to do.
They, are the most absorbing and fas
cinating study on earth, and taking
care of them it not a bore. It's a
privilege God grants the women He
Just as nature ordained milk for
babies and ttrong meat for men, so
there are certain occupations that are
blessings or curses, according to age.
Domesticity is one of these, and those
wno rusn into u uniimeiv nearly al
ways make havoc of it. Marriage it a
full grown man's and woman's propo
sition and children nave no business
mixing up with it. ,
We have long realized this from the
masculine point of view, as is shown
by the old proverb that sayt no man
should marry until he has sown his
wild oats. The same principle applies
with equal force to woman. No gjrl
should marry untif she has had her in
nocent little fling, and is good and
tired of it, and ready to settle down.
It takes , a great many things to
make a happy home, but above all it
takes a contented woman, and that
the child wife never is. She hat the im
pulses and desires of her age and it is
not in human nature for her to be
satisfied to walk the floor with a cry
ing baby while her girl tnendt are
fox-trotting in the cabaret, or to past
a pleasant evening darning husband's
socks when she knows that her chumt
are off to theater and opera
Small wonder that when these girl
children find out that marriage means
sacrifice and self-denial, and labor and
trouble, instead of being just a game
as when they "played house" with
their dollies and little tea sets, they
so often knock over the apple cart.
At a firtt aid to divorce, there it
nothing equal to an early marriage.
Ijittle Pleasures
, By IDA HODGSON. ; . j
"Oh, what a commonplace subject,"
I once heard someone remark. "We
know all that can be said in favor of
common and -simple pleasures, and
we believe in them; and yet how few
men when past the age of childhood
really do enjoy themselves by means
of little pleasures. i
The pursuit of pleasure, and the
finding of pleasure in little things,
are very different, for while the for
mer is the most selfish of all ways
of wasting time, the latter is a duty
we owe both to ourselves and othert.
A country ramble, a picnic, pre
paring some little 'surprise for an ab
sent member of the family, watching
a beautiful sunset, reading a piece of
beautiful and inspiring poetry, or
some good book, obtaining some lit
tle thing we have long wished for, all
these may be made a source of great
To those who cultivate the disposi
tion of being easily pleased, it is wcrn
derful how abundant are the sources,
and how often the recurrence of little
To them are opening paradise. I
The eoramon air, Ihe earth, the aklea,
To a lover of nature there never
can be a want of varied and simple
pleasure. Even where the grander
and more picturesque forms of beauty
are Wanting in the scenery, the true
lover of nature will find much to en
joy. The simplest objects are full
of loveliness. There is a beautiful
scene in a small space of green mead
ow, dotted with one or two noble
trees, if we look for the points of
beauty in it. The grass, the deep
shadews of the trees lying on the
verdure, the smooth and round
trunks of the oaks and elmt, the
graceful commencement of the
branches of the treet, the loveliness
of the waving tops, and the splendor
of the tailing clouds are all distinct
features of beauty in this simple scene.
It man would but hla finer nature loam
: And not In life fantastic lose thj sonse
of simple thins.
Too often we turn from the pleas
ures in our daily paths and tigh after
those that to us are unattainable,
How many people long for the pleas
ures of traveling, and envy those who
have the , time and money to go
abroad, or to visit the most beautiful
parts of our own land? But do they
enjoy as they might, the pleasure of
these small excursions, which are
possible to nearly everyone. An oc
casional excursion to the country, a
u.alL- thrnitorh ha,itifiil flrmnnrle a
visit to a friend t garden, or a fine ,
scene in nature, are enjoyed by peo
ple with a cultivated and observant
Many despise these simple pleas
ures because they are so common,
and are only to be enjoyed for a
short time, but they should remember
that life is made up chiefly of small
things. 1 1 nm ,,,,,,,,
36 ftyt Btt Book fttt
Brilliant Electric Light for
the Long Dark Evenings
If you only realized the comfort, cheer
and satisfaction which Electric Light will
bring into your home during the long, dark after-'
doom and evenings of Fall and Winter you would not '
let another day pate, without having your home wired
v" for electricity. '
Electric Light is ready at the turn of a switch
' to flood your entire home with day-like brilliance, or
limply to provide1 an easy, pleasant light for your
evening reading or sewing. ". N , .
Electricity Will Help Lighten
v Your Housework
You can enjoy the advantages of Elec
trical Appliances for your housework when
your home is wired for electricity. ; Electric Vacuum
Cleaners, Washing Machines, Irons, Toasters, etc., are
a daily aid to thousands of women. Electricity itself
is safe, cheap and convenient,1;' .1 'I
Let us quote figures to show how cheaply
your home can be wired. Phone Douglas 1062.
Electric Light &
Power Co.
cIeO. H. HARRIES, Pres.
Edith L. Wagoner
. ReeMeaoa Stodle
. 221 Park At.
Pkea Harnr IMS.
There is a distinct
individuality about
service on the
That's why it is the pre
ferred train to Chicago
Lv. Omaha 6:00 p. m.
Ar. Chicago 7:34 a. m.
L. Onivh70sum, l&30p. at,
&32 p. m, thOO p. ilk, 10:10 p. m.
at. 120 a.m.
Lmxurioat Obttreatioti'Baffet
, .j Lounging Can
Unexetlled Dining Car Service
The Best of Everything
Ttckata, rillliatina anal full kfonnatioa at
City Office., 1401-1403 Farm St, TelaphoM
Dwtasl740. JOHN MELLEN, G. A. '